Immigration as a Weapon of International Finance

Capitalism as an economic system depends on mass immigration


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Capitalism does not require any immigration.

You are confusing corporatism/cronyism with capitalism. The elements which cause such problems are all due to the socialist elements introduced into our jungian economic system.

Capitalism is perfectly capable of operating even within a closed system such as a small tribe of 200 people living in a valley.

How is this any different from the "not real communism" argument? Just admit that capitalism has utterly failed to protect our race.

"Infinite growth capitalism" that we have today needs immigration. Without immigration growth will be caped by available population, therefore it would be finite.
As pointed out, there are other forms of capitalism that do not require immigration.


Consensual transactions between parties for mutual benefit.

If you have a pair of shoes worth $50

and I have $50 value in currency, gold, securities, eggs or whatever else.

And I want shoes, and you want currency (or whatever i have).

We can agree to make a transaction - an exchange of equal value - $50 worth of shoes for $50 worth of value in another form, typically currency.

So what is 'profit'?

Profit is the difference between a bunch of fabric and leather - worth $10, and a pair of shoes worth $50. AKA your skill & intelligence applied to creating value.

You are free to use your body, your life and your labor in any way you see fit. You are free to trade, exchange or 'sell' that labor or the fruits of that labor in any way you see fit.

You are an independent, self sustaining, entity.


They are not even remotely 'the same coin'.

Except it hasn't… everywhere capitalism has been allowed to operate is damn near utopian in an economic sense.

The USA, Australia and Western Europe are the richest areas on the planet, with the best quality of life on the planet - because of capitalism.

Look at anywhere that has free trade, low regulations & low taxes. They have the best quality of life by far.

Dubai is a prime example of what happens when you let the free market reign. A utopia sprung up out of an empty barren desert.

America is the richest country in the world, because of capitalism.

EVERYTHING good about our society, electricity, lightbulbs, the very computer you are typing this on, and the server this website is hosted on, exist because of CAPITALISM.

Capitalism requires that the labor supply is continually replaced by capable individuals. Workers must be paid a wage suitable to support and raise their children who will act as replacements. That's not what is happening. Leaders are driving wages down to the point that the labor supply isn't being replaced. They are then using the problem they created to push for massive immigration. That only creates more problems.

You are making the assumption that growth cannot exist without population growth.

This is a completely incorrect assumption.

You are disregarding all other forms of automation, human resource systems are not the only systems capable of aiding or increasing production.

Also you do not need further population growth for increased consumption, in fact it's counter productive.

If population remains constant yet production increases then prices will go down and wealth availability will increase. Therefore quality of life will increase exponentially.

Your argument is based on an entirely false premise.

You're talkin about Lenninist communism.

Capitalism is as materialistic and exploitable as communism as we have seen through the fall of western society. Both rely on the same concepts and push society in the same direction by encouraging greed, jealousy and other lesser desires in the public, and using these to manipulate said public for the end of a wealthy and all-powerful elite, that officially or unofficially have the power to make or break anyone below them on the social ladder on their whim.

How is any claim that something is not actually the thing it is being claimed to be different from the "not real communism" argument?

Capitalism is simply the system in which a Nation's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, and not by the state for nonprofit.

There is nothing inherently wrong with this idea. In fact, this idea is fantastic. Nine times out of then, the state does a terrible job when it attempts to directly operate industries. Total state control is better served in the solicitation of services that would be difficult or impossible to manage any other way, such as the postal service or law enforcement.

The problem is not inherent to Capitalism, but rather when Globalist entities start reaching across national boundaries to cut deals to enrich each other at the expense of their host nations. You wrongly assume that destroying Capitalism would somehow change this equation or prevent such collusion from occuring. How, exactly, would it do this? It was the Rothschild banks that funded the Communist uprisings in Europe. Why?

Because at the end of the day, money to these people is nothing more than an abstract representation of power. If you can trade money for actual, real power, then you do so, to the greatest extent that you can. It is better to be the man in charge of the station that hands out bread and shoes in a Bolshevik Global Order than it is to sit on a giant stack of paper money with an arbitrary and fluctuating value attached to it.

This was never about Capitalism. This was always, always, about Jews seeking ever greater control and dominance over the planet and everything upon it, including the goyim.

If you think you can defeat the Jew by simply taking trade out of the hands of the Capitalist class, then you clearly have not noticed the preponderance of Jews waiting in the wings of the State. Do you really think they would not be overjoyed to take over regulating the markets through the actions of the state? Do you really think that taking the power of decision making out of the hands of Jews and placing it into the hands of more Jews will do anything?

If the Jewish diaspora was not fully prepared to throw away every single cent of their ill-gotten wealth in exchange for having an absolute controlling share in the post-Capitalist world order, they would not have invented Communism.

