Imperial Germans, Aldebarans

So I just finished watching this absolute mindfuck. This guy drones on with two other people about an extraterrestrial race called Imperial Germans or Aldebarans or some shit for two hours, but it kept me intrigued the entire time. Apparently aliens helped Hitler during the war, gave the Germans all sorts of advanced technology through telepathy and these Imperial Germans live under the Earth and the entrance is located in Antarctica where entering does not allow you to be physically able to withstand the presence of their acoustic technologies. According to him, the Imperial Germans will one day come back and free the white race from oppression and reinstate the Third Reich which is a Germany in exile. It's pretty much Yakub and the we wuz kangs narrative except nazis.

I watch this guy because he reads Nazi works on his channel and talks about Norse mythology and stuff, but sometimes he talks about some really crazy shit. He's definitely dedicated to the cause though. I think he's traveled so deep into the rabbithole that nothing makes sense to him anymore, or anything he says to other people for that matter, unable to distinguish "reality" from reality.

Does anyone know about these "Imperial Germans" and the liberation of the white race? I literally cannot find anything about them.

Other urls found in this thread:

First i've heard of this but it is We Wuz kangs tier shit. id like to entertain the idea that hitler knew all about this though.

I got you.

I see other anons post about hollow earth and German expeditions to Antarctica. There was also a lot of esoteric symbolism in the Reich like the black sun, which I still fail to understand the significance of. I always feel like there was some mystical aspect of the reich going on behind the scenes and I'm quite interested in it.

That's some interesting shit. I always think about what could have been, but after looking into things like this, I'm never sure. According to this guy, the white race descended from these "Aldebarans" who landed on Earth a long time ago.

A little bit we wuz kangs, but if we wuz kangs on the surface what makes you think we aint kangz below earth or in space?

Also, in the bible, it says whites all come from 1 of 3 brothers, kikes and arabs from a different one. All sorts of groups like the Scythians, and Iranians etc all come from this same ancestor, the white one. I dont think pic related is 100% accurate, Ive seen conflicting information on where Asians fit in to this whole thing. Celts descend from Scythians, who descend from Iranians. They spoke an Iranic dialect etc, all in like… 1500-2000 BC or something.

I think that's the tribe of Dan you're speaking of, one of the "lost tribes" of Israel that departed from Judah.

Their melanin shit is scientifically provably bullshit, and they were never kangz. This is a bit different, and supposed to be supported by things Himmler found, in Tibet etc.

The 3 sons are supposed to be sons of Moses, in the book of Genesis. As it sort of shows in #2, Magog descends from Japheth, and then he has a son, and then that son has another son who ends up being a king of Scythia in like 1500BC - and almost all Irish people for example can trace their lineage to him, along with many others people in Europe, The problem is that Ireland had a lot of mythology, which was then corrupted by Christianity, and molded to conform with Christian history… so its hard to tell how much of it is real, and how much is just made up. They trace back to this king, and then he supposedly invented the Irish language from tongues at the Tower of Babel. All that stuff is made up shite.

You don't say?

It implies nogs aren't human. If you think about it, they have no neanderthal DNA - something everyone else has. Those charts you linked do not necessarily conflict with the one I posted, but this one does conflict with #2 above. Theres more on google if you search, showing a specific breakdown of each tribe. I didnt save it because it places Gomer in the wrong place, and several other things.

Research the origin history of the people of Navarre between spain and France and the people and pyramids of the canary islands

Thanks for the link.

Yeah there's more too it that actually starts to make sense. Hyperborea, Altantis, Lemurians, Nordic/Lyran (aliens) all start to make some esoteric sense when you draw the link with the Nazi's, their occult beliefs/symbolism, Antarctica missions, and racial beliefs even though germany didn't suffer much outside interference compared today blood wise.

When you add in the Faustian mentality of Europeans to create, conquer, explore, along with that unsatisfactory spiritual connection we've felt missing along with the rejection of Christianity, both past and present, it starts to make sense.

It puts a really positive spin on the collapsing of the world narrative spun by others, but IDK if you can take it seriously except on a individual basis. We're plagued by too much skepticism and deceit these days.

Exactly how I feel. Everything's so fucking obscure. Then you have normie science, which makes total sense, but never delves into the question of race and origin or anything that would ever be considered remotely controversial. I'm no scientist of any school of research, but I get the feeling that there's a narrative of obscure human nature being kept to ensure that humans are perceived as being equal to each other and that the differences between the races are skin deep, which has to be complete bullshit.

