Alright everyone listen up shit went smooth in the first round of the french elections BUT i am not going to lie the battle is going to be a fucking hard one, this is not a french election general I know those are rampant right now but shitposting aside this thread has another objective.
So the plan as you might know le pen is going against macaroni macaroni is presenting himself as an outsider but is in all actuality just a jewish plant to get the voters that want change but le pen seems too "extreme".
THAT BEING SAID you can expect a lot of voters from the other parties to defect to macaroni and this is mostly due to the fact that the MSM is going to push for him fucking hard with the message that he's a supposed outsider.
I call in all frogfags and meme magicians to do the following, find every image and every video you can and meme it hard on social media, i understand the language barrier makes this hard but this is where the frogfags come in here we will deposit every video of muds chimping out in paris, dig for macron skeletons, create anti macron and pro le pen memes trying to show how he is actually an establishment plant to the frenchies who might think he is actually an outsider here we will deposit it all and discuss on what best narrative to push forward to the frenchies.
==NOW FROGFAGS== this is where you need to shine with all the things deposited here your main job is to spread it in french social media (although any user should be memeing this when it comes from the frenchies it will have a different impact.)
Help your non french Holla Forumsfam understand how best and where to meme and help them translate their memes.

Other urls found in this thread:]été_générale



Meme magician checking in.


Fillon voters may not follow Fillon's orders since some of them voted for more security and less taxes, while Macron offers them less security and more taxes. WE HAVE TO MAKE THIS THE CORE OF THEIR PREOCCUPATIONS.

some Melenchon voters don't want the TAFTA, the CETA, the EU, and the big business to evade taxes. REMEMBER THEM VOTING FOR MACRON MEANS SUPPORTING THIS.

If he did it, Marine can too. BIG TIME.





We need more advice like this, good narrative to spin for Fillon voters how the fact that his support for macron is a fucking mess given that macron is a polar opposite of him in a lot of ways and how melenchon's anti EU stance might swing some voters to le pen's side.
The name of the game here is to steal voters from the other candidates onto le pen, find what other candidates have in common with le pen and show them that Macaroni is not their guy.

Thanks, please spread the word. We really need this as France is actually important in Europe

nice try Holla Forums

You're too late shill I guess you're not getting payed for first post.

I wish I was more familiar with French culture for memesmithing. But there is one thing that has been more successful than anything else the past two years and that is stating your opinion plainly, with no filter nor regard for feelings or pr.. So maybe something as simple as fous le camp! could be memed?

fous le camp!

Shill companies do not adequately protect their employee rosters. All shills will hang.

We need all art anons to anuse the french folklore culture to our home turf:
-Napoleon heroic art (Put le pens face there)
-joan d'arc
-french revolution

The others dig and find connectjons between obama and him (campaign manager) and so on. Frenchies HATE interference and if its the creator of isis, well thats a home run.

Make Macron look like a useless school boy who wouldnt last a day in the real world, aka, a Globalist fag vs the hero Le Pen.

Start working - im from the future and le pen wins if we meme it.

absolute social media/photoshop faggot here. Frogfags: some slogans en francais/with translation would be helpful. Let's go

Bump and remember to report for sticky.

Melechon is hosting a strawpoll to decide who he will endorse

http ://

Right now, someone is botting to give Macron an edge. We need to fight back. Set up a bot and a French VPN and get to it.

I'm on board with this. Can photoshop but need help with French slogans to use. If we get some good ones I'll plaster them all over Hollywood and try to get them picked up by the news.

I believe our best angle of attack is to meme Macron as gay:
-most shitskins despise gays.
-This could be enough for some christcucks to go against the word of their candidates. (if even half of christcucks vote LePen it's free win since more than half of commies will vote LePen)

Some quick memes sorry for the low quality but not being in too much on frog culture i don't want to dig myself into something before i know it's going to work.
Also the base image if any frogfag wants to translate it.

Fixed one of the images text was too small

Right now she has:
-her base 23%
-NDA 5%
-about half of commies ~10%

For a total of 38%.
Christcucks represent 20%, if we manage to persuade 60% of them to vote LePen it's won. Rigt now 0% of them will vote for her because Fillon's order, we have a lot to do!

This whole thing is a complete repeat of last November, down to the pathetic impotent shills losing their minds in between cries of ZIONIST SHILL MUH MASONS REEEEEEEE.

After Madame President is sworn in, will we see these same derelict losers haunt every thread reposting trash memes from old CTR folders and still wailing and weeping about "muh masons muh zionists muh broken c-campaign promises reeeeee"?

Well considering Le Pen is at 58 and Macron is at 42, the bot is doing a terrible job.

Doesn't that logic only work if you assume that the entirety of her current support is non-christians? I have a feeling the 20% of frogs who are actually christian are mostly already voting Le Pen anyway.

tbh I'm pretty blackpilled on the french election. If the most Le Pen can get is fucking 23% during a goddamn migrant invasion with hundreds of people killed over the past few years and attacks happening regularly including several over JUST THIS PAST WEEK, then I don't see how anything could possibly get these retards to vote Le Pen. The kebabs could literally blow up the Eiffel Tower and they would STILL vote against Le Pen.

Don't even get me started on the boomer cucks who will vote Macron because "muh pensions" and because they know that the demographic decline of white europe won't be a real issue until after they're already dead.

Oy vey!

You're a lapping idiot trying to pose as a "leader." Non-French people don't know language, don't know media landscape. You're trying to give fucking "tacitical" speeches, but the logistics here from day 1 of this have been that non-French don't know language or culture or media landscape. This is all fucking meaningless, it's not in French. Who would want an American telling them what to do in a foreign language?

Until/Unless a dedicated French autist makes a map of the French media landscape, this is pointless. And her media team is garbage since they passed on free autistic labor. Need translators and a good map of French social, not meaningless bullshit "I'm a leader, goys!" shit. Until/unless that happens, it's all stick dick in a wet cement wall and same results. The French have to own this and do more work.

Not necessarily. Le Pen wants to ban ALL public displays of religion. Christians don't like being told they have to hide it.

oh hai

Just give him the Putin treatment. Gay clowns for everyone!

need slogans from baguettes

"Maricon" means faggot in spanish.

Need to dig in French language archives on social media. No normal human marries a woman 25 years his senior with a wife's son older than he is. He's a fucking degenerate. We need access to the expensive whore/fag websites around paris. I promise, he'll turn up somewhere. We need French/canadian autists.



Does anyone have a link to this video?

This is also his first political campaign, which means that his/his family's shit hasn't been solidly put away by the Jews since they haven't had time. You can bet Jewggle got rid of a lot with "muh right to forget," but there has to be big time shit on he and his family somewhere. It's frustrating since no one can do anything without French to open the gates.

Check the video I made for Le Pen

No, they don't upload some of the live ones. So unless someone is on standby recording. It is lost forever. Unfortunately.

A very special kind of "my wife's son"

I would put the credits and the "presents" sort of thing at the end. you know seems less gamey and more grassroots. But the video is damn good fam

You don't understand the french election, it's like if both Clinton, Sanders, Trump, El Rato, Rubiot, ¡Jeb! run at the same time, You can't expect more than 25%

Now it's really just le pen vs macroni

TBH nothing works better on general people than "with open gates" type memetics. And things like "why are we doing this to ourselves?"




I understand that. I'm referring to the fact that very few people will switch to voting for Le Pen in the 2nd round. It's going to be a double digit landslide for Macron because everyone else outside of Le Pen's base will vote against her, like idiots.

Damn, that's pretty fucking cucky. Is it because she really just wants to ban islam, but can't do so without some universalist blanket statement, and therefore has to give up christian displays as collateral damage? Or is she genuinely a fedora-tipping militant atheist?


Shills will be gassed.

can meme magic fix this?

Elle est forte et admirable, nationalitse, et elle parler franchement; elle est le chef nous avons besion! elle est mignonne aussi

i guess my own dubs says yes

Damnit user, you glorious fucking bastard, toasting in epic bread, I cannot rly do shit rn cuz I'm not in the place but I will pledge allegiance to the cause

Checked, apparently meme magic can't just fix it IT'S THE WILL OF KEK IT GETS FIXED.

Sending best wishes from Canada. Save yourselves, Frogs; don't cuck out like we do.


If any frogs can point us to where to meme hashtags and the such, right now I'm scouring french social media using jewgle translate to understand somewhat what is going on.

I'm slapping that one some images right now

I found an image of Le Pen wearing a smug Pepe pose.

She's not "married". She has a "domestic partner". Decide from that what you will.

In her speech in Lyon on 10 December 2010, she mentioned the fate of gays living in difficult neighborhoods, victims of religious laws replacing the republican law. (Defending the gays) And she does state that citizenship is indivisible from nationality - so she is a civic nationalist.

Few typos, it should be

In Quebec French you'd say "elle est la chef" but I think in France French they say "elle est le chef".

really, why isn't this being more pushed? I thought normies were pro grill power, doesn't it make them bigot misogynists to not vote Le Pen?

Tonight was a good night so have some comfy meme frogs free of charge


Sadly I think you are well aware of the mental gymnastics normies make on a daily basis, female president is fine unless the MSM say so.


One of the most powerful and emotionally damaging realizations that any human goes through is the moment they discover that the world isn't black and white.

Highlight their opposites, instead of focusing on her policy, focus it on his:
Also do the opposite:
I could add more ideas if needed, be subversive and don't "repesent" a set of particular ideas/ideology, play both sides, but everything in a light that harms him in detriment of Le Pen.
Cause a furor in the media, the french will like to draw ask a frog if their people would like to draw spotlights for them like what happened in Brexit or the election of Donald John Trump.





Merci, je suis etudiant et Francais est mon matiere secondaire. J'adore les conseils!






You can't do a ban on a single religion from what I understand. General bans work well enough though because the most a christian will have is a cross on a necklace, which is easy enough to hide and even without hiding it doesn't call any attention. A burqa on the other hand looks like a giant middle finger a mile away.
Marine isn't atheist, she's Catholic.


It'd be better to meme him as a gay pedophile. It's really easy to do since he already looks extraordinarily like and most likely is one.

Thanks for a wonderful dump fam.


now this is looking like meme warfare. this energy level is comfy… but i think we can go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND

we've got two weeks people.


you have my support froggos, thanks for the help in 1777

Get the fuck in here boys

we all need to get on twitter and start following french frogs and spread these memes for the next two weeks

Checked and keked.
That's the plan and it seems kek agrees with it.



If there was ever a time for americans to help the french like they helped us during the revolutionary war its NOW…

Help spread these memes burgers.





Marion Le Pen, Marine Le Pen, and Jean-Marie Le Pen are all Catholic. Le Pen and Marion specifically attend a Latin Rites Mass (that's pre-Vatican II mass). As an Orthodox Christfag myself I don't like the idea of Le Pen removing all religious symbols, but goddamnit if it forces Muslims to remove the burkas and whatnot then so be it. At least then they can't reeee that it's a Muslim-specific ban like they did here in the US with the travel ban.


graduate, he previously worked at the general inspection of finances and could also become the top civil servant
at the Finance Ministry.












Gentlemen, these must be in french, we need this to seem as indigenous as possible if we are going to flood french twitter


Great Idea, unfortunately I'm not a meme wizard myself so take these pics of tonight antifas at the Place de la Bastille and do some meme magick with it
I'll drop other pics next post

She also specifically said Sikhs can't wear turbans and Jews can't wear yarmulkas.

Almost missed these trips

Marine's victory video speech and pics


two France departments pro FN and a map of France

My whole day of memery. Some are probably gonna get the "file already exists" error and I'm too lazy to resize them.

Ffs man, tintin is belgian, not french

half of belgium belongs to france

Tomorrow's newspapers frontpage and two interesting infographics showing the growing trend of far-right in Europe and decline of Socialists

Part two

It should at least be part of a big united Low Countries thing. What a non-country, Belgium.

We need to nail Macron to the wall over his bizarre domestic situation. Seduced by his middle-aged high school teacher at age 15, goes on to marry her and become a stepdad to a man older than him. Even for the French, it's fucking tawdry. The meme potential is infinite.

Part three (last)

this could ruin him. start digging.


Absolutely. South Belgium (Wallonia?) is French, North Belgium (Flanders?) is Dutch.
Brussels? nuclear wasteland

A reminder Hitler was a Latin Mass Catholic too. Fuck the Communist Pope, it's time for Catholics to reclaim their "Deus Vult" title! Stop letting all these new-age faggots and their "Vernacular Mass." Save yourselves and your Christian heritage France! Sincerely, an Orthodox in America.


this guy is living the dream

You don't deserve to post ITT you sick fuck.


that's not even a gilf, user. That's just an ugly, old bitch.

she looks less hot in the video

spotted the true niggers

yeah but I bet she was hot when he was 15

For the first pic : "Rendons à la France son insouciance"

dirty nigger faggot. i dream of seducing a youthful woman i can have babies with that aren't potatoes.

double dubs checked

The truth is a bit obscured on the infographic on nationalist parties throughout Europe. While Kukiz'15 and Jobbik are nationalist, the direction of Poland and Hungary has really been decided by PiS and Fidesz, as they turn more populist in order to avoid losing votes to more radical parties.

but faggots in denial like you cant have children anyways, user

THis is derailing bullshit. Kill yourself

He was actually a lapsed Catholic, but his Vichy regime ally Marshall Pétain was Catholic, and the friendly leader of Slovakia Fr. Tiso actually said the Latin Mass, though since there was no vernacular then Latin Mass is redundant.