You underestimate the true source of the problem. Acting like changes in economic policy will solve anything is Civic Lolberg tier. Go have a conversation with TRS and Conservative Treehouse if that's your style.

White people did that, not capitalism.

If destroying an entire region's coral reefs is your idea of utopia, then I want no part in it.

Most of America's wealth is in the hands of an elite that is overwhelmingly Jewish.

user, this isn't my assumption. It's the assumption that most Western economists, politicians and journalists hold.

Only for the few.

The main problem though is that in a real context nothing has actually changed.
The worst excesses in terms of worker exploitation have simply been moved abroad.
Our whole economic system is still dependent on the mass oppression of the working class on behalf of a small owning class

This is what WW2 was ultimately about.
Ensuring that alternative ideas on the subject did not spread.
The Nazis were crushed so that the idea of a proper share of the product of industry for the workers, was kept hidden away from the workers.
This is why now they want immigrants and to move more and more industry to third world shitholes. White people are becoming more and more aware of this.
The white working class and its few advocates are again making the same demands and making the same observations and points as the fascists did last century.

All of this has happened before and will happen again

Or, to put it another way, in the words of Nelson Rockefeller, the secret to success is to own nothing, but control everything.

And that is what this was always about, from the very beginning. Control. Money had historically been the greatest tool to exert control over others, but money became obsolete for this purpose with the rise of the Marxist school of thought, because Marxists poisted that there was a way to cut money out as the middle man and rule the world directy. Own nothing (private ownership is bad, goy, the talmud says give me all your things for your own good), but control everything (oy vey sumbodys godda hand out the bread and sign off on your lease, goy).

That's what this is about. Control. Attacking Capitalism is a dead-end state-approved way of venting the frustrations caused by Global political hedgemony. If attacking Capitalism would do anything beneficial to the white peoples of the earth, do you really think Jew professors would be teaching such sentiment in schools?

At the end of the day, attacking Capitalism is simply a cuck-out on directly naming the Jew, and that's all there is to it.

No it doesn't, the immigration is pushed as a means for jews to dispossess us? How does a capitalist benefit from importing a mass of wellfare leechers who occasionally blow themselves up? The muslims aren't exactly innovating when they come to Europe, the perform poorly in academia, raise the tax burden, increase the security costs by increasing it's need.

Non-white immigration is a immense economic burden done to destroy our race, our nations and disposes us. The general left knows that there can't be nations in any meaningful sense in multiracial nation, they also know that the non-whites will vote for their party. This their way of importing voters and destroying the cohesion of a people

So much wrong in a wall of text like holy fuck nigger kill your self at any time.
I can say your shoes are worth jack shit and refuse to pay you that much.
Again, you can say my gold is worth jack shit because it can't be used to feed your family.

Europe has been a worldwide center of commerce and production for centuries now. Capitalism is just a wide brush that communists paint everything that isn't communist with. Capitalism as a concept and as word even was invented by communists.


Only a jew shits where he sleeps and eats.

We've only got this one planet right now.
Polluting it and destroying its environment isn't a good idea.
And even if we colonise the rest of the solar system, this is the only world where we can live with minimal effort.
So why wreck it?

Immigrants bring new debt into the system which basically creates a bubble.

Vegan enviromentalist cuck spotted.

user, Dubai is just one big artificial shopping mall with an international airport attached to it. It's not "great" for people to live there.

I'd also advise you to brush up on the NDSAP's environmental policies. Just because kikes and shitskins like to shit up the environment, doesn't mean we should.

Go shit all over your bed and in your fridge.
Wait a few weeks without cleanin it up.
Then come back and let us know how it all turned out.

This nigga gets it

OP is citing controlled opposition arguments from failed White Nationalist movements that died before most of us were even born.

He claims to be for "evropa," but he fails to name the Jew even once, and instead blames all of our problems on a reasonable system of communal trade created and practiced by white people for millenia. That's all you need to know to understand how wrongheaded he is.

Hitler himself admitted that his "National Socialism" was simply a return to an older Capitalist system of Mercantilism that predated the industrial revolution and revolved around cultivating and investing into the population of the nation itself for greater overall profit. Capitalism synergies with such noblesse oblige sentiment, it does not conflict with it.

You can tell the inherent premise of the OP is backwards because it is a plea for Socialism in western countries, but ignores the reality that Hitler did not want Socialism, and in fact quashed it wherever he had the chance. "National Socialism" was Hitler's and the NSDAP's term for an older "Aryan" system of putting the needs of the society above the desires of the individual.

There is nothing contradictory between his vision of National Socialism and the concept of citizens privately owning and operating businesses for profit. In fact, National Socialsim requires Capitalism to have any hope of long-term sustainability.

