Economic Reality: The Bottom 50% Of Americans No Longer Matter!

Economic Reality: The Bottom 50% Of Americans No Longer Matter!

The Fed likes to brag about the “We saved the world” recovery, in essence it has been a artificial saving with worthless digital numbers. Over 40% of the world assets are now in the hands of Central Banks. However, the unfortunate truth of the matter is a record half of American families live paycheck to paycheck.

A large portion of Americans are unprepared for nearly any problem.
- 53% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
- 50% are woefully unprepared for a financial emergency.
- Nearly 1 in 5 (19%) Americans have nothing set aside to cover an unexpected emergency.
- Nearly 1 in 3 (31%) Americans don’t have at least $500 set aside to cover an unexpected emergency expense.
- 49% of employees are “concerned, anxious or fearful about their current financial well-being.”

A Fed study shows U.S. households will soon have as much debt as they had in 2008. The Federal Reserve announced Friday that the U.S. has $1 trillion in credit-card debt. In a Holla Forums thread it became apparent that the defaults on CC debt are rising to the 2008 levels. The FED is maintaining that the industry is healthy and delinquencies are 'still really low', factual data doesn't matter. Just keep telling the sheep all is well with a smile.

Due to the FED increasing the interest rates when Trump was elected, it is now merely a matter of time before a large portion of outstanding debtors opt out of paying of their debt and declare bankruptcy, ultimately another crash or quantitative easing rounds are incoming.

Another visible trend is that a older generation of Americans are taking on a greater share of debt then since pre-2008. Of those aged 60 and older held 22.5% of total household debt in the fourth quarter of 2016, in comparison in 2008 they held 15.9% in 2008, while in 2003 they held 12.6%. Most of the debt is mortgages and secondary mortgages hence why give wealth to your children if you can live the high life and give the outstanding debt to your children. A alarming trend is that they are also shoulder more student loan debt for their children and grand children. There were nearly 2 million debtors in 2015 between the ages of 50 and 64 who took on a "Parent PLUS" loan, which the government offers parents. Another 200.000 debtors over the age of 65 also have them. Respectively in 2005 there were roughly 1 million parental tuition loan debtors. After 2016 escapades and election showing the state of education in the US there is suspected to be a large drop in college enrollment.

All this summarizes that Americans have nothing for their retirement. On average a American couple has $5,000 saved for retirement, 1 in 3 are saving money in a employer-sponsored or tax-differed retirement account.

On April 19th, we saw that only 44% of Americans paid any taxes. More than 31% of all federal individual income tax is paid by those who bring in more than $1 million a year, who have a net effective tax rate of 25.3%, the highest of any group. Another 14% of income tax is paid by those who make between $500,000 and $1 million, who have a 20% tax rate, the second highest. The common working man doing the average job doesn't matter any more, yet they are the backbone that holds our world together.

The Fed does not give a damn about the bottom half of the economy even though it spouts continual lies about “income inequality. A buzzword the Democratic Party loves to tout. As long as the Fed can keep stocks and home prices elevated, there is no concern about the food-stamp, rent-subsidized, Medicaid-supplement, disability-income, Obongocare-subsidized 50% of Americans struggling paycheck-to-paycheck retiring into a RV or car due to their pensions unable to afford the insane costs of retirement home care.


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That 50% cannot afford a house is irrelevant, that 4 out of 5 young people never plan on owning a house due to financial problems irrelevant, as long as suckers keep paying $500,000 to two-bedroom shacks in LA mostly held up by foreign investments out of criminal enterprises, it doesn't matter. The game is to keep asset prices up so that the top 50% keep spending. The bottom 50% are taken care of by government (taxpayer) subsidies noted above.

Previously, the bottom third did not matter. Then the bottom 40% did not matter. Now the bottom 50% do not matter. This is not a race to the bottom, but a race to the top.

Brexit was the first warning shot. Trump was the second. Marine Le Pen and a Frexit is aching to become the third, if their fraudulent ways don't prevent it. Still, the elite refuse to accept their ponzi-scheme has failed, they now wish to shift the responsibility. They want to stamp out populism, which is the will of the majority, by playing foul. History shows that long term these sort of actions lead to revolts. Trump's reforms of government only serves to shave off some of the sharp edges from the boulder hanging above our heads. Trump is confined within this system and even favors some of it. Trump could use presidential orders for sweeping reforms, but even now, it seems far fetched he would go as far as JFK went or even further.

As soon as the bottom 60 to 70% don’t matter, this majority who are supposedly all privileged may vote to further take matters into their own hands. We will see those with even more extreme viewpoints rise to power! If the snowflake liberals thought Trump was a akin to be the new Hitler, he will pale in comparison to what figures may be lurking down this set path. As long as the economic growth is artificially maintained the race to the top will keep occurring while the central banks keep buying up assets to prevent crashes, a recession, if not a complete reset must happen and those responsible must not be able to do what they have done again. Usury must ultimately be banned.