We must attack at the retarded far left to vote Le Pen using the Kike tactic of "muh accelerationism".

::full stop::

Also, I just found out that one of his stepkids was his high school classmate… he literally fucked his classmate's mom, married her, and became his dad. What the fuck.

Let me remind you that the blackpilled faggots on Endchan literally voted for Hillary.


Is the other one wrong gramatically or did you just prefer a different message for the vibe of the picture?

Someone make memes from this.


If I may inquire, how do you plan on actually getting Le Pen elected? Who's going on the ground to sway voters to vote for Le Pen?

blue dick kebab stomper will vote to stomp kebab into a blood puddle

why does this look like a purple man eating a large water melon?

can we check how often he gets fucked by his wife's son?

or fuck it, just meme it regardless
you dont need language skills just a pic of them together with their names and a heart sign between them
no defeatism, only autism


Looking at you Brit Holla Forums WTF yous talk to them frogs better than us burgers?

Take your shitty defeatist image macros and gtfo please.

Argiefag here, proving that I am not a nigger and since I am a mutt, I may or may not have 1/10 French blood mixed in me today by memeing with all I've got for the glory of Kek and the God Empress. I will be making more of these, I suggest you anons work on these too.
Here is the template and my first attempt, I'm downloading tons of French culture pics for these.



What we really need is for Trump to vocally and publicly support her.

Although, I dunno, what do Frenchanons (if we even have any here…) think?

That's a terrible idea and could easily backfire. Remember when Obama tried to shill for Remain? It'd be the same thing here.

Well Trump vocally supported Brexit, so that's that. But he didn't shill for it.

nice try there shlomo


Reminds me of that song from the 50s, the purple people eater.

10/10 nice work with the clear tape baguettes are funny


Thanks user, I appreciate it :')

Working on another one as we speak


Where do I go to stay updated on the french election?

Le Pen right now needs to appeal to moderates and convince leftists that her economic protectionism is better than Macaroni's limp-wristed centrist positions.

Trump is wisely staying away until she's elected.

I just listened to Flip radio talking about how Macron's MILF fetish is so French and romantic.How the fuck did an artifact of French shilling reach here!? A country that doesn't give a shit about the French except for globalizing faggots who want to up their pretentiousness

KEK wants Holla Forums to meme harder



Fiers de nos frêres

but only if u continue to raise the fire. Allons-y!

Great !

"La France pour le Français" is weird. Prefer "La France aux Français". But it's an old slogan and it will be called "extremist".

"Pour un avenir pour les enfants blancs" will seem racist in France. Just "Un avenir pour nos enfants"(a future for our children) is enough. (in this part of the election, the goal is to convince moderate people)

And "sauver la culture française" instead of "sauver la culture européenne" (cause Macron said French culture doesn't exist)

Jews are upping the bar. They're desperate to make Macron win

Mr. Purple People Eater, don't eat me!

mr purple people eater don't eat me.



It's over guys. The republicuck front will "defeat facism" once again.
And don't pull Brexit or Trump, the FN and Le Pen family has been demonized for 40 years now. Boomers and Millenials need to die for Le Pen to rise.

We've been linked on leddit lads. Here come the normies.


Nothing more annoying than blackpilled defeatists.

gore it up brother, you know the drill

Just leddit being leddit

reddit. com/r/The_Donald/comments/67514q/4_chan_offers_strategy_for_the_second_round_of/dgnwu70/

I'd tell them to shut the fuck up but I got banned for doxing for posting that anyone that could contact sean stiles should let him know about eric clanton.

fucking goddamn morons. someone tell them to shut the fuck up, they keep saying our name REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


kek wills it

Might want to provide images with and without words - make it easier for french speakers to replace with french.

Mr. Purple People Eater, don't eat me!

personne macron

means 'no one macron'

now you make le pen tout le monde with a turn of phrase than means all of france and rhymes.

I did the first part.

Here we go again.
You don't understand France and you're memeing in english like retards. You really think you're gonna hit the french core electorate with english memes ?
Go shill on if you want to coordinate the effort.



ok im dumb

"personne macron

Le Pen Tout Le Monde"

no one macron

everyone Le Pen


I have a few concerns. Macaroni got 3% more of the vote than Le Pen did, and that's mostly because so many cucks were siding with Fillon because to them Le Pen is "Le ebil Nazi woman". The entire base of Melenchon and Hamon are gonna be rallying behind Macaroni, along with some of Fillon's base. The French media is also 100% on Macaroni's side.

The best course here would be to have Le Pen schedule a debate next week against him and duke it out one on one.


It is easier to demonize something with a face, it's propaganda 101.
That said there starts to have huge suspicions of fraud here. They're pulling an Austria bis.


Macron maybe but Mélenchon I doubt it.
They really are the french Bernouts, they hate Le Pen but I think Macron represents something they hate even more. I'm sure a considerable chunk of his electorate will vote Le Pen and another one will vote blank.


Le Pen got 21%. Macron got 24%. This might seem close, but it's fucking terrible. The people who voted for someone else than Le Pen and Macron will all vote for Macron en masse in the second round. Don't believe me? Check the last several french presidentials.

For the next two weeks, every french paper, tv network, radio station, website, blog, celebrity, politician and college teacher will be bombarding the citizenship with the same message:

Le Pen is literally Hitler, if she wins France will be destroyed, remember WWII, muh holocaust, muh Vichy regime, etc.

It will be a non-stop anti-FN propaganda stream from every possible source. I'm not kidding here, if you thought the US media was anti-Trump, you've not experienced how anti-FN the french media is. And the average French is so bluepilled that if a news anchor told them to put their hands on their shoulders, flap their arms and cluck like a chicken for the next three hours, they would and wouldn't even question it.

We have two weeks to counter that. The memes need to be strong. The redpilling needs to be intense.


She's gonna have to go full on Trump here, and that means rally after rally. She needs to start blasting the French media as well and expose them.

How do we circulate through French Society on Social Media?


It sucks that France really doesn't have something like halfchan or Holla Forums to work with. At least the Germans got Krautchan, France has nothing at all.

Spotted the shill.

Despite what you may have been led to believe, the French are anglophiles. You can meme at them in english.

If you're French however, do go ahead and meme in french. Il est temps pour les Français de reprendre la France.

Look at the first image. This is all the areas Le Pen and Macaroni won. Now look at the second image. Notice something important?

I think there is a way to reach them.

1. Go to "Official" French Twitter Accounts and Look at the posts.

2. Find people who are replying in French.

3. Tweet the memes at them or in the posts and optionally send a message of support and solidarity for Le Pen.

Only need to reach a few who will disseminate them and spread them.

yeah but that map isnt current. youll find that the current map actually correlates better i bet. meme it!



That is a nice plan you have there. It would be a shame if someone went on and snitched about it….

Even the Russians have their own chan site set up. Come on French anons, make frogchan a reality

Start spamming pro-marine and anti-macron shit on Reddit:




We need just as much or maybe even more meme magic like we've seen at the US elections to make this happen.

Good points.


This is the best one not knowing French culture. Every country thinks their culture is the best, even better than their allies.

Ho lee fuk
She looks like she could be his mom.

Riiiiiiiiight. She was banging him underage, no doubht. She would have been 39 when they met. I mean I can kind of get that he fell for his HS "sweetheart" but this is just too weird.
So a cuck^3

Putting his Rothschild kikey connections aside just that fact that he made such a poor selection in mates would make me question his ability to make decisions for an entire country.

forgot the pics

Also, look for French Twitter Tags. Their tags are probably different and based on region.

Maybe even set up some accounts with a location as Paris or somewhere in France.

Curently, #Presidentielle2017 appears to be trending there.

fucking gross.

Thank god you've spoilered that shit

Those pics are pretty usable for our cause though.

he fucks that user. and they think he's mentally together enough to lead a country on the verge of collapse.

Seriously I'm this dumb… just got back online.

Who won?

Thats not how the french elections work,

it only has just begun.

Did all the votes get counted yet?

I'm looking for any reports on who won…. ???

Oh, thanks. I'm an Amerifag, I don't understand European politics.

Take this one Oh, Francophones to the bank!

Jolie s'il-vous-plaît! Publiez ceci partout!

Haute énergie …

There's a round 2 coming up

Its Le Pen vs Macron

So how many rounds are there total, 3 rounds? Whoever wins 2 gets elected?



The next round is the last round and will decide the victor.

macaroni targeted, preparing KOAB at the burnt macaroni, prepare for overcooked noodles.

Two rounds. First round is pick your favorite. Second round is everyone ganging up on the nationalist to ensure France is destroyed.

IMO, if someone got a hand on a more current mosque, crimes and such, it will be a pretty good infographic to persuade the western part of France

Got any mememetic experts online?

Need more focused Energy regarding MOAK's!

tourism is going to take a shit if immigration keeps up

We need more Macron memes

(don't look at me; I don't know a lick of French)

linguistic kill shot ala "crooked hillary"

hard mode because "french"

Maybe a bit of zeroing in on those who turned told their voters to support Macron as well? Make a bit of a Bernie out of him to get more voters? "They wouldn't vote for him, so why should you?" kind of argument.

Judging by this map we should try targeting certain area's. I suggest the Macron ones inside Le Pen land then move to gradually taking Macron land.
We have the spirit on our side, but Macron is viewed as an acceptable centrist, we need to demonize our opponents.
Give him the HIllary treatment. Find as much dirt on him as you can, from any time, and spread it to French groups in social media or real life if possible.
Le Pen just barely came in 2nd. We need to bring down Macron if we are to win.


I know a little of survival-level of Francais due to Canada's Federally mandated Bi-lingual language education!

Need my help, JUST ASK!


I read a similar discussion earlier and it sounded like the most damning thing to bring to light, purely from a political career standpoint is that he was Hollande's minister of finance (or whatever the fuck they call it). Making that clear would probably be a good idea too.

Here's another high energy French PATRIOT MEME!

Not enough Frogs! If you ask me….

Le Pen needs a San Bernardino moment before May 7th.

Protection from the snake

Oops forgot to pin this to Post!

Not sure about grammar

Your grammer somewhat okay!

And a shout out to the guy who posted the Marian meme: NO SHIT THE WOMAN WILL CRUSH THE ISLAMIC SNAKES HEAD!

If you got the Son of Man on your side! CHECK AND MATE, LUCIFER!

Dude Macron has a ton of Skeletons in his Closet! Ask his Bureaucratic homie Prez. O'land!



reddit sure as fuck flooded this thread fast after it was linked on reddit r/the_cuckold



Is that his wife?
She looks Jeb-tier.



Need captions.

we should put together a solid infographic of France terror attacks, or even just europe overall. Also, the married your teacher thing is weird, but prob not as weird to frogs

When did he say that?
If we find the video, and edit into it pictures of all the terrorist attacks that have happened in France in recent times, we could really turn the tide in Le Pen's favor by redpilling French social media.

Le Seigneur est avec nous…. Francia!



Help us…… The True God of this universe…..

French presidential elections, has described terrorism as an “imponderable problem” which will be “part of our daily lives for the years to come”

Hope that helps convince the Catholics that still exist in France to vote for Le Pen….

Well what do you expect, they seem to think 4chan pol is on their side, and concurrently think Holla Forums is 4chan. I'd argue they're wrong on both accounts.

Holy shit I knew I recognized her from somewhere.

hey reddit, paste this link into a new browser window, and translate good quotes about terror being a part of daily life for us breitbart.

I vote we let Europe burn. Europe is Mohammed's maxi pad now. I think that we should let all Frenchfags and Eurofags in as long as they can assimilate. But seriously…Mexifags have to go.


Dude….. not a good Strategic move!

We need the French Front lines manned against the Islamo-Fascists!

They'll use Europe as their Launch pad to Murica and the Northern Canucks!

And I tell you truly they'll strike us first and make Canada a real life Canuckistan!…..

What were the final legitimate non-pozzed results of the first round?

autism: the post

somehow I get the feeling you're a fat American

please for the love of God put spaces between your paragraphs so it's easier to skim through your melodramatic self-important blogpost you fucking faggot Jesus Christ. And of course this bullshit thread is stickied toobecauseautistic mods who just running through the motions after theirTrump circle-jerk was destroyed.

Maybe Holla Forums could have actually had some influence on thisdamn election if you weren't masturbating over Tucker Carlson vids and re-enacting your delusional self-worth ego boost you felt on November 8 by rewatching compilation videos on youtube. EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS.

