Downing Street is likely to be concerned by the statement, as Macron had previously sworn to keep the migration agreement in place just two months ago, in talks with Prime Minister Theresa May.

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wtf i love macron now


Yeah there is; send them all back, and refuse new entries.

he's using the roach approach, let loose the refugee's.

Every time a politician says that, it means there isn't a solution that would cost him his job.

The easy solution is to send them back and still pay them. It's much better for the country, cheaper, and better for their country too.

Good god, if this man is elected, we're all fucking doomed.

Someone post those "mature" child migrants with facial hair.


This is a fucking retarded idea generally. Furthermore, he's not willing to upset diplomacy with arab countries which these people flee from - but UK is free fucking game?

And people think he's the more moderate one? The less extreme one?
He literally wants to fuck with Britain.

Macron takes pages directly from King Roach's playbook. More the reason this fuck should get gassed.

Not quite. He wants to fuck up France.
Politicians like this have access to more statistics than we could ever hope to, yet they keep imposing mass migration at all costs. They must think they have guaranteed shelter somewhere when things really go south.

They're such heinous traitors that even discussing fitting punishment would be enough to get you arrested by their mercenaries.

This, and even if they try and force there way in, since what they'd be doing is illegal, as a sovereign country trying to protect your citizens you'd have the right to kill them.
tl;dr leave a mass of corpses is the easy solution when the easy solution of denying them entry fails.

Of course there are easy solutions, you just need a modicum of good will.

1. Stop ferrying them over to Europe via (or whatever it is called in the current year +2). Pic related.

2. Congratulations, the "migrant crisis" has suddenly ended.


3. Send them the fuck back to where they came from.

4. Their countries of origin won't take them back? Send them to a failed state.

5. As a consequence, tons of rapefugees will self deport out of fear and you won't have to deport every single one.

6. Do this for a few months, problem solved.

Not going to happen Macron, the Government already got bullied into accepting a child refugee quota by Lord Dubs (a “holocaust survivor”). The Dubs amendment agreed upon us taking in 3000 child refugees. The problem was however that when these children arrived they were almost all fully-grown men (with a few older teenagers thrown in) despite it’s own (fully subverted) assessors verifying them as children. The Government had to sneak them into the country even going as far as to erect tall barriers around the points where the “children” exited the busses they were transported in on so that no one could see that these children were in fact men (which made it obvious to everyone anyway).

The amendment was scrapped after taking in 350 and won’t return under a Conservative government.

Furthermore Britain already cooperated with France fully on the Calais situation, we spent millions on a joint operation to clear the site. We sent scores of our own Immigration officers over to help process and transport the occupants to different sites and then took some of them in ourselves. We even supplied the French with a long-term loan on an expensive fence to help secure the roads leading to the port. It’s a done deal, France needs to stop the site from being reestablished because we cant, we can’t send in our military or police to French clay nor can we accept the fallout from their refusal to act.

Please tell me the French don't genuinely want to vote for this man.


war is never mentioned, your retarded clickbait belongs to CNN, fuck off

alot of them do user

well if he releases the rapefugee-army and tells them to invade the british, then its not exactly tea time, you know.

I have these.


Nowhere does it say anything about that.

Unleashing nigger plagues is a part of modern warfare.

Its like this guy doesn't want to win.

He's literally a male Hillary.
Brain-addled incompetent delusional retard convinced the whole thing is already his win no matter what and whose only appeal is superficial bullshit instead of policies.

He will end like Hillary too



Do it fgt

Let's not have another brother war, two were enough.

Depending on how much the msm will push the muh russian hacker narrative, he might either win or lose in a landslide.
Think of a male shillary, but with population voting that has been indoctrinated for over 70 years that giving a shit about oneself is wrong.

It's called Israel.

Right, fuck it boys, get the longbows ready

The EU cunts want to punish Brits for leaving, Fuck them and their non voted club, other countries looking at this cant be happy knowing this is what happens if you say no to EU.

why not pull an Edward the Black Prince and send a batallion to Calais
Easy peasy

So, exactly like the United States then?

If only we could nuke tel aviv right now.

why doesn't Macron just give them all asylum and gibsmedats if he's so concerned about their well being?

Why isn't Macron letting them sleep in his mansions?

This has always baffled me. What does the jew think will happen on the day the last white is killed? Billions of shitskin/chink hordes roam the planet but its ok well be safe in our small desert country with no goyim left to defend us.
Fucking kikes i swear have a lower IQ then niggers


If the French don't grow a spine today then it really is going to be all over for France.

Hard Brexit: blow up the Channel Tunnel.

Okay this is getting ridiculous.

It's like he wants to lose.

or he knows the fix is in and he can say whatever shit he wants

considering this is a guy who is married to a 25 years older woman
and has a my wifes kid about as old as he is

i think we can safely say he is the bestest of goyim and truly believes in the propaganda

knowing walloon press already claimed exit polls going 62% to macron we can say the only solution now is lots of rope or collaps of gibs whichever comes first

And that's the problem with Europe.

Did you sleep through your history classes?

the eternal anglo deserves it tbh

Hey now, they could be used as landfill or compost, even fuel for furnaces used to power turbines for electricity.
If used for the latter, they at least would be somewhat usefull.


Bumping this to remind people that THIS FUCKING RETARD won a rigged election so now they're going to try and fuck over Britain.

Thank you mr. president.

wow, its all according to plan, this guy is a fucking idiot, I hope he does exactly that, I doubt it though.

I can't fucking believe this shit. I mean, we all knew Le Pen was going to lose, but goddamn how fucking cucked do you have to be to let your crown jewel city turn into an absolute shithole with riot after terrorist attack after riot after terrorist attack AND STILL VOTE FOR THE PRO-IMMIGRATION EU GOOD GOY. It's fucking unfathomable.
And to all you optimists saying that things will be better during the 2022 election, there won't BE a France left by 2022 at this rate. The clock is fucking ticking. We don't have time for our ideas to slowly be accepted.

I love Macron now!

what was he supposed to tweet?

Not to congratulate those who will burn Europe into the ground?

That's exactly what I'd do. Fuck the retarded eurocucks who voted for this idiot. Abandon fucking ship already.

Hard brexit
starring current day crack addled JCVD as macron
Pierce brosnan as theresa may
Brendan fraser as guy verhofstadt
*activate the chunnel*

As if Trump would have the balls to get into armed conflict with France. So far all he's done since January is roll over and whine on twitter whenever his agenda is opposed.

even King Nigger congratulated Trump

Why should France guard Britain's borders? It's their problem.

"Hard Brexit" is just Brexit "soft Brexit" is a codeword for no Brexit or the tried and proven EU tradition of making you vote as many as it takes to get the right result

It's in France.

We did do a hard brexit though, right? Article 50's been invoked.


Yes, May invoked article 50 but the negotiations haven't even started yet
Which is why she called a snap election so there wouldn't be one at the middle of the negotiations

He should have congratulated Angela Merkel on becoming the first female president of France..

Time for England to brace herself for an invasion of rapefugees.

Its not done yet. The real struggle has only begun.

Hard Brexit thread

LOL, the Channel islands are swimmable even by nogs.

Something like this would've been nice…