US households approaching 2008 debt levels.
44% Of Americans won't pay any Federal income tax.
Ben Bernanke On How The Fed Saved The Economy.

Most of them are nonwhite.

Why do you think Trump wants the bottom half to be tax free?

Under 25k a year solo, or 52k married, tax free.

You've fallen for the Sanders meme of "no white poor people". While statistically a greater percentage of non-whites fall into that category, the number of whites in the country still puts an extremely large number of whites into that bracket. Especially those who got stuck in culturally enriched areas without having the income at the time to practice white flight, or whose homes have become economically unsustainable as a result of jobs lost to globalization.

The united states is only around 65% white so that's around 35% gas-able.
Unless 10% of that non-white population is successful (I wouldn't even suggest 2%) then the majority of the bottom 50% is non-white.
The bottom 50% is mainly non white.

Inundated liabilities at 225 Trillion.
Government debt at 65~ trillion while the MSM keeps spouting 'muh 20 trillion'.
Where is the ending the FED?
Where is the metal backed currency?
Where is ending foreign meddling?

Lowering taxation while 44% aren't even paying taxes only serves to extend the game a little further and ease the pain off the top middle class and lower higher class who don't dodge taxes or who simply don't have barely any taxation to pay over investment income.

remove spics & niggers from your calcs then talk.

You are ignoring the generational shift. The upper 50% are mainly white because they are mainly old dating back to when the country was >80% white. The bottom 50% includes tons of young white people. The bottom 50% is mostly non-white only because the majority future Americans are non-white. But almost all future Americans will be poor including the whites.

The solution is to remove them and institute a NatSoc leadership.
Why do you think we're here?

Oy vey americans don't you know that that evil capitalist class of white males is constantly exploiting you?
Jews are a minority in the to 10%. 43% is a minority goy! We are the exploited!

if they did this, I would actually have some incentive to work again

You are correct. The older generations allowed this system to take place while benefiting from it greatly. Climbing the ladder has become increasingly difficult. Debt slavery is the set future.

A economy isn't dependent upon differences in Race. It's true that subhumans take out a exorbitant amount of debt and fall for things like payday loans and even want big government, but we are sadly apart of this system. Our debt is healthy and paid off in most cases.

Student Loan debt shows that whites are stopping college education, while minorities increase their uptake because they still believe it will get them out of poverty. They default on these debt at alarming rates.

When debts aren't being paid, the system retracts and tips over as it did in 2008 before the government saved it.

In the top 1%, 43% are Jews while there are roughly 15 million Jews WORLDWIDE.

And yet, in spite of those damning numbers, Democrats have the gall to claim that the rich "don't pay their share in taxes", when poor folks have the privilege of not paying any at all.



The next bubble is in the medical field.


Germanfag here, I always hated Germany and loved murica but these days it sounds like hell on earth if you aren't joining the ZOG army, snatching up one of those top 20% salary jobs or living in mamas basement / your car.

Here I can always escape from grueling low paid no respect jobs into welfare but in the US that barely pays for food and jobs are far and few in between from what I've heard.

I don't see any Republicans ever claiming that the rich don't pay enough in taxes.

I was living in Ireland before where my salary was always tax free at 27k euroshekels and I still had to share a place because I'd have been living paycheck to paycheck otherwise.

Wouldn't surprise me in the fucking least.
You know there's a problem when it costs three and a half thousand dollars to get a few cents worth of titanium and/or steel attached to your teeth.

In the middle class or richer there are 2 million Indians, 3 million east Asians and another 2.5 million middle easterners. More than half of poor white people have a higher iq than them.

And filtered.

Don't fall for the only counting federal income tax as the only tax meme. The working poor are being taxed to death (near 20% in many cases not even counting sales tax) while the folks on various kinds of welfare whilst working under the table are getting a free ride. Slashing payroll taxes and getting rid of section 8 will do wonders for the economy. Hard working laborers shouldn't have to pay taxes when parasites only pay 12% on their investment income while the Fed and deep state dump money in their pockets.

That's because baby boomers want their property values to soar no matter what. Even if it means letting the Chinese buy up everything, forbidding anyone from building new housing and flooding the country with people who the govt will pay their rent. Food and board are the only things that actually matter when it comes to measuring inflation. Housing assistance might as well be a direct payment to those who own property because of the effect it has on rent amounts and house prices.

There simply isn't enough sliver in the world to make a sliver currency.
All the sliver ever refined would add up to around $584,202,840,000.
The US GDP is $18,560,000,000,000.

VAT taxation.
Insurance taxation.
gasoline taxation.
Electricity taxation.
Water taxation.
Rent taxation.
Et cetera.

