Documents leaked earlier today show that Macron had an undisclosed LLC in Nevis, an island in the Caribbean. They also show this company was dealing with a bank known to facilitate fraud and tax evasion

French media is now claiming it's muh Russian conspiracy, pretty much confirming the authenticity of the documents
We sent these to hundreds of French journalists and they've all sat on this, so I'm sticking it on 4chan. Anybody even talking about this in France has been shut down.

Archived copies and album of documents

Reports on this story:
Hastages to use: #MacronCacheCash #Macrongate


Other urls found in this thread:!gogVzYLQ!eaAZHqNBg-ufOjbXQwVdqg
diversity Framework

FUUUCK! has removed the torrent links!

Please post em!

First for fn


I love you too. Now go kill yourself.

You should definitely look into diversifying your bets nigga.

all i got.

This is a fraction of my bank account famalam I'm not stupid when it comes to gambling.
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Two smaller files with no ZIP/RAR




Magnet link for Macron 2017 file.


Haha when Le Pen wins France is going to bust out Madame Guillotine

Je suis revenue sur Holla Forums rien que pour ce fil les loulous. Ne me décevez pas. Rendez-moi fière.


Just making sure my doge. You'd be surprised how many aren't. Thanks for making new bread btw.

Cedrick_XLS magnet link. I'm seeding.

I only got these two before went down…



mfw I bet my entire life savings about 80k dollaridoos on Le Pen's win and now I either go home with half a million dollars or sink into financial ruin over a political election when I'm not even french


thanks user

Don't worry, lad.



Either way, no more gambling for you after this user.


But the numbers are with us.!gogVzYLQ!eaAZHqNBg-ufOjbXQwVdqg


i support her only because she is the conservative candidate but honestly it's a mistake to elect a woman. Having "mommy" come in and save the country further weakens the already emasculated males of France. If you want to really save France you need men to become men. So what I'm saying is that even if she wins France loses.


I.. kinda feel like they are jealous that we were sent the leaks before them.

this is why polls are shit

Polls are based on a very primitive form of statistics that are so easily manipulable it should be a crime. Never trust them.

The Frogs cannot afford to wait for Hitler. If Le Pen loses their culture is lost forever to the kikes. Holla Forums is well aware that in an ideal culture women do not belong outside the home let alone in places of leadership. France is not an ideal culture. So what I'm saying is that even if you're not a shill you're still a massive cunt.

Meh, they just rustled


I was reposting the pastebin


Fucking hell meant for



Start diggin' it's crunch time motherfuckers.
Are the french receptive to any of our memes or are they being natural contrarians that reject the obvious?

Good luck, user. Be sure to Praise Kek when you win.




I pray to kek for you to have gains!

i think theyre giving cover against anyone saying leaks swung it for our gurl


The leaks were first posted on cuckchan, too. We all feel the burn of that one.

You are a hero.

That could be it, however, the communist in Europe are already prepping the Russian straw man.

There's a 3750 euro fine for tweeting about politics in France right now, it's fucking hilarious.

You don't gotta tweet to read the Wikileaks twitter though :^)

That's fucking hilarious. Eurpoors are so fucking retarded.


may keks blessing be upon you. you are a gentleman and a scholar user.

That's what happens when you believe your own lies about being better than Americans

wtf? Sounds a bit communist. I dont get it

It must feel strange to have tens of thousands of foreigners (if not more) discussing your politics while it's a crime to say anything yourself.

We should fire up the frog proxies and machine translators and start mass tweeting in french about this with sockpuppets. Make these cucks run in circles

Suck it frogs please vote Le Pen in you faggots.

Kek, not anymore. Now the Brown Germans and shit skin French will be no better than Afghanistan

t.60% "white" Burger

Fuck BBC and the blackout (unless you are french –by law). The rest of us can post all the live long day.

I don't see how to enforce when kids can ha e twitter

Nice try kosher German

Don't fucking start with D&C niggers! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


If dubs I'll bet another 88 bucks.

The election is in a day or two. This should of been dumped months ago.

Leaker may have just gotten his hands on this.

You're assuming it was available months ago.

It may have only been hacked recently. KEK moves in mysterious ways.

The frogs will elect Le Pen.

We will it.

This. Everyone here that's genuine knows leaks come out when they're available. D&C niggers need to kindly leave and go enjoy their last remaining hours before the Hour of the Guillotine.


We'll see in about 40 hours if it has an effect. I'm thinking that many of the main stream candidate voters just stay home. I don't see many Fillon voters going either Le Penn or Macaroni. Le Penn's base a a lot more energy than he communist goy.



Checking these sweet dubs.

Yea I know it's just an assumption. It's really unfortunate that it couldn't of been gotten sooner.

To the user that was giving me betting advice in the other thread, thanks again. I had a decent recover, I only lost $247 in actual dollarydoos ans $300 in potential gains from my original bet. I got back in at $0.18 per share so its not all lost. Thanks for your advice.



This place is so much better than cuck chan. Hope those nigs burn for fucking up the whole old hood.

I know. That's why I still support Le Pen. I just worry that too many of us are being (((tricked))) into believing a woman can ever be an effective leader.

Thank you sir, may kek blessings be upon all of us.

Even this place is relatively not so great. They allow us a little fun that's all

No problem user. May Kek guide the fiatbucks out of the leftist faggots' clutches and into your account. Just be chill next time okay?

Sorry to be a pleb but my laptop sucks and couldnt install BitTorrent, are there any links to a direct dl of these email yet?

This isnpreliminary like Trump. She buys breathing room and allows room for Redpill seedlings to be planted. Four years of people's lives improving is a he'll of a wake up call

It's Le Pen or Merkel

Take your pick lad.


Not bad I say. Seriously tempted to bet more, but I better play it safe.

Please Kek bless me with money.

Good luck Frenchfags
t. Burger

I think that's cuckchan's whole purpose, to draw the heat while our Holla Forums is the command center, to put it that way.

wikileaks, top tier shitposting right there.

Could someone explain this in further detail?

Kike laws user.

I only put down a tenner but at 11/2 that's good odds

Frog tier logic

checkin them dubs

These fucking yids blacking it out at the last second

This fucking timeline.


Eloquently put. Holla Forums didnt seem to have much going on when I looked. Bare slide threads


Wew lad

will do

Please tell me about your freedom and guns while antifa and SJWs are pulling down Confederate war monuments near your house and you do nothing, my dear Burger.

the absolute madman

Could it be KEK says the Ukraine are behind it?? Interesting.

Fuck off Chaim, you have no power here.

What did he mean


Apologies, sudoku now

We are the high roller room of the casino.


Mystery upon Mystery

nice digits.

The cia did it.
Probably not, but we should meme it anyway


This shit is now on Drudge


FML, french spam.

Czeched. But how can it be anyone other than Ivan?

i just would just reply with the leak

That kike hermit sure took his time didn't he?


Now why would I want you guys to read french spam too? Alain Tourret gets more invites to shit…

This is why I like fullchan.

You're a mad man.

KEK has spoken

oh fuck

there are tons of french flags in that thread lol

holy shit #macronleaks is picking up.

Does anyone else think that we should claim responsibility and say that anons did it because the EU killed nyaa?

Ebaum's did it.


#macron is even crazier


Don't you have temple in a few hours kike?

anons dindu nuffin. It was Stileproject.


that's fake, I dunno why it's trending

>I'm not stupid when it comes to gambling.
That's what they all say…

Haha, do they really think that 4chan is some hive mind of master hackers and Russian neets? 4chan is a massive decoy for the rest of the countless chan boards all over the web. They get all the media attention while other boards do all the dirty work behind the scenes, the fucking media is retarded.

Try to find a way to tweet this or if you find something better. Even if it is nothing this time it will partly stick in peoples head until there is a real rs happening. Ease them into the possibility.

best search term to use on (((reddit))) as the salt mine grows:

"macron hack NOT subreddit:the_donald"

right now they are in "how could russia do this", mode, but soon they will enter the "it's literally nothing guys", phase

It wouldn't surprise me to be honest.

So how many times have we made front page international news now?

Are we a major international political player now?

This nigger blows money like he's on crack

(file wont save for some reason have a link)

Please try to keep up from now on

Honestly I still think that Macron is going to win. However this delegitimizes his presidency and increases tensions in France.

Maybe we can get a military coup.

Nice try Macron. Go back to your mom wife and have make you tendies, fucking autistic kike


Why would someone buy crystal meth for 200€?

Isn't that illegal in frogland?



This has to be bullshit

user, the media looks to us for their info because we get everything first and we make the news. the politicians look to us because we are the largest political forum on the internet around the world. the IC looks to us because we regularly demonstrate the power of weaponised autism and find people and locations faster than almost any LEO.

we are a major player in life.

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth"

FUCKING. TOP. KEK. his people are literally on meth. that has to be fake. holy shit.


Do you fags need someone to translate shit ?


da fug

3-Methylmethcathinone (abbreviated 3-MMC) is a short-acting synthetic stimulant of the Cathinone class with stimulant, entactogenic and mild hallucinogenic effects. Its effects are very similar to those of Mephedrone (4-MMC) but slightly less euphoric, making it the less popular choice of the two.

more like screen caps and people posting them.

One of those new fangled party drugs that are legal as research chemicals. They say the pizza gaters are all stimulant heads

I swear to fuck if this ends up being pizzagate 2.0: french road trip I'm gonna lose my shit.

Eat glass.

Get your depends ready goy

This. There are too few french tweets in my opinion. Also have some salt.

