Are women people or a commoditzed resource? I say both

Link related, my philosophy in life. It actually starts at the very point.

I recently came across an argument a feminist made about men being entitled to women's bodies, mocking the men who feel entitled as thus. And I realized something very important.

Men are predators. In fact, they have to be in order to procreate. I know this because of how hypocritically I have seen feminists act. They love their relatively new freedoms in the grand scale of history, engaging in various sexual adventures, pursuing employment in different fields at various levels, and proclaim and celebrate it.

At the same time, they demand the same type of patriarchal dominance through their unconscious desire as they are attracted to the same men who appear dominant and forceful and readily give their sex to these kinds of men. I am talking about super high apex 1% type men, like Saudi oil sheiks or really wealthy businessmen, like Trump for example.

This brings me to a particular deadlock; how to reconcile the women's desire for dominant and successful men with their own professed desire for their own personal economic freedom? The answer is simple; women are living, breathing, walking human commodities.

They can walk, they can talk, they can think, they even have their own free will. But they are still commodities. Why? Because they are fetishized by men. Men pursue them to the point of killing each other over them, and women enable this. Women don't even need to push an ideology, since the majority of heterosexual men's drives push them to perpetuate this arrangement. It is trivial to see how women win both ways from this.

Moreover, women are commodities based on the fact that they hold a natural monopoly over the means of REproduction and the point of fulfillment of sexual desire for heterosexual men, who are still a majority.

This turns back to the notion that men are predators. They must be in order to demonstrate that they are capable of defending these women from other men, and their drives tend towards such men. Killers routinely receive fan letters and marriage proposals from women while these men are in prison.

Fucking James Holmes, the Aurora shooter, has "Holmies." I'm not making this up:

Women also flocked to the Nazis as they invaded France. They go towards whichever one is strongest and shows the most initiative, and the image of a dangerous man arouses them. They are opportunists, through and through.

This brings us back to the point; demonstrations of strength and violence are now necessary in order for men to gain women's attention and approval, especially for those men who are in the margins of society. Society knows this that men know this, and accordingly structure punishments such that men can't take advantage of their new found notoriety. The ironic thing is that even someone like Elliot Rodger, if he survived and went to prison, would get tons, except he would probably be bewildered and enraged by all of the fan mail that he would receive.

tl;dr women should be treated like shit, it's about as much as they deserve

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I immediately stopped reading. The fact you even pose such a question shows you reprehensible. As if your flag werent enough.

Considering how you fooled I have to say that your bait is quite nice. Or perhaps leftypolers are too easily baited. Either way nice job.

w a t

ah fuck me. I thought it mightve been, but thats backpedaling. FINE, YA GOT ME. its 4:30 here, thats my excuse

finally some good theory posted here

This is news to absolutely no one who has any inkling of an understanding of the human species and how we survived. But we don't live in caves anymore, dude, our brains and "natures" will catch up eventually.

In any case, thus is just more proof that we need FALC to free us of certain natures.

Oh FUCK me


i did have a quick skim through, shit about women flocking to the powerful, all that Holla Forumsster regurgitated nonsense to explain why they dont get pussy. seemed pretty standard. shows me

Spooky af fam.

So work on building FALC. But pray tell where and how will you build such systems. This needs to be on an industrial scale.

Moreover what makes you think women won't simply leave if we ever get steamrolled by the capitalists. Such projects are perfect targets for subversion by SJWs and idpol-ers. Knowing how women act, they will make it exclusively about themselves.

The point is to introduce discipline. See how you guys were so easily baited. Women are a hundred times better than men at baiting, and the only way to break free from this is to shut them out and use them like they always were supposed to, as commodities. We need to form men's gangs, where men will build FALC away from women.

We can't fuck em and chuck em, since that is what they desire, to be used as commodities, and the fulfillment of that desire causes internal distress and reproduces that desire. We need to discipline them through both punishing them physically and then making their "protectors" in the state look like idiots, and showing the public at large that they are idiots for trying to pursue our punishment. They must not be able to prove it was us. The charade of legitimacy depends on them being able to causally prove it was us, and so long as we are able to fuck with them and dance in their methodological blind spots, we can bend society to us.

Notice how politicians have such a hard time dealing with Pepe the Frog. This is a model of what we must do. My title was reprehensible, just like their memes are. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT.

The real joke is that you all think I am joking, but I am deadly serious.

I used to unironically think exactly like this. It was no doubt a product a socially alienated and sexually repressed childhood

We need to fight social alienation, because it churns out people who think like op

I don't know if I agree entirely with your premise. I mean I won't look a gift horse in the mouth of a fellow socialist who isn't some cuck loser making excuses for sexual depravity whilst we all suffer and die and bitches live in luxury off the backs of our labor BUT… you seem to emphasize biological imperative quite a bit which is strange considering you're a Christian-socialist and I'd imagine you think this stems from something like Satan or original sin as the source of the problem not something inherently wrong with women.

We'd have to objectively look at how women act globally, and study them without confirmation bias to see if women are monkey-branching opportunist cunts, or if that's just the way women are raised in a peak capitalist society. I like to think it's the latter. Because I find it very hard to believe we'd be a two gendered species and built to be at war with eachother both for personal fulfillment and control over the future of our species.

