Macron leaks- Macron Leaks contain secret plans for the islamisation of France and Europe

Macron leaks

Here is a secret document from Macron's files which outlines the procedures to succeed in a complete Islamazation of France and Europe. I have absolutely nothing against Muslims, but to use them as pawns to destroy societies is simply wrong.
LePen ballots destroyed; at least 500,000 extras created for Macron

Many people know about the half million plus extra ballots that were printed up for Macron, only to vanish into thin air (obviously to re-appear on election day) But now, countless ballots for LePen are arriving destroyed, along with intact ballots for Macron in the same envelope. If a ballot is significantly damaged, it cannot be cast, and many many thousands, if not over a million LePen ballots have arrived torn to the center, in the same envelope with perfectly intact Macron ballots. In cases where families received multiple ballots due to multiple voters in a household, all ballots for LePen are destroyed the exact same way, with not a single case of a ballot for Macron arriving damaged.


Other urls found in this thread: ARMIES FORMING INSIDE!71h2xKoK

I hope that endchan will still remain good for a long time. That's one of the only place where people have actually the courage to face the fact that every one can be corrupted, and that you can think for yourself and don't lock yourself in these thinking prisons that are political parties.

Macron, being a gay old bankers from Rothschild, face Le Pen, head of a totaly corrupted party by freemasonry and LGBT community, created by Jean Marie Le Pen, being incredibly pro zionist while showing to the public that he hates jews (well, that's technically not incompatible). The father of Marion Marechal Le Pen was a CIA/Mossad agent. Gilbert Collard is pro zionist and a masons; the "boyfriend" of Marine Le Pen is a pro zionist jew (I think freemason too); Louis Phillipot is from the LGBT community; Chauprade is a freemason (satanist lodge); Frederic Chatillon is a huge crook, protected by the french secret services; Phillipe Peninque is a zionist freemason, who helped Cahuzac, the one responsible to hide the black budget of the socialist party in switzerland to hide the money; Briois the current replacement of Marine Le Pen is LGBT etc… There is this scandal with a little party created by Marine Le Pen called Jeanne, who provide loans to dooble the current rate of the market to FN representative to pay their campaign with; most of companies working for the FN are companies possessed by Chatillon etc… By the way, nearly every member of the Le Pen family did politics in the party. Marine Le Pen was not the one intended to replace Jean Marie Le Pen, but her sister. They are funded by Russian banks, in the past by the USA through Pierre Serac, by the United Arab Emirates. I'm not talking about a huge heritage of 15 millions that have been gave by a FN militant to support the party, heritage that have been entirly put in the pocket of Jean Marie Le Pen etc…. I'm gonna pass on the moral degeneracy of the members, of Jean Marie Le Pen, while passing as christians and conservative… (they for example did not advocated against homosexual marriage, and that' understandable since a huge portion of the head of FN are LGBT).

Well, the FN is as corrupted as the other french parties, eating in the same plate. The synthesis is that FN is a controlled opposition, like Trump is, and is fasly demonized by the media and freemasonry.

The biggest joke, in this whole story, is that french people still don't understand that banks and the masons rule the country since 2 centuries, since the french revolution. But they still believe that their vote have any value. There is a big campaign during this election demonizing the one, like me, not voting.

Well, nothing new under the sun.

This is old news m8. A bit late anyways. Also France deserves their fate now. Hopefully the brave Slavs and French Nationalists dehumanize themselves and face bloodshed to reclaim their nation

You're not wrong

The advanced Islamization of France is what the Globalists are pushing hard here in America too.

Too bad the French still don't comprehend the Elite's evil plans for them.


I'll describe my experience living in Paris as an foreigner.

Havent seen it yet, was kinda busy last week.

Any translation on this?

unless you can prove it, this changes nothing.
or you are expecting the 6th republic?

Official vote counts look totally off, have been growing for Macron ever since official website began functioning. Like DNC primaries all over again. File related:!71h2xKoK

This, please provide kiketranslated shots

I used to feel bad for Bataclan and the truck rampage, but now it only feels like justice.
Everytime a shitskin kills a french, I will only laugh.
France deserves to die.

They are Haiting them self, God fucking damnit, there are a lot of us there too in the place you call normandie, or was… Back then when it was taken it was full off niggers we killed….. Now it's prolly niggers everywhere…
Anyways shit's going to get really nasty, and that cancer spreads here too, I was in the city 1-2 days ago, and oy vey niggers everywhere fucking cancer EU


Basically, all of this 4 pictures explains how they want to integrate muslims and immigrants from North-Africa.

First image:
Headline:They want to create a common history manual between France,Spain,Italy,Marocco,Algeria and Tunisia in order to put in perspective the common contributions and religious convergence between both side of the Mediterranean.
Next paragraphe at the left: This project is called the 3+3, they recommand a creation of historians in order to create a common history manual. The objectives are:
-Create a common base of objective historical knowledges based on a "no winner/looser" approach (So no real Crusade for you GOYIM)
-developping the feeling that we all have a common history
-reducing the fantasy of victimisation
coming from muslims/immigrants as well as reducing the fantasy of superiority coming from Native Europeans
The right paragraph is about the modality of application, between 2017-2022 and the organisms in charge, Ministry of Education and MAEE.
The last paragraphs are pros and cons, pros are:
-Strong symbolism of shared History and destiny between Christians, Muslims and Juden in the Mediterranean basin
-Reinforcing scolar and intellectual exchanging between all the countries in the 3+3 project
-Reduce the neo-colonial sentiment shared by muslims/immigrants, who never went to North-Africa, born on European soil
-Give knowledge of North-African civilization to french pupils
And last, the cons:
-Risks of ideological tensing on divisive historical events (MUH CRUSADES)
-Risks of poor diffusion of the books in schools of all the concerned countries


