‘Overwhelming Evidence’ that Planet X will DESTROY Earth in 2017

Elite preparing for Nibiru Apocalypse NEXT YEAR but the rest of us are DOOMED

NASA DECEIVING, PLANET NIBURU AND SECOND SUN Planet X is extraterrestrial satellite or ship!

‘Overwhelming evidence’ that Planet X will DESTROY Earth in 2017

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Good thing a quality thread like this didn't get quads.

kek, off by one. what bullshit
Kek will not be ruining us that fast

lol its scary that there are people that are dumb enough to believe this

You forgot your sage user.

Hm, samefag?
The fuck you doing user

Wasn't this shit that 2012 theory that made lots of people off themselves and spend millions of money to live in a christfag place?

I think it was. When will this nibiru shit end? Its 2017 now.

I bet it this. This is another jew money making ploy, for sure

seriously? nibiru was supposed to destroy earth every year since 2012. enough of this shit.

Oh thank goodness now I can die for free.

it's a jewish miracle

one day you ufo lunatics will actually be right due to probability.
If this is the year you crazies are right and the the world ends then I would be very grateful I'm sick of this disgusting society.

A planet hitting the Earth is probably a recipe for no more Israel, so it's got my support.

hi Travis bickle

Fuck yeah just a little nudge to wipe the kike off the planet

If a few of us Aryans could hitchhike to another sector and make a white homeland that would be sweet. Otherwise, let it all burn.


double dubs.


Get this bullshit kike disinformation out of here. Muh nibiru, muh flat earth, muh jesuits etc. People who fall for this garbage are just as bad as any other lemmings.

Take a look at what did get the quads.

But Trump promised he was going to stop planet Nibiru.

Is there a promise this ziocuck won't break?

▲ ▲

tfw I briefly forgot how to

The council of Worlds has told the President he has to announce that Niburu is drawing near. I heard all about it on Coast to Coast Am

is this legit? I'm seeing this being posted everywhere. Psy-Op?

I'm pretty sure that the original Nibiru was to hit in the 80's, then it made a comeback by jumping on the 2012 shitwave.

▲ ▲









Of course it is, it's to get us all wrapped up into being autistic somewhere else. (((They))) are trying to throw us off

Think what you will of what I say, but I say it anyhow. I remember one of the last apocalypses, the end of an age of mankind, when the sky burned and death was all there was, as the green flame burnt in the sky and the moon bled red. IT WAS FUCKING GLORIOUS! We didn't fucking cower in fear, we rode out and purged the fucking world of EVERY trace of degeneracy and evil we could sniff out! By the green flame we killed, slaughtered, with no mercy! It may be again, and I'll do just the same as I did then. If we may die, may no evil survive us!
Praise Kek! SIEG HIEL!


Same with flat earth. While the rest of the world ascends these stupid fucks are going straight to hell.


New 14 words:
we must evacuate the planet earth before it is recycled for the final time

Wait why would they need money if the world was ending? Fuck off D&C shill

Yeah, I trust them like I trust CNN to not fuck everything up.

Cosmic apocalypse sounds like a pretty great way to die. I'd gladly be killed in a planetary collision, meteor, or even a black hole over some kike's war any day.

Yeah, I'm down for being the last generation. Kind of funny to imagine anybody "preparing" for getting your planet glassed though- I really doubt the kikes are living through it either.

Still a shit thread though. You should be ashamed of yourself OP.

ayy lmao


Trips confirm?

So long as the universe is purged of them it'll be worth it. I can die a happy man + I'm confident New Swabia has colonized other planets to preserve our gene seed.

In the end we win.

How do we keep these aliens from meddling in our elections!?

This is what they said in 2012.
This is what they said in 2014.
This is what they said in 2015.
This is what they say today.
And this is what they will say in 2018, because nibiru or planet x doesn't exist.


Shit, someone ought to make a european architecture thread if these are the standards now.

At least don't bump it.

From out of the stars, a beacon of light shines hope for a new future

But wait, I thought the earth was flat and all the planets were moving dots on the celestial disk?


Ooh heavenly Ares, tho thy light is unseen, tho art coming forth. Appear before us and collide with the kikehive Israel first! Yay we shall perish grinning!

