Bleeding internally, 'screaming in pain,' Brampton woman spent 5 days in hospital hallway


For any of you Canucks, when you see someone praise our shitty healthcare system, link them this

Other urls found in this thread:–Howe_generational_theory&oldid=779136453#Timing_of_generations_and_turnings



This is what you get with "free" healthcare.

they were

Just socialism in action. Nothing to see here

made me chuckle

This is why normal faggots boners for healthcare pisses me off so much. They don't fucking process that Medical professionals and their equipment are limited resources.

If my hospital meets it's quota, they refer all new incoming patients to another hospital. Any patient that appears to be a emergency gets bumped up the waiting list to the top and gets immediate treatment.

She had previous surgery done, they should have done a emergency ultrasound to check for internal bleeds and if it didn't show anything they should have done a exploratory surgery to just look inside her belly.

Never mind, this hospital is run by idiots, probably third world scum doctors.

But those nice immigrants will pay for everything, right Boomer? They will do the jobs that Canadians wont, right Boomer? Just throw more tax payer money at the problem and it will fix itself, right Boomers?

I am glad reality hurts.

what did they think was going to happen?

the funniest part is that said immigrants are most likely doing jobs most people won't such as staffing the whole damn hospital

5 days? Jesus Christ that is fucked. I knew our healthcare was fucked up when I had to wait 5 hours with a ruptured appendix just to get into a second waiting room. 5 days and I'd have probably been dead though. At least I would have died for free though, right? Thank fuck I don't live in an overcrowded shithole like a big city in Ontario.


The admin is a fucking street shitter so what do you expect?

I envy you for not knowing such horrors

Well there's your problem.

Well I live in a >90% white province so I don't. I know it's common for shitskins who went to university to become doctors, but rapefugees?

India and Chinkland shit out degree mills to no end, and universities everywhere love giving extra academic points to shitskins to make them look good.

Damn that's pretty gay. I could see some faggy university virtue signalling how they have accepted x amount of refugees, which would attract SJWs to enroll there.

Fun Fact: Brampton is mostly shitskins of assorted varieties.

Bunping for awareness of this shitty health system, and general Canuck situational awareness.

Kek. I once had a pajeet get hired here (I'm a techfag) and was given to me for shadowing. Bitch had a masters degree in Information Technology… from India. She couldn't even follow basic windows/network troubleshooting steps. BHTFO in a day. She didn't return for day two.

Does anyone have that india banter cap?

The situation with Indian degrees is honestly insane.

Even people in India don't respect those degrees. Guy I knew from there told me that they generally consider it more worthwhile to try and go to the technical schools in Thailand, so that's something to look for when assessing someone's credentials (at least if they're programmers).

With China, a major issue is just cheating. It wasn't long ago that there was a major fuss over measures being taken to prevent students from cheating. The parents were wanting to storm the gates of the school because they felt their kids were being deprived due to not being able to cheat like the kids in other schools could. This means that Chinese students probably keep up this tradition of cheating all the way through college and consequently learn very little.

So the only time I'd trust one of these people is if it's something like a doctor needing to prescribe some medicine that I can reasonably assume is appropriate for my needs. Like diet pills because I feel overweight.

Brampton is a shithole that is


That's how waiting lists work. If it were just a matter of delay then the amount of waiting would increase forever because they would always be more behind every day.
The amount of waiting eventually stabilizes because people either give up waiting, or their condition changes into a more manageable one because of the wait. Stuffing people into body bags is far less resource intensive than actually treating them.

Canada is a third world country that doesn't know it yet. They had a chance to have manufacturing and tech and they completely fucking blew it.


Brampton is still even 35%ish white? My aunt lived there for years and finally moved away about a decade ago. Even back then it was called "Bramladesh". Basically the only white people there were the teens playing for the Brampton Battalion before they moved the team up to North Bay lol.

Fortunately for me there's a hospital where there will never be more than two people waiting, from where I have two stories

Well no shock.
It's a suburb of toronto so it's going to be constantly overflowing with patients like literally every urban hospital.

There's never sufficient medical capacity to cover an urban area.
Because its never covered in urban planning, they spend more time thinking about the fucking sewerage than they do healthcare

If only you knew how bad things really were.

But on a serious note. Healthcare provision is ultimately a matter that should be regarded as part of national infrastructure.
Rather than trusting the Jews to provide via the market we must militarise healthcare. Put it on par with defence in how we treat it.

