Trump Announces He'll Visit Israel

Trump Announces He'll Visit Israel

>During his visit, Trump will be meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin. The U.S. president and the Israeli leaders will discuss "a range of regional issues," including "threats posed by Iran and its proxies, and by ISIS and other terrorist group," the White House said on Thursday.

>After Saudi Arabia, Trump will continue to Israel, where he is said to focus on reenforcing the "strong alliance" between the two countries, and talk about moving forward the peace process with the Palestinians. "I think this trip will reverse the trend of disengagement from the world," the senior official said, adding that it will also "demonstrate that America is regaining strategic confidence and leadership."

Will he visit the wall?

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Oy vey, so based!

In B4 countless jews swarm this thread insisting that Trump visiting kike-HQ and bowing and scraping to jews is 4D Olympic Dreidel championship gaming, just before mass reporting this thread enough getting a mod to shut it down.

Remember, no criticism of jews or their controlled political agents allowed on Holla Forums


As long as he doesn't kiss the fucking wall, idgaf

Why's that? Out of all the presidents/candidates who visited the Western Wall, Bush is the only one I can find actually kissing it. Is he the only ZOG puppet? Does everybody other than him who visited it secretly hate kikes?

There's no need to keep appearances any longer, so he won't bother. Remember, re-election does not matter – the policies implemented while in power are what's important. As long as the jews behind him get their ROI on their pet industries and projects in his first term, then it will have been worth it.

Obongo too you nigger.

Nope. Was Obama /ourguy/ all along?

Touching it like a faggot touching his first dick is just as bad as kissing it.

If Trump wore a hard-hat to the western wall I'd laugh my ass off though.

Hopefully the Jews kill him.


Agreed, Satan. That would be fucking hilarious.


Only after this senile goy has served his purpose.

Kill yourself ban evaders


He did on a different visit.

so many ones on this thread

here's another i guess but fuck i'd just point out that it's strange

he could spin it into the border wall

More like Trump has broken every promise he's made except the ones he's made to the Jews.

wtf thank you for correcting the record i'm voting hillary now



funny how the mods changed their tune when the backlash against their censorship rampage killed the site and they had to say "it was hacked" in order to justify the discontinuity in their actions

this site is run directly by the CIA

kill Jim Watkins


This, not to mention this is old news. Can't wait for him to visit and not go anywhere near the wall just for you faggots to try and scrape the bottom of the barrel for something else.

Trump niggers BTFO!!


Doesn't matter if Trump does visit the wailing wall, he's playing 1488D chess remember? :^)


That Sour Jésus comment had me dying. That thread was so fun. The salt was amazing.

Why would you laugh from the fact lemon farming is a key strategic component of whites and USA, user? What are you, a kike? Do you want your lemonades to be ten times more expensive? NO, DRUMPF IS SELLING USA TO ARGENTINIAN LEMONS!!

I expect him to bring some bantz to the holy land.


He's going to Saudi Arabia first, anons. Muzzies over kikes.
I find this a lot more interesting.
And then Europe.

Obama did Canada, GB, the rest of the EU first. Saudis in June.
And israel didn't get on the list at least until 2011(I looked till 2011).


He's visiting the Vatican too.

You have a lot to learn, tadpole.

i hope he convinces Israel to have open boarders

Doubling down on the JEWRY I see…..

i hope he convinces the Vatican to have open boarders

If he dies in Israel I'd actually feel vindicated.

Their royal family is fronted by kikes actually.

People forget that Obama was not only a cryptokike but a "kosher" Jew by Israel's standards. His father may have been a bushwhacking mudbaby but Obama's Mom was full Moishe. Honestly that's why America got the shit end of the staff with his term. We were being led by an unstable Muslim-Jewish hybrid experiment.


All the oldfags went to /polk/.

Kikes hate Obama because of Iran. Just goes to show you that no matter how much you give them, if it's not 110% they'll hate your guts regardless. The Iran dealings was the only good thing Obongo did.

Wow we were tricked!

It's normal when you hop IPs with a VPN to crack the consensus

tell them to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act or not one more cent of aid and sanctions will be imposed by the world "community" and ALL military options are on the "table". Also that a world coalition of the "willing" are going to expand and enforce BDS(boycott, divestment, sanctions). And inform them that not signing the NPT and any further aggression will result in Russia helping Iran, Syria, Lebanon and North Korea with its "energetics" (Tesla technologies) weapons. And to stop the Khazar lies and Talmud evil immediately. And to allow Professor Norman Finklestein to speak and debate in the Holy Land. And to provide a copy of Shlomo Sands' book "The Invention of the Je-ish People" to every person on Earth, and to start every AIPAC meeting with the truths contained therein. And to put commemorative plaques on the wailing wall with the verses in The Book of Revelation speaking about the "Synagogue of Satan" And to pay for Dr. Eran Elhaik to go on a worldwide tour disclosing his research into the genetic findings of the occupiers in the Holy Land.


