Trump is puppet of US ‘deep state,’ has no ‘own’ foreign policy – Assad

Assad has called out Donald Trump in an interview where he claims " US & western governments support terrorism. Trump is just an actor on the stage. He is a puppet in the hands of the international bankers "

"As we have seen in the past few weeks, he changed his rhetoric completely and subjected himself to the terms of the deep American state, or the deep American regime," Assad added.

He referred to the fact that Trump came to power on a political platform promising a departure from the interventionist policy of the previous US president, Barack Obama, but soon forgot his promises and ordered a missile strike against the Syrian air base following a chemical weapons incident in Syria’s Idlib province.

The Syrian president also said that it is “a complete waste of time to make an assessment of the American president’s foreign policy” as “he might say something” but what he really does depends on “what these [US military and business] institutions dictate to him.”

He also added that it “is not new” and “has been ongoing American policy for decades.”

"This is what characterizes American politicians: they lie on a daily basis… That’s why we shouldn’t believe what the Pentagon or any other American institution says because they say things which serve their policies, not things which reflect reality and the facts on the ground,” Assad told TeleSUR.

He went on to say that the US continues to pursue its age-long policy aimed at establishing and maintaining a global hegemony by turning all countries that oppose it into war zones.

"The United States always seeks to control all the states of the world without exception. It does not accept allies, regardless of whether they are developed states as those in the Western bloc or other states of the world," the Syrian leader explained.

He also added that “what is happening to Syria, to Korea, to Iran, to Russia, and maybe to Venezuela now, aims at re-imposing American hegemony on the world because they believe that this hegemony is under threat now, which consequently threatens the interests of American economic and political elites.”

Original story with interview

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No, it's just chess. Masterful chess, because Trump is a chessmaster.

Fucking sand niggers BTFO lmao

Is Assad the only truly good leader on the planet?

He is right US foreign policy is a mess and 100% controlled by jewry. They have spent hundreds of millions of dollars over 4 decades and huge lobbying efforts to make that way it's not gonna change no matter who is elected.


This is an apt observation. America isn't a real nation with any sort of culture or ethics, it's a corporation that does PR campaigns like "racism is bad" and "democracy is good" but it doesn't actually believe any of that. It's all about profits and power.

Dude it's just chess. Who cares if Trump advances the Yinon plan is America™ is made Great Again™?

While the allies were creating wholly invented black propaganda, the Germans were responding with perceptively accurate and true propaganda

I agree with Assad. Trump is acting no different than Bush. He may not like it and that's why he escapes to florida and goes on rallies, but when he returns to washington all he does is listen to neocons and can't escape their desires.

So I've heard americans here say before, that this is a development that started in the early 20st century and that it has to do with the banks and changes to the constitution.
Can anyone elaborate on that?

It really is amazing how good German, and to a lesser extent Italian, propaganda was during the war. They were right about everything, and everyday that passes makes Hitler look even better. All he wanted to be was a painter, but the kikes wouldn't even allow him that.

To be fair, I'm really starting to think Assad did that sarin attack.



As a young American, I really couldn't tell you. I'm starting to believe that even the good old days of America, back before the 1900s, were a fantasy as well. You look at the slave trade and see that it was owned by the kikes, and then the civil war, it seems this nation has been a hellscape for a very long time.

Here's a relevant video I saw in another thread. (ignore the dumb name)

They are laughing at us

I don't blame them. I truly fell for the Trump meme, I voted for the first time in my life because I thought Trump would actually change things. I must have been willfully ignorant to have ignored the warning signs.


I voted for trump mostly out of my hate for the left. Now I realize the far left was just a product created by the zionist right to get americans to vote republican this election.

The partisan system is the golden scapegoat. If the elites want to do something they can do it and just say it was the will of the right or left.

I could recognize weiner anywhere

Why did he stack his cabinet full of them, if he doesn't like them? Those people won't help him to achieve any of his campaign objectives. At best they're dead weight, and a waste of time and money. At worst they'll actively subvert everything he does.

The reason you fell for it is because the jews have spent millions in organised hasbara teams who spend all their days lying to goys promoting and pushing all their carefully selected and chosen candidates.

This kike

even created some graphic used by jews to identify "anti-semites" online, they even openly boast about it on Holla Forums.

So now every day we have 100s of jewish trolls making posts shilling for every ZOG politician in world politics and yet not one thread following any real nationalist movement in Europe or the West.

Woop Woop
That's the sound of the

Even today Amurica is the least anti semitic country in the Western world despite being the epicenter of jewry. Sometimes is hard to feel solidarity with white Amuricans

Andrew Jackson had to deal with (((bankers))) much earlier, but in modern times things really started to change around 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act.


The jews used WWI to bankrupt Britain, France and Germany, three nations that had accommodated and allowed jews to thrive and prosper, this was how they repaid them.
Once the war was over the communist jews had dropped the dying corpses of Britain, France and germany and hopped onto Americas back, since then every war and every international policy by the US was directed by international jewry.