So it'd piss even more money than it does now?

Well end of the day the current approach is not working.
And if it's all private and jew owned, we'll be spending most of what we spend on healthcare on providing profit to said jews.

And run it properly rather than allow it to be run by private industry like the military in the western world.

It's even worse than you know. They will work in decent numbers (for brown people) but only because they get full automatic welfare and housing. They then pocket the salary and a hook nose charity accountant makes sure they don't lose gibs for their wage increase. They sow s said salary on boomers and booze.

And while it's true many whites won't do things like be janitors or drive cabs, many would love to and do every day. But because there are so many browns working for minimum because of welfare bonus, many whites are squeezed out. In jobs where benefits are more important, whites are flat denied because browns fill diversity quotas.

And the shit of it is, whites would be cheaper. A white man can do the job of two to three black women in the typical janitor/nurse aid position. And with insurance and benefits cost, giving him a 60 percent raise is still cheaper because he is only one man, one benefits payment. But lol quotas, and lol blue voters on the backend of that.

The elite suffer no such pain. There is always a local Jewish hospital with immaculate facilities that takes goys for cash.

shit doesnt happen in alberta

I don't think that's really a problem with the Canadian healthcare system, rather it's a problem with Brampton which is inhabited mainly by pooinloos. That's what mass immigration does.

Its already controlled by the government matey, its supreme shit
t. resident of city denied new hospital because they needed the funds to build one for rapefugees

sounds like they were trying to kill her tbh, I wonder what the demographics of the people surrounding her were (especially the nurses and doctors) and if her mind has changed about the world at all.

You just said it, private and public are both jew target practice. What's needed is open dialogue on emerging health practices. A public caught up to date on health is going to press politicians for openijgnup treatments that work, and will avoid the snake oil. Now when you factor in cost of care (Medicare and medicaid together the largest part of budget for dc by far), you see why alternative doctors who practice diet based anti-pharma medicine have been dropping like flies.
(Mercola source but you can google to research names for yourself).

Millenials deserve the gas chamber.

If you sell your children to jews you are worse than a jew

Older generations were fooled just like we wall were before we discovered the truth. Millenial faggots that spout out impotent rage about MUH OLD PEOPLE would have you cut off the tail of the beast, that it would grow back, instead of cutting off the head of the beast that the body would die.

There is no worker shortage; only a pay shortage. Boomers reap what they sow.

It's like Surrey Memorial Hospital, overrun with niggers, pajeets and other worthless creatures that pretend to be doctors, avoid at all costs, the deathrate and malpractice is fuck huge there and is covered up.

Hell, the mental health ER main psych is a sex starved jewess that grabs folks out of the regular ER to ask questions like Have you ever fucked your mother? or how many times do you masturbate a day even to the dying people. Like me, dying of strep throat caused dehydration, if I hadn't gone to walmart and got an actual doctor that actually examined me I'd be dead now.

Peace Arch hospital has the fastest and best care!

Meguca is suffering


Also, us burgers appear to not be much better than the leafs. Pic related.

Who could have possibly seen this coming? :^)

Ontario isn't Canada, it's a poorly run refugee camp. The hospitals in my town are excellent.

It can't be helped :^) We old people aren't sentient beings and have no agency.

Somewhere along the way the population made the choice between "None is too many" and "Israel is our greatest ally"

They don't call us Browntown for nothing.

Maybe not much better, but it works at btfo stupid faggot high schoolers/retards who would always tout how great Canada is with its free healthcare and all that.


Degrees from India and chill and are no good in Canada and you need to get a new degree from a Canadian Uni to be certified. is full of goons and butthurt faggots. Complete cancer.

Not entirely true. A medical degree from another country + a year of residency lets you skip over the harder exams, leaving only the ones that amount to English proficiency exams. The only people punished via this system are those from North America since many are not aware of this system or are pressured into going elsewhere thanks to this system. The canadian health system really favors people from outside of NA and even outside of Europe.

Maybe if that stupid cunt had screamed "allah ackbar" she would have been treated like a real human bean.

Guaranteed not a doctor from Canada, the U.S. or Western Europe. Guaranteed.

Where did this shitty meme start?
I've been seeing it everywhere, it's a fucking awful template.





I still don't know what happened.

Government run healthcare is shit regardless of which country you are in.

t. guy who lives in a country with both private and public healthcare systems

From the headline I thought this was the UK again.

Glad to see other countries have it as bad as we do.