Well the frogs are known for being pretty secular, aren't they ?

I couldn't download the 4 first files. don't have a torrent client here right now, sorry

Since I'm too tired to dig through all these docs by hand I used a bash script which parses pdfs and xlsx files (other files are "grep-ed' through) but doesn't check e-mail attachments and images. I'm out of luck for "Soros" and "Open Society" but I found occurences of "Rothschild" in these files :
.[email protected]/* *//1.JAM_GL/1.Jeunes avec Macron/1.Fichiers/2. ReseauxSociaux/JAM_Fwer_Twitter_20160206.xlsx
.[email protected]/* *//1.JAM_GL/1.Jeunes avec Macron/1.Fichiers/3.Evenement Ministre/Noe/2015-11-05 Liste des inscrits Noe.xlsx
.[email protected]/* *//1.JAM_GL/1.Jeunes avec Macron/1.Fichiers/7.Syntheses/22022016_JAM_Syntheses_Membres_Adherents_Sympathisants_V0.2.xlsx
./Macron_201705/gemplus/Gemplus/Press G+/La Provence 22-11-02.doc
./Macron_201705/gemplus/Press G+/La Provence 22-11-02.doc

What should I look for guys ?
Interested in the half-assed script ?

So this is how the Jews feel like with the shoah?

also does anyone else get weird little red lines under certain words in the reply box if you backspace to write something else? like if i write, "8ch" and then delete it there are little red lines under where the letters were. or like when I wrote "pizzagate" and then rewrote the sentence there were little red lines under the word.

my scanners aren't picking anything up, but is this a normal thing or am I breached by letters?


the Magnets for every files
Also all in one

He was Vice-president of the regional assembly with the Culture Portfolio from 2004 to 2010 and then That of the European Funds, Tourism and Human Rights from 2010 to 2012. He has established and continues to chair the International Institute for Human Rights and Peace.

All this delving into the underbelly of the French elite reminds me of being in Paris

gamefaqs forums teamed up with yahoo answers, nobody saw it coming.

literally buying drug synthetics, kek. This is gold if its real.



I am praying for you. It would certainly make my day.


Cuck/pol/ got mentioned in the Wall Street Journal.
There's something special about seeing their URL written down in actual newsprint. I keked.

how cucked are the French if they still go for Macron, sort it out

How do you counter the MUH RUSSIANS narrative that all the libshits are pushing these days?

Curious to see this.

Not just any, it says its like Meow but not as good. 10 grams decadent faggot was having a party, you know a bunch of politicians did that shit.

Laugh in their face. If you argue with mentally ill idiots you're the one who lost.

I don't think we have to anymore user.

You absolute mad man.

Tell them he didn't denied the content and is sueing. Meaning the leaks are real.
And going against the leakers is doing like what Trump is doing against Assange :^)
Then ask them if they are like Trump.

No proof about it, just search the MSM articles about it, all the headlines are missleading the readers, if you take a closer look, they admit it in their own article that nothing tends to prove Russia is involved. Also, iirc, there was some forgery in the Clinton's side about muh russian hacker.

Here you go.
You'll need pdfgrep though.
Don't laugh at me, I went from an old script I did in uni years ago. Seems to work anyway.
#!/bin/bashusage(){echo "min. 1 parameter you retard : $0 STRING TO SEARCH [FILE NAME PATTERN] [PATH]"exit}export verbose=0[[ -z "$3" ]] && path="." || export path="$3"[[ -z "$2" ]] && pattern="*" || export pattern="$2"[[ -z "$1" || "-h" == "$1" || "-?" == "$1" ]] && usage || export search="$1"printresult(){[[ $verbose -eq 0 ]] && echo "$1" || echo "'$search' FOUND IN $1"}export -f printresultgreptxt(){[[ ! -z "$(grep -i "$search" "$1")" ]] && printresult "$1"}export -f greptxtgrepxlsx(){rm -rf "temp"mkdir -p "temp"filename="$(basename $1)".zipcp "$1" "temp/$filename"unzip -qq -d temp "temp/$filename"[[ ! -z "$(grep -i -r "$search" temp/*)" ]] && printresult "$1" }export -f grepxlsxgreppdf(){[[ ! -z "$(pdfgrep -i "$search" "$1")" ]] && printresult "$1"}export -f greppdfdogrep(){[[ $verbose -eq 1 ]] && echo "grepping '$search' in '$1'"case "$1" in *.xlsx) grepxlsx "$1";; *.pdf) greppdf "$1";; *) greptxt "$1";;esac}export -f dogrepecho "Searching '$search' recursively in '$path' within '$pattern' files ..."find "$path" -iname "$pattern" -type f -exec bash -c 'dogrep "$0"' {} \;rm -rf temp

don't shoot the messenger

KEK, the SJWs are trying to poison the hashtag

"but it was french people on his team, they said so before they leaked it"


"but it was americans you moron."

those are the likely options right now. there is zero evidence it was russians and in fact I think it was palmer. that's his job, that's what he's done for decades is catch this shit and nail these disgusting bastards. I think people wouldn't touch it so he leaked it. then he posted himself here to let us know that the letters being on our side isn't a meme and they are actively infiltrating and going after these people but in a lot of cases its going to be us that takes these people down because the media and judiciary around the world are fucked.

that's my .02

it's already out. they're always too late.

Also see a (((counternarrative))) developing

That's horrible.
Looks like nigger-made.
Are you a nigger ?
well done faggot


user i…

lol I like the faith but you bought in way too high user its like 15c right now, hoping for a wave to ride

there is info on the Gemplus scandals


I guess it might also be why the leaks were so late.
Since the MSM have some mandatory blackout about elections, they can't talk about it. Which would only leave "social media" to spread it around.

What do the leaks say anons???


it seems the drugs were for this guy:

Both times I've gone to Vegas, I've come back with a profit.


got delivered…who is this dude alain tourrete anyway?

really makes you think of the validity of the documents

I was trying to find the link between Alain Tourret (10gr 3-MMC Drug Fiend) and Macron and found this.
" The witch hunt began, " Alain Tourret told one of our teams on Monday. The member for Calvados (in the 6th district: Vire), also the head of the PRG in the department, has just learned that his party suspended him from his duties. " I'm the first victim of the Macron supporters ," he says. " I have just been suspended for supporting Emmanuel Macron and asking mayors to give him promises of sponsorship ."

They must be pretty tight if he made this kind of sacrifice for him. I dont have access to any files yet (long dl) can any anons try to find more connections between the two. I want a picture of Macron face down in a pile of cocaine!!

kek is with us
May we see the end of the EU before Europe completely becomes a part of the caliphate.



they're all on drugs



more on Gemplus (pre 9/11)

how'd you figure that user? Youre not trying to confuse us are you?

And if you look for "hermand"?
Henry Hermand is the link between Macron and podesta.


I fucking love that faggot.

Where can we burgers go to for betting on this election?

what does this say and what is it for?

Here are the results. Note that I don't have the first 4 itemps of the dump, they were deleted before I could download them and I can only use .rar/.zip files (not .torrent or .magnet).
.[email protected]/* *//1.JAM_GL/1.Jeunes avec Macron/1.Fichiers/1.Adherents&membres&Sympathisants/2.Adherents/20160313_JAM_Fichiers_Adherents.xlsx
.[email protected]/* *//1.JAM_GL/1.Jeunes avec Macron/1.Fichiers/1.Adherents&membres&Sympathisants/2.Adherents/Adhesion -Jeunes avec Macron- (reponses) (12).xlsx
.[email protected]/* *//1.JAM_GL/1.Jeunes avec Macron/1.Fichiers/1.Adherents&membres&Sympathisants/2.Adherents/Pre-inscription - Evenement 12 mars 2016 (Responses) (4).xlsx
.[email protected]/* *//1.JAM_GL/1.Jeunes avec Macron/1.Fichiers/Carte_France_v02.xls

do you doubt my autism?

It was the message for the drug order in this email:


how you doin DoJ

these are his taxes from what I understand as of now

going through his insurance plan atm, its pricy

Sargon is doing a "MacronLeaks Investigative Stream"

Be careful you don't catch the gay.

can you post proof, if you win this will make for a great screencap

found his bank account number

Please post again after the election with either a cheque or a noose (depending on results).


Its not illegal, stop being so utterly paranoid about everything and instead learn the actual law.

Checked, impressive. KEK blessed your scripting skills user.

You're truly a madman.


how true is this?

do it, post it

there any way we could steal his money from an illegal offshore account that he says doesn't exist?

I'm just sayin, if it doesn't exist then he can't be mad about like 30 million going missing.

Post pics faggot.


Published on Feb 22, 2017

I'm fucking crying.

At least you will be rich in (you)s. Post screencap, become a legend.


frogs don't even care


Fucking hell these bantz, I nearly can't take it.

Somebody search for things related to his bahamas account

LMAO I fucking love drybones

Ah okay. So they are both doing these drugs for sure. You dont order drugs to a friends address if he isnt wanting some. Enless he was sneakily doing it behind his back. I think they are just probably decadent aristocrats doing cheap drugs. Time to look into this François Amorim Machado fellow. Someone please search for bitcoin and perhaps market places such as Agora and Valhalla. They might be stupid enough to mention drugs directly too.

so far, only French based banks

uhhh… so who also has the leaked nsa exploits for the swift system? cause it could be made impossible to track.

Absolutely disgusting.

didnt RT post that?

