The Simple Reason Why A Second American Civil War May Be Inevitable

America has always had its divisions, and Americans have never really been a monolith. We’ve always been a nation of many nations. The culture of New England is different from the culture of the Deep South, which is different from the cultures in the West Coast or the Midwest. People living in the cities have different beliefs than people who live in the countryside. Within those areas, there are ethnic, linguistic, and religious enclaves. It’s always kind of been like that (probably to a lesser degree in the past), and somehow we’ve been able to find enough common ground to keep this country together for more than a century.

However, something has changed. You can feel it in the air. Our nation has clearly never been this divided since the Civil War. A lot of people noticed it after the last election, but the truth is that these divisions have been deepening for decades, and they’re just now reaching a very noticeable breaking point. That’s obvious enough when you look at how the left and the right have been going at each other. It used to be a war of words, but it’s turning into something very dark.

Consider what happened last week in Berkeley after Trump supporters and counter protesters clashed for the third time. 21 people were arrested and 11 were injured (that we know of), six of who had to be taken to the hospital. At least one person was stabbed. The police confiscated confiscated knives, stun guns, and poles. One Trump supporter admitted to being surrounded, pepper sprayed, and beaten with sticks by a mob of “protesters.”

But wait, that’s not the dark part. After these groups clashed, the leftist protesters took to Reddit and admitted that they lost this particular battle (I can’t believe I’m using the word “battle” to describe it), and that it was time for them to attain more combat training and better weapons, including firearms.

Do you see what’s going on here? Conservative demonstrations, which used to be placid affairs (remember the Tea Party protests?) are now turning violent as conservatives grow tired of restraining themselves, and are no longer afraid to hit back. Liberal demonstrators are responding by ratcheting up the level of force that they’re going to bring to the next street battle. It’s a tit for tat that keeps escalating, and I shudder to think of where it’s going to end up.

Honestly, I think we’re in the early stages of a second civil war. I can’t say what it’ll look like precisely, but I can tell you that our nation is on this path, and it’s not clear how we can get off of it. In fact, I fear that it may be inevitable, and there’s a very simple reason why.

It’s because Americans have been self-sorting themselves along geographic and political lines for a long time. A book titled “The Big Sort” made light of this trend back in 2008.

Basically what’s going on, is that Americans are moving to communities that align more with their politics. Liberals are moving to liberal areas, and conservatives are moving to conservative communities. It’s been going on for decades. When Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976, 26.8% of Americans lived in landslide counties; that is counties where the president won or lost by 20% of the vote.

By 2004, 48.3% of the population lived in these counties. This trend continues to worsen. As Americans move to their preferred geographic bubbles, they face less exposure to opposing viewpoints, and their own opinions become more extreme. This trend is at the heart of why politics have become so polarizing in America.

Other urls found in this thread:

We’re also seeing the same trend emerge online with social media. Despite the fact that the internet allows us to be exposed to more opinions that ever before, people choose to follow online voices that they already agree with. They’re slipping into digital bubbles that are comparable to their geographic bubbles.

This trend is irreversible as far as I can tell. That’s because it’s tied to innovation. As our country became more interconnected with roads and Americans gained more mobility, we chose to move to like-minded places. We’re given the internet, the greatest source of information in human history, and we use it to seek out only the information that reinforces our current beliefs.

We’re self-sorting at every level. Because of this, Americans are only going to grow more extreme in their beliefs, and see people on the other side of the political spectrum as more alien.

You can see how this is creating the perfect breeding ground for a real, physical war. The polarization makes it easier to dehumanize the other side. The self-sorting creates definable geographic boundaries that are necessary for a war. It spawns two sides with beliefs that are so divergent, that they cannot coexist.

We’re becoming two distinct nations with two competing visions for what the country should be. Two visions that are diametrically opposed. We used to be a nation of many nations that was held together, because there was still some common ground on what it means to be an American above all else. Now we can’t even agree on that.

Once the last shreds of common ground and understanding dissipate, a moment that is rapidly approaching, another civil war will be impossible to avoid. I wish I knew what the solution is, but I don’t. All I can say is, unless Americans go out of their way to listen to people on other side, whatever that side may be, there’s going to be a lot of blood in the streets.


No shit.

A non-ethnically homogeneous society ==ALWAYS== ends in bloodshed.

Political differences can be overlooked. Cultural differences can be tolerated. Racial differences invariably end with one group dead.

This thread has the exact same format as and both have unbroken links to zerohedge. Fuck off.

I'm not worried. The truth is on our side and it's simply a matter of time before it gets out.

The lugenpresse is continuing to lose it's influence while we constantly gain it. I find serenity in becoming stronger physically and mentally.


The only thing preventing mass slaughter is the threat of government force in retaliation or to shut it down.

The minute that disappears, it will be blood in the streets.

The moment the government can't stop me there's going to be blood in the streets.

The question is why anyone thinks this is a bad thing, why groups who do not share the same views or ideals should be forced into cohabitation out of obsolete concepts of unity and brotherhood which derived exclusively from conditions which, through careful and purposeful action on behalf of certain parties, no longer exist.
At least half of my countrymen are no brothers to me, and I would sooner share unity with other factions they likewise hate than with them, and this is a direct result of… Wait for it… Liberal progressive ideology/policy.

And that's not necessarily bad, nor even inaccurate - if anything, its likely we're seeing each other on genuine, accurate terms more than every before. We aren't the same. We are not unified in any way, beyond sharing a country of birth. In many cases, we are in direct competition for the interests of the groups to which we are a part. How could we possibly be anything but alien to one another?
How could an Evangelical Christian be anything but alien to a blue-haired feminist? How could a transexual rights activist in Jew York or Los Mexico be anything but alien to a Nationalist farmer in Middle America?
The point is: We didn't used to BE so alien to one another, which is why we were more unified, why we were less conflicted - the fact that this author doesn't seem to realize that is astounding: This didn't just happen from the aether, its happening as the direct result of our population ACTUALLY BECOMING MORE ALIEN TO ONE ANOTHER over time.

The implication being that this is a bad thing.
War is not universally, objectively bad. War is, in fact, quite eugenic in many cases… And, granted, dysgenic in others.

We aren't 'becoming' that, we ARE that, and HAVE BEEN that for decades.
Because that doesn't exist anymore. We weren't a nation of many nations - we were one nation, borne out of people from one continent, with many many shared ideals and predispositions and cultural views… Now we actually ARE a nation of many nations, and no surprise, we don't get alone, because we are from different continents, we hold different ideals which are not shared between us, we espouse different predispositions and cultural views - and, as the saying goes, Diversity + Proximity = Conflict.

Its already here. The war, or at least the conflict is inevitable - and in this case, I would argue, beneficial: If this conflict does not play out, the White American population - the American People, the only people genuinely deserving of such title - will disappear into a sea of violent, stupid, muddy vermin, whilst progressives clap themselves on the back, sinking into that same mud even as the celebrities and ideologues they followed hop onto planes headed elsewhere, to perpetuate the process in new lands.
Yes, you do. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.
Good. The streets could use some blood - that Tree needs watered.

Suggestive of shilling a news organization. Undesirable activity.

Yes, the next war will be fought at the county level.

Buy this book, it's your time machine.

Shill thread. We're nowhere near the level of civil unrest that we had in the 70's.

Wake me up when the commies start bombing campaigns again, the national guard has to be sent out to shoot commies (again). Does everyone forget the summer of rage so quickly?

Agreed. We don't even have any white flight going on like in Detroit.

I'm starting to feel like Neo.


It is. We're no where near close to the violence we've previously weathered.

Additionally, the federal government has a HUGE vested interest in there NEVER being an open civil war. That is why there is only demonstrations and lone white vigilante groups. Note how hard the Oathkeepers got cucked by the FBI.

The moment it's a shooting war, the federal government ceases to be. How quickly would both Russia and China start arming and training southern rebels?

Commies haven't even bombed the Pentagon yet.

Most of us weren't alive then. So for a 25 year old this is the most turbulent time in our lives. It's also ramping up faster AND it's not a popular anti-war movement shielding commie actions, it's racial strife. Not to mention the jew is being named by counter-protesters even without a Rockwell to lead them. It's accelerating fast and we're hurtling towards IRA style insurrection against the liberal/jewish power structure.

Similar to the IRA it'll be racial in the conflict's origin and a reactionary movement to occupation. (by ZOG)

are you retarded, the left is losing on all fronts, they want to spread le dark and terror ridden reddit scenarios on this board and conservatives.

they cant get away with terrorism like they did back in the day, everyone is being watched, and alot of anons or normalfags should have polaroid and non digital cameras on hand incase the deepstate wants to kill off phones during an inside job antifa leftist lead terror attack

Why is that a problem? If they want to meme a Civil War let them, since they'll lose and be ethnically cleansed. Do you not realize chaos is the key to fomenting a National Socialist revolution in the United States? If the Leftists induce the chaos (like they did in Weimar Germany) all the better.

have fun shedding blood and dehumanizing yourself, burgerbros

Faggot detected.
GTFO my earth.

the article isn't saying civil war is here, it's clearly saying there are deep divisions building in society and heading in that direction. I for one agree.
Consider that what they want and what reality serves up are two very different things. Otherwise there would never have been any commie uprisings/revolutions in the world ever.

Very good posts OP.

Here is my only critique:

You say that a new civil war is coming. To have a war you need two sides who bring armies, equipment, weapons. The problem is that we don't have any politicians on our side who would actually allocate actual armies to fight for our cause. The government establishment is against us at every level. The average politicians is just a double-talking snake who holds office for their own gains. I repeat, there is no part of this government that is on our side to the extent that they would send an army to fight anything for us.

I think everything you are saying is right except one thing - it won't be a 'civil war' as we imagine it. It will be a citizen revolution … against the most powerful government on the planet.

I personally think that if any real violent revolt takes hold it will be cited by the establishment as the excuse they need to crush us.

We need Trump to save us, and right now I'm not sure if he will.

This reminds me of a great cellular automata demonstration I saw a while ago. It demonstrated that if people only have a slight preference for living near like-minded people, communities will naturally segregate.

For example, if each cell prefers having only 30% of it's neighbors the same color, pics related occurs. Only 30%, segregation occurs even when people are okay with 70% of their neighbors being different.

Of course the effect is even more dramatic when the similar neighbor preference is higher. They even form a no man's land.

I'm more concerned with how the history books are gonna note this event down. Let's hope the /k/ommandos are willing to give us a hand.



USA used to defined itself as *the* democratic society, champion of democracy everywhere in the world. That self-definition trumped any other, religious, ethnic or otherwise.

Democracy prevailed, now the world is full of democracies (more or less). USA is falling back on once suppressed identities.
'The whole of Germany is thus bounded; separated from Gaul, from Rhoetia and Pannonia, by the rivers Rhine and Danube; from Sarmatia and Dacia by mutual fear, or by high mountains:'

Tacitus: Germania


I doubt the cause of this is people moving to like minded areas, but rather white flight followed by shitskin breeding filling the new ghettos.

I don't keep up with 4/k/iddos, but our /k/ommandos and most of the old 2A people are on our side. Even if they just make Flyover-land inhospitable for feds, that would be a huge help. Normie NRA fags will propably go along with government but getting turned in by them is probably the only danger. I almost think it was a bad idea not having Hillary elected, because it made it more likely for normies Republicans to side with us.


Funny how the American Civil War seemed to benefit international jewry and demonized Southern White males. Where international jewish banksters behind both sides of the Civil War?

Remember by 1913 jews had taken control of the Federal Reserve and mass media. Jacob Schiff funded the Russian Revolution and the NAACP.

By the 1960's blacks had flooded every major city in the USA. The (((Hart-Cellar Act))) of 1965 was not voted on by the people of the USA just like Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

I'd say 4/k/ is 50% Holla Forums, 40% lolbertarian, 10% commie.

No, no it's not. What's polarizing is that the Far Left has seized control of one of the two major political parties in the US and has declared that 4/5ths of the American people are "Nazis" who need to be silenced with violent force.

We've listened to the other side, they're utter lunatics who belong to a death cult. Their ideas go against the very nature of existence itself. No amount of "understanding" or "reaching across the isle" will ever change that.

Embed related.

The "Colonel" AI's speech reminds me of the Overlords of Arthur C Clarke's Childhood's End.
Their ideas are basically the same, guide humanity towards the next evolutionary step by ridding them of their "childhood's games".

Southern White males were duped. Most slave traders and a disproportionate number of slave owners were jews. White southerners were duped into defending an economic system designed by jews which was not beneficial to them (the typical white laborer).

Of course jews always play both sides to hedge their bets. Industrialists in the North were neck-deep in jews as well.

There absolutely WILL be a second american civil war. Guaranteed. The reason is simple: war becomes inevitable when differences become irreconcilable. When discourse breaks down and it becomes impossible for a group to see the other's POV and vice versa. This is how it was during the first civil war. The differences between the north and south were too great. And it wasn't just about slavery, it was about an entire different society, culture, and way of life between them. Same is going on right now. It's rural white america vs the urbanites and their pet niggers.

And I hope the day comes sooner rather than later. The sooner it happens, the better off we are. The longer we wait, the less red-blooded white people there are and the more shitskins there will be instead. And we know our side WILL win, because leftists are cucks who have no passion, no organization, and no will to fight for what they believe. Plus they live in cities, which will tear themselves apart when supply lines get cut off. Their pet niggers will eat them alive.

I just all this happens before I die. I want to be alive to see peace and prosperity returned to my people.

Of all the things I could be black-pilled about, the thing that worries me the most is whether or not the majority of all the people who espouse their need of firearms to defend against tyrannical government would instead just cuck out and turn in their weapons if the feds actually told them to.

better than I expected. I saw someone presumably from 4/k/ post the most pleb primer on how to shoot for Holla Forums, I started to spread disinfo but it was so pathetic I left it alone. They ate it up of course.

they weren't fighting for slaves or an economic system, they were fighting for their people. Unsurprisingly like always, it got manipulated.

That's why I say they were duped. There was a discrepancy between the reasons they chose to fight (for their people) and the system they were incidentally defending by fighting (a slave economy designed by and for jews.)

I should say, the entire fucking nation got duped. White people killing white people. A great jewish con job.


I would imagine the human propensity to prefer neighbors who are like oneself increases with chaos and lawlessness. That's why there are periods of times in human history full of kumbayaa that liberals always point to as an example that 'we can do it!' It's because the norms, laws, and customs of the previous homogeneous era haven't yet been eroded by the degeneracy of the heterogeneous era.

Once all that shit starts to break down people begin to think, as they always have, 'I had better find out who my friends are.' (You are here.)


Cooking for the civil war classes will be held nowhere, and fucking never. This is my recipe which I continue to update and have posted on Holla Forums since 2011. Cook responsibly gentlemen.

As a Spaniard will I be accepted by Northern European/Aryan whites in the racewar or will I have to deign to fight with the left just to survive

No one is going to do jack shit. White people are going to be slowly blended out of existence over the course of the next two centuries without a single breath of resistance because they love every minute of it. As a whole this is what white people want. You can't save someone who wants to die. They won't even fight for their lives because they truly believe that they deserve death and welcome it.

Don't give up Iberia to mudmen, we will ride out to meet you.

You haven't met rural Americans have you? They fucking hate shitskins and kikes.

I am a rural American, I'm surrounded by rural Americans. I'm attending a trade school, not a university and even that is full of faggots who where pissed that Bernie wasn't Lenin enough. I'm telling you this image you have of "country boys" doesn't exist. Not anymore. So if it doesn't exist here where the fuck is it? No where.

I live in rural Pennsylvania, I was born here. Every white I meet who isn't a boomer is extremely racist, across all economic strata. They all hate kikes, niggers, saracens, and spics. Do you live in the upper midwest? Because scandies are born to cuck.

From a non-burger perspective I find it interesting that words like "commies" "fascists" are now resurfacing in the US, it was only used in the cold war and ww2, right ? I was also surprised right after the elections to see groups calling themselves "antifa" (I don't remember any antifa groups in the US before that, I might be wrong though) as antifa in Europe are well known.
just throwing this out, sorry for off-topic kinda
Great writing nonetheless, OP

I spent years in that world. We've made some good progress, especially on concealed carry. But I tend to think most will hand them over easy, and the ones who hide them will mostly die off before they would do anything. I'm not saying it's likely, but who would be more likely to be obeyed in a gungrab, Hillary or Trump?

this was my only disagreement then. I certainly don't disagree with

I can't back it up, but I think it might have resulted in the circumstances most likely to ensure our victory. Red team planner was full of shit, but with Hillary in charge it was actually a possible scenario. I worked hard to keep her from getting elected, because I wasn't physically ready for that level of happening.

They're there, but they're all isolated. They need to know more like them exist, and all the dormant hate among the rest needs awakened. They are too sheltered to know what is going on. Like most of us before the SJWs became obvious for what they are.

Western PA here, heil!

The "black bloc" were the antifa equivalent during the Bush years and even the Clinton years. They would protest at the G8 and G20 meetings. But they protested not because these are kike fronts but because they oppress "muh shitskins" in South America and Africa.

I'm in the deep south where these white dudes are in constant actual danger from the sheer amount of niggers they're surrounded by and they know it but they're still more concerned about the fact that their daddy couldn't buy them a brand new truck every year like the rich kids. Not even a monthly fucking break-in of their shit apartment by niggers and spics is making them see the racial issues. There are white antifa groups in South Africa even.

From Bradford to Kittanning is God's own country. The population is 99% shitlord.

If the Second American Civil War is coming soon, shouldn't someone try to form a plan beforehand? Like creating some sort of death squadron and army?

I've always been interested in the idea of an American political party that's somewhat similar to the National Socialism party in Germany.

The knowledge the average /k/ommando knows is fucking frighting. You've got people who have entire dossiers on various conflicts and the mistakes made during them. Remove Liberal is a very real thing.

Yinz having good weather up there?

PA will be the birthplace of the Fourth Reich.

They clearly want conflict, because they need a scapegoat to explain the invevitable economic crash (that massive QE has barely managed to sustain) along with the fact that the dollar is rapidly slipping as world reserve currency. The signs are there, if you look:
But instead of fighting each other and playing into their hands, we should be fighting the banksters and others responsible for this mess. Otherwise we're just throwing our lives away while they make more profits from the chaos, and ultimately use the event as a pretext to push for more draconian state powers and a cashless world currency.
It's the same in Europe, with the "refugee" cricis. All artificially constructed to create strife and chaos, because that economy is also on the edge of a precipice.
The politicians on both continents server the same masters.

Checked for Western PA superiority.

The division has grown in accordance with the federal governments rise to greater power.

The USA is crumbling for the same reasons as the EU.
A multi-cultural society can't maintain itself as a single cultural group will always hold power causing division and social unrest.

At this point the US federal government is too big to simply roll back and dismantle.
Only blood will solve the problem.

Not as much given the constant (if mild) libertarian scorn from Holla Forums over the last few years, but they'll side with their rights and that, ultimately, means the right wing libertarian or authoritarian

Well we have the 3 million militia members and "oath keepers" most of them seem to be far right. Also I gave you a recipe for nerve gas in this very thread.

S'alright weather but I gotta warsh ma windas soon.