So Holla Forums, if universal healthcare sucks and so does muh HMOs/private system in the US… which healthcare system is supposed to be good?

Because even with it's imperfections universal healthcare seems much better.

It is. Health care is pretty much the only issue that I agree with the libshits on. Being cared for when ill should be a basic human right. I haven't had health insurance since I was 25 and it fucking sucks. My teeth hurt constantly and there's nothing I can do about it. My health care plan is basically this: Is this illness going to kill me? If "no" ignore and hope for the best, If "yes" go to the emergency room and skip out on the bill. It's fucking rediculous. There's shit hole nigger countries in Africa that have decent free healthcare.

Let me rebate that a bit.
Universal Healthcare sucks in the US. the reason is insurance companies.
It's a middle man that has to make a buck. And when they go unregulated for too long, they make more than a buck.
Insurance companies are a tumor on society.
Centuries ago, you had the "Prestamiste" figure in Europe. Usually a Jew that lended money to people in times of need. Then they couldn't pay him back and he got their house/cow/small child. If you didn't have an hosue to mortage, you wouldn't get money. You'd just die.
Sounds familiar?

Now fastforward a few years of lobbying and laws protecting insurance companies.
There you go: modern US healthcare.

The idea behind Universal Medical care is that everyone contributes (throught taxes or other mecanism) to pay doctors.
These doctors ensure the workforce stays healthy and productive. It ensures the worforce generates income and this affects everyone. If you're an engineer working in a factory that makes cars, you WANT the reastaurant cook to be healthy and working so he can earn money and buy the car you helped make.
It really shouldn't be about "paying for other peoples shit". More about "paying to ensure we ALL are better off".

It seems a great idea in principle, and aligns with the idea of society: tons of people gather and work together to achieve something they couldn't alone.
Indeed, most leftists regard Universal Healthcare as the pinacle of society.

What they forget to mention is the major flaw in this system:
What happens if a few million people use the system for it's benefit but don't contribute?
People who don't work, don't pay taxes. Or don't buy the products generated by the healthy people that work and just steal shit everyday?
What happens with immigrants/illegals?

See, Universal Healthcare sorta works. And it usually has enough leniancy to help *some* people that don't/can't work like the elderly and the one's with chronic diseases.
But there's a stretching limit. There's a maximum ammount of people you can treat before the system ruptures.
Usual signs it's rupturing is:

Here's a spoiler: Europe had a working Universal Healthcare in 90% of it's members. Keyword being "HAD". With the recent refugee crisis, we don't anymore. We have hospitals packed with people. The normal users and the "new" one's.
I'm amazed to see that Canada reached that point faster than us though. Trudou really works miracles.

You've just described most of the western world tbh.

Oh by the way, despite this post, I am in favour of Universal Healthcare. Like said, it should be a basic human right.
But every human gets rights by also obeying their duties.
That means upholding the law and working.

If you have a system that accepts both workers AND leeches, it's gonna die and kill the leeches AND the workers. The leeches have to disappear.
I'm critical of the refugee crisis because I don't see people giving them jobs. I see them giving free shit away, houses, a wage (without working) and in some cases, house cleaning ladies (for them to molest).
They are condemning the refugees to poverty (same way US wellfare condemned niggers to eternal ghettos) but keep talking like they're doing a great humanitarian thing for the world.
It sickens me.

If she was a white woman in Brampton this may have in fact been the case. The city has 600k population and 60% or so are pajeets. Of the doctors it must be 90%.

Being a burger is great. My daughter was born in a top-notch hospital, surrounded by me and three highly-skilled professionals.

tl:dr sucks to be you poorfags whining about free healthcare

The number of short and fat black women with security guard positions around here is hilarious. They can barely walk, which is why people steal things from stores and just casually jog out the front door - the alarm goes off and the landwhales just yell "ey boy getcho ass back heah".

I think at least begrudgingly most people would admit that if you do actually have money, the US's healthcare is still the best in the world.

But I think you should still get private healthcare in case you get some catastrophic event, like a fucking open heart surgery.

Being a Canadian that actually needs healthcare, you guys can get right fucked, did you know our public healthcare system does a practice practitioners from the UK call "treatment rationing"? You are given treatment based entirely on your importance to Canada, and you will specifically be limited in the treatment you'll receive. Even now, when I make an appointment I can only make an appointment for "one" issue and if I have multiple problems I'm right fucked since I have to choose what i value more. On top of that they deliberately diagnose you with something that requires the least amount of effort to treat on their part first, only bumping it up after persistence on your end so if your a thin skinned manlet good fucking luck. And I'm better off then the majority because both sides of my family have nurses so I have an "in" to get priority.

