Holla Forums &Holla Forums united?

Someone said that Holla Forums and Holla Forums are working together to get the feminists/SJWs out of the comic book industry is this true?


Holla Forums is full of a bunch of quasi-SJWs and Holla Forums fags

Jesus Fucking Christ whoever made those is fucking terrible at this. Given the circumstances, I'm guessing it was Holla Forums, which is full of manlets addicted to the 4 Panel Jew.

I got a three day ban (as well as all my posts in the thread deleted) for posting stuff like pics related, so I doubt it. I can't see the BO I remember doing that, so he either hired on a stealth SJW as as janitor or someone slimed his/her way in during the downtime.

That, or Redwood found his way in.


are you kidding Holla Forums think that people like sargon,the amazing atheist, Bearing, and armored skeptic are SJWs. there's nothing lefty about Holla Forums

Lurk for 2+ years before posting.

And if you tell people any of that, their go-to is always something like "Yeah, but they also thought/did [something laughably foolish/primitive]," while somehow ignoring all their other accomplishments and that they managed to forge a mighty world power with simple weapons and pure will.

They can be both.

My point is that removing SJWs does nothing. At best, their (((masters))) will replace them with another brand of good goyim. You need to start gassing to create any kind of positive influence.

holy cringe

Nobody on Holla Forums is doing anything other than refusing to buy pozzed comics, but we'd all love to see the SJWs purged from comics.

I can't speak for 8/co/ but 4/co/ is 100% behind the SJW of 4chan since the early 2010's. They went to Tumblr because "It's easier to connect to fanartists!" and brought the tumblrtards back with them. 4/co/ was their safe space, their first entry into mod ownership was on Holla Forums.

I don't know about 8/co/, I know the board hates Steven Universe but their owner won't ban it because they're libertarians so they're pretty much doomed.

Also those memes were weak as fuck.

How the fuck did that bitch convince herself that she would wake up of white people were extinct?

4/pol/ is 100% SJW.

Kate Leth is a moronic, virture-signalling lesbian-except-when-I'm-not SJW cunt of the first order. She wrote pic attached, in which a gay man and his fag-hag complain about men.

Idk man, comics have always been a pretty Jewy industry even more so than hollywood, go back to making tapestries instead of wasting time on 20$ coloring books

if the comics don't sell the publishers will stop making them.


If you check the Judenpresse, their comics sell about as well as Hillary wins elections or bongs remain in EU. The problem is that they can still get bailed out by Rothschild money.

funny thing is they keep RTing it but neither of those count.
Cap never punched an american-borne Nazi (in fact tried to defend one from a jewish mob)
(((Kirby))) fought both Bunders and commies too. (actually fought, he'd go out and rumble with whoever was demonstrating that day) Both he and the real cap are peak lolberg.
Indy fights them to keep Thule away from various mystical artifacts, he doesn't care about the war otherwise. Or at least Ford acts him that way, I figure Spiely wanted more ragey haet out of him since he also did Munich and Schindler. Recall that he tried to save the shiksa in Crusade but (jew projection as usual) she was too greedy and tried to save the grail. So neither of them actively hate 'nazis'
It's really Stan Lee that fucked everything up, the prior jews in comics went to comics because they were powerless and their pedowood brethren had rejected them, that's why early comics, though written by jews, still had a goyish hero tale bent. Power fantasies to escape dreary drudgery. (Hell, the Superman creators basically never owned their creations, they got out-jewed by DC after the serials started being made and died after 40 years fighting to regain them) Stan had that "salesman gene" we've all come to know and 'love'
Then of course that infamous 'comics code' that prevented basically everything non-capeshit from ever being made, they teamed up to do that.

Why do I have the feeling twasn't the cancer what killed the manletbeast.