Jew Perv/Nigger coke dealer kill White female doctor

Imagine you worked your ass off, in early 40s, you're a dermatologist and your wife is. OK, so you probably weren't smart enough to be a "real doctor" but you can afford a $1.2 million shekel house, and have 3 kids.

She meets a sleazy kike who's semi in hollywood, goes with him to a nigger's house and ODs. Now you ar raising 3 kids on your own, and have to keep job somehow…

(In case, you can't tell, "marc johnson" is his goyim name, his heb name is what you'd expect)

Doctor Kiersten Cerveny, 38, died of a cocaine overdose in October 2015 at ex-con James Holder's building in Manhattan
She had been out partying that night with former HBO producer Marc Henry Johnson
The pair went to admitted drug dealer James 'Pepsi' Holder's apartment
The next morning, Holder and Johnson were seen on surveillance cam dragging her lifeless body to the vestibule
Holder pleaded guilty to drug distribution, but not the drugs that killed Cerveny
Judge is weighing whether the mom of three is a 'victim' of Holder who is deserving compensation
His lawyer says she is only a victim of her own 'poor choices'

Other urls found in this thread:

Now here's a kike's kike for you. LEaving the court, he can't even keep a big Jew grin off his face. Yes, een tough the name essentially says KIKE across it, I did check because "Johnson" and yes, shocking, a kike…

This story gets to me, this is why I never want to marry. He was home watching his fucking newborn and that wasn't "exciting" enough for his wife, who went and found a kike who seemed like he had a more exciting life since he was working on an HBO pilot and knew a nigger coke dealer. She ODed and they never even called a fucking ambulance for her, just tried to move body. You're meant to work your entire life to be where he is when you are early 40s, and you end up with a wife who cucks you with a Jew and a nigger and doing blow. And she was a fucking dermatology professor at Cornell…

If I were the husband and left with that mess, I think I might off the Jew and then try to get the nigger before offing myself..At least the nigger is just an animal who doesn't know better. The Jew is satan…

This makes my blood boil, why do women fall for kike traps every time? Has our jewish society fucked them up beyond repair? Does family life have so little value for them?

shouldn't have been a whore and stayed at home where she belongs

Sounds like she deserved it

On some level she did. But think about're a dermatologist married to a Nordic dermatologist who teaches in Jew York City. She tells you she's going out "with her friends." If you tell her she's not going, you're a controlling asshole and she wants a divorce and you're insecure. You let her go, a Jew and a nigger coke coke dealer cuck you and then drag her corpse out. How can you win in this life?

Jews are very verbal, esp a hollywood jew. Now he has 3 kids to raise by himself, and no woman is going to want some other tramp's 3 kids.

For the scientific atheist type yes. It's all chemicals. Soul is nothing.

Yeah I think the feelers are feeling for the guy left behind. Did he love her? Will he go nuts looking at his kids, seeing her face and replaying her demise in his mind constantly. Why do jews do this, they know they are, they must be satanic.

it's the jews fault her husband was too much of a cuck to keep her in the kitchen?

If they are deliberately using propaganda, hypnosis and various other methods to control and lead people who are unaware of their deviousness, then yes they are.

Ever had a GF user? Try telling her she's not going out or she's getting a backhand to the face, watch how quick the Jew has you 1. in jail 2. half your shit if you're married 3. never see your kids again if you have them.

And lest anyone was still wondering if "marc johnson" could be a jew…


shouldn't have let the jews in charge then

I genuinely believe that most women are just hardwired to implode mentally - it's just a matter of time; some may already be nuts when they're 4, and others will be fine until they're 74. I do, however, think that a lot of it too has to do with our society. Knowing you'll get a lot of free passes/lesser punishments for stuff eventually makes you turn to shit, and at a certain point I think you must believe yourself to be virtually invincible. I don't mean for any of this to sound MGTOW but I'm trying to say that I think it's like growing up the child of a billionaire - some may end up being really hardworking and successful, many will just sort of coast but be "normal", and then an alarming number of them will OD on drugs or wrap their top end sports car around a telephone pole when they're 23 because they've got nothing better to do and can't comprehend real world consequences because they've lived such an insular life of having every problem solved by money - it just so happens that no dollar amount is going to save you if you've been ejected from the car and your head resembles "After" photos of the props used at a Gallagher performance.

wow, almost as if Hitler should have won..


The fucking smile on his jew face and wearing shorts and flip-flops to court, and fucking knowing that his fellow jews won't let anything happen to him makes me nuts… and her husband has to see that picture…kike can't even wear dark colors and keep his fucking head down. He could not care less. Another dead shiksa…

How is she some kind of victim ? She sounds like she tried to trade up and ended up dying.

Have you ever taken cocaine?

They go for males that they think will take care of their children.
That's it. And they'll sacrifice everything for it, even their own health so the children can live. They'll follow the guy anywhere so they can maintain the status.

Jews are honestly the society that controls the US society through the media, politics and economy. They get off sentences, their job is guaranteed, money is not a problem.
Ergo, they're objectively the best providers.
And they know it, so they act like kings. They treat women like shit since they know they'll just find another one.

On the other side this was always the last stage before they get thrown out of a country. They can't help but flaunt it and people go berserk.
It's part of their religion to be he victims.

No, I don't do drug with niggers and jews, I'm not a degenerate.



a prdocuer on a fucking HBO pilot? Her husband was worth more than he is. Esp these days, TV is fucking saturated and HBO is notorious for not paying shit. I think she had to know that, maybe the Jew was trying to work her for opiate scripts..

I don't think anyone is saying to feel bad for the woman. It's the demonic smile on the fucking kike walking out of court in sorts and shower shoes and smiling for the fucking paper. That's a special sort of kike's kikes.