Yeah whatever, I think it's safe to say most of us have already given up on the great pumpkin. Wake me up when the shooting starts.

wtf I hate Drumpf now
I wish I voted for Hillary

It is the best indication of a subhuman race.
If it is holy to you, it should be spotless. Anyone spotted desecrating historical objects and landmarks should be immediately sent to a reeducational camp.

This is where we'll get the images of Trump wearing a yarmulka and praying at the kike wall. Just like every president before him.

More like muslim-nigger.
Jews are genetically Mudslime, only smarter and kiekier. The only reason the israelites haven't a biological weapon to kill the surrounding arabs and make room for greater Israel is that, at a biological level, they can't tell them apart from themselves. Semites gotta semite.

If he goes to the wall, will you admit you were wrong? Or will you move the goalpost and claim it somehow still doesn't matter? Make your decision now, and hold yourself to it.

Nice false consensus building you retarded nigger


Are you trying to say that it's no problem with you if Trump visits Israel and goes before their holy wall?

How is it so difficult to understand that Donald is a Jew lover? His inner circle - his family, even - is riddled with Jews.

Too many people on Holla Forums these days are mistaking what they wish were true with the truth. Holla Forums used to be about unapologetic truth, but now it's about changing the truth using "magic" (wishful thinking).

it's not that huge of a deal if he does, but its a pretty big deal if he doesnt. trumps attitude towards the jews this entire presidency has been nothing but mixed messages.
he'll say something good. then insult them in action.

overall his stance on israel still confuses me. he'd definitely not super pro-israel. but i dont know if he's anti-israel.

but either way he was a much better choice than hillary so supporting him was never a mistake. only a retard would think otherwise

Trump is a Jew like Churchill, and JCVD, not a pro-Marxist.

Now your useless 4chan, Holla Forums bullshit didn't spread any infos on French politics and the Jewish bitch that wants to attack Poland was elected.

You might as well close down, Holla Forums is over.

I think the "insults" are mostly exaggerated and imagined. Explainable as bumblings of somebody who is politically inexperienced, combined with the jewish desire to blow everything out of proportion.

Like Trump's speech about how the Holocaust was terrible. He neglected to mention jews explicitly, so the jews jumped down his throat. Were they really victimized by Trump talking about how the Holocaust was terrible? No, of course not. But they pretend to be offended because that's their standard M.O. That's one of the ways they exert social control. Maybe Trump didn't intend to offend the jews, but the jews twist his words and act offended anyway because they've made being offended into a perverse virtue.

Or when Trump "failed to denounce David Duke". The jews said that Trump was explicitly calling out to us then. Trump said that they fucked with his audio so it was a mistake. Which is correct? What if the jews really did fuck with his audio, in a ploy to make the public think Trump supported David Duke? Can we really rule out that sort of kike trickery? Maybe Trump was telling the truth when he said he didn't hear the question correctly. After all, before and after that incident he was willing to denounce David Duke. That single failure was uncharacteristic, yet the jews said it was defining of Trump's mindset. Maybe it wasn't.

Just because the jews claim Trump is an antisemite, doesn't make it so.

I fully agree on that. Even if Trump disappoints in every other possible respect, he was still worth it to stop Hillary from nominating SCOTUS judges. I don't think there is any disputing that.

Jared and Yael Kushner didn't go either. Are they /ourkikes/?

You don't get any more based than Mossad affiliated kikes like Kushner
Just ask the kikes filling this board with pro Mossad linked Le Pen propaganda

Oh look, it's the
guy. Kill yourself.

Leave Iran alone you stupid fucks.

This. Supporting BASED zionists like Le Pen, and BASED nationalist jews like her boyfriend Louis Aliot, is the best way to fight the jews. Only JIDF and Hasbara would disagree.

Prepare to be banned.

What alternative do you propose? Maybe you're right and the world is inescapably under the ZOG. Tell us, in your opinion, the "true" path to take. It seems the innawoods autists and their volkish community initiatives have more to offer than your constant condescension and shitflinging. The Redpill is burdensome and cuts to the core. Could you blame so many of these anons for giving it up and self-bluepilling if there is, according to you, truly no answer? I don't mean go full boomer meme and become a neo-con, but 5D Hopscotch seems pretty damned alluring.

With Jews, you lose. Trumps' family tree is really kiked now, so that helps what to chose from your pic.

The election's over, your argument doesn't work anymore. What's the negative of exposing Trump's kikery now? He might lose an election he already won?

