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were they in the movie?

2 pieces of shit for the price of one by the biggest kikes in the industry.
What a bargain

Why not buy the Atari Ghostbusters game? It looks better than this.

because that is sexist user

that team look way better than the team in the movie.
how is the game anyway?

I didn't even know they were making another game. I don't understand why when everyone who cares about Ghostbusters will just play the last game, since it's actually good and has all the original cast.

– actual production conference

They'll be able to count each free digital copy as a sold unit; thus enabling them to inflate the sales statistics.

Clearly they are trying to comprimise to those sexist gamers who can't handle an all female ghostbusters video game. At least they'll get a code to see how to be truly progressive like the movie when it finally comes out digitally. You've got a long way to go gamers if you want to be like Hollywood.

Based on the team in that pic, it looks like the game isn't even based on the movie. I'd say it's a good call to distance yourself from the new film, but if that's the idea then why package it with the game?

This makes sense. This has been happening in Humble Bundles for ages now.

This. They are going to try their hsrdest to make the movie look like a success. The problem here is: who is going to buy the video game? Sjws dont buy games, ghostbuster fans wont buy it, people who go see the movie probably dont play vidya. There is no targer audience for this, so it probably wont add too much to the movie count.

I doubt kids would buy it either, ghostbusters was before their time



It was a common thing to do for musicians that gave away free CDs at their concerts.

I'm fucking dying, God bless you Kotick

But even then it's a licensed game that nobody honestly knows about.

The game on the last gen consoles on PC is the real Ghostbusters 3 and is actually pretty entertaining.

… there's gonna be a Ghostbusters video game?

Same fucking characters

what do you think?

It's so incredibly present in popular culture that the name recognition should still be effective enough. Combine the kids actually picking it out with non gamer parents looking for something to buy their kids and you have some kind of sales, I guess.

Shitty movie tie ins are hardly uncommon. Same goes for Ghostbusters games, really. We've had a lot of 'em.


God i'm sick of these


They all look the same to me


Her hair makes it look like she was just hit with a cartoon stick of dynamite.

They're just jelly the other game is the real third movie and they know they'll never live up to it

Both look like racist drawings

but look at all that exciting game play of shooting a continuous stream with your friends. I'm sure the AI won't be complete shit right?


That thing looks more attractive honestly


Oh boy this sure looks like a great deal. A blockbuster movie and a fantastic game for the low price of 65 sheckles! You goys would be fools to pass up this once in a life time opportunity!

Can we make this the female equivalent of the JUST haircut?


There's gonna be a dvd quality rip and I'm still not gonna watch it

My first thought was pineapple.

Do any kids own a PS4? The most prevalent console in children's homes has to be the Wii U, surely. Trailing distantly behind mobile, anyways. In fact, why isn't this a mobile game?

can someone just reverse-engineer the 360 version's multiplayer for the PC version of the 2009 game

I'm just throwing words out without knowing what they mean but hopefully someone understands what I'm saying

I'd be surprised if anyone cares enough to bother ripping it.

you mean its not already photoshopped?
dear god



oh user

Not anymore user.

Kids own Xbones, PS4s, and tablets. The Wii U is a secondary console now. In fact I bet a kid would say "What should I get, a PS4 or an Xbone?" instead of acknowledge the Wii U.


They doomed a game that was already doomed

Not even the artistic genius A. Wyatt Mann can accurately capture the likeness of this creature

What the fuck ?

What the fuck is this? Context please.

If they had a child, it would be an actual monkey.

Why not just go to IMDB?

shitty SNL skit

They are so desperate that it's no longer funny.

dat flab between the blurs

They made a crappy game to go with the movie? As if they could not be more blatant in killing anything good ghostbusters had. The last game that was considered the third movie should have been it.

My cousin got a wii u after playing it with me. I don't consider this a good thing.


Holy Kek

Game of Boons?



hey guise, the trailer for the new classic ghostbusters is out we're sure you'll lov, it's got female comedy stars that is highlarious, check it out on youtube

literally could not look more like a nigger

My fucking sides are gone

This game is going to be to the Ghostbusters Game that this Ghostbusters reboot was to the original

Absolutely revolting

It must be horrible to be Kristen Wiig. To think she had a relatively successful run in comedy and now her career will be over because she signed a contract to revive what must have been one of her favorite films. How could she have known?

I assume the other three don't understand comedy so they probably think the film will be great even now.

If you think you can pull it off, go for it

McCarthy is alright, but I'm guessing she's looking for a big paycheck. She honestly doesn't need this movie.

Gamers are ded tho

Gamers don't have to be your audience

Yes you are, but I have insomnia tonight and I got a chuckle out of your post, which is more than I can say about grrlbusters.
Are you asking is it possible to port the 2009 ghostbusters game, specifically the multiplayer aspect, of the 360 version to PC?

