Trump Leaning Heavily Towards Pulling Out Of Paris Agreement


redtext only works on new lines

Hoty fuck, satan. I have no idea what the Paris Agreement even is but since it's an (((international agreement))) we are probably better off out.

The fuck anons, did you drop to dindu iq levels since I was gone?

b-but Holla Forums told me that Trump is a kike puppet! why is he pulling us out of an (((international))) (((climate change))) agreement?

Breakdown for those unaware

the Paris accord has been confirmed as bought science, in the same vein that the Saudis are now champions of human rights.

So this is why the shills evacuated en-masse so hard they tanked the board's poster count

you get a self imposed ban for being a complete faggot. how hard is it to fucking jewgle "paris agreement" before shitting up a thread?

WTF Satan my fellow Drumpf supporters who hate Drumpf now told me Drumpf was a globalist shill.

Shills always stop posting for a bit before the new talking points are distributed. The ebb and flow is really obvious right now. Tomorrow is going to be annoying.

Satania a cute

Shes a shit tho.

fail demon girl best demon girl
See: My Balls

That's a stupid idea honestly.

Cool your autism, faggot.

And here's the shill!

mah nigga

How? I'm just saying this actually dumb. How is trying to reduce carbon bad for the white race? What? Muh business? Muh capitalism? Fuck capitalism. He could actually really shut the left up and raise his approval ratings if he didn't do this, but whatever. Guess I'm a shill.

Kill yourself kike.

praise kek. the butthurt from climatefags will be massive.

t. not agw denier, just don't care about future where i wont be around.


I would love for all you faggots to describe why going for cleaner energy production is in any way bad? Like assuming all the science is false, who does it hurt other than fuckhuge oil companies? Solar is already at or beyond parity with oil costs in many places, the tides already turned. And you're all sitting here like faggots sucking big fat oil company cocks

Really tingles the noggin


this better not be nafta boogaloo

whatever you feel about the climate, the paris agreement was an absolutely horrible decision. it's the equivalent of the whole world going "we wont pollute, we promise". of course, america is completely retarded and chose to take this to the absolute extreme, while china just laughed its way to the bank, installed some solar panels and didnt change a thing about its emissions, beijing still being the most polluted place on the planet. effectively it's another reason on the long list of why we can't compete with china in manufacturing.

you do realize there is the cost of getting there, right? i don't want to foot any bills for futures i won't be a part of. and since the only "solution" proposed by envirocucks is carbon taxes which if i'm not being taxed directly will still result in a pricier gas bill fuck that. fuck that, only a cuck would pay for such a thing.

You stupid fuck, who do you think owns the (((oil companies))) you're so blind they have you shilling for them.

Seriously, any arguments for why oil energy is better than clean energy? With renewables you get energy independence, freedom from some buttfuckistan imploding and spiking energy prices tanking your economy, cleaner air so you're not wasting millions a year on health care… And it's getting close to or at the same price of oil after a pretty short time in development.

I'm literally saying assume that the science is wrong. What is better about oil?

it's economically justifiable

That's just buzz words, justify that.

You're the same faggot that wants all cars to be removed and force everyone to use (((public transport))) in every vehicle or town thread.


digits confirm train-sperg

America didn’t take it to “the extreme”, it missed its targets by some way, the Chinese however completely ignored them. The only countries that complied were Germany and France. These Agreements are stupid, a group of nations get together and all nod and agree with each other and then go away and carry on as usual, meanwhile the whole thing is heralded as a great success and everyone involved gets great PR.

You need to explain to your boss that he sent you to the wrong site, and tell him twitter is more your speed.

How is this even in question? And how does Trump plan on apologizing to miners if he decides not to?

fug, I had no idea who that image was, I had snagged it for reactions

Kill yourself. You won't be missed.