And yes, Marine Le Pen is going to lose and we've fucked up our only chance of salvaging what left we have of France. At least we got Trump in the White House am I right guys? xDD shadilay am I right guys? xDDD shadilay shadilay ex deeee

Fuck Holla Forums and fuck the autists who still go here. Even 4/pol/ is more useful than here and that says a lot.

Now can you see have bitter and emotionally dejected I am in this post? Good, you hve some sense, now read your own post and tell me it's not autistic as all Hell. It's so fucking obvious you're an oblivious outsider who just sees this as some extension of your faggy alt-right shit. It's like you're a 15 year old roleplaying a communist revolutionary in your fucking minecraft games you pathetic shit.

Macron looks like the gullible child Hillary beat to get into the senate.

He kinda looks like swirlface


Nobody cares about your bitch fest

What was the original picture?



Not unless you're talking about them coming at us from Leafland.


can we get a gore dump, this thread needs some chemotherapy

honestly OP this is a simple French election general and you had to flower it up with your long-winded gay larp-post. If you really just cared about Holla Forums beingproductive over the next two weeks you'd have kept it brief mostlyimpersonal with a sentence or two, not rite 500 words of your own personalise spiel no one gives a fuck about.

nobody cares about the OP and it's not helping anyone having a long overcomplicated post to lead the stickied French discussion

faggots like you are why mainland Europe is fucked

yes plz


Vault7 Part B will be released soon and there is a high probability that it will further indicate CIA interference in foreign elections, possibly this specific election in France.

It could be used to Le Pen's favor.

you guys are so bad at everything you disgusting commie faggots

Waste of dubs

Literally all you're doing here is bitching with nothing behind it. You're like a child and highly worth being ignored.



Jesus Christ


Alright Frenchmen, it's up to you. I want to wake up to globalist whining.

You can do it, but will you?


Americans are your only hope Euro dude, remember that freedom isn't free, all your high minded theories on how politics should be ran has amounted to allowing a bunch of Africans and Muslims into your country and you can't blame us because you as a people can't say anything as a collective anymore, you've allowed yourself to loose the image of what a French person is.

Only Americans as a people know what French people should look like or German people, British people, Irish people should look like.

And that's because underneath the burger bellies and maga hats, we just want to know our homelands.

Americans who have no culture or history of their own?

Americans are a mixed breed

Europe for the Europeans.

I may have a Swabian and Prussian mixture but that's far better than what you're country will look like if you loose.

And we got a lot of history, like how we freed the slaves and have been finding new ways to get them the welfare money they need since then.


Listen nigger, how do you plan to get rid of millions of mudslimes from Europe without starting WW3? Not a job LePen can do, is it? Think with your head and not with your lips.

Any good history though?

on the off-chance that this anyone wants some actual advice here, DO NOT LISTEN TO THAT. It's complete bullshit and I'm not familiar with how Americans vote but French people DO NOT vote like this, they're not lazy. Just look at the 2002 election if you'd like, higher turnout than the tight 1995 election and Jean-Marie Le Pen winning was nont just a close-to impossibility, it was 100% impossible.

But then there aren't any actual French people here, at best it's a bunch of american alt-right who're gonna turn people against Le Pen by posting their memes autistically outside of Holla Forums (see: that retarded poster campaign from last week)

you're a fucking retard, it's really funny when an American alt-right talks about europe because it's clear you geteverything from Holla Forums and youtubers which is pure autism.

My country even 1% Muslim (yet) by the way. But please talk more shit about nations you know nothing about while there's no orthodox ethnic base to your own you fucking retard.

(sorry for bullying so hard I'm just really bitter about Le Pen not coming first, that was all I was hoping for in 2017)

Well this thread went to shit in a hurry after being linked.

it was dead on arrival

Gas chambers. It's tradition.

Fair point.

sadly i dont have any vid of filthy human saved
take doge vids instead

Well you can't give up and do Fucking nothing while France is being Bombarded by wild savage jahoodies! (Excuse my French)

To give up on them is pure Betrayel to the Anti-Globalists that dot the globe!

Meme magician reporting in. Shitposting like a frog constantly the past few days. The win is guaranteed

Le Pen should have won decisively. Too much shit is going on with the sandniggers in France. I refuse to accept that the French people are this stupid.

ZOG rigged this election with electronic meddling and compromised people in key positions, like it rigs elections in many places.

ZOG couldn't rig it for Clinton because it was obvious that Trump had the overwhelming support of the American people; just compare the size of his rallies to hers. But, they did make the results appear closer than they actually were.

Besides, the holohoax never happened larper. Leave the strategy to us.

Well don't waste time Just here! We have 2 fucking weeks to get into the heads of Monsieur Frog et madame Frog of Francia that Le Pen is the "THE FUCKING LESSER EVIL!" And that Macron is an establishment-Old boys club Lackey who with the rest of the Globalists are so out of Fucking touch with average joe blows of France!

the kikes don't fear revolution if le pen loses like they did with trump in the usa it seems like
How the fuck doesn't Le Pen have more support when a fucking cop car gets shot up like right before the election? Is France that suicidal? Do they really not care?
People getting run over with trucks doesn't motivate people to vote for the candidate assumed to be best at dealing with the muslims?

Anyone got any good useful info from any recent (True Capitalist Radio) broadcasts? Regarding the French elections and the globalist Pukes?

Making some OC. French anons please help. Does Macron have a campaign logo? Does the campaign have a slogan? Does France have an equivalent of the White House, a special building where the president lives?

How do you say "hey kid…Mind if I fuck your mom?" in regular casual French?

It's really easy, not letting it get so bad, we're still in the words phase.

Manifest Destiny?

Whatever, you think its a numbers game, culture isn't won by numbers alone a small force can run an entire country if they conquer it, that's how your providences/counties formed I can see how easily subjugated your Euro countries are and then you'd subjugate the Euro countries who weren't so cucked. You could have a Muslim dictator in your capital running the military, police arm for the rest of country by the end of this century if you fucked up bad enough. The same thing happened under Christianity but at least then the racial differences were minimal, but racial differences don't seem to matter to the vast majority of Europeans anymore. Arm yourself or accept your fate.

Also, "your mom is looking so hot" "damn, your mom is hot" and whatever related phrases seem natural in French. Thanks.

I see a lot of #LaFranceEnMarche for Marcon's slogan.


For the record, I'm not going "Give up, it's hopeless". I'm going "Don't slack off."

But here, you want the French to get redpilled? Go for the Maghreb. Go to moroccan, algerian, tunisian and whatever else communities. Get them on video. Record them saying how much they hate the French and want them to die. Then make the French realize how many of those people they've been allowing on their soil.

What's up fam

Yeah at this point if I or anyone at this point can't convince Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frog that France is fucked without Le Pen (jean of Arc 2.0) halting any further retarded self-inflicted globalist chaos…. Then Trump will need to send black Ops or something to that capacity to save France from its own damned Communized/Socialized Cucked self!

you're right on that one user

thanks for letting me autistically screech at you btw. here's another afd cutie

We'll lose this fight for certain, if we don't know Both our enemy in France, as well as our allies.

Anyone know a political liaison or Legal expert in France proper that knows the situation at Ground Zero that could shed some good light on the situation so we can get acquainted with the root of the problem at hand and work on solving it?


Like election maps that cover Soros owned election machines/Boothes?

We definitely need to cover those since there were A FUCKLOAD OF THEM in many states in the U.S.A.!


And don't forget the (Family of 13) Cabal and their Masonic minions!

They're main HQ's and base of operations are located in Europe!

Ah, I think I understand now.

Idk, could be complacency and fear of change, plus an extra large dose of both stupidity and denial.

slight edit
Aren't the FFL ready for a coup anyways?


Guys I'm a bit concerned about this map. It could go either way.

Coup d'état when?
My digits will predict how many cars are set on fire.

Gotta retire for the Night!

Someone fill in for me while I Rest my eyes and head off!

God the Father be with you 4channers and 8chaners!

It took 427 fucking years for the first one, and in today's climate I wouldn't be holding my breath for the next one, unless it starts outside of the papacy. Which if it does, have fun being blanket excommunicated as well as stirring up a shitstorm that won't solve much.

This deus vult shit's great, until you realize that if it actually happens under that banner you're going to catch more shit than a proctologist. As much as I want that to happen, it'll have to happen in a way that won't turn the stomachs of the average person, and when it gets to that point you won't really need much of a rallying cry considering everything will likely be on fucking fire.

I've been praying, fasting, and nofap for weeks for this. You guys have my energy. This is OUR timeline!

Madame President


sorry just meant France in general

Not sure who you're talking to Leaf. Could you pretty please with sugar on top note who you're replying to?

What kind of cuckboi marries a woman 25 years his senior? Disgusting.

I'm French and I don't understand what that mean.

"Tête à claques" is more common.

Grammaticaly correct but nobody speak like this.
Original tweet :
That mean : we live and will live with terrorist threat for long time.

Bizarro-world. When I was 18 I considered anyone even 5 years older to be hopelessly old and square. I could see being a horny 18 year old and bending the old hag over a couch for a quick nut but marrying the creature?

Is there a country France has a long standing relationship with akin to the relationship between USA and Russia? A tough rival who the have to posture against on the world stage? Is there any such a relationship that is currently relevant in French politics? Making OC. Thanks for any info.

Do not like.
Probably one of those child sacrificing types.

Meh, it's painfully obvious macaroni will win since all the scum that voted for other candidates will just vote for him now. Waste of time.

That map is interesting. There are no immigrant niggers I the west of France, hence the Macron majority. The path from south France to Calais is where there are immigrants and they are all Le Pen because they know what the immigrants are.

Only Paris saved Macron because they are so drenched in multiculturalism, they think it is normal.

I wish more people on this thread would listen to people like you. Europe is a waste of time. You can't fix decades of indoctrination, Marxism and bluepills. When the top candidate in nearly every Eurofag country is socialist, that's when you know you're fighting a losing battle. Let's hope that kind of shit never happens here (U.S.).

That's how you evetnaully lose the US, too, retard. Let's not forget that it was this close to being completely lost already.

Do you even politics? The U.S. is a center right country. Leftism there goes deep. It's not even the same ballpark.

Worth a try at least, though this thread seems fucking dead and derailed by this point as far as getting it's original purpose across goes. Can't write off all of europe anymore considering both brexit, how fucking hated labor is in the uk, and how close AfD came to winning in the netherlands, on top of the highest voting turnout for FN (afaik) since it's conception.

Might be worth it, might not, but who gives a fuck if there's "wasted effort", either it all amounts to nothing and there's a bunch of funny shit, or it works and there's still a bunch of funny shit.

It's not officially a get, but you're ID made me reconsider. Not to mention the fact that you make sense. But it does seem like us Amerifags are doing all the work. I guess LePen being there is a good sign, though. Just the fact that she's a nationalist in a leftist country who has a chance is practically a miracle. I'll give it that.

fuck you. As an American, considering America any other than Europe across the ocean is kikery. We are Europe. Europe is US!

Vote Le Pen, straw poll has no duplication checking.

also, smug jeb

sage because off topic

Whether we're descended from them or not doesn't matter. They turned their back on their heritage. The fags put Marxism on overdrive. That said, I am seeing things differently because of the other one's ID. And these are dubs I'm replying to.

That's a Tor ID, back to reddit.

I'm new. I mostly browse if anything.

I got dubs!
Le Pen 13211
Macron 9905
23116 Votes

I think we have a good chance with this one

Your ancestors were wrong, vote Macron. apparantly Vos ancêtres avaient tort, votez Macron. macron.jpg

Is this what is to become of France? is apparently
Est-ce que cela va devenir de France? calaisorsomeshitmontage.jpg

Towards what does France pay this cost? apparently
Vers la France paye ce coût? deathanddestruction.jpg

note: actual French people might use different word orders or terms of phrase or some shit that make the translation awkward even if google translate isn't lying. eg wrong macron wouldn't rhyme in french (maybe doesn't in english either).

How the fuck did Corsica not vote for Le Pen?


sorry just realised, but I never see links or any talkings aboot where Frenchies hang out and what their newspapers and popular comment sections are called why is that?

Assuming one has a full load prepared, where does the posts go?

Given 2 weeks, is it possible to discredit their national media, expose macron and colleagues, unite and pump up the population, and pull a massive upset? Or whatever last time was except on even more steroids?

Corse voted for MLP, Macron is third.

I haven't either, but if I were to hazard a guess it's mainly due to language barriers, combined with the fact that you aren't going to find many people from france on 8pol, or hell even 4pol. I think it's one of those situations where you'd need to have a thread like this that didn't… say… get linked to fucking The_Donald or have the opening post be a multi-paragraph example of "what will cause a 'not your personal army'" response.

Plus, prob need people who know enough about not only french culture but also specifically parisian, on top of which a decent knowledge of the names of the candidates, what their positions were (both in the sense of what their platforms for this election were, and past governmental postions), to get a full grip on how to make an effective whatever-the-hell-you-call-it.

who cares, civic nationalism and not naming the jew are entirely pointless anyway.
the blackpill needs to be massive and bitter before the hakenkreuz can rise again

Droppin the big facts

pic unrelated

Judging by Macron's Rubio-esque programmed response to immigration, a vote for him is more of a vote for sharia law than socialism.

this is some reddit tier post

Écraser les élections, SANS SURVOL!

