0% taxation, 20% growth

We can build an Orbital Ring Space Elevator today, using steel and kevlar. The Orbital Ring goes to low earth orbit, so it does not need advanced materials.




Why build the Orbital Ring? It would cut our costs of going to orbit from about $2000/kg to about $1/kg. There are individual asteroids that have tens of trillions of dollars in materials on them that could be mined. One mission could easily pay for the cost of building the Orbital Ring.

We could then deploy solar power satellites in orbit above cloud cover and return the power back to the surface with near zero loss by running power transmission cables down the elevator, and sell the power at a profit.

With increased luminosity in space, enhanced exposure time, and the ability to deliver base loads, solar panels pay for themselves in only 1-2 years while having a 20 year life time.

In other words, if you put $5 trillion of solar panels into space, you get your $5 trillion back by the end of year two and a $5 trillion income stream each year thereafter.

In other words, the US could cut everyone's taxes, both personal and business, income, capital, death, or otherwise, all to 0%, not even cut any benefits or current spending, and pay off the national debt within a decade.

Other urls found in this thread:


Would this be a national, private, or global effort?

Very interesting. user, I just want a Interplanetary Aryan Empire. I don't care how we do it but make it so.

Then we have to boost it against atmospheric drag and keep it moving pretty fucking fast to stay in freefall.

>It would cut our costs of going to orbit from about $2000/kg to about $1/kg.
Except for the insane cost of boosting the materials to build it, and to keep it aloft, of course.

Asteroids are heavy. They already have momentum. Moving them takes more energy than we can economically bring to the task. Nudging them into Earth orbit is absurdly dangerous.
Also, once we tart mining the platinum-group metals, the per-ounce price collapses and suddenly it isn't worth trillions of dollars. Meaning we just spent $5 trillion to harvest maybe $1 billion from a potentially Earth-killing space rock.

You fucking what?


You know that, in order to be stable, this thing would have to be built near the equator, and I'm guessing the countries it's anchored to will want dibs on selling that "free" energy.

Nice try though. Dreaming big is part of what makes us white.

Good question. Would need to be a national effort. You need to be able to borrow a few hundred billion, and you need a military to protect it.

That can be arranged.

How would you combat the electro magnetic grounding effect this would induce 24/7. Likely enough power to melt thru several dozen feet of steel every second along the entire length from space to ground. And the effect of the surge also coursing thru the upper ring around the earth which would likely power immense bolts of lightning to any craft which comes near, enough to blow the shit out of the craft and ring both as it grounds and arch's.

Imagine a lightning bolt millions of times more powerful than the common thunder storm lighting strike coursing along the grounding wire. Or is this not discussed in this normal faggot understanding of the universe tier idea?

Stealing this turn of phrase. Thanks.

so what you are saying is we could go back in time with all those lightning bolts?

Please find me some peer-reviewed journals that say "Likely enough power to melt thru several dozen feet of steel every second along the entire length from space to ground."

But to answer the poorly phrased question with made-up forces, you can either ground the system with lightning rods (and harness power). Or you can not have the whole thing made of conductive material, so it is not grounded.

oh, you watched the same video too?

Omg i hope this wont be deleted

Read the article. It explains this. That's literally the purpose of the ring. You'll look a lot less foolish if you do.

Also in the article. You're embarassing yourself. Look at the "bootstrapped cost estimate."

We would mine the asteroids where they are, and bring the materials back. Not tow the asteroids back to earth. Silly. :)

Also addressed in the article you didn't read. And who on the equator even has a space program?

The fact that they're paying shills should tell readers that this is a dangerous idea to the established economic order.

#1 there isn't a single peer reviewed journal that addresses a fucking line from earth to an stable orbit height.

#2 Common lighting strikes are hot enough to melt steel several times over, and do all sorts of wild shit to non metallic materials. The energy coursing thru any ground will be an order of magnitude higher than any commonly occurring lighting strike. And this is JUST addressing the gradient charge at various elevations in the atmosphere, never mind any mild weather effect which will pass thru. And doesn't address the very real risk that our piss poor understanding of physics is true.

#3. If I made up electro magnetic forces I am fucking demanding payment for EVERYTHING that runs on electricity since forever. Backpay too from before I was born. I take cash, check or physical precious metals, payment plans are acceptable for an additional fee.

#4. The fucking line IS the damned lightning rod. And after a certain amount of charge that shit will arch, once it archs it turns into an massive arch welder. You cannot 'harness' the amount of that amount of power even the lower end of various estimates of energy in the atmosphere, it would be enough to turn everything into a plasma (although maybe some super heavy element could withstand such temperatures) and proceed to work its way in from the outer surface area and up from the ground peeling off atoms at an incredible rate until the damage to the ground it sufficient to break enough of the wire (of ANY material) at a point it stops arching to ground itself.

But hey, lets fucking do it since space nigger agrees with space physicists that cannot into predicting ONE FUCKING THING in forty years and ignore the last hundred years of electric engineering in every field that has produced results and built our entire civilization. Why the fuck not!

Good luck not having it get hit by a gorillion pieces of high velocity space debris every single day.

This is a great idea and all but then how would the chosen make their money from debt slavery? I mean that can't be the only reason solutions like these haven't been seriously considered r-right

Please, keep arguing with straw men. It makes you look dignified. Still didn't find the peer-reviewed articles saying there was several nuclear bombs worth of material that would converge on any metallic structure that went into space?

Yes, you're right, skyscrapers don't exist. Wait, they do exist. So, there must be some way to deal with lightning, right?

More straw men. Still can't find any peer-reviewed journals to back up your paid shilling to defend the oil and coal industries?

There are decades of research in this area. You'll notice that the thousands of satellites we have up don't explode, either.



They won't. That's the whole point.

What about (((terrorism))) if some ally blew one of the tether points wouldn't it become some giant lasso type of thing pulling the earth out of it's heliocentric orbit or something horrific?
Are you working for (((ayys)))?

Satellites are MUCH smaller and can usually adjust their orbit to avoid collision with debris. An enormous, immobile orbital ring has a much bigger chance of being hit and even one impact would probably totally fuck with it and make it not work.

I thought these threads were dead. Instead, they evolved.

Paul Birch's articles go through a bunch of these scenarios. The system would not come crashing down even if it was damaged. Worst case scenario the segments would go upward because they are in motion. And if, by some bizarre turn of events, the whole thing collapsed, it would burn up in the atmosphere.

So, you didn't even glance at the articles? Even the 2nd one that describes a laser system that can take down an ICMB?

They will die when we build it, and have unprecedented prosperity. Have the luddites died yet?

a very good question.

a useful idiot who hasn't studied history
this is about as good an answer as you're going to get

This looks quite feasable and I like the source of the idea
I'm all in favor of white colonization of space. I say the damned browns and jews either are envious and want us dead or as slaves so let's just leave! and let them rot.


Yes, lightning rods that send the charge straight into the earth, which dissipates the charge. In space, it's not that simple. The ISS has a plasma contactor that uses xenon gas to absorb charge accumulating on the surface of the ship and blasts it into space. Without it, electricity would arc across the surface and damage components or any astronaut unlucky enough not to be in contact with the station. It's not as simple as a rod and a wire.

Keep in mind this is almost entirely from electronics usage. Imagine this problem compounded with static electricity from extreme amounts of aerodynamic drag, and scaled up to a ring larger than the diameter of the planet.