Even today we see Ethnic diversity tearing nations apart, namely Mali, C.A.R., South Sudan (let alone Sudan), Syria, Iraq, all of Central Asia, and more

If the Democrats won they would have immediately BLACKED America beyond repair immediately so that another Trump could never ever happen again.

Darkness is best girl

Odd way to spell Megumin

Read up on the Spanish Civil War. More so on the political atmosphere before the war started. The atmosphere was one of intense polarity. No one would even think to listen to the other side. In fact, it was expected to either shut opposing views out entirely, or get into shouting-matches/physical altercations. No one could negotiate their differences, and when you can't talk your problems out, you fight them out.

I too feel we are headed to a Civil war. Only the Heavens above us know how it will start and what it will look like, but no matter how it happens, an Second American Civil War is bound to be one of the bloodiest conflicts in the world. We are perhaps the richest, most technologically developed, most armed country in the world, while having a sizable population to boot. If war was to start, you'd have millions of refugees pouring into Canada and Mexico, but depending on where the violence takes place, millions more could be cut off from fleeing, trapped between oceans and not having enough money to pay for traffickers (I'm mostly talking about the American South, were most of the blacks there are completely dependent on government assistance).

And this is not even considering how the world will participate. You can bet Al Qaeda will send money and fighters, Russia and China will train and equip the groups they like, NATO will get involved, the UN may place sanctions on certain sides of the conflict, etc.

an American Civil War would in essence, be a WW3
Praise Kek

Good. That's definitely a good start. If we gather more men, weaponary, vehicles, and any other vital necessities, there could be a new political party formed. A group of like minded individuals who seek to unify all Americans and destroy the destructive nature of the regressive left. A group that rejects the ideas of Globalism, Socialism, and Communism. I hope to see this in the future. I'm tired of living in a nation that has its reputation tarnished by morons. I'm tired of living in a nation ruled by corrupted individuals. I'm absolutely tied of my nation being the world police. I wanna fix America for the greater good. I want this future to exist.

Also I did create this random logo out of pure boredom. But hey, whatever.

Lets not get into this

You are wrong :^)

Okay my apologies, I went on an ego fantasy trip lmao. But still, I am rather tired of seeing the same old shit constantly plaguing other nations (including mine). It would be great to live in a nation where we're not referred to as Burgerland.

When things are resolved, we should set the age of consent to puberty instead of a number.

Even if we secure a future for white children, only begun the waifu wars have.

The AOC in Germany during the 1930s was 16, so I support that number. You also had to be married, which I find wholesome enough.


They want limited war they can control, but they'll be happy to play both sides in any war. As long as it leaves us in a worse position and they can shuffle shekels around, they don't care who it is or what gets destroyed.

When the white man truly goes to war again it will change the world. If we don't go far enough, I'm afraid it will kill of the best among us, and I'm not sure we can survive that again. If we limit ourselves to just communists or rapefugees, I'm afraid this blackpill bullshit will be inevitable.

no we don't, and if they took their oaths seriously they would have been acting long ago. Foreign and domestic, as long as it isn't too much effort and doesn't effect my pension.

If left demonstrators left Trump supporters alone there would be no violence, don't blame the right. The left started this, the right will finish it.

be careful there satan

Satan, you'd probably get the last of the right wing folk in mapleland coming down to help. Win-win if you think about it.

Aqua is too good for us lowly mortals.

who /waifuchan/ here?

Such evolutionary dynamics cannot be escaped.

smdh tbqh famerino

Dammit Satan, I don't want a nuclear war. I'd rather not.

What color is our symbol?


Sieg heil, viktoria!

US has the same average which was determined by physicians in the 19th century as the age after which there was no increase in deformity at birth. The women pushing for the legislation naturally wanted it to be raised to 21 to increase the value of their dried up cunts.

observe image

What a newfag. You can tell reddit is here with the nonstop direct links to websites. Breaking is now dead and cuckchan/reddit hybrid is now here. remember to leave the board and chan entirely as you point and laugh lads

Dubs of forgiveness my friend. Everyone is getting tired of this situation. Just find some friends or likeminded folk hopefully both and train for what comes next. If the party forms you'll be ready and willing with thousands others, and eventually millions.

I mean I can change the color of the logo if you want, user. The symbol was based off a design that resembled transformation. And the original design had a start within the center.

I've been praying for a Civil War since High School, so that a clean slate maybe obtained and worked upon with masterful skill. If that slate is granite, steel, marble or brimstone is not up to me.

Absolutely a win-win. Let the leftists live in their failures, and dont let it pollute our lives any longer

Who knows if it'd even go nuclear. I'm sure the CBRNE specialists have a strong enough heart to lock those things up. But if not now, then when?

Sieg Heil!

The deep south is the most degenerate place in the entire US. It always has been, and I say that as a lifelong southerner. Those not native to the deep south have entirely the wrong impression of it and our history, they assume that because we had segregation, jim crow laws and fought to keep slavery that white southerners must be the most redpilled people in the country. Not true. white southerners race-mix probably more than any other white population i've EVER seen. White racial identity here has always been a confused jumble of primitive prejudice (absent any higher knowledge of racial history or myth), paternalism towards niggers (they LIKE being segregated, at heart they're totally harmless, it's other white people who corrupt them with furrin' ideas about freedumb!), and bible-thumping idiocy that was spectacularly exploited by leftists in the 50's and 60's to destroy segregation, thus eliminating the last boundaries that kept the good whites here separate from the trash.

The Deep South is shit, and has always been so.


Breaking wasn't a thing prior to last august, it came about as a result of the election. We just used archive. They really should archive zero hedge though, fuck those guys.

That's what I'm gonna try honestly. And I hope for the same thing with you, fellow user.

Your post is funny, but if advocating for what Natsoc Germany decided on makes me a kike, it makes all of us kikes.

Good, 3 or 4 years ago, I called for this kind of action and received only the most apathetic responses.

It's so refreshing to see that people still have the agency, will, and determination to fight.

Dehumanize yourself to face the bloodshed.

There is no hope of a better future anymore, no readily available path to an easy life. Idealistic faith in the principles like civility, reason, and dialogue used to be harmless, but now it makes you dangerously deluded. Ahead of us lie only endless carnage and the laughter of dark gods.

newfag please leave

I can concede some of your points, the paternalism, some of the mixing. But I take issue with the others
The major cities of the North and West care to disagree.
I want to see some stats on that. Proximity and degeneration have always led to mixing but I want an exact percentage compared to other whites.
White Southerners can trace their lines back to the first ships that came from Europe. Anglo and Celtic roots stretch back generations and connect the white southerns to each other and their families. Just look at who does civil war reenactments. Their myth is the civil war and pre-war South.

That's what it seems like today, but if we establish a nation of mostly whites and keep out Jews and darkskins, then the future will be restored.


ill have to agree with you user. a civil war has been brewing here for a long damn time. I say let us reset and start anew.

As long as the Jew exists somewhere, we won't have peace. He will try constantly to worm his way back in, and he will agitate against such a state around the world. The Czar's regime was brought down by Jews (with the help of Jews from America), as was Hitler's Germany.

Whites and Jews are locked into a life-and-death struggle and the Jew, at some level, understands that. As long as he lives, he will never stop injuring us, and it doesn't matter whether we exclude him from public life, mark him, deport him, or isolate his countries. Only his complete annihilation will secure lasting peace.

I've been calling this for a year now. Our differences are irreconcilable, and we're past the point of it blowing over. I've coined the process "Overton Mitosis". When two sides equally see the other as insane, the only solution is for them both to try to wipe eachother out.

He probably means under current parameters.

Even then, the prospect of transhumanism and it being abused does not make me hopeful even in a 100% white world.

Political violence in the US is nothing new
Read a fucking book

checked. kek you almost feel bad for them. whites collect guns and ammo and food and land and farms and water for a fucking HOBBY user. this will be a needed and well deserved culling of shit from our society

oh shid Satan what are you d-


well I mostly go by observation, but this article on interracial dating bears my point out
http: //
Yeah maybe, but do they, and do they give a shit? For most of the white trash and southern-yuppie scum that lives here, the answer is an emphatic "no". The side of my family from Pennsylvania is far more concerned about their lineage and ethnic roots than any of the squalid retards I grew up around. And our southern myths about the Civil War are more like fantasies, because they're not based in any kind of fact. It wasn't a war of northern aggression, it was a war started by South Carolinian effete upperclassmen so they could continue their nigger-breeding unhindered. Abolitionists didn't really have as much influence until the war actually started and the north became hardened against southerners more than they hated niggers, and the purpose of the war got hijacked by nigger-lovers.

More like desirable

Its always yankees and carpetbaggers that believe the war between the states was over slavery. The south is a separate nation from the north and has been since before the revolution. If abolitionists didn't have any influence the republican party wouldn't have been founded to free the blacks and John Brown wouldn't be a Northern hero. if you live near the cities or suburbs with other transplants I'd suggest going to the country side and sundown towns to make your observations. The South isn't as shit as you want to believe.

Hey just because I'm a hebephile doesn't mean I'm a Jew. By my estimates, at least 80% of the white male population are hebes too.

Same user here, I changed the logo a bit.

Not too much better. How about a swastika?

That's an alchemical symbol, called "squaring the circle". It's how you make the Philosopher's Stone.

The national guard was called out for blacks and liberals in Missouri. Also back then the country was less accecpting of communist leftism. These days the police hang back while the commies act up.

(Side note: it's funny how cuckservatives have claimed for years the cops and military will be on their side. Not working out so well in Berkeley when the cops hang back and then arrest those on the right…)


isn't that the fucking truth….can't have an opinion here unless it's 88DD chess and "winning" when Holla Forums was always about THINKING not being a mindless drone…all this pricks calling any discussion "shilling" and "jew"….name calling is a fucking leftist tactic to shut people up and end discussion…."is it really a shill? should I ignore it?"

If Americans don't rise up after they realize that Trump was a jewish plant then they never will. His past with Soros (joint hotel ownership, 160million gift), Roy Cohn and hundreds of other jews should not be ignored. Now illegal immigrants are "dreamers" according to Trump and they should stay, Pence and Kushner are running the country and Trump is in vacation/promotion mode… stupid can the public be? He has no power to get anything done because his hands are tied yet he can launch missiles, drop moabs, test nukes, send fleets off to provoke wars…..but he has no power to enact change?

the only "winning" going on is for Israhell and the global masters. where is Wieners arrest? podesta? hillary? every fucking traitor to America? No…arrest Assange instead of Soros. Being used and lied to is a hard thing to admit to yourself, but staying in the dark and denying what is before your eyes is worse. Does anyone here even know how long it took Hitler to take complete control of his country after his election? He wasted no time in taking charge and cleaning up. I don't remember him offering weak excuses for his behavior, yet mighty "emperor" Trump bows to everyone in Washington and says "it's not my fault" all while making Israel great again.



Put it in the circle, then. Or Black Sun the circle.

I was just letting you know what that symbol actually was.

Outer protrusions look too much like Squidward noses. The shape edges need anti-aliasing too.

I said the age of consent should be set to when puberty starts, which happens around 10-13 years old.

Nah I don't think a swastika would be fitting for the logo. We're trying to unify people rather than scare them off because of the simple fact that most Americans have been indoctrinated to the idea that third reich was this terrible autoritarian movement filled with the most immoral practices.

I used the alchemy symbol of "squaring the circle" for an alternative. So we might want to think of something better or adding more to the logo itself.

Let's be honest. There are ((people)) jerking it right now at the thought of South African style genocide of white people.

*that the third reich

But you get my point anyways.

m u h p r. what about a black sun or some kind of rune though?

You're completely misinterpreting the political climate in the mid 19th century. Almost no one besides the most rabid abolitionists were suggesting that slavery be abolished in the areas it was already practiced (aka the south), they wanted to prevent it from expanding into the midwest and the west and to restore the Missouri Compromise, because they didn't want nigger labor destroying opportunities for white settlers. Research the New England Emigrant Aid Society, it's entire purpose was to get white settlers out west before southern nigger-drivers could claim the land first, and they were mostly successful.

The John Brown episode was mostly just an opportunity for intellectual faggots like Thoreau to social signal, nothing's changed in that regard. The vast majority of resentment towards the south and slavery from the north was the specter of Slave Power Violence, as northerners correctly observed much of the deep south to be a poverty-stricken cesspool.

The majority of Americans don't even care. Less then half the country voted in the 2016 presidential election. It just seems that way because of your personal passion

That seems like a good idea. I'll try experimenting with certain symbols and runes.

Banksters only listen to violence. I think killing Zuckerberg for censorship is a good start. He thinks corporations should be able to overrule the constitution if it's profitable. I think that makes him a traitor and he should die.

Yes! let's go kill some people right now! Thank you CIA-tan!

You're a moron. Why don't you go read up on what percentage of the country participated in the American Revolution and the Civil War and then kill yourself for being so dense.

I agree. He gets more and more pathetic every day. There were exactly zero people in all his rallies with signs asking him to capture Assange.

I dream of this sweet justice every day. Hubris is long overdue.

Some IMPORTANT people.

oops. I disagree, but either there is a scientifically definable AoC or an arbitrary one or the father has to set it. Having hit puberty myself at 10, there is no fucking way I would set it there. I also can't muster giving a fuck until we are actually in control, considering the bigger issues.

So who are these banksters?


The people who work in the most heavily fortified part of Manhattan. Continue going to jail for fighting niggers who view prison as a home away from home though if that makes you feel better.

Yeah good article, already read it but most of the authors points are sound. The main goal with a Trump/right wing presidency was to secure the support of the military and government assets when the war breaks out. Peaceful reform of the U.S. government appears to be impossible at this point.

This is an article from Zero Hedge.

Good point If you can't even get 50 percent to bother to vote I doubt you will get 20 percent willing to die.


better, I do like the triskel in the second pic too but there's something odd like this user said

You continue to showcase how utterly stupid you are.

Can you name them?

You're the one who brought it up.

The only way to win is to disrupt operations of the enemies. Attacking niggers is bread and circus for these assholes.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Hey, what do these bankers and important persons have in common ?


Greed and filth, they also share the same names

Hey, that's really good now. Keep improving user

c'mon, name them you faggot

Name them.

We argued the communists in the 20s and 30s and converted them to our cause, we proved to them that our way was superior after they had suffered a crushing defeat to their Bolshevik revolution in 1918-19. Those who shilled for the Jews were crushed by their own converted ex-marxists. NatSocs no longer thought in origin, party, class, age, profession, property, education or social standing. We united all! We made sure those who were unable to work were taking care off and we gave old people pensions so everyone would die humbly. We introduced taxation to be fair. We hardened our culture and removed degeneracy within months. Plenty of pedophiles met their fate. We crushed the Capitalists and removed the Marxists. We've done it once, we will do it again, no matter the odds.

Those who label us as hateful of other races simply have met the shills, or degenerate neo-reactionaries they do not truly know our stance nor will they ever grasp racialism.

Those who do not wish you to talk, those who wish to harbor polarization are your enemy, because they profit from your division!

Deutschland Über Alles!

Want a jewish "important" bankster ? Try Yellen, she's responsible for the mess we're in

Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets.

Remember user, all conflict comes at a price to both sides. It won't just be the left suffering, we too will lose people, infrastructure, and resources. It is in our best interests to keep this as swift, and non violent as we can.

"The supreme art of war is to subdue your enemy without fighting." -Sun Tzu

Just keep scanning the top half of NY Times for their corpses you useless goon.

That is why we need a fierce beauty like Tanya Degurechaff to unite us. I'm sorry but I can NOT get behind a broken down old alcoholic like "Mad Dog" Matthis.


l-lewd, that's a boy you know…

Anybody in a government position is more useless than the CIA, FBI, and NSA. Her job is to step down during the next bubble crash to make it look as if change is happening.

Tanya posters get the rope first.

Look at his fucking ID and what he said, and didn't say.

and trump said he would think about keeping her


I cant fucking wait for civil war 2.0

Biological sex is determined by a cursory inspection of the genitals.

Tanya has all the right bits in all the right places

Get out.

How many fucking times do I have to remind you faggots that


Interesting simulation.

Please tell me that first picture is in range of a North Korean nuke.

Not yet.

That was just how neocons redefined it in the postwar era and how we framed it to get allies in the cold war. We were the leaders of the free world–it was a fucking pitch, not a suicide pact like it is now. If you read writings from Americans in the prewar era, they had an acute sense of their interests collectively as white men who belonged to a particular strain of European Enlightenment thought. They didn't think of themselves as 'a democracy' either, but as a Republic, which is how it still is.

checked, considering how pathetic they are, norks putting some dirty fizzlers onto ships and setting off in the bay would be one of the more effective uses for their program

He gets any wish. Harem ending or gtfo.

How many of them are white anyways? Or could be considered white? (Over 3/4)

We need some kind of disaster, like a solar flare EMP type shit to knock things out. The bread and circuses are keeping us complacent and on our knees.

We need to redefine American national identity in order to shore up forces for this upcoming civil war and to provide motivation for people to take action. Democracy must be dethroned as the central value, in favor of something both more substantial and more beneficial. By appealing to the frontier spirit coupled with crusader ethos, we can push people to take direct action against corrosive forces afflicting society while also building up the nation's wealth.

at least I have old vehicles

absolutely civic

will we also bomb Spanish school children?

Uh yeah, you don't think the mexicans are leaving on their own, do you?

Why don't you try reading instead of spending all your time on being retarded?

I'm pretty sure it all ends in blood shed anyway.

So we'll kill catholic Spanish school girls for the white race?

Where the fuck do you think you are? Mestizo squat goblins can LARP as human someplace else.

No. Everyone should bleed. The victor should know why they fought for a millennia.
May the streets be filled with degenerates and entire countries turn to dust!

what are you talking about?

I'm talking about the time where the heroic and valiant IRA defeated zog by killing Spanish catholic schoolgirls, nothing to do with mexico you fucking illiterate.

What does that have to do with GTKRWN?

Reading what? Don't tell me you buy into that 3 percent nonsense.

ps not all spanish are white

The same thing the IRA has to do with it. Fucking nothing unless you believe being child killing drug dealers is useful.

I've received reports of armed attacks on demonstrators. The police are refusing to protect the demonstrators, and ANTIFA are starting to get desperate.

These are just the social control systems.The spiritual control systems are even more matrix equivalent.

We're dehumanizing up not down you tard. The point isn't to become a lower animal but build a crystalized soul necessary to draw humanity up into a new age.

Central PA near Hburg
save me

Also ferromagnetism depending on temperature.
The cooler it gets, the better local magnets become tied together.
We can see internet as a creator and a strengthener of human links.
The real temperature here is memes, Internet has as many factions as it has different memes for expressing the same feelins.


Be careful what you wish for user, you might just get it. I assure you, total war is a horrific thing and not something to be treated lightly. Especially when it has the possibility of going nuclear.

The horrors of war are preferable to living in this degenerate society. We have everything to gain and nothing to lose but our lives

It's mainly going to suck for people who have something to lose. Like Zuckerberg. Scuttle back to Israel while you still can, bitch.

user, I agree this society is shit. But my point is we should be looking to fix it in the most effective and clean method possible. Bloodshed may be necessary but it is critical that we do not become monsters.

