Women's cancers receive 15 TIMES more funding than Mens!!

Women's cancers receive 15 TIMES more funding than Mens!!

Men pay over 70% of income tax but the vast majority of public spending is on services for women. There is more money spent on breast cancer than lung cancer and prostate cancer COMBINED (despite the fact that lung cancer alone has 3-4 times more fatalities than breast cancer)

A man's chance of getting cancer is 44% and 23% of men will die from cancer, 38% of women get cancer and 19% die. Yet there is vastly more money spent on cancer for women, this is lethal discrimination.

Women pay 60% less tax despite spending 300% more in domestic spending than men. Women also consume two third of public spending. There are 3 times the amount of gender specific health services for women than men despite the fact that for equal increases in health spending a man's life expectancy rate increases nearly twice as much as a woman's.

Betas cough up money for muh bewbs.
Nobody coughs up money for your two best friends.

I was going to reply to this (and still will) with a campaign idea I just thought up, but my first research for it came up with this.

I need every kike on Earth dead. Now.

Yeah, except it's not really going to cancer. It's going to some rich women earning 6-figure salaries to make sports teams play dress up in pink uniforms while they play children's games on television to promote a type of cancer everyone is already aware of.

Breast cancer isn't even that dangerous, it has a high survivor rate.
Cancer funding should be going to the really horrible shit, like oligodendroglioma and medulloblastoma.
.t stage IIC melanoma survivor.

My son has 4 great grandmothers, 0 great grandfathers. Kill all feminists.

It's not "betas" but indoctrinated feminists in general…. regardless of their dominance level… that cough up money for women

Women have trained men to cough up money in return for sex!

Women's liberation has been a HUGE mistake and it MUST be reversed immediately!!!

Women should not be allowed to own any wealth or property and they should only marry who their father chooses

I'm not even sure what you're saying. Did your father and your wife's father both have sex changes? In like, their elder years?

←This is you

My grandfathers are dead, my grandmothers are alive. My wife's grandfathers are dead (hell, my wife's father is dead) and my wife's mother and grandmothers are alive. Women bitch about men, meanwhile we're all dying painfully of cancer while they live into their 80s & 90s.

Trump needs to bring mens health, education and social issues to the forefront as we're doing terribly in all three departments. And if he's met with resistance he just needs to double down on the fact that healthy sound men are vital for a successful nation state and any opposed aren't very warm people and ought be ignored.

alright thanks anons. I guess I read that too quickly and missed the -great-

Well boo fucking hoo, they could have stopped smoking anytime, but they didn't.
The reason why breast cancer gets more funding is because more young women are victims (but age is still a huge factor), while the average age for prostate cancer victims is in the mid 60s. Young fertile women or mothers to small children are more valuable than old geezers.

Or just simply ask, " What's wrong with helping men?", and wait for the anti-male rhetoric to flood normie space.

You know a lot of men develop lung cancer from work related environments right user? Surely you're not just baiting people over this one cancer considering all the other things men are looked over on in our society, right user?

The overwhelming majority of people get lung cancer because they smoke. I will not feel sorry for them just because a very tiny minority of people get it because of work conditions.

Less than 5 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S. are younger than 40. Rates are highest in women over age 70.

Stop spreading feminazi mythology!!

Old women are somehow more valuable than old men……………….. women of all ages are more valuable than men in this FEMINAZI society that needs to die



Oh, also, stop using the term 'feminazi'.
It makes you sound like a fag who doesn't like Nazis. Just call them feminists, feministos if you want to be a snarky faggot.

mgtow really going for broke today

This is seriously pissing me off. Breast cancer isn't even nearly as severe of a cancer as they love to make it out to be, especially compared to some truly horrible cancers. It has a high survivability rate and the worst case scenarios are usually IMMA LOSE MUH BOOBS, which again are easily replaceable with implants.

How the fuck did tit cancer become such a big media sensation in the past years? It's like we've cured all other cancers and that's the only one left.

So you have just PROVED that it's not young, fertile women but mostly women over 45.
There are almost no cases under 40, as clarified earlier. And here's what you need to know:

Women become infertile by 50

But, men are fertile till they die which is why vastly more money should be spent on prostate cancer. Women over 50 are completely disposable.

Not to mention, old men contribute a lot more to society than old women. Another reason why funding for breast cancer should be almost nil.

But no, feminazis like you keep giving special treatment to those useless cunts and make up LOGICALLY DUMB excuses for it.

Women are only producing 10% of the children they are actually capable of. Why spend money on these useless women?


this shouldn't be news to anyone here

Thanks, I was too lazy to dig up proper sources. This should show very clearly why breast cancer get more funding than prostate cancer. 25-40 year old women > 70+ year old men. This also explains why prostate cancer seems to be so lethal; because prostate cancer patients are really old. How many men over 70 can survive chemo?

Can't you into graphs, moron? The peak for breast cancer is shifted to the left by only like 10 years. Definitely not 25-40.

Breast cancer is very very treatable, and when not its damages can be supplanted with implants, furthermore it is NEVER the case where 90%, 50% or even 15% goes to combating breast cancer, it all goes to jewish wymin and her masters.
By your own retarded half brain, moron, whip out the stats, oh right, you're speaking out of your ass.

25-40 year old women? Stop trolling feminist scum!! Less than 5% of breast cancer cases happen under 40. LEARN TO READ!! STOP LYING!!

The rates of prostate and breast cancer are about EQUAL after 50-55 years

Men after 50 are vastly more valuable than women after 50 (who are completely useless) so prostate cancer should have a lot more funding. This is compounded by the fact that women are NOT producing children and yet we continue to spend money on them in feminist society.

He's nothing but an indoctrinated feminist troll or paid shill (Jew) who wants our tax money to go to useless women. Or it's a woman with her woman agenda.