You think artificial wombs and sexbots are new things?

We have had cloned humans for a long time Goy

There are many stories that celebs tell about their experiences in cloning centers. Like Bernie Mac's experience @22:37

Some of them explaining coliseum like events where clones would be forced to kill or fuck each other for entertainment. @15:35

Check out MK Ultra chip malfunctioni at 13:06

Remember those spirit cooking events? Those are precursors to normalize what they really do. Literally Matrix level shit where humans are raised like cattle to be eaten.

The most significant evidence for clones is Michael Jackson appearing in this Larry King interview after his death in another disguise.

breaking news

Celebrities are dumb
Stay tuned as we explore weather water is wet or not

No? Now hold still while I gas you.

What a scoop.


Alright lemme embed that MJ interview. Who can tell me that isn't Michael Jackson?

Yeah, most of them are dumb enough to sell their souls. When they try to run away like Bernie Mac did, they get killed.

Hillary has died twice already.

The French Canadian UFO/sex cult has been cloning for years, so they claim.

Holy shit. How have I never seen this before?

It's worth noting that Michael Jackson used to hire top-level Hollywood special effects artists throughout his career to disguise him and his children so they could enjoy days out to Disneyland, etc incognito.

OP forgot his tard medication again.

A dead nigger who made jokes for a living said some shit that's on Jewtube, better make a thread on /pol…

ASSHOLE, I visit ALL the drug companies IN THE WORLD for work. There's no fucking human clones.


Born at 11:55
1515 ISIS

I'm so old I remember when Michael Jackson used to be black.

That video is the only evidence that ever made me think jacko faked his own death, he even had a cartoon book made about 'illuminati/jews' being after him and how he would fake his own death to escape their greedy clutches, the voice of this guy in the video is uncanny.

Regardless of what is true, at least Michael Jackson has millions of devoted fans worldwide still, and showing his open hostility towards the Satanic kikes is a great way to open the minds of people who normally recoil in horror when you speak kindly of Hitler.

At least Michael Jackson bagging on the kikes is a great way to entry level red-pill normies

That face when you enslaved yourself.

Clone this. *unzips dick*

What is wrong, is that, he is a fucking idiot for following Yahew.

Yahew is the giver of the false light. He is the God of Abraham. He is NOT EL Elyon (the father of all things, the highest God).
The JEws hated Jesus and killed him because he wanted to restore the faith to El Elyon. And NOT YAHEW (Satan).

This is for all the christ cucks. If you want to follow the real Christ, Abraxas, you must grab the sword, like he did. The Catholic church follows, not El Elyon… but.. Yahew.

Sure - do you take your coffee black? 909

coffee? It's 2017, you don't need coffee. Sleep and have a good diet and exercise, don't masturbate or have sex with uwnanted women and cultivate your interior. Thats wher eyou get energy, not coffe.

What about crystals?

Anyways here's some MK Ultra shit.

ummmmmmm guys? Is Michael Jackson alive?

If he cut his fingers off on both hands maybe.