Hulu adaptation of Marvel Comic "Runaways" brownwashes yet another white character for diversity

They can't keep getting away with this shit

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Brownwashing implies cleanliness, brownstaining would be a more appropriate term. Either way the ginger has one of those pig hats so I'm not interested. Shit op too.

I'm sure its just a coincidence :^)

Nobody cares about your childish form of "entertainment" unless it's animu, which is less devoid of meaning than this crap.

Don't partake in Jewish-led "entertainment" and "cultural productions".

Funny enough, they got carried away and made the jewish girl, Gert, a spic too. Also, dollars to donuts that they'll change the fact that Alex (the black kid) is a trader who back stabs the group and make Chase (the white dude) do it instead.


Nice and descriptive, brownstaining is now the vocab.

The social justice crowd hasn't bought half as many comics as the readers lost due to this alienating shit fucking. Marvel, who is of course the worst for SJW pandering, has seen collapsing comic sales.

Its only numales and cat ladies who watch this shit anymore, so they won't complain.

It's beyond intentional sabotage at this point, I don't know if this is just Disney's doing.

qtf. i can't wait for this comic book garbage to die

The whole comic was already pozzed as fuck. I have a hard time believing race-lifting is going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back on this one. Throwing a black into the mix isn't going to make a vat full of shit even shittier.


I hate this shit so much. Not because I read the comic or that another White character got turned into a shitskin (these sure are rage-worthy but my point is elsewhere), but because it's so fucking scripturally and intellectually lazy to change a whole character's profile this radically for any reason at all. Even when I myself wrote medieval fantasy mini-novels in MS Notepad in elementary and middle school I consciously tried to avoid that shit because it was cringy as fuck (and, of course, needed an equally cringy and difficult justification). Now it's basically the modus operandi for the character people loved and identified with to switch to an entirely different identity literally overnight just because the writer felt so. Have some class for fuck's sake.

White people get made in to muds, Asians get made into Jews.

Its quite comical really, no pun intended.

I left Marvel after they kept shitting out stupid Hero-vs-Hero events even before they got pozzed to try and stay relevant. Is DC any better these days?

Great jorb Hulu. Take a great comic and shit all over it. Get fucked.

What? She looks jew-esque to me. Maybe a light skinned indian? Actually it kinda looks like she was made to have darker skin for the show.
This picture of her is kinda qt.

the aging up was the issue. the race lift is the straw

Here are two examples of the character from the beginning of the series, when she was drawn by less cancerous "artists".

Hulu is staffed by faggots, spics, cat ladies and Canadian chink imports. Their viewership reflects the same.

don't know if I should care. I don't buy comics because they're mostly advertising with a few pages of content and a high price. just torrent them and put them onto a tablet with a comic viewer. see the degeneracy for free and screw over kike media out of their shekels.

The western comics industry is dead to me.

I read the first few volumes, and it's clear that whoever's responsible for this abomination only took the project for the brand, and is intentionally ignoring the very premise of Runaways (a group of all-American "normal" kids discovering that their parents are literally the super villain Illuminati and chose to bail out before they get to be next on the sacrificial altar–or forced to wield the ritual knives). I actually enjoyed the double twist where one of the teens claimed to be Doctor Doom's illegitimate kid, Josuke-style, only to set up a double fakeout reveal as Ultron's creation/son. Oh and the brains of the team is the token black kid who betrays them by the end of the first volume, but I'm pretty sure the live-action adaption would drop that plot point too.

She's also the Mary Sue of the series, even ending up becoming a member of the Avengers and a time-traveling version of her in the future reveals she will eventually lead the team in the future. I dropped the series around that point as it squandered all the potential it had, so I don't know and don't care anymore what happens to them after that.

this is how you do it. like all things media, if you find it worthy you can buy copies for the shelf and to support the artists.
sage because Runaways has always been trash.

got any more of those pictures, user. They're great

Marvel can blow me at this point. Their books have been overall mediocre for years now and I'm fed up with their Jewish anti-White bullshit. I'm not giving them a dime ever again.

those cover images were never accurate

she definitely looks more indian in the promo shots for the show, dunno where the other guy is getting spic from

but she died

also, that whole black kid betrayal thing, gotta wonder if they'll include it. I could see some upset twitter posts in the future over the black guy being evil

fucking what nigger, you have shit taste in comics

Runaways was fantastic until faggot ass Joss Whedon got ahold of it.


Jews can produce quality content, you need to come to terms with that

Forget brown, colour me surprised.