But apparently expecting OP, or any self-proclaimed European Third Positionist that's not old enough to drink, to understand this, is clearly asking overmuch. If you cannot even understand that the NSDAP's concept of Socialism has nothing whatsoever to do with the Socialism that is talked about in European politics today, then you have no business lecturing anyone about either. They are completely different and inherently incompatible ideas that happen to share the same name.

How to manipulate Holla Forums 101:
step 1 - attach swastika to it.
result - Holla Forums likes it.

Some of them end up working and inflating the labor supply, so wages go down. Welfare leeches still benefit the economy, because it doesn't matter who's buying your product. The greater the population the bigger the demand is for housing, which benefits those in construction and rent business.

Which is exactly why the biggest enterprises always shill for multiculturalism, they benefit the most.

There's other reasons too.
It's a huge business. Lot of public money going into private hands to pay for everything those rapefugees need.

Thanks, captain obvious.

That's not how the environment works, buddy

Superficial appeal to idealistic concepts, while disregarding real issues at hand.

Are you brain dead? If you get manipulated that easily that's on you nigger.

OK user. OK. If you say so.

Capitalism is a pretty damn broad term. Private ownership of businesses is a good thing but everyone agress on government control of these business, it just depends on how much control.

Why the fuck would for-profit business owners not want more competition for their employees? It means they get better staff for less. Mass immigration is only good for the top of business owners. It means more competition for jobs. It means more people are brought into the western, consumerists society to become another customer. Look at every single major company with strangleholds on markets. Where does facebook expand? It has to go to the 3rd world and start developing countries to create more potential customers.

Why should a society, a group of people, seek to empower the most greedy, backstabbing and selfish for-profit rats who's goal is solely to benefit themselves above all else?

Fuck off JIDF.

user, if you can't muster any love for the world's natural beauty, than you're either a sociopath, a Jew, or both.

Except you know, "attach swastika to it" or "nazis did it" actually works on the retards here. On a lot of people actually, if you replace "swastika" with whatever symbol or non-existent group they hold dear, obviously. Using a symbol to give validity to non-arguments is pretty pathetic and only shows that you don't really have a counter argument.

Natural beauty is great, but it's not some end-all idol that we all should fanatically worship. Preserving it should not take priority over our own well being. The issue here is that a lot of people have seemingly fallen into this false dichotomy of "you either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it" which is not the case.

If the OP is stupid enough to write an essay conflating National Socialism with Socialism, then obvious things clearly need to be re-stated for the sake of clarity. Thank you for finally joining us in the actual fucking discussion at hand.

But the Jews killed capitalism way back in 1913, user.

What we have now are mixed markets.

Criminally unchecked. Capitalism and Communism two sides of the materialistic shekel. If your main focus on government is economics you are a race traitor.

Not to mention the Nazis had huge private industry anyways so complaining about "m-muh profits" doesn't even make any sense because in a NatSoc economy you'd be richer anyways, not to mention more spiritually and physically healthy.

They're the same thing. That is capitalism in practice. There has never been a "pure capitalism" without cronyism because it is an abstraction, not a realistic ideology. Just like there has never been a "pure communism" for the same reason. Both ignore reality.

And they're hell holes, which is our point.

Except that this is inherent to capitalism.

Except that capitalism works better the closer you get to the ideal (we have been moving further and further from it since 1913). Communism work works worse.

This didn't really happen prior to 1913, and is only happening now, at the final endpoint where the mixed market has devolved into the inevitable cludge that always results when governments start interfering in the economy (and intervene more and more every time they screw something up, which is always).

Why don't you just go to a National Socialist market where's there's always endless government contract gibs for companies making quality useful products for the Reich. You can accumulate your shekels and help you race rather than hoarding shekels and plugging your fingers in your ears while Jamal shoots up your factories once a week.

No, it is not.

All evidence shows otherwise. Again, it's like the "not real communism" argument. The reality doesn't match your abstract theoretical paper ideology, but that doesn't means it's "not real capitalism." You cannot find a single example to the contrary, and millions confirming it.

What do you think 1913 was? How did it come about? The answer is that it was due to the inherent nature of capitalism.

Good work OP. The kikes have been using niggers and shitskins to crash property bubbles for centuries. Look at Portland Oregon, it'll crash once they start importing more niggers, right after the kikes sell off their holdings.

No, jews.

Doesn't understand difference between Marxian Socialism and National Socialism.

Yeah kike, Hitler wanted to remove Marxism, whether it was socialism, capitalism or communism wherever they found it. JFK was planning to do the exact same to end the abuse against the common man.

Jamal wasn't shooting up factories before 1913. They were kept firmly in their place by the people.

In a free market, you get money by serving the community. Centralizing power in the government only gives the kikes a huge target. If anything, 1913 was a failure of Republicanism, not of capitalism. Kikes subverted the election process to get their good goy in there who immediately signed the Fed and IRS into law.