We're in the last days of Western civilisation, every vote for jewish politics along the way has contributed to our own enslavement.

How do we destroy it? This Hegelian Dialect has lost its charm.

But they didn't control everything nearly to the same extent. It wasn't until the 20th century that a massive transfer of power and wealth took place. And it's not even close to being over yet - the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan lays out their objectives.


Didn't he say that he doesn't follow internal american politics? Trump is fighting a civil war right now that is spilling out into the middle east.
If he were a banker puppet we would already be in a war with Russia. And he certainly won't go limp handed against the world as Obama did.

I see these comments as the same posturing as Ahminedjad did. To assure his followers of the opposition against the foreign devil.

Fuck off you obnoxious shitposter. You were on other Holla Forumss earlier being a waste of human life there too. Stop fishing for attention, you are not smart.

Truth hurts doesn't it?

There was no posturing, Ahminedjad was defiantly resisting the kikes, hence the sanctions and non-stop threats the jews forced America to make against them when he was in power, there is massive work going on in Iran right now to try and prevent him from running for the next election.

I do find it funny how you can interpret his words when clearer words have never been spoken as his in the interview posted.

What have you offered to this discussion?
At least chessmaster is using satire to make his point, whereas you have none other than

I'd say the beginning of the shift in power started in the XIX century, mainly caused by the french revolution. If you take a look at all the liberal civil wars, and the overall liberal push in the XIX century, it had a huge influence from the french; it was from then on that you start to notice for the first time our enemies, which had been submitted and kicked out hundreds of times across every nation inhabited in history by whites, triumph in manipulating the populace. Of course, they only managed to achieved their goals in the XX century, but the warning signs were already noticeable back then.

tripsfags get out

Don't forget about the (((Rothschilds))) funding both sides of the Napoleonic Wars, cementing their place as the most powerful family in the world.

America was inherently founded as a Masonic nation with liberal roots. The very constitution is based on the Masonic constitution. Through historical precedent as well as direct action, America was singlehandedly responsible for the replacement of the royalist elites throughout the world with the (((merchant))) elites through democracy. Who insisted that the German kaiser abdicate so the Weimar Republic could be formed? Who inspired the French Revolution? Who set the precedent for democracy, and "all men are created equal", leading to the slippery slope where niggers can vote, and later women? America has had profound, cancerous influences on the rest of the world since it was founded.

Nice platitude.
Leaders of autocratic countries, whether they mean good or bad have to keep appearance. If it were Hillary you would be watching US planes attacking Damascus right now.
Trump just conducted an expensive tarmac treatment and called it quits.

Assad is just doing his duty of not warming up to Murrika. In the background he's probably praying to his Alawite god that USA didn't bomb the rest of his country due to a false flag.

jews are torturing US. There is no escaping them.


Ancient Greece.

People are stupid. Let's make busy-busy with issues that have nothing to do with our real problem.
Fuck you all for promoting your shit.

How much more fucking clearer do you want them?

Go on, tell me how jewish puppets paying lip service about globalists etc are the real deal "4D chess goys honestly, please don't attack jews just focus your goyische attention on their enemies instead, oy vey" are the real deal and Assad and Ahminedjad are the actual puppets.

I wonder what your opinion on what Holla Forums should do for (((Gert Wilders))) election campaign was during the election in Holland?

This was one quickly constructed strawman, eh?

4/10 shill. You got the substance and the meme culture generally right but you fail at the same things as other lefties do. Emotional responses, actual knowledge and a fuckton of fallacies.
Sage and report for your shitty shill thread.

Did you know Hitler gassed his own people as well? Why don't the good goys want to get rid of Assad like they did Hitler?

This is the same shill that fuck every thread about European elections, see his first post and the thread he linked. He got banned dozens of time and must have spent a lot of money for VPN

To be fair though, the ancient Greeks did say that you shouldn't have a democracy of more than a few thousand people. As populations get bigger individual voices get smaller and as such people care less about the body politic.

Mass representative democracy is cancer and the Greeks warned us about it.

So let's get this straight, you two are friends.
You both seem to think it's very important that Holla Forums does not criticise "jews", "zionists", "ZOG", "Freemasons" etc.
You only post threads promoting and pushing known jewish frauds in politics.
It appears to be both your mission to prevent Holla Forums from criticising zionist puppets in politics.
You organise and mass report anyone that calls out jews, you discuss your plans to do so on Holla Forums openly, then you glory in your 'successes' of pushing out any user that dares criticise "ZOG.

So tell me again, why are you on Holla Forums, knowing that it's a website for like minded goys in exposing jewish frauds?

i never had a position on Assad but if he keeps this shit up he's going to win the hearts of the alt right more than he did by 5 orders of magnitude

Trump ditch Ivanka and neocohen husband/cohorts or you can FUCK OFF

Xanatos gambit

Chesscucks = JIDF

This isn't a revelation. At worst Trump is fully controlled, at best he is fighting a losing battle single handed. He was never the goal, but a road to the goal.