Reminder that all of this is kike propaganda to take you away from your native philosophies and faiths of the Aryan people.

Even the 14 words are rooted in the bible. It uses biblical code.

David’s 14 Words were composed as a numerical formula. Doubt this? To get an introduction into the significance of numerological coding read “The Mystery Religions and The 7 Seals.”
In standard English Gematria every letter represents a number. Let A=1, B=2, C 3 and so forth.
Take David Lane’s 14 Words and replace every letter with its numerical equivalent. The total will be 741.
Next take David Lane’s second set of 14 Words, “BECAUSE The Beauty Of The White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish From The Earth”, and again replace every letter with its numerical equivalent. The total will also be 741.
Both sets of 14 Words in their ORIGINAL state total 741, have 61 letters and 20 syllables. 741 + 741 = 1482. 1482 is the total of the 12 divisibles of the number 666 and also the number of words in Chapter 7 of the First book of Kings in the King James Bible. This chapter talks of the completion of SOL–OM–ON‘s Temple. Sol is Latin for the Sun, Om is Hindi for the Sun, and On is Egyptian for the Sun. 666 is the total of the 36 numbers which comprise the Sun Square when they are added together.
What little has been shown above should show without doubt that there is a deliberate numeric code that comprises both sets of David Lane’s 14 Words. Nothing shall be added or subtracted from these sacred words which were given to us by the prophet of our People’s Allfather. The 14 Words are a divine command from our Tribal God and David Lane was his prophet and messenger. By altering them one is violating W.O.T.A.N.’s divine command.

I don't think the "inner Earth" is inside the Earth so much as inside the essence of the Earth. The closest we can come to describing it physically is probably as "inside the Earth's EM field." But it's more like the consciousness of the Earth, or the Earth at a higher level of existence. Antarctica is an entrance due the magnetic pole, rather than there being a giant hole.

The Aryans there are THE Aryans, the ascended root race at a higher level of existence. All the weirdness with alien tech or varying accounts of the inner Earth is due to trying to describe advanced existence from a limited perspective. Basically, how people experience paranormal shit is only a shadow of the true phenomenon. Spiritual cultivation can allow people to experience more of the true phenomenon and thereby have a more coherent vision.

When you get into the ET world, where I'm starting to think we originated from, it was done intentionally to prevent us from connecting to the stars and our ancestors since we were nothing more than a galactic colony.

tl;dr War broke out, shit happened, negative ET's came in and experimented on the peaceful natives who lacked the self-defense ability to fight them. Some pure bloods escaped to inner earth where they became advanced and hidden from lizard people and others. We up top got genetically manipulated by other groups that we're basically now seen as tainted mongrels to them (hence purifying the blood with NATSOC as an effort to regain our purity).

I mean it can get really fucking crazy, but I guess it depends on how far along are you, or how long you've been into questioning things to have the ability to connect the dots and be like "fuck, that actually makes a little sense".

Archeology is kiked to shit and genetic/medical research is also. There is good reason why much of new genetic research is coming from fucking asia, china of all places.

Archeology is in the business of denying some weird things that have been proven like kenewick man(Although its coming around on this) or the that MANY archaeological treasures have been "sent to israel" for obscure reasons.

Stop, re read that bullshit, and tell me what in the blueberry fuck you are even trying to say

This isn't outlandish at all. It's supported by all sorts of mythologies as well as geology, etc. The "ancient aryans" threads we occasionally have are great. If you're interested in this stuff read Graham Hancock's books.

Explain where nogs fit into pic related. They dont, they had no neanderthal DNA. Clearly, all 3 of those sons mixed with something that either had a lot of neanderthal DNA in it, or was an actual neanderthal. Im not a big bible guy, Im actually agnostic, but supposedly a lot of these people can be proven to have existed to some degree, even if they were not divinely powered.

Also, the expansion of those 3 brothers originates in the middle east, and Persia etc. If you look at your map, it spreads from that area (while originating in Africa, which if you consider that niggers aren't human, that means the original human expansion was from the middle east)

Niggers mixed with non human forms of hominins 700k years ago, and have no neanderthal DNA. Regardless of what the bible says, they are an entirely different hybrid species, mixed with ape blood.