Those who need to die should die, but beyond that to engage in wanton slaughter brings us down to the level of our enemy. Mass killings and destruction are the realm of leftists and niggers. That is not us, we are better than that.

Accomplish the mission and do not fall prey to blood lust.

I have things to lose here too user. I run a small business and it took me years to actually get it functioning. We're on the cusp of finally releasing something that has the potential to be a real success.

I have dumped years and years of my blood, sweat, and tears into building this thing. I am not eager to see it suddenly swept away in a mass of bloodshed and destruction. Which is why I'd prefer what violence we do utilize be targeted, efficient, and swift.

The fewer people that die the better. Our goal is to regain control of our lands, once we've defeated our enemy we can ship the survivors off and reeducate the salvageable ones.

A civil war is not in our ruler's best interest and they will try everything in their power to prevent it, as it is one of the only, if not the only, thing that can bring about true change. There are examples of quite a few non-violent movements/protests that rapidly grew across the States in the 60s that were violently (((shut down))).

Any movement in today's world that does not involve the general public fighting among themselves but against the rulers can expect to be infiltrated, co-opted and must prepare for it.

The time for a painless fix has long since past, the longer we wait the bloodier the solution will have to be. In a struggle for survival is there such a thing as excessive force?

I am respect your wisdom user, but as for myself, I am aware of the risk that comes. The current path our nation is set on will only bring our extinction.

To any and all Anons who look forward to war, ask yourself: Are you will to either dying an excruciating death, or be rendered a mutilated shell for the rest of your life?
If you cannot accept such a fate, think about doing something different

Yes, there is. Once again and I cannot state this enough, the longer and bloodier this ends up being, the more drained we will be at the end. Civil wars fundamentally weaken an entities geopolitical position and expose it to attacks by vultures.

The leftist rank and file are brain dead sheep, they follow the status quo. They will do whatever is socially acceptable at the time. What that means is all we need to do is cut the head off the snake in the form of academia and media elites. Aside from that the remainders that will need to be utterly destroyed are mostly Antifa and Black Panther types.

That is a minuscule portion of the population. If we make examples of their leadership, the rest will fall in line.

Make no mistake user, I will still take up arms if I am called upon to do so. My point is just that I study history, and I know the horrors that accompany war, civil wars in particular tend to get EXTREMELY nasty. So I will pick up my rifle with a heavy heart, but do what is required to preserve my people.

That being said, I will never permit myself to become a murderer. I will not execute innocent civilians, I will not engage in unnecessary torture, I will not permit myself to become an animal.

I will be a laughing soldier, and I will not kill with hatred in my heart. I will do so when it is the only remaining option to save those I care about.

I truly hope it does not come to full blown civil war.

Good. Defend it before a muslim immigrant with unlimited credit sets up shop next to you and orders his sons to gang rape your infidel family. The majority of the left doesn't have that kind of motivation. They're junkies on welfare who don't give a shit and clueless students.

People are trying to derail this thread hard. Stay on topic and discuss about what OP has said.

A symbol has to be simple enough to draw and recall from memory.

Is there another credible way for our race to survive?

We are the descendants of or related to the best monsters in the world outside of a few like the mongols. The best we can try to do is not wipe out our kin this time around.

many of us do, it's not an argument, it's just an excuse

sounds great, completely unrealistic though.

what qualifies as an innocent civilian? Noncombatants? Marxist teachers? Normies who turned in someone on your side? The only way to win in the eyes of the masses is gaining legitimacy to call yourself the rulers or the state, if you think that won't involve knocking heads, you're deluded. If you don't, someone else has to, and probably won't have your people's interests in mind.

hating is what makes it possible, and hating evil is a good in itself.

pussy, go wait in the library to be executed

Some of us were still a twinkle in our parents' eyes before they inevitably divorced in the 1970's. It's good to point out that this stuff has happened before, but some additional context and anecdotes from you would benefit us chicken hawks. We don't know any better.

Yep I remember this too. It tickles me pink to know that you can't beat mother nature. The universe is on our side Holla Forumsacks.

I just finished the 5 book Conqueror series by Conn Iggulden about Genghis Khan, and his decadents. Awesome tactics employed, what is required is killing

It is not murder, commies are not human to begin with. Faggot.

How's this?

Even that pinko kike Chumpsky warned them against this. You can't win in a battle of violence against the right-wing.

flipped isn't so bad

is that a nigger on the cover.

Brilliant m8. In a game theory setting of prisoner's dilemma, this could be two teams that refuse to cooperate for whatever reason, so they decide to defect continually until death or victory.

Looks like a tongue.

Let the user continue with whatever he constitutes as a clean consciousness

No just a dark, badly done scan.

Why would leftists bomb their own at this point?

Look at Berkeley, the mayor is an AntiFa who purposefully puts citizens in danger. Part of the threat coming from geographical separation is complete institutional control. No one likes to talk about it in meatspace but these rats have infested local government in so many of these extreme left areas. Tax money is just dumped on criminals, drug addicts, and 'diversity' as long as there are industries that keep flocking to smaller bubbles before they inevitably automate code monkeys.

The tongue is a very powerful spiritual apparatus. It's been a while since I've been on /fringe/ but I remember reading a thread about the significance of the tongue.
Without it, speech doesn't occur. Sticking out your tongue is an act of defiance and is seen as a taunt. It could be applied memetically to things like drawing the tongue on to an image of a person.

Ah, yea, I see now. Sorry I'm a faggot for not realizing that.

Wise post. Reactionary "let's go kick ass" thinking should be counterbalanced by fucking reading Sun Tzu for God's sake. The best fighter is the one who fights so intelligently that he brutally vanquishes his foe without even having to fight that much. Going in with a hamfisted bloodlust to prove a point is fucking stupid in all but the smallest skirmishes.

Whenever a Holla Forumsack like you calls for a think-then-act moment, the bloodlust posts come out. They will accuse the poster of being a weak faggot, or a jew, or a bookworm. It's an argumentum ad hominem. See it for what it is.

That being said, the bloodlust posters have a very good point. You must not be complacent. They are trying to impart a sense of urgency in you. Light a fire under your arse. The stakes are high.

This is the realm of ideas. It's the ideas that must survive, not the messengers. Use your brains Holla Forumsacks. It's up to you, and you alone, to sort the wheat from the chaff.

this user gets it. they'll manufacture a "crisis" if one doesn't occur organically.
we put up with 8 years of king nigger without taking the bait and now the clock is ticking for (((them))) to stage an upset in 2018-20…they don't have the luxury to wait for favorable circumstances, in my opinion

When a group of heavily-armed people meet a group of unarmed faggots on a battlefield, that's called a massacre, not a war.

Bloodlust poster here. We need such a completely brutal and merciless one-sided beatdown with superior tactics and inferior numbers that Antifa gives up out of fear.

see Genghis Khan post here:

pic related

Best of all universes

Are you fighting for a white future or are you fighting for "principled conservatism" because i got bad news for you if you are the latter.
No more half measures, no more concessions and no more hesitation it is now or never for the white race.

It's not going to another civil war, but it is going to be another something.

Personally rooting for 1484 C.E.

Were witch burnings the proto-shoah?


to false flag

they've done it almost everywhere, in rightwing places the governments are barely better. Corruption is everywhere, the only difference here is in berklely they have, pretended or real, an ideology.

The biggest problem is that the best time to employ brutal violence is early and often until everyone gets the idea but that has been out of our hands. The longer it is delayed, the worse it must be to accomplish the goal.

what idiots
The 1290s look pretty good, but holy shit you can tell kikes made that list

Proto-Men's Rights Movement

It wont be an open civil war with armies and frontlines, it would be radical leftists conducting insurgent bombing campaigns and small groups of right wingers striking back with firearms.

it would be considered low intensity by warfare standards.

It would be like if the IRA fought the IRA but on an US scale.

The left will strike first. I guarantee it.

and don't forget the Feds trying to push everyone's shit in

Right. Batman (us) will be fighting Gotham's criminals (leftists). The Gotham police will hunt us because we can take it. Meanwhile, the (((Joker))) will rub his hands and watch the world burn from his cozy barricaded properties and underground bunkers in Hawaii and Menlo Park.

But unlike the Brits, our Law and Defense organizations would kick so much more ass


you wanna go to war then go
you still talk like a shill though. and you sound angry for no particular reason

like every civil war, it is starts with the unthinkable coming to pass


no it doesn't, it starts with opportunism from above and "propaganda" from below

Using the word "propaganda" very loosely



What worries me the most, is that I don't think your standard progressive realizes just how much the average voter hates them.

They complain when their narrative doesn't connect, they use constant and continual references to fiction.


Visiting their areas online, browsing around, then going to another area and seeing what others think about them, it's clear that the patience of those on the right is running dry. No one likes a smug, arrogant shit.

You know what would be cool? If some poor towelhead bastards from Egypt who experienced the Arab Spring could come here and tell their tales. Or other poor bastards from parts of the world that were recently engineered into upheaval. Being able to get some intelligence on what kinds of (((typical tricks))) to expect, and lessons learned, would be helpful.


It's total war or total extinction. With total war, we at least have the chance to test our steel as we have any times in the past and succeeded. It's this or slowly going extinct. We have no fucking choice. It's victory or death, the stakes couldn't be higher.

Either way, I'd rather my generation fight back and get slaughtered myself than have my race slowly fall into miscegenation and ruin slowly. It's better to burn out than to fade away as they say.

This is why normies/non-autists from leddit and 4cuck should be kept away from here. Nooooo, we can't give it our all for the cause or baptize this sick, depraved society in holy fire because I still have muh personal normie stake in it! If society collapses, how will I, Chad and my wife Stacy live out our comfy, satisfied life?



That's rather true. I should just make it the alchemy symbol w/ some sort of rune symbol within the circle.

You'll be one of someone's 72 virgins. You don't win a war by dying unless you have insane numbers like Russia did WWII and the French invasion. You win it by rendering your opponent inert by killing them, making them surrender, or other means.

I just realized something. I think I had a dream about posting this image back when I was 12 or something. Weird.

Just ditch the triangle/circle/square idea nigger. Something simple and easy.

Going good, but too cluttered. Remove the triangle and square from middle, center triskel and increase its size by 125-150%, and remove the smaller points on the outer circle.

like said keep it simple but you should also keep it original, not every nationalist movement can fly the swastika. find something with historical significance that speaks to an age

An unarmed noncombatant who has not engaged in sabotage or espionage. This does not include unarmed Marxist ideologues who must be eradicated regardless of their status.

No, hatred is what turns good men into evil men. I will fight for love of my race and the West, as well as contempt for the enemies disgusting ideals. But I will not permit myself to hate other human beings as human beings. I may hate their actions, I may hate their words, I may hate their beliefs, but I will not hate for hates sake.

I never said that. All I said is I have a lot to lose and it took me years to get even close to success. It's very easy to advocate the destruction of everything when you've built nothing yourself.

As I said, I will do my part. But the price may be higher for me than many of you.

Big man, great argument. What a true scholar and warrior you are user.

I said innocent civilians you fucking retard. Communists do not fall into that category.

Do you have trouble reading user?

It's very easy to say all of that when you're at home, well fed, comfortable, with running water and electricity. We'll see how you feel when you're cut off from even the most basic supplies for weeks on end living in utter filth and being repeatedly shot at.

Listen you fucking ideologue, I'm not saying we shouldn't fight. We will fight if we must. What I'm saying is it's not something to be relished and we should do everything in our power to be victorious with as little destruction as possible.

We gain nothing by inheriting a smoldering ruin.

Do you know what happened the last time we engaged in total war? German boys who were 10 and 11 were sent to their deaths en masse.

I too would rather die an honorable death than live in squalor and decay, but consider what you're saying. We are free to choose our own paths, but remember that this conflict will effect more than just us and our enemies. Countless millions if not billions of people would be dragged in.

I have no desire to send boys to their deaths. Let men fight and die for what they believe in, but the cost of total war is the death of a generation that we need to survive.

Are you willing to condemn boys to death user?

Fuck off.

Does this seem better or should I change the symbol to something else?

I understand that, I just wish some of these guys would understand the gravity of what they're asking for here. I understand the desire for revenge, the blood lust and the need for action. But it must be tempered with calm, rational thinking and a sense for strategy. We doom ourselves to failure if we rush into a fight unprepared seeking death and glory.

Well said. Now, for anyone else calling for "let's go beat commie asses" imagine your sons being sent to war, but instead of having an opportunity to fight and kill an enemy soldier, there are no enemy soldiers for miles. Instead, your 10-year old son is a red hot heat signature detected simultaneously by 200 drones with swarm AI that are flying at high altitude, and mow down the poor lad within milliseconds.

War is hell. Chest pounding without careful contemplation is moronic.

have you considered typing like a normal person?

Yeah, if you're making this for Americans, for instance, keep it relevant to them. It needs to be something they identify with and is significant to them. It's their movement after all.

Pic Related

I know exactly how it will kick off. An insurgent group invades one of the ideological ghettos and attempts to be "American"- they are attacked and the local government enforces the ideological ghetto OVER the general American consensus. So in simple terms. Next Berkeley "Battle" the cops line up with AntiFa and start shooting live rounds at Ebil Nahdzees, media spins it in favor of the extremely unpopular AntiFa and voila. You've got a wicked cocktail for LOTS and LOTS of violence to spread quickly. Only thing holding a lot of people back is the idea the "cops are on our side", take that away- lots of folks just won't care to sit on containment boards any more. Throw in an attempted gun-grab and oooo. I hope they keep the nukes locked up.

Also, no one ever forget Tom.

Indeed, I wish there were easy answers, but there simply aren't any. Whatever ends up happening I hope we win, but I have no illusions about it being glorious.

I want us to win without having to sacrifice millions upon millions of our own people. The more we can save the better our odds of rebuilding and creating the nation we truly want. We gain nothing by creating a mass of corpses out of the last of our race.

I'll stop doing it just for you user, better?


Well, we live and prosper as a people, we die just the same. I know very well the brutality of war and believe me, I don't jump hastily at the chance for it, but we have no other choice. It's unfortunate, but necessary.

"Boys, too many boys."

That's actually not bad. Does the symbol have special significance/meaning?

it's the hagel rune.


I agree it may prove to be necessary. My point is that we need to be conscious of the cost and do everything within our power to minimize the destructive potential of such a war. Our goal is to save the West, to save our people, not to burn everything to the ground in a fit of rage.

Think of the German high command, think of the men of the Wehrmacht, SS, Kriegsmarine, and Luftwaffe. They would expect us to do our utmost to save our people and ensure that they have a future. They would not want us to sacrifice what remains of our already weakened race in a vain war of vengeance. We ought to fight with love in our hearts, love for the people and ideals we protect. Not out of blind range and fury at those who have wronged us.

Anger and hastiness create mistakes and disaster. Calm, rational, and analytical thinking will carry the day. Our great strength as a people has always been our ability to reason and think creatively. We need to utilize that now more than ever if we wish to survive and not merely survive, but also prosper.

You may be right, but how sure are you that there's no other choice? It could be the case that there are many scenarios that result in a victory or sufficiently favorable outcome for /ourguy/s without having war.

Why not both? We have been cheated out of our lives and relegated to slow, rotting meaninglessness. There is nothing more dangerous than a man who has nothing to lose and who has embraced death and hatred in his heart, whose only purpose in life is revenge against the international zionist system. So long as we have a purpose to die for, we have a purpose to live for, and no one can take that away from us. Of course, I'm not saying we should just pick up a rifle one day and rush to fight the government out in the open. Guerilla tactics and sabotage will win us the war. But seeking a low casualty ratio should not mean we do not seek fanaticism and glorious death through heroic action. We do not want "fighters" that seek a cakewalk war, that will go to the fight wishing they will survive, and rout away with their tail between their legs to save their own lives. Humiliation and a life in this jewed world is far a worse fate than death.

A new society can only be built from the ashes of the old. A new man, a stronger man can only be can only be created through struggle and bloodshed spawned by the collapse of society. What we need is a spiritual revival, not a peaceful change of regime. For as degenerate, marxist and judiacized as people are today, they will compromise the most brilliant political programs. A new state is but a garment to clothe the nation, it will be useless if you are inheriting the same disgusting body, rotted away by social and moral gangrene.
Yeah, because NEETing my youth away rotting away in insignificance is sooo much more preferable, right? Only death can release me from the melancholy of this world.

also replied to

which is it? are you prepared to go all the way with this or will you hold back in the last moment letting weakness consume you?



The United States has always had a cultural autonomous region. The Deep South where I was born and raised.
Today it still is vastly different from the rest of the country. All we need is a border.

This sentiment is only a half truth, a great deal of our culture and ideals stem from empires and cultures that were "reduced to ashes". Rome no longer truly exists, and yet her better components live on through us. Even now there are good things about the West, consider your access to clean food, water, electricity, heating, emergency services, libraries, etc, etc. Consider very carefully just how much should be destroyed, because saying "all of it" would reduce us to a state of barbarism and anarchy.

user, all that tells me is that you need something to live for. If you wish to live for your people you should do everything in your power to improve yourself. No one is telling you to be a NEET, I'm certainly not, I would discourage it. Read, exercise, become a man who would make your forefathers proud. We must not be completely obsessed with the act of war, we must give careful consideration to what comes after. Who will we be when the shooting stops? Who will build our new world? We will need wise, strong, compassionate men who are able to preserve what is good and add to it.

I want you to be one of those men user, don't give yourself over to blind rage and malicious intent. You are better than that.

Tell me user. When is it ever necessary to murder civilians to save my race? The goal of a war is to win, we win by removing our enemies ability to fight. If they are broken we can deport those civilians, we need not murder them. Really consider what it is you're advocating here. There's a difference between defeating an opponent in the field and killing his family.

Dont be a fucking faggot. This is a fucking phenomenal turn of events. Just 2 years ago Holla Forumsacks couldnt have seen things transpiring like this in their wildest dreams.

Aside from being a giant fucking faggot OP is right, they are going to kick off the next civil war. And we arent talking a matter of years. We arent talking a matter of months. We are talking weeks.

Why weeks? Normally, acquiring an arsenal and training would take a group of normal unarmed civilians with no experience probably a year if not more. They arent normal. They have a purse of billions of dollars funding them, with the right money these faggots could be trained enough and outfitted within a week or two. They are indoctrinated enough to attack a protest or rally and not give a shit about the cops getting them, and they have a whole lot of cucks who would join them, especially after they see them 'shooting nazis'.

Of course im not saying they would be professional soldiers but a skilled instructor could train a class complete beginners to be moderately advanced shooters within 3-5 days of solid instruction. And since they are commie scum we already know they will work under the doctrines of guerrilla warfare and maybe even soviet style human wave formations of shooter + ammo carrier teams which would give the illusion of a larger fighting force which could make /ourguys/ get slightly disorganized at first and take some losses.

Anyway.. Thats all well and good but why would it be just a couple of weeks? Several reasons: Ann Coulter speaking near Berkley on the 27th, International Be A Commie Faggot Day i.e MayDay, and the weather is getting warm so they can easily bolster their ranks with niggers. The only thing that will be bad at first is, on the first armed attack /ourguys/ will likely be caught offguard and not adequately armed for a gun battle. It will be a tragedy, but it will also be the shot heard round the universe.

