Does not smoke or otherwise use marijuana

Pick one, Holla Forums

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I believe in the legalization of driving a car, but I do not myself drive one since I live in a downtown area and have no need for a car.

You do not have to use something in order to believe it should be legal. Or did you think everything you personally don't do should be illegal?

I do not smoke or use cannabis any more, I still support the legalization of it. It has helped my mother wonders with quality of life. She never even drank, but serious life altering injury. I got her to try pot brownies now she has the ability to get up and out of the house.

Kys kike.

They already made free speech illegal it's not that much of a stretch


That's fucked up. How could you do that to your own mother?

Who did? Your mom telling you to get your ass to bed doesn't mean something is "illegal". Or are you a cucked european who can't say anything bad about jews?

Ironically, you sound like a Jewish commie Bolshevik.

Hemp is great, everybody should be able to grow it.

It's illegal to say anything bad about the Jews where ever you live save for a few middle eastern nations. They have already arrested people in the US for it.

Holla Forums is somewhat torn I think on the issue of Marijuana. Yes, degenerates often choose to use it. No, the plant itself is not degenerate.

It and other psychoactive and natural plants have been used for all of human history as medicines and by shamans for spiritual rituals.

Weed is objectively less harmful to the individual and society than alcohol anyway which is legal (only because it was too hard for the kikes to ban).

Anyone on Holla Forums who is for banning weed must also be for banning alcohol - but why stop there? Ban sugary drinks. Ban cigarettes. Ban everything.

Kill all stoners.

The act of smoking it is universally harmful and degenerate. The plant and chemicals extracted therefrom may well have medical or industrial uses. I don't give a shit about those.

How so, the communists have a very long history of banning and heavily regulating farming even of non psychoactive plants.

Sounds good to me.

I just don't care about the issue anymore, anyone who wants it bad enough will get it. Its useful for getting people away from harder drugs. That alone is worth it but its also the reason they try to control it.

So is vaping less degenerate?

But what's wrong with banning sugar and the tobacco jew?

Slide threads keep on sliding. At least make something funny god dammit!

At least you're consistent then.

Where would you stop though? And how would you combat black markets that provide the goods you ban?

Why pick one when both apply to me?

Because they're mutually exclusive.


Holy shit are you me? Same story.

I just want to tax the fuck out of it and have it state regulated. Use that money for a wall. Then build a wall on top of that wall. And all the dudeweeds will pay for it and be glad to do so.

OP is a faggot.
Low quality slide thread.
Fuck you shill.

Is that the new way of saying "I disagree with you"?


All food must be GMO-free, no added preservatives or sugar (or sugar alcohols or sugar analogs).
Firing squads.

Nobody has been arrested in the US for saying bad things about Jews. People get arrested for going onto PRIVATE property and saying shit, but that's not the same thing. The First Amendment still protects your right to say whatever you want in public and not face consequences from the government. (read: from the GOVERNMENT)

Eh, whatever has been slid by this thread ain't comin' back if this thread were gone.

This and only this

anyone not saging should be banned tbh

get out faggot

The only freedom being supported is his own to fuck his mind up with the Herbal Jew.

You should be banned from life.

That's not what mutually exclusive means. Someone can pick both of those things even if they are mutually exclusive. Mutually exclusive does not mean "you can have one but not the other."

completely true. Zero effort OP, zero effort responses, one line posts that contribute nothing of worth and don't delve into any deeper discussion in any kind of investigative or exploratory way. It's just "here's my opinion, this is somehow worthy of a thread."
It's along the same lines as "what does Holla Forums think of X" or "redpill me on Y" or some shit. It should get pruned when the mods come back around.

what are you sliding?

could it be this suspiciously anchored thread?

If it's anchored, it's sliding on its own without help.