"Nibiru" sounds like a nigger tale.

Fuck you. If mods wanted to sink it, they would.

KIC 8462852

Assuming this is true, there is no sense worrying about it because there is nothing we can do about it.
Carry on as usual. Do not allow doomsday prophesies to distract you from fighting the jews.

I'm here to tell you faggots, Planet X has BEEN ABOUT TO KILL US ALL since 1991.

Just give it up.

I've been hearing about this planet X shit for nearly my entire life at this point and every year some story is on the internet saying that the end of the world will happen because of this and I expect these dumb ass stories to continue for many years to come. I wonder what will happen first, planet X bringing about the apocalypse or me dying of old age.

Is this alex jonestein or is hymie sliding something?

NASA and the Media Admit NIBIRU is Coming!

I hear the "planet" earth is flat so this all must be made up bullshit you have nothing to worry about.

How come normie conspiratards are so bad a propaganda?

>tfw nibiru retard and flat earther

Its the current year ayy lmao

It's 2012 all over again


Are space allens the white man's friend?

We should troll the believers of this into thinking that to gain access to Heaven they must kill a Jew and a Muslim.

That's not a lens flare. And it sure as hell isn't a sun dog either. Shill.

Evidence of Nibiru's (or whatever the fuck you wanna call it) existence is prevalent without visual confirmation. Considering the fact that all comet and asteroid-type satellites in the Sol system all share extreme orbits in one direction away from the sun, its suggests that there's an extraordinarily large, and fast, heavenly body with an opposing orbit on the other side of the system.

Visual confirmation would just be icing. Confirmation of an apocalypse would be orgasmic.

Odds are, however, it's not going to hit earth. It's the material being dragged from the Oort Cloud by its gravity well that will shed its orbit and rain down on us with catastrophic end results…..also good.

Except they fucking don't, the Oort cloud is spherical, and the Kuiper belt is a ring.

Not certain whether or not you're being purposefully evasive.

I would not, for instance, compare the extreme elliptical orbits of Halley comets to the more or less stationary nature of the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt. That's what why we draw distinctions using terms such as "belt" and "cloud".

The point here is that that all the periodic comets in our system come from one direction. There's no reason why that should happen unless there is a much larger opposing body.

‘This Will Be The End Of Earth,’ Says Increasingly Nervous Ayylmao For Seventh Time This Decade

so we're going into an area of space that is high energy, and an extra planet of our solar system and is coming to say hello and he's bringing a bunch of asteroid belt buddies along for the ride?
interesting times.

ain't had a good apocalypse storyline since ebola chan.

Nbiru will destroy faggotry from the earth but only if you post Good Luck Nbiru Planetoid ITT


I came in here just to check these dubs, so that if it happens this may be the outcome

Isn't there some star that returns (or at least becomes visible again) in 2017 that coincided with things like the American revolution?

apparently things change. who would've known.
apparently everything in our solar system has recently been changing at an accelerated rate.
apparently, the sun and all this different stuff have an impact on life on our planet.
i find that interesting.
what if some area of space we fly into can radically change our biology? what if we go super saiyan or become wizards or something.

at any rate, i believe that now is the perfect time to take my pants off and chimp out in some general direction.
i mean, knowing you're going to die means it's time to do unethical things, yeah?

Good lets get it over with. Bonus: we get rid of all the kikes. Endsieg achieved.

my sister and I have begun touching each other in private because of this


Disgusting. If I was there I'd throw you both into the bog in order to stave Ragnarok.
You won't enjoy Hel.

Personally I'm more interested in KIC 9832227.

Porcupine Tree
Last Chance To Evacuate Earth Before It Is Recycled
from the album Lightbulb Sun

The gravitational pull of Nibiru is causing many dubs and trips in this thread.

How boy. Where is the world ending meteor that was supposed to come last year?
Whenever it's rapture, Armageddon or some sort of world ending disaster. It's all bullshit until proven otherwise.



run for cover

Get the fuck out with your retarded theories. You're making the rest of us look like a bunch of nutjobs.

if the shoes fit, don't you feel comfortable wearing them?

What are you doing idiot


t. Based user

the only link you need:

NEO Earth Close Approaches:


This is a test