Why the shot heard round the universe? The US becoming embroiled in a violent civil war will make Trump have to make a series of serious decisions because every single country with an adversarial stance towards us will smell blood in the water. And it coming right after Le Pen wins the first round will likely embolden the European right to Carpe Diem.

I am so fucking excited.

Yeah I fucking wish
Most plausible scenario it nothing fucking happens.
The vast majority of people are too lazy to do anything, and it ends up like the Turner Diaries before anything like a violent revolution even starts to happen.

How are these?

user, I'd recommend reading the discussion we've been having in the past 40-50 posts. I agree with you that we have been hoping they would be the instigators. But I would also say that we should give consideration to how we are going to win this conflict. More importantly, what are we willing to sacrifice to win this conflict?

Maybe you would user, I don't doubt your courage. But consider our people who are not able bodied men, our grandparents, our children, our sisters and brothers. You may be willing to sacrifice yourself, as am I, but are you willing to sacrifice them too?

Let us prepare with sound minds and steady hearts. However, let us also do everything within our power to ensure this is ended as quickly and effectively as possible. War is a terrible thing, especially civil wars, and the rebuilding process will be long and painful. The less we permit to be destroyed, the better.

Please actually do this

it was only a few months ago that anyone not breaking links or archiving was called on being a newfag by at least 3/5 of the first posts, now no one even does it. Was there a major cuckchan exodus again recently?

I see your Winsor McKay propaganda comic and raise you this one.

Perhaps, like your spacing, you should go back to reddit.

You can stop yourself from hating? That sounds like someone forcing themselves to believe something they know isn't true. I chose to believe X is the essence of the bluepill.

We do if that is the means to the survival of our people.

I'm not sure you understand the gravity of the situation if we don't win or don't act.

And what does it say of such reasoning shows the necessity of brutality you've already said you won't accept?

War is nothing more than the time when the will to contend is sufficiently well known. All other times are peace.

This is pretty much my understanding of not only the Deep South, but the South in general. The CSA and Southern identity looked and sounded kind of cool to me when I was younger, but I'm pretty much disillusioned with it now. Many of the worst coalburners and wiggers in North America can be found south of the Mason-Dixon, and up and down the Appalachians. Even the "redpilled" guys are usually far from ideal.

There are plenty of good lads around too (and I'd like to think I'm among them), and I still bristle when some (((Jon Stewart))) or reddit type shits on "le inbred trailer trash from West Virginia" or "le sister-fuckers from Alabama," but I must admit we do have some major problems.

Honestly, for all the fanfare Rhodesia and SAfrica get, they pretty much just rolled over and surrendered as well. From here on out, we must resolve to stop cucking.

Hell I'd wear any of those as a patch any day

Thanks user. Good to see shit that makes me think

Ambulances are the only thing I can't do for myself or do without. My library threw out it's Edward Gibbon to make room for bodice rippers 20 years ago, so that is especially laughable. I grew up feeding and defending myself, I've been in the military which was much easier, I have some idea what it could devolve to.

This is someday going to be door to door, ditch to ditch, from ghetto to gated-community. It's exactly the last kind of fighting I want to see.

Rural Louisiana and can confirm though they usually keep it secret and only mention it around other whites they can trust. These guys still hunt for fun, every house I've been to out here atleast has one fire arm though it's usually more than one. The reason you don't see them lashing out all of a sudden is because exposing yourself at this time is a dumb idea, sure you can kill people but you take into account how you can get away with it too. Cities are a bit more cucked so you have to be subtle with what you say.

SIEGE the system

A period of war, anarchy and chaos is necessary to shake people away from degeneracy. All these notions of pacifism, turn the other cheek, gender equality fall apart as people seek the most optimal form of social survival. As Orwell stated in 1984, the threat of being conquered kept society in line. Rulers could impose whatever false view upon their followers as long as it did not impede societal efficiency. 2+2 may equal 5 in philosophy, but when designing guns and cannons, it had to equal 4. Once peace was eternally secured by nuclear weapons, the West could afford being suicidally marxist. Bloodshed and Anarchy will cause the people to harden up and turn to the same values that allowed them to flourish in times past. A feminist will not be a feminist when she requires a male to protect her from rape and keep her alive.

I refuse to get out of the house to work with obtuse normalfags and partake in more soulless materialism that keeps society from collapsing. Right now, the only course of action is to lift, read and drain this kiked society of all its resources. I don't give much thought to what would happen afterwards, because first of all, I do not expect to live past it. And it would definitely be a shame to live past the civil war and no longer have any reason to die for, thus no reason to live for. I would also probably lose my autismbucks too in a fascist state, leaving me in even worse living conditions.

One solves the problem for today while the other solves the problem permanently.
Genocide? Do you think making the Holocaust really happen is just a meme?

Stopped reading right there. We are fighting for survival here and mother nature has designed the world so that there is no other option than to eliminate the competition. Keeping a thorn in your side is pointless even if the pain it causes is not significant to prevent you from doing what you do. They must be wiped out completely or eventually they will wipe us out. Has there ever been two forces competing for the same space and resources without it resulting in the extinction of the lesser? No. Even when one leaves instead of fighting they adapt and change to the new environment such that they are all but incapable of living where they were driven from.

The OP is wrong when he says "may be inevitable". There will be a civil war and there will be several million more afterwards. As power shifts between competing parties there will be bloodshed. It is simply the way of the world.

Of course.

Im a combat veteran, top of my class, 300 confirmed piss bottles thrown at iraqis war is actually pretty fucking fun tbqh fam, i day dream every day about being back on a combat deployment, it sucks when you lose someone but its a pretty good time overall I'll tell you hwhat

Enough. And the lads who are will likely tend to be made of what it takes. And each would be worth atleast a squad full of their commie faggots.

Rebuilding would be a process.. but the mere fact that we would have to rebuild is not a bad thing. When a forest is overgrown it must burn to allow for new growth.

Now for the clencher

Ive got myself a family and a nice piece of land. Im not willing to sacrifice that. But if these fucks target innocent women and children like that, and killed my wife and children. I would regret it for the rest of my life, more than that it would be the end of my life. I would become the monster we need. And it would be their worst mistake.

tldr; nut the fuck up

Except unfortunately for you, I'm not from Plebbit and I have just as much a stake in this as you do if not more so.

Do you not understand what martial discipline is? reckless slaughter is a recipe for disaster and will tarnish our reputation for centuries after.

Trust me, you don't want the specter of genocide looming over all of your nations geopolitical actions for centuries.

Are you just partaking in selective vision at this point? The entire reason I'm advising caution and a level head is to preserve our people. We do not want to throw our already seriously weakened race into a meat grinder without a second thought.

I absolutely understand the situation. Which is why I'm advising you against a mindset that leads to defeat. A disciplined force will always defeat hot blooded rabble in the field. Your current mindset is one of someone who wants a brawl, not someone who seeks to win a campaign.

What history tells me is that brutality should be used sparingly and with precision. I am not saying there aren't times to be brutal, but they must be in stark contrast with your standard conduct. An enemy who assumes you will torture and kill them if they surrender, will not surrender, and your battle will be that much more costly and difficult. An enemy who believes they will at the very least be treated fairly is much more likely to lay down their arms with significantly less resistance.
If you want an example of when I'd consider brutality to have been used effectively it would be Caesars ritual execution of of Vercingetorix and his lieutenants. It cowed the rest of the Gaulic tribes into submission without Caesar having to raze each and every enemy village in a long and costly campaign of destruction. Afterwards the Gauls would prove to be useful allies and skill auxiliaries, all because Caesar won a battle and was even handed in his retribution.

The goal is to win user. There are many ways to win, and we should be pursuing the options that provide us the best outcome. Don't merely look at the war, look at what comes after.

Exactly, if we behave with brutality and embitter our enemy completely we will reach a position we do not want to be in. Wherein, even if we have won the field, we will have to spend years if not decades waging a costly and brutal counter insurgency campaign. Slowing down the rebuilding process and costing us more people than we want to lose. As someone who's former military though I would appreciate more of your insights. Did you serve in Afghanistan or Iraq?

user, how do you expect to rebuild a society if you cannot deal with your neighbors? I'm being completely sincere here, you need to force yourself outside your comfort zone. Go and talk to the people you live near, the most valuable resource we have is people. The more you're friends with, the better your odds of making it when the country begins to break down.

Or we could just deport them and not make ourselves into butchers of women and children? This is legitimately evil thinking user, this is the kind of shit Muslims and Dindus in the jungles do to each other.

Please, please, please read my other posts, there's a very rational reason why I don't want us engaging in this level of slaughter. If we do it, it will embitter our enemy immensely and make what should have been a relatively easy victory into a slow grind. I assure you user, the last thing you want is a slow, grinding, counter insurgency campaign in your homeland spanning decades.

See.. This is what I was talking about in my other posts.

The happening is needed. Humanity has reached a point where if we are to move forward and pass our great filter which is upon us we must


Again user, I'm quite willing to join you in the trenches. But there's a difference between fighting in a foreign land against an ideologically incompatible culture, and fighting against people who were up until yesterday your neighbors. The battlefields of this conflict will not be far away mountain peaks and dust bowls. They will be our backyards, and the casualties will be our friends, and family. Just keep the cost of fighting this war in mind when discussing it. We need to win, and we need to do it while sacrificing as few of our people as possible. We are already a diminished race, the last thing we need is to throw millions more of our people into a meat grinder.

user, I want to see a new West. I want to see our people restored and I want to be able to pursue my own personal goals for my life. In order to do this I will fight alongside you, but not for the sake of the fight. I'm just trying to hammer home why we need to make sure we win this war as quickly as possible. The fewer people we lose the better, we do not want a war of attrition.

Did you even read the rest of my post? I don't expect to rebuild society, because I don't expect to live past the war. If I cannot die a smart and efficient death with a good K/D, I will go out of my way to seek suicide missions. Not dying a glorious, romantic death, and returning back to a peaceful life with no meaning is not an option.

This is one of the most overlooked aspects to war that the LARPers will consistently ignore. War is insanely dysgenic, especially modern war, and especially in a world where most of our people are pacifistic cattle. The millions of enlisted German boys in 1914 also thought it would be le ebin abenteuer.

You don't actually understand what we're fighting for then. Someone who legitimately cares about their people, about their culture would want to help build something better. You're seeking personal glory because you lack meaning in life, and you're attempting to cloak it in the guise of patriotic duty.

Tell me user, how old are you? Be honest. I used to think as you do now actually, it took time and experience but my thinking changed. It actually took me until I was around 22 to really give any thought to myself, and the man I wanted to be. Before then I longed for a heroic death, to give myself meaning through my own destruction.

This is not the mindset of warriors user, this is the mindset of cowards who cannot bear the weight of living. Those who think so little of themselves they would throw away their one and only life because it's easier than becoming someone of worth. Think better of yourself user, become someone of real value, do not actively seek to throw your life away.

You need to live, think of those men in Stalingrad. Starving in the snow, frozen to the bone without a hope of victory. How many of them do you think would happily trade places with you right now? If you cannot live for yourself, live for them, you owe it to those men to not throw your life away.

Exactly. Modern war has created an environment where literally tens of millions of lives can be snuffed out in an instant. The last thing we want is an escalation to total war, both World Wars demonstrated in horrifying clarity just what the price of total war is. If we can win quickly and with minimal bloodshed that is best.

We want to deliver a single, fatal strike of the sword. We do not want to slowly have to beat our opponent to death in the mud while we take just as bad as we give.


I really hope that could be the case honestly. I'd rather not have a total chaos brought amongst us.

This has been done a hundred times before, it does not work.
As opposed to what letting future generations suffer for your cowardice to act?

after you spare the population you decimated and uprooted do you think they will love you any more, hate you any less?

Ok we are getting closer to being on the same page. Yes the thing with a civil war, especially in modern america.. Is that we likely wouldnt be forming large battalions and marching from Georgia to meet the enemy in Kentucky.. Each of us would likely find themselves in an area of operations within 50 miles of their home, atleast until the local battles are finished.

There is no 'fighting just for the sake of fighting here'.. These people may live in proximity to me and you, but they are not our neighbors. This isnt just a mere disagreement. The state of American Society is that the state of political, social and cultural discourse has hit a point where it is irreconcilable. These people dont want a debate, they dont want find a middle ground and neither should we, capitulation is tantamount to surrender, especially when you are dealing with fucking communists, these fucking people want to see you, me, our wifes, our sons.. daughters.. mothers.. they want to see us dead. Look at that antifa dox sticky. Look at all the instances of the fucks supporting antifa making public social media posts about wishing for white genocide.

I have a fairly comfortable life, and I hope you and every user here does as well.. But much more than that I WANT A FUCKING FUTURE FOR MY CHILDREN. No.. I dont want it.. want is not the word.


And I would absolutely kill for that if I had to, and it sure is looking like that is the case with these fucks. It will not be you or I or some good old boy bubba deciding to go to war. It will be them.

And heres how its going to happen. They've already thrown m80's.. i.e. quarter sticks of tnt. Now a quarter stick of tnt.. given $5 worth of supplies from a hardware store and half a brain cell you now have an explosive device that will have roughly the same destructive potential as a ww2 era military grade hand grenade.

And there is also the fact that they are in fact seeking weapons and training, and I guarantee soros is providing it.

And it would only take one. It would embolden those faggots to do more, and it would cause the more jumpy of /ourlads/ to hit the ground running. After that events would cascade out of control so fast that the only option left will be to kill every last one of those fucks.

Judging from their reactions to people being beat on the heads with heavy metal objects and having m80s go off in their faces Im going to have to say that will not be the case at all.

Ahh.. So thats what your argument is. Ok I accept that. Of course a quick and decisive victory, with minimal innocent deaths, is preferable.

And that would likely be the case. These faggots are numerous, but not infinite, and for the most part they lack physical skill. There are 3 huge variables that will come into play here.

1) How many stupid fucking lolbergs side with them

2) How large of a portion of the military do the head commie kikes have their thumbs on

3) Will the UN be stupid enough to try to intervene turning it into a 3 way war

Not really the case OP, you misses one major flaw in your argument. It isnt liberals doing the violent protesting. It's paid commie agitators. Some may not even be gommie or anarchists, but do it for the money.

They travel the nation, which takes lots of money and time. James O'queef linked Soros to the paid anti-Bernie AND Trump protesters of the election, JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY!

No legitimate group of honest Americans (liberal or other wise) support them. They're paid opposition who only get support from anarchists who simply just want to fight.

Soros is trying to escalate domestic US violence to try and weaken Trump.

This is geopolotic 101.

For that to happen the hapless civilian population of our people would need to be protected in some way. A real modern race war would only occur if basic utilities or transport networks were demolished/frozen, and if that happened, as many whites as possible would have to be corralled into secure regions with natural barriers. No matter how hard we would try, so many whites would be lost to random violence by subhumans, so like you said, everything would depend on how quickly we could act.

Not always. I for example, am just some worthless autist. Going out in a blaze of glory in defiance to the kikes that made my life so lonely and meaningless is the ultimate good life has to offer me. It's mostly the ones that have nothing else to lose in life that go out seeking the bloodiest and riskiest engagements.

I never attempted to disguise the personal reasons, my desire for glory and revenge on the kikes. They have denied me a happy life, so it is the utmost "fuck you" to the world they have created, to turn my very disillusioned life into the ultimate weapon I am willing to sacrifice against them. There is nothing else to be done. It isn't like I have a wife and children like some people here anyway, so there is nothing to lose, and everything to win. The glorification of death isn't merely Japanese either, the Iron Guard had assassination death squads for the same purpose, to give and receive death.

I'm not so sure about that. The left ultimately wins by passive demographic replacement, so why would they want war? Yeah I know antifa has been escalating things lately, but this country has endured more intense civil unrest without coming close to another civil war.

If you're so demoralized that you sincerely believe that statement, then jewish brainwashing has had the desired, if circuitous, effect.

No it fucking hasn't. Our politicians have been traitorous, they've done token deportations by silently left the back door open. We would lock the door behind them, and our leadership would not permit their return.

Tell me user, when did it become cowardice to not want to murder women and children? Because that's exactly what you're advocating and it's repugnant.

I think I won't care if they're expelled from the country and a strong defensive line is erected behind them.

Their zealots do yes. But think of who will actually make up the enemies rank and file. Do you think it's going to be all Antifa members and nogs? Of course not, they don't have the numbers or cognitive ability to form a standing army, and Antifa is a paper tiger.

There are going to be other whites who will fight us. And it won't just be a bunch of skinny jean wearing fucks and we'd like to imagine. There will be many whites who are propagandized and deceived into thinking we are a bunch of mass murderer boogeymen. Many will legitimately believe what they're doing by fighting us is resisting some evil force. Which is precisely why we need to win quickly as as bloodlessly as possible. These are the people that can still be saved and we don't want to have to slaughter them, especially when they share our blood and don't know any better.

Jews? Jews don't account for enough of the population to make a difference in the field. Their impact would be felt in terms of finances and industry.

This is absolutely crucial. The most important branch to secure the support of is the Navy. Those aircraft carriers are a force to be reckoned with and there's virtually nothing infantry or armor can do to them.

Someone will absolutely intervene if the war goes on for too long. The U.S. is the premiere global power right now, a civil war will swiftly transform into a global war. If you thought the diplomacy of either of the previous World Wars was confusing, this will melt your brain.

This is why I've always been predisposed to the Pacific Northwest. I'm aware NWF is almost certainly a honeypot, but the general region is worth moving to. Lots of mountains and hills, dense forests, fast and deep rivers, fresh water, and reasonable soil. It is a region extremely well suited for defensive operations.

You never answered my question user, how old are you?

Additionally, has it ever occurred to you that our enemies WANT you to throw your life away? Seriously think about what you're saying.

This, the establishment doesn't want a domestic civil war, antifa are just retards out of control.

It's more the globalists than just the agitators. Soros is small game compared to the Rothchilds. The military/police service them and would be against us. Even with Trump in power. It's just not a war we can win alone.

Remember how a group of dirty jungle gooks with shitty equipment beat the US in Vietnam? Remember how Assad has held out against the globalists for the past 6 years? How did they do it? Russian backing.

We absolutely would need a powerful backer. And Putin is the only person out there with the resources/mentality to provide that. I think Russian backing is the only way to have hopes of fighting/winning an all-out civil war.


For several reasons:

1) they feel they have achieved numerical supremacy enough to win

2) because their loss of the election translates to them not winning another election for a very fucking long time

3) because their loss of the election means the past 60 years of progress that they made will be undone

4) because of muh fascism boogeyman

Look at the amount of money that rich kikes are throwing at this shit.

Of course there will be stupid fucking morons dumb enough to aid communists. At that point they are communists and deserve death, they can be saved if they surrender.

I knew you didnt belong here

I'm sure they said the same thing every time they tried that before, you don't want them back? then make it impossible for them to return by leaving none to return.
When you chose the sanctity of your own self image over the future of your people.

