Is it weird that I have a fetish for female Holla Forumsirgins. Please respond

Is it weird that I have a fetish for female Holla Forumsirgins. Please respond.

I are female with bagania. Please give fre steam games ok

Show tits

I'm a female Holla Forumsirgin ;) ;)

It seems the both of us are autistic. That's fantastic news.

(. )( .)


You don't know what you're getting yourself into, you sad individual.

1) No women on the internet
2) 3D Pig Disgusting
3) Meeting up with Holla Forumsirgins will always spell disaster

Just quit while you're ahead.

But a female on Holla Forums is just like 2D.

Your fetishes don't matter because you'll never have a real woman anyway.


That is to say, they're not real.

If someone claims to be a woman and doesn't show tits, it's not a woman.

summerfags get out






Men Pretending to Be Women: The Thread


I met a female Holla Forumsirgin once, she was surprisingly nice and level headed despite being Strayan.

[spoiler]She was also a furry though.[/sub]

You don't know how fucking correct you are. I've been taught many lessons in life but nobody ever taught me the most important lession.

Bad things happen when virgins and lesbians hang out.

That doesn't just mean lesbians strictly, it can also go for "uninterested women". BAD shit can happen. Fights. Property loss. Suicide attempts. Terrible fucking things will happen.

OP, listen here and listen good. You want a Holla Forums shitposting, vagina toting girlfriend, yeah? You have to keep a few things in mind if that's your goal. First and foremost is that you, as a presumed man, have instinct to date upward. You want to find a woman more beautiful than you are handsome. This girl you want? She does too. If you want an EASY relationship, you need to be so much better looking than her that she thinks you're a catch. If you're not Chad Fuckbate she's not going to clamber for your dick.

Secondly, all those disgusting traits, those unhygienic habits and horrid practices you have that you don't want anyone else learning? She's got those too. She goes days without bathing because she doesn't need to wash to play legend of zelda and she eats like hell because she doesn't have to impress anyone with her cooking skills. She will never be the loving wife who makes you dinner. With what fucking time? You're both playing video games. Even if she's a NEET she's going to spend that time playing games not scrubbing floors and cooking you pastries. She probably won't want kids either because she's got too many games she wants to finish before all that. She won't be dainty. She won't be feminine. She just so happens to have a dick. If she genuinely plays games to enjoy them and is NOT an engineering student, I promise you she will have as many feminine traits as a bottle of aftershave.

Thirdly, if you're clingy, not useful to her or don't do well enough to satisfy her? She's done. She'll cut the relationship off and go back to video games without a boyfriend because she wants her time for herself. These women are the 'crazy cat lady' of the modern era. "Always the bridesmaid, never the bride." That is who these women are. They are single for very good reasons.

Find yourself a woman with a hobby. Something she does that you don't. Something you don't like to do. You'll be much happier for it, son. Take this advice from me and when you seek romance don't look here.