Reminder that MLP is a socialist too :^)

This is a bad omen sent from Kek. Low energy displeases the chaos god.

Some coverage from The Jew York Times

French Parties Unify Against Le Pen: ‘This Is Deadly Serious Now’

I dont know what the mood is with the French. We need to think like focus group marketing fags.
It seems fear might be a good attack vector; frear of the unknown. We DONT really know what macaroni is up to its scary. Who is he really. Who is he beholden to?
Use the fear type strategies.

Her time will come, shadilay.

Can we push the muh vagina angle?


Focus groups are shit, fear tactics are shit, and everybody knows not to sperg the fuck out.

If you want an explanation as to why focus groups are shit and fear tactics are shit, I'm sure someone here will fill you in.


Poll: Who would get your vote in the French presidential election?


As a French nationalist I must say that your enthousiasm here is quite comforting… because this morning we're feeling very bad here, since it seems very unlikely she can win. You made Trump win, but it looks like we've been so jewed, that they'll put Clinton in power in France instead… I guess they couldn't afford to loose France after the Brexit and all. I'm sorry to sound like a defeatist but I'm so fucking disgusted of my "people".
After all we've been through, Marine should have AT LEAST been first with 30%… It's incredible…

On the bright side, some Mélenchon, and Fillon voters don't seem to want to vote against her.. but well…

#SansMoiLe7Mai is trending #1 in France RIGHT NOW, where Frenchies are voicing their abstention in the 2nd round.

Perfect hashtag for anti Macron memes. A huge part of Trump's victory was people didn't want to turn out for Hillary. Let's make Macron as unpalatable as her.

is college a worldwide jewish scam to turn the bright young minds into slaves? it not only rips you off your money and time but also of all your motivation. what could be taught within couple of months is taught over 4 years and doesn't make people job ready either

Thousand times this. French should dig into this if they wish to ruin the banker.

The Bataclan coverup is a smoking gun, show the frogs they are being lied to. Getting digits is not enough, you have to subvert their belief in authority for El Benis to win.

"La chef" is derogatory in france
Would be a perfect attack against the nazi candidate

If one is an autistically inclined user, higher learning is a purposefully designed hell on earth. I went to study Artificial Intelligence at the University of Amsterdam and couldn't tolerate the casual attitude. For fuck's sake I taught myself over 2,000 kanji in a year but these guys needs three years just for the most basic programming skills. University is paced for normalfags.

Imagine how I felt after learning that AI is still total shit and jewish too. What a waste of time.

One thing, frenchanon: do not let fake polls demoralize you. We do not know what the unfucked polls really look like. CIAniggers rig the polling predictions and thereby meme the result they want.

This, and that he is a banker who was pushed by the establishment, are what I would emphasize. There are no such coincidences, he is a part of the globalist establishment.

Many of the images posted here are unconstructive as fuck.

you mean our PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS, the current generation has been indoctrinated by socialist lies, it's the fucking boomers brainwashing Gen X and Millenials all over again, man

shop a hijab on macron
You dont dont need captions, anons
But you can use this one
Macron piège á con (fool trap)

https: //

I don't know French, but there is always google translate. How about things like these:

I am the establishment
You must accept Terrorism
I won't protect you from terrorism
Paris belongs to muslims


Je suis l'établissement
Vous devez accepter le terrorisme
Je ne vous protégerai pas du terrorisme
Paris appartient aux musulmans

Did not the Rothschilds enrich in a blow to the financial market of England spreading a rumor that Napoleon had won the war, even knowing that the French had lost?

How/Were the Rothschilds involved in the french revolution?

Nathan, yes.

We need pictures of macron with his ancient wife, his step sons or better yet all of them together. That would surely be prime meme material. It would give any normalfag a bad feeling about Macron and his 'family'.


to justify democrats shitting on trumps kids?

Even if you have no decency, be smarter than that

A picture of Trump and his family is not by itself incriminating. A picture of Macron with a woman who is over two decades older and her stepsons says more than enough just by being seen.

So Le Pen didn't even get first place? I thought she was supposed to do well. What chances are there if we can't even do that. At least it's not the socialist.

French-friend. Could it be that people are too afraid to come out as Le Pen supporters? It was kind of the same with Brexit. People were very hesitant, up until the last moment.

I'm feeling you though. Not French, but European. Macaroni will make life miserable for all of us here…

Even the wizard spoke about the botnet pushing incestuous shit about him and his daughter.
Yeah, leftists will surely grow a conscience out of thin air.

This boy has really taken his oedipus complex to a new level. Running the country for mommy.

Thanks, defeatist concern troll. Instead of a field of 8 candidates or whatever the actual number is, it's just two. She clearly has a chance if we keep working hard to get her in office and (especially) if shitskins and mudslimes keep blowing shit up.

Implying you are supposed to have some kind of moral standard

I'm hoping for a massive chimp out in the coming days. But i bet the niggers are laying low. They know she'd be using their behavior as ammunition.


We all know Macron is a poof. If we can prove it, we can do some pretty serious damage to him- enough damage that Wesearchr once put out a bounty on any intel leading to such conclusions.

Possible leads:

Lived most of his early life in the same town. Is there a big city nearby? Any gay clubs near there? Any gay clubs with facebook/online photo albums near there?

Again, any gay clubs in the area? Any gay-ish concerts happen near there that have online photo albums? Or perhaps he has a gay lover that lives in the area…

One more angle:

He hooked up with his teacher while he was in high school? Needless to say, this is not normal behavior. Don't know what it could mean, but it struck me as unusual enough to include.

Drama club. Based on my admittedly preliminary glance into this man's life, I see a possibility that he has maintained a low-key ongoing gay relationship with someone he met in drama. Who else was in the drama club? I bet there are at least articles that name other members. Facebook and local news could place them in or around the places Macron takes his regular vacations.
One last long shot could be to scope out literary events that happened in the area and see if he appears in any of the event photos with another man.

Could a Frenchfag please give me a translation for pic related?

be careful what you meme friendo

This guy is being pushed like Obama, to represent "hope and change" even though he's unknown and inexperienced. He's obviously just going to be an obedient pawn of the international bankers (the establishment). Maybe that angle can be memed somehow. I mean the fact that it's an obvious trick, and only an idiot would fall for it.

Are there any populair French Twitter accounts who support Le Pen? We should send the memes to them so they can spread it amongst their people

Why not send to Le Pen, herself?

Another frog here but the numbers we have now aren't polls, they're the results of the 1st turn. Le Pen needed more votes than Macron because during the 2nd turn everyone would turn against her, a lead would've meant more leeway for her to grab a win.
I'm still completely disgusted at my countrymen to have voted at 23% for a completely fabricated character that was unknown a year ago. Not only that but he has a disastrous record during his time at the economy. It's really amazing the number of sheep ready to vote whatever the TV tells them. They could have pushed for Joe the hobo and he would've been elected president.

Ok I updated them. (One more coming.)

If you have a better idea for the text or positioning in the first one here , do tell!

So it's basically over then

How is she supposed to stand a chance when all other parties will unite against her? Fuck democracy.

Last one.

Logos, hot off the presses.
Apologies if these are duplicates of anything.

I thought Jewish lamp shades were a hoax?

Well heres hoping that enough Fillon and Melenchon voters who don't want the EU shaft will wise up and vote for LePen.

Otherwise the "peaceful" solution went out the window and you frogs are gonna have to start getting really violent really soon.

Vote Macron get Hollande.

I don't even like Le Pen, just hope the EU explodes.

Well I won't stay it's over until I've voted and we've seen the results, either way I'm 90% sure Macron will make Hollande look like the best president ever elected because he's as incompetent as him on top of having all of Tel Aviv behind him, more so than Hollande. The angle I'm worried about is that the French media is pushing the narrative that Macron isn't left but is a centrist, the way he's been able to win is that he's "made" his own party instead of being affiliated with PS. If Macron turns out to be shit the media may try to push the "he wasn't PS/FI lads so it's okay we can vote PS/FI again !". That or they'll push the cuckservative candidate of the year.

Either way, if Marine isn't elected I'll lose what little respect I have for my countrymen left. You should see how people behave hear, the smug air they have about them "at least I'm not voting like those peasants, I'm voting for le young and dynamic banker ! How progressive I am !" (same thing with Mélanchon, he was shilled heavily through outlets targeted at students/young people). One classmate in my engineering school straight up told me "How can you vote Le Pen if you're young ?".

can't argue with digits like that, you better not failed us kek

Fuck these one hurt hard.

L'existence du peuple français et un avenir pour leurs enfants:

You need to take it to the streets. Le Pen's young voters need to get out there and create HIGH ENERGY rallies. That's the only way. That, and more memes.

I'm not even trying to be funny. I'm dead fucking serious. It's how we win the culture war.

Could you translate please?


Say it with me.



So. Frog here.

Almost true, except
No. EVERY CANDIDATE will vote for Macron, but even if they call their voterbase to vote Macaron, there's a big hole to screw here considering:
** the establishment parties (PS & LR) have lost all their legitimacy, and as candidates of then-established parties they lost their relevance altogether. Basically, they have no voterbase anymore.
** Fillon didn't call his electorate to vote Macron. That's another (((big lie of the MSM))). Here is what he said:
>I'll vote Macron, even if it's up to you to do what's best for our country and your children.
Why are they still lying ? Isn't the game over for ebil nahtzee Le Pen ? Well, because THEY ARE STILL AFRAID.
** That has been said elsewhere but I'll repeat: for the most part, Mélenchon voters won't vote Macron. Either they'll abstain or they'll vote Le Pen (less probable). Since they are special snowflakes, IDK if pushing them a volkish narrative like the beautiful posters made will work (worse, it may backfire). But I may be mistaken.
Consider Fillon and Hamon voters like coins on the edge to flip to one side or another at any moment.
But when they flip, changing their mind will be out of question. We're talking about sheeps that voted for the same dominant parties that ruled and ruined France for decades. They'll stick to their new shepherd until it falls (if there's ever again an April 23rd). So we have to go fast.

Go grab some juicy information from "" and TV Liberté's "stopppons Macron" thingy.
proposed some interesting leads to dig by ourselves. Remember that Holla Forums did his part in the Trump election. France is the next stage on every aspect: difficulty, manpower, and MAGIC. We will do extra hours. We will exhaust ourselves. BUT WHAT DO TWO WEEKS MEAN AGAINST 5 YEARS OF EITHER NATIONAL REVIVAL OR BOLSHEVIC TRAGEDY ?

>Vous souvenez-vous quand vous vous sentiez en sécurité ?
(don't forget the space before the interrogation mark, it's small details like that that show your foreignness my dear)

La France n'est


Votez Le Pen

Show him the statistics.

france is traditionally very big on separation of church and state

It's literally over. There is not a hope she can win even if she get's most of Fillions votes. She needed to be 30% first round. Frogs should use the time getting FN candidates elected in the parliamentry elections and digging on Fillon, hitting his weak spots.

Looking at the statistics, it's obvious that older people are a big part of the problem. And they will not be reached via memes. There should be thousands of people (patriots, identitarians, anyone who cares enough to frequent this board and more) on the street every day this week, approaching and talking to old people and convincing them of voting for Le Pen.

Color me surprised.



Why is this ban seen as a positive?

Burqas act like voluntary stars of David on clothing, it allows us to easily spot muslims. Without them, they are somewhat indistinguishable from south Europeans.

It isn't defeatist you clown, we know all the data nearly. The polling is different to US, it is known how the next round will go, why are you so fucking deluded as to try and move to the next step. The French are cucks, she barely got 20%, she does not have the votes. Tactics need to change.

That's because you are listening to the media.
Stop listening to these jews (most of them are controlled by jews)
The narrative of the media don't want le pen and even all other political parties because they know that they will loose all their advantages (or most of them).

Il est facille de dire a la télèvision que X a perdu ou X a gagner alors que les elections ne sont même pas terminer.

Française, Français je considère que je ne part pas vainqueur car je ne sais pas ce que l'avenir resserve et c'est pour cela que je me bats jusqu’à ce que je gagne.

Because you believe data that comes from jews ?

Burka bans and Burkini bans are the civnats wet dream, rather than deport the problem, like American conservatives they think it's fine they will assimilate and then be as French as Coq au Vin. Let them be seen all over, it's a jolt to the French to see how the aliens are taking their country over.

Yeah, the French seem to want a left, paternalistic society. So we can get a coalition of the disaffected young, nationalists and leftists (Melenchon votes). That's where it needs to go.

Then we win.

La France c'est ça :

Et pas ça :

Votez Marine.

But forget it. It's not very clear and keep in mind that we must convince the moderatefags, not racists, they already vote for Le Pen.


The Führer would gas you.

