What I Don't Understand About Satanic Pedophile Blackmail

What happens if somebody says "fuck it" and betrays their trust/comes forward with their secrets? Would (((they))) just drop a video of some CEO fucking a little kid in a Baphomeht mask to the public? Wouldn't that confirm the secrets that the CEO revealed? Wouldn't that totally confirm that this power structure of blackmail exists? Wouldn't (((they))) totally fuck themselves if they released any incriminating proof?
Their power is supposed to come from blackmail, but isn't the blackmail sort of impotent since they'd never be able to use it for leverage in the first place without exposing the entire system?

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You literally just asked this and got an answer

I'm pretty sure they just use it as evidence with a crooked judge to have you convicted and the public doesn't see the video. Then, you (((conveniently))) die in prison.

if cia was behind scientology, then the spooky spy harassment shit probably is worse than blackmail

1. People have an no one believes it
2. You get snuffed real fast
3. Super smart elites ruling the world aren't demon worshippers for the ironic luls. It works. The world is ruled by hyper dimensional beings that have real power, gods if you will. This is hidden from the masses in order to deny them power. Kek may be the only real threat to the power structure because he wars for us in the higher realms.


this is getting asked over and over on 4goy too

Kek may be the one that we've all rallied around, but I reckon that the other old gods are also involved. The demon of Abraham has made a lot of enemies over the years.

You really shouldn't take Kek for granted.
Never forget he's a god of CHAOS, he sides with us now because we are the ones seeking to topple the current order, but after we accomplish that?

trips confirm
kek will dump us like an old turd once chaos is acieved
i wouldnt want it any other way

One of the biggest redpills is that Satan means "opposer" in Hebrew. And Abrahamic monotheism was the original controlled opposition

Tell us more. You seem to know your shit.

What I don't understand is why you niggerfaggots can't into how threads work and insist on shitting up the catalog with every inane individual thought you have? This isn't Holla Forums, cuckchan or fucking reddit.

You really rustled the nest on this one, OP.

Not even that, they just suicide them with a nailgun and plant the child rape/snuff vid and some pics on their computer. Bing-o Boing-o message sent and everybody shuts up, if they know what's good for them.
How many banksters have been suicided and yet the 'investigation' goes nowhere?

Simply calling it out or bringing it to public attention has not had the desired effect. Most people simply go into denial and ignore whatever evidence is brought forth. The populace is controlled though a fear of ridicule due to media enforced and propagated atheism(or some sort of occult belief in magic, paganism, basically satanism but without actually naming it) that prevents them from accepting the truth. Christianity with it's absolute unconditional revulsion of all things "magic" is what held this shit at bay, and now that it's gone, they are pretty much in total control of what normies think and believe.

Why are Abrahamists always so full of themselves?

No idea, but I could imagine with the amount of media outlets they control, it could just be spun as
Then you'd get shills like Alex Jonestein and others screeching about how it was Nazi Rothschild bankers who are summoning clockwork elves and people would just roll their eyes.
Most normalfags already believe powerful people are involved in criminal shit. Proving to them it's a globalist cult of child sacrifice and cannibalism is a different matter.

This is why any serious PedoGate investigation has effectively been thwarted. They didn't even have to play the alien reptiloid card.

Why are you in denial about your practices? All magic is satanism. Kek is just a thinly veiled disguise for lucifer to manipulate hapless fools like yourself.

Checked. After this realm is chaotic as all fuck then we move to the pantheon of gods and wreck that fucking shitshow too. Proud Kek turd checking in

Because pedophile videos aren't the only way to keep people in check. Some men just don't want to end up committing suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head multiple times and sealing their bodies in a bag.

Sage and report for spam.

I actually can't stand frogposters but even they are less full of themselves. But whatever if you want to keep praying to Yashua go for it, just don't be surprised when you get called a good goyim.

I'm going to start a thread about the creative ways the (((Deep State))) suicides anyone who gets out of line or talks too much.

So according to you talmudic jews are the same as christians? Even though their enemy no1 is Jesus.

Nailgun to the back of the head is always good for some keks

The only way to get this out is via the media.
And who controls the media?
Put it on the internet and no one will notice. Put it on Faceberg, Plebbit or Instagoy and you'll get banned, smoked out and killed.

You can do shit if the information flow is completely controlled. Look what happened to William Cooper who tried to get it out through the radio in the 90'.

Are you saying sectarian conflict isn't real? Should Catholics and Protestants be best friends, they both think Jesus is Lord? Also
Good one

Another side effect is that Men are being excluded from child-rearing and parenting, which is a total disaster since children are then raised by their peers and the jewish media. A total disaster.