He's only been in the job a few months so it's silly to draw conclusions just yet.

But really, it comes down to this:

Goes after Russia and Iran -> deep state puppet

Goes after China and North Korea -> our guy

Trump = weaksauce

Jews already had their claws deep into the US long before WW1. I mean that's why the Balfour Declaration exists in the first place.


True, and democracy in multicultural societies can never work.


This is a video interview with Assad, in his own words, you can watch it for yourself.
He states very clearly in the interview just who controls and pulls the strings of the US government.
It is an interview reported across the world including RT, only it's not available in the 'Freedom loving' USAs mainstream media or indeed its (((alt-right))) media

first of all stop with reddit spacing you goddamn cuck
2nd, if we go to war with Norks it would perfectly fit plans of 8 goddesses.

They're the mods. Someone's got to control the narrative, and don't forget that this site is owned by a fat fuck freemason with ties to the DOD.

Could you give me a rundown on that?

Why are you samefagging? You writing style and emphasis on the same tired points outs you pretty quickly.


Trump = weakSAUCE you fucking faggot. Get it fucking right.
I don't give 2 fucks about some propaganda (((video))). Trump not moving against (((them))) = weaksauce plain and simple.

Right after you put some effort into your posts you lazy inbred. You're not writing a text message.

secret cabal that was controling worst korean president throught sex magic and channeling spirit of her dead mother. said to be made out of most powerfull women in the country. hillary clinton has vague ties to them
the plan was for koreas to get it on to unite them under their rule in communistic society.
its probably just a part of a bigger organisation.

See every thread and news article about South Korea's leader being exposed as part of a cult in a worldwide conspiracy.

What the fuck is going with all these kike-jew shills like this, shitting up every thread with this kind of shit?

How is the interview with Assad a (((video))), everything of vaklue in this thread is about what Assad directly said.
If you don't care then why make 3 replies, saying nothing of value and trying to slide the thread with meaningless nonsense.
Why not ignore instead and go back to playing your 4D solitaire?

I hope you're wrong, but there's definitely something gefilte fishy about these kind of posters here, bullying others if they criticise any of the jews preferred political candidates or if any user posts any information showing what people like Assad have to say about them.


Until the (((issue))) is dealt with, it's all just a (((show))). And no, Assad is not the issue.

What are you even trying to say, moron?

That you're destroying the credibility of you and your own thread.

Are you some poorly programmed bot based in Tel Aviv?

I literally have no idea what the fuck you are trying to say or what purpose your shit and pointless responses are trying to achieve other than to slide what is a rather important statement made by a world leader that everyone's eyes are on at the moment, and all you;ve done is fill the thread up with meaningless jewish-style MeMes in an attempt to derail.

Hillary would be that or worse, but this 1 and half month has been nothing but disappointment, but none bigger than watching this place becomes another r/the_donald.

user this site is compromised. this thread will probably get deleted because we dared to speak against le god emperor.
biggest problem of this place are not shills, its the moderation that does nothing to stop them, and even encourages them

It's no Jewish conspiracy as to why Trump changed his position. It was simply that he is a business man looking out for American (and in some ways European) interests. That often means war.

Also he learned that these other countries are not innocent either, and work to undermine American and European interests, by more than just hacking them and leaking secrets.

Honestly, I'm more concerned how Trump seems to be willing to sell our privacy to the highest bidder. Meaning the whole: let the ISPs sell our data. Trump is shitty on the privacy stuff. He will probably fuck us over in a different way than this thread is pointing to, imo.

You mean Israeli interests.

Actually no, rather think of the military industrial complex ($), oil interest, and overturning countries that are not friendly to the US. Israel is used as a pretext for war by the US.

I honestly again, and more concerned about Trump destroying our privacy.


You can meme me all you want, I just don't believe in good vs evil. Sure, Assad led Syria would better for the Syrian people, but he is not a saint by all means.

It will when enough anons aren't looking. A thread yesterday was deleted bringing up how Kushner is connected to one of the wealthiest families in Israel.

I didn't ask for those feels, user. It makes me so mad.


Anyone here with half a brain already knew this, of course the retards and paid shills will say the opposite.
Dr. Pierce already called him the next kosher republican candidate almost 20 years ago.

Whatever you say shlomo.

What you mean when every user got gassed for daring to criticise the zog-Emperor Trump over the last 2 years on Holla Forums or the non-stop shilling for Trump and the rest of the jewish controlled opposition on here like TRS & Dailystormer and all so-called jew-wise nationalist boards all the way to The Rebel Media play-fighting with the jewish liberal MSM
Says the jewish liberal MSM
says the jews of TRS and other embedded agent CIA-Kikes like Anglin, constantly promoting the jew owned jewish trojan horse.

So it just sort of happened organically right?
Simultaneously across the world throughout the MSM and compromised (((alt-media))) also, by osmosis.
No jewish conspiracy at all?