That the only place in your life you can openly discuss your ideas about this forced, unwanted immigration of third worlders - the least useful people on the planet, to the most civilised countries on the planet, is evidence that something is not right.

There really is no benefit to us, to these immigrants being in our countries. They cause crime, ghettos, disharmony and lower standards.

If they were the same as us, then their countries would be the same.
They are not, they are the abyss of the planet - often beautiful nature, enveloped by violence and poverty.

These same places under our rule flourished.
The apes rose up and destroyed what had been built. Returned them to ruin, and continued with endless tribalism.

India, filled with british infrastructure, threw off its oppressors, and went back towards the primordial soup of the ganges.
They will not change.
We can't let ourselves be controlled by those who would let this poison into our countries and watch civilisation fall in front of us.
Everything that men have toiled for and survived ice-ages for is being destroyed. All the ancestors before us, every hour in their lives was towards betterment.
Yet in the last 60 years or so, it has all been turned towards obliteration.
Unless it is stopped now, it will only become worse. We must protect the work of our ancestors, and strive to project it into the future.

That word really means nothing as it can be applied to almost any system. None of our countries allowed shitskin immigration until 1965. In fact the US had several documents which explicitly forbade non-whites from being Americans, including injuns.

The "Democratic Socialists" of the middle of the twentieth century weren't some innocent lambs who were tricked by kikes, they agreed with and helped plan this shit out as can be seen by their own internal discussions which they helpfully recorded in print. The socialism of post-war Europe was shit and infiltrated with kikes. Other kikes used finance and various other means to infiltrate. The only solution is to kill every fucking kike, they are parasites which will infect any host. In the US the conflict is between the Diaspora kikes(leftist) and the Zionist kikes(neocons). Kikes always subvert any movement by forming factions within it.

To be more exact his National Socialism was just Prussianism which has some elements of a military communalism laid on top of the feudal social structure(ie the structure were the elite are invested in the people because they are the means by which they make money and hold military power). Just look at the national pension system and welfare system of Imperial Germany. Krupp was loved by the people because he colluded with the government to provide for them with the intent of stymieing communism and kikery.

That said I don't advocate prussianism for America. America did well with isolationism and protectionism in the economic sphere combined with what was essentially a far less organized system of feudal rule wherein nobody held much authority until the civil war.

Jamal didn't exist in Europe until the 50s.
America has been tainted for a long time, and via television, this cancer of dark invasion being somehow acceptable has been force-fed to Europe.
"America has constant race problems, so we should too!"
"Ban racism, import more third world!"

Then why did the globe spanning corporations from 1700 to 1870 explicitly operate under government mandate and suffer huge fucking tarrifs to import goods and no muds were imported to the white nations?

Merchantilism and Imperialism work. But we made a mistake, we should have killed every last mudman we encountered. It was foolish to try and keep them as pets.

Then cite even one piece of this so-called evidence.

Your theory blames Capitalism and not Jews. You're full of shit and you know it.

You are right about the jews.
If you look at jew population levels over time, there was a sharp increase in america, relatively recently. Compare that with events and negative effects.
Do the same with other countries and no doubt there is the same pattern.
Zionism is very new, coming out of Russia in the late 1800s. It spread to America, England and some other countries.
It caused the second world war and several other major catastrophes.

The civil war was about greed and control. The north would not stand for the south's wish to be independent, as the south was the main producer. Everyone is told to remember it as a great unifying thing, that Lincoln was a saviour. In truth he was working for extremely rich people, and it was a war based on greed and control.

I'm talking about America, the country that went from burned out agrarian backwater to industrial superpower in just a few decades under the closest implementation of "real" capitalism that has ever been.

But I'm sure that's just a coincidence, and that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater because someone called their turd a baby, and now everyone thinks that babies are turds.

American isolationalism is what brought it strength and unity, and caused such rapid development.
The new world concept.
When America began its campaign of invading other countries for global greed, is when things went down - and the American spirit was perverted.
Philipines and Japan were some of the first victims.
America didn't need it, didn't need any of it - it had more resources than any other country, and landmass to last to the end of time.
There were forces pushing, the massive companies, for greed - even back then. The people wanted none of it, the mostly honest politicians at the time didn't want it either, but it only takes a few to be corrupt and in the right places.

The USA was pretty heavily industrialised even back in the days of the civil war. Hell half the reason the civil war even happened was because the industrial north couldn't survive without the agrarian south.
Due to its size it was always going to be an industrial power.
The only reason it didn't make waves international until after WW2 was because most existing markets were being exploited by older more established powers and the majority of the USA's industrial output was consumed domestically.


Jews invented capitalism. Jews are an entire race of bourgeois.

Kept in their place by law, which was eventually changed by capitalists.

No. It serves profit motive. That is all.

