Is this the most fedoracore and schizophrenic book ever written?

Is this the most fedoracore and schizophrenic book ever written?

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It is. Liberal retards like Sargon of Akkad use it to explain how big goverment socialist are going to take everything away from him.

No, pic related is.

In terms of writing and the author? Not at all. In terms of the modern fanbase? God, yes.

ITT: falseflagging tankies

Every time i tell some one that Gorge Orwell was a socialists they have an existential crisis

Only tankies get triggered by this book

It's hilarious to see people's entire politics shaken when "Duh soshamolist big gubbermint" isn't actually duh soshamolist big gubbermint.

This. Everyone who isn't a retard knows well that Orwell was a socialist.

If you get offended by the book, you are only looking at it skin deep. It's not about communism or anything like that at all. It's about authoritarianism, control, disinformation, and all that jazz. Nothing to do with economic systems and everything to do with a society without individual liberties



Orwell is a fine writer, leave him alone.

No. It was a hilariously prophetic vision of modern Britain.

I liked Homage to Catalonia


It's mostly about language you dip

If Orwell was here today, would he be socialist enough for left/pol/?

no, he is too socialist for think state-capitalist counterrevolutionary hell hole

What was Orwell's opinion of internationalism and the function of government? I've read his two Spain books, and his two best known fictions but amn't really sure what specifically he would come under.

How i love anarkidies, trowing words around without ever reading a book, or Marx for that matter.

anarchists are revisionists

At least anarchists are somewhat consistent and in touch with reality, unlike tankies.

and i love how Tankies who have never read anything outside of soviet propaganda think that aging bureaucrats controlling the MOP is socialism

Hi Gunnar

Hey Gunnar. Your memes are shit.


Wasn't this originally

"Social Democrats betray the working class again"
"Rosa rolls over in her grave"
and then infinite energy?

Tankie hereā€¦ I think it was a ok :3


orwell has held the western world back in so many ways. basically any defense of boundaries, be them property, personal privacy, or of the mind, all of them are manifestations of the same dark tendencies that lead to capitalism. its this obsolete biological tendency to treat ourselves and discrete individuals and not part of a collectiv. we would be able to end bigotry and religion on one week (like god creating the heavens) (see link) if not for all these "sacred boundaries" society imposes that prevent us from forcefully installing modifications to the brains of all 7 billion people. we can DISABLE the fear part of the brain (see linkkk). the only thing to fear is fear itself but try selling that to a bunch of bioconserv. republcans that get way 2 butthurt about arbitrary nonconsensual body invasion by rational utilitarian shadow government.

tldr we have a moral obligation to reprogram predators to be gentle and it's not even up for debate first against the wall revolucion etc etc and so on sniff sniff wipe sniff wipe

Before I discovered Holla Forums, i never imagined some people see animal farm as anti-communist book.
If you read it as someone living in post-soviet country, you understand it in opposite way.

this is spooky af
all proles care of is having nice life for them and their families. Change economic system while keeping some basic freedoms like freedom of speech and freedom of public meetings i can't find right english word and there is no need for drastic solution like this

I assumed he proposed its use in jest. But give it time. There's already talk of using it to 'fix' racists.

how do you define "racist", comrade?

i liked it

I wouldn't even call it a fanbase; most of the people who cite the book haven't even read it, they just vaguely know what its themes are (and usually don't know Orwell was a socialist).