If you want to be short sighted then go ahead and expel them so that they will return when you are dead, but if you don't want to have this same struggle happen again you must realize there is only one solution.

hwite 'strayan here. Can see the upcoming global conflict… I will fly to any burger that can host and train me in firearm usage to prepare for the inevitable conflict back here. I'll work for stay, and be happy to help you deal with gommies if it kicks off while I'm there.

He is exactly the "principled conservative" WLP warned about in the Turner Diaries, he will turn on you the second the fighting gets too heavy.

digits confirm story
The biggest problem with rebuilding is that the even with minimal destruction, we don't have the basic tools and know-how to create an industrial base like we would have 50 years ago.

What does that have to do with hatred?

Not sure what lessons you learned from it then.

Implying this isn't thought out or that I want a meatgrinder. The only changes that won't further weaken, dilute, and reduce my race involves -at a bare minimum- completely defeating certain enemies and removing them from multiple white countries. Even the most parsimonious tactics WILL get labeled genocide and be used to justify further wars, and there is no homeland left to replenish our race for multiple wars. Even militaries and nukes can only go so far.

Only fear will protect us.

because they will flee at the mere mention of you if you are capable and don't give them another option. "Get 'em skeered and keep the skeer on 'em"

the theory among scientific racists that I've seen is that the reason the Gauls didn't rise again (I believe there was one small revolt a generation later) is because the upper class was entirely destroyed. copied from wiki

As many as a million people (probably 1 in 5 of the Gauls) died, another million were enslaved,[18] 300 clans were subjugated and 800 cities were destroyed during the Gallic Wars.[citation needed] The entire population of the city of Avaricum (Bourges) (40,000 in all)were slaughtered.[19] Before Julius Caesar's campaign against the Helvetii (present-day Switzerland), the Helvetians had numbered 263,000, but afterwards only 100,000 remained, most of whom Caesar took as slaves.[20]

Hardly sounds like it was his treatment of the leaders that finished them off.

The spic, nigger, and muslim enemies would hold a grudge but be unable to retaliate if we won. Whites we should be careful about for demographic reasons. Jews will be our eternal foe if we leave them around, regardless of how we treat them we allow them to parasitize us. Let's try not to draw the chinks into it.

the only solution to insurgency is hunting them down, and scaring people into not rebelling. And I mean hunt, those are the only effective tactics to fight guerillas and it's not like we'll have uncle sam's budget to do otherwise.

You consider potential enemies to be 'neighbors' just because you're not currently fighting? A better way to look at it is you are pretending people aren't your enemies.

what are you, a spencerfag? Jesus christ, read old race writers like Grant and the back part of Erectus Amongst Us if you don't know what is at stake. Of course we want to be free to do our own thing, but that option is almost gone.

No shit. Do you think they will let us?

I've thought about them for a while, but have not contacted them due to suspicion. I like a lot of the things Covington says, and the NWF maintains the best policies/ideals of any white nationalist group active today, but it's just too hard to believe that there are any uncompromised groups out there. As you say, the great thing about the Northwest Idea is that it can be engaged in without actually getting involved with the NWF. By the way, the aut-right has created a literal clone of the NWF, Cascadia something or another, presumably because fags aren't welcome in the NWF, so they got butthurt and made their own thing.

Anyway, I agree with your idea that the Northwest is good. The Southwest is Aztlan, the Southeast has all kinds of baggage, the Plains are landlocked, flat, fields, and the North/Northwest are too close to the action, in other words, they would all be difficult to seize full control of. The PNW, on the other hand, would just be a matter of making life difficult for agents of the System, and the I-5 corridor cucks would wilt and flee to California when things got bad.

Cascadia isn't something the aut-right made. It's an established PNW independance idea that even a lot of faggots in Seattle support.


There's an actual TRS group called Cascadia, or something similar. It's different from the region.

The next civil war will be staged.

Here is how I see current events contributing to that.

Some of those details might not be right but I expect the broad strokes to be true.

Thanks for speaking for all of us faggot

Pennsylvania will be the best place for us. Strategically located to fight ZOG head on from the north and south (New York and DC), with a large base of already sympathetic white people, mostly of Germanic descent.

You're sure you're not thinking of this?


In the 1970's, which had the Kent State shootings, attica prison riots, hard hat riot, and about a dozen more. And even all that was nothing compared with 1968.
How do you figure that? Demographic replacement is continuing per usual with legal immigration, and Trump (his usefulness for our cause being debatable) won by the skin of his teeth. The margins in MIchigan, NH, wisconsin, pennsylvania, FL, Minn, Nevada, NC, AZ and Maine were like less than 1% for Trump.
Not hardly. Did they have the 1965 immigration act, affirmative action, a less than 60% white nation, and hate speech laws 60 years ago? No, they didn't. Don't get me wrong America was still mightily cucked back then, but not like it is now.

I bet you are

No, it's a literal group. Gets mentioned a lot on some of the podcasts

I should have just looked it up. My bad

damn, overdid it

More important than the lolbergs, (there will be some one both sides, but the leftwing ones aren't as well armed) will be the Feds response. And Trump's. For a short-term antifa-escalation, all it takes is something to happen, Trump disavowing them telling them to take off their stupid red hats, and the 'anti-coms' will start arguing about whether or not the cops are the enemy as they get put down by riot police.

stick with /k/ for that

What happened to the National Alliance's project in WV?

get a crossbow and practice on abos

Right user, my point is that the goal is to get them to surrender. We don't want to have to kill the ones that are just stupid and can still be saved. If we start torturing and butchering prisoners though, they'll be much less likely to surrender. Which means we will have to kill more fellow whites, which is one of the worst things we could possibly have to do.
Are you talking about lolbertarians? Because I'd expect them to remain either largely neutral or to side with us.

Sorry user, mass butchering of unarmed women and children isn't really my deal. I'm interested in winning a power struggle, not transforming myself into a monster by doing LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME SHIT our enemies would do to us. How are we any better than a bunch of fucking Commies if we do exactly what they do? Need I remind you of what those evil motherfuckers did in Eastern Europe and Latin America?
Ah I see, so I'm to throw my soul into oblivion because you say it's necessary. Well then, lets be glad I won't be taking orders from you hm? I'll be a soldier, I won't be a murderer, if you're so convinced that's the way to do things so be it. But I will oppose you in the end.

No you fucking moron, I'm someone with a grasp of history who knows exactly where this line of thinking will lead us. The type of warfare you're advocating for is something that has the potential to end in a nuclear hell storm. Stop and actually think for a second about the sheer destructive capabilities that are currently lying dormant, and how many of them could be levied against us.
A war of attrition does not favor our aims. And a war of attrition is exactly where your kind of conduct will lead us.

Hatred is an emotion, it is one of the strongest emotions. A good soldier (especially a good commander) must be capable of regulating those emotions to complete a mission objective. If you allow hatred to consume you it will blind you and slow your mind.
How'd that work out for the Germans during the invasion of Russia?
EXACTLY. But the upper class do not comprise the rank and file. They would account for a tiny portion of the prisoners we'd actually end up taking. What you were discounting in your account of the Gallic tribes is how many became allies afterwards. Had Caesar persecuted all of those tribes and enslaved most of them he would not have been able to hold Gaul. But he was smart enough to know to treat some of them fairly. As for enslavement, enslavement is still not slaughter. My primary concern is ruthless killing and slaughter of noncombatants. If you want to take prisoners as slaves, go for it, I'd just say treat them fairly and don't let them reproduce.
That's an assumption with that brings with it no true assurances. If we make long term enemies out of most of the rest of the world they'll simply be waiting to pounce on us at the first sign of weakness.
Yeah? How's that working out in Afghanistan. We've been there what, 16 years now? And we're fighting who? A bunch of 80 something IQ goat fuckers with rusting Soviet era weaponry? If we haven't been able to defeat that with the combined might of the U.S. military how are we going to effectively combat a large scale insurgency at home?
No, I'm just someone who doesn't pretend to know what the people around them are thinking. Who knows which side your average normie would end up joining? It's impossible to say with any certainty.
Obviously not, but strategies involving us mass murdering and torturing people aren't going to make the job any fucking easier.

You quite literally don't have the slightest idea as to what you are talking about do you

Thanks for the heads-up


it's not about being better it is about the survival of the white race you cuck.
there we go already with the 5th column muh principles faggotry. you will die with the rest of them because you value them over your own race

It honestly gives me a good chuckle to see when these bloggers claim that exposure to others' viewpoints mellows and "equalizes" more extreme viewpoints. Wew, if anything witnessing all that crime, degeneracy and hedonism is surely a redpill overdose for those whites with any shred of decency and humanity left.

I don't know where I saved that Holla Forumsarized pic of the old man traveling the world but it's exactly like that. Instead of being a good goy and celebrating all the (((multiculturalism)), one is first consumed with sorrow then seethes with rage in seeing that every corner of the world being taken over by mongrelized filth.

Don't have the webm. The cities and coasts of america are nothing like Russia. Neither are 100 Rotherhams. The wastes and steppes are ours already for us to retreat into.


Do you not know what I mean by race? Do you think everyone in 'Gaul' was the same?

non-whites will do that even if they're our allies.

That's not what they're doing in Afghanistan. I'm saying don't do the Pentagon's idea of COIN, it's garbage. It's meant to fail every bit as much as what they did in Vietnam. Hell, even look at what a kike said much like SJW tactics meant to ruin lives, we don't get bonus points for not stooping to their level.

yeah, don't judge people by their words or actions or the people they surround themselves with, that wouldn't be fair

When I thought war was 'for america' post sept 11, I would have agreed. In pointless wars, fighting only combatants is the only just action. If you were fighting competitive wars, angles vs. scots, danes vs. swedes for a strip of coastline, it would be a valid position as well. Only the cost and effectiveness would push the argument into whether to be generous, firm, brutal, whatever.

Have you really been here 2 years and not yet know that this is about survival? Will you really choose fading away or dying as a race over your 'soul'?

lol. Is this a Mexican board?

Why is genocide a prerequisite to preventing our race from going extinct? Why not mandatory sterilization for any non whites who want to stay after the conflict, and self deportation for the rest? There are so many solutions that don't involve murder and mass graves.

It's not a fifth column to have some sort of principles by which you live. I don't value them over my people, but I also don't value them so little that I'll murder non combatants like a fucking savage.

I still fail to see how this justifies murdering prisoners of war.
Common fucking sense? Have you ever tried doing anything complicated or thought intensive while angry? Anger promotes aggressive tendencies, which can lead to reckless decision making. This isn't rocket science, this is basic human nature.
Clearly not, what do you mean by race? And no obviously they weren't, Gaul was broken up into dozens of separate tribes that had united under Vercingetorix to expel the Romans.
It's not about getting bonus points, it's about not transforming into something you hate.
That's not what I'm saying, at all. What I'm saying is look at something like the Civil War. Brother fought brother, cousin fought cousin, friend fought friend. You may be surprised by who you end up having to face in the field.
We live in a material world bound to the will of time. All will gradually fade to nothing regardless of our actions. For that reason I will not permit myself to become a monster for a temporary construct. If there is a Hell, nothing in this life is worth an eternity of torment.

No, just not a fool who would throw away a fortune for a penny.

Our people may have my body, I will happily give that for our cause if need be. I will suffer privations and hardships in the trenches for our cause. But you may not have my soul.

What is needed is a Final Solution, NO HALF MEASURES.
besides the jews would love to experience a real Holocaust would you deny them that?

Oh it's inevitable. That is certain to everyone here. Trump is not radical enough. He's been a great help but democracy can only do so much. The system still needs to be taken over by the people in a revolution.

I like the sound of those two, and those would work if you were just dealing with small amounts of immigrants from the early days, however, now you cannot do all of that, the reasons as follows: first, you need to even reach a level of power by which you can enact such a law/decree which many (at minimum them who are treated as people and are in majority) would decree inhuman. In addition, even if you should sterlize them there sheer numbers would leave the issue of a revolt. If you could gaurentee me all white people would have solidarity against them all would be fine, after all, then the law would be passed, they'd be sterilized, should they revolt, our kin would know we have to execute them for our preservation etc. However, I know our kin, especially now, are not the type to have solidarity, so the necessary premises to fulfill this without death do not exist. Note, I do not endorse violence in any way shape or form, after all, we live in a time of laws.

The problem with that solution is that there will always be a certain number of whites who lean towards cuckoldry. If you've got a substantial number of non-whites loping around, even if they're properly neutered, it will cause social problems due to the cucks demanding they have equal rights. This could easily snowball into relaxed rules for racial quotas and before you know it, shitskins are streaming over the borders again because of that sweet, sweet dopamine-inducing bluepilled and brain-dead social signalling.

They aren't PoW, these are people ideologically opposed to your very breath. Take a lesson from the Finns and how they dealt with their red problem; they up right murdered them and sent the ones they knew were useless in the red food chain back to work.

If we ever rise to power or we have a post-end-world scenario, let all remember here to breed out the blue pill. It seems like there are physical/chemical reasons for one beng more susceptible to the bluepill, so one would hope one could breed out the ability to get a dopatime rush from being nice (the perfect breed would be: gets the rush from helping those who have a certain/look/feel i.e. our own and not/distaste towards those who aren't. Then again, I think that's already how it works and just goes to show you how even nature/the mind can be hacked/turned on itself).

Of course they'd decry it as inhuman. But you know what they'd decry even more fiercely? Rounding up millions of people and summarily executing them.

How many times need I say this? Do you actually think Antifa types are going to comprise the bulk of the forces opposing us? When in the entirety of history has the bulk of any armies rank and file been subscribers to a political ideology? Most armies utilize propaganda and conscription to fill out their ranks.

All you do by mass murdering captured conscripts (and they will absolutely be conscripting people) is to take unmotivated, scared, poor quality troops. And then turn them into a force that fights with the ferocity of a cornered rat. On an aside, you do know that the Finns still LOST The Winter War right?

You missed what I said, those who are ideologically opposed to you get put in the ditch, the rest get a background check, sent elsewhere if they're harmless as fuck, back to work etc. I'm speaking of their civil war you twat.

You do realize it's easier to get a group and go around killing people than it is to go around with a group, making sterilization serum, and injecting people to sterilize them right? Even if you went with the cut off genitals approach (say in the case of a man) you'd still need to create a numbing agent.
tl;dr You can't just "do" sterilization, you can just execute. Since the latter is easier/quicker it can be completed more easily. In addition, since normalfags follow the norm., as long as you move swift as the wind/fierce as fire in your attack/destruction the normalfags wont care. However, since sterilization is such a long and drawn out process, it is more likely to be met with resistance.
Again, no desire for violence, of course.

welcome to Holla Forums newfag

Funnily enough the ethnicities involved (Serbs and Croats) are objectively almost identical. Slavs just gonna Slav, it's in their blood to fight over irrelevant shit.
When ethnicities are similar enough they can live with each other even if they're superficially distinct. Sadly leftists have used this to prove that multiculturalism works (they constantly use Germans, French and Italians living together in Switzerland as an argument why England should be fine with Pakis)

Fair enough, as long as we're on the same page that mass executions of captured combatants is inadvisable. Provided that they aren't some ideologically indoctrinated force like an Antifa platoon or something.

Yes it's easier, what's your point? I'd rather do the just thing than the easy thing, and no amount of mental gymnastics are ever going to convince me mass murder of unarmed civilians is just.

For ideological leaders like Marxist professors and their ilk in the media an exception can be made. But the rank and file idiot cannon fodder don't deserve that.

You retarded or something son?

Disappointing. I suggest you read "The Fate of Empires" there seems to be a reoccurring pattern in the development of Imperial Nations including America.

1776 was 241 years ago. That means America is do for collapse, either through revolution OR balkanization (such as the British Empire) sometime within the next couple of decades. That is, if John Glubb was right about his assertions. But who knows? Maybe America is truly an exceptional nation. But we'll have to wait and see


You keep making up specifics and say everyone else is for them. We are trying to talk about generalities and you insist on constantly moving goalposts.

Have you ever overthought things in a fight? I have. I have not yet had my anger cause a problem in one. The only times my anger has caused a problem is where the law would have been a problem, and I contained it. It sure didn't stop me from hating though.

So a dearth of anger is the problem with white men these days. Common fucking sense would indicate we need a whole lot more anger, enough it can't get deflected with electoral politics and niggerball and beer.

Read any of Gobineau, Grant, Günther, Stoddard, or Chamberlain. Someone else can chime in with the best perhaps. The Racial Elements of European History would be my guess.

It was a shame, but very distant cousins fought each other. But rare occasions aside, family and friends and towns all joined up in the same units. Mine did.

actually maybe you should read The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans since you seem lost in a christian/agnostic no-man's land
short version: what you do here matters and the only afterlife is the life of your tribe

So it wasn't just the reddit-spacing, you really never lurked at all.

What is just? To let your kin continue to die, be raped, destroy their lineage, etc. or to remove your enemy? Even with the most rose tinted glasses, the sole distinction is them dying (possibly quickly) versus your kin dying (likely slowly). The answer of who to destroy in the above two then comes down to who you determine to value more. I value my kin more, so I'll save them. And, since the "just" way is not feasible, and the only way is the quick way if we are talking practicality it is the only way to realize any form of "justice" in the given situation (described above).


The bigger half of that shit show was the Serbs removing Muslims considering that is where the nastiest of the fighting took place.

Sometimes mass executions aren't preventable, you literally have nowhere to put them when you're on the move, i.e the push into Russia 1940 or hunting partisans though legally speaking they didn't have any protections considering the SU didn't sign any conventions until the 50's and partisans well they aren't legal combatants.

I will mention this, since left leaning armies tend to have political commissars I can damn well assure you none of us will get any form of mercy aside from a bullet in the back of the head.

I think people forget or don't want to admit this.

Well? Why not?

No, multiple anons in this thread have repeatedly advocated killing literally all of our enemies, regardless of their status.
Alright, well you can be one of the stormtroopers then, how about that?
You're not entirely wrong. But getting angry isn't going to take down drones or flush out insurgents.
Alright, I'll give them a look when I'm finished re-reading "The Prince".
This is true, but you do get what I'm trying to drive home right? A civil war is almost without exception always worse than a war against an external foe for a whole host of reasons. I want us to win, and I'll do everything in my power to see it through, but I don't want more people to die than is absolutely necessary.
Guilty as charged, former Catholic turned Agnostic.
Holy hell it was a joke my dude.

Alright well we'll simply have to agree to disagree. As I said, I'll fight shoulder to shoulder with you. But ask me to kill some Mom and her kids and I'm not doing it, plain and simple.

Only for you baby.

You are correct user, sometimes execution is the only option, and in those cases it is an unfortunate necessity. However, if the option exists to either imprison a captured enemy or execute them unless they are some ideological zealot I will always choose to imprison them. There is no glory to be had in shooting some battered conscript in the head.

Works for me, but I will ask a question. In this world of ours, the real one, what would you do with them? Leave them to starve? Take care of them? Somehow send them somewhere (explain the somehow if this)? Sterilize them (if so how)?
Assume this is, again, in the real world where there is more than 10 people involved, i.e. we are talking at minimum 10s of thousands.

Are we talking about captured enemy combatants?

For a second, I thought I was reading something written by Jason Pargin, but then I remembered that man is dead and has been replaced by a leftist doppelganger.