Read The Sumerian Swindle, a pdf book.
It tells the origins of jews and the theft from humanity that has happened ever since.

Well no, actually the North produced more agricultural and industrial product and was less dependent on foreign markets. That was due to it's higher population, more men worked the land and they produced cereals rather than cash crops. Mostly it was just a naked political power grab pushed by Roundheads in New England and a few kikes, though there were also kikes in the south running the slave trade. Once again kikes infiltrate anything and to the shit whites consider morally dirty. How can a white slaver who gives half a shit about his niggers compete with a kike who jams them in a hold and is willing to suffer 4% attrition so long was he delivers 10% more product to market. Kikes actually did something similar with the live animal trade.

To be honest the Revolutionary War and Civil War were continuations of the English Civil War. Roundheads vs Cavaliers. Cavaliers lost the English Civil War, won the Revolutionary War, then lost the American Civil War since the Roundheads managed to get the Prussian and Cavalier rural North to fight for them.

I'd argue that zionism contributed to the first world war since banker kikse pushed for it and there was kike terrorism in the US when it refused to join the war for so long. This is naturally glossed over in the history books.

We had 70% tarrifs on all imports and 200% tarrifs on select imports.

Meh, the Philipines was more the result of the Monroe Doctrine since we wanted Spain out of the Americas and we took their shit afterwards. Japan and the US both wanted the Pacific, conflict was almost inevitable in some form or another.

With or without jews, the problem will remain. With jews theoretically gone, what stops another group from taking their place, if the system's loopholes are still there to be abused?

PDF plz?

he was too busy fucking everything that moved to get anything done

"International Finance"? What a load of shit.

So let's say it together now, children: It's pronounced JEWS

Good Christ I'm sick of invertebrates.

It is true that the jew has survived by doing what others will not.
Due to morality.
That makes them inherent criminals.
Just like gypsies are inherent thieves on a lower scale. Living outside of society, inbreeding and stealing from the society they refuse to integrate with, a parasite that kills its host.

Philipines was partially a follow on from the Spanish America thing, but also as american bankers and high capitalists wanted a foothold in the Asian market.
The Japan thing started way before ww2.
Same thing, America forcing themselves into a closed market.
Dutch had been the only ones trading with Japan. America wanted trade with Japan and passage for their trading ships into Asia, so they threatened Japan with a fleet of warships and forced them to sign an agreement.
Then again later, and then finally giving such a demeaning list of threats that Japan had no choice but to declare war on America.
Japan wanted nothing of the pacific at the time.

Try this

It is quite research heavy in terms of ancient history.
Have a look, some of it is very interesting.
Especially the very beginning.

Eventually there won't be any 'immigrants' to import for cheap credit and they'll be forced to forgive their own debts and they will and the people who get pissed about it they'll just kill off.


Admittedly Perry slapping Japan in the face is what woke them out and transformed them from a weak state using matchlocks to the only real rival the European powers ever had.

By the 1880s they could contest the islands with the British, Germans, and America.

Wasn't really a good thing for europeans on either side of the atlantic then.

You Holla Forums shills are getting more and more obvious with every passing day.

You idiots are practically parodies of yourselves at this point.

Sucking the dick of a special snowflake economic policy and refusing to blame the Jews for subverting every system they've touched makes you Eurosocialist faggots no different from the Lolbergs. You're just as stupid, just as misguided, and just as much a controlled opposition.

OP doesn't name the Jew. That's all you need to know to understand the value of the article.

Just look at this blatant shilling:

>No goy, it's not the Jews that are the real problem, it's the Capitalist system that enables them! Buy my book, The Socialist Solution by Eli Weinbergblattstein!
All arguments that try to deflect blame away from the Jews and onto abstract systems of finance or civic policy that worked perfectly fine before Jews got involved are anti-white arguments, end of story.

Muh Capitalists.

Muh Capitalists.

Muh Capitalists.

Read Das Capital goy.

Obviously the redpill is what my third cousin Moshie Silverstein is teaching in your colleges.

Why would I lie to you goy? Greatest ally! Smash the Capitalist pigs!

Gas yourself, you basic bitch blue tie Eurofag.

Thanks shlomo.

This is your last (You), shill.

"Capitalism as an economic system depends on mass immigration"

Sure it does, Shlomo. Working overtime to spread your filth and disease these days, eh? How's that "envy" thing working out for your tribe? Not so well I hear…

Enjoy your time… it is short. You have a good 3000 years of "bad karma" about to blindside you all into oblivion. And, this time, there will be NOWHERE you can seek refuge; there will be NO NATION or PEOPLE who will grant you quarter… Not anywhere in the World.

YOU HAVE BURNT EVERY BRIDGE YOU EVER HAD IN THIS WORLD. There are no more to burn. The entire World loathes your kind. And for thousands of valid reasons.