Did some goon make an MRA bot?

We have loads of evidence. Several people came forward in the 80s and made into national tv, an fbi station chief named gunderson did tireless work talking about it, in the late 90s I think it was some Italian police stumbled upon Russian jews running child snuff films to Europe in a cash-for-dvd courier scheme. In the last case the cops were gonna get v& so they just took over a tv station and played some tapes that had been confiscated. A large Italian tv audience got subjected to 15 minutes of kiddie rape and murder.

What it boils down to is, the memory hole is real. People's worldview is generally narrow. Just think how open minded we are now, we were before the redpill too. But until it took hold, we were practically as moldable as the common normie. The normie is captivated by the herd, and needs it's constant approval. So things that upset the herd, like pizza, cause mass consternation and the herd looks fornthiz easiest way to silence it. The jews step in with cointelpro and this is like a mental bandaid - it's enough to quiet them down until a new thiught occupies their mind (food beer and sex), and then they are back off into their narrow but happy worldview.

Even very "independent" or "libertarian" people who are "just not joiners, man" fall into this same loop. Their refusal to believe the government is never replaced by hatred for those who actually hold the reigns of ckntrol, because that would upset the herd if they brought it up, and in the end they are looking for PLF like everyone else. Get me Paid, Laid, and Fed, and everything else in my life seems like it's playing at low volume.

The only difference nowadays is that
A. There are more whites than ever before checked out of normie society due to demographic breakdown and Malad active social engineering, and
B. They all can communicate with each other instantaneously, en masse, with no publisher intermediary.

That's why the war on the internet is so vicious right now. The memory hole only works when you control the constant news cycle, and at least 95% of.the entertainment. It's getting out of hand and theyre doing nothing less than going nuclear on us because of it. Like I tell them anons on the gamer gate thread, you shouldn't be surprised they started shit then, they saw the saturation point of smart phones and social media and read the tea leaves. When caught with their pants down, they fought like any cornered animal would, for their life. We are fighting the jews for their life. That's why we haven't broken through the wall yet, theyre reinforcing with everything they have. But a fever runs hottest before it breaks.

The low-tier demons that the ultra-Kohenim traffic with inform them of any attempt at defection by their underlings, and then they conveniently kill themselves by multiple stabwounds to the back before any info can be released. You would need someone on Soros's tier to turn tail on them to have any chance of getting dirt.

If we want to preserve the plurality of chaos after achieving victory, we'll need to create such a broad human environment that there is ample space for each aspect of the All which might spasm into existence and that the task of uniting all humanity (conquering the "world") becomes impossible. Naturally, this will require extraterrestrial colonization.

FTL will be Kek's parting gift.

capped my man, thank you for putting this into words.
Sorry for being a neufag here but what is that?

Kek had to intervene because the scales were so wildly out of balance. This isn't about setting up as rulers, this is about preventing moloch from completely taking over this timeline.


Also I feel like I blew my wad there. I wanted to trademark PLF like that kid from jersey Shore.

Also generally share the cap when you make it

I agree there. What I'm suggesting is that they were able to attain such heights because they exploited the circumstances of the environment we live in, and that we should therefore change those circumstances. The world has been made small and easy to purchase; it must be made large again, too large to be ruled.

fuck, I really am showing my new

Their families are killed, their money is taken, their power is nullified, they're discredited, humiliated, then jailed. Then, eventually, some guy in prison (either a former victim or a paid assassin or both) shoves a sharpened spork into him while the guards look the other way.

Then it gets worse.

its not just blackmail, its also preferential access… people like obama and the clintons get exclusive access to kiddies. so lets just say theyre there because they like it, more than because theyre against some wall

alos some others are just blackmailed differently, with corruption, with embarrassing info, or threatened with violence

there wont be a memory hole where there is internet

Death by bunga-bunga worse.

Bumped because kikes are pissed.

Wew lads.

They dont air the sex tapes on CNN. They email it to family and friends.

Their war on internet is precisely fought FOR reestablishment of a memoryhole


I always imagined that they estabished more plausible blackmail like child porn on computers. No need to shoot your whole load to take out one guy.

Blackmail doesn't work anymore since there are about a dozen copies of that "insurance" file from Weiner floating around that I know about.

Bump to see if the mods will anchor this one

Are you FBIanon or just shartposting.

Actually naming it is what makes it Satanism. If the person isn't knowingly giving himself over to evil it's something else.

Kek is the plague of frogs sent against God's enemies. Holla Forumsacks personifying it as a god unto itself is an error, but it's a pagan error rooted in lack of understanding, not a Satanic thing.


Here you go user, Watch the movie
