Libertarian General: Old Morrakiu Edition

All are Libertarian-related philosophies are welcome.

Let's start off with a Throwback. First off two old songs from /ourboy/ Morrakiu.

Also how about a throwback back 8 years ago back when cute Emos still existed. Yes, Morrakiu actually did youtube videos back then.

Let's talk about how a short authoritarian and natioanlist period can lead to a libertarian paradise and how faggots who disagree with closing the border while we have a welfare state can collectively suck our dicks.

uhh guys?

Sorry, but no one cares


uhh sir?

rip this place

you realize he still believes in the same things, but has different priorities, right?

That's literally what old Morrakiu was.

And he is still today, but he doesn't say it because of strategy.

Also just btw, yes they are fucking stupid. All criticisms he did of them were entirely accurate.

No thanks, schlomo.

every half-decent intelligent person on Holla Forums was or is libertarian, just more radical now

Which criticisms, like calling them out on not loving fags?

So you don't even know what the criticism is, but you instantly dismiss it? :^)

You're about three years too late.

what happened?

the goyim know

Like these criticisms, faggot?

All the intelligent/non traitorous or subversive libertarians became ethno-nationalists, or at the worst, civic-nationalists


that still makes them libertarian though

being against immigration when you have a welfare state is not only a quintessential libertarian position, it's just common sense and literally everyone should do that

(sorry if that was too much of an articulated argument for Holla Forums's standards :^^^^^^) go ahead and call me a homo faggot now)

You're just against immigration temporarily for the sake of shekels, and have no concern for the purity of your race and the homogeneity of your community.

back to reddit

he literally went on a rant blaming 8ch Holla Forums for getting mike enoch doxxed and telling us were faggots

Im fine with him, but promoting anything morrakiu on 8/pol/ is retarded because they hate all things TRS

Sure, at their core they still ultimately believe in liberty above all else. Which comes with a lot of self-destructive as well as positive traits. But you have to still realize that "freedom" requires a minimum of intelligence and education to operate successfully. You don't give babies full freedom, and neither do you give low IQ retards full freedom.


Look at the bottom right corner of your screen, please.

How do you know what I am for without asking me?

Even if I thought that way, which I do not, I am convinced that I will probably not see a point where I would suddenly rescind the immigration restrictions again, maybe only as an old man in my 60s or higher up.

I am German. You don't know how much I hate the Boomer and 69er Faggots and the politicans who invited turkish guest workers here, PROMISED they would just be guests and then made fun of us and ridiculed the population now that they stay here.

And I have literally (yes literally) never ever heard anyone talk about what I just above in that way. Never. Not even here or on /deutschpol/.

I was banned last time for this, but let me tell you again why Morrakiu thinks the way he does, because I feel the same.

His argument is startegical. As long as we agree on some fundamentals, then we should get along.

Especially Immigration.

I agree. Universal voting rights were the worst thing to happen ever.

Wow. And some mod bumplocked my thread. I was almost going to say "funny they didn't ban me yet", but here we go.

This place is not what it used to be anymore. Btw what is that I am hearing about someone on your modteam being an Antifa-spy? Did that ever get cleared up?

I really want to rage at you faggots, but I try to contain myself, even If i have to watch you tocuh each other up in your hugbox.

In a world without jews? Sure, lets discuss libertarianism. Right now it just serves as a distraction. You can't have an entire tribe actively working to destroy your nation and culture from within, and still imagine that any sort libertarian government will survive. When everyone else believes that the NAP is bullshit and white people need to die, then what?

Lolbergs will be gassed alongside other degenerates. You're a cunt and will be treated as such.

libertarian =/= ancap

also just at least create an ancap island (doesn't have to be a physical island) somewhere

Yes, kill above average intelligence white people who want to work with you, my good goy.

Remember the only death spiral is if you step out of your purity spiral. HEHEHEEHEH


*teleports behind you*

Nothing personell, goy.

Lolbergs are out there fighting for our right to speak out about race and ethno-nationalism. Do you have no loyalty to the people who fight for your rights?

There are no doubt plenty of traitorous/subversive libertarians, but plenty good ones. Even Hitler allowed good Jews to fight alongside Germans.

If you want to beat lolbergs learn to speak and debate and beat them that way.

So true. I think authoritarianism really only rises when people are too stupid to take care of themselves. Which is why our governments want people to be stupider, it gives them a justification to gather more power.

Will you apologize on behalf of your modteam who bumplocked my thread btw?

I would be happy about an apology.

No. Deal with it, this is private property.

Oh I know, I know. But you apologizing would still make me happy. ;)

Fixed that for you

Use the powers of the free market and adapt if you really want to start a discussion about it here


This guy turned into a hugbox with possibly subversive mods who remove self-improvement threads and other useful threads.
Last time I was banned for 30 days for talking about self-cannibalizing the Altright and other related movements is stupid.

How can I use the free marketplace of ideas when you guys are almost as bad as the comment section of mainstream media?