Enjoy Gehenna… It was built especially with you in mind.


Absolutely correct. if you people werent such faggots and actually went and read about what dubai is, they would quickly learn it exists solely for money. Investors from around the world buy up property there and never even set foot into it once before its already sold off to some other schmuck. Anons around here lately have really been either getting a lot more retarded or just shilly but im hedging my bets that its a mixture of both

Overpopulation is a fact when it comes to Africa and asia - mostly india and China.
They are major threats to mankind and the planet.

Europe has barely changed in population level in 100+ years.
While africa doubled, from 500 million in 1980, to 1,000 million by 2005 - thanks to charities like "feed the world".

South and north America have increased more than Europe, but not at a dangerous rate.
When talking about overpopulation, check the figures and remind people that 5 billion are in africa, india and china - and should be exterminated, not imported.

I know, but it's preached to in western civilizations to stunt white numbers.

5,500 years of thievery, not just 3,000.

Only because Jews guilted white people into subsidizing them.

Cut all African aid and the Nigger Question will solve itself. They can't sustain their population at the level it's at without free white food and medicine.

And China is not much better. The only reason their Communist Oligarchy hasn't collapsed is because American (((Globalists))) have been allowing China to steal American wealth and labor to prop their totally failed state up. And even with that wealth and labor, their country is still a shithole.

Embargo China and cut Nigger gibs. That's both problems solved right there.

Yeah, that's why you have to turn it towards where it is needed.
If you refute it out right, they will continue to repeat it.
If you point out that Europe hasn't increased while china has shot up by a billion - they have no argument.
Or mention Africa doubling in 25 years.
See them squirm.

China was massively populated before any trade with outsiders.
It is a huge and ancient place.
They were also successfully, to an extent, taking care of it with one child policy.
Although population didn't drop, the growth rate was massively reduced and was stabilising.

India however, is an infected cyst that is about to burst.
Africa should be excommunicated from the planet until it dies out - it is an anomaly, like the aboriginis of Australia - that belongs 200,000 years ago, not now.

You're on a natsoc board and don't know what corporatism is? Fuck this place has gone downhill. Corporatism is a system where instead of only politicians resolving issues that affect society, it's the affected corporations who resolve it themselves. But there's one small but crucial detail: corporations in the context of corporatism are a group of people. The people working for a company are part of a corporation (say, the miner's corp), and the company itself is part of a corporation too (e.g. heavy industry corp). Every group has their corporation, soldiers have one, writers another, industrialists too, and so on, the idea is everyone is represented. If there's some issue between two corporations, like the miners want some safety equipment or shorter working hours, the two corporations resolve it in a public forum.
As for capitalism, it's a system where capital is god. If bringing immigrants is better for capital that's what it will do (guess what: lower wages, more consumers, easier to control population are all good for them). It's a great system for those who control capital, otherwise it needs to be restrained or it will bite you.
The socialists are being used. It's the Jews, they always play both sides. At the same time they're on top of the capitalist system but, were it to fall, they're the ones leading the "revolution" too, and are right back on top as if nothing happened.


Basically what you're describing in your your post is a "FREE MARKET ECONOMY".

"CAPITALISM" is the LENDING / INTEREST FINANCIAL ECONOMY (stockmarket / banking) This is what puts the CAPITAL in CAPITALism.

Then why was Communism financed by American and European Bankers? Mainly Schift, Walberg, Morgan, Why does Communism retain BANKS and LENDING at INTEREST?

Communism is a creation of CAPITALism.

I don't really see it used in actual arguments. It's just a vague undertone used to brainwash people when they are young and in public education so they feel justified in playing video games and watching superhero movies until they are 45 instead of having a family.

110% Truth incoming!

You guys all need some education, the problem isn't "CAPITALism / Communism", it's interest lending. ANY amount of interest lending is the sin of Usury, especially compound interest.


Here's some info.
Clarify it whenever someone hints at it.

As for people walking into their graves without reproducing, that's what the jews want.
Talk with people, spread your ideas - be firm, tell them you think it is important to have a family, explain why. If they mention overpopulation, spill the true figures.
Doesn't take long to plant a seed in someone's mind, and once it is there it will grow and they'll spread it.
It is a small scale game, compare to television and newspaper, but word of mouth is still important.

No, kikes and shitskins shit up the environment, call you a fucking faggot for trying to have any sort of industry and send you some (((environmental activists))) your way to protest over a pipeline or cry a fucking river the moment the (((EPA))) gets gutted for being fucking cancer.

There's no reason to shit up the environment.
With kikes and kike behaviour eliminated, suddenly the greed is gone, people have what they need and aren't paying out 90% to the kikes.

Help them where they are makes more sense, but in reality it just means the third world population grows at an exponential rate.

Not taking any immigrants whatsoever, and not sending any help whatsoever is the solution.