Aren't most of the tools still encrypted though? I thought most of the useful stuff in the leak wasn't accessible,

Fuck off, redditor. Sarcuck deserves to die like the fucking libshit octoroon nigger he is.

the nsa exploits? the shadow brokers posted it, rt reported on it.

they gave the key out with the leak was my understanding. I didn't really look into it cause it's over my head.

I gotcha, didnt pay much attention to it

The twitter hashtag #MacronLeaks is number one in France, keep tweeting familia.

We need to keep focus in the original leaks, they might damage control claiming the new ones are the only ones and there is nothing wrong in his email.

Kek he's on facebook. Should ask him for some drugs. There's something strange about this young man ordering Experimental Party Drugs to an older politician's house. Like strange French political rent-boy type situation going on, I dont know, lots of pieces, how to make them fit?

Goddamn that faggot has some top bantz for a cock sucker.

do both. use the momentum of the hashtag and get everything out. the french are going crazy. also remember, you can get french sjws a 3000 euro fine for talking politics right now lol.

I have no idea what buckled is but I looked for it and I found all these occurences :
.[email protected]/* *//00000685.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000748.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000779.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000780.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000782.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000783.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00001528.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00001529.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00001607.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00001608.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00001658.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00001689.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00001690.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00002427.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00002428.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00002517.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00002518.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00002572.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00002573.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00002713.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00002714.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003401.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003402.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003479.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003526.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003599.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003600.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003601.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003602.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003615.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003616.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003617.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003618.eml

What should I look for now ?

on of the few that seems to live by, "if you can take a dick you can take a joke" after milo though I'm very hesitant to trust any fags.

if macron is mentioned in any of them?

I feel like dumping 9gb of emails right after a credible leak of near incontrovertible proof Macron is evading tax might be like a doc dump to tie everyone up. Who's still following the money trail? Is there more that can be done?

Sieg heil!

quads don't fail me now

how do you figure someone elses campaign finances?

Never trust homos user, especially kike homos like Milo. I'm not saying you should give DryBones your Power of Attorney, I'm just saying that nancy boy has some top tier banter.

So after Greenpeace did that shit with the "RESIST" banners in both Washington and now Paris, what if someone went to H Street in Washington and put up a giant banner that says "TRUMP 2020 - MAGA" and has the Greenpeace logo on it to mess with them?

You're a fucking idiot, she is down 20 points and no proof.
New access to be found there


Sup Macron?

No luck.

Here are the occurences of "Providence", the name of the offshore company of the first leak.
.[email protected]/* *//00000060.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000061.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000388.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000389.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000652.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000653.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000764.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000765.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000789.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000829.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000830.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00000936.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003433.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003510.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003913.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003916.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003922.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003926.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003950.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003958.eml
.[email protected]/* *//00003969.eml

Frogs are downloading the torrents

This would explain that lame ass hearing this week with Comey about Russian election tampering for the gorillionth time. They straight up mentioned the French election being compromised.

Holy fucking shit, it's really happening isn't it?

I'm not saying he's not a fucking idiot for betting his life savings on this election, but to be fair, the only people claiming she's down 20 points are kike mouthpieces and the only polls they are citing are ones with shit tier sample sizes, and we've seen similar situations like this recently in which said mouthpieces and polls turned out to be utter trash…


I wasnt wrong, this guy who orders drugs for French politicians is also engaged to another man.

Where are the hashes? I'll help.

MSNBC basically saying Macron was phished.

Are all these people morons?


lmao, that still makes him look like an even more imbecile

Torrent files:

Top fucking wew lad


This is the only acceptable answer.

Thanks m8

me too

he was Podesta'd? this has to be a last-ditch false flag to ruin Le Pen's win. Anyone really trying to swing this would've leaked it way before today; Plus the "Kremlin" comment/accusation during the debates sets the narrative in the most (((cohencidental))) way possible

Betfair has gone from 13 -> 9.8, I'm starting to feel this.

One protip on betting outsiders in politics, don't fucking do it early, most of my money is at 4/1 which was before the first fucking round, could've waited for much better odds.


You are assuming that the leaks were available before today.

Except odds were most against Trump very early on.

Boys I really need to go to sleep. I can't think about something to look for, and I'm still downloading one half of this shit.
See ya in 5 hours. May KEK be merciful to us all.

Get some rest user the digging will be here when you get back.

It will be a tear in the rain if they can flood the internet saying there was nothing in the new leaks

When I bet Trump, I was on about 11/4 before the first debates. On the night of the election I was getting 9/1 - 10/1. Unless you are literally betting when there is no info save it for closer to the event.

Translated version of one of the insurance documents, 57769994_DP_EM.pdf



So who is going to break the story of Macron's associate being the kind of guy that buys a 10gr party-bag of research chemicals from politically allied faggot? Its all in this thread, we need a concise press release by early this morning!
Standard most independent media is probably taking notes anyway, just say Holla Forums sent ya! Then no one gets the blame KEK



LARP? or something?

Worth a look tbh. We have 38 hours.

Dude, do you even have to ask? Of course they're morons.

politicians being technologically inept is the only reason full blown fascism haven't taken hold yet.

There's more to know? Doesn't it pretty much state on his Wikipedia Article Macaroni is a bought and sold shill?

They see themselves as untouchable. They're the "elite" after all. We're just the ignorant masses. There's no possible way one of those unwashed peons could be smarter or better at something than one of them, why they've been told how great they are by all the people they're blackmailing.

Missing out on those 500:1 odds is the 2nd biggest financial regret of my life not mining bitcoin when I first heard about it in 2009 is number 1

It was nice to get a win on such longshot odds but somewhat bitter sweet as I'd only bet $10


I hate bringing chaos into the mix due to its volatility, but we really need Kek's good blessing right now…


Its all gotta be in there. Remember Pedesta? Remember the kids in the pool? Weiner-gate cant pretend that didnt ruin Hillary. Theres got to be dirt like that in these leaks because he is

Probably a good idea to check for references to "pizza."

Oh Kek, you so funny

Probably some guy who swears uncontrollably a lot.

Pizza is a reference from the United States of America police towards pedos or is this fucking universal?

I think it is like this:
cheese pizza -> CP -> child pr0n
so pizza was used as a moniker after that

with podesta, pizza was used much more

Holy molly you are maybe onto something very fishy user



How, especially in light of the very public "hacking" of Podesta during the most widely viewed election cycle in history, could a major western, and indeed corrupt politician, fall for something so widely reported and well known?

Because they are too arrogant to believe the myriad plights they let happen to the little people could possibly happen to them.

yes, morons with lots of money.

Holy shit, user.

There's almost no doubt that many of those numbers are demoralisation tactics.

She literally, mathematically cannot win. This isn’t defeatism. This is: France is 40% nonwhite, 100% non-conservative, the vote is rigged (we have proof of this), they’ve been marxists for decades, and 75% of the first-round vote is voting against her in the second. There is absolutely no way to win. You are already dead.



So you shills are going for the "claim my opponent is what I am" tactic again?

You're welcome

kthx. Go die in a ditch; men are talking.

This fucking timeline, the mayan calendar was the end of the script.

Great job, shlomo.

Hitler would be proud, uploader-sama

shit image didn't load.

once more


Well, if she loses you would already know what you knew from the beginning. That a contest of arms was inevitable. We tried peace.

Noice. Retards are playing themselves.

Probably a LARP. People with real intel don't start up puzzles to waste time. That said taking a quick glance at it can't hurt.

Mein sides

Welcome to the party, slowfag.

I have no doubt the likes of Libération will do it anyway. Very ironic considering they covered a lot of Wikileaks stuff previously.

You're really bad at this. This is fucking /int/-tier.

It could actually be the shadow brokers, Mr. dubs man.

I SURE AS FUCK HOPE THE FROGS RISE UP WHEN IT HAPPENS. The Sixth Republic is calling to them.

You know nothing about France.

Zero effort, shill.

It was /baph/ saltmining for laughs with their new CIA tools

Enregistrement corrigé.

You idiot, everything up to 2012 was the opening cutscene. We're playing the game now.

Even if you were 100% correct and there was no chance of winning there would be no incentive in trying to get people to stop helping her(nothing else is pressing in the next two days) so you would have no reason to try to get anons to stop if this is truly how you feel. Instead here you are, trying to get people to stop, because you're nothing more than a panicking shill.

it all makes sense now

The address as well:
The National Assembly (French: Assemblée nationale; pronounced: [a.sɑɔˈnal]) is the lower house of the bicameral Parliament of France under the Fifth Republic. The upper house is the Senate (Sénat)

Sending/receiving 10 grams of what is essentially a Class-A drug (research chemical)


This needs to be blowing up on Twitter, fuck Im tempted to send it to fag Milo, its his kind of thing. Some loud mouth who doesnt mind taking the heat for it.

I hope you're from Holla Forums because you don't even deserve your $00.01 for this.

I don't want that, you illiterate fuck. I'm berating a retard who put his life savings on this shit.

Drown yourself, moishe.

Who cares about some offshore accounts? Le Pen is literally on trial for embezzlement right.

Even if the most outragous claims would be true your normal Frenchman wouldn't give a shit.

Your right. Guess I'll just have to filter you.

you're going to get the rope


Baguettes better get the guillotine out.

share it with the tracking info…

The banter produced from this whole ordeal so far have been real delicious stuff.

about 20 minutes in paint





In the first round they had voting, they only had one polling booth. For 50,000 people. Should I take some smug flyers and pass them around to people waiting in the lineup?


