The Work Exodus - #2 Comfy Edition

The Work Exodus - #2 Comfy Edition

Men of prime working age have disappeared from the labor force in recent years at a rate not seen since the Great Depression, though the problem isn’t as severe in Minnesota, an economist who studies the phenomenon said this week.

Most of them are choosing not to work, said Nicholas Eberstadt, economist at the American Enterprise Institute, and the effects of their choices are ­rippling through American society.

Even worse, a similar development may now be happening with women, Eberstadt told an audience hosted by the Center of the American Experiment, a Golden Valley-based think tank, on Wednesday.

“Work rates have been dropping for women since the year 2000, but work rate [declines] for men have been going on for a whole lot longer,” he said. “In 2015, it was almost one in six guys who had no paid work at all.”

Eberstadt last year published a book about growing rates of economic ­inactivity for men in their 20s to mid-50s. And he gained attention earlier this year with an article in Commentary magazine headlined “Our Miserable 21st Century” that showed how the year 2000 marked a turning point in the nation’s economic growth and employment trends. In that article, he noted that work rates for prime-age women are now back to where they were in the late 1980s. The chief effect of the departure of large numbers of people from the labor force is to reduce the U.S. economy’s growth potential.

Minnesota, which has a higher percentage of people working than the nation as a whole, is the second-lowest state for labor inactivity. Just under 7 percent of the state’s prime working-age men were no longer trying to work. Only Iowa was better, at 6 percent.

But the problem continues to grow in the state, and the Center of the American Experiment is launching a multiyear project called “Great Jobs without a Four-Year Degree” that is designed in part to get more people working. The think tank’s president, John Hinderaker, called it “the most important project they’ve ever done.”

The program’s goal is to get younger Minnesotans aware of post-high school opportunities outside of enrolling in a four-year ­college. This includes raising awareness for apprenticeships, associate’s degrees, occupational certificates, job training in the military and more.

“There’s all these great things going on, but people don’t know about them, in different parts of the state and industry,” said Kathy Kersten, senior fellow for the center. “We’d like to be a vector for these success stories.”

In one effect of the departure of people from the workforce, Eberstadt said his research found that unemployed men spend a significant portion of each day in leisure activities, including time spent with video games and in front of computers and smartphones. “It’s a 2,100-hour-a-year proposition. Akin to a full-time job for the unworking man,” ­Eberstadt said.

Incarceration and felony charges are a significant aspect in underemployment numbers from Eberstadt’s findings. One in eight adult men not currently behind bars has a felony conviction, which hinders their ability to find a job or purchase a house.

“The ones who have been to prison are way more likely to be out of the labor force than the ones who only have an arrest in their background,” Eberstadt said. “And the ones with an arrest in their background are way more likely than the guys who have never had trouble with the law.”

Eberstadt said he was unsure why the relationship existed, but said it could be due to hiring discrimination against ex-cons, or lost workplace skills while in prison.

At the end of his presentation, an audience member asked where hope can be found in the grim statistics.

“The turnaround comes when people are committed to shining the spotlight on this problem, and come from all over the political spectrum and say this huge problem can’t be invisible anymore,” Eberstadt said.

Interesting opinion, experiences and discussions were had, the thread was filled up.

Thread - 01 -

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Soon their will be plenty of gas chamber builders and operators.

I went to college and grad school, have a decent job, support myself, and live on my own.

And yet I envy NEETs. My job is bland and unrewarding. After student loans, taxes, health insurance I don't need, and urban rent, I can barely accumulate any savings. At this rate, I'll never be able to afford a house or children. If I had a way to support myself, I'd quit and never look back.

In many ways, I had more quality of life legend I was unemployed and living in my parents' basement while job searching. I had to move across the country to find work, and now live a thousand miles away from anyone I know, working a job I don't like just to exist and try to get out from debt slavery.

My only hope is that a happening will come and destroy everything.

I went to school for programming a few years back. I don't want to move to Toronto area for a job, nor compete with Pajeets overseas, so I work in a comfy area close to my hometown.

It's stocking shit at a grocery store part time. But I'm close enough that I don't need a car, my student loans are paid off, and I rent from family so I end up supporting them. My only bill is from food, phone, rent, meds, and a bus pass. Just got my taxes back, too.