The data is not opinion, it is how these faggots will vote next round. I did not predict Le Pen would get 20%, I thought she would do well in the first round and that would show a close run off. That was a fantasy, she will lose by 30% because their data was accurate. It can't be right first round, wrong second round, it's a fait accompli.
What should happen is Le Pen organise for the assembly votes as a priority, and that an anti-EU bloc form with all the gommies, socialists, from all blocs which is possibly a MAJORITY of voters if done in a smart way. This is a feasible back door to dismantling the globalists.

would you colossal TORpedo faggots get a real vpn and stop using Tor, you double niggers.

Why are you replying to youself?
Also nice id

Macron looks like a fag.

you fucked it up
now it says "france isn't [french flag]" [random niggerflag] "vote le pen"

How french works (for that scenario at least):
"est X" means is something
"n'est X" is completely incorrect and makes you look like a retard
"n'est X pas" means "is not X"

therefore the structure of your image isn't really translatable

Frogs from the Everything But Macron collective are going to march in Orleans, today at 7pm local time. I'm seeing distrust for Macron on a couple police related pages on kikebook.

Fuck, polls predicted a 40% Le Pen for the 18-24.
Fucking Mélenchon… I hope that a big piece of the cake will goes to Marine

We need to meme for these faggots, and meme hard. Their success is our success

T'es un crouille ou quoi ?


Melenchon was the spoiler candidate to suck votes off Marine.

How's our Madame President doing?

Can't we just make a list of slogans that oppose Macron and have that translated by our French friends? What about similar list of things which are promoting Le Pen?

It could come in a form of a git repository or google docs or something…

Also Sargon of cucks made a video with some interesting suggestions…

This might be obvious but… maybe stop memeing in English and get some frenchfags in here to correct any shitty literal translations you make, into something that people won't think was ejaculated by a robot with autism.

Not that they don't speak English over there, just that there is a cultural element you are missing out on by doing them in English. Slang for instance, or being able to rhyme words or get some alliteration going. all of it gets lost in translation.

Sargon of Cuckkad just released a video talking about possible meme ideas; photoshopping Macron as an aristocrat and stressing how much money he has might be a good way to turn the working class against him. I doubt many people in France are fond of the aristocracy, even today.

He also points out that Fillon has come up very strongly against Islam is the past, so his voters might be the ones we should try to target and sway, since Le Pen's rhetoric would likely resonate with them.

Also points out that we could steal Melenchon voters by playing off their Euroscepticism and pointing out that Le Pen is even more likely to leave the EU than Melenchon.

Tell him that young people have even more incentive to vote for FN, since they'll be alive to experience the consequences of massive immigration and consolidation of an unelected and all-powerful EU "government" (dictatorship). Then ask him what kind of world he wants to leave his own children.

Remind people he worked for Hollande; he still has plenty of links with them. He's no different, despite what he says, it will be more of the same.

This is the first time in 60 years none of France's mainstream parties have entered the second round
Praise Gex'

Guys I know most of us hate Sargon of cukkad but he makes a good point here on how to propaganda
If anybody can webm than that would be great

Kek bless the froggies shadilay

Underchecked. We should consider this angle.

What a fucking insult to aristocracy. The guy is a meterialist who wants to sell his own country, a sort of republican from what I understand, so the opposite of an aristocrat.
Why, because they'r more fond of the jewish revolution? If that's even true than France deserves to be wiped out.


fucking puritanism shills

The french revolution was as jewish as teh soviet one, and in fact very simmilar.

The US sinking into the sea overnight would be the absolute best thing to happen to the West.

She looks like she's been living at St-Tropez all her life, or in an oven, she's wrinkled and tanned beyond good sense.

yes, the modern college is in fact a jew scam like anything else that is touted as important

the French revolution was as jewish as it gets, and it's a shame that the French revere this period of their history so much as it's what is eventually leading to their moral and cultural decline

the spark perhaps, but it was fueled by hungry people, like all revolutions

parts of the east and west coast could sink with all the liberals, but the middle parts are based

He's a fucking elitist; the image will ring true, regardless, the comparison doesn't have to be 100% accurate to insult him. I'd say the aristocracy were doing a pretty good job of selling their country down the river before the revolution anyway. If you're just going to be a defeatist shill you can get out. These are our brothers and we need to do everything we can to help them see sense. We can't let France go; if we lose France now we lose our best shot of breaking up the EU, which is our best shot of saving Europe from the mudslime invasion.

The infiltration of colleges in general and the humanities in particular by professors that promote a certain worldview was definitely the plan along. All those may '68 students are now professors, and their pupils are too.

Rudi Dutschke, a prominent commie student leader from the 60's spoke of the 'long march through the institutions', based on famous communist writer Antonio Gramsci. That's exactly what happened to academia, it got infested with this type of people.

Hello, I think the best way to do it is to do smears on Macron, here's my contribution, it's based on Marie Antoinette's famous quote with a twist, translation should be "Let them live with terrorism!" I'm not a french fag so forgive me, but here it is.

I call it Macron Antoinette

Oh and btw, you guys are welcome to improve on it, good luck boys.

No.. its not Holla Forums that fucked up. That is nigger-thinking. Any time that Holla Forums helps its a blessing but not an entitlement. You and your kin fucked up, its in your blood.


I'm not a defeatist an you don't know what you'r talking about. using the image of the aristocracy as something bad is retarded, and may not even work in Le Pen's favor. I actually doubt the french are dumb enough to totally forsake theyr history, si maybe clueless americans should stay away from this stuff.

Marie Antoinette never actually said that, educate yourself on the french revolution you white nigger. And to compare Macron to her is a disgrace, she was an actual martyr. You are spitting on european heritage with your ignorance.

I think this'll be a great way to tear him down, can someone check to make sure the French is correct? I could imagine people sharing this.

Fuck off, the election isn't over yet, we still have time to close the distance.

There's nothat the french was the beginning of the end. There is so much propaganda about the french revolution in France, it's almost as bad as the Holohoax propaganda in germany.

It's a fake quote. Marie Antoinette never said anything like it, Stop spreading decade old propaganda.

Regardless if Sargon has good or bad ideas, he is a cuckold and an enemy of "the alt right" as he calls us. Why the fuck are you watching that cancerous twat's videos?

I know it's not historically correct, but stirring up controversy would always help.

Nice work. Here's an edited version. I blurred some of the edges around the face to make it look more seamless and non cut-and-paste.

Of course Antoinette was a martyr, but a lot of people don't believe it, play to their intellectual deficiencies is how to psyops.

these anons are right >>9790699

pic related. If you want to stir a soup do it with a clean spoon.

Are you having a stroke? Your spelling seems to be getting worse by the post. France has always been pretty proud of being a republic; they still celebrate the revolution as one of their nation's proudest moments. I don't think it is a stretch to think they still have an anonymity to elitists.

It makes no sense trying to appeal to the monarchists in France; we are dealing with the French REPUBLIC. It doesn't matter what you think of European royalty, you dumb nigger, it matters what they think; we are trying to convince them, not you.

Good idea (even if it's fake, all french know) but not correct grammar : "Qu'ils vivent avec le terrorisme"

But I prefer : "S'ils ne sont pas en sécurité, qu'ils s'habituent au terrorisme"

I think it stirs up controversy, it gives half truths so people can start looking into what Macron said, and Macron did say that it is normal to live with terrorism, giving them slightly incorrect things will help the masses dive deeper down the rabbit hole, exposing Macron as the establishment candidate.

This, the common folk in France really only cares about the glory of their current Republic, stirring up controversy always will bring more discussion and redpill more people than trying to be completely correct and factual to them.

I welcome you to change it! It's an open source propaganda

Québecfag here.
At first i had the same reaction, she was not high enough, I blame the big amount of candidates that was being used to try to wash away the frenchs from Le Pen for the relatively low score she had (21%).
Now the real shit begins. Who the fuck votes for Macron once all that is left is Macron or Le Pen? He is the dauphin of Hollande, a banker, an uncultured idiot, a Trudeau of Europe and a total puppet sold to anti-France interests, he is the incarnation of what frenchmen hates in their guts.
Macron got everything to turn away A LOT of people from voting for him; in the worst case scenario, the non-FN people stay home or do not vote for neither of the only two choices; in the best case scenario, the non-FN people go and actually vote for Le Pen.

Do you still have the original, without the yellow text? It will make it easier to edit without it looking sloppy. We should edit the text to what suggested, but it'll be easier if you still have the image without the text.

Noboby likes Macron, they just dislike Le Pen more.

Here's a template for people who want to add text to the picture! And if someone can blur the edges (cuz I am a poorfag, no image editor), that would be great!

And are you french? do you now what they think? Just because they celebrate the revolution doesn't mean they hate the royalty. And even if that were the case, using a figure as Marie Antoinette like that is very jewish.
I get it that you guys want to be internet warriors, but propaganda comming from a foreign culture doesn't necesarily work as intended.

Fair enough, sorry aboot that.

Somebody please add a CORRECT French caption to this. I took the old one, tweeted it, and got about 2 retweets in thirty seconds. Please, let's get these fucking memes done right the first time before asking people to use them.

We could have it shooped to a generic aristocrat from very biased anti-aristocrat French cartoons of the past (I remember seeing them).

I don't interpret the shop as a fake quote.
To me it's more of a satire from his quote:
Royalty Macron doesn't care of the people since she is secure in her mansion and can't be bothered to think of a solution, so she said to their problems: "Let them live with terrorism!"

It should be "Qu'ils vivent du terrorisme!"

Here's my attempt with some pics from this thread.

Oh, you mean the jewish comics?
How about you just leave it alone, or use the image of a banker or a capitalist (monopoly guy), that would fit better.

2 different quotes based on feedback.

Dumping this for user's to shoop away.
This faggot HAS to lose.


I can understand that, but we have French people among us, they'll let us know if we are getting off the right track. I know enough about the French to know they value their republic and I think many would view Macron as a threat to it if you frame it in the right way. Nobody has any better ideas for helping and I know sitting on our hands won't accomplish anything.

Don't be dissuaded, I think it was great.

I think you are just sensitive about seeing aristocrats being demeaned and that is influencing your opinion on all this. I feel like comparing Macron too closely with Jews might switch off a lot of normies. Comparing him to aristocrats will be less likely to switch off normies, since they won't feel as delicate about it.


There's this guy on twitter, Damocles, who keeps making these pictures with Macron quotes. They're pretty solid because he's said a lot of stupid shit so far. I suggest we recycle those and spam them everywhere.

Rough translations:

Le Pen will probably get 40-45%, and after 5 more years of neoliberal centrism and Islamic terror, she'll finally become president in 2022.

If someone starts their journey with purple pills, so be it. Makes a good point about leaving the mspaint/pepe/shitpostiness alone for this one. The French aren't Burgerclap Flaggots so a different approach is required - more draftourdaughters, less ebin frog emperor

Here you go laddie




nice work user


Nice. Here's a autist tidy version.

this might be useful

Tidy picture needs a tidy siege


This is your master reporting in.

Your firred!

Hey frogs, I have a idea!

Just like with Hillary, who got all her votes from the big cities. If France had some sort of electoral college, i'd be a lot less worried about Le Pen losing.

Someone are also welcome to add Macron quotes at the bottom, just to associate terrorism promotion with Macron

Not sure if this one is too obvious as propaganda.

That's excellent, the more ghastly, the better.

can we get a map of sharia no-go zones in france? or overlay muslim pop with anti-le pen areas?

Might be a little too obvious, maybe something subtler? Would the image of the little girl killed in the Bastile day truck attack work a little better?

do we have the image grieving parents/little girl covered by cloth on Bastille day? That could work.
Sometimes laying on it thick can be good, but then again I have a poor sense of humor.

What about this?

Its the exact same system as the US, where a few hundred votes can flip each county. Meaning everything is up for graps as we speak.


last one, straight on shot.

Do you think any of these would be good?

This could be good, since the French would associate that with the terror attack.

all three are great, just need to make sure the head is placed just right.

Why does Frauke have lizard toes user?

nice, ty

yes these pics are iconic, good call

Thanks I take that as in they are effective. Unfortunately I can't spread them because twitter won't let me back on, so it's on you guys!

If only we could reach these old folks and expose how communist Macron is.


On that note, here's meme idea (sorry, I can't into graphics).
top-caption: Charlie? Non!
bottom-caption: #JeSuisCharlesMartel (FN logo)

Theres a big french community in Montreal, and one guy Lescure, who quit his position of vice president of the caisse du depot du quebec which his a high roller banker job to work for macron, he is giving alot of money for to make publicity while there's zero mention of Lepen.

Quebecers love their culture and identity , Macron is saying theres no french culture, with good meme magic we need to show this to Montreal french community by any means.

I'll try to find more recent infos and make something, but don't hold your breath.

Some links:
General statistics in France (I premade a search concerning crimes)
Something about "find your mosque", which list the number of mosque per county/region. There will probably have a need to compile the result and color a map

Anyone know how old he was when he had a relationship with his teacher (20 years older than him) before she changed schools to be able to marry him?

nvm, he was 15 at most:

She's a pedo and brainwashed him.