Now, you're probably saying to yourself, "but this ring would be tethered to the Earth." This lessens the problem, though does not make it disappear. Now this charge is concentrated in a couple of ridiculously long cables. These are already nearly impossible to build due to material engineering constraints. Now imagine they are conducting ungodly amounts of current. Not only are they giant electrical deathtraps to anything within a large distance, they're also going to be hot as hell due to the resistivity of the material. Not to mention electric current is not instantaneous and you'd still need to discharge locally in space.

Not everyone that disagrees with a ridiculously large space project is a luddite. There is a need for an intermediate stage between Earth and beyond if space travel is to flourish. This is not the solution.

How has no one mentioned the tons and tons of space junk and debris that could easily shift orbit and destroy this shill tier idea of OP's?

Is that grounded?

They're actually really easy to build. They could be build with steel even.

Sort of like transmission power lines right now?

yes a break in the insulation, a bit later in the article;

so it might actually be possible to power the orbital ring via the induced EMF. The mega-Amperage isn't beyond our engineering.

Science Satan explains shit better than me. Thanks user.

it's a space elevator thread.

Good on you for trying to educate the wikipedia-posting nigger. I don't have that kind of patience anymore.

Because you didn't read the thread or the response here

I miss those threads…

wtf I fucking love science now

me too user, me too.

So you are going to buy 25% of the planets annual steel production and launch it into LEO with the currently existing technology?
And half a million Falcon Heavy launches later you are going to design some kind of bearing that can take millions of newtons at a speed of more than 7km/s?


I doubt we can do a space elevator without graphene, but we could make Skyhooks with today's materials

but dude science man
think about it

The article describes the method. Put up a bare-bones structure with rockets, use that to lift up the additional materials for the full structure.

If you have tens of trillions of dollars worth of rare materials they are not rare or worth tens of trillions of dollars.

Global, since there can't be any kikes of muds alive. If any part of the ring or elevators gets snackbared then the whole thing will get out of balance and tear itself apart.

If you take a look at the links provided, they show how the Orbital Ring can actually be built without graphene or nanotubes. Tesla's concept has a much shorter tether than the newer Space Elevator design.

Clearly my point has flown over your head. This module does the work of "grounding" in space for a small station in orbit. It does not come cheap. Now imagine how many of these units would be needed for a ring larger than the earth's diameter, and how much that would cost.

Where are you going to acquire enough steel to not only build a high-strength assembly to tether a space station but also a fucking space station 3 million kilometers (assuming low earth orbit) or 900 million kilometers (assuming geosynchronous orbit) long?

Transmission power lines, even the largest, are infinitesimal compared to what you're proposing. These also exist in atmosphere, where it is orders of magnitude easier to dissipate heat. Doing it in space means no more convection to carry heat away. You need to do it entirely with radiation. This is already an issue with space stations and parts.

And I don't even want to get into thermal expansion. Even if I'm wrong about heat from current, you still have uneven heating from the sun. It can bend beams to breaking point if they're not designed properly. Imagine one of these tethers deflecting 30 degrees because the sun heated one side. It would rip the connection to the ring clean off.

Not only do you need to build this fucking station in a cost efficent manner with materials found in the Earth's gravity well, you need to design a tether that will accommodate insane amounts of electrical current, incredible forces, and thermal expansion. Barring materials research discovering something so otherworldly but common that it is equivalent to magic, you're shit out of luck.

The one fucking namefag whom wasn't a faggot too. Glorious bastard was there when we needed him once upon a time. In his honor I would like to make a space elevator work, but I no longer trust the science is sound. I always figured he was a real old fag tho from the style of his posts and the way he collected such a vast amount of info for our enjoyment. I'm guessing since the second exodus sometime he kicked the bucket.

A pleasant surprise would be good.

Are you familiar with monopoly markets? Or how supply may increase drastically with only a small drop in demand?

You read the articles posted, you'll understand this is false and won't have to embarass yourself further.

Why not make a colony on the moon and build a fully functional one there instead? would be MUCH cheaper than doing so on earth


You're demanding that we use an inferior system when I've already explained multiple superior systems. Nothing "flew over my head" you're just trying to pretend this is an unsolvable problem when it's already demonstrably been solved in structures you have yourself been inside of.

You think low earth orbit is 3 million kilometers from earth? You have to be a paid shill, or a 12 year old. You just gave yourself away.

It's been considered, and Birch discusses this in the paper. But doing it from earth using his boot strap method is actually a lot cheaper.

The thing I don't understand about this picture is this:
Does the ring rotate around the pink axis (only rotation at tethers) or does it rotate around the earth (7km/s differential speed at tether, shape not compatible)?

Not sure what you mean. It's a dynamic structure.

this is not my understanding. from the few personal questions he answered he claimed to be a grad student in some STEM field. Space Escalator was pretty much same, a grad student taking up where a master had left a void. It's a pity there are so few who can gather good articles and present them well. the tolerance of Holla Forums moderators was mostly due to the high quality of the OP.

On the surface this orbital ring elevator system has merit. several anons ITT are showing that they didn't read the article

I've got a better idea.
We have to be level 3 Civ though.

And thinking low earth orbit is 3 million miles away…

what level are we? 0.2?
what level would we be if the germans won?

Meanwhile, we could suggest far more conventional solutions for reducing cost, such as parking a refueling station in a Lagrangian point or slingshotting things into space with a Verne gun. We could also suggest futuristic but theoretically feasible projects such as space elevators or launch loops.

I fucked that calculation up. I'm talking circumference, so that would be 6283km or 110,000km, respectively. Regardless, that's a huge number. Even building a 1m diameter tube that distance on Earth is absurd.

Rare earths have tiny markets.
Global mining of rhodium 2014 was just a few tons, platinum about 250 tons. Every single ton you introduce to the market will lower the price significantly.
If you limit the supply of extraterrestrial rare earths to keep the price up, you'll never sell enough to make this thing profitable.

I got my numbers from here:

Then I'm not sure what you mean. Could you describe how the ring moves?

Compare Birch's numbers to world steel production.


I'm sick of your ridiculous, vague objections. What is the worldwide $ value of these markets? Come back when you have some facts to rely on.

Is mining the same thing as demand? Is rhodium even an important material we're talking about here?

You're obviously picking and choosing preposterous figures to reach preposterous results that are directly at odds with what everyone already knows about asteroid mining.


Look OP we all want space to be a priority but you are completely wrong about current materials. They can't handle the stresses. Materials are the limitation in this case, not our will. The idea is sound but it requires a breakthrough either in materials science or (possibly) extremely clever engineering.

We can build it with steel and kevlar.

reading comprehension is poor ITT
regardless user clearly didn't read the article or watch the video because he is obviously not talking about the orbital ring system
isn't the ring of orbiting cable that supports a sliding tether system as described in OP

You're a retarded niggerfaggot.
This serves no purpose other than getting small useless crap into low orbit.
This is the ISS but even less useful.
you ought to be thrown from a fucking helicopter

It'd take ten years to get Orion up and running.
To expand:
2017 Secure heavy shipbuilding facilities and divert all US nuclear waste to reprocessing for propulsion unit construction

2018 begin construction of the full scale vehicle, and subscale test vehicles

2019 Proceed with testing and development of the feed system and pusher plate until 2022

2022 Roll development findings into partially completed Vehicle #1

2023 Move Vehicle #1 to Kwajalein for final outfitting and shakedown flight, also begin construction of Vehicles #2 through #10

2024 perform lunar flyby, and delivery of supply depot to lunar orbit

2025 and onward, launch manned flybys of all major solar system bodies from Mercury to Jupiter, landings on Mars by 2026

Any nations that object to the program will be given two choices, join and contribute, or be ignored

Why is the Holocaust not on that chart? Or is that the joke?