It's not difficult, just find a way to live within your means and you'll start to save up money eventually.

Isn't it just unemployable 3rd worlders and dindu's dragging the numbers down?

So this study is about how nigger criminals should be given jobs, joke's on them niggers don't want to work at all.

You're not from around here, are you?

Dude, I worked for years, had a house that was paid off, and I lost it when the economy crashed, and my job moved to China. Had to live off my savings.
Now I have nothing but debt again, and I'm too old to "start over."
I'm going to be living in a van soon. Fuck it.

I am 30. Everyone of my friend’s works full time, no one owns a house, no one is married, and no one has any children. Why do we bother? Looks like we should have all gone full NEET right out of school.

It might be possible to move to an affordable area in some countries but the housing market in my nation is inaccessible to the average young man. We are a lost generation and future generations will look upon us and take example, they will see it is pointless and opt out and an even greater rate.

The long-term result of this I should elaborate is in my opinion either the death of the west or the disillusioned men being rallied by a Hitler like figure who offers them what has been stolen from them by globalism.

I've said this before, i think we'll be seeing the rise of localism as a result of the abhorrent corruption at all higher levels of 'government'. The failure of 'central planning' and the removal of citizens input here in Europe has destroyed almost any willingness to participate in community. We used to have kings that appointed mayors, in order to ensure the population had a say in it's local matters and everything was done to make sure the local area prospered.

I live in a providence that had independence up until the 1700s. Even during the treaty of verdun during the 800s our area was fairly autonomous within it. When i talk to people we really get a sense that the over coupling providence is fat and useless and the national government are idiots who have no clue what kind of problems we face locally.

I believe it was michael greer who coined the term 'catabolic collapse'. There will be subsequent series of problems that pile on top of each other that will cause the system to completely disintegrate. This will force local people to re-organize at the local level. There will be problems with the economy, climate, energy, resources, food, infrastructure, population, migration, crime, political upheaval etc etc. The basic issues surrounding the decline of civilizations. I also believe that this is what we are now looking at, allot of the symptoms are really present. Anyone awake enough will see the red flag sticking out as a sore thumb. I think that the slow processes could go on for a long time but ultimately either something abrupt happens or a dramatic political shift takes place, which is unlikely to occur as long as the baby boom generation is alive who sold their children's future for peace and security.

For example, back in the middle ages, there was a cold harsh winter in Europe that lasted 10~ years during the little ice age. The little age is wasn't a real ice age but it was around 300 years of severe cold weather in Europe with lots of crops deaths and starvation death. Some say a volcano sparked it or mass deforestation caused it and other say the black death caused mass depopulation and the decrease in human activity caused it little ice age. The cause is ultimately unknown. The majority of the populace died, it wiped the last of the vikings out in the 1400s.

But once nature rears its ugly head again, whether that is the climate or a newly altered pest killing crops expect mass starvation for long term periods. Perhaps a new virus strain will kill of large swathes of population centers. Humans will show their true nature in these scenarios.

The only advice i can give for people is too live and work with the system but prepare accordingly and allocate resources to you and or your families survival because nobody else will. It might never happen and the system might continue with slow alterations to elevate the problems or it might come crashing down, history proves people are unwilling to learn from history and crashes collapse. NASA predicts over 22 different civilizations on Earth have had a completely collapse and extinction level events. The numbers are not in our favor, the incompetence at the top is going to cost a whole lot of lives.

we might be the first civilisation to be prepared for that collapse in such a manner.

People like molymeme and all that are outright predicting this to an audience of millions. That's got to be unprecedented.

Just one of those millions has got to be a hitler.

Statistically there could be dozens or hundreds of hitler tier characters ready to show up.

Anyway the work exodus is real. A loss of tax cattle motivation has always been accompanied by more whipping or a collapse.

Never before in history have we undone the stupid decisions that brought us here.

Trump might be the FIRST historical figure to do the shit like lowering tax rates and simplefying the legal system to reduce that bogged down stale crap that's been accumulating.

I don't really think he can stop the collapse at this point but he can change some of the dominoes before it happens and that's why our electoral victories across the planet actually matter

even if our leaders are kiked it's about forcing some of the dominoes around.