She didn't think too high of her husband since she most likely cheated on him after doing coke, we should seriously consider some kind of highly discriminative dating app where low tier hoes and simps are banned from it. Even if I'm banned from it, I don't give a shit, people like this need to be purged from our gene pool.

Poor kids.

Yes it is the Jews' fault that we live in a society where it's not legally possible, and often not even financially possible, to keep a woman in the kitchen. Nice attempt though Moishe.

Reality check, gentlemen: women have always been like this. It's the reason we never used to allow women to wander around unsupervised, permit them to go unaccompanied to social gatherings, or leave the house at all after dark.

Stop ascribing male behaviors to women. Women are NOT your moral or intellectual equals. They were protected and sheltered by the tribe for millions of years. They do not have the natural defense mechanisms that men possess.

Stop assuming women will ever "get better" or believing that women are "bad" for doing these sorts of things.

That's just what women are. This is why successful societies are always those in which men take women firmly in hand. Because when you don't, they wander off into a dark alley somewhere and get stabbed by a gypsy or eaten by lions. The world is a dangerous place, and women are not equip to deal with it. They never had to be, because picking berries off of a bush next to where you live while carrying a child under one arm was never a dangerous profession that required quick wits and a honed instinct of survival and threat assessment.

The mistake was not the marriage, or the children, or the house. None of those things were wrong. What was wrong is that the woman had a profession and a degree, which gave her (and the man in her life) a false sense of security regarding her personal well-being.

"I'm an intelligent professional adult woman! I don't need anybody to look after me! I can take risks in public and let my hair down, and nothing bad will happen!"

That's what the problem was. That was where everything went wrong.

Get help, read some books. Your lack of intelligent conversation lowers the tone. Yes even here.
Nobody has said be sympathetic to the woman, merely that people can be self destructive and in this world there are forces that push that destruction. You are either very low iq, new, or some sort of jew nigger hybrid.

I wonder… it would be neat if you could make a dating app which denies users the ability to use it if they use other dating sites that are deemed (not to overuse the word here) degenerate like tinder, Ashley Madison, Fetlife, etc. But then the problem there is that you'd need to collect so much data for it to be accurate that you'd essentially need to be Google.

women are destructive beings when not controlled
it's the husbands fault more than anyone elses

We feel bad for the kids and the husband. What a shock at all these sagekikes rushing into the thread trying to deflect blame away from the jewish perpetrators of this crime and deflect away from the white victims of this crime.


None of the parties in this situation are truly innocent or guilty. Guess which one gets to go on with a remorseless privileged existence because of their birthright?

The only thing I see in that wall of text is that we're in serious need of natural selection. I agree with women not being equal, but I see some who instead of being retarded sluts take action towards bettering themselves, these are the women we should be after, not borderline mentally challenged females who will never be able to help build a family

Take that pretentious ad hominem back to reddit where it belongs, she knew exactly what she was doing, she planned to cheat on her husband with some T.V. guy, most likely for a role in a show. She stabbed her family in the back and got what she deserved.

Something more stealthy might work better, like adding a way to network between people who believe in Eugenics.

Why don't you want the crimes of this murderous jew and his nigger pet discussed Chaim?

if he was a real man she would have never even entertained the thought of going out whoring herself
I don't symphatize with cucks or degenerates
feel bad for the kids tho

Ah so the jew did a good thing facilitating her choice then? Also I was replying to the guy who was calling me a cuck (which is the very definition of pretentious ad hominem) not yourself my good jew loving friend.

In a sane society, the Jew would at a minimum be forced to wear a yellow str and get the death penalty for talking to a White woman. It's more than the big grin on the kike, it's that if I had to pick out a woman based only on looks and credentials… she won some sort of national "pageant," went to duke and graduated with honors, obviously fucked up her MCAt if she wasn't a real doctors so couldn't have been too smart, you assume she had the basic makings of a woman who would be a good mother just on paper. No, maybe not a 10 but for age 38, she was about an 8. You're home, put your kids to bed and wondering why wife isn't home yet. You get a call that she's dead and see a jew with a big grin, knowing he probably cucked you.

Reminds me of the story where the Russian guy tracked down and killed the air traffic controller who gave the passenger plane bad instructions and got his family killed, aso he tracked down the ATC and killed him 2 years after.

He did not call you a cuck.
And yes he did good, she wasn't good to begin with.

doesn't work that way. Esp since the Jew was only working on a pilot. A 38 year old female doctor doesn't just walk onto a set and start "acting." You have to be in SAG, there's a long list, you don't just walk in off the street, and that Jew would not have final say anyway. She couldn't be that stupid. Although people are stupid about how works so maybe she was, I don't know. Entire thing makes me want to puke.

Serves her right; she hung out with a Jew.

just go back to reddit already

This bitch deserved to die. A woman who cheats on her husband is worse than a kike.

No of course he didn't.

At least you laid your cards. When a jew does evil it's ok as long as the person they do the evil to is a woman or a person who has made bad choices, even if they were tricked.

I'm guessing you can justify pedophilia too in your pure, hebrew influence, free existence.

It's funny because this time it will be white trash kicked out of the country. We will keep the cunny tho :3

Tricked ? Please, she wasn't tricked into cheating on her husband, she did it because she wanted it, she deliberately asked her husband to watch the kids while she went on a trip with a jew and a nigger to do coke, and we both know what happened next. She fucked both. Normal people a repulsed by that behavior, she wasn't. She is not a pure little flower who cannot do wrong, she stabbed her kin in the back for temporary pleasure. She is trash.

Ad hominem again, just fuck off.

I don't know if this board is really this shitty these days or it's being trolled by Jews, and you're one. There was a reason "the poisonous mushroom" was mandatory reading for all German children.

you are a kike. To the oven………..