And you didn't even read the OP.

Like solar satellites that will create 20% GDP growth and let us eliminate taxes.

I fucked it up again. Earth diameter is about 6300km. Add 4000 to that and you have a diameter of ~10300 km. Multiply by pi and you have ~32000km for low Earth orbit.

Now imagine a 10 meter radius toroid, one centimeter thick. Not even a real space station, just a hollow tube. That is about 1.25 billion cubic meters of steel. That weighs about 10 billion tons. That's more than half of current steel production across the entire globe. Just for a tiny, empty tube. Now imagine putting that into space and assembling it.

kek wills it!

So basically this is power and money to feed your nigger colonies

Here are the actual numbers.


Yes, energy at 1/10 the cost of coal is "power and money to feed your nigger colonies"

Bingo, this shit is astronomically retarded.
As astronomically retarded as mechfags.

Are you being sarcastic? I can't tell.

If not, please elaborate. Why would the e. universe theory be 'scary'?

Genuinely interested.

Holy God I love this thread.

It's only 62 miles from Earth's surface to outer space.

This is not far at all. It's so close. It's an hour drive at sixty miles per hour.

Your gut instinct is that this is unfeasible. Which is wrong. To put the feasibility into perspective, the longest bridges in the world are more than 100 miles. Man can engineer such a structure.

I like the idea of the elevator being drievn with electric magnets. It's so tangible it gives me shivers. It's the same technology as maglev trains. But one could go gay and say the low-friction tubes proposed for SpaceX's hyperloop would theoretically work too. It's just more theoretical so I don't like it as much a big railgun of sorts.

More focus needs to go towards how to pay for this. Pronto. If we put an invasion of Syria or North Korea on hold USA could finish the elevator in a year. Or just fucking borrow the money. We can make money out of thin air, this is no obstacle. It's easy. Start taking bids from top-teir contractors. It will pay for itself when every other country needs to pay USA to hitch a ride!

And that's just scratching the surface how benefitical a space elevator will be for man. We've been nearly wiped out by comets in the past. Keeping all our eggs in one basket by living only on Earth puts us at an unnecessary dangerous risk for permanent sterilization, be it volcanos, nukes, comets, floods, plague, etc.

We (whites) need to diversify the planets we settle on to secure a safe future for our children.

Do it faggot. A space elevator is the first step.

Space elevator is that you?

Space nerds larping. Earth is not a globe spinning in the Universe, space travel is a meme.


Im surprised this survived to 70 replies.. The mods must be sleeping

CIAniggers get out

Nope, 6,3Mm is the radius. Add 400km for the ring and get 6,7Mm. Multiply by two to get the diameter - 13,4Mm. Multiply by pi (3,14) and you get a circumreference of 42Mm at a height of 400km.

Earth circumreference is about 40Mm. Reference values help you spot mistakes early.
Your weight is reasonable though.


You may be right, but you can't deny that they're cool as hell.

the earth is flat user.


One of the reasons I'm against the creation of Mechs is because Whites will be instructed by Jews to give them to niggers. Probably if we had a great space station and space elevator built by private businesses owned and operated by international interests our great accomplishments would become nigger ghettos.

There won't be any great accomplishments of the white race that the white race may use and own until segregation is brought back.

60 miles and below is where the atmosphere is thick enough to allow for effective aerobreaking. The ISS is 250 miles up and still looses enough speed to atmospheric drag to require boosting every few months or so.
A bridge has pylons every few hundred feet and does not go up vertically.

Aerospace Engineer user here,

The difference in luminosity isn't actually that huge. You get about 1300 W/m^2 in low orbit and about 1000 W/m^2 on the ground. That difference doesn't justify the cost of putting panels in space

Wew lad.


A 2 year break-even period is barely even possible with an earth based system that's placed out in the fucking Mojave desert. The average price per watt of solar is $1, electricity costs range from $0.1-0.4 per kilowatt-hour, and in a best case, equivalent direct sun exposure is maybe ~6 hours per day in the best case. I'll leave it to you to do math.


Read up on just what it takes to put something in low earth orbit. You're not just raising an object to a high elevation - the part most people realize (which is the more important part) is the fact that the fucking thing has to be accelerated forward to around 7,700 m/s to keep from falling back to earth. That means a single kilogram of mass has nearly 30 million joules of kinetic energy that needs to be given to it somehow.

This idea also requires each piece of the superstructure that's launched to be guided into place by either an upper stage or some orbital tug that can execute a rendezvous on orbit so that each piece can be connected. To do an orbital rendezvous with minimal energy consumption, it usually takes a long fucking time - anywhere from hours to days - and that's for just one piece of the structure.

But I'm not a jew, so I'm not just going to whine about this idea being shitty without proposing a solution. If an industrialized western nation decided to transfer its budget for mudfolk gibs to developing low-cost orbital launch, the best solution involves reusable launch vehicles.

Think about it this way - would you rather develop some exorbitantly expensive 600 mph bullet train system that connects every single city in the world, or build an airplane that can be flown anywhere? The same thing goes for spaceflight. Reusable launch vehicles - whether they're landable rocket stages or spaceplanes that take off on a runway and then switch their engines to internal oxidizer when the atmosphere runs out are the best bet for low cost launch.

It's a cool idea OP, but other user's have pointed out the electromagnetic concerns. With the massive amounts of energy generated you'd have some insane forces at work.

Where is Trump on nuclear energy? I remember him talking about it briefly on the campaign trail, but not exactly what he thought,.

Oh shit. I guess you're right. We'll never have a space elevator. Bridges have pylons every hundred feet. Pack it in boys. It's over. Checkmate space elevator. Please close the thread now. No more discussion is needed.

You are a faggot.

you're post reminds me of the beaver post on AMBITION why people are less creative because to many greedy fucks can't find it

Thanks for the info user; I've always wondered about solar power in space, but the transmission loss is something I had no idea about.

Railgun that shoots shipping container pods full of goods.
Pods make it to orbit and can be piloted remotely to dock with space station.
Goods unloaded, container given a little push with rocket and sent back down to earth with havested materials.
Rinse and repeat.

Random question: is escape velocity 27,000 mph thereabouts?

I guess you are right. Us being able to build bridges that are supported every 300 feet basically means we can build an orbital ring. Hell, why not just build a dyson sphere while we're at it? Just think of what we could do with the energy of an entire star! Checkmate physics. Please close the thread now. No more discussion is needed.

You are a faggot.

dear user, please don't automatcially buy into everything some user says on the interwebz

How many times does OP say "just read the article" instead of putting forth a cogent argument? I stopped reading after the 5th.

Issue bonds.

Can't let the people have robust economic growth.

Get out Space Jew.

There's no clouds or night time in space.

Now you're trolling. That's literally the point. They get 24 hours a day of exposure.

You're not an engineer at all, you're fuck a shill.

We'd be working our way up to 2, since the Germans were the only ones crazy enough to fund von Braun and his space rocket program in the 30s.

Nice, I'm stealing that line.>>9801046
Thanks for the information and ideas. Are private sector guys reliable for any of this or is this pretty much 100% something that we have to have the government pour r&d into to get shit done?

sides in orbit, please deploy skyhook.

m a faggot, forgot link

I'd guess the tether(s) would be made of nonconducting kevlar so grounding wouldn't be a problem as long as you don't try to use transmission line to transport the power down.
>tfw Beam it down Scotty

He's fully aware of it, and tbh after the first few videos you get used to it. This guy is pretty legit.