No? I don't understand, in your mind do you suppose to just take every invader as a prisoner (somehow) and deal with them after that? Calling them captured is what I find striking. I'm talking about people going through towns retaking the land and such and what you'd do with the people (if you say take them prisoner, again, how due to the numbers)

tell me do you think fags deserve rights?

Oooooh, my original post was in response to what to do with enemy combatants. To which I would say imprison them if you can, execute them if there's no other viable option.

As for occupying "enemy" towns you disarm the citizenry, ship all males of combat age to a work camp/detention center until the war is over, and establish a curfew leaving behind a garrison appropriate to the size of the town to maintain order in your absence. However, if it's an insurgency you're fighting the procedure changes somewhat. It really depends on what kind of war we're theoretically fighting here.

I never specifically mentioned Jews in any capacity, did I user?
I didn't said that. I said that there ARE some reputable blacks and they're who we'd need to send with the rabble if we shipped them back to Africa. The reason being they'd be the ones who could establish some semblance of order over there.
Nice straw man. I didn't realize being NatSoc meant I couldn't have disagreements over strategy and war aims with like minded people. From now on I'll be sure to accept any anons word as gospel and never make cases for other lines of thinking user. Thanks for correcting me, cunt.
Apparently being willing to pick up arms and fight alongside you in what will likely be a long and nasty conflict isn't enough. Didn't realize baby killing was a prerequisite for saving my race.
I don't know, I've never met you.

I never said that**

It's 3:30, my brain isn't firing on all cylinders.

Let us suppose the war is the theoretical/realistic one of present day America/Europe. You have a nation, the invading forces have taken actual land masses within your domain and have spies and sympathizers (i.e. the moderates/normal people) within your territories that haven't been completely conquered. Let us assume somehow we became the government to some extent however not as all powerful as our present one. Your job is to somehow save the native populace which is facing extinction. Personally, I'd just go through like people do when facing a deadly virus/cleansing. I'll never understand people saying "DEHUMANIZE" etc. I'm actually humanizing myself because I'm caring for my kin and willing to make the hard decision of killing (i.e. doing a grand act which can only be considered grand to us because it seems we're one of the few groups with a general morality. Although, some of it might just be social signaling among the normalfag masses who know no honor). Again, I don't condone doing anything violent or illegal.

Personally speaking I have no qualms in making examples of Reds, giving them the Huruslahti treatment especially in communities sympathetic to them.

Alright, as far as spies and sympathizers go you do what any nation at war does. Which is to establish a secret police/intelligence service to root out and detain spies, informers, deserters, etc, etc. If after being tried they are determined to have been traitorous in their conduct, they are to be executed, as that is standard procedure for all nations in regards to traitors. Don't get me wrong, when I say I'm opposed to executing people en masse I'm referring to captured enemy combatants and civilians who have no violated the Geneva Convention. Spies and traitors are completely different in terms of how they ought to be judged when compared against enemy combatants.

This is all under the assumption that a state of war has been declared and there is armed conflict currently occurring. I am aware of the scenario you're trying to paint here and I know what the implication is. But there's no way for us to start conducting ourselves as if it was wartime without some formal declaration of war. All we'd accomplish by initiating a fight without that perquisite would be to get ourselves branded terrorists and immediately lose any semblance of popular support.

I don't either user.


I see, that's why your phrasing seems to be overly precise (at least for my liking). It seems though you get what I'm trying to say by the terrorist remark. However, note, (again, not saying to do anything violent nor that I endorse such groups) however, one isn't a terrorist if he wins and isn't hated by the people if he is made to be appear to be doing the people a favor (see the Founding Fathers at the beginning before organizing a formal army with the help of the French. Even then, battles weren't fought in the formal way all the time). Winning and slightly good appearance is better than winning and bad appearance which is better than losing and good appearance which is better than losing and bad appearance.

Stop watching Star Wars, it's fucking garbage

And what the fuck do you think constitutes a human being? You seem to be ignorant of the very basic reason that Holla Forums believes what we do. The people you are refusing to hate are fucking genetic sewage that would see you and everyone you love dead. They act the way they act because they are programmed to do so. They are not salvageable in the slightest. Your inability to hate makes you nothing more than a broken human being.

I just want to say that The South is the United States. It is the largest region of the country that still clings to most American traditions and actually controls the state houses, unlike the Left coast, New England, and any "blue liberal" state. The races in the South have an "understanding" and that is that Whites run and control everything, blacks cause problems, yes, like everywhere on this planet, but do you ever hear of massive riots and problems in the Old South, no you do not, that happens in "blue liberal" states. And if not in liberal states, then in red states outside of the South.

And the South, was never able to fully recover from the North's win and especially Reconstruction which instilled northern ideals and niggers all over the place, it took us almost 100 years to more or less correct that problem, then 1960s happened and ended it all. Even to this day, the 13th and 14th amendments will created specifically to combat the niggers not being treated "equally" and have since been used to great effect to destroy many other things (the 14th amendment idea of "incorporation").

Even to this day Southern elections are STILL being watched by the federal government, where a law that couldn't be touched in the northeast, would be thrown out in the South, utter bullshit. And Whites in the South were always behind in terms of industry since it was an agrarian based economy, with or without the niggers. Don't blame problems in the South on Southern people in general. Reconstruction didn't end until around 1880, that was only 130 years ago, and even after almost 70 years Germany is still feeling the repercussions of the Second World War, and all of Europe STILL is recovering from WWI and WWII together in terms of population.

What I am getting at
Is this, the South will recover eventually, just like Germany will, but because we have had an uphill battler since 1861 shouldn't be laid at our feet, even to this day, we have done what we can to resist the North's laws and endless amount of useless fuckers who move to the South and import their shitty Northern ideas.

Any Southerner who willingly gives up on the Old South is not a southern man, but a useless git. And the fact that we have treated the niggers like pets and children to be looked after, has made them much more docile in the South than anywhere else in the United States, the race riots of the 1960s and 1970s took place mostly outside of the South, because of that upbringing blacks had, not in spite of it.

And White Southerners have been attacked from all sides for any expression for "Whiteness" like the Germans have for any expression of "Germanness" since the end of the war, especially since the the 1950s.

jesus christ, did you go to sleep in the 80s and just now wake up? There will be no declaration of war, the declaration will be done by people you don't agree with, the declaration of war will be ignore, uniforms will be ignored, you will be branded a traitor and a terrorist and an illegal combatant and people will be getting burned out like dorner. You are trying to use rules the enemy does not recognise except to fuck you that much harder.

Guess you're gonna have to deal with the fact that some people disagree with you.


You are absolutely correct, history is written by the victor. However, right now we have absolutely no reason to instigate this fight. Let Antifa and the radical left grow more bold until they fire the first shot. That will constitute all we need in terms of a formal declaration of war as far as I'm concerned.

The key here is to ensure that we frame the conflict in such a way that we look like the good guys. I mean we already are, but you get what I'm saying. Let them fire the first shot, let them hand us our Boston Massacre.

Actually that opinion stems from Lord of the Rings and the fall of Denethor, among other things.

Quite the opinion you have there user. I'll reserve my bullets for the people actually shooting at me.

I'm not immune to hatred, I simply try and temper my contempt with stoicism and discipline. I'd strongly recommend reading "Meditations" by Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. On an aside, it takes more willpower and mental fortitude to remain calm than to give oneself over to rage.

My inability to hate doesn't make me a broken human being, it means I'm a human being with some semblance of empathy and self awareness.

Literally all I'm saying user, is that the shooting hasn't started yet. And someone will either start it, or it will not come. We are already in a state of cold civil war, I doubt that its transition to a hot civil war is very far off. That being said if you're so certain there won't be a declaration of war, and that our enemy will always be out of uniform, what's your point? Are you going to go out and start shooting at the perceived enemy? No, of course you're not because that would be fucking psychotic and you'd simply hand our enemy more propaganda tools. So don't lecture me on the conditions of kicking this thing off when we both know neither of us is going to be the spark that lights the fire.

Niggers were just burning down Charleston in a BLM riot where several whites were jumped. Niggers rape white girls in the south all the time. Baylor pimps out blondes for nigger athletes. I hate larping southerners who pretend like they have anything under control or that there is any "understanding".

Try living around minorities sometime. Listen to the things they say. The opinions that they hold.

But that isn't a good thing when the people you are withholding your rage for are the fucking enemy. I'm not saying I support gunning down niglets in the streets but it is a grave mistake to acknowledge any leftist or shitskin as a human being. The empathy people like you hold for them is what allowed them to plant the seed of what has grown into our modern situation.

A few instances of things, is exactly what I said, but overall the niggers in the South are better behaved than niggers anywhere else in the USA.

Niggers raping white women isn't a new thing, it happens everywhere where niggers are, I didn't say that shit doesn't happen, it does, and unless the South is allowed to place the niggers back in chains or deport them it'll keep happening.

But don't fucking act like the North or any other part where there are large numbers of blacks are any better.

No, they really aren't. Once again you're just spewing bullshit to try to get over the fact that you live in niggerville and glorify the "nation" that got a train run on it for trying to turn the whole continent into niggerville.

Nobody said that.

I live right outside of Chicago and commute into the city 3 days out of the week. Don't lecture me on dealing with dindus, I already have to deal with them on a near daily basis.

It is if you enemy is hoping and praying you'll do something rash that blows away your mounting advantage. The political tide is turning in our favor, and the radical left is making a massive mistake by being the instigators of violence. Why in the sweet fuck should be allow our fury to overcome us now and blow a near certain victory if we can just keep our shit together for a little bit longer?

Incorrect, if I had my way they wouldn't be here at all. But regardless of my wishes, the fact remains that they are human beings. As repugnant and contemptible as many of them are, they aren't animals to be slaughtered in the streets. Well most aren't anyway, the ones that are will be shooting at us regardless.

user, what is it that you value about our race, about the West? Tell me, I'm curious. What would you consider to be our greatest contributions to the world?

What bullshit am I spouting? I said the South has had Northern/Federal boots on it's neck since 1865.

You tell me then, where do niggers act up less than in the South where they appear in large numbers?

That's the type of thing leftists use, not saying we couldn't, but more likely in the long run will be a Lexington Green, it won't matter who fires the shot. What matters is what comes later.

No, I mean we will be out of uniform or we won't be recognized as legitimate combatants.

You took the wrong lesson from it, Denethor fell from despair blackpilled as fuck and was a dick to his son. His problem was that he didn't go down swinging. His hatred and pride kept him from falling like Saruman though.

This is bullshit. No such thing exists. No difference in negro parasitism or violence exists. Countless whites get murdered by negros in the south and several riots happened over the past few summers.

Correct, but in the immediate aftermath we want to be able to claim the moral high ground, regardless of who actually shot first. It will help us securing aid and supplies from outside forces in the case of a protracted conflict.

Do you understand the reason behind our electing Trump user? Aside from the last shot at peaceful reform, it was also our goal to secure the support of the military in the event of a civil war. Depending on where this goes, there's a chance we may end up in uniform.

Although frankly I'd prefer it not reach that point because if it does that means the war has gone on far longer than it should have.

This is true but in his despair he permitted hatred to consume his mind. It poisoned him against all those around him and eventually led to his suicide. Remember what the one ring was though user? A tool of immense power, filled with malice and hatred, a tool that he wanted to use to defeat his enemies. But had he been permitted to use the ring and wield evil forces in the name of good, he would merely have become another force for evil.

One of the key messages of Lord of the Rings is cautioning against ends justify the means thinking and the assumption that if we merely had power we could set everything right.

A few fucking riots in over 200 years, and when we have a nigger president no less, that's the big deal?? Nobody said that they all sat down around a table and agreed that Whites would control and run everything, its simply implicit in everything that happens in the Southeastern United States.

Where are all the niggers hanging out that are worse than those in South?

And more whites are murdered by niggers in other parts of the country than the South I am willing to bet, per capita given the large number of them there.

Excerpt from an article that took me 10 seconds to find:
Link here:

Sounds to me like all that Northern love of niggers is what caused problems not, Southerners not doing anything about it.

Whatever you believe keep believing it, sounds defeatists as hell to me. I'm going to bed since it's 5:30 here and I'll be up soon enough. If you want to keep arguing, I'll check back later today.

None of this has anything to do with what we're talking about. Everywhere else has had a "a few fucking riots" in over 200 years as well. You think things don't de facto go to whites everywhere else too? It's simply a matter of competence, not "muh based deep south". You make differentiation where there are none. There simply is no "understanding". That is all I said.

Because Hillary would have sparked civil war even sooner. If he turns on us, we will have a lot less support then if she would have.

The power is not in our hands. There is no ring in this world that destroying it defeats our enemies.

One of the overlooked messages in Tolkein is that the forces of evil are racial enemies of the good guys. When they defeat Sauron, they all go back to rebuild countries, plant trees, mine caves, and farm, but also THEY CONTINUE PURGING THEIR ENEMIES.

You are wrong.I am 60 and I was a frontline lefty fighting cops at anti-war demonstrations during the VietNam war.America is MUCH more polarized now than in the 60s and 70s.There is a feeling of war in the air that was not present then.Antifa is not like the anti-war movement I was part of.They are something darker,something that feeds on and fosters bigoted violence while playing the Good Guys.I am of the generation that ended an unjust ,wrong war ,who fought with principles and morality on our side.

Antifa is a dark force that blindly creates violence for its own sake.

Same here bro, street-side sledgehammer executions are going to make that vietnam photo look tame by comparison.

As a white American who currently lives in (((Nevada))), how would I go about moving to the South? I haven't decided what state (not Texas or Florida) but I'm tired of being surrounded by soft, stupid liberals. Southern anons, what is it like? I know you guys Yankees but I'll adapt to the culture. HELP ME.

I just need to reiterate that I have no sense of humanity for these people at all, there truly is this overwhelming desire to be rid of them and send a powerful message as well that will echo at least through the next century.

The second legal authority goes out the window…

Your generation was weak, and you cried en masse to save the lives of commie jungle gooks. You embarrassed your nation on the global stage, forced a pathetic retreat from a won war, and treated your own brothers like fucking lepers where they should have returned as war heroes. Your generation was pathetic and no one will mourn when the last of your poor, drug-abused hearts give out. Fucking kill yourself.

War has always been waged in cycles. The newest generation has identified their own targets, in absence of a convincingly unifying outside enemy. Our children may never understand why what happens next -had- to happen, but you can be sure their children will.

What a bunch of irrelevant LARPy nonsense. We're not going to be the German army, pushing into Russia. At best, we're going to be the partisans, striking them where they're weak and desperately avoiding them where they're strong.

The US government is going to be against us in any civil war scenario, regardless of who's president.

Getting tired of your shit shut the fuck up
Kill all chads and rape all stacies, put all SJW's into re education prison camps

Fuck all of it, destroy the people who have caused sex to be denied to me, strike them down, make them pay

I really dont know what the fuck you are implying with all these posts
If our options come down to 1) war and subsequent purge or 2) slow decline and eventual destruction then 1) is infinitely better than 2)
I would rather have war and see the return of 1800s and up to 1910 US than see the US turn into sweden on steroids

Yeah hopefully we just get all the fun of a purge without the actual warfare (aka trump goes all out) but maybe it wont happen and if it doesnt then we better go with option 1)


So you're going to be committing suicide then? :^)

I'm not implying anything other than this isn't something to be fucking happy about. It's necessary absolutely, but you shouldn't be super fucking stoked that we're probably going to have to fight a civil war. Of course, it's not really necessary for me to tell you this because you'll find that out exceedingly quickly if hostilities do commence.

TL;DR: Just apply a dash of sobriety and pragmatism when discussing the prospect of a civil war.

Obviously this "antifa" thing, which wasn't a significiant fucking thing a few weeks ago, desires a brawl in order to ignite a powder keg, and you are (charitably speaking) playing right into their hands. These continuing bloodlust posts, especially the ones with extra worry aimed at antifa who are they again, and why should I give a shit?, look like the work of agent provocateurs that are simultaneously creating a diversion/decoy with antifags.

The real problems are vast and complex, but the vast majority of Holla Forumsacks know who the (((heavy hitters))) are, and the apparatuses that they use for their dirty work.

Get with the program or fuck off. There's nothing "pragmatic" about letting your enemies live. There's nothing "pragmatic" about having a fucking Race War without killing other races. There's no such thing as a "combatant" in a Race War, it's ethnic cleansing. You don't like the screaming kike making interracial porn for a living go because he's not currently shooting at you, you kill him because he's contributing to the destruction of your race.

You are the very definition of pathological altruism. All your "humanity" is actually cruelty to your own people. You are the ultimate cuck on a biological level. Every bullet spared on a subhuman is another black on white rape, another mouthful of food taken from a rural white's mouth and another knife in your brother's back. If you had a single fucking "pragmatic" bone in your body you'd know the only way we'll ever be free of these fucking subhumans is to exterminate them.

If you're too much of a pussy to stomach that fine, then shut your fucking mouth and hide in your house while the men who have do the dirty work. Just don't expect any sympathy if you willingly choose the path of a lemming. You make the conscious decision to become cattle that's exactly how you'll be treated.

Jesus, you really guzzled the kool-aide huh? Has it ever occurred to you to form your own opinions on things and not just regurgitate what the DailyStormer has most recently shat out? How about a little bit of nuance and contemplation in your world view instead of someone else's propaganda you just let spew from your brain?

If you're so convinced of all of this why aren't you out in the street mowing down blacks with an AR right now? Oh that's right, because what you primarily excel at is shitposting on Holla Forums and chastising others for not being a murderous psychopath. I'm not afraid to fight and suffer in the field, to endure privations, injury, hunger, or death. But I'm not doing it on behalf of cretins like you with nothing going on in their lives, who need this war to happen to give their miserable existences meaning.

You are repugnant, you are on the level of Marxist fucking filth in your eagerness to spill as much blood as possible on the flimsy pretext it will somehow improve our races lot. I don't expect any sympathy or compassion from some LARPing faggot eagerly cheering on massive bloodshed and death in the West.

You are scum, and were someone like you in my company if this civil war breaks out, I would put a bullet in them immediately. Choke on your own bile and die.

Congratulations, I can't remember the last time someone on any of the chans made me feel this level of contempt and sheer revulsion.

Needs more energy.

You are a weakling, overflowing with cowardice. Not a surprise, since you're a nigger-loving Chicago suburbanite. The demographic shift in the United States is irreversible by any other means than lethal force. Unless the number of shitskins is lowered, drastically, then they will turn America into Brazil 2.0. You seem to think the niggers and spics are going to form armies and we're going to have little battles like a game of Risk on an America-shaped board and on Christmas we'll come out of the "trenches" to play football with each other. There is nothing more delusional than this view.

What we are currently experiencing and will continue to experience if cowards like you have a say, is racial warfare, and racial terrorization. Almost all interracial crime in the United States is against whites. Guess what the easy to stop that from happening is retard? Remove the nonwhites. Like Muslims, the civilians aren't "combatants" but they are an essentially community aspect of shielding the criminals. So unless you want Juanita to keep shitting out 15 Mexican soldiers then she needs to die.

