What are Holla Forums's hopes and predictions for vidya in 2030?

What are Holla Forums's hopes and predictions for vidya in 2030?

Most of the oldfags and millenials will realize that they're not the target audience, quit vidya and start living their lives.

I hope a single console wins so hard all others die and AAA publishers only release for it completely forgetting PC.
I hope this mega console is so popular everyone owns one.

I hope this leaves me and 1% of gamers on PC so we are free from AAAs effects forever.

The absolute chaos would be quite entertaining.


I could never have predicted what vidya would have turned out like in 2000, so I have no idea what it'll be like in 2030.

Steam is dead

Every video game will include a free Miku DFC sex cyborg.


Fun, I'm just hoping for fun stuff to make a return. Don't know about prediction, but something that I hope will not come to pass.
The Year is 2030
The invisible war continues. The Communist Caliphate of California issues more fatwas. Reports of sharia squads are celebrated in the media as diversity organizers. Mr. Zuckerberg, the Czar of New Media and NuCommissioner of the FCC declares the mandatory National nano-RFID tag will be operational in 6 months.

The fat man will never let you be free.

Mr. Zuckerberg, the riots are intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.


I hope I'll stop playing video games by then, or at least stop being interested in video games. Worst case scenario I only play one or two really deep games casually.

Im actually expecting a societal collapse to have happened where i live by then and would probably be more concerned with making it through the day then giving a shit about vidya, even as much as i love em.

"Then release some HD Oculus Farmville 3.0 trinkets, activate the facebook memory holes and autoscrubber, 'accidentally' leak out one of the pedowood mk ultra clones sextapes. Tell CNN to cut to a live shot of the Madonna Golem Ambition 2030 concert, tell that cyborg to do that golfball out of her cunt trick, but this time lower the velocity to non lethal mode. Do I have to do every single fucking thing myself, holy shit and where's the maid, Fortress Zuck ain't going to clean itself! Glenn! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!"

Glenn Beck in a d.va costume and doritos dust mouth. "Yes my master, a thousand apologies my master, what can this humble slave4u do to appease you?"

"Glenn, get that disgusting orange dust cleaned off. My toes feel funky, it needs a tongue bath. I don't want your filthy cheetos pie hole to soil my feet. Clean it before you give my little piggies a good and thorough bathing with your tongue."

"it's…it's actually doritos…it's doh..do..dori..doritos.."

"Did you just say something to me, Glenn?"

"NO, NO my master I'm sorry my master!"


I think that 2030 will bring with it societal instability which'll make luxury goods such as video games rare and the industry at large will see massive shrinkage, once again becoming niche. There'll be a resurgence in arcades at this time as it's easier to offload the cost of developing a single game onto 500 different people shoving dollars into a machine than trying to sell it to 1. I also see Inception style shared dream-like VR dens, like Yusuf's dream den, where people could lay on a comfy cushion and play something like Summer Lesson together. Each Sleeper will have their own waifu and they'd all live in the same VR town, maybe solving puzzles or raising virtual families or something. It's here where we will see the ultimate in escapism.

Full dive may take a little longer than 2030 but it'll be achieved in the first half of the 21st century.


I'm hoping VR gets so good, we make VR in VR in VR in VR in VR and then hopefully that'll be enough to shut the matrix down so I can enter the real world.

That looks like something the military will be very interested in, especially for say urban pacification bipedal Peace Drones.

Modding is all but wiped out because the amount of time needed to create them becomes too high. Or it is killed because Devs master locking out users from any form of modifications in order to have even more control of their product.

Many digital services have died at this point, so possibly the most niche gamer crowd now is collecting shitty indie games that never had a physical release/wide download base.

VR VR VR VR and then augmented reality games

Either gaming is a legit sport now and hosts many of its own channels or it truly never takes off and falls out of the public eye again.

Nah. Why are todays drones as successful as they are? Because they're quite autonomous and because they use long range weapons, so latency isn't a problem. The only thing a feedback exosuit would be useful for is directly connecting to a piloted bigger exosuit. Could be quite useful in a pioneer role, not as a combat unit.
Small bipedal drones would have to be at least as autonomous as a flying drone, probably a lot more as in urban combat, reaction speed is far more important.

I want to believe that is still a possibility, but military and science have always been intertwined in one way or another.

True enough, the vid I linked was meant more as concept not 1:1 pilot to bot size comparison of what I'm thinking. Reaction speed of bot and computer could be way faster than humans, that is true. What I'm thinking is human aided where it's still necessary to have a human behind the control, even if it's mostly for legal purposes. Fully autonomous will never happen due to obvious challenges and risk ie the Skynet sentience threat. But semi autonomous, that shit I can see being developed and chased after for sure. Then again look at how the current year drone war is handled, but you know some sort of pretense is usually still necessary. :^)

I will only be playing games I made myself. By that time, I should have a decent library.

I really don't want to think about what the next 14 years will bring. At this point, trying to imagine the future of games is like trying to imagine the future for someone who really loves their pet. You know it's going to die someday, so you try your best not to think about it and just enjoy the time you have left.

Sure. You don't need VR or feedback exosuits for that though, at least VR could be employed as a cost saving measure as one HMD displaying several virtual displays to monitor a dronesquad is cheaper than several physical displays.