I see Kek even agrees with Satan too!

You keep reposting this exact phrasing with names switched out, this time about Trump. Yes Schlomo, it does still matter, as you know damn well.

He could've visited the UK or France or Poland or Hungary or any of the European nations. Instead all we get is a visit with Pope Marx I, where that piece of shit can beg us for more open borders bullshit.

And instead, he visits the kikes and the saudis. Two sides of the same semitic coin.

First time I've ever made that post, but that's irrelevant. How does it matter? What do we have to lose by calling out kikery?

you're making the mistake of assuming they actually care about fixing the world. the only reason these people are even here is so they can virtue signal. They tell themselves and everyone else that they're just waiting for Hitler, but that's a lie and even they know it deep down. Hitler didn't come to power because of "muh day of the rope". He didnt lead a violent revolution and overthrow the government; he did try it though and failed miserably. The one thing that these "redpilled" tumblrinas dont want you to remember is that the NSDAP came to power gradually, using the existing political infrastructure. And yet somehow Trump supporters are wrong for trying to do the exact same thing. But that's problematic since then the purists would actually have to get off their asses and work for change. It's much easier to be just like the commies on Holla Forums and refuse to acknowledge any attempt to implement your ideology in real life because they're not pure enough for you. That way, you can sit on your ass posting on Holla Forums all day and still feel morally superior to everyone else.


I don't really believe any of us actually think that, it's likely almost entirely shills pushing in that direction, because they know well that would result in our defeat.

Seeing Trump at the wall with his eyes closed is going to be a great picture.

What's TRS?

Here's the problem with the TIDF shills: they're not willing to hold his feat to the fire. Now that we have him in office, this is the EXACT TIME we should be his most vocal critics and constantly making noise when he cucks (or appears to cuck, it makes no difference). Trump should be held accountable. And the people screaming SHILL SHILL SHILL at anyone even moderately critical of any of Trump's actions isn't fucking helping.

Trump isn't Goku holding up a spirit bomb. It's not like if we don't constantly prostrate ourselves to Trump he'll magically lose his mojo. We don't want to be retarded yes men.

But to answer your question, no of course Trump was the right choice. Trump was always the right choice, and I wouldn't trade him for anyone else. But that doesn't make him infallible. People keep thinking (or pushing) this notion that there is a strict dichotomy; you're either on Trump's side or you're a jewish shill. That's not how it works. If we want to make sure he pulls through for us, we have to make it known. He has to KNOW when we're not liking a direction that's being taken.

For all we know, Trump might have escalated the conflict in Syria, but decided to back off and let it rest because of a giant backlash from his dedicated fanbase - people like us. Or maybe it was the plan all along, I don't know. But the point is that making sure our complaints/worries/fears are known is important.

Yeah expect Hitler didn't have Jewish connections out the ass on top of kicking out Jewish bankers to fix his country.


If you don't think our influence spreads down the tubes you're gravely mistaken.

And Trump has been shown to reverse course in the past when his fanbase got vocal about it. Syria is just the latest example. This sort of thing goes all the way back to when he flubbed on the H1B visa stuff in dec 2015 and we all freaked out, and he immediately made a retraction.

Trump is a populist. He DOES listen. Just being yes men doesn't help. And, going by the pascal's wager, complaining about actions that could actually be 4D chess still doesn't result in a bad outcome. It if's 4D chess, then great. If it's not, he might change his mind.

Democracy is failure.


Trump didnt do that out of a desire to make Holla Forums happy, he did it to make the his voting base happy. It doesnt matter how many times Holla Forums tells Trump to gas the kikes, cause we're still outnumbered a thousand to one. Trump is pretty much forced to do shit that Joe Normalfag would want him to do. And unfortunately, that included shit like standing up to "Literally Hitler" Assad. And when it comes to shit like healthcare, where Holla Forums is constantly bitching about preexisting conditions, he has to have that in there even though he probably knows it's a bad idea in the long run. If we want the government to change, it's not enough to just get a new president elected, we have to change what the people think and shift the overton window so that Trump or people like Trump will actually be able to do more redpilled shit without being opposed on all fronts.

Obama is a legit full legal Jew so he can do whatever he wants.


He's right you know

Did you even read my post? Holla Forums has influence far beyond this board itself. Information and memes spread forth from the source. We do have influence, whether you think so or not. He doesn't directly listen to Holla Forums itself, but he listens to the ideas that originate from Holla Forums

Jesus Christ, do you faggots still buy this shit? Really?

Trump is not a populist - he is a puppet.
He doesn't give a SHIT what you (the voters) think or want, he doesn't care, he's not an egoist obsessed with people liking him, he's a businessman interested in serving his interests and the interest of those he actually DOES give a shit about, namely, his exceedingly Jewish family.