These sort of taxation scheme's hurt the poor the most. Everyone knows this. But we used to live in a economy, where over 85% filed taxes. Now, almost half don't even meet the income requirements to fill their taxation and we are approaching 2008 levels once again. This is indicative of a rising cost of living as well as long term stagnation within the earning power of a individual. Globalism has really decimated a large part of the US economy.

The black economy, i.g. dodging taxation by working illegally isn't really the problem; it's always been there and will always remain. It becomes a problem when massive amount of immigrants flood in and start doing it as it devalues the nature of the work and cuts too deeply into the job markets who do pay their tax.

Those who earn the most do pay their fair share, especially the top segment of middle class and the lower high class. The top 1% who gain massive amount of capital (billions) through investments should be taxed more i agree, but we all know, they will fuck right off to a country that doesn't tax them and that the investment they could have made will also stifle economic growth. Their 'do goodery' where they give large portions of their wealth away ends up in third world shitholes that doesn't help us one bit. They are basically playing income equality by stealing it from us. So i say, those not loyal to the west can fuck right off.

I wonder how much many of these people living paycheck to paycheck spend on cigarettes and alcohol.

dollars dead anyway, china has a gold backed currency and world back on our ass.

bank sorry

Yes it is dumbass, you can't talk about bottom 50% of Americans without factoring spics and niggers, they don't count, from your asinine position pets and farm animals should be counted as well.

I have met your ilk before; you have no love for your volk.

2001 figures.

Subhumans take up more debt then whites, they live further above their means and are much more likely to declare bankruptcy.

You want to expel them from the data and only look at whites. Since when do whites have their own currency, banks, government, loans, pensions, etc etc? Do we live in a white ethnostate? The subhumans caused the mortgage crash by walking away from their 1400$ a month house at 0,1 interest rates with loans at 0,2% interest. With credit debt and other loans. Of course that shit is going to come crashing down. They were handing out mortgages to people without even any income on paper. I have never met a white person, not even the trailer trash who would take such a deal; they would ask the simple question how am i going to pay it off? While the nigger reasons; i iz entitled do diz houz nigguh.

That's what you get for LARPing muh market will fix this since almost 100 years.

The ones who were spewing their patriotic capitalism shit are now too poor to be able to voice their political opinion.

Spics and niggers are a cost, a negative, no shock the bottom 50% are worthless, they never mattered, only thing to do is get rid of them.

Keynesian capitalism should be able to revert and fix this

Look nigger, a silver dime is worth about as much as a gallon of gas, right? And back when we had silver coins, a gallon of gas only cost a dime, right? Ever think that the value of the silver and the value of the gas haven't changed, only the worthless fiat currency we're pricing them with today?

This would be like if Germany took their 2 Reichsmark coin, which was 40% silver, and kept the face value of the silver the same as it was in Weimar marks: a billion fucking marks.

You readjust the currency when it's backed by something; now a car that cost $40,000 in Federal Reserve Jewbucks only costs $2,000 in gold-backed money. A teenager working at McDonald's is only earning $1.25 per hour, but that amount of pay has buying power equal to $12.50 an hour in Jewbucks. You get less money, but it has more buying power.

Also, in case it wasn't clear, you're a fucking idiot.

china has a gold backed yuan and slowly rising in power, china is going to have what your talking about, and we are going to collapse along with the rest of the world then a new world currency will be revealed which is the new yuan.

also forgot to mention we sold most of our gold to china and canada gave them one of the biggest gold reserves in the world, to raise the new yuan.

Yeah. Like Bush reverted kultural marxis-

Gold and silver are vastly price suppressed.

I hate to brag but due to being dumb enough to fight for zog and wounds sustained in doing so the government is contractually obligated to pay me enough money to feed and house family of 3 and save $500/mo. dont worry though Im using it for something Holla Forums is going to enjoy

Sigh.. by 'fix' you mean resetting the bubble while printing a shitload of money to bail out the usurious cancer in our midst? Yes, Keynesian Capitalism will extend the debt slavery by taking from the 60%.

how much would you spend on cuck porn if it wasn't free?

This is what I tell people about Le Pen.

"She's economically quite left, But she wants borders so she's "the next hitler!" and has to be stopped?"

according to polls it seems that somewhere between 40-50% of the French youth vote support Le Pen. This is a MASSIVE upcoming tidal wave over the next several decades. Europeans want their countries back and the elites WILL be swept aside.

If Le Pen loses France might not make it another 5 years to the next election. The french people (youth concerningly so) desperatly want to fuck the establishment up.

If Le Pen is a "resurgence of the extreme far right" and you exhaust yourselves in defeating her then the next figurehead for the french youth is going to make her look like a leftie hippy.

The overton window has shifted. Two exist simultaneously in the old and new media.

maturing robotics systems will pop that bubble tbh

jesus dubs checked, just like jesus checked the (((bankers))) in the temple.