Where did I even hint at doing that?

It's really fucking hard to shit up the environment if you're doing things properly.

Chinks, pahjeets and "australian" abos aren't doing anything properly; neither do those retarded hippies that give food to widlife or set up feeding areas and throw a shitfit the minute you remove those.

Mosley is absolutely right.
It also shows the decency and !morality that has been killed off with impunity since the 50s and before.
People used to be decent in England and america, they lived by moral codes and did not seek suffering for others.
They had pride in their work and their communities.
Locally made things were valued highly.

Capitalism doesn't harm the environment, this is total kike propaganda.

Under capitalism, there is massive incentive to be efficient. Waste is expensive! As a business owner myself one of my main goals is always to conserve resources in production.

Less resource consumption = lower costs, which results in higher profits & a competitive advantage.

Under Communism/Socialism, where all the resources & production are state owned, there is zero incentive to be efficient and zero incentive to conserve resources.

Why go out of your way to use less wood when manufacturing tables if you own the entire forest and wood is "free"? There is none.

Look at ANY government and you will see exorbitant and obscene wastage. Massive overspending etc is the norm in govts and centralised planning.

Look at communist countries, they are all the leaders when it comes to environmental destruction.

Capitalism is the best system we have for conservation.

Don't believe the propaganda fools.
Communism is a jewish tool to remove the property rights of the goyim and give complete ownership of everything over to the kikes.

Chinks, negros, arabs, indians are all using and using and destroying without the slightest thought to conservation.
Like I said above, they are the population problem.

We have the technology to do things without wrecking the environment. We've had it for a century.
It isn't profitable for the jews and the bankers, so it is destroyed, hidden and forgotten.

Commie faggots & limp dick leftists love Tesla, the environemnt & electric cars and 'renewable' energy.

No it doesn't. That's a meme.

Ponzi Schemes require migration, not capitalism.


To be fair.
Tesla motors is a product of massive public subsidy and repeated scams

Yeah, and then the Maoists destroyed all of that and replaced it with a Communist Oligarchy that needs Globalist trade life support to stay intact.

Pick up a history book sometime, kid. The land of misty mountains, pandas, and wise old men sipping tea was burned to the ground decades ago. Everything you know about China today is Red propaganda used to make the nation look better than it is.

It was great, once, insofar as anything nonwhite can be "great." It will never be that great again. It's a rotten, dead tree that's propped up on poles and sticks. Remove those, and the whole thing collapses. A China without it's oligarchy to keep it on life support will collapse into something resembling Africa as it is today: a giant clusterfuck of civil wars between various cultural and ethnic factions where pseudo-bronze era tactics and tools are employed alongside aging Soviet hardware.

Why should we help them where they are?

Why should we help anyone who is not white?

Roy Beck is great for geting vapid Baby Boomers started on the redpill, but don't kid yourself by posting that shit here like it means anything to Holla Forums. White people created white countries and made them great. We don't want or need nonwhites, and the planet can't sustain the rising nonwhite population. Cutting their gibs completely and letting nature take it's course is the simplest and most effective solution to the problem. "Helping them blossom where they are" is still an inherently cuck argument that presupposes that we have some moral or ethical obligation to help them in the first place.

We don't. I promise you, they wouldn't be helping us if the situation was reversed.

This faggot gets it. Usury is the tool of the Jew. It was used to bury Roman senators in debt, it was used to create the Weimar Republic, it was used to take over Socialist Europe, and it was used to subvert Capitalist Anglos.

Lending money at interest for profit is all the Jew needs to destroy any system you inject him into, and this autistic Das Kapital "Muh Socialism" horseshit is blue pilled kosher nonsense pushed by Jewish academics in European colleges as an acceptable form of rebellion against a system that is already redistributing wealth at a meta-national scale.


No shit? Are you just now realizing this in 2017?

Why do you think we chose the third option user?

He doesn't need to, but then again I'm one of those faggots who started out helping Nizkor and ended up here because of (((lying))).

Beware the fury of the patient man.

You have a constant need to seek conflict, you must have extremely low self esteem.
Reverting to "kid" because you can't control your emotions makes me just ignore the rest of your post.
Not only that, but you didn't even comprehend what I had said in the first place, which was china's overpopulation was a problem without any external forces.

Here's the original.
Here's the future.

I'm going to say something very strange:

Come to think of it, international finance capitalism is the one enemy that's not wholly controlled by the Jew. The media is, as is far-left academia. Foreign policy is controlled entirely by Jews.

International finance capitalism, on the other hand, is a genuinely multicultural enterprise. While Jews are heavily represented, people from all nations can and do eagerly participate.