Listen to me, and listen well all of the best care I've received in this country was dental and eye care and that is because I have to pay for that shit out of pocket myself. If that becomes "free" too, then fuck that I'm out I will get a useful trade and start job shadowing down south in the US.

That's actually a thing?
Because that's pretty much the last 10 years of Venezuela.
Or 50 years of China.
Or Russia 70 years ago.

user, you might just have Communism. Be careful with that shit, I hear it spreads faster than Ebola.

Joking aside, rationing (be it food, healthcare or electricity) happens for a reason: too much demand compared to the offer.
In Universal Healthcare, the offer is set by how much people pay into the system.
Theoretically, this is proportional to how much people need the system: the bigger the workforce, the bigger the healthcare need but the bigger the healthcare contribution too.

I can't believe Justin "if you treat your enemies, you win" Trudeu is still insisting on getting more refugees, even with a failling healthcare system.

Get rid of patents and let them open more medical schools and the price will be 1/10th or less. Doctors are already low quality assembly line memorization workers if Indians are flooding in.

We hate then because no matter how much they see their own children suffer they refuse to stop being selfish or change in the least. I know dozens of boomers that still try to act like teenagers, go on two vacations a year and only care if the stocks and housing market keeps going up. Brainless noggerball addicts.

Glyphosate overdose imo.

How about a system where people can pick what kind of doctors they want and only pay them if they do a good job. Doctor used to be a lower middle class job before they started doctors unions like the ama and big business and govt got involved. Don't let them fool you that it needs to make a ton of kikes rich.

It all depends on the average and median skin color of your population.

lol Christ, dude, that sucks. I hope you never larped anywhere on the Internet about having good healthcare.


I think when we were younger many of us shitposted about the 'free healthcare' meme before we grew up and realised that in life you always get what you pay for.


I knew pretty quick that our healthcare may be "free" but that doesn't mean it's good. Someone in the household had something lodged in their throat to the point that they couldn't swallow any liquids and they would just puke saliva back up, meaning dehydration could set in relatively quickly. They had to wait a pretty long time before even being seen at all, nevermind "treated", and this was not a busy place. The doctor "couldn't find anything wrong" despite the fact that they had been puking up spit and water for hours and just sent everyone home with no real treatment. Ended up having to try to fix it at home, their throat was fucked for a while after that. The healthcare thing is just a meme. Nice dubs, by the way.

Not just the patent, fuck getting rid of the stringent requirements would help out immensely. Most imaging machine are from the fucking 70s

Fucking THIS. A homogeneous, high trust society that doesn't import hundreds of thousands of leeches every year can easily bear the burden of providing for everyone's healthcare. I would be happy to pay more taxes if I knew that they would go to help out white people that are at least making a good-faith effort to contribute to society.

Ireland has been having this problem too. To top it off, I haven't met a single non pajeet doctor in all my visits to public hospitals.

For me what really fixed my perspective was when my mother had to use the system.

A 70 year old lady who had paid in to the system all her life was being fobbed off with less than the bare minimum standard of care because the budget had already been spent on immigrants who have awful self inflicted health problems like inbreeding.

It really makes you think twice about the morality of 'free' healthcare.

Thank you kind sir.
A bit of politeness is always welcomed.

t. Commissar Sanders

Yeah shit sucks hard, in high school I tore the meniscus in both my knees. Took 4.5 months to get an MRI on one knee (they wouldn't do both) for them to say they can't do anything for me. Meanwhile my joints were getting locked up in horrendously painful incidents and I couldn't stand up from sitting without collapsing to the ground. So ended my sports career on the year I was supposed to be going to nationals.

Fun fact about Canada: you legally cannot buy your own healthcare in it.
There are only three countries in the world where you cannot buy your own healthcare.
Cuba (I think) and North Korea are the other two.

Biggest issue is just needing more doctors by making medical schools accept and graduate more people.

When I go to a doctor just to get a prescription for something specific I know I have, I shouldn't need to pay several hundred dollars. It's part of why I'll go to a cheap clinic 30 minutes away from me that is run by a bunch of Mexicans, it's dirt cheap, but at least I can get basic things done there.