If that bitch isn't fucking X-23 they need to neck themselves.
also the hawkeye-vs-hawkeye thing could easily be taken as a warning against hapa-ism, so kinda funny accidental pill.

also J&J oddly don't have anything to do with the pozzing, there's three other jews to look at there.
>Detective Comics would become a sensation with the introduction of Batman in issue #27 (May 1939). By then, however, Wheeler-Nicholson was gone. In 1937, in debt to printing-plant owner and magazine distributor Harry (((Donenfeld))) – who was as well a pulp-magazine publisher and a principal in the magazine distributorship Independent (((News))) – Wheeler-Nicholson was compelled to take (((Donenfeld))) on as a partner in order to publish Detective Comics #1. Detective Comics, Inc. was formed, with Wheeler-Nicholson and Jack S. (((Liebowitz))), (((Donenfeld)))'s accountant, listed as owners.

>In early 1938, Harry (((Donenfeld))) sent him and his wife on a cruise to Cuba to 'work up new ideas'. When they came home, the major found the lock to his office door changed. In his absence, Harry had sued him for nonpayment and pushed Detective Comics, Inc. into bankruptcy court. There a judge named (((Abe Mennen))), one of Harry's old Tammany "buddies", had been appointed interim president of the firm and arranged a quick sale of its assets to Independent News. Harry gave the major a percentage of More Fun Comics as a shut-up token and wished him well. (wot a duplicitous kike)

It's 100% America First Superdickery when it's just J&J and the lolberg, after the hostile takeover (J&J lose rights to the "Super" line, 'The Major' loses everything) is when all the literal jewry begins.
Of all jews to deal with, news jews are among the worst. RIP Major Lolberg and the unseen potential of your tempurpedic NAP, what could have been…. Sweet dreams, major!
J&J both spent 30 years fighting it, and lost creative say after the suit began. This same scenario played out again and again for any 'new IP creators' hired by DC under Donenfeld. DC has a better 'hero stable' than Marvel because they stole most of them while Marvel was Stan Lee projectile-shitting at a bingo-shaped dart board and making new superpowers/secret identity occupations based on where the flecks landed.
All you get by working for DC is "recognition in the industry," you lose the ability to make your own content not-also-owned-by-company (some of the contracts mexican artists got actually stated defacto ownership of even idea sketches which allowed them to sue Harvey a couple of times after firing an artist), they don't pay you shit, and almost all of your public appearances are by script and you're kicked in a broom closet the rest of the time. They basically built themselves on taking advantage of autistic art-jews and no hablo ingles. Literal mafia-tier slave drivers.

also wow where'd they find that retarded caveman? Kreisberg talks like Livejournal faggots write

Jews are like Chinese, they don't invent, they buy it or steal it.

I don't give a shit about comics or bullshit Hulu shit (because, unlike you, I'm not a little boy).
But that actress looks pretty similar to the drawing.

It's pretty fucking simple lesson , fight with your wallet and your voice. Don't give them money and they die, are replaced by another company. It's how capitalism works.

I've watched a couple of videos of nerds reporting this, here's the script:

This also pisses me off.

Meme it.


embarrassing. no you're man because you post all day on a jap forum whining about the left
lol no

yea pretty much, I just don't want the real crooks here to fade away.
Especially not with the way (((they))) fucked up that lolberg.

it's actually fortunate for us Disney owns them now, cuz once the shekels drop low enough they'll be forced to change. Right now they probably have some immediate manager from the parent company covering for them, but you can only fudge these failing numbers so long. SJs are retarded and determined enough to stay the course because comics, like vidya, has a built-in retard audience. In this case the fags that collect all the variant covers, and the ones that must own every side story to any major arc going on. They just about chased away all the normies with the bullshit they pulled during "Death and Return of Superman" which was originally billed to the public as "Death of".
In my (and Larsen's) opinion that's where the true death of comics started, there were too many "what is this bullshit?" moments for normies to handle, and monthly sales went from 1 million being an acceptable standard to 100,000. If normies had held on til Civil War it might've been even worse. (it's actually an alright story if you haven't read it, but the marketing blitz implying it was THE final and forever end of Superman and the screwy Kratos-y "fight your way out of the afterlife" bit completely killed normie participation, they felt legit cheated. People basically kept buying them because they were trusting loyalist simps running off nostalgia fumes, and after being abused they left for good. Comicsfags took the normie purchases for granted and paid the price.)
and this is exactly what I was talking about with regards to the faggot collectors in comics