Must be the jews


Lol keep telling yourself that kike.

I shall fuck off when I please.
This woman who had spent years learning how to care for the skin conditions that you have no idea how you contracted (but your wife is keeping quiet) will have inevitably fallen under the influence of jews by pursuing a career that required higher learning. The influence of jews in higher education is well documented. Swim in shit and it's going to be difficult to emerge smelling of roses like yourself.
They are incredibly tricky, underestimating them is unwise.

I understand your point but even then, I cannot feel sorry for her. She was weak minded.

You fucking kikes are unbelievable.

You nervous kike? You think that demographic trends can't be changed?
Just wait till the economy starts running again and whites actually have the money to have kids while your brown pets get thrown out.
And you can't escape anywhere now while everyone on the earth hates you. Your negative karma will come back to you.

he didn't control the mental retard (sometimes called women or females) like he was supposed to being the man of the house
he shares the blame

Even a retard can grasp that adultery is wrong. Stop making excuses for the pretty girl.

learn to read


Dermatology is one of the best fields to get into as a doctor, as it is one of the least regulated and least likely to be caught up in insurance politics. The other top specialties have these same facts in common.

If you don't believe me, see

You're probably right, but when a mole even looks like it could be cancerous, they send you to to a real Dr. ASAP. Her "friend" even claimed she made no shekels. I can't think of a more miserable way to spend your life. At least surgery/neurology/psychiatry are somewhat interesting. Maybe it would be interesting to a woman who is into makeup and such.

why would you off yourself when you have kids to raise?
at least dont off him too so you can continue to raise the kids

Around kikes and niggers never religgerikes.

If you woke up..whenever this happened and saw the jew grinning like that in the paper, I'm not sure I'd be able to control it. Thus the reason I don't ever want to get married. You can live your life perfectly and have it all ruined overnight by one naive slut and a slimey kike.


Indeed. Traditionalism is going to make a roaring comeback when the normies finally catch on.

I think the natural reaction is to off the slimey piece of shit.
Perhaps with a massive drug overdose, like he had done to her.

Hey there Moshe.


Johnson is a kike name?

1. True Love 2. Pre-Nup 3. don't have so many fucking kids.

s obviously not. But everything about the face screams
separdi Jew" ad a quick search will confirm he is indeed a kike. What his heeb name actually is/was, no idea. His kike grandparents must have sneaked in before 1965.

Where do you think you are?



Because money.

Jews always use niggers to do their bidding, like fucking golems.

She's beautiful, intelligent and hard working.
I expect innocence rather than perversion is what led her into the claws of the kike.
That is a great problem, that most decent, educated people simply can't conceive of what horrors the subhumans of the world would do to them given the chance.

Dermatologist is a full doctor, for those retards who don't know. It is a speciality.
At least they had three children, hopefully the father can keep going and support them.
Chances are, a jewess out there has already targetted this guy though, and will destroy his family and take the money.

She already had plenty of money.
It was more likely the jew span typical lies - see>>9857216

Reminder that European population levels have remained more or less stable for a hundred years.

Africa doubled in population in the 25 years between 1980 with the "feed the world" campaign, and 2005.
China doubled since relatively recently.
India the same.

5 billion of the total 7 billion are india, china, africa.
Their population growth has been directly funded and massively accellerated by the (((organised charities))).
About 350 million in europe, the number only increasing with the infestation of shitskins.
About the same in north america, main population area is mixed race that is causing an increase.
Bill Nye is a kike faggot, injected into children's lives so they grow up trusting what he says, then suddenly turns political when they are almost old enough to vote and consume.

In the same way you could say a "podiatrist" is a real doctor. If your mole biopsy actually comes back cancerous, they can't send you to a real doctor fast enough.

Also, more to the story as I've been reading it. She apparently had one failed marriage already, met the Jew on kike book before she even met her husband, and the jew husband is married to a yale law jewess. If the average person knew what a fucking sewer TV/movies are. And fucking TV, esp on HBO budget is bottom of the gutterl unless you were "Sopranos" or "Game of Goyim" (and even there the shekels isn't going to actors since other than the midget, they have enough footage they an write out any goy who gets too uppity.

She died topless, with her underwear in her purse in a nigger's stairwell…

Are you retarded or just autistic as hell?

Have you ever been outside to a party or club?

She was a mother of 3 who decided to go out, get fucked up and coked up. No one does that out on a whim or innocently. She was a degenerate.

This user only helps further the point.

You're looking at the wrong credentials then. Don't look at a females accomplishments when you're trying to find a mate, look at her views. If she is a left leaning woman (which I guarantee this woman was) it's a sign that she probably has weak/no father figure and/or a family with very left wing views. No matter how you slice it, it's a recipe for disaster. You can't fix these women (or the men who marry them for that matter) they've already been broken. It doesn't matter how successful they are. Do not confuse success and being a stable human being.

I wonder what the husband will say to the kids about their mother when theyll be old enough.

Women don't like jewish guys. Jews complain about it all the time. Get your shit together.

I feel bad for the rest of the family and am honestly curious what was going on but that slut had it coming.

Husband didn't control his wife. Was likely a "Yes Honey" type of guy who didn't put his foot down. Which I'll grant is harder to do since a woman can now sue for no fault divorce because she is not happy and walk away with everything you have if she's so inclined.

I've never heard about it.

Reading over stuff like this makes me wish that lynchings still occurred. Over reliance on the judicial system was a mistake; not all problems may be solved with laws and bureaucrats, as sometimes people need to take simple, immediate action.


Bitch saw one too many sex and the city episodes and decided to emulate Samantha instead of being a comely housewife and taking care of the children.
She deserved it.