Sorry lad but it had to be capped.

roth stuff

Yeah sure just don't get be surprised when they all get triggered and ask the SPVM to arrest you lad.

Potentially big one here:


+1 for the meeting. We need to take a "bigger picture" approach to our strategy for the upcoming 2 weeks between both silos. (This could easily mean between his party and the establishment)

Concerning nuances and those who will attach themselves to the party: the Interior Minister wants to register them backwards so that the members coming to us from the Socialist Party can join us with the socialist tag. When the results come in, it's the tag/nuance that is displayed everywhere, also by the media. (The election is rigged, the Interior Ministry handles the election, the elected officials of the Socialist Party will basically form part of Macron's government, but they'll keep their supporters because they will have kept their "socialist" tag when the results come in. Sounds familiar, like a certain Sellout Sanders).

Also, we need to find consequences for those from the Socialist Party who may somewhat not be backing us 100% when campaigning for us.


Complicated And I need the letter that still isn't written (currently in the hands of Auxence)
Quick meetup at 3PM if you want?
Pierre can you tell me the risk? I have a contact at the Interior Ministry if needed

i deserved it lad I understand
I'm going to go cry now tbh

better version

How is this big?

because some pleb says it's big?

looks like a big nothing

looks like they want socialist that come to his party to be able to keep their soc tag.(ASTROTURFING SHILL GOT THE SHOVEL FOR THIS POST)

user at least take save half of that if not back out all together.

I'm not saying she's not going to win but there's no fucking way it's worth the risk.

I know you can't campaign in front of a poll booth for any Canadian elections, but what an international election?

yall i gotta catch dinner. I've been here all damn day.


Goes to show you.

keep doing the good work user, i'm myself digging onto the gemplus (world leader in the chip card market) folder.
It's very surprising, but in word format text, Macron have saved dozens of private correspondance of Ziad Takieddine ( Lebanese-French businessman who was in the AC of Gemplus, who have been famous for denouncing Sarkozy who secretly was given 5M$ from Gaddafi to finance his presidential campaign of 2007).
Most of the correspondance is from 2001 and 2002, and mostly related to the saoudi arabia and Gemplus contracts, the Quandt family and about the vice chairman of the society, who is tied with the CIA.
I really wonder why he was these informations, it's clearly sensible informations theft and industrial espionnage.


Don't listen to these bakas Anonfama, Trump had a "1% chance" at winning on the day of the election and won by a land slide. Brexit was impossible too. You should know by now that the polls are fake to discourage people from voting.


I'm sure he's just an (((information hoarder))) user, nothing to be suspicious of ole chap!

Thanks Holla Forums at 8:08

This actually makes the most sense giving the timing of the tool leaks (recent) and the timing of the election leaks (too late to do full damage)



Well things will be interesting I suppose.

consider this. if this information was available months ago… would Le Pen have been in the second round? or would most of the votes for macron ended up going to melenchon or fillon?

I think this was the only way it was going to work. it's strategic for a two round election system

cheersdubs, i def think financial related info will be the nail in his coffin one way or another…apparently he was finishing is masters degree until 2004 and that Gem+/cia stuff was going on in 2000-2001..keep diggin

Feels good to officially be the superior chan.

Le Pen was second round no matter what. But let's say she wasn't. Surely it would have been strategic to leak it a few days before the debate so at least the French MSM would have to report on it. They're literally blocked on reporting on the election according to laws that have been there for a while. You would think the Ruskies would have been aware of something like that.

Sure is electrifying to watch it all unfold.



If that's true then where are your dubs?

Honestly, no. But if they had the capacity to touch it and didn't it would spark off an even greater firestorm on the nets

Top kek, you could tell he really had to contemplate even bringing Holla Forums up there.

Fucking hesitant kike. He's come a long way in the past couple years but I still don't trust him for a second.

I like the cut of your jib user. You can come over and jog my noggin anytime.

> Surely it would have been strategic to leak it a few days before the debate so at least the French MSM would have to report on it.
>You would think the Ruskies would have been aware of something like that.

You're not fooling anyone nigger.

say hello to his little friend

Drybones wasn't the person who uploaded it, he's just hosting it.

Leaking sensitive information has become a tool of the average person to fight the elites. And no matter what elites do, in this interconnected world, a "commoner" will have access to their private information at some point.

This is how people revolt against elites, specially the people who are close to elites to see what's happening, but not close enough to reap the rewards.

We are in the information age. A citizen's revolution will not occur with weapons or violence. It will occur due to citizens releasing data bombs on bad people at the right time.

Hillary was the first, Macron is a big one, we will see more. Elites will lock things down as much as possible, but they can't stop it. We are everywhere, people who aren't even us but slightly align with us are everywhere. Whoever leaked this knows French politics well enough to know when to release at the best time to cause damage.

They will call it Russians, but it is more than likely insiders who have rejected their "leaders" direction and release information as a form of mutiny.

No, this was the best time. Odds are this came from an insider and they knew realistic polling numbers and they knew Le Pen would make it to the second round. I can only imagine how many enemies and "traitors" people like Hillary or Macron have working underneath them. These are the types of people who don't make friends and make enemies everywhere they go.

We are in the data wars, elite faggots vs the people. And the elites are leaking information everywhere for typical people. It is a beautiful age, I can not wait for the next German election.

Why take the bait? If that other poster was right, Le Pen couldn't have made it to the second round.

If you needed any more evidence that the media in France make the US MSM look unbiased, there it is. If those documents had Le Pen's name on them, all TV channels, all radio stations and all papers in France would be talking about it non-stop until Monday.

Is that Macaroni's wife's son?

Does anyone else hate it when people say shit like this? Why are people against hacking to obtain information that the public needs to make informed decisions about their leaders?

The idea that a gay bodybuilder made Le Pen win is funnier to meme than some random 400lb hacker known as 4chan.

You do realize I'm >implying
it's not Russia, correct?

We'll see. I hope so

Wikileaks also didn't even entertain the idea that anyone except Hillary Clinton would win.

About that…

It's almost like Wikileaks is not a polling company.

I realize you're muddying the waters with nonsense and projecting an air of concern and doubt.

wew. Just saying it wasn't the best time so it was probably NEETs.

I was shitposting at him, quite different. Apparently kek approved.

Actually the more that I think about this the more sense that it potentially being /baph/ playing with new toys makes. Would completely explain of all places being where the leak got dumped, not too many people outside of our particular corner of the internet have heard of it.

t_D apparently found this. The stuff in parenthesis is the redditor's comments.

Top: +1 for the meeting. We need to take a "bigger picture" approach to our strategy for the upcoming 2 weeks between both silos. (This could easily mean between his party and the establishment)
Concerning nuances and those who will attach themselves to the party: the Interior Minister wants to register them backwards so that the members coming to us from the Socialist Party can join us with the socialist tag. When the results come in, it's the tag/nuance that is displayed everywhere, also by the media. (The election is rigged, the Interior Ministry handles the election, the elected officials of the Socialist Party will basically form part of Macron's government, but they'll keep their supporters because they will have kept their "socialist" tag when the results come in. Sounds familiar, like a certain Sellout Sanders).
Also, we need to find consequences for those from the Socialist Party who may somewhat not be backing us 100% when campaigning for us.

Complicated And I need the letter that still isn't written (currently in the hands of Auxence)
Quick meetup at 3PM if you want?
Pierre can you tell me the risk? I have a contact at the Interior Ministry if needed

Thoughts on this?

does anyone have the "I fucking love being white" pic? I need it


Wew I'm blind, still, I'm not that familiar with the frog election system so I'd like to get confirmation if it's anything?

what's the consensus on this, think it's illegal?

They didn't find anything. That was one of the first pic posted in the last thread.

Got it, wasn't in the previous thread. Thanks user.
It's starting to look a little like the whole leak is fucking nothing but at the very least controversy about Macron will be on the frogs' minds as they head to the polls.

It's starting to look a little like you need to fuck off back to halfchan.

Just to correct myself:

leak related pic* is what I meant.

People are going to start voting tomorrow, there's not a whole lot of time for the combined autism of the internet to find dirt in 9 gigs of emails and actually let the frogs know about it. The offshore money laundering scheme in the Caribbeans leak was probably more damaging than this.

rofl at the twitterspace. all the shills and bots for macron are really working up a streisand bomb and giving this so much more visibility than it would have had otherwise.

fucking GOLD boyos.


Trump was never 20 points below Hillary.

Why do they still pay you to waste your time here?

so consider this. this plus a calculated plan B that means if the tax evasion doesn't do it, then the email leak (which is strategically released at a time that guarantees it gets out and distributed) provides the information needed to nail that son of a bitch for corruption among other things. macron loses no matter what. and as far as the bank account goes, I'm convinced we still have someone in the wings with more damning information that will be released should it be necessary. otherwise they're going to be hanging on to that information for use against other targets.

she was only a few points from macron. polls are shit and we know this. why are you even here.

, they're basically doing the same now with the most unpopular president of all time narrative. The only reason the (((polls))) are showing Le Pen being fairly close to Macron is because they don't want to lose as much credibility as they did with Trump winning.

Make it (2). The polling had Hillary winning at something like 51% to 49% with 99% certainty. The polling error necessary for Trump to win was comparatively small compared with what Le Pen is facing.

All the other parties that lost in the first round were to the left of Le Pen and Macron. Macron will get more of their votes than Le Pen. I want her to win too, but deluding yourselves about her actual chances won't help anything. Wishful thinking doesn't work.