Is this real?

Are you saying I should take my coins to a foundry or something, and turn a 1200% profit?

Or just make my own crucible (because destruction of currency laws) and melt it down and find a metal dealer?

And by destroying the money, I would be helping to fight inflation by lowering (in a small way) the money supply, while making a crazy amount of money for myself?

Wtf is going on in Wales that would make them rise up against the Welsh parliament? I never heard anything out of them the 3 years I lived in England, or is that supposed to be against the British Parliament?

They're finally going to overturn all those oppressive anti-sheepshagging laws.

I bet that would only excite him more, ever hear of financial cuckoldry? He'd be cucking to get cucked. I think we found the new stage of liberalism.

Yes. Quarter and nickels used to contain silver, pennies used to contain copper. Mineral prices currently higher than the numerical value of the coinage. I myself hoard copper pennies because they are much more readily available than the silver coins. But I also collect coins in general.

It seems like free money but it is exceedingly meticulous to gather coins, read the date or measure the weight and to sort and smelt. Yeah it's free money, but only if your time isn't worth anything.

I've always said that's what we need to do, return to an asset backed currency, then you lower how the actual amount of money in circulation and the actual worth of the money will change in accordance.

Just watch out for the newer pennies, since they now have a zinc core, not a copper core. Pennies since 1982 are 98% zinc and only 2% copper plated.

pic related
free the sheep!


Non-Whites, in other words.
Who cares?

ive been doing this for a little while too. Ive even found one 1961 quarter while looking for copper pennies.
Right now the copper isnt worth much, but thats what people said about silver in the 70s and 80s.
and those people were morons. Im not saying copper is going to skyrocket even in the next 20 years, BUT it will get more expensive to mine copper as time goes on, and even normies will start hunting for pre 1982 pennies, those pennies will dry up and actually be worth money, even more than copper weight. (a lot of these old pennies will also be lost or destroyed decades from now)
Once the normalfag is selling copper pennies for beer money, thatll be the day all your hording will pay off. Youll be a thousand-aire!

B… but goy! If currency has to be based on things of actual, tangible value rather than printed whenever we feel like it based on nothing how will the chosen people be able to keep giving themselves infinite amounts of it?

You need to watch that mandatory Holla Forums viewing, "The Money Masters". Money needn't be asset backed. Fiat money works great IF:

I knew that name rang a bell. Haven't watched it in so long. I just don't trust the fiat currency unless you have an ethno-state.

"The Money Masters" is a work of art. Mandatory Holla Forums viewing doesn't even begin to describe how great it is.

time to occupy wallstreet Holla Forums

It's almost like a form of socialism.
The "wage" is a facade.

When you look at the big picture the west is literally heading towards some kind of massive collapse or uprising. The sooner we can fix the economy to provide work and affordable housing, the better. For this to happen we really do need to get rid of the parasitic Jew who alters society to fit his financial and social goals. It is absolutely imperative, your number one goal, to focus on persuasion, influence and propaganda in all its forms in order to correct this situation.

45% Of Americans spend up to half their income repaying credit card debts.

To put it mildly, the baby boom generation is ill-prepared for retirement. Over 50% of boomers have no savings set aside for retirement at all. Roughly 50% of Americans have debt balances, excluding mortgages, of over $25,000, with the average debt owned around $37,000 while the median personal income is just shy over $30,000.

If Americans are incurring this amount of debt, then it must be for emergency expenditure such as healthcare or food needs, right? After all the entitlement farce spread by Democrats is that good hardworking trustworthy Americans just sometimes need a little extra money to make ends meet. Yet, Americans spend 40% of income on 'entertainment', 'leisure and travel' and 'hobbies'.

Meanwhile, nearly 20% of people can only afford to make minimum payments each month on their credit card debts, yet now that the FED has chose to raise interest rates, those who declare bankruptcy will only increase.

On and on the cogwheel turns, the sheep learn nothing and worst of all, do nothing.

That was always the point of welfare…to force YOU to pay for "stuff" that would then be given to those that never earned it. To force YOU to buy things you didn't want to buy.

Why do you think they have cable tv in prisons? Because the cable companies wanted prisoners to buy their product using YOUR money.
The same reason welfare rats get an "entertainment allowance" for cable, as well.

This has always been the reason for welfare, to force you to buy more corporate goods & services even if you don't want or need them, it was NEVER about charity or altruism.

Would it not be better to be the person selling the beer?

That sure as hell ain't me.

here's your (you)

The issue is point three is solved inherently with an asset based currency(not that it doesn't bring its own issues) but fiat relies on the moral integrity of politicians in a fiat system.


Oldfag here the Rothchilds are becoming heroes of mine. I don' t know what the fuck is going on.

*Sage for blogpost*