Good luck waging "principled warfare" against 80IQ Ooga Boogas and bloodthirsty 4 foot tall spics. I'm sure they'll show you mercy when they chop your head off with a chainsaw while you scream about the Geneva Conventions. I bet you'd fight side by side with "based blacks" that "uphold American values" too you fucking fag cuck. Pic related, the "brothers" you'll be fighting side by side with to preserve Weimerica.

Except that's complete and utter BS.

In the 60s/70s there were actual militant black organizations and commies rioting and even blowing shit up frequently and there was literal race-related riots and killings. And commies had the numbers back then. Now its just a bunch of tumblrinas nobody cares about.
The early anti Vietnam war rallies often ended in mass brawls between left and right and those weren't nearly as tame as that larping we saw in Berkeley.

OP doesn't know history. Also in contrast to back then literally nobody cares. These days if a handful of antifa fight some of /ourguys/ in the streets nobody cares except for antifa redditors themselfes and Holla Forums.
Its more like if in europe you hear about some soccer hooligans having a fight: Nobody gives a single fuck. By the way in europe antifa stages WAY bigger and more violent rallies then anything burgers had going this year for 40 years or so and NOBODY cares.

Sorry but civil war isn't coming, larpers ITT.


why would a civil war go nuclear? isn't that just suicide on the government part?

Don't buy into the bullshit where people are saying the south is cucked. All cities are cucked, avoid big cities and you'll be fine


Of course not, user. I wasn't planning on moving from one city to another. I am not meant for the city. I'm meant for a more rural lifestyle, possibly a farm, and to band with likeminded people as we purge America of pic related. Give me a southern lifestyle with little money and a pure farmgirl gf who is not poisoned by city trash.

You don't bomb institutions you control, dumbass. In the 60's and 70's, they were fighting The Powers That Be for control; today, they ARE The Powers That Be.

The Pentagon has war-gamed a civil war repeatedly; most of the military defects to fight the government in all of their scenarios, and the rebels get support from Russia, China, and just about anyone else who wants to fuck over the US. It won't be Bubba with his AR-15 against the government, it's going to be Bubba with his RPG-29, his buddy Ivan the Spetsnaz adviser/trainer, and a platoon of Marines who walked off the base with all their gear vs a government with failing popular support, facing economic sanctions from other countries, with half its troops fighting for the enemy.

When the Pentagon war-gamed civil war scenarios, pretty much the ONLY one that ended with the government not getting overthrown and everyone lined up in front of a firing squad was the scenario where they just started nuking cities that supported the rebels… at which point the UN declared the USA to be a rogue nation, Russia, China, France, Britain, etc. threatened to nuke the government forces if they didn't quit using WMD's, and forced a settlement that split the country between the rebels and government.

In actual DoD surveys of the troops, about 60% of the army would defect (nearly all of them combat arms, rather than supply, etc.), 90%+ of the Marines would defect, 75% of the Air Force would remain loyal but the actual combat pilots would mostly defect (and take their planes with them; hard to run bombing missions with no planes and no pilots), and the navy would mainly sit it out and act to prevent foreigners from attacking us while we're distracted. 80% of National Guard units would defect.

Then you get into the fact that there's roughly a million militia members in the US, most of whom are equipped roughly on par to an Army rifleman and a good percentage of whom are either former military or have been professionally trained; in fact, there are not only schools that teaching infantry combat skills, there's retired Special Forces operators who run training camps teaching guerrilla warfare skills specifically because they see the civil war coming (Max Velocity and Sgt. Mosby, for example). This isn't like back in the 90's when militias were a big scare until the OKC bombing false flag got them to lay low to avoid being labeled as baby-killing terrorists; the feds consider modern militias to be a MUCH bigger threat now than they were back then because they're better trained, better equipped, and better organized. And they outnumber the fucking military.

Yeah, once civil war starts, there ain't no stopping it, and there ain't no crushing it. Shit, even a small-time operation like the IRA was unstoppable; at any given time, they never had more than 300 combatants and a couple thousand supporters, and their only weapons were whatever could be smuggled past one of the best navies in the world onto a tiny, easily blockaded, island, and a British general admitted on national television that the military would never be able to beat them. Now expand that same conflict to a million people, in a country that spans an area larger than all of Europe, and who have access to modern military hardware, manuals, training, etc. the IRA never had.

The government is FUCKED if a shooting war starts.


Haven't seen this in the thread, yet, obligatory….


user, we already planned for that almost 20 years ago. We have a detailed plan on how to drive blacks out of their communities, herd them along highways, and into Mexico, Canada, or the nearest boat. It even includes fake flyers from the UN promising free gibs to any niggers who make it across the border.

Once across the border, they're Mexico's problem. Flooding Mexico with our own rapefugees will keep the spics out of the conflict; they'll be too busy dealing with hordes of angry niggers robbing, raping, and murdering, trying to feed and house millions of shitskins, etc. to send troops into the US. And they can't just machine gun niggers crossing the border or else they become the bad guys; it's a catch 22 for them and a win for us.

Puberty, parental consent, and within the confines of marriage. Otherwise we're just encouraging degeneracy.

I'd also promote white birth rates:

1) Allow a man to have up to two wives; any population will have more women anyway, and a LOT of men are going to die in combat, so this keeps 'surplus' women in the breeding pool.

2) Encourage marriage and childbirth by offering interest-free loans to newlyweds, just enough to buy a house and furnish it. They have 5 years to pay it off in full, but 1/4 of the loan will be forgiven for every child they have, meaning if they have 4 kids in the first 5 years of marriage then they don't have to repay the loan.

3) Tax breaks for every child born. Initially we'll do it just for whites, period, but later we can encourage breeding for specific traits (blonde/red hair, blue/green eyes) in a similar manner; in the late 19th century, 60% of Americans had blue eyes. Now it's 12% and dropping. We can fix that.

4) Get rid of no-fault divorce; you can only divorce if your spouse is physically abusive, has extramarital affairs, etc. Divorce courts would be dismantled so as not to be biased against men.

There, now people have incentive to marry and have loads of kids. Start public works programs to employ people and rebuild/modernize our infrastructure and the economy will improve, encouraging even more people to get married and reproduce.

God yes.

I dont know, but the rebels are almost all Arabs, while the Syrian government is supported by Alawites, Assyrians, and other ethnic groups
ISIS is very multicultural oddly enough

Decent symbol friendo

Eastern PAnon here - can confirm. Grew up on a rural farm while dad finished out his army service before moving to suburbia, and initially thought it was great.

And then the real world came knocking, and I want to live on a farm again.

Our ability to create safe and prosperous societies, and to advance technology and further our understanding of the universe. Our ability to act like fucking human beings. Our race is responsible for just about everything good in this world. To be anti white is to be a fucking evil scumbag.

Bit late But imma point out something this cuck is too stupid to figure out himself.

Guessing the faggot is some military zogbot. Let me give you a hint since you are that stupid. I was a zogbot once too, not very long ago either. Every fucking cuck whom professed like you was on a marked list should anything domestic hit. And it wasn't the kind of list saying turn in your gun and walk out the base kinda list. You see, men whom see the world and act, are demonized even in the military. I speak up about my views my life and my ability to care for my family will be ruined because of shitskinn thinking fucks like you. So huge numbers of your fellow soldiers are actually far more vicious and dangerous than you seem to understand due to your own viewpoint. Since you are a cuck, you are allowed to yell out loudly and proudly how much of a fucking cuck you area nd are even encouraged. But just because nobody else even whispers a word doesn't mean we were not there sharpening our knives.

You don't understand why others are not in the street? It only showcases your complete lack of wisdom, understanding and basic knowledge about the reality around you. Niggers are looking at you the same damned way too btw, so are the spics and of course the hajji fucks we are letting into the area to fuck your wife while you are deployed pretending you are 'getting some' while fobbiting out.

Nobody is feeding us cool aid kid. That is the lie fed to normal faggots like you. We had to learn our lessons thru hard work and a horrifying focus on life as it really is rather than as the systems propaganda says. That is the meaning of the 'drinking the cool-aid' btw kid, a fool whom believes the lies of others. But nobody really expects idiots to understand anyway. How hard is it to understand that what we speak is not larping but a grave warning from a cornered beast. Much like a wounded animal growling its last warning before it strikes.

I myself was speaking of the threat ten years ago. Trying my hardest to get those whom can change the world in time to listen, but they didn't, and now, in this thread you see the result of hundreds of user's and only Kek knows how many lurkers speaking hard words of vengeance. The warning is no longer on how to avoid what is coming child. The warning is now get the fuck out of the way or die with the rest. Nature at it's most base is on display.

Ignore it at your own peril. The wrong move now can bring hell itself to our doorstep thanks to fools like you whom have ignored warnings for decades. Now there is nothing to do but get out of the way, Trump was the last chance I believe to stop what was coming. And he is failing that task by all accounts, fight us, and this pic is your families future. That is what you would kill for.

tl;dr - The jews.

What fantasyland are you living in? Seriously, where do you get these ideas from, because they're not grounded in the reality that most of us share.
This is actually true, the rules regarding discriminatory voting laws are still really unfairly applied to southern states because of le ebil confederate boogeyman
such as?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you CLEARLY think you're living in William Lowndes Yancy's drawing room, don't you? Let me tell you something, the south had it's fair share of chimpings and civil disorder during the 1960's and 70's, so I don't know what you're talking about there. Birmingham was a warzone in 1963, my home town was hit by bus boycotts all throughout the 60's, and whites have ALWAYS been targeted for random violence by niggers in the south. You have an idealized view of things that just isn't real.

If you must move to the south, you're wise to avoid Florida or Texas. Similarly, avoid anywhere in the Deep South. The cities are utterly trashed by niggers, and the smaller towns are filled with beaners and ignorant hicks. Yeah I said it, ignorant hicks, because most of them aren't redpilled in any meaningful way and are dumber than the dirt they walk on.

My recommendation would be the mid to upper south, like North Carolina, Tennessee or Kentucky. Or you could move to a state better than all of those, like New Hampshire.

I wouldn't choose as a symbol something that was rigorously proven to be impossible more than 130 years ago, as a consequence of pi being proven to be transcendental.

There are a ton of niggers in the south. Ive lived in the southern-most portion of NC and Florida, and Ive visited just about every state in the south. There are much more niggers, in much higher densities, and they are much more dangerous than the niggers up north. BUT. They know their fucking place. They are much more likely to back down against a good old boy walking with his head high and his chest out than chimping out. Because they know they will get fucking stomped, because they get fucking stomped every time. Just last week I stopped in a gas station for a drink and two ghetto niggers come walking at me down the aisle. Im not stopping or moving out of the way for them, just keep walking looking dead at them clearly telegraphing that I was thinking 'make one fucking move'. Ya know what they did? They both said 'O-okay' and moved out of my way. And that wasnt a one off occurrence. When they see a white man who is walking confidently and is obviously not a cuck they shirk away just as any other lesser animal would.

There is a huge difference between rednecks and hicks. Rednecks tend to be highly intelligent but not book smart, high mechanical reasoning, and at a minimum redpilled on niggers. Hicks are disgusting meth-addled retards.

This. I moved to florida 4 years ago because after some research I found a town that I believed would be a very smart investment. I was entirely correct. The town that I moved to had a 100k population and was part of a cluster of towns that are in an area which had the potential for massive amounts of tech companies moving down. And thats exactly what happened. I bought a $100k house with $6k down and its been 2 years and the value of the house has so far gone up by 60k. Ive done calculations, I need to sell the house in 2 years, after that the value will hit a plateau and the rising crime from all the niggers moving in will start to affect it. Why are there more niggers moving in? Because the moment the tech companies started coming down libshits started coming down in droves, and thats when signs started popping up around town "we are building an inclusive community" and thats when gun crime started happening.

And unless an user had enough money for an investment property I wouldnt recommend them trying to buy a place in florida with the intentions of living here. That window of opportunity is gone you will not see the returns that I will.


Polite sage for demoralizing FSB/SVR-post.

My sentiments toward you exactly. You stink of weakness.

This whole thread stinks of weakness. Its a very thinly veiled consensus cracking demoralization thread. Theres quite a few just like this in the catalog right now.

You don't say.


No, that's still too soon. They've got to indoctrinate them further, get them whipped up into a killing rage, and try to spin the media so they're seen as heroic warriors of justice and not crazed commie terrorists. Plus equipping and training them takes time. There's still a lot of groundwork for them to lay.

Not going to happen. Such historical attacks were acts of desperation, and the troops only participated because if they charged the enemy, they MIGHT not die, whereas if they refused then the officers/commissars would shoot them and they would DEFINITELY die. Combine that with patriotic fervor (expel the invaders, the survival of Russia depends on your sacrifice, AAAAAAH MOTHERLAND!) and you get human wave attacks. There is no corps of commissars to keep the troops 'motivated' and scare them into suicidal assaults, nor are they brave enough to throw themselves into a meat grinder on command. These are special snowflakes who are inherently selfish, cowardly people; all of their attacks so far bear the hallmarks of cowardice. They're not going to charge into almost-guaranteed death for the cause, particularly without someone at the rear pointing a gun at them and telling them to attack or else.

No. Speaking as someone who qualified SWAT, you are not going to get someone capable of combat in a week of instruction. There's a reason boot camp lasts for weeks, and it's just the introductory training; actual combat training takes place afterward.

Obviously they just need these dipshits to be competent enough to hit a crowd of protesters/Trump supporters and not shoot themselves in the dick, but in an actual gunfight these people would fall like wheat before a combine harvester.

Correct. But this is actually a good thing for us.

If the ANTIFAGS attack a group of /k/, Holla Forums, etc. protesters who came fully armed, armored, etc. they'd get slaughtered, and we'd be the bad guys in the media. Clearly we provoked them, 'nobody can be sure who fired first', 'you guys came looking for a fight', etc.

Whereas if they just slaughter a bunch of (mostly) unarmed protesters carrying signs, THEY become the bad guys. Public opinion is dead set against them, their group, and their ideology. It further gives us the excuse we need to show up to subsequent protests and rallies in full combat gear and be able to justify it as a necessity to guarantee our own safety. The next time we're attacked and fight back, we can slaughter them and be seen as just for doing so.

Having our people get massacred would also galvanize our will to oppose these scum; next time we'd come prepared and looking forward to a confrontation. Battle would be joined. Revenge is a powerful motivator.

So having them attack and murder more or less helpless, innocent people who can't fight back would be a good thing for us on multiple levels.

It would certainly signal the start of a conflict that would quickly devolve into WW3. This time it would be less a conflict between national interests, and more a conflict between ideologies. One we'd have to ensure the Jews wouldn't win, like they did in the last two.

Domestically, this is going to be Yugoslavia 2: Electric Boogaloo. Except on the scale of a country the size of Europe, with a population to match. There's going to be war on political, religious, ethnic, and other lines, there will be no safe areas, your skin is your uniform, and you have to exterminate the enemy or go extinct.

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

I was thinking a second US civil war is gonna be like the Spanish Civil War.

Good news. It's not a civil war though. It's another revolutionary war to be free from jewish occupation.

So basically people will be where they want to be and liberals can drain in their wellfare swamp together with niggers? Im sure the so called "flyover states" has lots of guns to protect themselves with. It's not like the fight will be in anti gun Berkerly anymore.

And yes, some vegan antifa cucks or shitlibs will have guns, but c'mon.. they have to have a huge army of cuck norrises to stand the gun culture in the non shitlib USA

Beyond armaments is the spirit of what you are fighting for that keeps you going through hard times. Antifa only have dedication when they hold all the cards and beating someone on the ground who can't attack back, their entire movement is, "you can't hurt me goyim because of the police". Once that becomes meaningless most of Antifa won't have anything to really hold onto. Are they really going to fight to the last man for bringing in refugees and tranny rights?

We will be fighting for the continued existence of our people, defeat will mean the end of the white race. We need to know this on a deep level, only our inaction could mean defeat.

those photos arouse me

you really gotta be careful who you trust once the war breaks out

what about the scenario where trump joins the side of the whites? why would he do anything else if all the other options are doomed to fail?

The only problem I have with gun shows is that most of the time their prices are retarded and only rarely do you see a private seller. And their prices are even worse.

"Check it out, @MLP_officiel
LePen is leading. #MSM will have heart failure. Go France 🇫🇷 …"

Sexual Freedom is just as cancerous as Islam. You don't fight hostile, foreign values with the degenerate, liberal cancer that caused them to be a threat in the first place. You fight them with pro-traditionalist immune system values of your own.

Probably the worst memes I've ever seen. Kudos.

All of those points except 4.) were suggested or implemented during the Third Reich, although 1.) was to be reserved for SS members. Good on.

One of them is wearing a dress how is that immodest?

Glad to know there are others in the thread that aren't fucking morons.

They're in a violent dominant role. A woman's place is a caretaker not a fighter. It would be better symbolism to have a female lion roaring with her cubs behind her. That wouldn't be "muh stronk womyn" it'd be "touch my children and you die"

Go to bed, shiteating analprober

Im fairly sure the bulk of the retards are inorganic to Holla Forums. Looking at almost every thread in the catalog it is very apparent that the shills new attack plan is consensus crack + demoralization. Just keep blowing them the fuck out, the only people they are fooling are themselves.

Its funny seeing you fucks still shilling when there are multiple threads running right now where we are doxing the shit out of people. You think your employer adequately protects their employee roster? You are wrong. All shills will be gibbeted.


Fifty years have passed, but… I do not age. Time has lost its effect on me.

Yet, the suffering continues. The globalist's grasp chokes the past, present… and future. Hope is lost.

Got to get back — back to the past… Doom Paul.

Well the blond doesn't seem to be that aggressively posed, but it can't be helped.


This. The whole wymyns with guns bullshit is a retarded lolberg fantasy. Not that women shouldnt know how to defend their children when their husband is away… But the idea of wymyn fighters is cancerous as all hell. Forcing that shit into being more like what you said.. Wife wielding a firearm with the vulnerable children behind her.. may be a good idea. Especially since more and more lolbergs are aligning their outlook to the left, which is what they always were…

Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.

She shouldn't be armed but alone outside of her homestead. Her hair is unbound, old maid or in need of a firmer hand? Regardless, memeing about a hijab does nothing about the actual threats in burgerland and has nothing to do with the role of women. Of course, this is a civil war thread, so not sure what she's doing in town dressed up anyways.

Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.
Eat shit and die you shit eating faggot.

How pathetic. The memes got worse too.

Stop being fucking morons seeking your own deaths. This "heroic death" meme is moronic. No wonder you see it so much in jew movies and television. Muh sacrifice. No. You don't fight to DIE. You fight to WIN. Be pragmatic and strategic instead of glory-seeking meatheads. When the revolution begins, fight intelligently and keep yourself alive by all means necessary. You're not a Jihadist. Live another day so you can fight another day. Don't be a coward. Would you rather die "heroically" and lose the war and have the next generation worked to death in gulags? Fight to win, not to die.


We're going to be artillery bombarding unarmed civilians in housing projects and mopping up the small arms fire. We're not fighting a war, we're sweeping across the country and exterminating anyone browner than a Werther's candy and with "berg" or "owitz" in their last name.

well fuck me then

we'll check to see if you're circumcised first

I wouldn't be so sure. Check out /k/ sometime. I'm sure most of them would be on Holla Forums's side in a happening, but there are faggots there that genuinely believe Holla Forums would be retarded and incapable with guns because this isn't a faggot lolberg "natsoc germany was bad because jews didn't get gun rights oy vey" board.
Now you're just being retarded.