Ah, is this the Emma Watson fakes thread? Fuck the feminist bitch.






The majority of gamers are actually women!

Khajiiit has movie if you have coin

No fuck this nigger shit. GhostBusters was done after the last game. THAT WAS THE MOVIE.

Everything was tied up and fit magically.

Fuck these faggots fucking up one of the greatest things of all time.

It sounds like it is senseless, but when your objective is to ruin everything out of a literally backwards view of morality, it totally makes sense. Crazy people can be smart too. That is a very important life lesson.

Note: I am not condoning any of this shit show.

50 fucking dollars for that GB game.


The kikery is off the charts.

I didn't know Tracy Morgan had a sex change.

She's gone way past nig and into abbo territory.

Or you could get the superior 2009 Ghostbusters game that has all the original actors voicing the characters and is pretty much a real sequel to the series.

Webm, please

All Sony had to do was make a low-key release to minimize damages…

The movie trailer is one of the most disliked videos in YouTube history

All Sony had to fucking do was minimize damages by reducing the movies marketing budget

And yet here they are pulling this shit

Why are they making all the wrong decisions?

I don't get it. Where is the bullnigger?


what a steal, im losing money if i dont buy this
but ive never really been good with money so ill probably have to pass this one up


I didn't even know there was a game.

think ill give it a miss



stop it youre making this hilarious


I want to bang the blonde one.

fix her with your dick


I'll never understand the appeal of this shit. It's worthless pandering with no informative value and you can't even comment or interact with it in any way.


If I wouldn't know better, I would've guessed the last one to be a shop.
Everyone who sees that will be immediatly disgusted and turn away.

Were they thinking at all when they made those "promotional" pics?

Jesus fucking Christ, this is the ugliest sheboon I have seen in my life.

From listening to the normalfags at work, they've decided they have to see it now as if it's a huge bomb they don't want to be the only one in their peer group left out of the conversation (being left out is the greatest fear of a normalfag). The advertising for this wreck has likely been intentionally promoting the spectacle.

For once I'm glad.

Oh man can't wait for the shitshow.

Get a new line of work.

it's almost as if actual investors don't care about soggy knees, and plan to fail, just to grab that sweet, sweet government funding


I hope they don't remove it from Steam for the new game

That's retarded.

is that a possibility?

why not? people will buy the one ghostbusters game on steam.

might even remove it from libraries of people who have purchased it.


I'll never understnad how someone can be that fucking retarded.

If the ones who hold the license for the game don't want to distribute it anymore, then why not?
It's in their right.

Removing it from libraries though, shouldn't be possible.

they are trying to escape their fate, should probably do a straight to DVD release

Terminal Reality is defunct now so the rights to the game likely went to the publisher or somewhere else.

This will not happen, the legal hornet's nest wouldn't be worth it.

I wasn't expected to have these feels itt.


The slightly paranoid side of me thinks that this is exactly what they want. Like they're trying to drive the queers, dykes and niggers into a frenzy.

I honestly would love to know what these people are thinking right now. The panic must be overwhelming, assuming my paranoid fantasy isn't true.

Me too user. I also want to let my slime get one ever crack of her

Did they actually say she got slime in her vag in the movie?

You'll have to buy a ticket and see for yourself, goy.


I'd fuck that feminist piece of shit, literally.

Too much harry potter for you.


Jaden Smith runs like that
Seriously, check every movie he's in.

ill take your word





So that's how they plan to inflate sales numbers. I'd laugh if all it really does is make the game bomb as well.

Next they'll be giving it away with boxes of cereal.
I'm only actually half joking here, I can actually see them packing discs into boxes of corn flakes.

well… back in the day before people didn't have the internet we had things called magazines and newspapers. you wrote these things called letters to the editor of the paper to reply to the said paper/magazine and sometimes they put the best letters on the next issue so said writer can reply to it.

I will give you a name
Tom ((rothman)) is the exec who is greenlighting. Look him up, he was reponsible for f4stic, silent deadpool, deadpool getting delay because he found deadpool to be annoying, he also an "expert" in damage control, refer to f4stic and "racist" backlash. He was fire from Fox production and sony hire him because, it not merit but who you know, well that until they lose shekels.

It's in the trailer


just like Diablo 3.

Why did they give Mr Stay Puft downs syndrome?

That's the ghostbusters logo.

mr whippy head is the ghost from the logo

stay puft is in it though, he's a parade float balloon that they destroy

amazing graphics


Oh, from the OP pics I thought it was going to be a "make your own ghost buster squad" kind of deal. This is actually pretty disappointing.

Could be a fun multiplayer game

Didn't the midget actually study theater and stuff, just to be hired in shit like this and Pixels?