>we have to change what people think and shift the Overton window so that Trump (or people like him) will actually be able to do more redpilled shit
This is what you faggots actually believe… Its no wonder things are as bad as they are, because this is fucking retarded.
There is a 'glass ceiling', so to speak, on how far the overton window can move whilst distracting comfort remains intact.
And the sad hard truth is that you will never shift the overton window, given present demographics all across the West, in any meaningful sense, until the comfort is eroded beyond the point wherein the overton window fucking matters anymore - by the time you wake up enough Western Whites to allow democratic processes to theoretically save them, they will be so few in number as to make it an impossibility numerically.

All is not lost, by any means, but you must understand that you will not vote your way out of this, ever. Until you understand that, and really believe it, you will never be anything more than the edgy equivalent of the National Review and its readership, or similar ilk.

Marching to Zion

…but wasn't Le Pen populist-left? She's economically a socialist, but just wants to get out of the EU and doesn't want kebabs

Trump will fail to make America white again. Use this opportunity to explain to right-wingers how meaningful democratic change is impossible. Even when "our guy" wins, we still end up losing because the entire American political system is rigged against us. The path forward is disillusionment with democratic solutions. Disintigration of the Federal government. Balkanization and the eventual formation of white ethnostates.

Look at the collapse of multicultural Rome. Look at the emergence of smaller ethnostates carved out of the corpse of Rome. That is America's future… if we win.

I recommend you keep his feet to the fire to make it burn faster either way.

Economics no longer matters. This is an ethnic conflict. This is a smouldering race war.

I won't call you a shill, because I think you're a radical like me. Look at it like this, my friend:

Trump winning triggered a bunch of anti-white, America hating niggers and communists to take to the streets and go ape shit. They LITERALLY CANT EVEN when something doesn't go their way. Especially if its to do with rayciss shit.

So every time Trump or his kind wins, they chimp out and redpill a host more people who are growing more and more impatient. Trump was the spark that caused the fire that is getting people to think maybe we need a little jackboot therapy to fix things.

Good post. Unconditional loyalty to Trump has no place on Holla Forums. We need to continue to further our greater goals.

Better yet, show them these two graphics, and ask them what they think the future of America is actually going to look like - "when a demographic shift transpires from a majority group with a high-cog average to one with a low-cog average, what do you think America going to look like?"


If you're a shill, be aware we can see you.

I agree, which is why terms like left and right are bullshit and utterly meaningless.

The ultimate failure of Trump (and therefore, democratic solutions), combined with this knowledge about the demographic destiny of America should be enough to turn any rational man towards fascist solutions.

Keep pushing on all angles, particularly this one. The more men made to understand this, the better.

… Show them this, and tell them simply:

"I don't have to question what American will look like in the future - I have the data, which I've just shown you, which tells us both what it will look like: more gun control, bigger and more invasive government (with higher taxes), more speech laws, and more (increasingly) left-wing political victories. This isn't a question, its not a maybe, it is a certainty given what data we have at our disposal. This is the future that democracy has given you - will you accept it?"

Trump was not our ultimate goal. Our ultimate goal is to secure the existence and future of the white race. Trump is a tool we use to get closer to that goal. Our principles are more important than loyalty to Trump. Loyalty to Trump must be conditional, based on whether or not he's taking us closer to our goals.

when a shill shits in the imageboards, do you think the shitposters don't notice?

I really like that first picture, because it demonstrates something I always have to explain in text: Jewish overrepresentation in powerful positions.

People always just write this off by saying "oh, well it's because jews are smarter and more talented". And while that's true, they still only make up 2% of the population. So the number of genius whites still completely eclipses the number of genius jews. Which asks the question, "so why are there so many jews in powerful positions?"

And the answer is of course due to tribalism. Jews favor elevating fellow jews. I've seen this happen myself multiple times, where someone who clearly wasn't up to snuff still got into a prestigious medschool or fellowship or job because they were jewish and the people hiring/interviewing/enrolling them were jewish

Kek, loyalty towards anyone in this country is retarded. Loyalty towards someone who openly supports israel is even more retarded. Back to reddit faggot

Perhaps, but frankly, I don't hold your positivity. The fraction of people this genuinely redpills is so small, so meager, as to make little to no difference - by January 1st 2018, 95% of whatever "redpilling" Trump created will have withered away, due to re-emergent apathy, demoralization in the face of the falsehoods of our system (and those who come to power therein), and base distraction.
Already I see it, feel it in the rhetoric and the trends and tones I see in conversation and argument.

Comfort and prosperity for our people are, until we come to power, our enemies - for if they are not, we will never come to power, and our people will be gradually destroyed, before they even realize it is upon them, for their comfort, and the appearance of prosperity, has them blinded.