I thought the point he was making was that there wouldn't be zero transmission loss and that the power being transferred is orders of magnitude greater than your typical line, but that brazil shit looks pretty impressive. Still, he was talking terrawatts versus gigawatts so maybe it isn't that big of a jump?

The scale of it is beyond anything the standard theory can pull out its ass. Makes black holes seem like childs imaginary friendship is magic shit. Even what they talk about in the video's are rather tame compared to what the reality could be if true. Entire worlds could shift and move in no time at all with just a simple change in some energy differential we haven't even begun thinking about much less exploring.

It could conceivably make planets like jupiter turn from planet to star and do unimaginable damage to planets over some bullshit connected far beyond our local galaxy. Also blows the ever fucking dogsiht out of jewish centered modern science dogma. So there is that.

Even the concept that electric arching could be possible between planets, or possibly even between stars, should tell you more than enough of the scale of things if that idea is true. Standard model we are pretty much set with rather few risks to survival, electric universe could mean that our polarity would stop cold our ability to even come close to other space bodies in the solar system, much less our ability to into space empire of man across the galaxy. That theory seems to link things much more aptly than the standard theory too, which means even things like gravity and atomic interactions are up in the air for our understanding of what the possibilities are. Also makes space elevator far more than impossible, it makes space elevator a world eater of doom for any civilization that tries it. What I was talking about earlier was only based upon the gradient charge in the atmosphere and any additional charge generated by the line itself as it moves thru the changing environment and any grounding which can happen. Something akin to a pin light shinning vs an amphitheater of stadium lights in energy differential. Electromagnetic charge already known is more than enough to throw a kink in the works for this science idea, we really don't want to contemplate how entire planets may ground out to their stars. Fuck that. Seriously fuck that.

Because people are arguing about>>9801046

I have rarely seen such blatant fucking lies from such an obvious shill. So, in order to not fall to earth, it has to be going so fast it goes around the earth once every 6 seconds?

KYS you fucking shill.

Transmission from space is pretty impractical, because you'd have to:

1.) Convert the DC power from solar panels to AC power with a big ass fucking inverter

2.) Step up the voltage to tens of millions to incur minimum loss in the power cable. Even then, you're going to need an absurdly thick cable to keep losses down to an acceptable level

Space guns aren't viable because of the fact that the massive acceleration involved. Anything short of a solid metal object will be turned into a pancake as it leaves the barrel.

top kek

That may be true, but half your fucking ring is in the shadow of the earth all the time. In addition to that, only an infinitesimal segment of the ring is going to be facing perfectly normal to the sun's rays. Panels along the curvature will be angled away from the sun and produce less energy. Stop being a nog and learn math


Something on this scale wouldn't be a viable investment unless the company/nation intends to get 100% utilization out of it to literally go full 1488 and colonized the entire galaxy with millions of white people


I didn't know the earths circumference was 46.2 km. I guess you learn something new every day.

Fuck reality and all that shit and just look at the cool images. There would be fuck all gravity in there so the people would be driving flying cars too.

That kind of low energy deflection isn't going to work, son. You tell me what section of what article I need to read and unless that section is called "How to maintain integrity in the case of a partial structural failure" you explain how what it says is supposed to translate into the structure being unaffected by part of it being severed, since the event that such information is to actually be gained from a segment that doesn't overtly deal with that very issue just isn't happening.

Do that or shut the fuck up.

ahhhhh I just want us to get shit done in space. At least we'll have a race war in our lifetimes, but fuck.

Nigger, it's MICROWAVE transmission.

There are so many ways we can easily transmit power from space it's not funny.


Or it would pay itself off in a couple of years, and then create massive economic growth. As has already been demonstrated, but you didn't read anything and prefer to make up numbers.

"Spoon feed me everything, or else IT WILL NOT WORK!"

Starting on page 9


Electrical Engineer here, most of what you said is right, but the $/W only takes into account the panels, you also have to account for the mounting system, inverters you're going to need those if you plan on hooking it up your array to the grid, and labor. Don't forget that you won't have optimal orientation and the degradation will be lowering power production over the life of the array.

They can be re-oritented very easily. And even if what you were saying were true, it would still be 2-3 times as much power as terrestrial solar, which runs at 20% utilization best case scenario.

chicken little is that you?


Shipping container user, so you're saying our current space rockets aren't subject to the same acceleration tensions? Can't we just build them of the same/stronger stuff?

I can understand how basic steel would twist under extreme pressure but we've travelled mach 33 in the past haven't we?

Nope, it's just a big oil shill that doesn't want cheap energy.

A space elevator is a fucking stupid idea because it basically turns the Earth into en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrodynamic_tether and we get slingshotted either into or away from the sun.

Microwave power transmission has been proven to work pretty good at small scales but the efficiency isn't very good. Good luck building a microwave transmitter that can have terrawatts of power run through it, and a rectenna (antenna that generates power) that can absorb that. Also, if you don't point those antennas just right, you'll miss the ground station and completely cuck some people's shit up with niggawatts of microwaves.

Pretend I'm an (((investor))). Explain to me how a megaproject like this would pay off? What scale of economic activity would a nation/company be engaged in in space that would justify a superstructure like this? Think about it this way - if you were the mayor of a city, would you spend a fuckton of the city's money making one of the main roads have 5,000 lanes when there's only 100,000 people in the city? No, you wouldn't. That's a fucking stupid investment because you don't get enough utilization for it to be worthwhile.

Hence my mention of how badly this project would get sweden levels of cucked by maintenance requirements

Solar tracking rarely pays for itself. You're adding in cost and complexity by introducing a closed-loop system that has to constantly reorient the panel. Most solar stations fix their panels at a predetermined optimum angle and keep them there.

Lots of peer-reviewed science demonstrating this would be very easy, with efficiency of 80-90%.


So, you didn't read the OP, and you're still shilling away? Trillions of dollars worth of solar power, and tens of trillions of dollars from asteroids.

Read the OP. Quit being an ignorant shilling faggot.

Based on what number that you almost certainly fabricated?

It's tiny amounts of energy to turn the panels.

that's a limitation of the crystalline panels, not being in atmosphere is right about the tracking systems too, all your doing is adding cost, weight, and complexity to the array

It's a UTILIZATION limitation because of night time and clouds. Not an EFFICIENCY limitation based on the panels themselves.

Stop fucking making things up. We've already demonstrated that we can put payloads up for $1. The weight is nearly meaningless in terms of cost.

Obvious shill is obvious. Fuck off, Chevron.

At last I truly see. These all get deleted because OP is a disciple and his god is the space elevator. Calm down you fucking sperg.

Space engineer user, do you know anything about nuclear power and how quickly we should be getting on it? I know thorium is a decent material and has better safety features, like a meltable salt plug to prevent metldowns. Will it save the white race?

and collapsing the price of any metal you're getting from said asteroids so hard that your space meme will become completely useless

ignoring the hundreds of billions of dollars in (theoretical!) launch costs, are we?

Hey hypothetical (((investor)), what if I told you that you could invest in the Dutch shipping company Maersk in it's infacy, only in space. How much would you be willing invest initially?

Thorium is legit. Way cheaper than coal. Estimates are 1-3 c/kwh. Coal is 6c/kwh.



Do prices collapse in a monopoly situation? And would price collapses (i.e. material abundance) be a bad thing?