Every interest Trump has promoted since being elected only serves jewry and only plays to the jewish narrative, pushing us towards the jewish instigated WWII on several fronts now, all of them advantageous to israel and none of which helps Europe or America.

So until he was elected, Donald Trump was unaware of nations outside of America have their own ambitions and interests not entirely aligned with israeli controlled USA?
Hadn't he ever heard of rogue nations like isreal seeling US military secrets to China, North Korea and any other nation willing to pay top-shekel?

At least you're able to identify how Trump is willing to sell all private correspondence of Americans to jewish agencies whose entire existence is to mine the information to use against us.

It's not the only thing he's done proving he is working for the establishment.

Only this thread is about what Assad has to say about Trump, which is quite important considering Trump is opening up routes to WWIII via Syria for his israeli bosses and Assad is a significant leader on the world stage, while all his supporters are constantly pushing Trump Memes and even trying to rally us to fight European general elections for ZOG controlled puppets like Wilders and Le Pen and the rest of the jew controlled opposition in the world.

I wish I read that before I replied to his earlier post.

Assad 2020, he can run as a democrat.

Yes Goyim there is no cabal of ethnically similar like minded people who always look out for each other but are also trying to destroy everyone else especially their greatest foe.

Instead of this ruling cabal its some of your own who are just plain crazy and want to their homelands and people, you're race user must be so evil to hurt people of other races and have no care for your own.


Part 1:
Part 2:

Hitler dubs confirm, Holla Forums has been subverted for 2 years now.

It was still a nice post, user. And your argumentation will become sharper with continued posts like that.

Well now they have the puppet, let's begin the show.

Or maybe this is.. you know, reality.

Slaves were common before the 1800. Rome used to have servants in every household.
Welcome to the real world. The brutal reality of our universe.
The last 100 or so years of mercy were a freakish event, and it nearly genocided white people in the process.

The fuck are you spouting, you autistic moron? The last 100 years have been the bloodiest in all of human history, nuclear bombs, the genocide of the German people, the rapes of whites by nonwhites in every white country.

Any decent alternatives you know of?

Id rather have Hillary and a civil war at this point, cant wait to elect the "#KillAllWhites" candidate in 4 years, at least then we could justify getting together some white protection squads/paramilitaries. Thats how it starts.



Actually they haven't, there were many wars that were worse percentage wise.
England had a fucking civil war that was significantly deadly.

The amount overall was significantly higher, but proportionally it was not the worse.
Also you forget that many nations were once ransacked by germans and nords in the times of old.
Greece went through a dark age when the sea peoples invaded.
Babylon was invade from people from the north.

And in those days it wasn't mere immigration. It was fucking raids. Slaughter.

I never said that. Only that the military industrial complex ($), oil interest ($), and overturning countries that are not friendly to the US, is what motivates Trump. To say that European and Israeli interests also combine, is also true. But the idea that there are no American interests at all, is what I object to.

Now that my statement is completely clear, hopefully I won't be misquoted.

As far as I'm concerned, he's off to a rocky start, and he's doing the best he can.

But if the wall isn't built, then yeah, everyone here WILL have to go fullblown NSF, no exceptions, Trump would have to be disregarded at that point, and the opinion on his presumed 180 that is being shilled here or otherwise, wouldn't matter, because everyone would be too angry to calm down in any remote sense of the word.

Modern issue of all the current problems we face is that despite the information and influence we have through collective effort, there is a suggestion it isn't enough to achieve our aims and goals which are already so very splintered in light of non-whites who also post here being shilled by D&C, with focus on France and America being core, and our brand of activism being otherwise limited between these two spheres of hot-topic, I'd want Holla Forums to cater to more people everywhere whilst still promoting Natsoc but the way I see it, I can see the benefits of hostile old age brutality and tyrranny working over what we currently have as our solutions.

I mean, I'm sorry, but there is just something inherently effective about corpses strewn about left as warnings to dissenters, traitors and failures, and complete upheval, modern man is not accustomed to true violence and carnage docility diet and upbringing have seen to that, and it holds true power over the frail worthless hearts of the weak, whom we have grown so weary of tolerating to allow this hell to spew forth, I really would love the kind of release this sort of thing paves way for, give me order through a true war and it's comforting nightmare over the subversion lies, deciet and weakness in all forms of body, mind and spirit and the opportunity to revel in it's purity and watch the Wolves and the sheep take their place amongst the pecking order, and one has a worthy kingdom to look upon.

I feel that everyday, killing is just the right solution, and we're all just holding back in some horrible cycle of inaction that is taking forever to break, I highly doubt people these days know how to fight, organize or even react to the like of killing, do you remember the utterly unaware paris faggots during the attacks on their Iphones? The lack of self-awareness the sheer prey-like nature they exhibited is not something I would ever want to reason with or parlay, It's the sort of person you kill, merely because it exists unto such a detestable singularity that debate, words, virtue signalling and all other forms of reason leave the body mind and soul are all contemplated within a single thought that ascertains your desire for the sweet release of Nature's uncaring wrath, to just fucking kill that loser unworthy of living on the sacrifices they unknowingly tread upon to live in such a state.