Most of you probably aren't even aware that preventing a wife from going out is now considered spousal abuse.

His only fault was marrying/having kids with a whore.

Vast majority of women in today's society are whores, are you advocating almost no white births?

Wrong, fucking wrong

No, just pick your partners better (Not a chick with a previous failed marriage).

Think about it this way. He made three beautiful children who will have a powerful life lesson not to be a whore like their mother. Kinda a win.

I was thinking about it this way, here
I'm just wondering how he will bring the news to his kids that their mom was a coke whore who ended up dead in a niggers appartment because she thought she might get a role somewhere,while he was looking over them. Will he cuck until the end or say the truth ?

"True Love" is a fairy tale made up by the kikes to mislead men into treating women like equals.

They'll probably find out either way as they'll naturally be curious and look up every detail online.

Not a happy way to find out but now that you say it, imagine the father lies to them and they find out the whole truth. Not only they would end up hating their mother, but also their dad for being a fucking wimp.

They'd probably just view it as him trying to protect them, if I was his kid I'd rather find out online than from him, hell of a lot less awkward.

Protect them from what ?

knowing their mother was a whore, would fuck with their self-esteem.

That's a shitty excuse, I had to deal with the same shit as a kid but the other way around since my dad was an alcoholic, the whole "HURR I WAS TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!!" never helps.

Lying to children under the guise of trying to protect them almost never works out well for any parties involved.

so from what I understand
This wasn't the first time. She's probably been cucking her husband for years. Look at pic related. She was a party girl through and through. They had a nice conservative house in the suburbs but that was too boring for her. I guarantee she was on anti-depressants and/or drinking in the morning. And party girls are star fuckers. Even though this a low tier heeb in hollywood women like her are still drawn to fame. The whole instagram/facebook everyone is living a crazy fabulous lifestyle has only made things worse.

If I were the husband I would get a paternity test asap.

Look at these eyes.

Yeah, that's a quality wife and mother right there…

Dermatology residencies are among the most competitive residencies in fourth year medical school students bozo. If anything physicians are the ones not smart enough to be specialists.


oops forgot to take sage out of the namefield

Looks like she tried to sanpaku again but failed.

I don't know how to feel about this.


Those smarts did not exactly help her here now did they? In any case, you're also ignoring the fact that special favors can play a part in getting some people through.

Kill the jews

Reported for spam.

It depends a lot on the location. Cities, especially Jew York, are toxic locations, where their putrid culture infects everyone very strongly. It's like a hive mind. Jewish propaganda can still rot the mind of females (and males) in smaller, rural towns, but it's much less likely than in a city, where almost no one goes against modernity.



Better she OD'd on coke now so he can raise the kids in peace. He can get a settlement and get the fuck out of the pozzed city.

That looks like a kike nose too.

I could swear she just blinked at me with those crazy eyes

fucking christ, this guy. This is probably the most jewish person I've seen in a month.

My girlfriend is about to be gifted a car by her father, meaning shell be free to roam wherever she pleases.
She doesnt understand why it makes me mad and she keeps screeching about how she just wants to be able to go to the store or the beach without me knowing. She fucking refuses to understand my issues with the whole thing and insists that its not fair that we have to share my nice car, despite the fact that the schedules line up, shed rather be given a worn down old junker.

shes got what she needs through me, but so did this cunt, so now providing for the kids isnt enough, now you need to be a rich drug dealing jew? How the fuck are we supposed to save the white race when none of us are allowed to take jobs paying enough to be a single earner, and women will cheat on you for literally no reason?

So he was producing a show about the porn industry, not surprisingly

a site that sends cookies to check out your current cookies? Im no expert but i was under the impression that this was not unfeasible at all. I mean halfchan does this all the time to protect against people using dynamic ips or vpns they havent already banned. also once they banned me from younow because "your browser contains cookies from a blacklisted site" (i was hanging around the younow threads on half chan at the time).

her maiden name is Rickenbach, which is swiss as far as I can tell. Is that a crypto jew name?


How is no one else seeing this? Her cucked hubby was the big winner in all this.

The TYFTT threads?

Agreed. The kids are better off now, as long as the husband can pull himself together and be a man.

38 yo, at this age some of them can act out, getting a midlife crisis. I've seen this. So… typically she never did anything "bad" in her early age, and now freaks out getting old and does this shit.
Not saying it's the case here, but I've seen something similar, basically acting up like a teenager again.

Severely underrated post, personally I would NEVER hook up with a city grill, nor would I live in a city.
Women on the country side, tend to be more loyal, spared of this drug shit and ofc traditional.
You see it here too, they get kids at an earlier age than the city dwellers(of euro origin)

yep but also the dedicated yn threads. lol good times watching lolis faces contract with suspicion at my bullshit. but that was the actual explanation behind my bans NOT the way i conducted myself since i was never actually lewd or rude at all. just saying.


I withdraw my previous statement, that's some tinfoil eyes right there, all black.
Coked up, speeded up, mdma, ex does this.
In her case it was prolly the blow though

This all day long. I'm from Chicagoland. I've seen so many nice girls from the suburbs absolutely destroyed by Chicago's degeneracy… it's a disease.

I can almost see how she is restraining herself from grinding her teeth.

younow my nigga

this is starting to seem more and more like the beginnings of a creepypasta. look at that girl.

Me too user. Even the burbs are infested with the city bullshit.


I'm sliding now, but this is how it worked here, mostly before and when there were few shitskins in the city.
So grills from here go to the city to party, hooks up with a goy and the inevitable question pops
So hun where are you from, I haven't seen you before?
HELP! Sorry I have to go now, something came up
Point is that if the family found out, there would be a bunch of brothers and cousin on the city turds doors the coming days, out for blood.