Sure thing faggot. Here we go.

So the ring that is struck is fucked and unless you nuke your space elevators the second ring would be fucked as well. How elevator failures would affect the rings is conveniently completely ignored and all we get is an assertion that the falling elevator would hurt nobody. Thank you for playing, now kill yourself.

how many rockets are you going to use, what is the failure rate of said rockets, and if a rocket explodes, how much time will be wasted for investigations? i don't want to be paying for a bunch of idiots to launch 10,000 rockets with a 1% failure rate since that means i'm going to be waiting around for literal years during the subsequent investigations into rocket failures.

no it isn't and you're retarded see pic the module efficiency applies to the cells within the panel of which there are 60 for those particular model per panel that means there's wasted space. You can look up the model numbers if you want to see the data sheet yourself.
when i mentioned cost, I wasn't referring to the cost of getting them up there which is still a large number, i was referring to the cost of the motors, trackers, wires, control systems, etc that are required to ensure optimal tracking

what makes you believe this is going to be a monopoly? do you think russia and china are just going to sit around with their limp dicks in their hands while some american guy makes trillions?

for the entire economy, no (that would be a very good thing), but for the enterprise creating the structure, yes. there goes 99% of your incentive to create the thing.

as I've posted above I think it's a very feasible idea. The addition of solar panels to generate electricity so the system would make a profit I feel is slightly misleading. The geomagnetic field will make several methods of generating power available from such an orbiting ring structure and solar panels will not be needed.
From what I understand of the orbital mechanics of the system it can be precessed such that the ring need not orbit the equator but can be placed above nearly any great circle with the tether point stationary on the earth below.

Rail guns do all their acceleration inside the gun. Chemical rockets accelerate over much longer times and distances, therefore the forces felt by the payloads are much smaller with rockets. many orders of magnitude smaller I imagine.

all the electrical engineers i know, myself included prefer nuclear power for the base load of a grid. The base load is the minimum power consumption of the grid and nuclear power is perfect for that application. Peak loads where you need more power fast are better suited by other methods like natural gas where you can just burn more of it to generate more or hudroelectric where you can open some valves and let more water through

Our engineers have identified this concern as well. The way our company sees it, rockets = explosions which unnecessary detracts from safety and reliability. This is why we are currently researching rocket-free methods of entry including electro magnetic and low-friction pneumatics. So we're looking at nearly zero rockets besides minor thrusters for space steering.

Spooky shit.

Thx for the indepth explanation, user.

I have no idea what you're talking about, and it is obvious you did not read the material I referred you to. All of these scenarios are addressed.

Does a solar panel create more power if it's in the sun more of the time or not?

Please demonstrate that the market for rare earths is highly inelastic and limited, when we can name hundreds of industrial uses that would become viable with even a tiny decrease in price?

This gradual acceleration can be approximated to perfection with different sections at different power. Chinks don't become pancakes on maglev trains do they?

Suppose you're a jew and you have a basket full of white people's tax shekels. Below you is a crowd of nogs screaming for gibs, and your friend, Moshe Shekelstein is in the middle of the crowd. You're trying to get as many shekels as you can to Moshe without any of them being caught by nogs. If you just throw them all outward in a random direction, they'll be spread out in the crowd and Moshe won't catch many of them. Thus, precise aim is key. In terms of transmitting microwave power with an antenna/rectenna combo, this means having both the transmitter and receiver being extremely high gain antennas which means that they'll be focused to a very tiny angular range within which they're useful, and aiming the antenna becomes a matter of greater precision than aiming a sniper rifle.

You may be confusing utilization with efficiency. 20% is approximately the efficiency limit of crystalline panels. That means of the 1000 W/m^2 that makes it to the surface, they can gather 200 W/m^2. Solar panels of different chemical makeup (Gallium Arsenide) exist that can be up to 40% efficient, but they also cost about 100 times as much.

An rocket designed to launch payloads to orbit rarely exceeds 10 g's. That means it's experiencing a load as if it were sitting on the ground weighing 10 times as much as usual. A space gun would produce accelerations of thousands of g's, which no structure could be build to withstand unless it were just a solid block, which would be of no use. Despite their appearance, most space rockets are relatively touchy and fragile. Early rockets like pic related weren't even able to stand under their own weight. They were build of ultra-thin steel sheet metal that required internal pressure to keep it rigid (like a soda can).

Vehicles returning from the moon (read: apollo) hit the atmosphere at mach 33, but the acceleration to that speed is achieved outside the atmosphere.

Energy of turning the panels isn't the problem. The problem is that you're introducing moving parts and a whole closed loop control system for each individual panel, which is unjustifiable complexity.

Thorium can be processed into nuclear fuel and utilized for power. Its waste products also become inert far, far sooner than the waste products of uranium and plutonium (a few hundred years vs tens of thousands). It's an absolutely viable solution, but (((they))) designed the infrastructure to favor uranium and plutonium because it can be weaponized, but thorium can't (at least not effectively).

If you're going to do wireless transmission, it's best to do a large station like SPS alpha which can do this efficiently.

fuck the orbital ring, give me that

even if it is elastic, that just gives further room for companies to invest in cheaper methods of acquiring rare earth minerals. the price drops anyway.

They're actually not a bad idea. Almost anything would be better than rockets. The problem with most of the rail gun systems is the g forces.

You're not thinking concretely here. You're just saying "oh, it's a glut, 99% price drop" which is not true with a monopoly market for materials with abundant industrial uses.

Are you familiar with diamond markets?

yes, they also degrade faster which doesn't change what i said about the module efficiency where for teh OPT-280-60-4-100 panels, they're only converting 17.26% of the irradiation into power before other system losses

since the stated price was ~$1/W, I was going by commercially available panels because that's their price range

There's a million other programs just like this the US could do and grant everyone in the world complete energy independence.

LENR fusion is real; the tech is classified as disruptive and suppressed from society. Hell, we could supply the country with all the energy we'd ever need using solar panels but to paraphrase Westinghouse when his faggot ass pulled the plug on Wardenclyffe, yet another technology that could've done this, I can't put a meter on it and sell it so fuck that shit.

Still, cool idea user, I geek out hard over speculative future tech even though this rotten, kike infested world of ours has made me super cynical about it.

Where's the porn?

4th generation nuclear, particularly thorium, isn't a bad idea either. Not quite as good as the space-based solar, but if we were cranking out tons of energy at 3c/kwh, that wouldn't be too bad.


God. Dammit.

This thread makes that much obvious.

I just quoted the material you referred me to, nigger. It says if one ring goes the other will as well unless you nuke everything tying it down.

that chart is a list of happenings.

Whenever space is brought up, space mining isn't far behind. I lack any sort of higher education, but wouldn't the increased mass and weight on Earth caused from bringing tons of metals home cause us to be dragged closer to the sun?

Why is this a bad thing? Isn't it good if precious metals are cheap as hell?

Report, hide, ignore.

It's not the amount of energy you crazy faggot, it's the complexity of the initial build and maintenance and the maintenance of the tracking system on every solar panel on every section on every joint of your giant expensive space ring.

Makes quite a bit of sense. Why not just build more nuclear reactors than the base level? Why not two or three times more than what we need, and sell off half of the surplus?

Neat, hopefully that changes. We should do a meme campaign for thorium with the retards at 4cucks and t_d

but who would actually pay 5 trillion dollars for that much energy in a year?

That analogy is hilarious.

We should do exactly this.

I'm in.

