So everyone seems pretty quiet about the fact that ANTIFA affiliate, Autonomous Student Network-UT...

So everyone seems pretty quiet about the fact that ANTIFA affiliate, Autonomous Student Network-UT, was behind the attack at the University of Texas.

Article about them encouraging members to kill frat boys:

Their fb page with more requests to kill frat boys:

Other urls found in this thread:

How was this guy involved with them ?

Chads are the backbone of this fucking country. Anyone who hates on Chads is a fucking faggot.

You think its coincidence that this Antifa affiliated organization has been posting about killing fratenity members for the past two weeks and then that nigger goes and actually does it on the same day Antifa is rioting all over the world?

What do you know… Commies in his friends list.




it's a bit as if the whole network of psyops and mind-controlled tools all over the place was freewheeling for the last 6 months, with triggers in place for a leftard insurrection popping at their appointed date, launching all the useful idiots to their appointed crashes, and no globalist deep-state at the helm to orient the chaos toward a full social collapse that would justify starting a ww3 for

Sounds about right.

Anyone know what this scarf is all about and if its anything relevant? He posted this a little before the attack

everyone I don't like is TRS

are those jew stars?


Looks like a kike prayer shawl. Seems like hen's a We Wuz Kikes nigger.

Thats what I'm wondering. Sure looks like it.

From his youtube:

A re-enactment of the Haitian Revolution white genocide. Seems he was a full autism nigger.

somebody irl was telling me all about this, based on what they learned on reddit. it seems that he was a very happy and outgoing and nice person but suffered some kind of aneurysm or brain trauma or something. basically he dindu nuffin he a good boy.

they can't keep getting away with it


Thats a leftist excuse. Fuck that. He nigged out and gave in to his natural instincts.

That meme's been around since before TRS adopted it.

You will totally save the white race by being super triggered about outgroups.

That's not evidence, it's conjecture.

The Hebrew Israelites use a crown in the WE WEZ JOOS "original bloodline of the King"

Fuck off commie.

Anyways, mystery solved. Looks like lil kendrex actually was a black kike. Here's his final message to the world right before he chimped out.

= conditioning trigger
probably not MKUltra, this program is too old, but one of its successors

I think this is the same scarf.

Disgusting. Spoiler that.

Nice try Schlomo.

I've gone through everything he has online and he seemed completely stable, if not a little autistic. He came from a well off neighborhood, wanted to be a doctor, posted bible quotes on his social media pages, etc. Then out of fuckin nowhere he's a Black Israelite this morning. This scenario seems more probable than anything.

I'm already over the antifa theory if you read the thread.

As usual, it was the Jews.

No shit the meme existed before the hacks at TRS politicized it, but Holla Forumsacks weren't adopting the homo-fetishistic forced meme any more then they were adopting MILO or Evalion.

tone down the autism you fucking twat.

H..he wuz a good boi
J..just doin drama, reenactin an shiieet

Shh, don't ruin the manlet fantasy that "every man 6`1 and above is of low intelligence and a loser", let them have their mantra "I may be laughably small, but at least I am INTELLIGENT and SUCCESSFUL!"
statistically, most high level people in industry and business are 6` and over, because intelligence and the ability to lead scales with height.



Dubs of white genocide.

They can call themselves whatever they want, but George Soros killed this kid.

Hitler dubs don't lie. Checked


surprising density of dubs itt

it's only the mind and its redpill level that matters, nobody gives a shit about the rumor there may be chads in frats, you're inventing a school playground problem where none exist

in the video's credits: Justin Glaze, Terry Woodard, Sam Dilmar, Victor Erazo
someone should look into them, and also check for an unmentioned common failbook friend who could be the handler

that's just a nice way to say "obnoxious and uppity nigger".

Hi TRS. You have to go back.

Go back to reddit. "Chads" came from the chan circles years ago. Popularized mostly by /r9k/. TRS has nothing to do with it.

How are you this new? This lack of awareness isn't even disconcerting, its impressive.

Ah. This is the thread being slid.

That explains the shill threads we're getting at the moment.

That's not his final message to the world. Wait til you get a load of his book deal. We wuz writers and sheit.

It's pretty bad. They know with Abbott has no problem calling Sessions about this. Terrorist Organization needs to be in the conversation.