No meme, it was like this before, eased a bit now.
Don't touch our womyn city boys!
It was like this with my mother's generation, it stopped in the late 80ies I think

absolutely disgusting.

I feel sick watching these faggots spin some demented agenda.

Yep, my mom freaked out at this exact age - started drinking and left me and my brother with my dad (thankfully)

She's a filthy, Jew/nigger-fucking, adulterous slut, and he's better off without her, and so are the kids.

I'd say he is free of this low-life sperm-dumpster, and hopefully her parents and family are horribly ashamed of her and will burn every picture of the slut they have.

So why should WE care, again?

She was way out of his league. Men need to marry woman capable of being wives and mothers. The trade off in looks in infintely given back in actual happiness.

Why do my chickens eat all the dog food and tear up my garden if I leave a gate open?

Big deal.

So why is everyone getting worked up about this?
This saves him the cost of a divorce, and he gets the kids & the house.

And the lawsuit against the kike should bring a pretty decent windfall, too.

Hey Holla Forums I'm going to take this opportunity to post here in this thread.

I would like to say I have finally coaxed the location of a slaver in California who captures slaves from Germany, UK, Mexico, and all around the world and subjects them to MK Ultra style programming to break them and then resell them.

The slaves are sold for $3,000 USD to at most $5,000 USD.

Anyone can buy them. I'm honestly thinking of buying one because I want an MK'd waifu.

The thing is; the shit they do to make them this way. They make them eat scat, they degrade them, they traumatize them over & over until their soul fractures and they're reduced to a puppy like state where they can be deeply programmed. They do shit like keep them in isolation a long time, give them a doll that becomes their only friend, then destroy that doll in front of them doing further deep damage to their psyche.

Note that if I leak this on here, I will probably be killed by the cartels for this. So I sure as fuck do not want to give a full detail leak and put my life in danger for nothing. I only want to give this info to someone who can DO SOMETHING. Otherwise I'll just keep this info to myself, quietly buy a slave and turn her into the perfect traditional wife, and rest satisfied I at least kept one beautiful European woman from ending up in the hands of some disgusting perverted freak that would just use her for every weird fetish he has.

Comment of the year.

Well, to be a little more specific, there's a supply chain. She's actually a reseller / keeper. She keeps multiple slaves on this one specific property, I can show a picture of it and give the location.

Someone captures the slaves initially, someone else does the programming, and then they are sold to people like this who then sell them to people like me.

The only reason I found out about this was by accident while I was on the deepnet and I got confused for someone else and just went along with it. I was actually trying to arrange a suicide pact on the deepnet and ended up getting accidentally contacted by a slaver.

No she wasn't. The dude was pretty normal looking, really quite above average and a doctor too. She was attractive sure but a dr like him could easily find a 10/10 girl who is more apt to go to church than be out doing blow with a jew and a nigger.

If nobody gives a shit about this btw please delete my two comments, depending on who is reading this thread, what I've said already could get me killed by the cartels.

The feds regularly monitor this board, goy.

I hope you're behind about 7 proxies and not using Tor (they own Tor). Otherwise you're going to get a visit.

huh yeah bro email me =^)

Gonna "Redpill" the "Normies" with "Kike and Nigger"?

You can now ban this IP snowflake 'cause you're free speech and shit.

That guy looks like your classic fucking back up husband. Of course he could get a 10, he's a millionaire. He picked a career whore who loved to party. He failed. Maybe now he can find a real woman to take care of his family and have another child with.

I sometimes use Tor but obviously not right now. I am more concerned about the cartels (including I guess the corrupt alphabet soups that facilitate their slave trade) than anything else.

I have done nothing wrong and have good intentions. Unless you're talking about my trying to arrange a suicide pact. In which case, uhhh you know what, no further comment there.

Now tell me, who wants to go pay a visit to this place in California, and check out what is going on there and then report back to me? I would like for someone to simply visit the property for me and report on if there's about 6 women in there and whatever else weird shit is going on you notice. I'm still gathering info on them and just want to have a very clear pile of evidence as to what they are doing before making any final decisions about what is to be done.

I don't see a provided email.

You know what fuck it, reporting all my posts right now for deletion, I'm too paranoid the cartels are going to be reading this thread. I should have chosen a different thread to talk about this in.

They don't "own" Tor. Tor is safe and user if used properly. Holla Forums's tor server is slower than shit.

Reported all of my posts – waiting for them to be deleted. I'm not wasting my time and my life here. I fucking know the cartels browse Holla Forums.

I was in Chiraq last weekend. Shared Uber to get home at 2 am and I'm sharing it with a young 20 year old female who is blackout drunk and probably on something else. She said she had just moved to town 2 weeks ago. Out trashed alone in a new city she doesn't know anyone in.

I'd love to hear examples of women 'taking action toward bettering themselves' and why I should care.

Here's what I see a man needing in a woman. 1) Genetics that the man wants for his children: can be beauty, strength, intelligence in her family, or just generally the same race (nordic, anglo, etc)
2) Ability to bear children
3) Loyalty enough to stay and care for them (not from a line of single moms)
4) Personal intelligence high enough to not walk in front of a truck

no one cares about your larping

We need to purge the kike before we can fix society. In order to fix society, we need to fix men by encouraging them to act like men. Women will be fixed naturally once men start putting women in their proper place.

In my experience this is where most men fuck up. They overlook the single mother of the woman.

You know how I know you're full of shit? Those prices. Now fuck off back to where you came from.

Give me an email to contact you at and I'll prove none of this is LARPing. If you would be a useful idiot for me, I'd like you to take the fall for exposing them, and we'll see how this LARP gets you killed or not.

Why do you think those prices are bullshit?