Lots of countries would love to have electricity, but can't afford the infrastructure. Electricity demand is extremely sensitive to price, so even a 10% reduction could lead to massive increases in demand as things like foundries become economical.

Who would you sell it to? I know some places will use the surplus power from nuke plants to pump water to an artificial lake on top of a mountain and then let the water flow down into turbines when they need more. But nuclear plants on their own are expensive enough in the billions and they only get built when the government gives the utility company permission to charge the customers for the infrastructure before construction is finished. Many major projects by utility companies are that way.

The whole problem is ridiculous over-regulation. Without the NRC, even 1st and 2nd gen nuclear would be cheaper than coal.

I… I don't know that is a good question for the physics fags. Off the top of my head, I guess the masses involved would be so relatively miniscule that it wouldn't matter?

it still factors into the build and maintenance costs

This is a good thread you guys are getting hotter.

Yttria-stabilized zirconia


I'm out of my element on this stuff. Who know of a material with higher flexural stength?


Are you telling me there's fucking asteroids in low earth orbit right now?

No we fucking can't. We could built a space elevator on the moon with kevlar but the earth's gravity and rotational speed require it to be so thick that it needs to be thicker than the planet at the highest point just to support its own weight. We'd have better success making SSTO planes to get to space launched from a massive tower than a space elevator.

You're on the right track user. The "le giant space infrastructure meme" has very limited engineering feasibility, and even if it was feasible, like I've mentioned earlier, there wouldn't be enough utilization in the foreseeable future to justify its cost.

SSTO (Single Stage to Orbit) reusable launch vehicles, on the other hand, are actually within reach. Thanks to the space shuttle missions, the materials used for a reusable spaceplane are well developed and well understood. Remember anons, the major part of engineering - especially aerospace - is research, development, and testing.

So you may be asking why we didn't keep using the space shuttle? The simple answer is that the shuttle was a "design by (((committee)))" vehicle, so every politician had a hand in it. Distributing taxpayer goy shekels to the aerospace companies was the #1 priority - not actual performance. This led to a design that actually cost MORE to launch and re-use than a regular rocket which you use once and throw away.
Moreover, the shuttle wasn't entirely reusable. The giant orange fuel tank was thrown away on each launch.

The holy grail involves a spacecraft that would take off from a regular runway like and airplane and then climb into space, accelerate to orbital velocity, deploy its payload, re-enter, land, and repeat. There are two challenges to this approach:

1.) Mass ratio: the maximum speed to which a spacecraft can accelerate depends on the difference between its fully fueled weight and its empty weight. Ideally, you'd like the vehicle to be 99.999% fuel at takeoff, so you want an *extremely* light structure.

2.) Propulsion: For best efficiency, a SSTO spaceplane that takes off from the ground would require an engine that initially breathes atmospheric oxygen, then switches to an on board oxygen supply when the air becomes too thin. This differs from a regular rocket engine, which is always burning its own onboard oxygen supply. Doing this requires an extremely complicated and unproven (but feasible) engine design:


Despite the challenges, this is far more easily accomplished than some sort of massive structural infrastructure like a space elevator.

We dont have the material for a space elevator yet.

you idiot you send the material up and build the ships in low earth orbit, fucking noobs


Just to weigh in here, this ring would have to be spinning at 18,500 mph if it were sitting in low Earth orbit. Which is 24 times the speed of sound on Earth.

This is 23 times the land speed record, and 3.5 times the air speed record. This is faster than any bullet we've ever shot, any plane we've ever flown. And you are going to have to tether this thing to the Earth.

I'm sensing some engineering difficulties in your future

Chinks would if they had to reach 20,000+ mph or whatever escape velocity adjusted for atmospheric resistance would be.

I'm sensing reading comprehension problems

Also the coriolis effect will rip even a cable composed of graphene or carbon nanotubles to pieces.

To be honest nuclear pulse propulsion is the only way to cheaply move mass in excess of 2 million tons to orbit or around in orbit.

Everything else is just gravy for specialty tasks.

If you wanted a launch system like a lofstrom loop slides.launchloop.com//launchloop.pdf you'd still need nuclear pulse propulsion to lift that much shit into orbit at an acceptable price.

As somebody with degrees in the natural sciences I fucking despise "wonder threads" which amount to jerking off to Carl Saganesque bullshit about how great shit can be if we only tried. Well it doesn't work that way.

Also we could just cut all the niggers, saracens, and street shitters off from their food aid and kill 3 billion of them in just a few years. Plenty of land and resources to go around.

Instead of pointing me to some long video or white paper, how about you articulate it yourself? Is that so hard?

You seem to be obfuscating here. You're shuffling this under the rug

Jeepers, good thing literally nobody is talking about putting it at geostationary.

Before you hit that reply button again, get your shit together.

The fiat dollar price of the metal doesn't change its actual worth in terms of how we have a vast quantity of usable materials for doing projects with. Resources becoming cheaper IS making us richer.

It's the national equivalent of buying a Costco membership.

Good thing these systems are in direct sunlight three times longer than ground based systems.

It would be nice if we figure it out how to create anti-gravity technology so we can apply them on the spaceship and use the nuclear power to power it.

I seriously hope you don't mean GDP. If you do, I'm calling retarded useful idiot slide thread.

Solid core nuclear thermal rockets make a lot more sense than most of the shit being proposed in this thread. At the very least they work, have been experimented with, and can be launched so that at worst they crash in the ocean. Skyhooks (with ion drives for stationkeeping) also make a compelling argument.

The value of space development is going to initially come from rare metal mining near earth asteroids. Refining the ore in situ makes a shitload more sense than towing back entire mountains of rubble to low earth orbit. A byproduct of refining thousands of tons of gold, platinum etc will be iron, silicon and other metals, which can more easily be used to build stuff in space than to try to export it to earth.

Science, precious metals and tourism are the only initial values of space development. Beaming energy to earth and other shit like that isn't feasible, just build a lead-cooled reactor if you want power.

wtf I was about to post this lol

what are your thoughts on skyhooks though?

with Thorium 4th gen nuclear power with liquad salt cooling we could terraform the australian outback tbh

Realistically space exploration and colonization are the best ways to save our race. If we utilize the mineral wealth of nearby orbital bodies and solar energy from the sun we can accomplish miracles from a relatively small geographical area on Earth. Anons who think the only solution to our demographic and economic woes is to wage some massive conventional war of extermination against other races are thinking in very simple terms. We don't need to do any of that shit if we make the vast expanse of space our domain while maintaining a foothold on Earth for a couple hundred more years.

Think about it, if we tap these vast mineral resources we wouldn't need to import alloys from other nations. We wouldn't need to import much if any energy resources due to massive solar panels. We could literally be an exporter of materials from a nation with the landmass of fucking Switzerland. Additionally our military would be capable of equipping itself with top of the line weaponry and equipment. All we would need to potentially import would be food stocks and water. Although orbital farms are a possibility too as all you really need to grow food is soil, seed, sunlight, and water.


with some better inertial dampening tech you'd be (scared shitless of the possibility of failure but) just fine


sure thing user, I'll spoon feed you a bit.

Ever see a zipline? the long cable and you attach a pulley and harness and zip down?
In the method proposed in OP instead of the cable attached to two points and the pulley and tether moving, the cable moves and the pulley and tether are stationary.
If you imagine the cable is an endless loop orbiting in LEO instead of pulleys you attach a maglev device that allows the cable to pass through with nearly zero friction at orbital speeds while the tether attached to the maglev device is stationary on the surface.
The true beauty of this system is that it is low orbit (300 ~ 400km) so the elevator trip up the tether is much shorter than the traditional space elevator.