I think I'm rambling, but with all that is going on, you've always got to wonder if it really is as simple as execution, population control, strict rules, control of the women, weeding of the weak, bullying, glorifcation of the human form, and downtime for shitposting and relaxation with something everyone can relate to, because not doing this breeds the evil such actions combat.

/polk/ is a pretty good board. Look in the board list of this site. Lots of oldfags who had all their IPs banned are congregating there.

Thanks OP for posting this

Preciate' ya!

Alright, this post is probably going to be rather long, but stick with me here.

The "American Revolution" wasn't really based upon the creation of a new nation at first. It was an economic revolt. I'm sure you're familiar with the "no taxation without representation" saying that circulated in the colonies in the mid to late 18th Century. However, it should be noted as well that the colonies were taxed much less than the people living in England were. To understand why the revolution occurred in the first place, two things must be understood.
1: Salutary Neglect
The policy employed by England of not enforcing their laws in the American colonies in the 17th and early 18th centuries, giving them more independence. Some of the colonies were not even set up by the Royal government directly, but instead by joint-stock companies.
2: The nature of the colonists
Many of the colonists were fleeing Europe because of what they considered to be religious persecution. It takes a certain mindset for a person to up and abandon their own homeland. The conclusion drawn here is that the American Colonists were individualistic by nature, and were of a less desirable ideological stock because they could not mesh properly with their own nations and people.

Once the British Royal government and Parliament came out of the French-Indian War, they were strapped for money and needed to get it from somewhere in order to stay financially stable. Thus, they began to tax the American Colonies. However, after decades of independence and low taxes, the colonists were not ready to begin paying higher taxes. This is especially true due to the fact that the colonists had no representatives in Parliament, therefore they felt as though they were not being represented. Tax collectors began to get tarred and feathered in places like Boston, and unrest began to rise. One must understand that the people carrying out these actions were seen as extremists and even thugs. Contrary to popular belief, most of the population at the time was not considering creating a new nation at all. Some were pissed off with the British Government, but they still considered themselves Englishmen. They just felt that the people living on the British Isles did not feel the same way. One of the colonies (the royal colony of Georgia, my home state) was loyal to the king throughout the American Revolutionary War, and sent no representatives to the 1st Continental Congress if I remember correctly.

Now enter the Enlightenment thinkers. These are the people now considered to be the Founding Fathers of the United States. For the most part, the ideas of the Enlightenment were complete shit. Even the British Parliament itself was partially a result of the Enlightenment, especially as its power increased. For some reason, the English have a tendency to create compromises. Probably their way of avoiding civil conflict. However, these compromises have almost always had negative effects ever since the Enlightenment. I digress though. These Enlightenment thinkers, the most cancerous being Thomas Jefferson (note that he race mixed once, so now half of the Jefferson line are mulattoes), essentially co-opted the movement for their own ideological and political gain. They espoused ideas that still plague the West today, such as Liberty, Classical Liberalism, Democracy/Democratic Republicanism (opinion here was a bit split) and Equality. In Jefferson's Declaration of Independence that he sent to the British Parliament, he espoused the idea of "all men are equal." Now though the Declaration of Independence was not really a legal document, these words have still had a significant effect on American politics ever since. Egalitarianism is undeniably madness, and the Founding Fathers opened Pandora's Box by supporting moderate versions of this. The populace was pushed towards revolution by these people with a clever propaganda game (misrepresentation of the Boston Massacre to agitate the people that was spread via newspaper all across the colonies). The revolution turned out to be a success (largely in part due to the help of the French), and the extremists became the founders of a new nation. Initially they tried to govern via the Articles of Confederation, but these proved to be so ineffective (as is any decentralized system) that they had to be replaced with a more authoritarian version, the US Constitution.

The least cancerous of the Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists, died off during Jefferson's presidency when his VP killed Hamilton in a duel. A lot of stuff happened here that I shan't get into, but the main thing you should note is that the US would look very different today had Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists gained power, as they were more similar to the English than the Democratic-Republicans, who more resembled the people of the French Revolution.


For a while, the Democratic-Republicans were the only political party in the United States. This is a time in American History often referred to as the Era of Good Feelings. This began to push the United States more towards unity. Enter one of the greatest figures in American History; Andrew Jackson. Ask any US History Professor about Jackson and they will immediately kvetch about him. Jackson's presidency, combined with Manifest Destiny, was probably the closest the US ever got to a nationalist regime. Jackson, after being screwed over by John Q. Adam and Henry Clay in something called the "corrupt bargain," essentially began to polarize DC again. He began to espouse something called a Jacksonian Democracy, a term I'm sure you've heard people on here use before. Personally, I am split on Jackson. On the one hand, he was a nationalist leader, but on the other he was an advocate for the Ausländer and supported a democracy in place of the electoral college system and Jeffersonian Agrarianism. He did go after the bank as well, but abolishing the bank isn't necessarily a good approach. Nationalizing them under strict authority makes much more sense. Regardless, Jackson's legacy is essential to understanding America's first brush with real nationalism.