Frenchfag here.
In my opinion, the best angle for this meme blitzkrieg would be to demoralize Macron's voters and deter others to vote for him.

Memes depicting Macron
(The gay angle is useless, nobody will care)

Macron's voters as
(which they are anyway)
Because people hate that, they love to think they're clever, making people feel like Macron's voters are actually pawns and fools falling for the establishment's plan would be powerful

Anyway I think with so few time left it would be better to focus on memes aimed at deterring Macron's vote than pro-Marine memes, a bit too obvious

Marine can count on a solid 40% of this 1st round's turnout (her own 21% + half from Fillon, half from Melenchon -the pure anti-system ones that he seduced because of his honestly good campaign-, 5 from Dupont-Aignan), and leftists are strongly tempted by abstention, some are already saying they won't vote.
if we can demoralize Macron's voters and potential new voters victory

I look at many pro-Marine memes and while they are excellent for a long term memetic cultural war, I fear in so short a delay they will only convince the already convinced and appeal only to people who already intend to vote for her

exactly, the strategy is D&C the Macron support base, demoralization through memes.

I think Le Pen already has enough memes to bolster the morale, now it is time to stop people supporting Macron.

Great stuff but the guy's signature should be removed for mass spreading.

People must not be able to put a political label on the author


Fucking AR faggots I swear. Always jumping on every occasion to make them appear like mongoloid special snowflake mouthbreathers.

Just who Macron really is remains a puzzle. He came from an academic background, worked for the mighty Rothschild banking empire, then as an economic advisor and minister to President Holland. At 39 years old, Macron is blandly attractive, youthful, and so far untainted by scandal except for the oddity of being married to his former schoolteacher two decades his senior.

Macron claims to be a middle way between old antagonists of left and right. He calls for gentle reforms and revitalization of the European Union. Women like him. What he stands for is unclear. His deep links to the Rothschild’s make many uncomfortable. To others, he’s too smooth and full of bromides

Pointing out his connection to the EU banking dynasties might be a good way to undermine the narrative that he's an independent outsider.

Couldn't come up with anything new, so I thought I'll dump some macron memes.
And an ex-Melenchon cutie.

gros bouffon
piège à con

(big buffoon / trap for dummies)

Criminally underchecked trips.

No one voted for the traditional two main parties in France this time around. That's fucking huge, imagine basically no one voting Republican or Democrat in the US.
…and then both of these "major" parties, that have been absolutely rejected by the people, tell everyone to vote for one of the available candidates? I think everyone that voted to reject PS & LR is going to want to keep rejecting them, including their suggestion on who else to vote for if not them.

The establishment has shot itself in the foot by going all-out to promote Macron and demonize Le Pen, just like it did in the US by going all-out to promote Hillary and demonize Trump.

And I think it's going to backfire in exactly the same way.

Good idea, if you have the photoshop skills, maybe do Le Pen as Joan of Arc?

How do you think FN will do in the legislative elections in June?

it will completely depend on these presidentials' final results.
Marine victory would shake the French political and mental ground.
It could go in all directions, from a remorse effect on people who voted for her and suddenly fear the FN would rule the country too tightly, to an enthusiasm and mental liberation and even more complete soaring of the FN

A defeat by a tiny margin could keep her electorate motivated and even revengeful so even more mobilized

A defeat by a large margin (worst case scenario) could be very demoralizing and ruin it forever


There are lots of stories about pedophiles on jesuit schools. E.g. http://

She cheated her husband and her three children for 12 years with Emmanuel Macron before divorcing her husband in 2006. Macron was 18 in 1995, the relationship officially began in 1993. The quote I cited above implies a much earlier start of the relationship though.


How does your voting system work with regards to legislative elections? Is 20% of the vote = 20% of seats in the National Assembly?

Also can anyone find info about her first husband, a banker named André Louis Auzière? Which bank did/does he work for, maybe Emmanuel Macron was their little sex toy and the banker André paid him by pushing him into elite schools and getting him into the Rothschild bank?


"Qu'ils vivent avec le terrorisme"
This is correct, and the original shoop just as to be corrected with this sentence.
I'm French and it's near perfect.
Just translate it to "Qu'ils vivent avec le terrorisme"

Another angle is to shoop him like a manchild he is, maybe not with a jihadi burka just him alone like 2nd pic.
I'm requesting someone with gimp skill to shoop his face and add a text. do it in english with everything you've heard about him : rotschild, banker, minister under socialist pres. etc you probably would come with a great meme. Sadly, as I said earlier I'm not a meme wizard, but I'll tell you how to translate it afterward

What the fuck, is the youth so brainwashed by Konbini and Le Petit Journal that they'll elect a fucking commie as president ?

Any info about him is scrubbed from Google because of "european data protection". Found this via duckduckgo:
He's a bankier for Credit du Nord, which was bought in 1997 by Société générale, which was founded in 1864 by the Rothschilds.été_générale
This little piece of info can only be found on the french Wikipedia page, not the english one.

No, it's a two-round winner-takes-all system per district. (577 districts)
Every candidate above 12.5% of registered voters qualifies for the 2nd round unless someone got over 50% by himself.
Usually the PS (socialists) and UMP/LR (cuckservatives) have an agreement in case the FN qualifies, the establishment candidate with less voices retires in favor of the ones with the highest vote, to prevent FN from winning.

Honestly it seems very unlikely the FN could get a majority.
But the presidentials could change everything, the 1st round has already changed a lot with the complete demise of the PS (6%), they could not recover from it or they could rebound.
As for UMP/LR, half of their voters are furious that their officials called for voting Macron at 2nd round and will vote for Le Pen anyway. This doesn't mean they divorced from their party, but at the legislatives there will be a punishment vote against the worst cucks in favor of the FN.

French députés are very rarely close to their constituents or well-known to them, so it's often an election on national agendas rather than on candidates' personalities.


"it's working, boss !
- I really would have fucked those idiots to the very end"

Slogan : Macron piège à cons
(Macron trap for idiots/dumbasses)


Sorry I have a brain burnout, I'm gonna sleep it out, the template is out on the page, so go check it if you want.

Seriously, try finding ANY info about her first husband André Louis Auzière, there is nothing to be found. Very suspicious. Even french yellow press couldn't find anything:

My theory: They both fucked and brainwashed him since he was 12 and paid for his last year at the elite school Henry IV.

memetic material

Macron with a Borat like appeal, included a bit of red tint on his eyes for some subtle satan.

Macronists don't know why they support him (french) :

Didn't he say something about France having to learn to live with terrorism? Add that to it.

In grammatically correct French, of course. Can any French anons help?

He said : We live and will live with terrorist threat for long time.

Nous vivons et vivrons durablement avec la menace terroriste.


"Il faut nous habituer à vivre avec le terrorisme"
E. Macron, 20/04/2017
(We must get used to live with terrorism)


Hitler dubs confirm that cucks sometimes have great ideas.

99% of the memes should be focused on Macron.

That's Manuel Valls (2015) :

Micron :

You know what would be a good propaganda piece? Have those webms and terrorist attack videos in France with the Champs Elysees song playing as accompaniment, that would cause so much dissonance that people will start thinking.

100% accuracy doesn't matter much, OC-makers should pick the one that sounds better to them.
If the meme spreads and all Macron supporters can reply is : "no, Macron actually said Nous vivrons durablement avec la menace terroriste", the damage is done anyway

But I'm looking for another quote, I remember a quote from Macron about terror threat being a part of a big city's life

I think as a group we can get away with a lot more because of anonymity, so long as we mix disinfo with half-truths to confuse the opposing targets, then I think we would achieve our goals very well.

Hm, could we possibly do this:
Provide what he said, and then offer an alternative solution in the advertisement, or have Le Pen's quote that counters Macron's quote beside it? Representing that Le Pen has the solution that Macron doesn't have.

A shame I don't know a word of french. How can we reach them when the frogs will never see the memes.

Some frog will need to transcribe the statistics and translate them into French to have the maximal impact.

I have some similar ideas for memes:
Unfortunately, I don't have the time or skills to make these.

They are in french here

I think the Damocles guy is a Fillon supporter, but he is promoting voting for Marine in round 2. From what i've read on his twitter, he just really hates socialists.

Frog here, give me memes and such to translate - not sure what else I can do. However, I really feel that I need to actively do something to place Le Pen on the golden throne, rather than simply wishing and hoping for the best.

Absolutely, intersplicing famous french songs with clips of terrorist attacks/aftermath in France on YouTube will have a lot of reach and viral potential. I would do it, but I seriously am running on turtle connection.


and these

I don't know how up to date that website is about mosque, but I see some similarities with the previous one posted

Hopefully there's a website that draw and color map for me, still had to process data a bit to change format.

Something on the Moderate Beheaders also perhaps

New Ben Garrison.

Any frenchman would dismiss this pic immediately because of the crappy frenglish.

Pushing the message that he was part of Hollande's government seems like a pretty good one, I'm pretty sure slimy fucks that crawl out of one administration to try to seem like they're the "outsider" in a possible next one will at least get some people thinking.

Can we also push for how Germany is ruining French industries through their German exports? Are there instances of German interests intruding on French interests? We can also use that to make people oppose the EU further.

He's pretty much parroting what Valls said right after Nice, so it's not even his original thought. You could probably meme that to show Valls controlling him like a puppet.

What I mean is to present the people a bigger picture and tell them that Macron is a supporter of EU, and is part of the establishment problem.

Sounds like a bad idea.

Le Pen is specifically thanking meme warriors in this video.

Maybe even this kind of puppet

It's not like that's gonna start another World War or something, as they say, third time's the charm right?

first pic

For god's sake don't share that like it's represented in the picture

For the French, yes.

She just said she is taking a break. Wtf


1. Les musulmans sont 4% de la population Française mais sont 70% des prisoniers

2. "Quand les 4 femmes ont leurs règles"
"Mais qu'ensuite tu réalises que la cinquième est trop jeune pour en avoir"

3. "Vous pouvez être plein de gentillesse et d'amour, mais vous ne pouvez pas dormir aux côtés d'un chien fou. Si nous sommes faibles, notre terre deviendra musulmane."
"-Ashin Wirathu, moine Bouddhiste, et leader spirituel du mouvement anti-musulman Burman."

4. "Ceci est l'Islam"
"Coran (8:12) - 'Je vais lancer la terreur dans les coeurs de ceux qui ne croient pas. Donc retirez leurs têtes et retirez chacun de leurs doigts.'"
"Coran (9:123) - 'Ô toi qui crois! Combats ceux qui ne croient pas autour de toi et laisse les trouvez en toi la dureté.'"
"Coran (25:52) - 'Et donc n'écoute pas les non-croyants, mais bats-toi contre eux avec la plus grande arduité…'"
"Coran (47:3-4) - 'Donc, quand tu recontres, les non-croyants, châtie-les au cou jusqu'à ce que tu auras tué et blessé nombreux d'entre eux, puis lie un lien solide (sur eux, c'est à dire fais d'eux des prisoniers.
"Ceci n'est pas une religion de paix"
">Mais ils ne sont pas vraiment musulmans!"
"Les terrorists Islamiques sont musulmans, ils vénèrent Mohammed et le Coran est leur livre sacré. Le Coran est très claire au Jihad et le combat contre ceux qui ne croient pas en l'Islam."
">Ce n'est pas l'Islam!"
"C'est l'Islam. Ils vénèrent Mohammed et Allah et prennent une inspiration directe des versés du Coran qui leurs disent spécifiquement de faire la guerre aux 'infidèls'."
"Le terrorisme est un problème avec l'Islam et non pas un extremism"

5. "Liste d'attaques terroristes par nombre de morts et par groupe"
ETC (You get the idea)

S-so many words, but I'll continue if these things can help!
Working on the following posts, please be patient. - Point out that Brussels expects France to be their shield, or something to the effect of that and link it to Marcon continuing hollande's policies to "be the lapdog of the E.U." or something to that effect

That's about all I got on a cursory check.

French bros, what does this mean?

She is distancing herself further from the Front National.
This is another step of her strategy of "de-evilization" she maintained during the past years.
Some think this strategy led her to the second round. I'm skeptical. But who knows, maybe this would help flip the undecided Melenchon/Fillon/Hamon voters for her.

Following a bit more the number of categories.
I'm mostly lacking in the number of gradient color, so it's 10 categories rather than 20.

So if the source is accurate enough. Consider it a map for 2017

Betting markets seem to be reacting favourably.

I'm skeptical about that, but so long as she maintains her core message of immigration restriction, exit from the EU, and putting the French citizens first, she should be alright.

Of course, she could've worded it better by saying that she's the candidate to help the people and not just towing the party line of FN, but she can do that in the campaign blitzes for the next two weeks.

This Macron template is really nice.

Do you just want a translation (like did) or do you want us frogs to edit these ?

Holy shit that's awesome. Do we have a criminality map to match this ? What about the S-file map ?

Need to work on it, I've posted the source I'm using here

Awesome work frenchbro, keep it up!

Nice work, user.

Do we know how much Macron was paid as a banker?

