(((The Washington Post))) calls for regime change in Hungary!

Opinion: "How the United States can stop Hungary’s descent into authoritarianism"

While Hungary is the United States’ friend and ally, the relationship between the two cannot be based on turning a blind eye toward each other’s failings. Under Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s leadership, the central European nation finds itself on a trajectory that is moving it away from Western democratic values.


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This is serious. Both liberals and neocons want regime change in Hungary, and we all know how that worked out in Iraq and Libya.

It baffles me how average americans feel so justified in overthrowing everyone elses goverment

Put average americans in parentheses and it should make perfect sense.


I just love it how normal it became from 2004 onward that USA or any other country can just overthrow a government elected by the people that doesn't follow the UN ZOG rules.
It's like that crazy girlfriend that constantly pushes more and more bullshit on you and think it's common courtesy to shit on the carpet after she did it once.
The dumb kikes will just fire up the nationalist backslash even more.

Remember, the wapo took $600 billion from the CIAniggers. They are the de facto press arm of the (((Deep State))).

$600 MILLION, not billion, obviously.


Well yeah, chickenfeed, but more than enough to keep them afloat after Bezos bought them.

This. And didn't Podesta take a job there?


Could the world one day just say "Enough!" to America's bullshit and gang up together to take the US out? In some ways, I'm surprised that something like that hasn't happened, but then I realize (((why not))) most likely.

This i hope

most of the world is uneducated peasants that do what their (((leaders))) and (((meida))) say.

Hmmm… Maybe we should support regime change in Hungary. Given the previous track record, Hungary will become a base for international pro-white terrorism and conquer half of Europe.


Their country never suffered from the horrors of industrialized war. Their cities were never firebombed, their people were never rounded up and shot by the hundreds or even thousands. Artillery barrages didn't destroy their architectural wonders, airstrikes never destroyed their factories and killed the workers inside, fathers and sons.

When we start a large scale construction here in Hungary, or anywhere in mainland Europe where the world wars were fought, it's rare that we don't find skeletons, or DUDs that need to be exploded. Americans don't have to live with this.

It's no wonder the American peopel are so warlike. I have nothing against them, but I genuinely believe that the world be a better place if America suffered a horrible war on its own soil, so they'd finally understand the cost of what they do to peoples all around the world.

This, great comment

well said

Well yeah, their biggest war was the civil war, and as you pointed out, it wasn't industrialized. Their only battle of an industrialized war in American soil was pearl harbor, and to this day they won't shut up about it.

What a load of shit. The eurotrash have been slaughtering each other for thousands of years. Anything the U.S. has done post-WW2 pales in comparison to the oceans of blood they spilled before we even existed.


Vast majority of Americans are anti-interventionism, especially for the military who turned out in big numbers for Ron Paul, only war supporters here are kikes and retarded boomers who as always have enough disproportionate representation to make it happen regardless. Democracy is a joke, don't assume DC's actions reflect the preference of the majority of American's especially when it comes to banking policy and foreign policy.

Pretty much this.
Also, this article is probably really intended to spook Orban into backing off. The vast majority of the US is not interested in starting a war for Soros. The message is 'back off or we'll start pushing for this in earnest'.

And here's how the United States can stop the United States descent into madness.

Republics are a joke.

half my neighbors support it. I wish you'd guys would just keep calling us cucknadians instead of LEEEAAAAFFFFSSSS i mean that sounds so affectionate, cukcnadian though? Now that rustles jimmies.

Where was the uproar then, when America decided to invade Iraq and Afghanistan? All it takes is a little propaganda, and Americans are eager to believe that "liberation" (wholesale destruction and wanton murder) is better for foreign peoples than to let them forge their own fates. Sure, there are many exceptions, honorable people who can't be so easily manipulated. But there would be a lot more, perhaps enough to outnumber the war mongerers, if the US experienced "liberation" on its own soil once.

or it will just become Ukraine2.0

they dont even need to deploy here. all they ned is to manipulate us into infighting like in the balkan wars, ww1, ww2, and the yugo wars

Paid for by George Soros?

It's funny how Soros still refuses to live in the most enriched parts of America and instead opts for Hungary the least socially pozzed country in Europe currently considering the shit that evil kike says.

well then its good to see youre finishing the (((job)))

politics in general are a joke.
made up systems, norms, values that keep entire civilisations from degrading to feral packs of hairless monkeys.

They can't even make up an atrocity to pin on the Hungarian govt first? Lay-zee.

I've been thinking about this for a few years ago. It really would give us a realistic perspective on war (and force people to discard their civic nationalist fantasies), but who is capable of delivering it?

China would make things far worse. Russia would simply start a new empire and we're back to what got us into this mess to start with. No European power could do it, and I doubt they're capable of organizing against us.

La Raza, pan-Africans or arabs - lol.

There was enough backlash against bombing Syria in 2013 that Obama abandoned his plans. Iraq and Afghanistan not so much admittedly but war propaganda is losing its effectiveness with the internet and social media supplanting legacy media.

Based timeline.


fuck I can't stop reeeing about the trayvon diploma.

canada should go to war with america, draft all the liberals and sjws from both sides and let them kill eachother off

I'd like to see that in my lifetime.
America invaded on all fronts.
First a barrage of EMP detonations above - wiping out all technology.
Their satellites lasered out of the sky.
Then nuke after nuke on the major cities, followed by neutron bombs in a few more to cut down the populace.

Continued air raids for some months, all crop fields sprayed with poison and bioweapons.