Man, as a Chilean, Pinochet's era is when there were less taxes, people paid around 5% and corporations around 10%. Wish that era could come back, we've stagnated since. He proved that Free-Market Authoritarianism works. We've never had a "libertarian" president since him though.

my family hates him cause they were communist though

Sure, I don't deny it's a lot harder now, especially with the mods, but you can still get people to think and talk if you phrase things a certain way. Especially now, with the whole anti-free speech thing going on in places like Berkeley, you'll find a good amount of support. Don't let the shills or complete "red pills" sway you.

But I don't come here too often anymore, I just popped in today and this was one of the first threads I opened. What was your thread on the alright cannibalizing about?

Glad to a sane person here.

Oh you know. The standard stuff. How people here hate TRS, Richard Spencer, libertarians (just look at how some of the people here want to gas me), etc

Stop being selfish and swallow the NatSoc pill. It's pretty tasty


The next time you steal from the commies be sure to source your work.

completly agree with what he said there

christ-cuckservatives are a cancer, the only good they were for was voting for Republicans after Trump hijacked the party



wew lad, you nationalSOCIALISTS really love that welfare, huh?

he's not showing any policies here, just terms vague enough to be meaningless political sloganeering, what are his policies? which policies does he think constitute socialism? on which policies does his version of socialism differ from marxist socialism? on which policies does it differ from capitalism? unless I know what the political system he is advocating for entails, I cannot support it, especially if it calls itself socialism.

the nationalist part I can agree with, though, but why not nationalist libertarianism? how is that not superior to whatever national socialism is?

Generally speaking, Nazi theorists and politicians blamed Germany’s previous economic failures on political causes like the influence of Marxism on the workforce, the sinister and exploitative machinations of what they called international Jewry, and the vindictiveness of the western political leaders' war reparation demands. Instead of traditional economic incentives, the Nazis offered solutions of a political nature, such as the elimination of organized labor groups, rearmament (in contravention of the Versailles Treaty), and biological politics. Various work programs designed to establish full-employment for the German population were instituted once the Nazis seized full national power. Hitler encouraged nationally supported projects like the construction of the Autobahn, the introduction of an affordable people’s car (Volkswagen) and later, the Nazis bolstered the economy through the business and employment generated by military rearmament. Not only did the Nazis benefit early in the regime's existence from the first post-Depression economic upswing, their public works projects, job-procurement program, and subsidized home repair program reduced unemployment by as much as 40 percent in one year, a development which tempered the unfavorable psychological climate caused by the earlier economic crisis and encouraged Germans to march in step with the regime.

To protect the German people and currency from volatile market forces, the Nazis also promised social policies like a national labor service, state-provided health care, guaranteed pensions, and an agrarian settlement program. Agrarian policies were particularly important to the Nazis since they corresponded not just to the economy but to their geopolitical conception of Lebensraum as well. For Hitler, the acquisition of land and soil was requisite in molding the German economy. To tie farmers to their land, selling agricultural land was prohibited. Farm ownership was nominally private, but business monopoly rights were granted to marketing boards to control production and prices with a quota system.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated by organized labor, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honor German workers. The Nazis stressed that Germany must honor its workers. The regime believed that the only way to avoid a repeat of the disaster of 1918 was to secure workers' support for the German government. The Nazis wanted all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers. Songs in praise of labor and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as fireworks and an air show in Berlin. Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength, had honorably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed under economic liberalism. The Berliner Morgenpost, which had been strongly associated with the political left in the past, praised the regime's May Day celebrations.

The Nazis continued social welfare policies initiated by the governments of the Weimar Republic and mobilized volunteers to assist those impoverished, "racially-worthy" Germans through the National Socialist People's Welfare (NSV) chairman Erich Hilgenfeldt organization. This organization oversaw charitable activities, and became the largest civic organization in Nazi Germany. Successful efforts were made to get middle-class women involved in social work assisting large families. The Winter Relief campaigns acted as a ritual to generate public sympathy. Bonfires were made of school children's differently colored caps as symbolic of the abolition of class differences. Large celebrations and symbolism were used extensively to encourage those engaged in physical labor on behalf of Germany, with leading National Socialists often praising the "honor of labor", which fostered a sense of community (Gemeinschaft) for the German people and promoted solidarity towards the Nazi cause.

Hitler believed that private ownership was useful in that it encouraged creative competition and technical innovation, but insisted that it had to conform to national interests and be "productive" rather than "parasitical". Private property rights were conditional upon the economic mode of use; if it did not advance Nazi economic goals then the state could nationalize it. Although the Nazis privatized public properties and public services, they also increased economic state control. Under Nazi economics, free competition and self-regulating markets diminished; nevertheless, Hitler's social Darwinist beliefs made him reluctant to entirely disregard business competition and private property as economic engines.

In sum, national socialism is still socialism, in all meaningful ways apart from being anti-semetic.

I want to fuck your post