Give me a private way to contact you and I will prove beyond all doubts the legitimacy of this and if you want you can buy a slave yourself just don't buy the one that I currently want, go buy one of the others.

Just insane. A man knows from a young age he has to look over his shoulder at every place. In fucking Chicago it would be high alert. These cunts think they can behave like men without the consequences a man faces when he gets blackout in a place he doesn't belong. A broken jaw. His friends getting the shit kicked out of themselves having to defend the idiot who started the fight being off his face.
Woman think they should be able to party like men then get mad when you victim shame them for having no control over their body and getting gang raped.


"You must enable Javascript in your browser in order to decode the e-mail address."

Please don't put your email into the email field I can't see that. No way am I enabling java script. Please use a throw-away email for your own safety btw, nothing with your real name or whatever.

Looks like my strategy of never dating is starting to pay off.

This would be a perfect scenario for a waifu bot with a maternal care module.

Move away from Jew York City?

I'm just going to report to globals since the Holla Forums mods are not taking my posts down and with each passing minute the chances increase the cartels are going to be in this thread, figure out who I am, and kill me.

Nigger why would you come post here if you legitimately thought your life was potentially going to be in danger? Who the fuck does that and then spergs out about it afterwards? Who the fuck would think posting CP is a legitimate solution to this asinine self produced problem? If your little story was legit (it isn't), why wouldn't you just tip off law enforcement anonymously and be done with it.

Are you a fucking complete moron or just a desperate teenager in need of attention?

Wow I just got a permaban for "CP" even though I didn't actually post CP and the mods haven't taken down my posts in this thread.


Delete my fucking posts in this thread, I don't need a ban you retards, I need all my posts deleted.

…because law enforcement is involved in it you fucking retard do you not know anything about MK Ultra and human trafficking? Why do you think I'm here on Holla Forums? My hopes are to find an anonymous agent lurking this board who is sympathetic and will help me.

topkek fbi

just kill yourself

Post an email (not in the email field as I have no script) and I'll fucking prove beyond all reasonable doubts it's legitimate.

You are a kike preventing me from exposing spics who are capturing women from Europe and selling them as sex slaves after subjecting them to MK Ultra programming.

You kill yourself.

Pic related, some more proof this shit is seirous.

Another pic for the doubters.

I am cartel. We're going to skin your face.


Never post on Holla Forums again, or we'll feed your penis to you before skinning your face.

You're going to kill me anyways now aren't you? I'm already fucking dead and all because I believed this stupid fucking board would help me.

Good riddance.

Spic-lover kike.

Still reporting my posts, mods still aren't deleting them, and nobody is even giving me the benefit of the doubt by providing a private way to contact them and show overwhelming proof for what I'm talking about.

Since you just posted again, we're going to cut off your dick and force feed it to you before killing you slowly.

Holla Forums - a place for anti-white troll mods to troll the fuck out of people who'd try to actually get illegals deported and human traffickers in prison
- a place to ensure European women are enslaved, drugged, raped, and sold to Israel, Dubai, and other shitholes

Good luck with that, I'm reserving my last bullet for myself.

We're a closer than you think.

t. not FBI

Odds are, this is actually the kike himself trying to slide the thread since people are looking for his ass now I'd assume…good luck hymie. Ny metro is 9 million people, your address is public record…

k, I've got my whole room and everything in my house strategically arranged for siege, and I got a cam ready and will post a tinychat link as soon as I notice some vehicle pull on my driveway that is unexpected or a group of people approaching my house looking like they're ready to fuck my shit up, I'm going to livestream the shoot-out with you people

My windows are all barricaded already also and I don't care if you have armour piercing rounds, it ain't getting through.

the wife is a jew lawyer, let's find her linked in why not?

here's the wife. Probably an office in london as well as NYC if barclays:

Marlisa Vinciguerra
Managing Director at Barclays Capital
Greater New York City AreaFinancial Services
Barclays Capital
Yale Law School

How about you give me a private way to contact you or do you prefer to LARP instead of giving people a chance to prove themselves?

here you go:
[email protected]/* */

I can't believe this fucking board. Supposedly there's white nationalists here who give a shit about these things and yet not ONE single poster here wants to receive the information I have on the cartels. Why are you all pro-cartel?

Fucking FINALLY. Going to email you.

Argh, send me an email: [email protected]/* */

Just send to this address and I'll be able to reply.

Otherwise this process is going to take longer than necessary.

contact me ASAP plz: [email protected]/* */

Thats what Im saying. The hubby and kids are the winners in this whole ordeal. They may not feel it now, but down the road, they will know.

ok sent, check your inbox please

Sent you an email since you didn't bother to respond to that other address in a timely manner.

Marc, ask ben garrison what it's like to get on the bad side of this place. You're doing it. And next will take it to cuck chan just for more exposure. You should have just kept your kike mouth closed.

checking these

[email protected]/* */

can't reply from there btw, but the sooner this stuff can be stopped the better

I bet he's remarried within 2 years.


The retarded mods on here just permabanned me again with reason that I am "a LARPer". I sent in my ban appeal information that proves my legitimacy and demanded an apology from him. So it is my understanding that you can't reply from that email? I already sent one email but wanted you to reply before I sent more info. Since I can only talk to you here, I will just ask here, are you competent to be able to participate in this investigation and know what to do with this information? I so I will send a summary to you – and after that if you want to correspond further I can give detailed leaks of EVERYTHING but I am obviously requesting immunity here btw, so don't pull some legalistic kikery on me and end up putting me away with them.

(waiting on you reply ITT to verify your competence btw)

Sooo, you married a stupid whore? Sucks bro.

At least she's dead now though.