Onto another era in American politics. After Jackson's presidency, Van Buren's presidency was hit with economic failure (in part because of the flaws in the Jacksonian economy), killing most of Jackson's Democratic Party, leading to the Whigs gaining control of DC. Fsst forward to the 1850's and 60's. The South during the Antebellum Period was one of the wealthiest places in the world. As debates about slavery began to dominate the US, tensions between the already opposing industrialized North and plantation South began to rise. Enter Abraham Lincoln. Initially a free-soiler, he eventually changed his position to abolitionism halfway through the war. The Civil War was more of an economic conflict than anything (as most wars are). The Republicans insisted that the southerners give up their slaves for no compensation, to which the southern Democrats responded that giving them up without compensation would economically ruin the South (which it did, after Sherman's March (read: Sherman's rape of Georgia) did as well). The economic difference between the North and South is still seen today. Of course, this is in part due to the negro infestation in the south, but also has much to do with the carpet-baggers (many of which were Jewish) and the destruction southern wealth. Now do note, that the Confederacy was much to Jeffersonian in nature, and Jefferson Davis wasn't that great of a leader. My greatest issue with Dixie Nationalism is its libertarian nature. However, some southern nationalists (notably Hunter Wallace) have begun to retract this idea in favor of a Southern Monarchy. Still not sure what I think of that (I'm still more inclined towards a system resembling National Socialism applied to the United States' culture, which I shall expand upon later), but its certainly an option of the North goes to shit.



The era after the Civil War was marked by rampant corruption (see: President Grant) and the beginnings of large corporations controlling Congress. Reconstruction was awful for the south, but was eventually ended after some political shenanigans led to it becoming a part of a deal for the Presidency. After this age comes the early 20th Century. The only good president in this age is Teddy Roosevelt, who had both pros and cons. The pros were another rise in American Nationalism and even some American Imperialism (old authoritarian imperialism, such as what the Roman Empire and early British Empire employed, not modern neocon "imperialism").

Then came WWI, and the materialist age of the 20's followed by the Great Depression and the beginning of the New Deal and the presidency of FDR (to get a balanced opinion on FDR and the New Deal, see the opinion of Father Coughlin, Roman Catholic priest and radio host during the 30's, anti-semite and Fascist/National Socialist sympathizer). Roosevelt was to closely tied with large bankers and Jews, resulting in the failure of the New Deal and the push to get us into WWII. Every American president from FDR onward has been all sorts of shit. Corrupt to the core and progressive in one way or another. nd they got worse and worse. To give you some perspective, Ronald Reagan (the patron saint of the modern Republican Party) was actually worse than John F. Kennedy. Kennedy was indeed a Civil Rights cuck, but at least he recognized Hitler as a good leader and actually did something against corruption of the age. Also note the neoconservative connections to former Trotskyites (see Irving Kristol) and their insistence on "bringing Democracy to the middle east and the world" as Trotsky advocated for bringing his brand of international communism to the world.

When two or more Indo-European groups meet, it results in a new nationality and culture. This happened in many European nations time and time again. Note the Franks, Gauls and some Romantic people coming together to form modern France. Note the Romans and some western slavs coming together to form Romania. It's happened time and time again. The only direction the US can go in is for the English, Scotch-Irish and the German influence to come together to form an American race. The term that I have heard for this most often has been the 'Atlantic Race.' And this process was occurring, but its growth has been stunted by the large African American and other minority presence as well as the decadence of modernism combined with the Egalitarian legacy of the Founding Fathers taken to an extreme and held together by jews, the plague of the West. Many things have stunted the growth of US into a real nation, and now the culture that was beginning to develop is being destroyed by modernism and "pop culture."

tl;dr The American Revolution never should have happened, Enlightenment was shit and the US needs to centralize and kick out all the minorities and have a cultural renaissance to begin to become a nation.

I would also recommend listening to the Red Ice (yes, they're cucks, but it's tolerable in this care) interview with Sam Dickson for some more insight into some of the things I said earlier in this post. Sometimes I disagree with him, but on other things I don't. He's much more articulate than I.


Apologies for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. Didn't proofread very well.

Beware of that news channel, it is a venezuelan gommie site, Assad dropped some good redpills, he is redpilled as fuck.
But that news chain is a latin american communist piece of shit.

Manifest Destiny is a type of meme magic.

Thanks for the explanation, user.

Jefferson didn't racemix. Well, Thomas Jefferson didn't. Circumstantial evidence points to it being his younger brother who did, thus creating a nigger line with the Jefferson family DNA.

what did kampfy delete?

Greece had demos + kratos

We have (((democracy)))


So nuke it, faggot. It's right next to you.

Here is a map. You don't even need nukes.

Long Live Assad. A leader to be proud of.