"chances to win" != percentage of polled support.

He made more fucking states flip than any of us thought, fuck off Macron.





Inaccurate as it ignores Fillon(who got the 3rd most votes and was to the right of Macron) and also ignores that LePen herself is to the left of Macron on economic issues.

You're confusing "chance to win" with "percentage of support". The percentage of support numbers for Trump and Hillary were always close. The gap existed in the chances to win.

That's not the case in France.

Lying shill. The fake news polls were padded +20 to Shillary during most of the campaign. They lowered the padding closer to the election to make it look less suspicious.

Yup, you definitely need to fuck off back to cuckchan.

Seeing as the Macronleaks hashtag was number 1 trending in France for quite a while I'd say whoever's behind this whole thing has achieved their goal.

This election is not about economics. The issue of this election is France's demographic future and sovereignty.


Your posting is very jewish.

Those polls were "chance to win", or predicted electoral outcomes. There was never a 20% point in the predicted popular vote, that would be absurd. American elections are always damn near 50/50 in popular vote.

Even 92 with Perot thrown in didn't open up that wide. It never happens.

Time will be the judge of me.

Why don't you make me, faggot?

That's for racially minded people like ourselves, the common lemmings who don't care about Muhammad raping their daughters in the ass will vote for shit like tax cuts, socialist healthcare, free educayshun etc. which as I understand what Macron promised and a bunch of retards actually bought it because of muh political outsider meme.

this is what happens when you let shitskins into your country and hire them for anything. I bet you anything they had somalians working the shipping and so they tore the ballots like faggots.


In France there are the racially minded people, who support Le Pen, and everybody else, who oppose Le Pen because they think she's a Hitler for being racially minded. This election is the racially minded vs the deracinated zogbots.

Other than the tax cut bit did you even look at their campaign platforms? LePen is promising more social welfare programs than Macron.

This election is what I say it is because I say it is that way

Fuck, meant to greentext that.

All I know is that he promised tax cuts but closer ties with the EU, stopping mudslime profiling but tightening French borders. The faggot is spouting nonsense as if those things aren't mostly mutually exclusive.


Think Rubio and you'll be close. Tax cuts, opening up borders, tightening down on surveillance of people actually in the country. LePen is almost what you'd get if you threw Sanders and Trump in a fucking blender and took Sanders's welfare programs and Trump's immigration policies and added things like blocking open religious displays(which mostly effects wearing hijabs as crosses can be worn under shirts).

fuck me i can't take this bant andymore

How can they be this dense?




This guy must be of Australian origin.

This is high powered shitposting.

Looking at the#Macronleaks on twatter, it seems that a lot of people with the connection and support toward "The Resistance" are heavily damage controlling with the usual "T-there's nothing to see here. I-it's the Russians."
Something smells with coordinated tactics…

that skill.

I hate this faggot but I'll give credit where credit's due, this is pretty funny.

…he's a Aussie, right?


What happened next?

He must be. Being an American is probably just cover. Or maybe he's here on a visa. Shitposting that hard can only come from Aussies.

stay tuned to find out

If he gets paid I will never recover


He types like someone from melbourne so maybe.

Nah fam it's easy breezey you just start talkin' like a porchmonkey waiting for that EBT plastic to arrive in the mail while your nigger is feeling up your mom's upper thigh.


Tampa, FL

Foreign Donors
Bing translation:
Is this just a common error made during presidential campaigns?

They are a disgusting cult, they keep to themselves and block dissent

absolute madman, you got this user

That's why he stands to win millions on an 80k bet. Because he probably won't win.

there seems to be some feedback

New liberal campaign: Ban high powered assault shitposting. We can't have military grade pepes on our streets.

Jesus. You can't make this shit up.


He stands to win half a million at best. You stand to get hanged via a rope around your fucking traitorous neck.

Wait, so is this illegal in France? What's the law about this?

Drybones is BO of end/pol/ and Odiltime is site owner, right?


This isn't even remotely accurate.
Let me correct it.

No, Drybones is site owner(or at least was at one point), he's not really affiliated with Holla Forums in anyway, he's mostly apolitical.


so he's a /fit/izen?

You forgot the bit about using steroids but thanks anyways.

Florida's a weird place, user. The southern part is full of illegals from the Caribbean, the middle is dominated by theme parks and touristy shit, and the northern part is bible belt. And in between all of that? Fucking farm and swampland.

t. user who has lived in Florida since 1995 including during the 2000 election shitshow

Does he even suck cocks though? Before I was banned from Twatter he was mad that he wasn't getting any action. Also he creeps on guys at the gym.

Also what email number is this?

How the fuck can you be gay and not manage to get any action? I mean its not like he's horribly disfigured or something and faggots just fuck around all the time like the degenerates they are which is why so many of them have aids.

user when you win
And you will
You must use that money to build a temple to our gods
Lork Kek
And the goddest Ammet
You must do this user
For the glory of all kekistanians

Tampa is in a league of its own compared to all that though.

oy vey delete this

Making macaroni.



Trips confirm, we must have common sense egg laws.


The only thing I know about Tampa is that I never met a Floridian who didn't shit on it unless they were from Tampa. And then they shit on it even harder.

>[email protected]/* */

Absolutely. Wouldn't recommend Tampa to anyone for any reason ever. It's where people go to disappear and die. Nothing good has or ever will come out of this place. Giant bucket of crabs and shitty weather/climate. If you want to ensure that your children will become failures in life then make sure to raise them in Tampa.


Jacksonville has the worst water I've ever drank. Tastes like Satan's asshole.

Never underestimate autism.


Yes, correct, but we have very little time.

top fucking kek

saw this on twitters.
can't barely read to know what the fuss is.

Even if Le Pen doesn't win, that's no reason to not push that. Rather, in that case then the day after we ramp up the push of these leaks and further infuriate Le Pen's supporters. If peace is not an option, the people need to know it, they need to be angry.

When Macron looks up like that, it's easy to see the blow on his nostrils.

they are brainstorming about the ways to skirt the law forbidding the physic persons to allow loans to finance a presidential campaign.
Marine Mathe ask about a shady way to circumvent the law using mirror loans, but Jean christophe answer her no, telling her it's illegal and risky because the cops could make the link

this one is nothing, it's a letter to allow neetbux to a woman because she is handicaped.

this one is really interesting desu, it's an evident proof of conflict of interest and connivence with US and Saoudi interests.

That's a RC not Meth

Isn't it great? For whatever reason we really are the tip of the spear, we're going to end up shitposting the establishment to death. Everything rocks right now, we need to keep it up.

I think if nothing else, it might make some voters nervous to vote for him.

oooooooo reallly?

this shit is retarded. people are actually threatening jack saying the french police are going to come for him for starting a hashtag that I don't think they can prove he ever started in the first place. he certainly didn't leak this shit, just reported on it. this dude is actually suggesting that the pisszine is gonna go after people that tweeted publicly available material on a publicly used website?

these people are fucking insane.

It's just a tactic to get people to stop discussing it, disregard it and keep digging



last i checked, french police can suck a dick in DC(jacks jurisdiction)


exactly. it really shows how fucking retarded macron voters are. democracy was a mistake. democracy with jews around…well thats like an open bank vault with niggers around.


reminder why some of us are not on the other chan.


Greetings Alain,

Yesterday, François Bayrou proposed an alliance with running.

I accepted it on behalf of our movement, because this proposal is consistent with the meaning of the approach we drive since the first day.

We want to exceed the political divide that block our country, by bringing together the Progressives of all edges.

We share with François Bayrou a strong European attachment, the sense of freedom, of public probity and the struggle against the national Front Party.

Our movement aims to continue to welcome those who find themselves in our values, in our approach to renewal of political life, and in the proposals that we have built together.
This alliance is therefore a turning point in the oempagne, but oe is not the end of the campaign: continue!

A very fast,

no it isn't, faggot
it's a letter from the bank informing the party that certain payments received will have to be returned because they violate the law, which limits personal donations at 7500 euros and outlaws donations from companies.
learn to read french before you comment

notification of a free gift from a cosmetics retailer, earned thru ordering products from them. probably a free lipstick: without interest

A mail explaining Macrons decision to form an alliance with a small political party during the first round campaign. nothing of interest there.

Get Assange on the phone!

I'm checking these digits now.

This is important.
It is not uncommon, but Macron's supporters being (((what they are))), events like this one must be examined very closely. What's Mr. O's reply on this ? Did he have a discussion with someone else ?

But isn't it important that these illegal payments were ordered ? That the senders were fucking shitskins from sandniggerland ?

checked and checked. Looks like some chain mail between cuckservatives MPs.
Bernard Kouchner (aka Docteur K) is a really big fish. This email doesn't prove anything but he's a pro-pedophile pro-migrant kike who got involved in some foggy shit in Africa. A high-profile ovendodger but I doubt we have the time to take care of him right now.

Amount of French flags on these torrents is beautiful

Tell them that you personally did it
And then ask them if they think you're Russian

Reminder that this cocksucker had a hand in the organ-stealing operation in kosovo. google "yellow house kosovo"

I found a bunch of english language stuff in the MACRON201705 torrent under gemplus.rar in the board section


I fucking hope you win user.



They were ordered by the donors, user. The bank with the campaign account flags them as illegal to the campaign co-ordinator and reminds her of the law. You can send money to macron too, if you wish. Send 7501 euros to En Marche as a campaign contribution: it will be refused.
It's a Holla Forums tier diatribe taking the piss out of Holland and various other socialist ministers for having all fucked the same few women. Kouchner is the founder of Medécins sans Frontières.

