For evil are women, my children

For evil are women, my children

and since they have no power or strength over man, they use wiles by outward attractions, that they may draw him to themselves.

And whom they cannot bewitch by outward attractions, him they overcome by craft.

and in their heart they plot against men…..


Stop being fooled into thinking that everything is the Jews fault. Women are FAR more dangerous than Jews and their nature has ALWAYS been known all over the world!!

Women MUST be controlled for the sake of all that is GOOD in this world

Dont you dare try feminist censorship mods

If you do you'll only be defending your own worst enemy……….. Wake up!!

Just look at those eyes… it's pure evil

Women ONLY deserve respect as mothers. In every other relationship they are utter shite

Women are part of the nation, jews a foreign body.

Women are nothing but a damn disease to the nation. They should NOT be allowed to take any decisions.

They are as much part of the nation as our cattle and our pets.

Women are PROPERTY

Liberate them and see men become OPPRESSED 2nd CLASS CITIZENS and the fall of civilization

Women are OBJECTS and maids…….. they are not a part of the nation any more than OBJECTS and slaves.

And rightfully so!!

It's because they're evil, defective and perverse. The GOOD in this world declines exponentially when women are liberated


Spotted the white knight….



Women follow power. You get women by having power, not the other way around.

Sage for permavirjews.

itt: muslims and MGTOW

Do all of mankind a big favor and kill yourself

Kill yourself faggot. Women should not be allowed to choose what to do with their bodies PRECISELY because they are power hungry maniacs who leave no room for brotherhood and good will.
Women are evil and make men do evil

They will turn you against your friends and even your own family/parents.

D&C it's almost as if this shitty D&C start every may

I just don't like the fact that OP made his shitpost and then hopped IPs so some other sorry user's VPN will get banned for the thread.

Just like the Muslims are victims of D&C right? hahaha…. just die you fucking white-knight!!


Fucking cunts eating up all the IP's should be gassed

No it's white knights like you who should be gassed ASAP……….. In the future we'll make it legal to kill feminazis like you

Aww.Someone has mommy issues.

Tough, in all seriousness, I'm not sure you're thinking this trough. Women are evil, yes, but how is it that men are so susceptible to evil, in the first place? There must be a part of the body, like an antenna or something, that receives the "evil waves" emitted by women, thus turning men to evil. Now, say, if we were to cut off this antena, men would be free against the evil and influence of women.

So I humbly suggest you follow the example of your tutor on women, Origen. And remove the evil-receiving part of your body.
also, pics or it didn't happen ./pol ain't a board for pussies

Women aren't evil, women are weak. Without guidance they lack the ability to hold on to convictions or keep promises the way men do. If a woman runs out on or walks all over you, it means that you lacked the strength to keep her in line.


My, what large nose you have there Mordecai

That's the feminazi solution….. the real solution is to put women back in their cages and reduce their status to that of slaves/subhumans

Typical feminist with ad hominem attacks. lol

sure is reddit in here

We'll get to that after we put you back in the cage and finish fucking our now sexually-aroused women.

This women-are-slaves thing is just larping by mgtow, confused jews (jews can't understand the concept of romantic love) and aroused mudslimes .

Western women were kept out of politics, encouraged to be mothers wives, ostracised for adultery, and that's about it. In a sense, they were freer than any other women, yet they also had a proper place in society. Now gtfo.

Semites, semites, go away, don't come back another day.

In the pre-feminist era the birth rate was 5 or more…… hitler only raised it to 2.5

Stop making false accusations you disgusting feminazi

WRONG!! YOU'RE AN INDOCTRINATED FEMINAZI. (Just a few examples off the top of my head)
Even the bible refers to women in the same
breath as asses, slaves and houses.
Women are commanded to obey men like we are Gods……

A woman's place is at home (confined to the house)…. No women allowed in public places existed till the 20th century

Arranged marriages in the bible which continued till the early 20th century.

Headcovering is sanctioned.

Women's rights to own wealth and property were very uncommon…….

Wife beating was a legal provision everywhere…. and has ONLY become illegal since feminism. One of the most popular old sayings is that:
A woman, an ass and a walnut tree……….. bring more fruits………. the more beaten they be!

Women are only allowed to hyphenate their names now (this BS should also be banned immediately).

And of course, girls should be banned from schools. Like Martin Luther rightly said:
No gown worse becomes a woman than the desire to be wise
And like King James said:
Educating a woman or a fox simply makes them more cunning


Why are you FALSELY ACCUSING only semites of being strictly patriarchal when it's found all over the world? Hmmmmmmmmmm I wonder………….. maybe it's because you're a fucking feminazi who needs to be gassed? Yes absolutely!!

Worse, you're falsely accusing me of being a semite………. but what else can one expect from feminazis like you but FALSE ALLEGATIONS? You ought to be tortured and thrown into a fire

Sigh. Filtered.

What do I tell my wife? Do I fellow the words of some kike that wrote shit in the desert?


False flag?


Alawites had the right idea

Women ARE jews
Jews ARE women
Their nature is identical.



You're just shills, pushing a jewish-op to misguide traditionalists. Look at how National-socialists deal with woman while you're banned.


You need to fucking kill yourself right this instant.

Doesn't it get lonely, having all these VPN's but no actual friends?

You MGTOW Jews aren't even trying anymore.

This faggot has been spamming these threads every day. Always the same posting style (reddit spacing, plenty of random redtexts, some words in caps).
Are you tired of losing yet OP? It's loss after loss after loss after loss for you. Nobody here ever falls for your shit.