Things are going to have to get worse before they get better, and I frankly don't think our people have it in them at this stage to do what is needed; not the comfy normies are distracted, or demoralized, or who just don't give a shit about anything, nor our own, whose goal it must be, in the short term, to degrade the comfort and prosperity of our people, lest they are, as the saying goes, slowly boiled, as the Frogs across the pond have thus assured they shall be.

Most men are not rational. Look at the post to which you responded, the data therein:
In point of fact, however? Its the women. I love women, they're wonderful - but they cannot be allowed to have suffrage in the context of such a society, without that society falling apart. It is simply in their nature, as emotionally-motivated beings, to degrade such paradigms.

I agree with your sentiment though - the more who understand this paradigm, the better off we are.

Honestly, the current atmosphere would be unthinkable around 5 years ago. The system was in lockdown and it appeared our fate was sealed. I've observed things for some time now and I truly never saw this coming. We're in unique times, Kek be praised. Have heart, and give it your best.Then you can rest easy at night

You do know the Vatican is not really a country, right?

Of course most people aren't rational. But 8/pol/, traditionally had a much higher than average IQ than even 4/pol/.

I ascribe this to "the exodus" the Holla Forums version, not the talmud version being an IQ filter event. Anons intelligent enough to perceive problems on 4chan all left. Dumber anons stayed behind. This raised the average IQ on 8/pol/ significantly. I fear this effect has been diminished in the last year or so, particularly thanks to dumbshits on reddit telling low-IQ people on the_donald to come here.

Oh, sorry. I mistook the context of this comment.

I don't even need to engage you further, you laid it out yourself. Enjoy shitposting to the filter.

That was the entire point of that graphic, yes.

There are fewer than 1 million Jewish geniuses in the US, and the US contains 40% of the world's Jewish population. This destroys any of the claims as regards 'heightened intellect' being attributable as regards their drastic over-representation in all fields of import.

The tribalist social survival strategy has served them well, but their subversiveness is what has really won them the crown, so to speak - remember, American Jews were the first US minority to convince a US president to take action abroad for the sake of their ilk.
How'd they do it? Money.
Of course, money.

Dude, Trump's son in law.

Ivy League means nothing now when, except as an indicator to those 'in the know' that you're either rich as shit, have connections, or (if the individual in question is White, and especially if they are a White male) are very, very, very gifted.

The kike platform works like this:
This ends in one of two ways:

Quite possible.

Really? Because I saw this coming a mile away.
If one understands the Jewish program, as described in an above post, then its quite obvious that we were going to end up with a slave revolt quite soon, by requisite of the scale of the changes the Jews were making - are making - to the society.
I had hoped Trump might be the signs of a willingness - and ability - to drive out the Jews… But after seeing how things have gone, the response from all directions, I believe I was over-enthusiastic in my hopes.
Never, ever, stop fighting - but never forget the context of the fight, either. Mind your surroundings.

Excellent post. That stuff about Kushner is entirely expected. I see that shit from med students all the time. The jews are fucking retarded. They're just like the diversity-enrollments, except without any formal system of racial quotas for them. On average, the jews I've had to deal with are all retarded and below par, but they still get by because of their connections.

And your stages of jewry are true as well. It's why the history of jews basically works as a cycle, where they slowly gain influence and power, but they don't have the ability to ever say "enough is enough" and they always push it too far, which leads to the gentiles rising up and smacking them down. That's why they've gotten physically removed 109 times and/or'd throughout history.

I relish the fact that the cycle is about to come to an end soon. I'm not sure of the date or the year or even the decade, but I guarantee that within my lifetime, there will be a rise up to squash the jews. I'll live to see it. We're about due for one.

More Jewry.


They've been doing this for a very long time.

If he puts on that stupid hat we will never hear the end of it.

And ol' Mr. Schiff?
He's a prime example of Jewry in the early stages.

If he puts on that stupid hat, then we know the score.
I almost welcome it - I'm tired of seeing people still try to defend this bullshit. Once that hat is on his head, and his hand is on that wall, all the illusions will be gone. And good riddance.

Nice infographics, btw. Keep them coming.

And yes, nothing triggers me more than our people - white people - putting on the stupid jew cap. It doesn't even make any goddamn sense. YOU'RE NOT JEWISH. AND STOP PRAYING AT THEIR FUCKING WALL. IT'S NOT YOUR RELIGION. Fuck, now I'm triggering myself thinking about how Trump kept sucking-jew cock and honoring passover during fucking holy week and completely ignoring how it's the most important week in Christianity.

I've had the displeasure of needing to attend a kike wedding or two. But I never put on that stupid fucking hat.

