Just When Obamacare Can Be Repealed & Gathers Enough Votes, RINO Ryan Delays Repeal

Now if this ain't just the icing on the cake that proves without a doubt Paul Ryan is working against conservatives, then nothing is!

RELATED: archive.fo/2msrm

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) leadership was called into question by new voices Thursday night as hopes expire of passing a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare before President Donald Trump’s first 100 days end on Saturday.

At a meeting on the Hill late Thursday night, the speaker and his House Republican leadership team decided to further delay the vote. With what appeared to be the acquiescence of conservatives in the Freedom Caucus and think-tanks like Club for Growth and FreedomWorks, who took much of the blame for the failure of the first attempt to pass the American Health Care Act (AHCA) in March, hopes were buoyed that passage was imminent. Instead, according to Politico, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told reporters as he left the meeting, “We are not voting on health care tomorrow. We’re still educating members.”

Hannity’s next guest, fellow Fox host Lou Dobbs, went even further in his condemnation of Ryan’s handling of healthcare legislation. “Laura, bless her heart, is trying to be nice to Paul Ryan,” he said. “I think the man is absolutely a disaster. He’s become nothing less than a caricature as House speaker. He’s inept, and the conference, if they don’t get rid of him, we’re going to watch this nonsense go on in perpetuity.”

Dobbs explained that, in his view, President Trump was doing all he could to move his political agenda along and that House GOP leadership had to be held responsible for the sluggish pace on legislative priorities. He then explicitly called for Speaker Ryan’s ouster and replacement by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), chairman of the hard-line Freedom Caucus, or his predecessor in that position, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH):

Paul Ryan is not a conservative, never has been. His leadership team is a mixed bag of conservatives [and] moderates. The Freedom Caucus are traditional conservatives and great Americans, all of them. … You and I both know Mark [Meadows] and Jim Jordan … for the great Republicans they are. I think either one of those two would make such a terrific speaker.

Dobbs’s suggestion would not be the first time Paul Ryan and the Freedom Caucus found themselves in contention. Members of the Freedom Caucus themselves have called Ryan’s continuation as speaker of the House into question. The entire Freedom Caucus leadership also refused to endorse Ryan in his 2016 primary challenge from the right by businessman Paul Nehlen, although they did assent to Ryan’s speakership the previous year.

Ingraham and Dobbs’s comments add to a growing chorus of voices on the right of the Republican Party calling for Ryan to relinquish the speaker’s mace in the wake of the failure to see through the key GOP platform plank of repealing and replacing Obamacare.


Lou Dobbs would be a great replacement for the Five or Hannity. He's /polk/ level redpilled on Spics and doesn't take shit from his kike bosses.

who is? what does it even mean?

Wew, finally. Idk what a freedom caucus is but his seat challenger, Paul Nehlen, is mostly /ourguy/. Genuine American who decided he was fed up with Ryan the dipshit and said fuck it I can do a better job. He went on the daily shoah for an interview and is integrated into our right wing twitter networks about the same as Benny G. He's anti immigration and very staunchly anti Islam, even tried to drop some Islam redpills on the shoah which was funny and cute because he didn't know they were antisemitic WN. He's got a moderate powerlevel but afaik hasn't mentioned the JQ. Better than the rest of the GOPe by far though.

To Conserve Judiasm

If anything, Trump is the RINO. In a good way, because being Republican other than in name only is not a good thing.

RINO are NeoCons and NeoCons are Trotskites user. Lurk more

I fucking love Lou Dobbs. For ((((fox))))(((business))) a lot of their anchors dont give a single fuck. Half of them get severely ass blasted about intervention too.

you can take one look a the guy and tell he's a kike. no upstanding person looks that ratty.

I'm aware of the common usage of RINO, you faggot. I don't give a shit, my usage is superior.


Please don't cut us innocent onlookers with your edge.


you dumb kikes call yourself NatSoc but want NeoCohen/ Lolbertarian healthcare policy? jesus fucking christ. this is not a KIKESERVATIVE board, we are NatSocs who strive for universal healthcare (for whites) once we kick the shitskins and jews out.

Go back.