No problem user. It makes me a bit sad to recount the history of my country, as it reminds me of how much greater we could have been had the Enlightenment never happened. But I suppose there's no use in looking back on it with dismay. My countrymen can only look forward and now and restart from the beginning rather than try to fix what was created broken.

Yeah, I suppose the Sally Hemings story may have been contrived for political reasons. Still doesn't change my opinion on him that much though. He, naturally, is not nearly as bad as the modern Libertarian, but libertarianism is largely considered to be his legacy, though a lot of it comes more from the more recent (kike) Barry Goldwater as well as (that other kike) Milton Friedman.

Really was. Monroe was a pretty decent president.

I'm german, tell me about it.

I remember meeting a young German man over here in the US. He was here for academic reasons (language instructor in the German language). He was from Bavaria, so his German was a bit odd, but I didn't need my High School German to understand him as he spoke perfect English (most of the Germans that I've met do). He carried something akin to pic related around with him that he got from one of his ancestors who fought in WWII. He spoke of how talking about National Socialism and the Third Reich is becoming ever so slightly easier and easier in Germany. Not sure if that's true for where you live, but Godspeed user. One day we'll all make it out of this living hell.

I'd rather all whites mix and kill off everything else. Or keep it segregated in it's own countries.

Once whites become a global majority, we could offload the slightly disgenic whites into the areas of the world where the minorities still exist (probably not as many of them after wars) to both kill off non-white genes and avoid overpopulation in white nations. That's thinking very far into the future though. Right now we should focus on not going extinct.

Hamilton was a puppet kike

He was the greatest American leader of all time. Because he ended the bank and solidly smashed Jewish control.

Lincoln was a cuck through and through. Homosexual (slept in the same bed with men), married an ugly wife who harassed him and other little quirks. He was anti-slavery the whole time. The only thing he did was issue Greenbacks, a revolt against the kikes, but only out of necessity but because he wanted to.

All three of these elements come out of direct Kike control.

Was a badass but Huey Long was our version of Hitler. He was killed by a Jewish doctor.

But you're wrong.

These are like 80% truths but you're missing some serious context here. The English crown was kike controlled and it wasn't fucking taxes, it was the imposing of economic sanctions and control FROM THE KIKES in the central bank of England on the colonies that caused the war. And Hamilton tried to slip in articles to setup a bank here. He succeed but then Jackson ended that legacy. The US had to fight the war of 1811 to get England to fuck off with it's Central Bank. Then came the Civil War and a moment of freedom with Greenbacks but that too failed.

The US has been a splinter of growth, European growth, away from the Jew and that's why it flourished but it has since been slowly eroding and eventually rotting with the Founding of the Federal Reserve act in 1913.

Please for the Love of God, stop telling half-truths and get your kike ass out of here

Yeah, shills are still bad at this. Who the fuck here even calls themselves alt right without getting called a faggot? Fuck off.

Just shills, user.

There's a value in the distinct and different ethnic groups of europe suriving.


I never said otherwise. I hate Lincoln as well.
I never denied this either. I'm well aware of the Balfour Declaration that set up Palestine, the betrayal of the Germans by their own leaders while they were winning the war which led to the creation of the kosher Weimar Republic, the jewish influence on the "culture" of the so-called Roaring 20's and the usury that led to the Great Depression.
No it wasn't. You're thinking of the English Parliament.
Every single writing from the time period suggests that the Revolutionary War was sparked by colonists who had remained independent for a long while due to Salutary Neglect whining when the British imposed taxes on the colonies. These taxes were imposed by the British to pay off the war debt from the French and Indian War, a war that in large part protected the colonists from the French.
The only issue that I have with Hamilton's idea of a National Bank was the fact that he wanted it to be a private company, another part of their Enlightenment anti-authoritarian bullshit. I agree with Hitler that all banking systems should be nationalized to prevent usury.
The US was the land of milk and honey after it had been tamed on the east coast. Tons of land and countless amounts of natural resources. The association of early American prosperity with its economic and political policies is fallacious at best. A man born into wealth does not believe that he is wealthy because of something he did later in life. America was set up for economic growth due to the nature of where it is.

Do not get caught up in shallow patriotism and this reverence of these "Founding Fathers" who were simply wealthy men who sought to tear down the natural order of Europe. The Enlightenment is one of the biggest reason we are in this situation today. Classical Liberalism led to the repealing of the Usury laws in the West in the 19th Century, enabling world jewry. "Freedom" is an abstract and, for the most part bullshit concept that promotes decadent individualism and veneration of wealth rather than love of one's people.

It was a post regarding the influence the french revolution had in the shift of power of the nineteenth century. Apparently that triggers the turkroach, that and all the other anons that disagree with him.


He's right. And in more ways than just his foreign policy.

To be fair, you kikes really should stop astroturfing.

Assad is the only morally good leader probably, Duterte perhaps is a man with good intentions.