Not in the slightest, I fucking hate public transport

So no arguments beyond autistic screeching then? I'd actually hoped for some discussion. In terms of math, the economics are turning overwhelmingly in favour of renewables, to the point where oil companies are very seriously investing in them. Seriously, look it up, cost per kilowatt is reaching parity for a solar station compared to coal /oil plants in some states,and whereas oil has matured for decades renewables are just getting going. Like it or not, they are the future, and people like you are being pathetically shortsighted. I'd rather get the industrial research base going to get a lead over everyone else, coal isn't ever coming back but there is going to be a massive industry opening up around this.

Fucking use your head, people can have different opinions and not be a kike

if that is the case there is no reason for carbon taxes, policy agreements, etc. the market will get there on its own. my problem as i have stated is when i'm forced to pay for this stuff. there is no doubt that the energy independence from these technologies is favorable.

I want to see Trump have a sit down dinner with Al Gore and Lord Monckton and have them both argue their points. Knowing that Gore would get fucking demolished.

I want to headpat her till she's a hot mess from being flushed red and embarrassed.

also i think agw is a thing btw. just not a thing that will have worse consequences for me in my lifetime than climate policies that make me pay extra for futures i won't be a part of.

Although it's not a view point I would personally take I can certainly understand it, that's fair enough, thanks for the rational answer.

It was making me sad, no one seems to want to actually discuss /debate things anymore on pol (beyond a certain scope) it's all just echo chamber nowadays


Literally for what, and isn't stating you've reported someone a bannable offence?

See, echo chamber

We don't need a fucking agreement to decide which source of energy to use for our Country. We can do that by our damn selves. Fuck off shills.

It is nafta boogaloo.
It's even worse too.
It's basically 'white guilt the policy'.
All the countries that make a huge carbon footprint would be forced to help bring developing countries online on their dollar while also cutting down their own economies by turning off their own 'dirty' power sources. It's fucked.

i didn't like the response you got either. and if it's an consolation had it happen to me too over somethings, still tbf far from echo chambers of the mainstream. still am surprised the enviro natsocs haven't showed up. iirc hitler instituted environmental protections b4 anyone else.

soon, but there are much more important things first
doesn't matter to protect environment when your genetics are in danger and you are on the brink or world and civil war

And it also doesnt matter when only the US, Canada, and Western Europe care about the environment, when about 70% of the world's population falls into NOT WESTERN CIVILIZATION-tier third world shenanigans.



I already pointed it out

I meant I hope trump isn't signallinglying like he did with nafta

Yeah it's an uphill battle for sure

Cabron taxes? Pic related about carbon and 666

Oh I see, well we don't know what he wants to do with NAFTA yet, he can still kill it, but I think he wants to try and find a way to grab canada and mexico by the balls using NAFTA renegotiated. Why doubt him?

Carbon part is in the middle of the image

Why trust him? He didn't promise to take the world by the balls, he promised to get us out of situations where we were getting fucked over. How many of those have already been 'rethought.'

The paris agreement was shit to begin with for two main reasons:
As I understood it, the whole thing was designed to get the money of first world nations circulating through these new bureaucrats' bullshit while using "muh poor brown people can't be held back" and other leftist drivel to not actually solve the problem so they won't go out of business.

He's doing what he can based on the system that he is in. Obviously. He's still our guy. If you don't think so I'd like to know why

I never thought he was /ourguy/, though I thought he was moreso than the competition. So I don't know what you mean by obviously. He got elected on x stance and once in office switches to y stance with no real justification. That is not the action of a trustworthy person. And he has done it repeatedly.

Not purging those he has the power to purge is not being stuck with the system, it's sticking with the system.

The word obviously was attached to the previous statement not the /ourguy/ statement.
I could have typed that better.

When you say x stance and y stance unless you are specific I can't tell you why I'm still with him.

he'll purge more people when he gets the chance i'm sure, you can't ever go full 88 right away, he's fighting many battles at once

and yeah about him being /ourguy/ i don't mean that as in he will start the rahowa but in that he is way better than anyone else we could hope to have right now.

Either way. I also don't know how he is obviously just doing what he can.
>X and Y
I'm referring to any and all cases where he has backed out of promises or positions. Where he has backed down with no obvious corresponding benefits.