The fuck is that suppose to mean?

It makes sense if you buy into the ET theories of human origins. Nigs would be the actual natives to the planet before our ancestors came in from Lyra. Many associate the Nordic aliens types as having variations of color in skin (red) and eyes (asiatic slant with white/bluish skin). It actually causes quite a shit storm in the ET community that whites and asians are largely the most represented among the humanoid types. Although both appear more different as mentioned above than what we see now as mongrel half-breeds of our ancestors.

Not sure where the sand nigs came from though.

Will Of The Aryan Nation. Also, the name for Odin outside of Scandinavia, as in, the rest of Europe. Its racial based Odinism, essentially. David Lane, a member of Robert Mathews "The Order" who assassinated a Jewish race baiting radio host, robbed armored trucks for millions of dollars and counterfeited money - all like you could have read in the Turner Diaries.

David Lane created it. Tracked off there and lost the point of what I was saying.

Why Wotanism And The Pyramid Prophecy?

The power of a religion was demonstrated in the suicide bombings of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Service to the perceived commands of “God” can even override the instinct for self-preservation. Giving credit where it is due, the proponents of a religion called Identity Christianity realized the power of a religion when they formulated its theology as a tool to resist the Judeo-American/Judeo-Christian murder of the White race.
However, for reasons detailed here, the strategy has been a complete and utter failure. It has not stopped forced busing, open borders, Anti-White propaganda, miscegenation or the ever-accelerating plunge to extinction. Why?? First, it clings to the absurd idea that America is “God’s chosen land,” for the preservation of the White race. Since America is the murderer of our race, such nonsense brings ridicule instead of capable recruits.
Second, Identity clings to the New Testament. Most Wotanists (also called Odinists or Wodenists) are open minded about, or even believe in an intelligence and force within the Universe which we call God or All-Father. And polls show that the majority of our Folk share that belief. Wise men know that our limited senses cannot perceive the near infinite vibrations, wave lengths, dimensions etc., that may exist.
However, modern White folk do not accept that God is so insecure that he will torture mortals eternally if they don’t spend every seventh day telling him how great he is. The motive force of the entire Universe did not turn himself into a mortal man in order to have himself killed by mortal men, in order to keep himself from eternally torturing mortal men. The God of Nature is not irrational. Neither is God composed of some emotion called love as New Agers and Judeo-Christians teach.
The Creator made lions to eat lambs, hawks to eat sparrows, and the races of man to compete for life, territory and power. There is no love, just harsh, ruthless, pitiless, Natural Law. The New Testament is a religion of “afterlife” and the selfishness of personal “salvation.” The Old Testament is about the reality of this life on this earth. The philosophy of the Old Testament helped Jews conquer the world and get the power to sentence the White race to death. It teaches taking power, wealth and women, with cunning and force. Its philosophy will benefit any race or people. Aryans followed the New Testament and may soon be an extinct specie. No more needs be said!!!
Nonetheless, a religion for White Folk is a vital necessity. To that end I began teaching an updated form of our most common indigenous religion about 20 years ago. Its major deity is called Wotan, or Odin or Woden. Updated to be racial rather than tribal, and to remove any conflict with modern science.
The Gods, Goddesses and myths of Wotanism represent the forces of Nature. They are used to mold the character of children, they are the power of symbolism, and they both preserve and conceal the ancient“Mysteries.” History shows that a religion must have a founder, often called a “prophet.” Since no one else assumed that role, I have done so. Recognizing full well the fate of “prophets” is usually scorn, ridicule, imprisonment or even death.