One more thing worth pondering is that a feedback exosuit has to be both stronger and faster than its wearer to provide full dive tier feedback. Strap a generator on the back and some armor on the front and you have a ghettotaped power armor. Police forces of the future will shit their pants if they're ordered to arrest a true nerd.

I think I'm too cyberpunk dystopian minded for even that optimism of a nerd being able to nig rig a power armor to escape or resist a corrupt cyber gov't. I can just see servos of a certain size to power ratio and high density powerpacks being legislated to Military and Police only, unlicensed plebes use and ownership carries an automatic federal charge of CyberCrime bill 2027-c. Or another legally devious application of something like ITAR against civie rigged power armor.
If something like that ever happens I'd imagine it would unfold like the killdozer scenario, and the nerd would be painted as a psychopath by the Ministry of Truth. I'm not a passive-ist peacenik, but I'm not a trouble seeker either. I just want a future where the world is not a globalist monoculture ruled by regressive bureaucrats from on high on some ultra rich ringworld satellite. I'd like to avoid that timeline, we're not there yet but there are disturbingly a lot of signs that points to that possibility.

If not dead, it'll probably be overrun by weak people who think they're doing the right thing by crying to get their way.

If we don't have Full Dive MMOs and/or robowaifus irl to replace drama-thirsty 3DPD bitches, I'd be pretty damned sad.


50TB bluray discs

I know that feel, fam. Old games were great because they were defined by their limitations, and now that a lot of those limitations are gone all we have is a bunch of hollow imitations trying to recreate the magic of yesteryear.

The servos have to be strong enough or they can't fulfil their purpose, full dive tier haptic feedback. Power supply is the remaing problem, but that's a tech problem that can't be legislated away. You can always daisychain smaller power supplies if for some reason electric/hybrid cars and motorcycles get banned.

Face the truth: Feedback exoskeletons existing means power armor in civil hands will happen sooner or later. Full size mech combat may never happen but power armor combat will.

Another gpu competitor comes in to the mix and have a number of gpus that aren't gimped and share the same freesync formula amd does, while consoles are completely forgotten about due to technology increasing so fast. also oculus and the rift have all new models out that have time actually tooken on them to not be complete shit and have games worth playing

i'd be almost 40 years old at that point so i hope that i'm fucking dead by that point, and if i'm really lucky maybe a meteorite hits earth too and wipes it out because i've learned that man is unfit to walk this planet

The memeteor finally hits, wiping out humanity.

Vidya is still shit.

Pessimist view: GPU competitor gets bought by one of them (probably nVidia). They get a leg up with the new tech and crush the other guy. Why innovate when you can just buy good ideas?

Fam, that's the only thing that gives me hope. That a compact, high density power pack will come into reality and it's practically impossible to ban because too many industries wants it. Fuggg, I want it to happen so bad because that could also help open up the tech tree in portable coil guns.
Even in a Bubblegum Crisis world, where qt.3.14 in power armor are the knighto saybah that fights cyber corruption and crime in the near future, there is still a very real possibility that ruling elites will hold back technology if it means it can prolong their monopoly on power. I'm not saying I don't want citizens being able to own power armor. I'm saying the ruling elite class will have no problem trying to kill that beautiful dream.

I don't even want to think about.

I hope all electronic devices will be using fuel cell battery instead of lithium.

Why would the elite try to halt tech like this? It'll be at best as common a threat as killdozers are, which means no threat to any power structure whatsoever. On the contrary those incidents are welcome justifications for the further militarization of police forces.

I should've wrote that better. Not hold back tech in the sense of stopping science, but via legislation. Think current year non powered balistic armor for eg. In non burgerland, sales and possession of those things by non gov't\police tend to be very regulated andhighly controlled. The elites would not literally halt that type of tech, but they will attempt many legal stranglings to keep it out of plebes hands.

By then I will likely be exclusively /vr/, so I would no longer care.

That's bodacious, dude!

GNU/Hurd gaming platform of the year 2030

This. I'm almost fully /vr/ already. Big releases are completely off my radar and good indies are few and far between. As long as I have working hardware, I'll be fine.

Sure, but that won't affect the core of the tech, just some aspects with less of a legitimate dual use nature. Lightweight armor is a good example. Ghettotaped powered armor would have to rely on lower protection per weight materials, so either be less protective or less agile than military grade powered armors.

Ah well, to get back to vidya, by 2030 I'm quite sure we'll have a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. made for VR. Maybe a new one, maybe just an extensive mod. Full dive squatting around a campfire after a long day of hunting mutants, sharing stories, cracking jokes… It'll be magnificently comfy.

Haven't seen such concentrated autism in such a long time. That was youtube comment tier.


no time for vidya, too busy working at a minimum wage bio farm to pay for the medicine for the infection caused by these mandatory thought chips

That new Miku game looks hella dope. Insane amounts of content, I'm really considering an import.

AAA industries will no longer be profitable
Resurgence in AA industries
Hope for consumers to be more cautious of what they're buying
Bethesda's dirty schemes will become more and more apparent that it will finally begin to piss off normalfags (it worked for Jewbisoft)
SJWs will become almost nothing

Also what these user said about VR

with 2016 going so well, I will hope the future will finally be good

Will i be middle aged by then? I mean 30s are not middle age are they? I just might look for a new hobby.

You couldn't have chosen a dumber response.