Freaking frogspeak, where is globalism when you need it.

And I thought betting $50 was a bit much. You're a mad man user, but you deserve those winnings for your faith.


Thing is, there's nothing in the cache which is in the least bit damaging to Macron and if there were, it cannot be discussed in the media between now and sunday. The fewer french electors who actually make the effort to read it, the better for whoever seeks to undermine french democracy. Too little, too late and with an obvious misunderstanding of how french politics works. Typical Holla Forums, quoi.

Do the impossible,
See the incredible,
Fight the power.

The mail was sent to Cédric O, it's not a "her".
Well, the fact that those "donors" are fucking saudi companies doesn't smell fishy at all, should not be spread to French people, and should not be linked with any other conversation/document either.
Are you retarded, or a retarded shill ?

We're so lucky to have someone who has been so fiercely involved with defeating Macron for months that he takes the time to come here to say that we're useless.
You're definitely our greatest ally.

Dunno if this was discussed. But a news blog went vigorously on the defensive, calling the leaks "a poorly made photoshop" and fake. It's in French so have fun of trying to translate it.

Basically it says
I don't have Illustrator so I can't confirm. Dunno, for example, if the layer isn't automatically created by text recognition.
Anyway, we're past this shit now. We're on the email leaks.

That's the 4chan doc purporting to prove macron has an offshore sheckle stash. It's so obviously fake only Holla Forums hasn't dismissed it. Open it in adobe illustrator (pic related) and you can see the pasta. Also, that's not even nearly his signature.

The fact that you kikes are panicking this hard says otherwise.

Well you are so few, so weak and so ineffective. You need help. Sorry if the reality of things on the old continent has escaped you. Ciao, pantin.

French is a weird way to spell Jewish politics, user.

Personne ne t'a rien demandé, et tu débarques ici pour chialer à la défaite en prétextant nous aider. Pue-la-pisse de youpin pédéraste, tu n'échapperas pas à la corde.

I found a
large mp3 file in the Cryptomonnaies folder.

Anyone care to take a listen and see if its anything more than just some stupid podcast or something?

There's no panic where I'm sitting, comfortably in the sun with an expresso. The harder you try to pervert the electoral process, the more likely France will turn out en masse to reject LePen. It's accepted wisdom over here that the burgers were rused into electing an idiot and the overwhelmingly left-wing french are unlikely to make the same mistake.
Un café, monsieur?

So far we have drugs

Rigged elections by the INTERIOR MINISTER.

Someone in T_D found a link between deep state funds and Macron?

Rothschilds and MAcron??

Someone to a fucking summary so the people that are just waking up in Europe can catch on.

This is your face on Globalism.

What is the most recently dated email/file?

few weeks ago or even sooner

You are actually going to go in the oven this time Schlomo. You do realize the gravity of your situation, right?

This is a conversation between **I guess* Pierre Person (the email account owner) and some degenerate called "Steph" (Stéphane I guess). I'm listening to these faggots right now.

I saw 27th of April. Were there any more recent?

This Pieree Person guys entire iPhone photos were dumped too, very faggot looking person for sure. Very doxxable

I didn't see any no, even though one folder is called 052017

Vous avez besoin d'aide, pauvres cons. C'est une mission civilizatrice et charitable que je mène. L'euthanasie serait evidement mieux, mais les chambres a gaz n'ont jamais existées, amirite?

Retourne au bled avant qu'il ne soit trop tard, Mehdi.

I'm thinking that this is eerily similar to the US situation, and Macron was very quick to come out and legitimize this info by talking about a hack.
Is there a Seth Rich figure in this situation we could be missing?

Screencapped, you better be ready for what's coming to you, either in win or loss.

DocFetcher is a pretty useful program for this too. It's pretty fast as well because you first create an index with all the files. See the picture attached for the supported searchable document types.

Ok I found some loose link between Macron's campaign and CGI (not clinton global, the other one)

6 minutes in.
The two faggots are poker players.
Pierre Person is a well-known online poker player.
His pseudo is "Suxxortime".
He participates in podcasts (
He seems to have lost some money in the "Europoker" scandal (apparently the players' insurance did not cover rakeback nor bonuses, don't ask me I'm not a jewker player).
He whines about the online poker industry bleeding cash and users, so he's looking for a job and wants to earn experience in company management and development to create his own.

If the French will not curtail the decay of their race then they will loose their land. Which one day will be reconquered by whites from a line who remember what they are.

The Franks only took the land from the Gauls because of the weakness which came from urbanization.


Nice thanks for the translation. So he is a degenerate gambler

At 8:54 the "Stephane" guy admits he's a fucking tax evader.
He lives in Spain but he declares his revenues in Belgium.
I can't fucking find who Stéphane is.

Then they're talking about cryptocurrencies.

There is no such thing as the french race, unless you mean the tour de france. French is a nationality and people of many races have it, either by birth, or immigration or sometimes blood spilt.

Nice tricks there, schlomo.

This guy is a shitskin, don't bother and filter.


I think I remember seeing that name in the documents somewhere.. I will look again and update if I find anything.


Nationality stems from natal, which means 'by birth', a nation is a genetically related group of people.

FUN FACTZ: The average IQ of Africa is 70. IQ and a country's GDP are directly correlated. Importing blacks therefore drops your country's IQ and therefore its GDP, which means your own personal life gets harder. Retard.

Found 3 Trump related emails, maybe nothing , but I can't read them so i'm not sure

Got an email here from some Rodriguez guy who runs

Might be the same guy from the email address, dunno
That site did an interview with one of the people in the leak, Quentin Lafay
Corinne Erhel, who died of a cardiac malaise during a meeting near Guingamp (Côtes-d'Armor) last night, was a Socialist deputy in the riding of Lannion-Paimpol since 2007. She had discovered politics in 1997, Of the deputy-mayor of Lannion Alain Gouriou of which she was the parliamentary attaché.
Corinne Erhel died Friday night, brutally, during a meeting in support of Emmanuel Macron, the candidate En Marche! In the presidential election. She was speaking in front of 300 people, in Plouisy near Guingamp, when she fell suddenly, struck by a cardiac malaise .
Social Democrat of the Lannion-Paimpol constituency since 2007, the Quimperoise of origin has approached Emmanuel Macron in 2015. The candidate of En Marche! Was then Minister of the Economy. He had worried about the proposed acquisition of Alcatel-Lucent by Nokia and had even made a trip to Trégor to address this issue, and the record of shell sand extraction in the bay.
In her constituency, Corinne Erhel was also very much appreciated by socialist militants who, last December, had invested 82% of them to run for a third term, even if she had stood under the banner of Emmanuel Macron .
MP Corinne Erhel excluded from PS for joining Macron.
One witness reported: "She was speaking normally when she suddenly collapsed. It's a drama. " In total, 300 people attended this last political meeting before the second round. A general practitioner and a nurse, present, were able to provide first aid to Corinne Erhel. Immediately, the room was evacuated.

cia kill? leaker?


The 200,000 figure comes up a lot in the emails

The cedric.o emails look the most promising

possible spirit cooking reference found

Need korean user to tell us wtf is going on here, someone post this on cuckchan if you can it won't let me post there

You mean right?

probably get global banned for doxing. fucking faggot antifa mods over there.

Yea fuck em
I'm just trying to figure out why this french guy uploaded a korean document to the en marche email account with a reference to a spiritual chef

it kinda looks like a football playbook. like a plan of where people are supposed to be for a meeting ceremony or some shit. asians are very big on formal ceremonies you know.


There might be something to that, I see the word 'moi' on there now that you brought that up.
After everything we learned about SK government I have the idea that this could lead somewhere, who knows.

Just in:
Team of Hollande helped Macorn build his fucking campaign.

Spread this, this is confirmation that Hollande = Macron.

tweet out:

Confirmation! Hollande = Macron ..
Regardez-le vous-même! Ils s'entendent! Faites attention à qui vous votez!! #MacronLeaks #EnMarche

I can't download picture, so someone do it:

https:/ /

now there's a name I havent heard in a while.[/spoiler]

Where's the email you found that at?

Sentiment in Paris is basically I don't care "lalala" Macron is best, Le Pen is facist.

Even if Le Pen loses, the goal here is not france.


Many people are waking up, and these MacronLeaks will have a MASSIVE impact. KEEP ON FIGHTING.



put these two together and get it out there. this is worse to french people than his tax evasion, corporate interests controlling him, jews controlling him, shit he could be a rapist, but him continuing hollandes politics is a huge issue for the french people.


How can Parisians unironically vote for "living with terrorism" with all the gypsy nigger refugees camping ON EVERY FUCKING STREET?

LOL there are already french petitions up calling for the cancellation of the vote on sunday because of the leaks, they want time to review. don't think it's going to happen but it means that the shills saying french people don't care or that it's fake or whatever are wrong. the message is out. regardless of the media and politician silence rules it's out and the french people now have the power to use this information as they want to. of course there are the idiots that will not look at any of it themselves and simply say no to anything other than their opinion but that can't be helped.