Please continue! We desperately need French folk here who understand how your country thinks.


they have this :
But it's very low quality memes. Some of them go on 4chan.

The French politically incorrect community is really divided. And because of the anti-free speech laws (Loi Gayssot), they force themselves to shut up.
I would shamelessly say that you've got here some of the finest French/pol/acks. But we are few. And we have families. And work. So we may lack energy and time. Less than 10, and never all here at the same time. Basically you would be right to call us normies.
But we'll do anything to help.
I'm working on the next thread if this one blocks at 751 (one of the French Election General didn't so I guess there's some mod magic behind it).

Hey there are some based pepes in this thread!

In my opinion, it's a very intelligent move.
The main problem for normies to vote for her, is that the National Front is associated with racism and xenophobia since 35+ years, while her thoughts and her program are cleary not like that.

The National front, like all political parties, is a serpent nest, before now she couldn't really says what you need to say in order to get elect without suffering of internal critics. ( from her father or right wing of FN ).

Soooo, that means she will go for ALL anti-Europe and globalisation voters, saying old parties are dead we need to buiild something new for France
She is now free, and it's our duty to support her more than ever.

Macron was paid almost € 3 million from 2009 to 2012 as a Rotschild Banker.
Now he claims that he's so poor he has to live with the pension of his wife (I shed a tear).
That means he spent 1 SMIC (the French minimal monthly revenue, €1153) per day.
This has already been meme'd (pic related and ) but if you have better ideas…

frenchfag reporting in, I watched her live on TV 1 hour ago here's the webm of it. She did say that she's stepping down of the FN leading role, yes but you have to keep in mind that there's a law in France forbidding political figures to cumulate mandates.
It was the same when (((Sarkozy))) had to give up the presidency of the RPR/Republicucks to be able to be French president.

She HAD to step down but she's still at the FN, don't worry to much about it.

Of course there are, do you think we let Holla Forums's genius die here ? No, we spread it like fire.


I think the buddhist monk one will be pretty damn convincing, if we can get a translation check and maybe have it as a two-part image juxtaposed with a pic/quote combo of macron somewhere in the ballpark of

Dumping template for anyone smarter than me to think of something good to write.
I went for the rich boy, not a socialist angle.

(I am the candidate of the middle class")

i guess i'm an hibryd or something, i visit pol and leftypol and friendly pages

I'm already seeying anti macron memes on comunists pages, this isn't probably yours but it works, keep it up

Commies hate neoliberals (so should we, btw), and Macron is exactly that: pro-mass immigration which provides cheap labour, tax cuts for the rich, more globalization, and more EU integration.

I forget, when did the African/Syrian refugee crisis begin. Was it in 2010-2011?

The African one began around 2012, after Muammar Gaddafi was killed. The Syrian didn't begin until the late summer of 2015.

*The Syrian one

Hillary and her handlers got the syrian war started in 2011, then it took a few years before the jewish NGOs figured they could start shipping arabs and misc shitskins to Europe.



Your font needs more inner shiny (gold) to be visible on this background.

This is the weakest point to convince them, even leftypol will make the "white imperialistic guilt" argument for them>>9792846

Thanks. I got the information used in pic from
If a frenchanon could translate the words in pic as well as use a French translation version of graph, That would be greatly appreciated.
Thoughts on pic.

good shit, esp with context

sexy as fuck not her

put sauce URL in the image

Don't forget to archive your source.

Le Pen ditches Front National to be a non-partisan candidate.

Looks like french fags are already on the Macrontoinette train (posting this stuff on social media and someone replied with this)

yes, read this


wouldn't the last template here be better ?
With the caption


Fugg it, go BIG or go home.

Macron looks a bit like Putin in this image, wonder if that could b an angle?

This image requires a full French version/ That of both text and graph.

First time memeing, hopefully it is good enough

La crise des "réfugiés" a débuté en 2010-2011. Cela coïncide avec une augmentation alarmante du nombre de viols en France.

Si vous voulez que cette tendance s'inverse, votez Le Pen.

Very nice. Good job user.

1. L'Islam? Voici comment cela marche.
Du moment que la population Musulmane reste sous 2% de n'importe quel pays, elle va, pour la plupart des cas, être considérée comme une minorité d'amoureux de la paix, et non pas comme une menace aux autres citoyens. C'est le cas dans:
[Country – Percentage of Muslim]
De 2% à 5%, ils commencent à prosélytiser vers d'autres minorités éthniques et groupes mécontents, souvent avec un recrutement majeur provenant de prisons et gangs de rue. Cela ce passe dans:
[Country – Percentage of Muslim]
Au délà de 5%, ils exercisent une influence excessive en proportion au pourcentage de leur population. Par exemple, ils pousseront pour l'introduction de la nourriture halal (propre pour des standards Islamiques), et par ce fait sécurisant des métiers de préparation de nourriture pour les Musulmans. Ils augmenteront la pression sur les chaînes de supermarchés pour faire figurer le halal dans leurs rayons – main-en-main avec des menaces s'il-y-a un refus à leur demandes. Cela se passe:
[Country – Percentage of Muslim]
À partir de là, ils oeuvreront pour avoir le gouvernement leur donner la permission de se gouverner eux-mêmes (à l'intérieur de leurs ghettos) sous la Charia, la Loi Islamique. Le but ultime des Islamistes est d'établir la Charia sur le monde entier.
Quand les Musulmans approchent 10% de la population, ils ont tendance à augmenter l'anarchie comme un moyen de se plaindre de leurs conditions. À Paris, on y voit déjà des voitures brûlées. Toute action non-Musulmane offense l'Islam, et resulte en révoltes et menaces, comme à Amsterdam, avec l'opposition aux cartoons de Mohammed et les films au sujet de l'Islam. De telles tensions sont observées journalièrement, particulièrement dans les sections Musulmanes, dans:
[Country – Percentage of Muslim]
Après avoir atteint 20%, les nations peuvent expecter des émeutes à la moindre des offenses, des formations de milices Jihadistes, des meutres sporadiques, et des incendies d'églises Chrétiennes et de synagogues Juives, telles que:
[Country – Percentage of Muslim]
À 40%, les nations expériencent des massacres répandus, des attaques terroristes chroniques, et des milices de guerres en continus, comme dans:
[Country – Percentage of Muslim]
Dès 60%, les nations expériencent des persécutions sans contraintes des non-croyants de toute autre religion (incluant les Musulmans non-conformes), un nettoyage d'éthnicité sporadique (le génocide), l'utilisation de la Loi Charia comme une arme, et la jizya, la taxe placée sur les infidèles (oui, cela existe vraiment) comme dans:
[Country – Percentage of Muslim]
Après 80%, attendez-vous à des intimidatins journalières et des jihads violents, des nettoyages d'éthnicité dirigés par l'état, et même des génocides, pendant que ces nations chassent les infidèles, et avancent vers une population 100% Musulmane, comme cela s'est passé et de certaines manières se passe dans:
[Country – Percentage of Muslim]
100% sera l'inauguration de la paix de 'Dar es Salam' – la Maison de Paix Islamique. Là, il devrait y avoir la paix, parceque tout le monde est Musulman, les madrassas sont les seules écoles, et le Coran est le seul mot, comme dans:
[Country – Percentage of Muslim]
Malheureusement, la paix n'est jamais achevée, puisque dans ces états à 100%, les Musulmans les plus radicaux intimident, crachent la haine, et satisfont leurs soifs de sang en tuant les Musulmans légèrement moins radicaux pour une variété de raisons.
"Avant d'avoir 9 ans, j'ai appris le canon basique de la vie Arabe. Ce fut contre mon frère; moi et mon frère contre notre père; ma famille contre mes cousins et le clan; le clan contre la tribu, la tribu contre le monde, et nous tous contre les infidèles."
Il est important de comprendre que même dans les pays bien en dessous d'une population de 100% de Musulmans, comme la France, les populations Musulmanes minoritaires vivent dans des ghettos, à l'intérieur des quels ils sont 100% Musulmans, and dans lesquels ils vivent par la loi de la Charia. La police nationale n'entre pas dans ces ghettos. Il n'y a aucune coure nationale, ni d'école, ni d'établissements religieusement non-Musulmans. Dans ces situations, les Musulmans n'intègrent pas la communauté en général. Les enfants vont aux madrassas. Ils apprennent seulement le Coran. Le seul fait de s'associer à un infidèle est un crime. Ainsi donc, dans certaines parties de certaines nations, les imams Musulmans et les extrêmistes exercent plus de pouvoir que la moyenne nationale indiquerait.
Les 1.5 billions de Musulmans d'aujourd'hui composent 22% de la population mondiale. Mais leur taux de natalité éclipse le taux de natalité des Chrétiens, Hindous, Bouddhistes, Juifs, et tous les autres groupes. Les Musulmans dépasseront 50% de la population mondiale d'ici la fin du siècle.

As far as a Putin angle goes, idk. You'd have to dig up some kind of info about him getting a russian loan or something, not to mention people are probably either sick to fucking death of "muh russian interference" or not going to believe/contemplate it considering the msm is blasting it in the other direction.

2.(Above graph) Les Arabes grandement sur-représentés parmis les tirs de masse dans les U.S.A., les blancs sous-représentés
(Left of graph) Représentation par tête (% de tireur/% de la population)
(Under graph) Blancs (non-Hispanique, non-Arabe) Noirs Hispaniques Asiatiques Arabes Autres

3. Coran:8:39 "Fait la guerre aux non-Musulmans et tue-les jusqu'à ce qu'ils se soumettent et que la seule religion soit l'Islam."

4. L'application pratique de
TAQIYA (La déception)
Quand les Musulmans sont peu nombreux…
"Nous sommes une religion de paix."
Quand les Musulmans sont nombreux…
"L'Islam mérite un status spécial."
Quand les Musulmans vous surpassent en nombres…
Il est temps de se réveiller.

5. Le côté "modéré" de l'Islam
(From outer to inner)
Musulmans: 1.62 billions
La femme devrait obéir à son mari: 1.39 billions
La Charia devrait gouverner: 1.1 billions
Mort aux adultères: 748 millions
Mort à ceux quittant l'Islam: 584 millions

Damn first pic took me forever.
Moving on to the next post.

Shit I have to go. It seems my niece hit my nephew badly at the collarbone while they were playing rugby.


Not really a meme, but I have no other media to spread this on. Do as you please.
Added non-text in case any french bro wants to use translated text.

fug, j'espère que tout va bien


top edit there, user

Second edit


How my country thinks

One thing out of my mind

Do not try so much with French historical figures, appeal to national heroes and French pride of history
IMO it's a loss of time, French are not Brits, neither knowledge nor pride of national history especially prior to the revolution are a popular thing, it's something for history buffs or people who already will vote Le Pen.
The whole Joan of Arc thing is typically the kind of stuff that appeals only to already established Lepen voters, and in France worshipping her is associated with the FN (since the FN is paying a tribute every year to the statue of Joan of Arc)

De Gaulle, while being associated with the right, still has this tremendous aura from being the man who not only was the face of the French Resistance, but also who resisted ((American)) attempts at and managed to despite having been a loser in the war.

Memes associating Marine Le Pen with De Gaulle (like, say, De Gaulle being Le Pen's guardian angel, standing in transparency behind her like Obiwan or something) could be more efficient than you imagine.
As a bonus effect they negate the argument Marine=Far-right=collaborators/nazis
De Gaulle was pretty much far-right himself, (this old-fashioned far-right that couldn't see the value of national socialism, alas), and he was in his way a racial realist.

We have many based quotes of him about how a black here and a chinaman there would be okay, but France is and should remain a white race country ; or how you couldn't integrate muslims.

For decades the nationalists here have tried to spread those, but the nationalist scene always lacked artists.
We're in desperate need of visuals associating Marine with De Gaulle.

If OC-makers made templates, Frenchfags like myself could add the text.

A single well-made, classy meme that would manage to make French viewers think De Gaulle would have indeed chosen Marine over Macron would have more power than a billion frescoes of Marine/Marion as Joan of Arc or in knight armor.

The sacrifice of WW1 soldiers too still have some of an echo in the french mind

pls forgive

fuggs I left a whole sentence unwritten because it bored me and I thought I would come back to it before posting, except I forgot
anyway he's a hero of French independence vis a vis any foreign powers and still popular because of that

Welp, tried to see what I could do with the crime statistics, but it's missing some details IMO.
I can get details about different crimes per department (after that, what to consider "violent crime"), but it could be passed off as, it's not only muslims that commit crimes, which could be true.

Checking if I could find numbers about religion: nothing.
What about the number of foreigners? Numbers mysteriously stop at 2013.
Numbers of visas given to foreigners? Stops at 2013
Number of people hiring foreigners without working visa? Stops at 2010.

Quite fishy.

Pretty good.

made some quick OC, might be effective

good shit

Looking forward to that first fake poll on who women are voting for.

frog fucker kikes died in france

may france is not white but thats a good thing

Insanely good.
Do you know if you can upload webms on Facebook? on Twitter?

Something like this maybe?

How recognizable is Du Gaulle?