This is not a point in its favor. Whereas other human endeavors require Jewish subversion to become hostile to us, finance capitalism is evil as such. The media need not be evil; it is only evil because fucking Jews control it. The same goes for foreign policy, or for the intelligence services, or academia, and many other things. Even though he is deluded, there is truth to the Leftist's claim that, even if we removed the Jews, problems wouldn't end.

Finance capitalism is an inherently sociopathic institution, designed to bring out the absolute worst in anybody involved in it. It really wouldn't matter whether it was controlled by the Jews, by Arabs, by Chinese, by French, or by Swedes. It would embody the same evil, and it would drag down anybody who participated in it into the same fetid swamp.

The media could be redeemed and made wholesome again, for instance, but international capitalism can not. It is a cancer that, by its very nature, cannot help but subjugate and destroy everything that is good in this world. It destroys families, it destroys communities, it destroys nations. Its only goal is the maximization of profit, and the maximal impoverishment of working-consuming class of people is a necessary means towards that end which the institution pursues ruthlessly. The transnational corporation is evil as such. It must be smashed, parcelled up, and brought under the strict control of national communities.

Anyone can participate, but it is a game created by the jew. 5,500 years ago.

Anyone who does it is playing the jew's game and should be treated the same.

never understood the obsession with infinite growth of money. how much is ever enough for these psychopathic capitalist shysters?

numbers are infinite, it makes no sense to want more and more when there is no end in sight.

On the contrary: he's talking about the history of Capitalism and Communism, and trying to present it from an Ethnic Nationalist perspective.

To refuse to name the Jew even once is an enormous red flag.


It's not about money, it's about power.
And it is never enough, it will never be enough.
Even if they win and rule the world completely, they will not be satisfied, they will ALWAYS want more.
I am convinced that this voracious hunger is caused by the absence of a connection to the divine, a giant hole in them.
It can never be filled in the way they are trying to fill it, power, material wealth and subjugation of others.
That is the sickest joke in all this shit, all this suffering that they cause is for NOTHING.

Nah, it's more cost effective to seamlessly harness impactful value by dumping waste in the river and letting taxpayers pay you to clean it up.

It feels a massive hunger, so dire that even if it ate the Earth itself, all the crops and all the stars in the sky and the universe itself it'd still be starving.
It feels a thirst so parched even if it drank all the seas, all the oil, all the alcohol and even every last drop of human blood on earth it'd still crave more. It's lust is so awful even if it defiled every orifice in existance it'd still have blue balls.
It is so avaricious even if it slept on a pile of all gold ever to exist, with entire continents worth of slaves in chains attending to it's every whim and possible need, even cleaning out it's own dirty asshole by hand and hand feeding and hand administering pleasure drugs, it'd still crave more.

This is the Jew.

The people have failed because capitalism brought complacence. If the people cared enough, the government would be put in it's place instantly. And that is the problem here: the government. Creating bought off regulations to stifle competition for their corporate bosses. Then the corporations funnel that profit back to the politicians, who then proliferate and make more stifling regulations and serfs.

It all ends the moment the people care. So the problem is the people, not the system. The check on these jews is already in place. That is the system.

The biggest incentive in capitalism is to externalize costs, both in labor (third world immigrants paid little but drawing on public welfare) and pollution (dumping waste into public lands/rivers).

Another big component is tax evasion, like General Electric, while drawing on public resources… a net drain on society.

Capitalism is a vampire, just like its jewish masters.

these are negative externalities.
immigration and trade relations between nations are social issues.

capitalism isn't inherently globalist.
a capitalist economic policy of a nation can be completely isolated from the rest of the world.
a communist economic policy can pollute rivers with industrial waste.

communism is pretty much: the gov owns the companies ("the people" control the means of production).
capitalism is pretty much: the people own the companies but laws still exist to keep things ethical.

proposing that capitalism must be globalist or it is impossible is like proposing that earth must then be trading with ayylmaos because an isolated capitalistic economy is impossible.

then there's the distribution of wealth which runs contrary to capitalism to a certain extent because the whole reason is to trade something for something else.

Give it up, man. Capitalism, by its very nature, is shit. It must devour everything: the environment, communities, nations. All must be subjugated to the motive of profit, and if one CEO is too ethical for that, he will be replaced by another who isn't. When regulations hinder profits, they are removed, sooner or later. When the laborer in a country isn't desperate enough, and when wages aren't low enough, corporations bring in hordes of stupid foreigners to compete with the natives and to inflate the labor pool.

Don't kid yourself. People own companies in the sense that the companies are owned by human beings, but certainly not "the people". How much control does the American public have over Microsoft or GM - companies that at hard at work to bankrupt the American worker by outsourcing and importing H1B poo-in-loos? How much control do the German people have over Siemens? The companies have no loyalty to their home countries whatsoever and they answer to no one. All they care about is ever-increasing profits, and when the profit motive is in conflict with the interest of the community - and it fucking is -, then the profit motive wins, every time.