It's not incompetence. It's willful ignorance. There are rumblings of pollution social justice in California. Pollution is affecting the poor to much! I'll agree thats not a good thing. But the solution, user. Instead of solving, or reducing, pollution, our wonderful congressmen want to "spread" the pollution around so that it is more equally affecting the rich as well as the poor.

important to note that whipping the tax cattle is not only unnaffective now (zirp and nirp etc no capital left to spark motivation) but also detrimental because the cattle are telling eachother about the whipping so it will just lead to revolts.

So to sum it up
The Goyim Know.

That jives nicely with what I think is a secondary cause of this crisis - helicopter parents. They're happy to help accommodate their children until they find a job, which is never, and their children will listen to a parental-type figure in government who saves them from their circumstances. This could come either through a type of make-work program or coddling through UBI-type arrangements. The former is not necessarily bad, especially compared to the latter. There's plenty of work to be done to restore just about any country if the money is allocated correctly.

I wonder if Trump will use this as a carrot-and-stick to secure a second term or if he wants to implement it as soon as possible to win over the un(der)employed. The Wall is going up this term but there's an infrastructure bill coming eventually. I would like to see him be a debt hawk now, working with Freedom Caucus types to cut out useless government spending, and only then propose any high-cost programs.


Reminds me of the just wait for hitler meme. Time for pasta then. INB4 some bland oldfag rants about how he wants Holla Forums to leave.

Dark Souls is accidentally a metaphor for the rise of a 'Hitler'. At least the first one is. You start off in the Asylum, where the Crow takes you to Firelink Shrine, and you embark on a journey as the 'chosen Undead'. At least the snakes tell you that you are 'the chosen' one, so regardless of how many times you die, you follow through and fight your way past all the bosses. On your journey though, you encounter certain other travellers. Some have already lost their sanity completely, others haven't and others do in the course of the game. From their point of view, each one of them is 'the chosen Undead'. What is obvious but never outright said, is that the snakes, even the nice one, lied. There is no chosen Undead. The Chosen Undead is a meme. Whoever manages to actually do it, fight their way to Gwyn and bring an end to the madness that is the curse of the Undead for a while, is in hindsight the 'chosen Undead'. Nobody was chosen, that is simply told to everyone who comes through, in hopes that someone actually makes it.

The same goes for whoever is the next monarch - I mean the next Fuhrer. It doesn't matter how pressing things get. It doesn't matter how strongly the circumstances come together that make it seem like the next Fuhrer must somehow automatically emerge from this. So many I see either referring to such a hypothetical person or alluding to them actually believing that some other person will take up the fight and be the leader for them. Guess what, it's a hypothetical tale about a hypothetical person that doesn't exist. Much like with the chosen undead, there is no naturally occurring future fuhrer. The next Hitler is whoever actually makes it. To summarize it in a few words:

Don't wait for Hitler. Be Hitler.


The exact opposite is the case in my area.
Employers like ex-cons and criminals because HR can exert more power on them.
I applied for to a Walmart and they hired a bunch of niggers and ex-cons instead.

I am NEET. I want to make money while living super-broke so that I can build seed money for trading/investments. You need money in a margin account to leverage, and once I get good at "The Game of Day Trading" (instead of playing [casual] vidya) with pennies I'll start putting some pounds into it.


This is where the blogposting comes in. I constantly read posts from people that do make good arguments, explaining that they perhaps rightfully don't consider certain kosher nationalist movements and parties to be the solution. But when asked who to vote for instead, the answer they give is 'someone who opposes any and all zionist interests' or something along those lines. Such a major force doesn't exist though, so it falls onto each person individually to create it. Assuming the person making this argument is indeed a purebred white person of good character and nothing to give anyone a reason not to trust them, it is easy to say such things.

Take me for example. I am not white. Not completely at least. I am a mongrel, and I acknowledge that. I have shitskin roots and in part shitskin upbringing, yet I can plainly see what the madness that is artificially pushed onto the west, among other things, through liberal ideologies, needs to come to an end, and yes, an ethnically homogenious, white end. If I were to take it up on myself to start such a new nationalist movement to retake the west for whites and only whites, what reason would meritocrats or whites have to join or trust me? Hell, I wouldn't trust myself if I were you. Some part-shitskin even in name, comes out of nowhere declaring themselves the new national socialists, potentially even with crypto-kike roots? Who in their right minds wouldn't see some major red flags?