(checking myself)
Second image:
Headline: Developping the scholarship of classical arabic in collège and lycées (Highschool for burgers) in order to decrease the rate of pupils going to mosque to learn arabic

Next paragraphe at the left: 50,000 students follow a cursus on "Learning the Culture of your people even when you're born in France, got to be proud of yourself right Ahmed ?" in elementary school, but there's only 8,000 of them in secondary school. This cultural deficit of offers faces a gradual request, so mosques are taking care of this and do their usual brainwashing…etc.
-In order to correct his, we must favorise the scholarship of arab in public school by opening classes for the 200 arabic teachers actually unemployed

Application in 2018 by decree, organism in charge is the Ministry of Education

-Control of the programs and what is put in it by the Education National
-Breaking the systemic link between learning arabic and developing islamic affiliations
-Creation of classes where 2 languages are learned, in order to give "new perspectives" on coranic texts thus permitting a french translation (have fun with that)

-Political and mediatic risks: outcry on the decree, which can be seen as interpreting:"Islamisation=arabification"

Third image is a lot of words for not an awful lot. It's about:
-the introduction of muslims coffins in municipals cemetaries, thus breaking the law of neutrality in cemetaries (which is dumb as fuck because they have muslims graveyards)
-and making the constructions of cult places even easier.
The last picture is about taxing the hallal market.

Citation(s) for those ballot claims, OP? Why isn't anyone complaining?

We needed this shit way sooner.


The Macron leaks contain secret proposals that would lead to the islamisation of France and Europe. These are shown in a Powerpoint presentation which appears to have come from the Institut Montaigne. Harmonising education between countries on different sides of the Mediterranean is one of the key objectives.

Create a common history textbook with Italy, Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia (3) in order to put in historical perspective the mutual contributions and religious convergences between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

Within the 3+3 framework, we recommend the creation of a commission of historians responsible for drawing up a common history textbook. The aim of this work will be:

-to create a common base of objective historical knowledge founded on the logic of a historical "draw" [stalemate]

- to develop a sense of belonging to a common history

- to reduce the fantasies of victimisation on one side as well as civilisational superiority on the other

The document also recommends the introduction of Arabic teaching to French schools, including bi-lingual classes. This is justified by with the claim that Muslims are currently getting their "Arabic fix" from mosques, where they risk being radicalised. I previously noted that "soft islamisation" is being advocated as the remedy for "hard islamisation" and that this represents a kind of de facto reward being offered to jihad violence. Jihad gets results. It leads to societies being islamised, one way or the other.

Other plans for measures to islamise France include facilitating mosque construction by making it easier to arrange finance for it and providing reserved Muslim areas in municipal cemeteries. Again this is justified by claiming that it will lead to the emergence of a "French Islam".

There is also a proposal, unfortunately not specified in detail, to finance Islam by taxing halal consumption.

It says: "The PowerPoint study on the Islam of France (provisional and very confidential): prepared by the IM [Institut Montaigne] and Hakim El Karoui, who was introduced to you at a previous lunch."

Some basic facts on Hakim El Karoui.

He has a Tunisian father and French mother.
Members of his father's family participated in Tunisian governments at ministerial and prime ministerial level.
He wrote a book called Réinventer l'Occident [Reinventing the West]
He is a former director of a bank called Rothschild & Cie
He founded an organisation called Young Mediterranean Leaders

this is kinda wierd.
From what i'm told by a couple paki friends of mine, when a muslim dies, they gotta be cremated by the next sun down or they go to hell.
so graveyards for mussel"men" are of no need.
or is that hindi shit?


They bury them fast. Cremation is for the Poos.

Why the fuck do you have paki friends? You raping kids or something?


Google drive link? I think not.
Translation needed anyways.

I used to be against burning books but the "education" system needs to be destroyed and rebuilt from its ashes. You want to learn about your country's history or language you fucking move back there. French used to be the international language (right before English I think), now they want to kill the poor thing and shit on its corpse by replacing it with Arabic.



See these posts:

Basically France is surrendering to the caliphate.

One hell of a black pill to have revealed after the election is over. Got any proofs for the election hacking claim OP? I remember the story about the missing ballots and read about the torn ones. What is your source for numbers of spoiled ballots?

The topography influenced the French elections

Low regions and valleys are routes for the rapefugees that went towards the North (Paris, Belgium, Germany and United Kingdom). They were quite culturally enriched.

High regions and mountains are avoided by rapefugees, French people living in these areas have not felt the cultural enrichment in their skin and have chosen to vote for candidates other than Le Pen.

Has nobody fucking said anything about this?
This is a fucking joke, sage for what reeks of datamining and disinfo

I hope they do do this, they will merely seal their fate for war. The Spaniards and Catalonia nationalist spit on francs. Those fuckers are HIGHLY religious, just as the Italians. Just as we Flemish spit on this French, especially their civic nationalism cancer.

The subhuman muslims who came to France have ZERO, i repeat ZERO interest in integrating or becoming part of the 'french' legacy. The Mali niggers are the worst of the worst. You can truly detect the mental illness that is liberalism in these descriptions of the info graphs. They actually believe that if they start teaching Arabic in schools and try to create a common history while the flow of information is left uncontrolled is even going to work. Niggers who go back home to their sand desert will be told the truth as well. There is no hiding from the Crusades, the reqonquista, the Ottoman empire et cetera.

To the french nationalists; move to French Switzerland or close to it and mount your defense from that area, because we are prepare for the left their nigger invasion from france into our northern land in flanders.