Most clinics could do the exact same thing yet choose not to do so when we could honestly use something like the equivalent of McDonald's for healthcare.

Is this true? Can any Canucks confirm?
Canada can't be like this, I knew it was bad but not full on Marxist.

Yes, it is illegal to have private healthcare in Canada.


Jewish star, why am i not ever suprised.


Fucking kek, I didn't even notice that.

Go learn the difference between Marxian Socialism and actual Socialism limited to the Nation State and it's own people.

Time to die.

Boomers are the ones who chose comforting jew lies over reality. Traitors are worse than enemies.

Speak for yourself, retard. As either the oldestfag of millineals or the newestfag of gen x, allow me to explain how I realized our entire system was a sham at 5 years old. You see, back then there were no cellphones, and most phones were connected to the wall with a cord. No call waiting. No internet. In the early 80's most people didn't even have answering machines let it ring 5 times then hang up. We didn't have cable, and at midnight they'd play the national anthem and then all the stations would go to a test signal until the next morning. When I wanted to look something up, I went to an encyclopedia. It wasn't all that different from the 60's, boomer scum.

But I could read. And I comprehended our nations founding documents. And I knew that the schools were run by the government. And I knew that the government didn't follow its own rules, and that it was illegitimate. It took some time for me to uncover the full truth, but by the time I was 15 I was already further down the redpill path than some people on Holla Forums are today, and by the time I was 20 I had completely decoded the kike money system and how it has corrupted our once-great race. I did that all not only by myself, but against the demands and propaganda and punishments I was given. I did that as a kindergartner with no internet, and as a 17 year old who was already living and working on his own.

Boomers weren't """"fooled"""", they were BRIBED. In one generation they wrecked every white nation on the planet to the point where our entire race might go extinct if we don't SERIOUSLY consider genociding those who are trying to do the same to us. They STILL hoard massive wealth, hold onto real estate so that the market doesn't normalize, go on multiple vacations a year and have the nerve to complain about younger generations:

Speak for yourself. I have always admired the Axis nations.
You and your entire line are subhuman.

Nucanadians and immigrants, not including refugees, must pay for healthcare out of pocket until they qualify. However, general doctors and hospitals are not allowed to charge their own prices unless they are in the fields of dental, vision, (((psychiatry))), sports injuries and other specialized fields.

Look at public education to know what public Healthcare would look like. I argue with my German boss about it all the time, maybe it's different in Deutschland maybe before the rapefugee crisis but whenever I hear about "free" Healthcare in other countries all I see are ridiculously long waiting lists. Tax paid or not you're still getting fucking jewed, but personally if I'm gonna get heebed I'd rather get immediate attention with somewhat quality and pay my 600 gorillion shekels rather than pay more taxes just to wait months or years just because I want to see a third world doc to get morphine to shove up my ass to cure my irritable bowel syndrome

Boomers are the willing pawns of the jews.

Basic triage says that you ignore the people screaming and making a fuss, and treat the silent ones first.
Bitch probably had a rectal tear from anal sex.

Bring him back.


The community is shit. The technology platform is interesting. I wouldn't have bothered btw except Holla Forums has developed it's own large problems.

I agree bang for buck is down. But yoy.ha e to go back to the scandinavian theory: anything works in a pure white society.

When your pay is dictated by the state and not business it's going to be undervalued. The US could use more nurses, and the pay is better than the UKs. Not sure about Canada, I've never looked.

There is worker shortage but only because brown family of eight has a low grade fever and they all go to emergency room and demand immediate treatment and berate the nurses.

This. Europe and Canada were doing great with it for over half a century before shitskins became significant minorities.

Underrated comment are you me?

Just die already.

Finally some fucking common sense reasoning. Mind you, boomers were also born in this system, but they didn't even fight it, they loved it due to the whole mindfuck of the 60s/70s hippies. They were conditioned to accept it just as future generations, meanwhile the system gradually got worse and worse. Children born today are born into indebted slavery.

What will happen if the boomers are gone?

Southern Ontario has been going to shit for a very long time now. It's simply just New Pakistan or New New Delhi now and it's getting worse. Fucking hell, last week when I was driving, this fucking ugly fat Iranian or Bosnian looking cunt in a white Ford Edge bolted out of a parking lot, trying to force her way in without me giving room and she kept waving and smiling saying "I'm going in right? You let me in?" And I was in a rush and I kept shaking my head saying "No! Don't!" Even when I moved closer she kept forcing her big fucking SUV onto the road then finally barged in and waved saying "oh you let me in, thanks!" When I never did. I flipped her off and kept honking the horn. Holy christ, she was worst than a fucking Chinese driver, acting like the world was revolving around her.