Christianity is just Jewry for the goy, bro. Wish it weren't so, but that's my conclusion.

I disagree, but I don't feel like getting into another argument over this. It's just needlessly divisive bullshit.

More like we'll know the score in the 4D chess game that he's winning.

These fagots will never get it. Their critical thinking skills are barely better then your typical normie retard. The only reason they are here is because they're most likely anti social outside the internet. You have to treat them as you would a leftist, their train of thought is almost identical.

Trump did not start any fires. Trump was elected to dissipate 8 years of built up white anger that is the majority of the armed population. He's acting as a sedative until the next leftist leader will be elected. It's all about illusion of choice and control.

I understand.

… Okay.

I dunno about all that… Hope can be a powerful chemical.

You're a fool if you honestly think Trump was 5D chess by the kikes to give us false hope and a release valve.

The "Trump Effect" was 100% real. The kikes were legitimately shitting themselves. All that was real. The fact that he's become bogged down in the swamp is indeed unfortunate, but it doesn't mean it was all for nothing. Trump DID start a fire.

The election system is devoid of Hope. It's not hope, it's wishful thinking banked on the classic one party cure all system of showing up to a voting booth every 4 years to "fix" your country. In reality most people are lazy, and that's about as much work as they want to put into it. So even if Trump has Jewish connections, even if we know the one party election system is incapable of producing someone that is not a Jewish pawn, people, even on this board, will still blindly believe in someone like Trump. That's the beauty of illusion of choice and the fact that everyone is too terrified to stand up to the current situation. So they do what a scared person does, they go with the "system" and blindly believe anything will come of it.

This is what happens when you see no good guys or hope left, you start going to the enemies side. This is exactly what all these pro Trump shills are doing, they eventually will turn Holla Forums into believing "Not all Jews are bad". And it's happening.

This visit comes AFTER he forced bibi to come to the white house, met with the Palestinian leader and basically snubbed Israel for months.

It's all a stage, you're the fool if you think you're seeing anything else then Jewish theater. Call me a blackpilled faggot all you like, I accept the reality of the situation. Not a pussy faggot like yourself. You are the true blackpill. You are the prime example of someone who has lost all hope and then blindly believes in a Jewish pawn and a system that was built on the ignorance of the feeble minded, in this case, blindly believing that you can win a Jewish controlled game.

People like to say Hitler didn't start the 3rd Reich overnight, and of course that's true, he went through the system. The big fucking difference in being that he didn't have Jewish aides and masters.

Black pill faggot

Time to touch that wall and the mindless hero worshippers will still call it 4D chess.

Yep, better kick things into gear Holla Forums. If you don't kick up a fuss nobody else will.

I must agree whole-heartedly.

They'll have no more legs to stand on when it comes to that, so, I welcome it.

what point is there to worry or debate over what trump does? he will do what he does and his intentions and goals will likely remain shrouded. it is out of our control. criticizing trump for participating in PR shit is silly. so what if he holds a holocaust memorial? the alternative is to make an enemy of all of the jews and a huge chunk of his support base, and he would have to double down because there's no going back from that, but what could possibly go wrong amirite? at least we know he isnt a jew. who cares if all that he had worked for crumbled.the kikes dont want another hitler, they will have more barriers to that happening than there were the first time. lets pretend trump really is the reincarnation of hitler - would he have been making moves to tip off the jews of his plans? who has more cards currently, trump or his enemies?
even if trump was juts the ultimate good goy, why would he be walking the narrow path that he is currently? because kushner knows about the chans and doesnt want us suspicious and to use our ultimate power to overthrow the government if we came to the unanimous conclusion that trump is a kike and revolt is the only viable course of action? trump could go full blown kike and nothing would be a threat to him. trump could destroy us and all of what we stand for if he wanted to, and he would do it in such a way that nobody but us would know it's happening. trump could be doing so much more for the kikes if he wanted to, but what reason does he have to do that?

Mindless faith doesn't need anything to stand on. That's why its mindless.

hitler didnt initiate his rise to power in the environment of 2015 america. i swear if your attitude was around in hitler's day you would be calling him a kike for not exterminating the jews and instead working to set up a nation for them, calling him "just a release release valve" or something.

Its mindless, but it can espouse the appearance of something more - that is the currently-wobbling leg upon which these pro-Trump folks are still standing.
Once his hand is on that wall, its all over… And I'm almost hesitant to say as much, because I know administration shills - legitimate shills - are watching this, and noting the changing tide, and I don't want them to know what I already know, which is that the moment Trump shows he's taken the knee, his support in our context will turn on him 100%, and the admin shilling here will become obvious and worthless.