Fucking shit faggot at least do some research before you start talking shit. Dermatology residencies are some of the most competitive in the entire fucking field of medicine, up there with plastic surgery. Cushy job, no "dermatological emergencies," enjoyable work, sane hours (no night shifts), twice the pay of a general physician (arguably it's the most lucrative specialty), etc.
Dermatologists are specialists, they could work as general practitioners if they wanted to. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to NOT want to be a dermatologist.
Again, this shit triggered me so hard, you fucking daft cunt shithead OP, I honestly don't care anymore about whatever horrific hate crime was perpetrated against our race in this incident.

Just make graphics and post them you fucking ponce, then you can compile evidence if the mods are silencing you.

It's a private investigation and the cartels browse here.

It's not mature enough into the investigation to release info-graphics and reveal to all of Holla Forums what is going on.

Right now I just need competent anons on board who can lend their skills to this investigation.

If we do this right, we can bring down a whole crime network, and Make America Great Again.

I'm just going to send you some basic info for now while I wait on your reply.

competent enough to cover my own tracks, although i dont get why you don't just post whatever you have, so myself and another anons can help

the Jews are sliding this so hard, must be terrified. Thanks for reminding me to repost thread and info every day…and to get wife's linked in and make sure Barclay's gets enough emails to make it not worth their while..and his IMDB profile..


Just sent you the summary. Tell me if you want a full log of all the emails and everything and what your recommended course of action is.

I can't post it all here because I need plausible deniability and to avoid the cartel members that I KNOW are browsing on the chans. It is too early to dump everything as they would find out and stop talking to me and I'd have difficulty then getting more info out of them.

You're giving rural women too much credit. I see fat redneck bitches here in the South fucking niggers all the time. The electric Jew's toxic influence seemingly reaches every white woman in America.

Well niggers are literally everywhere in the south. How do whites in the south even do white flight when niggers infest everywhere down there?

There's your problem. Miscegenation is more common in the South than just about anywhere else in America.


yeah got it, send the rest through if you want and i'll keep them safely backed up offline incase you 'disappear'

best course of action would be to find a local user who can stake out the address or plausibly knock on the door and see if anything matches your photos

might be worth taking this over to the pizza threads to be honest

Thank you very much. I will send everything else I got and also probably send updates from time to time with additional information.

The pizza threads are still continuing? Noted.

We're going to need to find a cali user (or at least one able to travel there), do you think we might be able to find one in the pizza threads?

Edit: what the fuck is the major malfunction of this hotpocketing mod determined to stop me from posting here? Cut it out already you fucking faggot.

Note the hotpocket retard mod also deletes each post of mine that he bans me for while leaving the others up. No ban message in red text. No owning up to what he's doing. Could this be because he knows if Holla Forums saw blatantly that I am being banned by him, all of Holla Forums would rise up against him? Fucking kike moderating team.

The jew and niggers are shit but so is she, coal burning jew cum dumpster whore druggy, WTF.

the fuck are you on pal?

smiley you ARE a LARPer

Who cares? She had three kids already. Daddy, the one who provides everything for those kids, is alive and well and will give them a comfy upbringing. They're better off without their Leftie druggie mom. I look at shit like this as modern day natural selection. She brought this on herself, the same as as the bimbo who got killed running through the Middle East. A sane, rational person wouldn't have done what she did. But she did it. So fuck her.

Exactly. Who the fuck cares? Dad is alive and he'll give those kids that she already had a good life. That's all that matters. To hell with the coalburning piece of trash. The only good thing she did in life was have those kids before she died.

Yeah, that was my first thought too.

Shit like this makes me despise white women more and more.

Im a crypto-saudi.

Thats not what I meant though, theres no reason for her to be upset about not having her own car (after all, I dont have my own car anymore either, we share one) but she keeps going on about how she wants to be able to disappear without me knowing and having no right to question it.
Sometimes when shes getting off work ill call to ask her to pick something up on the way home and shell get annoyed at how im "checking in on her" and she cant just go out and do shit without me being there. She insists that she needs to be able to disappear for hours or days and that if I even so much as ask where shes going, at, or been, then im some kind of prison guard.

lol she's an alley cat bitch. If a female wants independence from you, she's just using you.

You're a cuck in denial. It's obvious to everybody around you, you're the only one who can't see it.

Every woman I've known of who had a look like that turned out to be a massive manic/histrionic slut.

If a woman has eyes like that it's a guarantee you can take to the bank.

Clearly cheating and she clearly has zero regard for you. How are you too retarded to see it?

I know a woman that is getting cucked right now.

All that rhetoric about "I should have my own privacy, I should be able to disappear when I want to for however long I want to, you're overreacting and your fears are unfounded, etc." is shit I hear him saying all the time. I've never told the woman he's with that she's being cucked but I hear the arguments and everything and know it's happening. It's macabre, standing there, hearing him argue so convincingly.

I also got cucked myself once and it happened in a similar way. The first warning sign was when she started wanting everything kept secret, stopped sharing passwords with me, etc. wanting all this "independence" and getting mad at me for questioning it.

I was in a denial for a long fucking time, thinking "I have no hard proof", "it could be just her sperging out", etc. etc…. always doubting myself but also trying to find proof.

When I eventually realized fully I had been cucked, she had already moved several states away and disappeared, and I haven't been successful in hunting her and killing her. Unlike many cucks, I'm totally willing to conduct an honour killing and sit in jail.

I hate so fucking much that I've been cucked. I don't think of myself as a "cuck" though. I am NOT a cuck; a cuck is one who finds out and does nothing about it or goes along with it. I'll kill her when I find her one day.

I would say that he's definitely being cucked but recommend he verifies it by some means such as installing viruses onto her computer to give all the passwords and track everything she types and so on or other means. Then kill her when you have solid proof.