Air dropped troops, hundreds of thousands of them, put into rural areas to clean and sweep, one region at a time.

Then the ground forces move in - down from Canada, up from Mexico, huge freighters landing on every coast. Tanks rolling over everything - fire bombing first, then troops move in - with continued artillery support.

Then pull out everything suddenly, wait a couple of weeks - then another massive air strike on all population centres - just as the survivors have crawled out of their holes to see if the enemy has really gone.

After that, pest-control - anthrax drops monthly, other bio and chemical weapons.
Six months later, send in the troops and tanks again to clean up any surviving settlements.

World peace thereafter.

Oh - and change the government afterwards, to be a bunch of Eskimos.

I'd rather kill disgusting slaavs. Even the name sounds like an insectoid alien disease species.
"The Slaav" are attacking - switch to flamethrowers.

Oh wow who could be behind this?

Low effort D&C attempt

Funny they haven't yet mentioned doing the same to the jewish homeland (((Poland))).

Oh, how i've come to hate this term.

What has even Hungary done that is so "antidemocratic" and "authoritarian"? Not accepting rapefugees? Closing down Soros university that literally just taught pseudoscientific horseshit like motherfucking queer theory.

1)Poland is vital to US safety infrastructure, while Hungary is neutral on the Russia-USA axis.
In an event of sudden aggression US soldiers stationed in Poland would get instagulag'd in Auschwitz or some soviet era facility and the American administration would have to take responsibility for it.
3)It's just a plain bigger country. It's always easier to pick on Serbia or Hungary. Poland still gets named in one breath with Russia these days.
4) There was no occasion.

he didnt bend over to (((them)))

Modify it to say
And put the current year on it.

The hypocrisy and interventionism in this article reeks of jewish handrubbing like no article I've seen in the past couple weeks. This has a blatant undercurrent of someone saying something with ulterior fucking motives. Normalfags would see this and just ask "why should we care, this has nothing to do with us," and they're right.

It's not a western "democratic" nation though kikes. Hungarians won't take your shit.

You seem very happy to kill off a large amount of white people chiam

The stench of this article definitely reeks of Soros employees

A little side note on the "big evil anti-CEU" law that hungary adopted. It's a word for word copy of the foreign university regulating laws of every other European Union member. Hungary was the only country that didn't have such a law.

America is a space and sea empire, expect another 400 years of this.

the central European nation finds itself on a trajectory that is moving it away from Western democratic values.
Good for them


At this rate America won't exist in 100 years. Even disregarding the possibility of some insane bitch like Clinton starting a nuclear war with Russia, and the possibility of Yellowstone blowing up, the demographic changes are gonna bring down the US.

You can forget any superpower status once your population reaches 75% Hispanic.

Honestly most Americans really don't care. Unfortunately the US, being the birthplace of Hollywood among other things, has been subjected to capable subversion. There's always a group riling them up and forcing them closer and closer. Since WW1 Americans have resisted this interventionist streak of elites every step of the way. Even FDR was only elected because he made the false promise of no more foreign wars.

"I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again:

Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars."


Foreign wars have only been possible in America because of deceit by their leaders. An infamous Bushism quote comes to mind though..


Found the Muslim shill bot.

demographics change in empires, as long as they can maintain a technological gap they will withstand almost any type of shock. volcanoes erupt, yellowstone could go tomorrow or 5000 years from now. geological timescales should never factor into human time scales, freak accidents of nature cannot be properly prepared for yet. the caldera is no more active now than it was in the 1700s. why would clinton want a nuclear conflict? and she isn't even close to power, if she runs again in 2020 trump will beat her handily.

america will always be changing, especially since it's unclear if humans will even be required for it's future dominance. maybe a faceless mega corporation with military supremacy and automated robotics is enough to rule. the first of those will emerge in America, which is still the world leader in technology, research, science, engineering, military, and so on. the next big war will likely be between people and machines, with the people having initial success in skirmishes and guerrilla tactics, but the machines eventually adapting to asymmetric combat and using a scorched earth tactic to destroy the lifeblood, food and supplies of their human combatants.

the american empire is a banking and corporate empire also, the ocean and space is where the mercantilism and wars of the future will be fought (after a human resistance is quashed). land is only required if you want to feed people and need to sustain a large population, if you listen to bill gates the world will dip below 2 billion by the next of this century. war and disease will play a big role in that reduction.

perhaps some will manage to survive, and rekindle their primitive skills in woodlands and remote inhospitable areas. living on the run or as barbaric nomads with a tiny footprint. i would assume the vast majority of humans will simply merge in some capacity with machines, it will be sold as enhancements and life extensions but be used to enslave humanity to various different agendas. the human machine wars will be brief, people are nowhere near close to organizing themselves or understanding what the big tech companies are building. the ensuing corporate wars will be more interesting and last maybe centuries, depending on the dynastic hold of the founders. a technological monarchy with some humans living to be hundreds of years old is foreseeable. there is a fundamental reason to suspect america will be the dominant power throughout all of these changes, because it got there first with the technology.

they will be by the end of the 2050s, just a matter of return on investment. would be great if they find something actually useful on the moon or mars to encourage the expansion and planetfall. probably by the 2500s mars and earth will be at war, and the 500 years of the martian colony will begin.

The Balkans are a complicated place user. It's a lot bigger then simply Muslim shills.

only a muslim shill wouldn't know the difference between 'based' and 'best'

Oh, good eye. But the Balkans still remain a complicated place.

Shiptar detected. Even your fellow mudslimes hate your subhuman asses.