What makes you think he can't already?

Well, then. I guess we'll be seeing some cars flipped over by deluded faggots.

looks like i need to stock up on more popcorn

And bullets.

You fucking retard, if they start getting economically viable then nobody has to force anybody to use them and nobody is going to stop them either because they'll just out-compete everything else.

Why are you such a limp wristed faggot, user? Holy shit.

He wanted to renegotiate NAFTA from the beginning, he said if you're not willing to renegotiate it he's going to get out of the deal and he showed them that he's willing to make good on his threat.
There was no lying/flipflopping/cucking or anything else other than him doing what he said he would do.

You are correct. The shills are simply pushing a MSM narrative

He's working on that aint he

Yes he told Mexico and Canada he was backing out, and now they are begging him to renegotiate the deal. Trump holds all the power when he does sit down with them and discuss trade

We've had a technology to solve most of the pollution problems since the 70s, its called thorium breeder reactors. Unfortunately, this didn't take, I wonder why…

France has almost 70% of its power from nuclear, you don't hear about their nuclear catastrophes or wide-scale pollution and the technology is constantly refined.
Even if we skip tesla and focus on the currently utilized technologies, we are still very much below our technological and resource capacity for truly clean power.

Solar and wind are good in those places where climate allows it, but they are eyesores and cause a lot of their own problems, mostly with wildlife getting injured.
Funny enough, you don't want carbon content in atmosphere to drop below 300ppm, otherwise your plant life starts to suffer and our temperature goes to shit, effectively freezing us. An all-time historical low was 180ppm and this was due to an over-abundant sequestration of CO2 by organic life and subsequent glacialization and coming of the ice ages. The planet saw concentrations of over 7000ppm, so what we are doing with CO2 is small-time.

Our industrialization bumped it up to 400, so if we reduce the level of deforestation, we are effectively sustaining life on the planet and keeping any further ice ages at bay, because we kick up the carbon that would be otherwise sequestrated long term. I am personally more worried about toxic pollution and un-recycled waste, which causes the real damage not only to biosphere, but to our bodies too.

You can't use solar or wind for base load. It works in areas near fjords and such because you can pump water into them and then let it out through a hydro station to generate more consistant power, but without some sort of highly efficient energy storage like that, it just doesn't work. It's like going to a barber with Parkinson's. Doesn't matter how cheap he is.

But seriously, go back to Holla Forums

At the end of the day, fossil fuels are going to be the number one resource for just about every country. In America alone, we have hundreds of years of coal left underground and enough natural gas to keep localities sustained (we're just fucking retarded and export most of it). The systems and technologies are already in place, logistics are already covered, and transportation is almost entirely some petroleum derivative. Even natural gas filling stations are uncommon despite the widespread fracking operations going on around America. Another thing is that 'clean' energy will always have some environmental cost. Solar cell production is a dirty venture, and the byproducts require storage and proper handling. The big 'shift' is still decades away, and even then, it's dependent on a function society that isn't being invaded by foreigners and demographically imploding (like the entir west is).

China and India are going to rape emissions in the coming decades. Just wait until they start burning coal en masse to support their population centers.

Meant to quote

It's not that anyone likes oil better than anything else, it's just that oil is so readily available and compatible at this point that we've reached a point where basically all oil based derivatives are more efficient.

Go look up some of the stats on energy consumption in America alone. If coal, oil, and gas were removed overnight, the entire nation would come to a halt. Any renewable source, or even all of them combined, doesn't even produced half the energy consumed.

Is this a glitch or a spectacular display of retarded shilling?

must be a glitch, only the first reply tagged OP
sorry for such an obnoxious post

(((Climate science))) is a fucking hoax. It's nothing but an excuse for the jew to make the west economically weak and impose further taxation and one child policy to the masses. And even if it isn't, the alarmists say we've reached the point of no return for the hundreth millionth time, so there's nothing we can do either way.