What is with people having no reading comprehension today? Jesus christ. It's like you don't realize this is the OP that posts the entirety of the article across multiple posts. That is a zerohedge writer you're trying to bitch at the OP for.

I'm starting to think posts like this are made by fucking jews, trying to push things to escalate to the point that all whites end up killing each other off so the shitty apocalyptic brown future governed entirely by jews can more easily be created.

I hope I get martyred before I'm killed by my own side
Time for a blood test and family records eh?

Ironically, Satan, Nazi Germany had insanely high firearm ownership rate and relaxed restrictions from Weimar Germany on gun ownership. So even that argument is just Tankies on /k/ trying to Holla Forums up the board.

If you're wearing a swastika armband and shooting into a housing complex filled with niggers no one will even think to ask.

dat gif


Fighting dirty and coming back to fight again is certainly necessary and we know that is what the future holds at some point. Hardly worth arguing against the one or two itching for a chance to run amok. However-

It's central to our mythology and determines who is remembered, even thousands of years later. Everything we learn from our own stories teaches us to fight and die bravely. There is no way the jews can come close to using that against us as much as we can use it for ourselves. The best they can do is have the hero die for a shit cause to make the cause look better.

Seeking a 'heroic death' would be foolish and probably would fail forced meme, but there would be nothing like a heroic death to bring the best among whites to our side. What other peoples in the world could be motivated that way? The best the other side can meme is injustice/tragedy: puppies drowning, toddlers wandering into a black neighborhood, and women not being bowed to the requisite number of times. They can't into heroism at all.

This is our tool to use.

There is no going back. Women aren't going to get back into the kitchen, they never were there. The American negro will not bow to his Masters, he will fight and kill them. The Japanese, nor Chinese or Russians will come to our aid. Both sides are owned by the same coin, we will see a conflict manufactured for the entire purpose of inevitable and final white depopulation. Enjoy the last few years of collapse, we will witness the hardest of times ahead. I have nor hope for the future nor sympathy for the generations that got us into this, I see now way out frankly but to quit now would be a disservice.

Perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe I'm completely fucked up. Maybe there's something I'm not understanding, but joining a coalition for the right seems outright destined for slaughter and to be slaughtered. No doubt I will join the right side if it comes to that, but the mechanizations of the jews are behind this conflict, through and through and it is easy to see. Observe the pace of things. If they can't have it they'll tear it apart and rejoice in the shekels. America is the last bastion of generations of hard work and it will be sold down for a mere 1% to 2% of what it is worth just as the Formal USSR collapsed and was sold out for pennies to the dollar, so will the United States when civil war comes. It is the inevitable conflict which will bring our downfall.

Count 10 posts. Then select one. That man survives. Our chances are slim at best and our numbers will dwindle horrendously. I see no way to stop the gears that are turning and maybe even if by, Deus Ex Machima, "God in the Machine", I still wouldn't. The system we have is unstable and in terrible shape but it is still preferable to what every other user on here is suggesting and what certainly the agent provocateurs igniting both sides are thinking. We will come to face bad times like never before and there is no way to prepare for it. It may be a storm that will never even come either.

In a weird, kind of sick way, you are completely right friendo


Well there are multiple fronts to this war. For instance this place is not a band of soldiers, if it survives the next few years without getting purged off the net, then it is an intelligence agency. Work to your talents as best you can and that will be for the service of all. All the alt-right groups are also useful in these circumstances because between them and the shitlibs and nogs, you don't turn away guys who want to help. And above all have a little faith. Faith is not hope. Hope is frail and easy to crush. Faith must be steely and strong enough to weather this nightmare. My advice to you is the same as to anyone. Start making IRL friends who are agreeable. Make some agreeable. I redpilled a few people in my time don't jump in on the JQ first and just keep joking about it. Be pleasant and personable. And hold onto thatgroup of guys. They'll be your squadmates come the happening

This. The Scouring of the Shire is the hobbits waking up and killing/removing the half-orcs from the Shire, and uncucking themselves from outsiders.

Exactly, learn from the best MGTOW channel, Turd flinging monkey why women should not vote. I dont care what you say about MGTOW, the more right leaning ones are far better and more redpilled on society and as to why civilisations collapse then any Alt Right i've seen. Except Black Pigeon Speaks who suggested females should not vote.. but he later gave in and said "20 something women"

Females build the wellfare state, then male authority goes away and the feminist states takes care of all her children, from the third world

I meant the larger extermintation, but that is a good point. To paraphrase a quote from someone else "The country villages and farms are the nurseries of nations." The hobbits are proud of their stock but tend to act like children because they are sheltered. But you can tell by their description they've grown up. I hate to take the comparison to fiction too far, but we need the country children to wake up not just to the slant-eyed swarthy men fucking their shit up, but more importantly to the Sharkies and Wormtongues

didn't hear about this, what happened?

We're working on it. Best thing you can do is to join a group that fits you or form your own. You don't have to sieg heil and goosestep down the street, just advocate for generic "Alt-right" shit as well as white identity. You don't have to make it public that the group is whites only either. Grow in the shadows.

I can't wait to have /k/ommando field marshalls

You're going to hell and I don't even believe in it.

whats with the Texas hate? that's the easiest and most practical place to set up a white ethnostate. Everywhere else is swamp rats, diabetic rednecks, or land that has absolutely zero natural resources.

You remind me of that little fag in saving private ryan who let the german go, only to see him come back at the end of the movie joined up with another battalion mowing down Americans. Your kindness and morals will get you or your brothers killed. I understand your reasoning completely, but holy shit what is your plan? Just push them all out until they try again and slowly re-invade over the next 200 years until we're at the same point again? Get with the fucking program user, we're nearing "survival of the species" level warfare and you're claiming you'd shoot your comrades just because they go about quickly executing captured enemies.

There will be no civil war, because you guys are just one group of retards battling another group of retards. Both sides have little sympathy from the at large population. You are inconsequential clowns squabbling over enemies that don't exist.

That's a lot of words to just say "niggers and jews" OP.

But this kind of thing is only happening because shitskins vote D and whites vote R. If America was still 90% white instead of 70% white then it would look much more even. Jamal Washington and Xichalco Jimenez voting for Democrats every single time when only 37% of whites voted Democrat this time around is why things look so divided.

Disgusting, we must live to help rebuild and guide the future generations. We're Americans, we're ARYANS for god's sake user.

You have shown considerable ignorance of history. Merely kicking the jews out isn't good enough. If the world is to survive they must be exterminated in the long run. They are incredibly vengeful and will get right back up to their favorite tricks if we just kick them out.

They "beat" us because we put our troops on the field after the fake Gulf false flag, and then stripped them of the ability to win. Political policies and restrictive search and destroy tactics ruined any chances we had of stopping communism in Vietnam. We should have just engaged in Korea 2.0 Electric Boogaloo

We were never meant to win in vietnam, though I doubted anyone who mattered gave a shit either way.

At this point unless I see it happening with my own eyes I don't believe in a civil war happening in America anytime soon despite the obvious problems. Too much hyping of an upcoming civil war or DoTR that has yet to materialize I think.

I live near Pittsburgh its shit, too many niggers, spics, pajeets,jews,sjw types,furries, and its insanely hot & humid on top of that prefect chimp-out weather.

Spainish Civil war aircraft, nice.

if you live in California, you can see the war starting before your eyes. It is no longer works, it is kinetic.

Same utopian ideals, same destructive tactics, same lack of long-term considerations. You were Antifa, and the Liberal world order your generation imposed on us all is imploding.


10/10 user, would wear.

Northern rural Alabama. It's as good as it gets. I hadn't seen a single nigger in my town until a few weeks ago.

the clarity of the situation falls on your lap immediately when you understand what once made this nation successful.

From Federalist #2:

It has often given me pleasure to observe that independent America was not composed of detached and distant territories, but that one connected, fertile, widespreading country was the portion of our western sons of liberty. Providence has in a particular manner blessed it with a variety of soils and productions, and watered it with innumerable streams, for the delight and accommodation of its inhabitants. A succession of navigable waters forms a kind of chain round its borders, as if to bind it together; while the most noble rivers in the world, running at convenient distances, present them with highways for the easy communication of friendly aids, and the mutual transportation and exchange of their various commodities.

With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people–a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs, and who, by their joint counsels, arms, and efforts, fighting side by side throughout a long and bloody war, have nobly established general liberty and independence.

We were once these united states, but we have become something different from what God gave to our ancestors – we are no longer that one united people, descended from the same ancestors and speaking the same language with the same religion and principles of government. We are many nations under the dominion of one government, with diverse languages, ancestors, religions, and principles of right government.

At the point at which this developed, civil war under the federalist system became inevitable. Doomsayers today are only playing catch up.

southern-born living in the neudeutschland of the old midwest here:

don't do it. the greater part of the south (apart from appalachia, which should be it's own state – the state of my birth) is niggerland.

Reconstruction and the civil rights movement destroyed the south's ethos. It is a parody of itself, and forever will be – a slave to the nigger's indolence from lincoln to eternity.

Damn, that good user.

There is nothing wrong with red, black and white. Give that a try.

We must make this happen. Rock the boat people.

no longer words*
Fucking Jew Nig-check

And it's only going to become worse because we are becoming more racially diverse. Just look at voting trends now, they are also fracturing on racial line, and each group is voting for their own self-interest even if they don't completely agree with the party. Take the nog population for example, they are staunch democrats, but are much more likely to be opposed to same-sex marriage.

And what's the alternative user, just wait idly by as our nation gets turned into a 3rd world hell-hole? You cannot grow without pain, nothing worthwhile is achieved without suffering, as is this is the nature of life.

Fuck off banking scum

Hello mortar man. Allow me to put this in as clear as terms as possible. All your rhetoric, all your vitriol, none of it means anything without concrete action to back it up. So you can call me a cuck all you want, you can rail against those of us who are concerned first and foremost with defeating the enemy and building something better, those of us who don't consider genocide a prerequisite to a better world. But at the end of the day, your words are hollow, they are the substance less howling of someone with a purposeless life, who needs to find their purpose in killing.

I never once said I was going to fight any of you, if anything I will be fighting alongside you. But it is very, very difficult to fight alongside someone who is constantly telling you how they're going to kill you for being a traitor because you aren't okay with killing civies.

I'd sympathize with you, but the constant idle threats and slurs are making it difficult. So instead I'll choose to pity you, because pity should be reserved for ones inferiors. And you are certainly my inferior, that much is obvious.

I've never had any affection for blacks or their shit tier "culture". I have already stated I will fight and die if necessary in whatever conflict it is that is looming on the horizon. It seems to me that a coward would be more prone to mass execution of civilians than engaging actual combatants in the field.

I agree, fucking round them up and dump them over the border. If their military might is broken they will have no means of refusing anyway. On that note, if you're speaking in the immediate sense I say it before and I'll say it again. Are you currently out there "removing nonwhites"? Are you already fighting? No? Then don't fucking lecture me on the ins and outs of fighting a hot civil war.

Kill all fighting age men and deport the women and children. There, problem fucking solved. I'll fight with the side that actually seeks to preserve my race and the West. We'll see whether or not that's actually you, because what you reek of is someone who just wants to spill blood. Those who spend their lives obsessing over destruction will be of no use in the rebuilding process. I'd advise you to seriously analyze just what your intentions are user, because there's a reason leadership always kills off the revolutionary vanguard after a successful revolution.

Don't start gunning down unarmed women and children and you've got nothing to fear from me. Since when is it treason to not want to murder the defenseless?

Hey user, that German was also a full grown man with a rifle. Not some fucking mom and her kid. Also, you do realize we only need a couple hundred more years right? The current rate of technological acceleration is putting us on track for the space age. We just need to hold out long enough to get off this rock.

t. too much of a coward to kill anyone but a fighting aged male

That's literally exactly what you are though, a race traitor. You're prioritizing your own cucked self righteousness over the awful necessity of the task ahead of us. You keep saying over and over again you'd only fight conditionally to save you race, that makes you a traitor worthy of a bullet. Not to mention you threatened to shoot anyone who disagreed with your faggy cowardly views, so any commander would more than justified with executing you on the line.

Yeah…that's the entire point you coward. The niggers and spics aren't going anywhere unless the cities they live in get mortared and shelled into nothingness. They can't reproduce if they don't exist anymore. You know who's not going around raping and killing whites? Olmecs. Wanna know why? Because they were wiped off the fucking face of the Earth.

Yeah I'm shaking in my boots Commissar, I'm sure after the RACE WAR I'll be held accountable for killing members of the opposing race. The only one getting "punished" here will be you when you demand the men in your squad stop killing blacks just because they're women and kids.

Pic related, how could a man EVER want to harm such a beautiful creature? What kind of MONSTER would pull the trigger against such a fine specimen?

Also pretty hilarious it took you 9 fucking days just to come up with a response.

trump tweeted this recently. seems relevant

what if they arent white? and women can be traitors too. and children can grow up to be vengeful. how many times in history have whites done "the right thing"? look at where that's gotten us. do you not believe in manifest destiny?

Now you're just being silly.


Texas is full, fuck off

I live in rural PA, and I AM a boomer.
We were always racist, it hasn't changed.

Why would they protect them when the liberals make the things more difficult? Long time ago the cops weren't militarised like today it is.

What kind of fucking retarded map is that?

Donate money or guns then kill yourself. You failed your duty to your people. I can't imagine growing up with Pierce and Rockwell still being alive and STILL not lifting a finger against ZOG.

Move somewhere near an electric power plant and then prepare.

You fucking moron, we were talking about the protocols and the kikes taking over the banks before you were shitting your diapers.

We were just as powerless against the bleating herds of normies ad you are right now.
You think your "generation" (which is a ZOG created, false set of groupings to mind-fuck people like YOU) is any more aware of their being herded to the slaughterhouse than the normies in MY day?
Who is it that calls you Nazis now? Who is it that is mired in the propaganda of MTV, Colbert, and any number of Jewtube, feminist, Antifa, scared-to-be-called-racist "celebrity" bullshit?
It's the normies of your age, and they want to virtue-signal how "tolerant" they are of perversity and degeneracy even MORE than the normies in my day.

You got one thing going for you that we didn't…we invented the internet for you.
Now you have a voice to present the facts to the world without going through the filter of the Zionist vermin.
But hating me, when I've always been fighting this fight, always supporting my race, is not going to help you at all.

Parroting the ZOG yourself. You do something you lazy fucking shit. You could learn a thing or two by listening to someone 25-30 years older than yourself….. but no, you think your so fucking smart. Jew loving kike dick sucker

You're either delusional, or you're making shit up. Get your head out of your ass,

Still the most likely scenario is that things kick off with food riots when the government runs out of gibs. The decline in whiteness inevitably leads to a bankrupt government.

we'll have to won't we? or die out
i don't blame you, there is a cycle to this sort of thing and you lived during good years, even if it didn't seem that way at the time. how could you have known? I hope you have plenty of children. We're all in for some crazy shit the next couple of years.


I miss running the jubba river with blood, the coffee brewed by the bloody hand of a lone Italian man traded in mogu, the crumbled concrete and gore of Zliten, the dry air of Leptis Magna.

However, I will always have a special place in my heart, for the kind of blood and terror needed to counter the same from the men made devils that travel the night of Cabeza Prieta.

The bloodshed is already here, and always has been. It is just between the space of civility and denial.

Where I live the local police force is right wing as fuck and armed to the teeth.. one of the largest depts in the US

Just saying

Yes. And it is our job to make that happen. The sooner the better. Sabotage the ZOG machine.

right on the money.

This s beautiful.

Can't find the quote anywhere else. Did you write it?

I don't hate you, you double nigger, I'm angry at you for your inaction when you actually had leaders to rally behind. That's our biggest weakness right now is there's no Pierce or Rockwell to sign onto to. Just controlled-op jewboys with soy-face. Thanks for the internet though that was actually a real solid. Why don't you make up for it and start publishing books and organizing legal organizations like Pierce did now, since as a DISGUSTING BOOMER you'll have a more established statesman-like presence since you're older. It's not too late, I'm just mad you didn't start shooting after Waco and Ruby Ridge. Time to use these ludicrous resources allocated to boomers and start helping us out.

Take as much Social Security as possible though, when that fails the nigger hordes will probably spark the war themselves.

The only lesson boomers have taught is what not to do. Do the opposite of what boomers did and you will end up better for it every damned fucking time. An entire generation of wanabe kikes working hard to be good goy. Fuck em all.

You can only have a war if you have two sides willing to die for a belief. Most of us are willing to die to preserve our race, San Francisco cucks are not willing to even protest unless being paid by George Soros. There wouldn't be a war, just a massacre. I can't fucking wait.

You are in for a very bad surprise kid. Impressive you still have enough faith to believe in kike movie tier propaganda about combat and war, and yet are here trying to be a grammar nazi.

If you had wanted an noble war, you shoulda started it decades ago against this system before it got to this point. Illusions of idealism and false nobility dooms you. Good luck kid. Nobody is going to pity you, nor care that a dead faggot pity's them.

top cuck

I don't see the Northwest Front as a honeypot. Especially since Mr. Covington wants people to form their own trouble trio without involving anyone else but racially conscious prospects.

Aryans have always viewed heroism as the purpose of life and not materialistic life devoted to one's useless materialistic pursuits. By the way, this is why the nips are called honorary Aryans (aside from a possible racial connection via the Ainu).The purpose of life is war and not peace. Aim for victory always but don't counter-signal the ideal of heroic death, please.

They were in control many years before the Napoleonic war, and have been consolidating their power since folks. It may take 200 years of war profiteering and usury to put someone in a position to beat them by their rules.

This thread has alphabet soup all over it.

I did write it, I wrote what I know. I am gladdened that you find beauty in it.

I will have to agree with

While boomers had many who would forget the house is on fire as we currently do, the greater sins of your generation are not irreversible. It is the boomers who did not heed Rockwell and Pierce. It is the boomers who allowed themselves to be subsumed by the operations of communists to undermine our Republic. Burn your chaff, and allow the wheat to finally, at long last stand gloriously. We could use a real General Macarthur, an Old Fuss and Feathers, or even a Xenophon at worst right now and that kind of leadership requires decades to mature. If that must come from us, that leader will be a Leonidas and another more or less noble, but just as doomed.

Give me an Alexander and with him you may have my fanged and clawed soul, and I will never weep that there are no more worlds to conquer, we will find more, and the blood will be the medium from which we resurrect art.
The master piece? White children, enjoying the bounty of peaceful times, with no Scythian dogs to drag them back into the muck.

Alphabet Soup's too busy getting literally fucked by ISIS at this point. Time to make lone wolf moves legally to start so there's an existing, underground, decentralized infrastructure (houses, cars, medical supplies, guns, etc) that can be added to a movement's arsenal when it gains enough steam to merit collaboration.

lol @ all the people larping about somehow seizing control of the country and somehow saving the white race. So fucking retarded. The only way to "save" any select group of people is to build a nice comfy vault and glass the entire planet with nuclear hellfire. Should probably larp about that instead