To all actual "race realists," ethnic nationalists, and racists

Why are you a racist user? Minorities provide new perspectives into the nation, and prevent degeneration. Genetically, tribal inbreeding is not healthy as children need a good amount. If a black man is good at basket ball, and a white woman is good at math, then naturally the offspring of the two, assuming a nationalist and traditionalist culture is in place, the child will have much more of a proficiency in both fields.

The Roman Empire made the Gauls and Celts conform to the Latin culture, committing genocide with only the more rebellious tribes (who were, the prevalent definition here, MUCH more white then the Mediterraneans). Saying the worst of the niggers or kikes should be gassed is not something that should necessarily be opposed, as it is simply tending to the garden of the nation. Burning the entire garden and planting only a single flower is pure idiocy.

What are the fruits of these minorities?
Einstein, Ashkenazi in Germany
Saladin, Kurd in Egypt
Napoleon, Corsican in France
Mohammad Shah Qajar, Turk in Persia ( one a among many turkic rulers)
Basil I, Macedonian in Byzantium
Rudyard Kipling, Indian in the British Raj and writer of The White Man's Burden.

Evrope is the tradition, not the tradition is not Evrope.

your cuck is showing

Slide thread.
You Can (not) Reply 2.2

Mussolini didn't have to live with Niggers. He would have cleansed Italy of its filth.

There is no such thing as a rayciss, nigger OP. ==SAGE GOES IN ALL FIELDS==

What would you call Sicilians? The case there is strong.

I love how fags like the OP try to pull bits and pieces out of time and separate them from the larger context. Stupid people would see Julius Evola in the same light completely missing his entire point on race not being everything. There is more to race than just skin and where we come from. It's a higher purpose that all must share essentially, which is why those that don't share our vision can be rightfully outcast from our "race".

It's a "you need us more than we need you" sense of spirituality. Those that wish to walk can go at it alone. They're irrelevant.

Benito was afraid he wasn't ayyyryan enough.

The Holla Forumsack is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a cuck, degenerate, hwite, LARPer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a racist and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out. Sage goes in all fields!”

t. mulatto who's butthurt he's a nigger who sucks at basketball

Here's your (you), now time to go back raid-kun

You have to go back.


Its funny because its true, for all the time I have been coming to this site "racist" has triggered Holla Forums more then any other word.

You know its funny. Maybe racist is such a vilified and strong word is because it has been proven how obselete this idea is. Of course, telling Holla Forums this upfront will warrant nothing but calles of "kike" "cuck" and "nigger."

Saw this exact thread on 4/pol/.

OP is a shill.

are italians white?
are italians white?
are italians white?
are italians white?
are italians white?


Look at yourself Holla Forums, recoiling so just at the very idea that your obselete idea of race is naught. Yet at the same time whenever a thread has an asian women in it you will say "10/10 would racemix." Not only this, but when you go on Holla Forums you will fetishize their games as well. You don't believe the words coming out of your own mouth. Its obvious to anyone who isn't blind, and has been coming to these sites since 2010.

Wrong. "Minorities" or shitskins and the various shades that come with them provide absolutely nothing of value to this country, and you're a stupid fucking faggot who should eat a bullet considering whites hold minority status on a global scale yet have managed to secure not just civilization, but the actual concept of civilization itself.

Not really. The primary responses here are that you're an idiot and missing the point–not that you called someone a racist.

Also, SJWs are literally just normal Leftists who are more consistent with their beliefs, and louder.

Go home to halfchan

what a master manipulator we fell right into your trap

gas yourself, kampfy

Top kek.


You're probably a great example of the results of race mixing, you seem miserable. Some Asian women manage to be aesthetically pleasing to my European sensibilities, I can't say the same for niggers… and kikes don't count, they just lop off their snuffles to fit in.

nice bait

Even though we have a plethora of crime statistics that prove your average nog is violent.
Doesn't count if we're taking credit for our white ancestors, and they're taking credit for something non-whites did. Of course you'd fucking know that if you thought it through, my man.
Whenever anti-racist is used it only serves to pump white countries full non-whites, changing the racial demographics and the culture of the country as a whole.
Well, it would degrade a modest woman, would it not? to be fucked by random men, who she has never met, and has no desire for, in exchange for cheap pay. It would degrade a woman like that.
Cuck is used to show he takes a weak stance on something, no one outside of a chan fears being called a cuck, whereas "racist" is a terrifying word for a liberal, and accusations of racism have social repercussions that can seriously effect a persons life.

6/10 Made me halfway effort post.

Because brown people are generally one or two standard units of deviation dumber than Europeans.
Fuck your perspective, they're utterly worthless.
No, they do not. In fact, they accelerate its growth and exacerbate such trends as "exotic" trends become fashion among the shallow and useless.
Of what? Studies show that marriage between third cousins is optimal for genetic health. Subhuman shitskins generally prefer to marry their first cousins, leading to drops of a whole standard deviation within a few generations. Sure, they benefit from hybrid vigor but Europeans generally get nothing out of the deal.
You have zero fucking understanding of genetics. And no, hybrid vigor might give out one decent offspring, but within the next two or three generations their shitty heritage will out and the offspring will be worse of altogether. And putting "muh basketball" on the same level as having high enough IQ to handle math is fucking retarded; basketball americans have no use and should be disposed of.
Individuals do not accurately represent the whole and half of those people have been shilled to hell and back for good reputation.
Neck yourself.

I have never hidden my views from anyone; doing that would be paramount to strangling myself. I'm not some treacherous kike who uses whatever argument it wants, based on situation and circumstance.

Egyptians took in the Christians and Turks as slaves, and once they rose up they became one of the greatest powers in the ME before the Ottomans.

In fact, the Turks were rulers of basically all eastern Muslim country's at some point, and formed the mughal dynasty. They were the banes of any Hindu nation in India for centuries, before the British. Speaking of, The Axis prolifically recruited Indians, and worked to free the nation from the British. Ghandi had a very high opinion of Hitler, before he found out about the blunder of the century. The holocaust.

In addition, the Azerbaijanis served with distinction on both sides of WWII. Kerim Kerimov, a "mutt," helping to form the Soviet Space program. The nazis recruited Azeris into the Aserbaidschanische Legion.

And something even the racists of Holla Forums will enjoy, the Waffen SS recruited Frenchmen into the 33rd grenadiers, who served until the fuhur shot himself like the coward he was.

Mussolini should have never even considered aligning with the krauts. The cancer that was National Socialism ruined Fascism.

Come now Holla Forums, you must admit at the very least that the Turks are not the "turkr*aches" as you claim. If they were such a bad culture, or if their genes were so degenerate, then how on earth could they have taken so much land and spread their people so far? Destroying the last bastion of Rome and laying claim to the crowns of the middle east for so long? They are litterally the germanics of the east for how much they have taken.

fixed 4u