Far-Right, Left and everything in between working.. together?

Have you all ever considered the following advertisement?

"The Far-Right and the Far-Left are both anti-establishment. Both know too that the 1% are the cause of all of this. But who is the 1%?"

Then pour out facts about Jewish population vs % billionaires, business, governments etc.

If we get both sides working together, we become the mythical 2 headed, 4 armed and legged super human. We crush the Star of David and raise an eternal Sun in the wreckage.

How fucking stupid are you?

That was trying to make buddies forever evers. This is making them Jew-Wise so they do their own work in their own way.

Sure we'll still fight and squabble, but all would be against the star. It's a star that needs to be hit on all angles to shatter, Insha Allah.

Radical leftists hate Jews.

Then why are most radical lefties still sucking their crimped-whimps?

This is all a big game of LABELING. The more heads on the swivel, spitting out maymays, the quicker we remove Jews from PERSECUTED MINORITY to PUNISHING MONARCHS. Then we win!

this thread will be deleted, but if you advocate for mutually exclusive factions to join together then you obviously have not read mein kampf.

Sounds like communism to me

Why do you need two threads OP?

The far left are not rational. Their entire world view is based on hating whatever the globalists tell them to hate. They only care about being fashionable.

At heart, all leftists are just mindless bigots who will hate whatever they think their betters hate. They want to be fashionable and trendy and would rather die than be unfashionable. They are not our friends.

They don't.

We are at the point where left and right are going to spill blood. More people is always will come but the time of arguing seems to be long gone.

always welcome*

Tell Holla Forums I'll gladly embrace communism if we can gas all jews, rope all niggers+shitskins+coalburners+race-cucks and promote traditional values.

The left can dig their own graves and the right can shoot them.


t. kike

They advocate racial suicide, I don't see how we can work together.

I always found this funny. Both sides agree that the 1% are the ones pulling the strings. The difference is that the Left thinks the 1% are white men because they have fair skin whereas the Right (rightly) thinks the 1% are Jews because they are Jewish by both religion and blood.

No they don't, you've seen Holla Forums, Marx, Stalin?

They wouldn't. They would suck Jewish banker cock just to spite traditionalism and homogeneous cultures. The fight for cummies is more important when ebil white racists are part of the work force. NatSoc has all the good parts of Socialism and adds in traditionalism and ethno nationalism.

plus their BO(or vol, forget which) is an oil driller so obviously it'd never work.

I've used these tactics IRL. They are EXTREMELY effective. I've gotten antifa to say things like "You know, maybe not everything they taught us about Hitler was true" after only 10 minutes pursuing this angle. Just say "the elites" instead of Jews and apply everything you know.

Get them to first realize 99% of the divisions they see memed in schools and in media are artificially manufactured and exacerbated, and that they are manufactured to keep the people divided and unable to unite against (((the elites))). I've even got a script I run.

"Imagine you and a couple hundred buddies rule the world. How do you keep the other 7 billion people from uniting against your evil? Easy. Keep them divided. Make blacks think their problems are because of whites, make whites think their problems are because of blacks, etc etc etc. As long as whites and blacks/any and every well-known group division are using all their resources fighting each other, they never even think that maybe their problems are coming from (((above)))."

Leave out talk about Jews unless you get to interact with them for multiple rounds. First turn them against the elites - most people are willing to accept "the elites" are downright evil - and let them find out for themselves how terribly Jewish that (((elite))) is.

far-right/far-left == controlled opposition

politics = controlled opposition

Dubs of truth and I agree. I think it highlights how retarded commies are. Most white men don't really care for the particulars of how we manage all the minutia of government. They care about safe neighborhoods, wives, homes of their own, children, an honest days work and a decent life. Removing jews and shitskins pretty much guaruntees all of the above. So what is the deal, Comrades? You can have your communist utopia! The only thing stopping you is your hatred of white men and the white civilization. What the fuck is your attachment to jews and niggers anyway? When will you get it thorugh those soft, pinko heads that you are not using them to overthrow capitalism, they're using you to destroy white civilization? I know these is all rhetorical, but god damn, if you unironically support Communism, WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Hate to break it to you but if you correctly believe that people aren't equal you're already far-right in today's world.

life = controlled opposition


Fuck off, we've tried a million times to educate them both here and on their own board. Several attempts are made per week, all they do is scream is put "muh" in front of it and curl up into their little ball of cognitive dissonance. What the fuck did you expect from left wing cultists? They need to be liquidated nothing more nothing less, they'll never wake to the jew when their entire mindset and ideology was built by the jew.

You haven't read Mein Kampf.

Who created ANTIFA?
When was it created?
What is the actual purpose of ANTIFA from the perspective of their controllers?

Are you educated? Or are you the blind leading the blind?

Never works, they're backstabbing kikes.

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, was going to be subverted by Stalin until Hitler got word and unleashed Operation Barbarossa.

Then the Americans did the same thing, allied with commies to fight muh ebil nadsis, gave them 150 billion dollars of US aid that we never got back, and they bit the US in the ass with spies, funding commie groups in the US, the whole 9 yards.

No, we keep letting the center dissolve naturally, then we eliminate the commies.

No they don't you faggot. Some might dislike Israel but only because in their deranged mind jews are white and israel is "fascist" and racist oppressing people of colour