I will say that women do possess a natural asset that SHOULD NOT be theirs to horde and use as they find fit but should be regulated by a strong state. This confuses people as like with abortion for example, I'm not against abortion itself, I'm against "the pro-choice" part of some dumb broad deciding her own abortion rather than a state that can deduce based on population density, genetic history, employment rates, etc whether or not it's a good idea to bring another life into this world. Quite frankly judges and doctors are better equipped to decide an abortion than the woman having the child regardless of whether or not it's "her body".

I believe in Christianity but I have heard the "muh menz enititlement" argument one times to many and I had to work it out somehow.

People are fallible and need to get help; I think a strong state shouldn't need to be overly punitive and even should provide for the population at large; moreover it should subsidize retraining and the education of workers to fulfill the programs for a more socialist state. This society has too much precariousness as it is, and I find too much adulation and support for muh entrepreneurs, who can honestly do no wrong. One man's entrepreneur is another's gator-faced opportunist who should be jailed.


Then you know you are generalizing all women as a specific type instead of respecting them as you ought to. It's time to stop user.

You don't deserve to be posting Christ-chan. You know she is a figment of your imagination. Every 2d girl is.

There is a reason waifus exist: they are not real women. They are idealized representations of women on pedestals that are illusory. I have been with real women. They are easily led, manipulable, silly creatures that we keep fighting over.

When a girl is merely "nice" to you, it means jack shit. Mostly women test you to see if you will do stuff for them. You have to do this in a particular way: the point is to first tease them verbally without mercy for it, and then do it in a way that leaves her stuck there and then make her beg you to finish what she needed you to do. It's like sex without the sex, like dancing. It turns her on, and then you can ask her out.

So are men! Your entire """"argument""" boils down to your personal anecdote of having had bad relationships. Maybe try dating within the church instead of outside it as a start.

Not that guy, but I want to spread communism.

But it isn't JUST him, and it isn't JUST a few bad relationships.

Or fuck, you know what? Go eat some rotten pussy Skittles right now and get aids… I don't care. Oh no wait, you can't even do that because a bitch expects you to work for that fangled, used up, pussy. Get the hell out of here cuck.


Just get a hooker. An ancap like you should have no problem with that.

I mean, if you weren't a cuck you'd have enough money to grab women by the pussy. You could pay twenty women to love you. Fuck a new supermodel every night. Why aren't you doing that?

You need Jesus fam.

Actually brothels are highly unionized, liberal, despot holes I'd rather have no part of.


Brothels? Nigga this ain't 1920. Just go on back page or whatever other hooker website. Choose whatever bitch you want. You can get a blonde or asian or a black lady or whatever you want. Some girls will specialize in certain fetishes, like footfags, roleplaying, whatever.

It's easy as hell. Prices range from like $80/hr to like $200/hr. So not much more expensive than some fat tinder slut that wants to go on 12 dates before you fuck.

That's capitalism, baby

lol why would you pay that much just to have sex with someone? Do you know how many cheeseburgers you can buy for that?

Randy? Is that you?

Male leftists, folks.


this guy is trolling and you know it

Triggered are we?

The fact that I made you reply is victory by itself. I take great pleasure in knowing that this triggers you, even briefly. It's an amygdala hijack, pure psychological warfare. If you didn't reply there wouldn't be any difference. It happens when Holla Forums spams gore porn and other shit to scare off the normies. After a while you get desensitized to it and you work around it. Or you leave. It's your choice.

The fact remains, this topic isn't even remotely controversial for a place like this, where we can see all sorts of perversions two or three clicks away. The only things we can do are to critically analyze our material reality and then change it. Anything else is spooky. The only thing separating me from dat ass is the fact that I don't know where you are.

Bretty gud, American Bear approves.

I can't tell if these posts are serious or not

Lmao. That's bait mate, and you ate it up.

We are all baiting each other. It doesn't matter. What matters is setting up quality bait that triggers a response in the appropriate direction. There are all sorts of circumstances that contribute to the quality of the bait and the epicness of the troll. Degree of asymmetry, technical skill, knowledge of one's audience and their psychology, material effects; all this is how well someone trolls.

Every pickup artist is a troll. He trolls the woman he targets directly, and every feminist that tries to stop him indirectly. Right now I am trolling shamelessly; of course I am giving up the game, I am admitting to it. But my original points still stand regardless.

It's easy to psychoanalyze me and say that I am doing this out of hatred of women, or out of some trauma or personal shortcoming. It's easy to say I will never get laid or some other shit. You could say I am psychopathic, that I am doing this out of some internal sadness, and you might even be right. The real question is, do you care enough about your own ideas to disprove my own views? This isn't a real-time debate here. Take as much time as you want.

I might even be baiting with my own vulnerability right now. Or when someone trolls and says they're not being serious, is there an irreducible core of seriousness at the center? Try and find it. See you in the morning.

It is 100% accurate. Women admit, they are attracted to powerful/dominant men for breeding and sensitive, kind and dependable men to raise their brood.

You are the kind of idiot that if I caved your face in you would still claim victory. Move along people we got a master baiter on our hands.

Fuck off, Randy!