Actually, in D&D morality:

Lawful Good - Assad
Lawful Neutral - Trump
Lawful Evil - Erdogan
Neutral Good - Don't Know
True Neutral - Putin
Neutral Evil - Netanyahu
Chaotic Good - Duterte
Chaotic Neutral - Don't Know
Chaotic Evil - Mugabe, perhaps Maduro

Assad is the only morally good leader probably, Duterte perhaps is a man with good intentions.

Actually, in D&D morality:

Lawful Good - Assad
Lawful Neutral - Trump
Lawful Evil - Erdogan
Neutral Good - Don't Know
True Neutral - Putin
Neutral Evil - Netanyahu
Chaotic Good - Duterte
Chaotic Neutral - Don't Know
Chaotic Evil - Mugabe, perhaps Maduro>>9817120

Did we ever figure out what that whole gas attack this was about?

that's a boy isn't it.
either way i'd appreciate a source

I hate when D&C cucks try to shit on Italy and the Roman Empire. When it comes down to it, southern and eastern Europe is going to have to save the whole continent from themselves. Italy laughs at drowning refugees and calls Merkel a lard-ass. Hungary and Poland bar entry. The enemy has instead attacked the now soft underbelly in places like Germany and Sweden.

Kikes had already infiltrated most of the royal families in Europe by that point. The wars were funded by then and they had royal protection before that.

Which is still better than the systems of control and denial we have to go through. At least when you starved to death you didn't have all of society telling you it's your own fault for not agreeing with them.


im fully on the assad train now.

Assad is pretty much saying what everyone who isn't a Trump marketer has been saying all the time.

It's 6,000,000D chess, you wouldn't understand you filthy anti-semite.

You mean Kosher Neutral.

At this point the US really is nothing more than Google.

Especially when they're chess cucks who keep championing their kosher goy after disappointment upon disappointment.

niqqa, the rothschilds are just a spoke family for the 300. this shit goes deeper than entry level public figures. Go back to the fundamentals of history, rothschilds didn't come out of nowhere.

His missile strike already escalated the situation with Russia saying they will retaliate with the next aggression.

So in that regard he's being the bestest goy in jewish class.

Fuck off Alex Jones, everyone here knows about the Rothschilds. It appears that only you don't.

Further material I would recommend on this subject would be "The Civil War of 1812" which is a lecture that can be found on youtube and Mark Urban's Fusiliers which is a book on the role of the British army and in particular one of the only units of professional soldiers that wasn't dispatched to another theatre to fight the French/Spanish/Dutch.


He's not wrong.

Orban is pretty great

wtf I should have voted Hillary

Only if the US had a great leader such as Assad but we're stuck with President Jerry Kosher and Princess Ivankike.

Good luck based Assad!

Wtf you should have gone back to reddit, Holla Forums has always been pro Assad.

Show me where he touched you, your patriotic pride? US is a zogbot, with all the bad shit zogbots do.

That Dipsy one cannot be real, what the hell?

Was. This isn't the same dynamic now. Assad et al involved was under Obongo policy. This is that all drying up.

is this thread just one person?

His dad was president before him for 30 years. He's essentially elected monarchy and monarchy is the best for of government.

Yup, this is the second thread like this. Can we report these threads?

Maybe not on the coasts but America definitely has culture and ethics in the Midwest where there is a large majority of white people.

This is fucking hilarious.

hot pockets should edit in a "This is a shill thread, notice the IDs" in redtext at the top and then sticky for a few days, would show newfags what to look out for.

Sorry for sage tripleposting, but it looks like I'm an idiot. I'm pretty sure the site is just fucked, even if a lot of the replies look pretty suspicious.


Hot pockets will do whatever they want, but I thought it was a good idea before I realized I was retarded.

You fucking cuckchan morons don't realize this has been happening because (((Jim))) fucked the site up

Sure, and we'll get banned for a week for being too much for the babies.

No shit. American hegemony has been the plan since at least 1945. I'm cool with it. I'm an American.


the ancient athenians literally executed a philosopher for pointing out the problems of democracy by a vote of 51% againt a 49%

how about you wait in the oven till the thread ends

hes a godsend for syria, the one guy that saved it from becoming another CIA/terrorist infested shithole

the reason slaves are no longer utulised in the modern world is because it is more economic to pay minimal "wages" to some guy than it is to house, feed, clothe and guard him.

thats also why the union managed to industrialise so much more than the south did

if youre implying that colored areas should be destroyed, then

end yourself.


out of the loop on the chem weapons attack

redpill me

There still is no proof that he didn't do it.

something like this

why would he use a banned chemical weapon in a way that it didnt help the military advance at all, knowing that using it would give the west a reason to invade, while he is already winning a war without any need for such weapons?
why are you retarded?
why dont you kill yourself?

Oh lookie here what a surprise the white helmets touching victims of sarin gas and smoking cigarettes on camera on the same place vn gas attack occurs


Source. Not that I really doubt it. But I would like to hear it myself.

Nice ramble.
I think it is as easy as that, but we lack the means to do it.