Big cities are always filled with the most progressive types. On top of that Paris is divided into arronidssements, and a lot of them contain none of those refugee camps. The refugees are mostly quarantained in a few of them.

wait a sec, that's a fillon plan, not hollande

address bar, nigger

address bar, nigger

I have many smart friends here that will never vote for Le Pen. BEcause what she is associated with.
THe mind control they are under is huge. Many do drugs (even though they are very productive people), and lead degenerative lives. Therefore, when they are presented with the degenerate shit they are voting for, it actually coincides with the preferences they have. In short, to break with the bubble they live in, you have to break the conditioning they are under, you have to show them they are degenerate fools, you have to show them that all the shit they do is wrong, and that voting for Le Pen is not voting for facisim but a better future for france. However, for them, degeneracy = better future. A future of Light = worse future. And so on.
I'll explain more and in a better constructed way tomorrow, during the election when this cools down, but for now, this discussion should be aplaced for tomorrow. For now we have to continue digging and meming.

Deus Vult

you fucking led me wrong frenchie. thats a fillon thing not hollande. not going over well with the frogs on twitter.


Good luck user

well I called a reporter a retard for saying jack posobiec started it and twitter decided I'm too abusive to be on twitter. I'm shadow banned for 12 hours.

twitter is fucking garbage and someone needs to melt their snowflake servers.

wow it's retroactive too. nothing i posted this whole time is visible to anyone but followers.

I need help redpilling normalfags

I need small doses of redpill paragraphs in brief sentences describing in general the issues with Macron and how LePen is a better vote.

Nice try.

>Image 3: Page of scanned PDF of magazine selected at random with text moved around in Illustrator because it recognised each line as a separate editable object

I don't use Illustrator very often and usually use InDesign for laying out documents, hopefully a wild designfag can comment on whether recognising text in PDFs as an editable object is a feature of the program.

It's basically nothing damaging. It's analysis of Trump's political strategy and theorizing about how his future actions will affect France.

direct translation would be something like spiritual leader. I can't read the nip so without context I can't say what this is other than a list of associated people, one of whom is the spiritual leader.

Cedric.o was in the hollande team, he is also a friend of Pierre Moscovici, as he followed and aided during Hollande's campaign. Right now he works in Snecma (Safran Aircraft Company), but also help macaron as the treasurer (not sure if this the correct word).
https: //fr.linkedin. com/in/cedric-o-895aa23 qui-sont-les-trente-proches-d-emmanuel-macron-qui-comptent-au-sein-d-en-marche_5121041_4355770.html#cedric_o

Pierre Moscovici was in the hollande team too. All I can find right now is that Laurent Max, a wine merchant, apparently gifted him two 13.000€ suit, and that he took some money from the com budget of Bercy to launch his book.

I see 12/01 and 17/01 in this. The 12/01, Laurence Haïm (One of two french journalist who was allowed near Obama) joined macaron as his spoke-person and Jean Pisani-Ferry joined as an helper.
Nothing appear for the 17/01, can't download the leaks as I'm not on my computer, does something of note appear on these dates ?

Also: I swear I saw a leaked mail mentioning the creation of building to better the training of Imam. Imam are considered religious leader for shitskin; if this is true, we could push the "think of the children" approach, considering they could brainwash the youth.

No idea if this help, can't dig much further than this right now.

maybe some OCR software has split the text into a new layer. Is the text highlightable in pdf form?

This was the excuse used when Obama's birth certificate was found to have layers, the effect looks similar.
Anyone know the name of the scanning software that does this?

the other possibility is that an original posted flat pdf has been split into layers by a disinfo agency so it is easy to discredit.

Just show them the most recent PJW video. Its pretty concise.

Yea cedric seems like the treasurer/accountant , I think that's why all his emails contain receipts, checks, money statements, etc.

And yes there was an imam training type document

The dates are interesting I did not see those i'll see what I can dig up too


France is pozzed as fuck. I'd go so far as to say this election is make or break. If Macron gets in, France will be gone before the next election in 2025.

Why not get Trump to tweet about Marcron?

That's political suicide, he already mentioned that there are elections going on in France and that they are 'interesting'. Any more than that and he would open himself up to attack.

He could bring up how the Media deliberately caused the race riots to up the ante.


As you can see we all are speaking English here. that means a majority of us dont have a clue about French Media or Journalists. We need to know a way of getting info to the French electorate. Its all well and good we dig for info but what will it matter if the French do not hear about it? We have to acknowledge this potential communication breakdown and somehow bridge the divide. What famous French persons/News Organisations can shout about this?

Also the Twitter army need to be spamming the shit out of Macron and Le Pen account right now about these leaks.

Trump tweeting about Macron wouldn't exactly do anything other than potential harm as it would give ammo to the Russian puppet meddling in foreign affairs narrative. I'm certain that he'll tweet about the seemingly inevitable riots after the election is over.

The #macronleaks hashtag has been getting loads of action the past day, trending in France and worldwide, there's been plenty of frogposters there. I can't speak french but posting our memes with google translated phrases like "the truth does not fear investigation" seemed to have gotten a fair amount of traction, including native french speakers.
Our opposition has resorted to spamming the muh Russia narrative so by the looks of things we're winning the battle for hearts and minds.

It can be highlighted in the raw PDF. No idea what that means.


Hello, call me a shill if you want but i think this is just a psy op .

Goals who are currently achieved or have chances to be met :
- divert us from the Tax evasion proofs
- burrying "Bayrougate" ( Macron famous supporter who used fake workers in the french parliement ).
- Shit-storming Lepen in the last two days, with Russian hackers ties.
- Make Le Pen more like trump ( who is called a fascist too here ) who won because of Russians.
- Getting rid of some En Marche employees ( to replace them later.)
- Reveal that Spies from other parties are working for Macron since the begining in order to accelerate the exolosion of those parties in the benefit of En Marche

But, there are strange things :

-It means that mails owners just gave their password, regrouped everything and post all the shit on's really easy to do during a 1 hour meeting.

-They knew from the start that mails are unsecure, because of the DNCleaks

I think only the tax evasion and maybe Bayrou scandal can have enough impact to make Le Pen win.

Saw a Tweet that 4chan is now being blocked in France.

Holy fuckin shit he's a bad politician

Didn't expect to be reading this in the leaks tbh user (seems to be an article quote about someone's resume)…

CIA Connection

That includes Mandl's work on the board of trustees of In-Q-
Tel, a venture-capital fund backed by the U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency, he said. In-Q-Tel aims to deliver new information
technology to the intelligence community and handles only
unclassified information."



So, it was Russia after all. Kek.

Source for gdp iq regression?

It's all coming together, getting on Kremlin's payroll has been the best thing I've ever done!

victory for the motherland, tovarisch

It depends. Back when DNC tried to get their narrative straight they released some metadata. Some of it had cyrillic letters as well. But the most important thing found was a lot of logs showing that the meta-data had been tamperred with from US IPs in the time between the leaks and the release of the data.

Tl;Dr. Not conclusive. It could be planted.

It would take a tech-wizrd to determine. My bet is its 50/50. With Macron being who he is, its very possible that he is being dicked from Paris and Moscow at the same time.

Maybe blur out the ip's in these caps? No need to dox people who are helping us spread the good word.

How stupid are you? If your puppeteers in Moscow wished the french public to examine this cache before voting, they would have released it a week ago. Whoever leaked it knew the press and candidates would be legally prevented from discussing it. The purpose of the leak is to damage Macron's image with innuendo: the contents will be revealed as chaff or fake in due course, but not before the election is over. You may not understand french, France or french politics, but the kremlin does.

Maybe, what i call a potential psy op was just planned from the start.

pro tip :Put russians Meta datas in your documents, then you can easily claim it's fake later.

We need to focus on wikilieaks tweets about tax evasion aka #Macrongate using #macronleaks who is trending maybe.

I've never seen such an absolute madman in people like us. Good luck you crazy tard.


image and link in the tweet

You are making a lot of assumptions, its not very smart.

he sounds like a very effeminate, french, mr bean. also like a goddamn moron.




ah yes, no one could have possibly had access to one of these, like a bank, or anyone that knows where a fedex or kinkos is, or anyone working in any financial office building that plays with serious money, or an IC operative, or again anyone that knows where a fedex or kinkos is.

interesting, I think that probably just means it's been OCRd then.

Is there a way for Americans to bet on the vote? Every site I've gone to is anti-burger.


The fuck does that printer cost over $100k for?

I put 2000€ on Le Pen.

Hope she wins, if not I have to kill myself because no money left :(

it doesn't it only costs that much if you have the whole fucking set that is literally meant to be a digital printing press for books and magazines and brochures and shit. I still maintain that it sounds exactly like some shit a bank would have… or any fedex location, of which there are two in st kitts/nevis

perhaps someone should call the fedex locations on the island and see if they have those printers. I bet they do

Figure it out. If something is wildly expensive there's some money laundering going on.

How to import the bulk of the messages to Thunderbird or similar to browse the mail comfy?

>2. Download
That's how I did it.

sounds like some shit a bank dealing in illegal bank accounts created solely for the purposes of tax evasion might know something about. maybe a bank on an island that is known to launder money for columbian and arabic businessmen with absolutely no reputation problems at all…

(dedicated thread)

Working, pretty slow tho

I've been saying for years that Florida was the Open Beta for Australia.

t. Orlando

sorry for your loss, user

um guys… apparently the kikes have banned the spread of macron documents


We already knew this, this is not a new ruling.

Literally overheard asian coworkers saying she'll never go back to Paris because it was dirty, overpriced, unsafe and full of migrants. Your country has become third world tier shit.

SPREAD THIS. Whether or not you understand french, video is self explanatory after 30s

Paris is not France, user. It's still a wonderful country that deserves to be saved.
Glass Paris at will tho
And Marseille too

Good luck to them.