Does that help?

Bumping because I found this thread entertaining.

user what the fuck is this shit if you want to pay off the debt just make a platinum based currency off moon mining.


I made a thread about this a while back but it was deleted.

the engineering on this seems sound, and one of the benefits is a tether can be placed anywhere on the globe. This orbital ring system is not confined to equatorial orbits. There is no technical reason you couldn't have several rings in orbit at the same time each with different inclinations to the equator each acting independently so that all major cities on the planet could be serviced.

What about mass drivers for literally shooting shit into space

Cries the faggot while posting literally nothing but conjecture to back up his retarded idea. Also
Wanna try that again, supernigger? Skyscrapers only have to deal with occasional lightning strikes, use lightning rods to divert it away, and still regularly are damaged in storms. The most retarded comparison I've ever read.

Until some muslime subvert turns it into a terrorist weapon.

user, come on. Educate yourself.

They stopped developing NASA dogshit because they have a new power source and mode of flight. There's nothing for anyone to steal anymore, except whatever cash gets pumped into Musk and his fake rockets. It's been going on for some time since all the UFO sightings go a ways back.

Shit like this is literally the first step to a new stage in human civilization.

That's why (((some people))) will never let it happen.

user did you miss the part about reorganizing the economic system so it isn't based on debt?

I'm not an engineer, but just thinking creatively here: Would it be possible to store this energy into batteries/accumulators and transfer it down the elevator to Earth's surface in a way that's more manageable?

there are options.
for example you could superheat a plasma to several millions of degrees (whatever measurement it's HOT AS HEL)
and send it down as a heat source, with which you can power all other devices.

Yes, since you made no comment thereon.


I'd have to do the math but that seems pretty dubious.

There's a lot of ways to store electrical energy, batteries aren't really ideal though as they are limited by chemistry.
Capacitors banks would probably be ideal: two conductors separated by an insulator hold a maximum potential based on the surface area of the two conductors and the width of the insulator (high surface area and low insulator width=higher potential charge) and then they can release this charge at basically whatever rate you want.

Look into the "Shiva star capacitor bank" to see something like this in action. A bunch of capacitors are slowly charged by readily available energy until that energy is released in a fraction of a second to test devices requiring massive amounts of power (like laser cannons and shit). And unlike batteries, capacitors can be charged and discharged infinitely many times. They can't hold as much power as a battery of the same size though.

I think he's talking about using a step-up transformer t reduce the current to the mA range and then step it back down to bring the current back up. But that means the voltage would have to be exceedingly high in order to transfer a decent amount of energy.

Yeah exactly, otherwise the power loss from the roughly 2000 km just to get to the surface of the earth would probably make solar power on the surface more efficient.

Frankly, my main concerns with this lie more on the structural end than electrical. I have a hard time believing a metal ring all around earth would be able to achieve a stable orbit for very long. the thing would probably collapse and fall to earth tbh.

the orbital ring in OP isn't 2000km up btw geosynchronous orbit is ~50,000km up it's 300~400km.

Well holy fuck. Now I'm VERY skeptical.

Not a bad idea actually, though my major concern as far as solar panels and energy gathering in space has primarily to do with orbital debris. There are little pieces of rock, trash, alloys, etc, etc orbiting our planet at super high velocities. We'd have to have some seriously hardy solar panels, because to an extent you're putting them in front of a never ending super high speed shotgun. They would also necessitate constant maintenance and repair/replacement. I still think it's worth the cost but damn if there aren't some serious hurdles to be overcome.

Need to kill all non-Whites first. We must not let the contagion break quarantine. This is just sci-fi White flight.

No we don't. If we have a peaceful solution that allows us to maintain control over the situation and expand essentially indefinitely, there's literally no reason why we'd have to mass murder every other race. That's absolutely retarded logic.The goal is to ensure our race survives, killing every other race is not a prerequisite to that objective. Especially not if they're all stuck on this planet and we're free to move about the stars.

Annnnnnnnnnnd Filtered.

For how long? You're going to have to move up eventually. Space exploration and GTKRWN are not mutually exclusive, you know.

For fuck's sake, you retards, space exploration is in no way an obstacle to fixing our shit on earth. In fact, it is extremely necessary given the pace at which the Chinks are building themselves up - if they've got eugenics and orbital battlestations, we better have something to match that.

Europe has at no point in history been fixed and free of problems, yet look how going out and colonizing the world has put the white man head and shoulders above everyone else.

Just do what the diamond kikes do, stock all the really valuable metals away and slowly trickle them into the market.

It doesn't matter if you can make some miracle structural material that can withstand thousands of g's, when your goal is transporting cargo not made of that miracle material. If you wanted to get a solid block of some hard material to orbit with a railgun, you could definitely do it. The question is what the hell are you gonna do with it when it's there.

Which then burns up in the lower atmosphere as soon as it exits the barrel.

Well, you could theoretically build one that reaches up into the stratosphere, but even then it is a pretty bad idea. You will need to evacuate the entire thing of air, and support a megastructure an order of magnitude larger than anything we've ever built.

SSTOs are the most realistic short-term idea, with the orbital megastructures a possible later addition. Mass drivers only really make sense on places without an atmosphere, like the moon where it's just a matter of laying a bunch of coils and a tube on a flat field.

Its been mentioned before but I'll restate it
Materials and logistics
Lets take a LEO minimum of 100 miles
100 miles of 1/2 in steel cable weighs 242880 lbs. Even If you could get that sucker up there
the max safe load of 1/2 inch steel cable is 4280 lbs meaning the cable would break under its own weight.
A Kevlar cable would make it to 150 miles before snapping under its own weight but Kevlar also rapidly degrades in sunlight.

i'm going to kill every last one of you. every single one. go get india to build it and kill themselves. or japan, again, i might add, with more radiation and doom - you know, to the only people somewhat usable outside of whites. fucking mother fuckers.

how many times, user?
how many times.
how many times do thorium shitposters have to shit?
6 gorillion?

here. take this. it looks very similar to your damn kike-thorium-university-beggar-grant ad manual you pulled your shit from. mind you, this is from monju, another liquid salt magic reactor. your salt will be hotter, more radioactive, more neutronically active, with more fragment poison products. notice the star. outside your damn ice butt plug. that's where you're going to die. do it in shitstan, don't do it here.

fucking thoria tard monkeys. every last one of you. may none of you will survive the purge.

How are you conceptualizing such an elevator looking? Because I was always under the impression that the best way to prevent collapse of the super structure would be to support it with tower installations connected by bars or cables ascending alongside it part of the way. That and once such a structure does break out of the atmosphere shouldn't it at least partially be free of the earths crushing gravitational pull within its own atmosphere? I'm not an engineer or a physicist, these are questions not arguments.

wew lads!
what a collection of (((1)))s

Reminds me of this.

That's called lurking and not constantly posting shit posts of 0 worth.

The way you use the word "logic" is as a Leftist uses it, as though it's some truth. It isn't. It is only a process. Logic is so simple that pocket calculators can follow it perfectly. Nobody here is talking about logic. What is being talked about here is determining appropriate priors.

I'll start with what I find to be the most intellectually dissatisfying and basic bitch part of your post, because while all of it amounts to the dribbling of a retard who has no business knowing how to read or write, let alone speak to me, this part is the most egregious because it is the most obviously wrong:

Niggers were no more stuck in Africa due to their inferior sea faring technology than they will be stuck on this rock due to their inferior space technology. People like you will bring them. If you are not totally opposed to their existence, you are a gateway for them.