I wouldn't be surprised if they don't allow media to cover him touching the wall… But then, the Jews don't get to show it to the world.
Hard sell, I suppose… But then, that assumes the kikes give a shit about Trump having any support in the populace, which is dubious in the utmost.

Cool projection. Hitler kicked out the Jews in the Central Bank that was fucking them over, restored it to a NATSOC standard and their country was practically restored. That's what has to happen in America and in Europe.

"fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me"
do you think the jews would let that happen a second time? they would catch on almost immediately after what they had was so close to slipping away in ww2. they have a much tighter grip now

Then why would you ever think Trump would be a solution?

he can still make the best possible moves for our side. it can be debated whether or not the best possible president (one who would likely still have to make numerous unavoidable compromises) is better or worse than just a flat out revolution, and maybe hillary would have been better for the sake of accelerationism or maybe trump (assuming he is abiding by the 14 words) should give up and do things like increase immigration and holocause remembrance in an attempt to red/blackpill the population to add more fuel to the revolutionary spirit, but with that being said i dont think the possibility that trump is /our/guy is completely off the table. but just because the kikes are more paranoid and cautous than they were pre-hitler doesnt mean trump should just give up and not try.

you can also look at jfk. that could be another line that trump is keeping away from. trump (assuming he is good) wouldnt want to appear too much like jfk (let alone fucking hitler) because even jfk was too much for the kikes. trump must do what he must in order to not get shut down

You're banking on Trump becoming something he's not going to ever be. In that time things will get worse and worse, until whites fade away because they were too big of pussies to stand up to the system and tell it to go fuck itself.

Holla Forumss gotta get off the left/right zog train and pretty quick sharpish before any more damage is done to its credibility.

That image dosen't apply to Trump though XD

It applies to all these elections that have been cheered on here.
Every one a zog puppet

Damage control

I never stopped believing, and I won't stop yet.

so you have resorted to assumptions about what i personally believe? where is your argument? what is your solution? are you saying there is none and that whites will just die out with a whimper? all i see is a baseless black pill.

i think we can both agree that we are unsure of trump's intentions (you certainly cannot and have not proven that trump is a practically a kike), therefore we are in the same boat, what we do ourselves should be the same, working towards the same goal, yes? trump will do what he does in government. what we can influence is the people among us. weather trump is good or bad, isnt the solution for what our actions should be still to spread truth and work towards the abolishment of the current system or, at a minimum, all its innumerable flaws and push our people towards a good destination?

That is currently happening. Whites will die out without a faint of a whisper because they will vote every 4 years for some actor. My solution is violence, but any of that around here is labeled as FBI. You sound like a black pilled faggot because you offer no solution other then blindly believing in the system. That is the blackpill.

Is Putin /ourgoy/?

1488 d chess in action. Can't wait for the exact same pic though with Trump in Putins place.


Spot on.

That's the real blackpill, watching everyone being so easily manipulated by kikes into cheering on right wing jews against the left wing jews.
Neither side is ours, not even slightly.

One of us, one of us, one of us!

I want to disagree with this post, but I can't because it's true.

who said i blindly believe in the system? when you encounter an argument you cannot contest, do you always substitute a strawman for it? of course the solution is violence regardless - what other solution would there be? are the nonwhites going to leave our countries and relinquish their gibs willingly? are the jews going to unembed themselves from our institutions and preheat the ovens themselves? will a few moonmen inspire a revolt? or will they just be snuffed out? if another dylann roof acted tommorow, would that bring us close to our goal (yeah, "20 less niggers in the world" is all good and well but what about in the grand scheme of things?) you can "say" that violence is the solution all you want, but there has to be enough violence. violence without thought or contemplation of the short and long term effects is textbook nigger behavior

how are we being manipulated by trump? when he says "niggers are great and i've got lots of jew friends", do you see us unanimously say "wtf i love nonwhites now"? now that trump is in office do you see us suddenly no longer being national socialists? if we all were blackpill fags like you, what would we do differently? why dont you say? where is your solution? is revolution the answer? how do you expect to rally enough numbers for your cause? or should we just give up what we're doing?

That's the blackpill, watching cunts like you, whether paid fraud kike, or genuine brainwashed drone moron that believes voting for one jew is somehow better than doing something completely different than supporting and aiding kikes.

Did you really think just because he's president he could go say whatever the fuck he wanted? He called out (((them))) for supplying ISIS and even implied that he'd be fucked if he specifically mentioned who. The fact that he keeps up the act in the highest office of the USA proves the kikes rule us and he knows it. The man was never meant to be taken at face value for anything he says, and I'm not sure why everyone has forgotten that since the elections. I genuinely think the consensus at undermining the "4D chess" meme is a psyop. I won't say he's Hitler or as good as him because he clearly isn't, but it definitely isn't unlikely that he's playing a giant game with the media, Israel, Kushner, and every other slime ball that he has working for him in office.