That's what happens when you're a midget

He has another shitty cameo in Mcarthy's next 'comedy' I honestly feel like he is just phoning it in after GoT. Didn't seem to really care when he was Trask in Days of Future Past either.

oh forgot to mention his memorable voice acting in Destiny

I think many actors are realizing acting is pointless if you can't get good writers.

Seriously everything that has come out of hollywood recently reeks of desperation.

It looks like that NES game, only with 4 players.

He has this little problem that there are barely any good roles for a dwarf, so I guess he just says yes to every shitty role they offer him.

So you're saying The Producers is happening in real life now. I almost don't know what to say except for Spring time for EA

with all the diversity pandering hollywood is doing now though you would think they would give him better parts

Wew, lads.

Shame though, it doesn't look like that bad of a game, far as i can tell it's basically just this but with more open environments and 4 players.

Huh, so it is. What's with the bow tie though?

Holy shit, his expression in the second image

so you know its male silly


Underrated as fuck. You don't even have to explain who is who, I see it.



It's being developed by some company called FireForge games and good fucking luck finding anything out about them.

According to their LinkedIn they were founded back in fucking 2011 yet they don't even have a fucking website set up yet:

The only possible redeeming factor about this pile of garbage is that Kirkhope is doing the soundtrack.

Why is this new game full price when it looks like a revamped Sanctum of Slime with was a budget download game?




They could have turned the best episodes of the 80s cartoon into a kid friendly reboot, and it wouldn't have been so alien from the source material.

This Diablo 3 expansion looks like shit.



Which they will count towards padding the tally.

Of courshe!
And it will be everyone and everything else's fault likely straight men gaymores, not anyone involved with the writing directing and marketing of the movie though.

In the ancient days being ostracised or kicked out from your tribe, community, can be fatal. It's immediately less so nowadays, but the tribe and tribal belonging system is still real. Even for a hermit in modern age, humans still need other humans in order to live. I don't just mean in the human beans are social animals way. I mean people still depends on a host of services and things that they can't do or make just by themselves.

there's a difference between ostracization and not being on the same page when friends talk about pop media.

Why did they make strong independent sheboon not so stronk??

Yes, there is a difference sure. But tell that to the lizard brain part or the emotional part. Or the part that appeals to group belonging. That instinct is still there and it can be a powerful one.


If you really wanted a Ghostbusters game, get the one from 2008 (i think) which actually kinda good.
Jesus, they are getting desperate, arent they?

Looks like this shit but multiplayer.

Someone could make a "Real Ghostbusters" movie and the SJWs wouldn't be able to complain about the title since that's what it's actually called.

Every single promotional material, like interviews and such, always mention sexism.

Can this movie try and not sell itself as a feminist movie? Try and focus on the positives of the film instead of the drama?


user, they're able to complain about logic. Not any specific logic, just logic in general. They complain about everything, whether there's any conceivable reason to or not, they complain. They're not human, they are elementals. Elementals Of Complaining.

this isnt the kind of ghoul school I remember

Is the last one done by Anne frank?

its uncanny

fuchur I think who did the actual art for UaB
shame he quit

if they can even get it to work with a large enough community


Does this mean no UaB 2
Why'd he quit?

just means a new artist if the krautfags ever want to do it, he quit because personal reasons

Probably got found out.

I really wish a UaB 2 comes out, however the artist was really good for things beyond just porn as well.

I know that at this point it does not matter, but still, that's just fucking stoopid.


Well, that's to be expected. Actors are just living puppets that do shit that's in the script. They don't partake in the creation process; they fulfill the same role in movies that a pen does in literature.

it was in that moment he realized, he was the hollywood whore.

What's up with the hate for the black woman anyway?
I mean I know you guys love to suck Holla Forums's dick by trying to be edgy wanna-be racists, but do you actually have any legit reason to dislike her?
None of the actresses are particularly pretty, so why focus on her? Of all the members of the main cast, she's actually kinda nice and not all for that SJW horseshit.

You're acting as if this is a new thing.

she looks like a literal hairless Gorilla

She's huge and ugly, and even if that were true that she isn't into all the SJW bullshit as you say.

She scripted to spouse much of the usual rhetoric in the movie, and then all of these people are going to lap it up anyway.

Anyway the only person who sucks dick here is you fag, no one is racist for disliking an ugly woman.

Why do you feel like you need to defend her? She's a strong independent woman who doesn't need a man

She's fat, she's ugly, and she's not funny. That's three strikes without even addressing the fact that she's a black woman. Race is a tertiary concern at best compared to writing and acting.

first time on big ol scary Holla Forums, kiddo?


The only reason he is being casted in all this shit is because people find midgets funny. Its no different from them being used as performers in carnivals in medieval times.