The roads are more crowded and unsafe with drivers like her and our roads are in need of repair. Instead of using money for infrastructure, Trudeau is giving away money to "refugees", because of "muh poor refugees."

As for the Healthcare system issues. I am not surprised one bit. There are not enough doctors and hospitals and too many fucking dumb Pajeets and Mudslimes taking up waiting room space, but still, no infrastructure and medical support investments. All of it goes to the "refugees". I remember in the early 90's as a child, I had a medical emergency. It took a few hours to do tests and then emergency surgery. Now, to get a simple EMG test, I have to wait nearly 3 weeks to get the damn test, because of bookings.

Our healthcare system is falling apart, thanks to bringing in too many people who don't contribute anything to Canada, except "muh diversity". Even worse, my fucking communist loving mom was like "Oh in Canada we force everyone to pay through tax, that's why our Healthcare works and it's why Obamacare failed, no one want to sign up for it, it's their fault." She even fucking ignored the fact that I mentioned Obamacare was covering illegals who had no right to have access to that service, since they were not US citizens, forcing legal US citizens to pay for an illegal's healthcare.

Canada is fucked and the world is fucked.

Yes, absolutely can confirm, I have a fucked up medical condition that I've until recently been stonewalled into not getting treatment because of exaggerated fears involving the application of certain drugs.

No, you're full of shit, the only place you can is Quebec because they quite rightly understand that restricting access to care is a violation of somebody's basic right to choose. Everywhere else it is essentially illegal to circumvent the public system if the public system basically declares a certain treatment inaccessible.

I love how much leftists sperg out over this.

I saw a pajeet doctor in 2013, he's one of the lowest rated docs on rateMD I've ever seen, I'm pretty sure he's not an actual doctor.

I went to him because my skin was orange and I had swelling and pain in my liver region, he told me "maybe you have ADHD". I wanted to fucking strangle him. I was in so much pain.

War has become inevitable at this point.

It might not be the West who starts it, though they have every reason for doing so, having been force fed a absolute shit deal in globalism. There are now third world shit holes where the middle class drive a better car then in our own countries. But third and second world countries are coming up at alarming rates. They are consuming much more then initially believed.

When boomers die, most of their assets are leveraged into debt due to secondary mortgages or other acquired debt. Thus, the majority of the assets will be in the bankers hands. The Central Banks are running the artificial inflation which caused housing prices to become pure insanity. They will give away their wealth to foundations to help the poor little niglets in africa. Few will give their wealth to their children which will be taxed heavily by governments.

Assets will thus continually fall into the hands of a select few, while the majority increasingly gets less spending power.

As much as we like to shitpost about Germany and Sweden on here I honestly think Canada is far more fucked in the both the short and the long term than both these countries combined. This is especially the case with Ontario. People Ive encountered actually voted for a degenerate like Kathleen Wynne and are now supporting Patrick Brown who is nearly identical to her in terms of beliefs and political platform.

At the very least Sweden and Germany have segments of their population that are even slightly redpilled and against immigration if not the jews outright. Theres no such luck here in this shithole where at least 90% of the population comprises of consumer drones who regurgitate phrases like diversity is our strenght without even knowing why they support diversity. Im seriously blackpilled living here because there is not even a faint chance that things could improve.

Is Canada's cuckoldery and blanding up widespread, or is it reserved to the cities?

I find it hard to imagine the Finnish living up north being like this.

Generation X were born 1961-1981 and Millennials were born 1982-2004

Somehow I don't think these guys are the highest authority on a topic like this.
It would mean I'm a millennial, and I'm 34.

Does any leafs here have any more news like this ? I feel like redpilling a few people in my social circle who thinks Canada healthcare is superior to US because it's free.

most of the article is based on the works of Strauss & Howe (of generations & the fourth turning fame). I just chose the AOM article for how it presents and summarizes the theory.

The wikipedia article on their generational theory has a better table with the generations and their start & end dates–Howe_generational_theory&oldid=779136453#Timing_of_generations_and_turnings

Neil Howe also writes for forbes on generation related topics (pdf of the article, doesn't work with forbes)

One Pajeet doctor kept hitting on me and I was suffering from a weird health scare. Was really uncomfortable, even after I complained. Fucking pajeet faggot.