So what is your answer to that? No flawlessly anti-zionist nationalist movement exists, yet not everyone can credibly get one going, yet you declare from your ivory tower that this nationalist movement or that nationalist party should neither be trusted nor voted for because they are not 100% GTKRWN, at least as of yet not.

What I am trying to say is: Get off your high horse and fucking get the shit you consider acceptable going yourself. Stop alluding to 'the inevitable Hitler', because that inevitable Hitler will never come by himself.

I am an able bodied white male

how do I get on neetbux?

Get into day trading oil stocks

We don't need a leader, that's what so many people don't understand. We're the political peer-to-peer evolution. Having a Hitler/Leader is entirely wrong for our political climate.

Will never happen. All trades cost money, and leverage costs money as well. Even if your trade was successful the trading and margin fees will exceed any profits you made.

it's not surprising.
when you are trapped, and work at a job you do not love merely to exist it doesn't take much to leave the workforce.
The only thing that will save our race is the
white conquest of space

Have you gotten your NEETbux yet?

well what do you do when the bux run out? moving state every 5 years and reapplying sounds shit.

He's not talking to you amerifag.

i wasn't talking to you eurocuck

Poor ameripoor No autism bucks to dry your tears with, I guess the NEET lifestyle is out of your reach. :(


Can confirm. I've worked at two companies with racially segregated shifts, got stuck on the black shift. (Which is always night shift.) Can't say I didn't mind standing around bullshitting with them whenever things were slow, but every single one had a criminal record and a taste for various drugs.

Strange they'd get hired by an agency who's job is to screen for these things, no?

Reminder that the next recession is coming. People from 30 down the youngest children will be paying the price for the previous generations errors.

Also daily reminder that pensioms are a ponzi scheme at every level (public and private) and will cost tax payers billions while they lose essential services that belong to them. If you ever get a job that makes you pay into a pension please quit as it will not be around for you when it implodes.

Best way to stay safe and comfy when happenings happen?

With jews you lose…

Got a interview for the grounds crew at quail hollow golf club tomorrow, feels good desu

I work part time from home and live in a really cheap apartment.

I don't pay taxes to da man so I can save up half of my income even though I don't make much.

I'll never work fulltime again.

Please explain how you make this work.

The problem is, they are usually not structured as "pay into." The amount you are "paying into" the pension is unknown to you, as it is a benefit above and beyond salary. There is no way to know how much higher your salary would be without it, because they are not optional.

Good luck, Charlotte-user, nice place. Soak up all that high-end turf management knowledge.

I always wanted to do that. We should hang out. We'll ride around and solve mysteries.

Sounds like Occupy all over again.

Mods need to sticky thread

Maybe hiring preferences for coloureds has a demoralising effect?

Ok, lets see somebody rise from the ashes, and start a phoenix movement(rebirth of natsoc)


No, lad. Instead the board volunteers banned me, deleted my post, and put an anchor on the thread… See, that's best. :^)

keep the bumps going on then

Check'n my quads, and woops, newfag me

I like your spirit, lad. But posting without sage doesn't bump when the thread is anchored.

Shut it down, the goyim can't be allowed to talk about how bad the employment situation is.

I have to say, I contributed mightily in that last thread as an ancient fag who is going to work at the State Department in the near future after nearly a decade in near NEET status, and am surprised the mods are so butthurt about this topic.

Surely it has to be better than at least 10 other cuckchan type threads out there???? Without needing to be anchored?

Find a cheap apartment or go on welfare to qualify for even cheaper places if they exist where you're from, unregister and claim you moved to another country, work online and don't pay taxes.

Only works if you have the skills to get said jobs though.>>9794329

This please. I want to go back to NEETdom.
Also, I'm in the Air National Guard, so one weekend a month gives me a little.

The govt pays them to hire welfare cases and ex cons. Fucked up world where labor has no value.

Why is this anchored?

Mods are jewish hall monitors.