Official details of Trump's new tax plan Trump's tax plan have been revealed...

Official details of Trump's new tax plan Trump's tax plan have been revealed. We all know about the 15% tax rate on businesses, but here's some new things:

In terms of simplification:

Business Reform:

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Also looks like Ivanka's child tax credit made it in.

I'm excited for some kvetching.

Reminder that it is only a plan. Tax cuts like this will never realistically happen because the cash cow goyim are the only thing sustaining these kikes. Enjoy your bread and circus government shutdown act.

I know damn well congress is gonna try and stop this. Ryan probably flat out hates this.

Exactly why i said enjoy the government shutdown act. Its all just a show, but people still think the president holds any power.

That's why there's the 15% business tax rate and the one-time repatriation tax. The "muh shekels" crowd isn't going to stop it.

Sure there will be some back and forward over those numbers, and instead of 15% you might only get down to 20%, but now amount of shilling will change the fact that 20 is still a lot smaller than 35%.

I support this plan, but I have worries. though the greater tax credit for children will be good for the wife and I, I worry beaners will take he biggest advantage of it furthering demographic replacement.

How does this affect small businesses?

not for long

They get a 15% tax rate. Good for small ppl I heard.

You know what I see happening with all these cuckservatives fighting him on all these policies? He going to continue to do as much as he can with executive orders as he has been and its been proven to be quite effective. But when it comes to the big policies we may have to wait till midterms when Trump signals for us, the people, to deliver him representatives that will carry out his will. Big legislation does take time thou and many policies of first term presidents dont make it into law until about a year after their sworn in. But these faggots are going to fight him every step of the way to 2018.

Itd be a god damn miracle if he can get this bunch of cucks to act on either healthcare or tax reform before then, which is a god damn shame. But on the other hand, itll awaken all the stupid boomer cucks and tea party cruzmissles up to just how fucking shady all these faggots have been for all this time and talk about undoing what King Kike Nigger has wrought.

Auto correct was a mistake

A hot pink id. How befitting for a faggot.

An easy 15% tax is great for small business. Instead of a giant kiked up tax system that benefits million-dollar tax departments in huge companies it makes it easier to hold bigger companies accountable for their tax money and easier for little guys to keep track themselves, rather than not paying Schlomo's Diversity Tax and getting fined, where he then goes bankrupt and has his company bought by Senator Schlomo Schumer's brother.

Trump isn't going to get this, and he's not expecting it. He's going to leave room to negotiate. And all the cucks and liberals will talk about how Trump failed to get his 15% business tax rate and reduce taxes for middle class.

His strategy of making deals works amazing for getting shit done, but it looks like shit from a political standpoint, since it makes him look like he doesn't get done what he says he will.

where the fuck are you seeing id colors?

Look at this minty fresh newfag with an ID color to match

Well, looks like i'm immigrating to the US, South Dakota, Montana or …?


New Hampshire. White, rural, fresh air, relatively low living expense, great outdoors, beautiful grills, etc.

Tax reform does nothing for everyday Americans. As long as the Federal Reserve exists every child born will forever be a debt slave to the kikes. Period.

Fuck off, stop letting people know. Enough Massholes already infecting the state


Wew what happened to Drumpf being a puppet?

Kek it always brightens my day.



Looks bretty gud, assuming it makes it through.

Personally I am in favor of the death tax, but if you can pull the money from overseas globalists and through cutting loopholes instead, i'll take the other nice reforms gladly.

No I'm sorry but that's totally wrong. A small business is already going to be structured as a pass though entity, meaning they will not be paying the corporate tax rate at all. The only businesses that pay the corporate rate are multinationals and publicly traded companies, which are required to do so. Is it arguably good to reduce the tax rate on these businesses so they don't flee the country. Yes. Will it affect small businesses one iota? Probably not.

Depends on your definition of small business really.

Even if its a multimillion dollar a year company I still don't understand why it would be structured as a c corp. That would necessitate that one of the owners is an institutional investor which basically means its a multinational.
