Sweden, reaches state of nearly pure socialism

What caused this, Holla Forums

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Oh boy, it's the "social-democracy-isn't-socialism" thread

stop it Holla Forums

hey you forgot to sage comrade

here let me help you out with that


Do the workers own the MOP in Sweden? No? Then socdem isn't socialism.
Fuck you!

That's what I'm talking about phamily

Also don't get upset over the posts on the internet like some sissy fag.


Are you retarded?

90% or more of its industries are privatized. It's a liberal social democracy.
Not even close

Your inability to detect obvious troll thread and autistic desire to argue about simplest shit are the reasons why this board is such a fucking garbage
Lurk more newfags

ahh I see that the "nordic socialism meme" suckdems have got you good OP

do your homework, retard

Can anyone give me some real deets on what Sweden is really like for workers? All the liberal worship of Scandinavia makes me suspicious.

One Swede told me he is paid about $2,000/month for disability (autism). Could be bullshitting though. I can't imagine that the welfare state in Sweden is very good. For Muslim youths to be engaging in crime at the levels they do. In some immigrant ghettos unemployment rates are over 50%, as high as 80%.


I know that it sounds like a troll job. But even after you explain what socialism is to a libertarian or conservative, let alone a Holla Forumsack, they still think socdem = socialism

Sweden is pure European neoliberalism i.e. "social market economy". There's nothing socialist about it, it's all about maintaining the markets and making the markets the regulator of society. Neoliberalism doesn't mean less government, it's a different form of government.


This passage came to mind when I read your comment. I have no idea what life is like now in Sweden as even this book was written sometime ago and has its own biases (its quasi-TWist) but from the information provided here it isn't much of a stress to conclude that America in this time was less capitalist in the strict sense than Sweden.

So North Korea, for instance, is indeed socialist as the people collectively own the means of production through people's democracy?

Rising economic tension caused by globalisation and the ongoing economic crisis propagated by zombie banks, and people displaced by capitalist wars in the middle east.

Almost like the capitalists were forced to import cheap labor because a flow of desperate immigrants is the only way to keep the system working after creating a welfare state.

now this is bait


What are the arguments against it?

The main cause for increased rape rates often are increased reports.



Its basically a feudal kingdom

Just got a job as tech support, what do you wanna know?

minimal pay is about 1300 EUR, free schools, free healthcare
it's pretty good. No wonder that so many muslims wanted to go there.


What's IKEA?

Arguments against what?

What? We were already clear, socialism is worker ownership of the means of production.


Isn't it obvious? Muslims caused this.