How progressive of them

She looks like an arc. Also
There's nothing edgy about being "racist". Racist is just a Marxist buzzword created to shut down oppositions logical talking points. In reality, being "racist" is called ethnic nepotism by it's scientific term, which is actually a natural instinct in all humans.
It means all humans prefer to be in the company of their own race, like people from their own race more, and tend to automatically dislike people from other races.

It's normal. It's natural. Not edgy. Your brain has been fucked up by all kinds of propaganda, and now your thinking is against your very nature.

*an orc

Can't think of any better reason.

Winston appears only in the second half of the movie. He doesn't appear in most of the merchandising of that movie.

Can't remember how many ghostbusters you had in that game. I believe if you got injured 3 guys then the fourth had to drive back to HQ to get them healed before keeping ghostbusting.

Trask wasn't a dwarf and he still made it a good villain.



I almost wish they had gone into the whole dwarf aspect though. Dwarfism is a form of mutation or at least genetic defect. Like could he be wanted to kill the mutants because his 'mutation' was shit while everyone else got crazy shit like shapeshifting and laser eyes?

It might have been too no the nose, but wish they at least went into Trask more instead of whoring out Jlaw as the centerpiece. Same fucking problem these days with GoT where he has to stand behind Dany as she is the strong independent woman and Dinklage would outshine her in a heartbeat.

Why does he have an ass? Does this mean ghosts poop?

Oh come on! That game was good!


She looks like Johj.

well it is made in the league of legends engine

The Mega Drive / Genesis Ghostbusters game seems to be little known, but it's pretty good, I recommend checking it out.

i really have no excuse not to have a genesis emulator ready to use

It's beyond stupid.

It's like the makers see that big guys in mobas/fps games have a minigun, so they must have it.
If there ever was a sign of creative bankrupcy and checkbox design, that's it.

we have sunken to the point where anonymous thinks miniguns are stupid

I played the genesis a long time ago, but I didn't enjoy it much since I kinda suck at platformer. The SMS ghostbuster was a weird but interesting game though.

In a goddamn Ghostbusters game, yes it is quite dumb.

Are the Ghostbusters a paramilitary?


The 1984 Activision game was ported to everything that existed back then.

I just realized there's an arcade game based on the cartoon.

I'm pretty sure he was the Midget in "Little girls" by Oingo Boingo

Listen here, faggot.

A gattling gun is the most glorious weapon ever devised by man. In most games its' shit and doesn't come close to it's true glory.

But I don't want it associated with shit games and I don't want it showed where it doesn't belong.

Humans don't really act like that though. Wanting to kill a large group of people because of a small personal reason? Doesn't happen. There's always some more logical reason behind it.

Nope, it's just another one that looks really similar. Peter Dinklage was 13 years old by the time that music video came out.

I heard from a podcast that the ghost in the logo is the final monster in the movie. It's like some hack director would make the leader of fox hound an actual fox.

i guess so

**[Muffled smh tbh in the background]

Had a lot of fun with that game it really was like revisiting the original movie even if a lot of it was taken straight from the original movie.


I thought this was a joke, user. This is just disgusting and depressing. Why?

I admit I chuckled. Peter's horrified face was just to funny.

I wanted Linkle to be a playable character so much in the new game. The pain will not fade.

next youre going to tell me a game based on home alone shouldnt have a huge guy with a minigun

why doesnt it belong in ghost busters? what else are you going to shoot ghosts with?

jealousy, fear? I mean if among the large group of people there were mutants who could control the minds of everyone on earth. Stryker had similar beliefs that mutants meant the extinction of humans.

Have you ever fucking watched Ghostbusters?

That's just never happened in history so far. Just in fiction, like comics, Hollywood movies, the Holocaust.

Real humans oppress others for logical reasons.

are you so creatively bankrupt that you can only imagine shooting ghosts with the standard proton packs?

Yep. Cisbuster more and more looks like it was made by people who never saw or really understood the original. They were given glimpses of some stills, a trailer at most, and 3rd hand information from a person who saw the turkmanistan dub of a bollywood version of ghostbusters.
I think it might be the first western film that takes the cargo cult method of film making too literally.

Meh, minigun looks out of place if you are still hewing to the concept of ghostbusters as more pest control, blue collar job. That doesn't mean you can't expand beyond just the original proton wand. But I'd modify it to fit closer to the blue collar look. Big gun=something like a large pneumatic jack hammer. Dual pistols = something like a handheld drill or nail gun. Rifle= go with a ranch or hunting rifle look, monte carlo stock with a large scope on top as the PKE meter\scope. Something closer to the industrial and scientific look.

The game looks terrible.

Big surprise there.

Good luck with your movie niggress.