Call me retarded, but I have hope.


He gained his wealth by the system, he would never destroy it. If anything I could only see him patching some of the greater exploits and backroom deals that should of been a prison sentence long ago.

oh. so then you offer no solution or preferred course of action that you want us to take?
are you merely saying that we should have let hillary win? who said that getting trump elected meant we would cease our activities? i dont see people on here saying "man i'm sure glad trump got elected because that means we can all just sit around and do nothing". why are you so insistent on distracting people from being productive in spreading the light of national socialism? why have you not commented on the things i've said about that? i've said that what trump does is irrelevant to what we do for the most part, because our goals remain the same regardless of who is president. why should anyone rally behind what you are saying when you do nothing but demoralize without even defending your points with arguments or offering alternative paths to take? surely you must see that what you are doing is one of the best ways to discredit your cause. where is your reasoning?

No only those encouraging others to vote for zog are being called a blatant kike.

…oh and those saging and kvetching about the obvious kikes being called out also…

hypothetically, even if he was better than hitler, what course would there be for him to take that is different from what he is doing now? nobody can seem to answer this question. the jews know what hitler's rise to power looked like and they wont let it happen again. hitler really wasnt even that extreme with anything, he just had things right. jfk was another man who understood things and look what happened to him. look at the societal impact trump has brought about - trump is definitely close enough to the line. i dont think he needs to push any harder; he is gradually making good enough steady progress as it is.

i dont see how we cant ask for more in a leader. if anyone knows how a leader could be better than trump, please feel free to let me know

correction: i dont see how we can (not "cant") ask for more in a leader



After Trump returns from Israel, expect US invasion of Syria

screencap dis

Shareblue and goons could at least be less obvious.


Oh look, another astroturf shill thread.

Well, yeah…petrodollar. Without oil being sold exclusively in greenbacks, burgers are fucked.

Obama didn't need to go to Israel so fast since he's a blood kike from the legitimate mother jewsess. As a goy Trump needs to scrape and bow more.


Just don't drink the water don, they put something in it.

If he doesn't touch the wall it's all good
If not then it's all fucked
The Wailing wall is the last thing he has

jews leave

I mean, he's done worse…

I'd just like to know if my taxes funded their religious ceremony…
Who brought those bottles of wine into the white house?
Can anyone just carry bottles of colored liquids through the front door?

Eh that's different
The Stupid hat means he's a stuipid goyim, the Jew Cloak means the Jews have to treat him as if he were a jew

b-but that'd d-different! those were just a bunch niggers putting a Jewish cloak on him! Not kikes!
You're not making this any better user…

Look I don't think I'll see Kikes mad if Trump touches the wailing wall, unlike the WE WUZ JEWZ cloak



Well, there's 3 of the world's most powerful religious centers.

Except instead of meeting with Putin and Kim Jong Un, Trump warmongers against them. Instead of destroying NATO, Trump keeps it. We can count on him to suck bibi's mutilated cock though

That's like saying that British Petroleum is better than Hexxus.

Indeed, why our people are so entrenched with cheering on one faction of jewish power against another faction of jewish power is beyond me.
The fact so many posters here are arguing the toss over which is the best jew kind of tells me that the last 2 years has seen a massive exodus of genuine anons chased out of here.


Are there really still posters like you on here pretending that the whole massive worldwide double-bluff Trump campaign wasn't a massive con-trick and hoax on the goy?
You people still exist here?

It will be talked about for centuries in the future as one of the greatest frauds perpetuated against the goy in world politics.

So he's cucking for Israel, or at least it appears. We have to find an effective way to keep the pressure on him. In the end, I think that I'll judge him on whether or not he builds the wall.



I'm sorta neutral on Trump but how come you fags get so assblasted over these types of threads?

I think the general concensus of the thread is that it would have been better to just break the system down and take the fight to the kikes instead of voting in the system in an attempt to fix the system.

Before the elections you had the "maybe" banner to plaster all over your statements to give your shitty arguments the air of plausibility so a lot of anons were tricked or didn't care. But it becomes clearer by the day now that Trump is a kike shill and it's time for us to do what we should have done in the fucking first place which is break the system down and rebuild it.



an out of place ferngully reference? I sense lefty. (Hexxus did nothing wrong btw)

why not just do both? it's not like voting takes that much effort.

what alternative d'ya suppose goy we own all the ballots and candidate anyway goy.


They put prayers in the wall for religious purposes, but i would still call Jew scribbles as garbage


Just look at that bitch squirm when he brings it up.




Why did you bump this?