Canada also has a lot of laws they try to enforce (abuse) on law abiding citizens who don't want to take that shit anymore. A lot of gun rights are being stripped away and all media stations are insanely liberal. Canada is the grand experiment for white genocide.

Canada is full of prajeet doctors.

So in Canada, you can say the poo in the loo tells you to die in the hallway.

The couldn't even tell the pajeet to poo in the loo.


You uppity frozen-wasteland poutine-niggers get what you deserve. Think you're so much better than us when you're France Lite without the good food and nice climate. That's what you get for criticising the godemperor.

Fine with me. Screw rich kids. When my folks die I get their gun collection and shitbox vehicle, that's about it. Whether this happens or not, same for me. Let the rich kids stand on their own legs while they cry about the big ebul bank taking all their family houses. Hell, I'll just buy stock and profit off the banks profiting. The only way to defeat the jew is to piggyback the jew. I take money from them, but I don't let them take money from me. This kills the merchant.

This shit. It's paid for in taxes. A fairy doesn't drop it from the sky. What you get is niggers freeloading on the system. The only reliable healthcare plan is a good diet and avoiding destructive behaviors like smoking and being a fatass.

checked for truth



Unfortunately they still distribute the cost of niggers across the country. Niggers and illegals just use ERs instead of doctors offices, and then use fake names and skip on the bill. Those costs are then spread around. The problem is the same.

Easy enough to solve healthcare.
The worst healthcare leeches are culled within a generation.

Hey user…

Except communism.

Not only do I have private insurance, I use it all the time. Faggots.

t. Conrad Black

Ah, that makes Canada a good diversion for pajeet docs who would otherwise go to the USA, where we force them to do their entire residency over *after* they pass all the step exams in USMLE.

You are endorsing healthcare as a right. You are describing a positive right, meaning someone else must provide you with something. This is in contrast with negative rights, where others must refrain from infringing on you. I fundamentally disagree with the concept of positive rights. You do not have the right to force others to provide you with food, shelter, healthcare, employment, a spouse, a car, welfare, or anything else.

Eh, it's residency positions that are the issue, not med school capacity. If it were the case you should be agitating for more midlevels (PA's and nurse practitioners) because they get far less training and aren't required to have a residency before they practice… that's presuming you haven't been burned by an experience with an incompetent midlevel yet.

In Canada, Crimestoppers is running these anti-gun ads. Note how it's the white man who is the criminal here.

Then (for the USA) encourage malpractice reform and also btfo all the risk-averse health care administrators that constantly require doctors to undergo more training before practicing. They do this while simultaneously reducing the oversight midlevels receive from physicians. In many states NPs and PAs can practice completely independently now (you know, to save the system money to avoid paying "expensive doctors"). It's total cognitive dissonance.

There is substantial opportunity cost to become a physician. Infographic related is from:

There is a plebbit thread on that infographic with some decent back and forth, but the highest rated answer claiming to debunk the graphic makes several flawed assumptions.

The average new physician in the US graduates with about $150k of debt. Med school tuition alone is now about $50k/year * 4 years, and that figure doesn't include any luxuries like food, clothing, or rent. Once graduated, physicians are required to train as residents for 3 to 7 years, during which time they receive salaries commensurate to a newly-minted STEM graduate with a BS. Call it $50-55k * 3 years, if you want to be a pediatrician or family practice doc. After all that training you can finally earn money… and a pediatrician might earn about $150k (depends). So, after all that, with the student loan debt, it's like having a mortgage payment. Everyone assumes you're rich, and you get to be in the "fuck you" tax brackets where you also trigger rules like disallowing student loan interest deduction.

My proposal: make it less expensive to become a doctor, both in terms of time and money. If you do that, then you can consider paying doctors less. You want intelligent people to become physicians, right? Don't expect smart people to choose to to through all this if it turns out they are going to make less than a less stressful career would pay. Recent surveys show that even today about half of docs wish they had chosen a different career.

Fairly certain that law was changed in recent years.

That's what you get for voting NDP you dumb bitch. Hope you learned your lesson.

Not how the world works stupid cunt. Now you suffer the consequences. Get fucked.

I mean, a third world country is still worse than that. However, it is still unacceptable as far as first world country. Hasn't canadian debt grown? haven't they sold a big part of their gold reserves? where did all that money go?
**it's not like I have to ask, gibs for refugees*