It is so long as both taxa retain the ability to produce fertile hybrids. Read any ecological study about preventing the extinction of any other species in our position: the "logical" (again, somebody like you using this word in this manner is beyond my words to condemn) solution is to both cull the polluting species and any hybrids in the endangered species' environment. Thanks to modern transport and communication tech, the whole planet is our range, and we will never be safe from extinction via introgression while they exist.

Having had this exact conversation with many retards like you before, I know that a good half of you are against killing them all not because you oppose the idea itself, but because you think it will be too hard. It will not be hard. Cut off foreign aid, destroy cities and infrastructure, settle inwards from the coasts with a frontier bounty/conquest policy (kill them and get their land) and ensure there's 0 mixing. Non-Whites gone in

and remain in the same environment!
is a crucial part of this argument user.
I personally oppose the kill 'em all approach from a purely practical point of view. We have possessed high quality insecticides for a century or so now and how far have we come in the extermination of insect vermin? So what exactly makes you sure that extermination of all of the two legged vermin is even possible?
I feel the best solution is for the white man to do what the white man does best and concentrate on technology to get us the fuck off this dirtball and begin our destined conquest of space.

the whole point is that this is not possible. you are the carrier. thinking about escaping yourself, while carrying yourself, is actually crazy. and user is correct to point out the stupidity of this. the nigger will genetically resort out of you, especially if you think in such low energy ways.

this is that done at a scale and temperature way beyond glass. which is too big for shitskins to maintain, and adding radiation and neutrons to the salt has proved too complicated for whites to yet solve. thoria thyroid cases will ignore and post again, with certainty.

(thank you for the vid, hadn't seen it before. research ended in this field of salt mechanics on metal transport, specifically because decades of research yielded no lasting answers. it was funded to try to find an answer for the nuclear application of high temp, high fluid, high electric/caustic. the branch that also included high neutronic, high alphic+beta+positronic ended at hallstoy-n and never got any further. and this is with people who where there, built the damn things, and breathed glowing dust for a living for decades. the people who proceed with molten salts at high temps are either idiots we're trying to kill or stupidly wishful idiots trying to 'save' themselves.)

Band-aid solutions are what have brought us to the brink of extinction. I think people like you have had enough of a say in this matter.

Because it is pursued on an individualistic/capitalistic level, where individuals concerned with exterminating vermin in a limited domain choose whatever they think suits them best, rather than as a collective imperative. On the other hand, when the total extermination of something even smaller and more insidious, a virus, is pursued, we find that we can achieve it. As for what makes me sure it can be achieved with two legged vermin, as I said in the very post you replied to, because we have done it before many, many times; other tribes, other races, other branches of hominids. And we did it with less. In fact, the only obstacle standing in our way right now is, once again, people like you who have bought into the Leftist position that killing, i.e. culling, i.e. fucking eugenics is "dumb" and the answer must be some convoluted comic book plan to magically live together in peace.

Which will THEN be used to bring them with us. They'll be called "the good ones", only instead of being able to work acceptably in the field, they'll be able to work acceptably in a tech role. You'll bring "the good ones" due to high attrition rates in the early days of space settlement, and then those "good ones" will have kids that will regress to the racial mean, and we'll have a post-multicultural West 2: Space Boogaloo, all because you don't seem to understand how it happened the first time. You don't seem to understand how nationalistic and ethnically aware Whites were until the last hundred years or so, and it vanished like a puff of smoke. It is an inevitable process, and the next time the dominant Western culture falters, I do not want any shitskins left alive to fuck up the gene pool and steal our land just a little bit more. It was fine when we fought among each other and won and lost, because ultimately we were still all White and fairly closely related in genetics and ability. Now, there is another process at work which will gradually destroy our racial fabric.

The Kikes have been around for a few thousand years and are certainly a catalyst for this process, but that does not account for the many, many times it has happened before their influence.

0% Taxes

tl;dr version
No space elevators until we can mass produce graphene (pi electron hyper conductor)

what isn't possible? the orbital ring system is quite feasible.

If you think you can kill off all the two legged vermin without killing everyone have at it user. I don't think you can.
Remember that if you threaten my extinction or the future of my white children I'll end you.

If you think the harsh environment of space won't weed out any weaklings you need to study a bit of history and see what the westward migration in America temporarily did for the demographics of the west. Unfortunately the last century has allowed continued breeding and comfortable air-conditioned migration that has ruined it.
Liberal thinking has allowed the removal of natural thinning of the herd.

one more point user, physical extermination isn't enough. the ideas user, the ideas are immortal and must be neutralized by more than mere censorship.

yeah, so lets just kill em and be done with it, our descendants will be grateful if they ever even think of it.

I'm not kidding. You think those fucks don't think about genetic engineering and escaping this shithole while they're doing all that non-work of robbing you? It's true that most of their children are pathetic shitstains, dependent on nepotism, and nothing to boast about, but the actual governors running the show are fucking demons.

The worst of it is they recruit almost everyone who could compete with them. They offer them cushy jobs with plenty of distractions. So we're left with nuts like Miles Mathis that don't do anything but complain about it. No world class minds give a shit or they actively hate us.

They can't be neutralized any more than the grass in your backyard can be frozen at just the right length. It's just a problem that has to be eternally addressed. There will always be superior and inferior individuals, and it will always be seductive for inferior individuals to steal from superior individuals and for superior individuals to dehumanize inferior individuals. Most political philosophies are emergent from degrees of selfishness or altruism and ability.

Your thinking is quite simply evil user. You don't actually truly care about saving our people or Western Civilization. If you did you would not be so hellbent on bloodshed and carnage on a massive scale. Instead you simply wish to kill, to attach your murderous impulses to a noble cause as a justification. This is the same sort of thinking the Soviets and Communist Chinese employed. The reduced all human life to the value of insects and then went about mass murdering people by the tens of millions.

You are repugnant as is your ideology. Your thinking is poison in the wine, insipid and evil it demands murder and presents it as the only solution. Take your false ideology return back to whatever foul pit you clambered up from. I will not have the survival of my people and my culture jeopardized by creatures such as yourself which seek to use them as vehicles for mass murder and unspeakable evil.

The men of the Wehrmacht didn't starve to death in the streets of Stalingrad so that you could throw away whatever chance remains for us in a doomed war against the rest of the world.

Where is that place?

Not actually reading any points against what I said here, only "ur mean :(". Again, if we were talking about any other species, culling would be the uncontested solution. In fact, have a paper on it:


I know you don't actually have a counter-argument, because I've had this discussion many times with many people, and it's always the same in the end: you can only argue from your overactive sense of empathy while I argue from a long researched and considered position.

Even here, on Holla Forums, we who value Darwinian evolution are in the minority. Even here you'll find cucks who want to coexist with non-Whites and cede territory to them. Hitler was too soft; we need a culling on a global scale. The mudkin have to be removed. Humanely if possible, forcibly if not. China is a threat - they're being propped on the rotting bones of our own scientific progress. India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons. Israel as well. None of them would've gotten anywhere near that tech on their own. They can barely manage to shit in toilets while abroad (and even that's an achievement for them).

Point, all are unworthy. And instead of being grateful for our largesse, the spiteful fucks want to put Whites in the ground.

So fuck 'em. We bury them. And we move on. No non-White is a person anyway.

We don't need a genocide; we need pest control.

Agree 100%