Gas the kikes. Europe is for the white race and always will be. Even if Le Pen loses, globalists and mudslimes will never succeed. The white race will rise up again and again. Our wrath will be 100x worse than history has ever seen before.


That doesn't prove anything retard

if metadata is correct, someone figured the MAC adress and model of the devices used to scan the documents

check pic

sry if cropped up here already, but looks like something


They method they went about determining this information would only lead to the person who scanned the document. Not if they are real or not.

fake but cuckchan does have ancient blocklists that make nearly impossible to post there from some places

as the article in pic

mentions, the question "who made the scans at what location" still might be interesting.

Macron needs to put on a pompadour wig and be done with it. He's not even pretending to care about scenes like these. Let's hope the voters are not as clueless.

Could you spare the museums, pls? You know, L'Orsay and Le Louvre, also the Grande Palais and Le Jardin des Plantes? Perhaps a neutron bomb for Paris and a plain old nuke for Marseille, eh Dédé?

Holy only!

What's our retarded colony over at plebbit about to do anons?

Would this be happening if Le Pen had been hacked?

It has beautiful palces as
Points out.

Paris is just a shit hole. To be honest, most frenchies hate Parisians and even myself, I do hate it too. It's not the real french.

I suppose americans say the same with Jew York and Los Angeles. I heard Catalans hate Barcelona.

As a Frenchie, I'd take Paris of the Map. Lyon is much more beautiful. Even tho, there is no major city in France anymore without any mudskins.

Nope. Hollande would simply sit back and look forward to the results.

If Le Pen had been hacked, all the foreign media and part of the French MSM would be on it (regardless of the laws). They'd be talking about how great it is, showing Wikileaks tweets on air and so on.

Isn't he breaking electoral silence?

You would think he would post on his own imageboard instead of here. Also, If the endchan shills that roam Holla Forums used their time to post on their own site it wouldn't be so dead to begin with

Apparently Russian intelligence services are smart enough to "hack" elections all over the world but too stupid to understand what metadata is.

Has anything major been uncovered in the emails yet?

Apparently you're talking out of your ass.

er, no. but it doesn't matter.

Again, drybones isn't the leaker and has no affiliation with any Holla Forums. He's probably more trustworthy than Jim, shame that endchan's user base is so cancerous. Framework

"The Marble source code also includes a deobfuscator to reverse CIA text obfuscation. Combined with the revealed obfuscation techniques, a pattern or signature emerges which can assist forensic investigators attribute previous hacking attacks and viruses to the CIA. Marble was in use at the CIA during 2016. It reached 1.0 in 2015."

It's funny, because now everytime someone says
wikileaks, that's 1/4 of a vote less for Macron.

All bilinguals should help out, colony or not, all fronts must be at the top of their game right now. If you can help a pleb out, go and help.

It wouldn't even go to Wikileaks anyway. The mainstream media would be happy to take and report leaks on Le Pen (and Trump during the election). People only go to Wikileaks to try to force the press's hand on reporting it.

That's what's so retarded about the "hurr Wikileaks never leaks against the Putin candidate" people.

Not what I meant. Wikileaks would tweet about it (making comments) just like they've done this time. Media would use the tweets if they find it convenient to do so.

Might need a new hashtag, Twitter deleted #MacronLeaks from trending in France

maybe it isn't trending in France?

Just spam anti-macaroni shit on #MacronPresident #Macron #JeVote

Why not?

The French can't tweet during the media ban, so it wont trend there.

Macron is a Hollande puppet.

now deploying anti black pill




She looks like a meth head

you somehow ended up with a censored version of the pic



Far more likely it's Macron PnPing with her son.

because it's better that the average voter doesn't read the cache or any information beyond the floating rumours of tax fraud and meth. there's a reason behind the leaks' timetable and it is to profit from the electoral cool-off period. right now, the average frog only knows that there's been a hack on macaron that it's forbidden to talk about it. your average frog is as stupid as your average american and sees this as a cover-up. check mate.
Until this shenanigan, macaron was seen by most as a shoe-in, which may have caused some mainstream voters to stay at home tomorrow on the grounds that their vote isn't needed. now, they may just turn out en masse to defeat LePen and the ruskie haxxors. there is also the rumor that right wing americans are behind it all and as the french hate americans almost as hard as they hate the brits, this could all so easily backfire.
you guys are so 2d. it's almost théatre de la lumière

It's not crystal meth, dumbass. You can legally buy 3-MMC online in the Netherlands.

Le Pen will win.

You can also buy LSD and other recreational drugs there.
You can consume there legally too.
But when you bring them to other countries, it's illegal.
And when you consume them in other countries, it's extra illegal.

the blurred part hides a fake ip and a fake gps location. the doc contains no payment details. probably a methhead who shopped his own transaction and added a generic ip and gps data.


And now hear the roar
That none can ignore
The thunderous clatter of splintering wood
And lives that are claimed
And none who have witnessed all
Can speak of a nobler cause
Than perishing in the

Le Pen cil rain!


Just over 12 hours until mainland France votes.
This is the last push anons.

You fucking imbicile. They will try to spin it of just as you said, because they have no other choice and you are jsut band wagoning it insted of using it agains't them. No one can go agains't Truth.
THey are in panic mode and you call everyone here that is fucking trying to elect le Pen 2d. Bravo you fucking faggot. Go back to Jerusalem and suck some baby jew dicks like scholomo did to yours when you were born you useless fucking goat semen drinker.

The rationale behind it is, that they couldn't really leak it because it would of been to obvious and they could of spun it just as you said. But having done it 24h before allows them to actually believe that the leak has no effect and therefore you can look at it as a normal thing. However, when you look at the facts that Macron is actually a globalist stool, even when in your mind you think,24h, nothing gonna change, in your soul, something ahs already changed. That is the intended effect, that your subconcious changes even tho it is too late for the concious part of the brain to change.

Now that you know, go with your little chess meme back to the fucking reddit cave or to the mountain of Zion. This area is for people actually conributing, not a defeatest faggot like you.

remember, when we fought for the new tomorrow, you were talking about a meme.

Anons, it's having an effect keep the fight!

Here's some really nice pussy '

Here's some really nice pussy /

So Wikileaks is shit posting and driving (((journolists))) fucknig nutz


watch out anons, (((they're))) threatening you for just talking about the leaks

I hope you win user.

They can't stop anons outside France.

Frogs translate + Burgers post = Le Pen Win




I would suggest to our French brethren that aren't anonymous on social media to quote how they're not just going after media but users, and why they would do that if it's not true and there's massive establishment collusion. If it was fake they wouldn't prosecute. Babbies first redpill


plz translate

Pretty neutral imo

oh didn't see that one coming.. oh wait


if you read this you must bake new bread

I'm allergic to wheat and gluten.

Shit user, maybe the idea of publishing it within 48 hours, when the french law is in effect is the ultimate 432D underwater checkers?
French media can't play their propaganda or can't do any damage control, but the people can talk and spread the leaks.

Not necessarily. If the source(s) took a photo and sent that without reply, they may have decided to get scans afterwards, which these are.

French media blackout is good. It makes their cover up and bias blatant, and shows they are not transparent or fair. The French froggies will smell the Macaroni going bad from a distance.
The prophecy is being fulfilled.

My thoughts exactly. Force them to show their bias.

If you get caught, maybe follow this guy:

Possible Reply:
Clinton DNC investigated itself after refusing FBI and decided it was the Russians. No evidence shown yet. Only claims.

Blackout is not abnormal, it happens every election and is scheduled. The only thing that whining about it does is make you sound like an idiot who knows nothing of the French electoral process.

Hail Chronos

It is a good thing we are only writing about what the angel on our shoulder saw and said and not something we did user.
Do they send invisible angels to jail?

Don't tell me rabbi, tell Liberation:

0.02¢ has been added to your account.

Yeah, Liberation should be punished.

In 1999, the CIA created its own venture capital investment firm, In-Q-Tel, to fund promising start-ups that might create technologies useful for intelligence agencies. But the inspiration for In-Q-Tel came earlier, when the Pentagon set up its own private sector outfit.

Known as the ‘Highlands Forum,’ this private network has operated as a bridge between the Pentagon and powerful American elites outside the military since the mid-1990s. Despite changes in civilian administrations, the network around the Highlands Forum has become increasingly successful in dominating US defense policy.

Giant defense contractors like Booz Allen Hamilton and Science Applications International Corporation are sometimes referred to as the ‘shadow intelligence community’ due to the revolving doors between them and government, and their capacity to simultaneously influence and profit from defense policy. But while these contractors compete for power and money, they also collaborate where it counts. The Highlands Forum has for 20 years provided an off the record space for some of the most prominent members of the shadow intelligence community to convene with senior US government officials, alongside other leaders in relevant industries……In 1994 — the same year the Highlands Forum was founded under the stewardship of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the ONA, and DARPA — two young PhD students at Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, made their breakthrough on the first automated web crawling and page ranking application. That application remains the core component of what eventually became Google’s search service. Brin and Page had performed their work with funding from the Digital Library Initiative (DLI), a multi-agency programme of the National Science Foundation (NSF), NASA and DARPA.

But that’s just one side of the story.

Throughout the development of the search engine, Sergey Brin reported regularly and directly to two people who were not Stanford faculty at all: Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham and Dr. Rick Steinheiser. Both were representatives of a sensitive US intelligence community research programme on information security and

Last post.

new baguette please

I don't see how a list of names, their titles, and addresses would lead to the conclusion that this is an analysis of Trump's actions.