I think you can tbh, i know i've sent webms to normie friends on kikebook, though i havent actually posted them on my wall before.

Indeed, vraiment joli.
Tu pourrais retouché la vidéo et mettre la date quand il parle ? sinon top quality

Honestly what you need to do is just show how elitist he is. Photoshop Macaroni as an aristocrat with a quote on how we have to live with terrorism. Then of course follow up with how he inherited most of his wealth and is an actual banker. This guy is an out of touch upper class prick and we need the people to understand that.

Extremely recognizable.
He's probably the only french historical figure every Frenchman can identify immediately, even teenagers
Such is his popularity

convert them to mp4
http:// com/convert-to-mp4

ce sont des interviews récents, 2017 je pense, pas sure

10 minutes de youtube et j'avais plain de matériel

1. "Vous avez vu cette photo d'un enfant dit blessé par une frappe aérienne Russe:"
"Cette photo fut prise par cet homme:"
"Qui semble être un associé du groupe terroriste Al-Zenki à Aleppo:"
"Qui à décapité un enfant le 19 Juillet 2016:"
"Aleppo est sur le point d'être réclamée par ces terroristes. Les frappes aériennes Russes sont importantes pour achever cela.

Al-Zenki croit que l'Ouest peut être incitée à intervenir en leur faveur, sous la prétense d'une zone d'éxclusion aérienne humanitaire.

C'est pourquoi Al-Zenki envoie des images de propagandes tristes et déchirantes à la presse de l'Ouest.

Faites attention à qui vous faisez de la propagande."

2. (Upper left) Décapitateurs d'enfant
(Upper right) Décapitateurs d'enfant
(Bottom left) Mahmoud Raslan: A pris une vidéo d'un jeune garçon sur un siège orange


4. Aleppo est le dernier grand hôpital. A l'intérieur de chaque dernier hôpital il y a un plus petit hôpital
(Line by line, from top left to bottom right)
"(28 Juillet) Aleppo, la ville assiégée de la Syrie n'a plus d'hôpital fonctionnel après que des frappes aériennes du gouvernement détruisent le dernier hôpital opérationnel."
"(19 Novembre) Le dernier hôpital restant dans l'Est d'Aleppo détruit aujourd'hui. Pas de soins de santé pour 275,000 civils souns le siège du gouvernement d'Assad
"(25 Juillet) Et voici que part le dernier hôpital tenu par l'opposition, Aleppo.
"(17 Novembre) En Octobre, the dernier hôpital restant à Aleppo fût bombé au-délà de toute réparation. Ces 3 docteurs de Chicago ont passé du temps là-bas:"
"(17 Novembre) Dernier hôpital dans une banlieue d'Aleppo détruit par Putin. Un autre crime de guerre impuni par les lâches de l'Ouest! Russie: Vous verrez bientôt la lumière de Dieu!"
"(10 Juin) Nouveaux-nés évacués des couveuses pendant que des jets bombent le dernier hôpital dans la ville d'Aleppo tenue par les rebelles.
"(31 Juillet) Dans l'opération humanitaire Russe en Syrie ils ont détruit le dernier hôpital d'Aleppo!"
"(14 Octobre) La défense civile d'Aleppo m'a juste apprise que le dernier hôpital civil à été touché par des bombes phosphoreuses. Des gens à l'intérieur brûlent.
"(19 Août) Dernier hôpital d'Aleppo touché. Ça ne PEUX PAS continuer plus longtemps! Supportez MSF ICRC IHL avec tout ce que vous pouvez.
"(10 Octobre) Putin & Assad ont effectivement stoppé tout soins de santé à Aleppo. Le dernier hôpital restant a été pris pour cible ce matin.
[Can't read the next two]
"(27 Juillet) Aleppo n'a pas d'hôpital fonctionnel: des frappes aériennes gouvernementales ont détruit le dernier de la ville ce week-end.
"(15 Octobre) Le dernier hôpital dans la libre Aleppo fut bombé hier. Si votre enfant est blessé par une bombe Russe, vous n'avez nulle part où aller
"(2 Octobre) Le dernier hôpital restant d'Aleppo a été bombé pour la deuxième fois le 01/10/16, avec au moins 3 victimes.
"(19 Novembre) L'extrême gauche peux dormir tranquille ce soir. Putin et Assad ont détruit le dernier hôpital dans l'Est d'Aleppo. Une victoire pour l'anti-impérialisme.

5. "Omran Daqneesh, 5 ans, couvert avec du faux sang et de la poussière, coup monté "Acteur de Crise" typique" | "Omran Daqneesh, 4 ans, décapitant un ours en peluche"
Mahmoud Raslan porte le même T-shirt bleu en filmant la décapitation d'un garçon réfugié Palestinien de 12 ans, que lorsqu'il filma l'opération psychologique avec une ambulance.

Anything else?

For reasons I detailed in , (tl;dr lack of history awareness) I think it resonates less with the current French than just showing him as a cynical greedy banker/trader/pro-corporation-guy

Montages of him surrounded with smiling faces among the most well-known of the globalist-capitalist conspiracy -or logos of big corpos like Monsanto, BP, etc- would be better tbh
"Ils veulent tous Macron" "They all want Macron" stuff like that

Possible de faire une version avec les sous-titre anglais ?même si la cible c'est pour les francophones, c'est tjs bien de faire tourner ça ailleurs, non ?
Désolé de te demandé pleins de trucs mais je pense qu'elle à du poids cette vidéo. Beau boulot en tout cas

Okay, will try to post and if doesn't work will convert to mp4.

What kind of pose are we looking for here, and would a "de gaulle would not approve" kind of message work as more of an anti-macron meme as effectively as a "de gaulle would approve" themed message would work?

Thank you. Would I be able to get a French translation version of the graph. I think that the message would be more effective if everything was in French. A screen cap would do.

Voici déjà la version avec les dates de Macron, je verrais pour les soustitres je suis encore novice avec Sony Vegas

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist:^)

But seriously, I'm assuming the second webm is the one you two decided on? That's the one I want to spread?

Never mind. I found it. Would this be the final version? Is this ready to be distributed?

ye i made it and did some adjustments, the second one is the good one

i might add subtitles in English later, to make it more international

anyone else get furious when you see shit like this?

viols sexuels (plural)
(Text in small) "Viols" c'est à dire rapports sexuels sans consentement valide. (UN-CTS M3.4)
Modifier, % -> Changement, %

Sure, it could be good to bring support for Le Pen in from around the world.


10/10 work anons

It will help it go viral and get shared on Tweeter etc.

The translation on the graph was the translation supplied by the site.

Wew, I might get an early heart attack from another wave of concentrated bs coming so soon.

Are they hoping he get s shot?

J'ai que kdenlive et mon toaster surchauffe en ce moment…

*gets damn it

Just to be sure, you're all aware she's controlled opposition right?

I am just a poor person trying his best to inform people about both candidates and underline how islam is the biggest threat currently faced by their country.

Please help me help them. I know that fapping to anime is a priority for many anons but take a break for a few minutes. Check French twitter hashtags, contact French people so they'll know what options they have. If they'll make the right choice - they'll be grateful. And your dick wil get some much needed rest.


Better controlled opposition than outright establishment that officially declares "yeah, islam's here to stay, whoop de doo" while racking cash. You have no alternatives so you can as well choose the lesser evil at this point.

Does France have a Texas?

Just to be sure, you're aware that we can spot you from miles away, zionist judeo kike opposition

No, but Texas has a Paris, carlos

€0.01 has been deposited in your account.

This is gold
We need to push hard the "Macron is the rich people candidate" narrative
Like the Hollande comments on poor people
I propose some memes with:
120.000 public employees or 120.000 immigrants


Should we hijack Hillary's #ImWithHer twitter handle for Le Pen to add the liberal salt?

Easy: Get his stance in Abortion. THat is the straw christ cucks cannot pass as normal. If anything it will make them doubt. I think Macron was full on Abortion.

Also, religiious happenings: the killing of that priest in north france by that ISIS guy. That shook a lot of french people, because they saw that Islam really is based agains't christians especially (at least its what they read from that). Use Macrons "We have to get used to this", in a "We have to get used to Killing christians, it's normal in a good part of the world".

Saying that we have to get used to terror attacks is saying you were okay with terror attacks happening in or outside of france, so you can use beheadings of christians for your use in " Macron 2021 vs Le Pen 2021" one with beheading and another one with a healthy french family.

It's really easy to appeal to christians. And memes, at least, will make them doubt,
ALSO, I've already seen some of them, but, you all should make Macron look like Merkels dog. He'll do whatever their master says so. Because everyone can see that he is the "Zapatero" of France.

New thread

You are aware these are the French elections right? I mean, either you are a shill or just plain stupid. I'm going for plain stupid, which encompases 100% of the shills.

French user here, totally on the le pen side,
We have to push the anti european voters from melanchon to go full anti macron
Spread meme magic on twitter with the hashtag #Nonamacron lot of people there say they will stanf against macron but it's only for the AWing, let's redpill them with golden shitpost, and pepe magic !
Bring the normies to the magic my friends!
Shadilay, soace cow boy !


Korwin for Polish President when?

You're right, persuading the christian voter is a good angle, the Le Pen family already have a strong christian voter base, see for reference

Yes, indeed.
http: //

It's almost like Christians want more white babies or something.

voila, version définitive avec soustitres en anglais


This is a good normalfag version, but cutting it with some of the more extreme footage would elicit a better amygdala response.

That's what i'm aiming for, but i can't really find real bloody images and i'm trying to use France videos only, so nothing from Sweden, Germany, etc.

Wasn't there footage of Calais in particular?

where are the asterix and obelix memes at?

Yes, but nothing suitable or bloody enough. Went through quite a few movies, but if you can send me something good i might use that.

Would this work, or do Frogs not care about what happens in London?

It may be a bit late for this, but what if we start referring to people like Le Pen as patriots, and people who are pro-immigration, socialists, cucks, etc as anti-patriots? That's essentially what globalism is, anti-patriotism. And Macaroni is globalist scum, it fits him perfectly.

Not gonna use London footage when there's plenty of French footage, even if it's less gory.

How about the 2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting, would that work? Policeman on the ground shot in cold blood.
Searched "paris policier abattu par terre" and it's in the top results.

Տᗩᑎᗪᖇᗩ ‏ @SandraTXAS 3h3 hours ago

Hey goyim, don't forget the 6 gorillion today!

Ye wanted to use that but only fo

Mobile fucking up, so i wanted to use that vid but only found a slowmo version of that headshot scene.

Also, i prefer not to use too many terrorism videos, because in a way you could argue it's not always related to immigration if they're homegrown.

Seeing masses of brown people fucking shit up seemed more effective.

"Visual representation of huge swathes of France which are Le Pen country."

Came here to post this. With Open Gates was huge, and now would be the time for another one of those ops.

Can a French user add French subtitles to this? This one is powerful.


you seriously need to fuck off Sargon. We fucking hate you and all of your shit. Fuck. Off.

Are we talking about making memes, or are people here actually doing shit with the information in this thread?

Is there a French facebook we could spread these on?

Here's the info on the video since there wasn't any.

they use the same kikebook. If you have an account, try joining groups/pages forget the official term (look for the big one) groups can have millions of members, and if they have notifications on for that group they will see whatever you post

Add Tintin to that as well.

Can a french user tell me what this means?

Guys, french anons, tell me if this OC is good enough.

Lol right, I'm the kike because Le Pen is pro israel and in general a stupid cunt.
Congrats guys you're too smart for me.

What's that supposed to mean? It's expected that she's basically Katie Hopkins tier.

The thing is, with the position we are in, we either go for Le Pen and we destroy Israel long term, or we go with Macron and basically we destroy the EU.
Or perhaps you suggest a third option, like not voting and joining the squatters. Le Pens views are not ideal, but you have to choose between to candidates at this point. One is France first one is Global First. Global = Protocols of Zion = Macron
And being Israel second when playing politics, is not something surprising. The problem comes with it's Israel first. Kapish?

I'm not saying don't vote for her I'm just saying she isn't the answer to France's problems, which sounds kinda stupid now that I've wrote it.

We all know she is not the embodiment of Hitler. However, she is a much better choice than Macron. Unless you want to boost Macron to create social tensions and escalate to a civil war.

Good work user. Fine OC.

Could translate it a bit differently tbh but that's what it means basically.

"Marine Le Pen got more women voters than any other candidate.

She'd be the first female president.

REAL feminism. …"

Get out of here Filter Goy

"6 months after a Muslim migrant killed 86 people in Nice, Macron celebrated the policy of importing Muslim migrants. …"

Thanks user, i am glad to help for what i can.
I asked for translation because i didn't want to make Macron look good by mistake.
I hope my OC will change some people minds, spread it as much as you can.

Le Pen holds HIGH ENERGY campaign rally in Nice following first round success

Hussar alert
Slav-hating faggot Macron says he will seek EU sanctions against Poland for making it a kebab-free zone uk.reuters. com/article/uk-france-election-poland-idUKKBN17T362?il=0