I'm a scientific atheist type that went full circle, almost kind of like Richard Dawkins did. I realized that religion played an invaluable role in our culture and history even though it caused wars, because war is not inherently bad if it protects the people you value. I came to understand that life is better when you spend it with a family and that really, the meaning of life is to have a family, and if you don't, you've simply lost.
All I can say is that I wish more "scientific" morons could come to this realization.


This. Not all women are bad but she was definetly fucking the jew guy and probably a few other dudes. Take note young bucks no such thing as a "former" party girl if the girl you are with ever did coke or slept around she will be like that forever.

Isnt smiley mia right now? I read /fringe/ is being tended to by someone other than smiley because smiley got v& for trying to fuck some teenage slut

yeah pizza threads still going
voat might be another place to look

Also this. Rural doesnt mean better anons. A slut is a slut redgarless of cowboy hats and daisy dukes

Good God, you're just as weak as he is. Seek the truth, man. Would you really trust some shitty tabloid over your own father?

Fedora-types aren't scientific.

Go read "God's Debris", it's a fedora-tier book, but it shows you that scientists in general are NOT fedoras.

This Fedora shit came out of Christianity, specifically from a particular theology from the 18th century that saw the universe as a "clockwork universe", "material", "no free will", etc.

I got btfo in the 19th century and further shat on in the 20th and 21st century when it became accepted fact that matter is energy and when Einstein's theories were developed further with quantum theory. The only further step you have to take is to realize that energy is mental; something that was understood as early as about 1910.

Your typical fedora sees through the obvious bullshit in religion, through the really retarded religious masses, but has never studied any serious philosophy or theology.


Okay FBI…

If you are fucking rich and are trying to raise a family, move the fuck away from cities and find your self a homestead in some remote part of Alaska, Scandinavia, Poland or Australia

I know that scientists aren't fedora tippers, I was just using the same terminology that the guy I was replying to was using.

wew laddy.

Alaska's based though.

Hey man, it's illegal to kill people, that's why I'd turn myself in afterwards. I do the crime, I do the time, right? So what is the issue? I can't help that you're a coward cuck who isn't ready to do an honour killing. Me on the other hand, as soon as I find E**** she's dead, and I don't give a fuck what happens next be it sitting in jail or getting lethal injection or whatever. You deserve to be cucked the moment you are unwilling to take revenge. As far as I'm concerned user, you're a sissy, and I could push you around and do whatever I want and you'll just wait it out and hope the legal system will help you or something. Maybe you'll shout out at me "hey don't put your hand on me, this is harassment, muh laws, muh NAP!" but it won't save you from getting majorily fucked with and later on laughed at by the police you go to.

Missed this one but

Oh no, you've convinced me, FBI…

I hope somebody kills smiley. Society would be better off without him.

Do you get all your perceptions of the world through hollywood or something?

Show me on the doll where Smiley touched you.

Me the FBI agent who is fucking your gal right now.

You the cuck who faps in the corner as his gal gets dominated by alphabet soup agency cock.

You crying and shitposting on Holla Forums later about how it was all a honeypot and reminding fellow anons to follow the law.

Btw, strictly speaking, you ARE following the law if you murder someone and then turn yourself in.

Everything has its price user, including your life.

Just because a law exists that states I can't kill you, doesn't mean I can't just go ahead and kill you and then willfully sit in jail and laugh in my isolation cell for years on end replaying it over and over in my mind.>>9859466

What can you do to stop me? The law exists to punish not prevent. The only one who can prevent you being cucked and mocked by me is you. You're too much of a sissyboi though.


who the fuck buys drugs from niggers? buy your drugs from a white or for coke you might want to buy off a mexican, but NEVER buy any drugs from a nigger.

Dubs confirm. Niggers are literally good for nothing.

Just in case any of you misguided faggots are listening to this fag - Never let a woman control your actions - whether through anger or "love", you care too much about women, you let them have too much power over you. Many of the greatest men in history have met with traitorous whores. There's no need to go to prison over some disposable cunt. Go watch some Patrice O'neal and learn. The best revenge is to have the best life possible after her, it's constant psychological victory. Your happiness should come from within, your confidence should stem from achievement. I allow you to be part of my life, if you make me regret it, you're out.

You want to know real torture? Try being a romantic deep-down in the current year.

dumping some misogynypills


good looking women like these have the "too good to be old"-Syndrome. It means they will try to prolong their behavior based on her beauty as a young women as long as they can, even if they are 50.

Never marry very good looking women in western societies, EVER. max 7/10 and go for it, while ensuring she didn't have a cock past and you're set. They will care for you, for your children and everything else.

Beautiful women are automatically prone to such behavior in societies which are based on whoredom. Take russian girls for example. Back home even the 10/10 are caring mothers, but once they immigrate to the west, their looks are getting them free gibs, attention and gratification which instantly turns on their whore-switch.

Simple behavior psychology.

yeah for marriage a cute woman is better than a hot woman every time. it's like a car, sure the sports car is flashier but the amount of energy and money you need to protect your sports car from thieving niggers is not worth it. get a sensible practical car for marriage. hot sluts are good for a fuck but make terrible wives and mothers. cute is way better, and if you're lazy and cheap just get an ugly wife, ugly wife will be the most loyal and subservient of all.

Do you hear yourself right now? I mean, yeah "the jews" and all but come on man.

Reminder, no matter how much you give a woman


well said

I wonder if isolating a womans eyes in pics (to see their true nature) will ever catch on with normies to the point that histrionic party sluts will start trying to figure out a way of consciously hiding their 1000 cock tells. The worst is the eyes that don't smile with the mouth but instead are angry looking. Dead eyes are freaky too.

the more you understand women, the more it seems the muzzies got their treatment of them right