
It's like passing a controller to a trained monkey.



I bet you don't skip replays either

I always do a test snarky "What a save!" when I score early, if they get salty then I capitalize on it and go full-on sarcastic dick mode until they ragequit.
If they don't get salty, then I compliment them whenever they do something and generally be nice, even if they're filthy console players.

Why would you just lie to me like that?


So RL anons, how's the grind been this season? I was all star last season and now I'm having trouble getting out of challenger.

They did add new commands, and they are all ingame now.



It's sad that the premise of this game looks great, but I refuse to play with fucking sub human morons that now are 95% of the internet population.



Is this game worth playing. Should I buy it during the summer sale? I only worry about how people who like ASSFAGGOTS love this game.


That's because it's a highly competitive and fast paced esport

It's fun to just play casually, too.

Oh. So should I pass on it?

If you don't have friends to play it with, you might get bored quickly. I don't know bruv, go for it if its on sale.

nah man it is fun as fuck if play and have som appropiate music, and the devs seem to give a shit since they patched in basketball for free. I'd recommend watching this game during steam's summer sale.


I'm sorry, but if you are wasting your boost on getting goals rather than exploding your opponents and achieving a double extermination, then you are fucking playing the game wrong.


You must be playing in the low tiers then. There is no better feeling than blowing up the other team again and again.

No, Savage

So you're saying, through your use of gaming marketing buzzwords, that the game isn't worth playing?