Well fix my bowtie and call me Murray, then.

the current mixed market approach to healtchare ripped right from the (((heritage foundation))) is garbage and clearly jewish; blowing it up for the benefit of the blood sucking kikes in the healthcare industry and the lolbergs' ideological autism would be even worse. Additionally, ripping apart Obamacare would be shit for Trump's 2020 campaign (Trump is shit so far but will be preferable to whatever shitlib is rolled out against him). We do not want to see any more conservative political capital wasted on such jewish pursuits as (((free market and business friendly))) healthcare, but instead devoted entirely to staving off the white genocide and keeping the Overton window widening towards acceptance of White Nationalist or even NatSoc discourse. How fucking stragetically retarded would this board have to be to focus any energy whatsoever towards Republican infighting ala calling Paul Ryan a RINO or towards lolbertarian principles?

Holla Forums realistically should have 1 goal: establishing the North American National Socialist White Ethnostate. Get on board with spending all energy and political capital we have towards waking normies up to white genocide, the JQ, and nationalist ideals, or get off this wild ride. No time to waste on petty republican infighting. I pity that taxpayer money is wasted on treating useless niggers with Obamacare, however we should consider
1. taking healthcare away from the white swing state voters who swung the race towards trump would be strategically retarded
2. Obama spent the majority of his political capital on healthcare, Trump has less than him and must spend his on the Wall and other pro-white immigration policies
3. wishing to fully privatize healthcare is KIKE tier lolberg shekel grabbing
4. the official ideology of Holla Forums is national socialism, one which seeks for a strong and healthy white society at whatever cost. common sense says that we must invest money into the dying white working class of the south and midwest to prevent demographic suicide. this would of course ideally be coupled with a sweeping cultural volksgeist but be must be prepared at any cost to keep our people alive (remember, very few illegal shitskins can acquire state subsidized health insurance)

Now many of you I'm sure are still fully converting from normie kikeservative or lolberg influenced ideologies. It's hard for many to avoid screeching about the inefficiency of obummercare or to abandon such jewish pursuits as a flat tax or corporate KIKE worship, but we must remember, culture and race before KIKE money grabbing. 1488 not $6 gorillion.

"The Affordable Care Act is hereby repealed."
It's not rocket science.

He's married to a spic.

I have mixed feelings about Nehlen. Policy wise, he's better than Ryan, but he also divorced his first white wife who he had kids with to marry some stumpy mexican.

Daily reminder, no e-celebs, no irl celebs either guys. No one's going to save you, no one's on your side. No heroes, someone else is always going to let you down.

why do burgers want to return to much to the expensive free market shitshow?


Well I'd make a few points here.

1) Natsoc in the german sense is just the rebranding of the Prussianism from Imperial Germany. They had a national pension scheme, treated corporations the same way to prevent commie shit(look at Krupp as an example), and had a national healthcare system.

2) National healthcare is probably a bad idea even in an all white system because today with all the extra bullshit that gets lumped in with healthcare it is just a recipe for abuse even if the kikes stopped restricting the number of doctors, suing for stupid shit, or stealing money. I don't think we should have national welfare either.

3) I'm more amiable toward feudalism or a standoffish sort of fascism, the US was basically a fascist republic until 1845 anyway. You aren't going get white Americans on board with any sort of socialism, they just don't have a natural inclination towards it. They don't like it. Fascism, imperialism, mercantilism, and protectionism can and did work for America. Americans(only whites are american) want those things even today, they often mention tariffs to me. They never talk about how we need to care for the weak via the state or federal government. Leave that shit to the churches or the community, if they can't get help from their own all-white community they were born in then in my opinion they deserve to die. There must be a reason they are disliked by their kin.

Look the old world is full of more communalistic people who stayed behind. America is composed of expat cavaliers, german mercenaries, huntsman, and assholes who were willing to move to a frontier for various reasons. These are not lovey-dovey sort of people. And until 1965 60% of all immigrants to the US left it again. They didn't like the brutal dog-eat-dog way we did things and that white Americans still admire.

Let America be America and Europe be Europe for christ's sake. After the cleansing does it really matter if 1/100 Americans die to a preventable illness if the other 99 want a few more dollars in their pockets while Europeans want that man to live and can settle with a few less marks in their's? What does it really matter in the grand scheme of things.

The problem is kikes, liberals, and shitskins. Without them any political system short of marxist bullshit is reasonably workable if the people in that state have a natural predisposition towards it.

It wasn't expensive, it was about the same as elsewhere. Healthcare is skilled labor, it'll cost a bit of money no matter if you pay in takes or out of your pocket. It could be cheaper if we allowed for fraternal insurance plans or allowed doctor's colleges again which existed to churn out skilled surgeons and physicians at a low cost in 19th century America. A doctor used to be a lower middle class profession, and should be again.

Why do non-Americans love socialism so much?