About 1830, a man named Joseph Smith, along with Masonic Adepts in the “Mysteries,” formed a religion for the preservation of the White race. It was called Mormonism. It was restricted to the White race and it condoned Polygamy. Joseph Smith was slandered, called crazy, and thrown in prison, where he died. Now at age 63, with a life sentence in prison, I expect the same fate. So realize that I seek no glory from the Pyramid Prophecy or as a prophet of Wotanism.
The only reason for a true natural man to fight for wealth, fame or power is to acquire women, as sexy and young as he can. This is declared by Nature and extrapolation as we see bulls battle bulls, stallions battle stallions, roosters battle roosters, for possession of females. And then Nature declares only the best shall breed, this for the strength and preservation of the race or specie. Since sexy young women are not a possibility for me, I receive no benefit from the prophecy.
As for the adulation of the masses, I despise them. Today they call me a hater and a bigot because those with power and control of the press programmed them to believe such propaganda. If the day came that I had power and control of the media, they would love me. They are vacuous biological computers and their adulation is utterly meaningless. I have fought “Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.” I did not fight to save biological computers (minds), which are no more than machines without a soul.
The fundamental theology of Wotanism is the 2nd of the 88 Precepts as follows: “Whatever people’s perception of God, or the Gods, or the motive force of the Universe might be, they can hardly deny that Nature and Nature’s Laws are the work of, and therefore the intent of, that force.” Since the first and highest Law of Nature is the preservation of one’s own kind, then the Fourteen Words, i.e. “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children” is a divine command of God, All-Father Wotan. This philosophy and theology stands on its own, simple and irrefutable, yet just as Joseph Smith relied on alleged hieroglyphs inscribed on golden tablets, so also Wotanism has its further validation. That is the function of the Pyramid Prophecy. However, that is not the only similarity, which is to be expected since Nature declares the same truths to all who observe her lessons with integrity.
The original Mormon religion, as said, taught Polygamy and racial separation. The race murdering U.S. government first forced them to abandon Polygamy. Later the government passed the 19th amendment to the Constitution. Then the government forced the Mormons to accept racial integration with its inevitable miscegenation and genocide. The sequence was no accident. A race whose males are mentally castrated is easy to subdue. But a race whose males have unrestrained sexual libido, and who fight to keep the harem they dominate, cannot be defeated while yet they breathe.
That’s why our organic indigenous religions were fertility cults. No disrespect to the word cult. This is why Wotanism allows or promotes Polygamy, as did early Mormonism. Not demanding Polygamy of course since Wotanists believe in personal freedom and choice as much as is possible. The sex drive of the males of a race that wishes to survive must not be hindered, slandered, diminished, misdirected, and in revolutionary times even its excesses must be excused. A race whose males that will not fight to the death to keep and mate with its females will perish.
The symbols, geometry, mathematics and codes within the Pyramid Prophecy are accurate and appear to be beyond coincidence. How they came to be, and the strange inexplicable way in which they were revealed are not the subject or point. The purpose of the Pyramid Prophecy is promulgation of the 14 Words and 88 Precepts as foundations of a religion that will save the race of Galileo, Shakespeare, Kipling, Edison, Plato etc., from eternal extinction. Hopefully there are those of vision who will use it wisely in furtherance of Nature’s highest Law.

It's been a long time since I've seen another user even mention it. Nice.

It needs to offer more than critical theory and larping to gain momentum. Most of these post WW2 groups are just criticizing modernism. We are too nihilistic to truly accept a new religion at this point.

What the "more" is, I don't know. I personally get more from Tyler Durden than most Right Wing Evola religion types because it applies to real life, not esoteric life and was based on Nietzsche's Overman (Ubermensche) theory to cure nihilism

Its the same religion our Viking ancestors had, updated to be about race instead of tribe. It has plenty to offer. Pic related is Pierces "On Christianity". To be read alongside would be the chapter of the book related, on William Gayley Simpson - the author of Which Way Western Man. They make good arguments for why pre-christian European pagan religions have much more to offer white people. They promoted strong ideals, instead of weakness. Christianity raises the sick, the meek, the weak, and the passive up as their ideal people, as those who are to be cherished. Odinism is pretty much the opposite, honor, courage and bravery, strength, etc. Those who die in battle are forever honored in Valhalla, etc. Im not highly informed on it, but I plan to do more reading, and find it personally very interesting, and Ive never been interested by a "religion" before. Semitic ones always just seemed like bullshit control cults.

PDF for that book is around, although I dont have it. Its on the /pdfs/ board.

It just doesn't inspire me to do anything but wanting to hit my Mexican neighbors with my roofing hammer and mate with Aryan QTs in some fantasy cult habitat I imagine. I don't disagree with you though and it would be awesome if it spread… Needs good music to create a culture, music women can dance to like it or not. The problem is that hero worship of the old gods or the old archetypes isn't proving to create the kind of men that will take on the Jewish powers structure or lead the race war. It's creating Etsy accounts.

So far the Overman archetype for the "New Man" as Hitler called is the best idea that I've seen. It's also transferable through this age of materialistic decadence in Tyler Durden for example. But also Sherlock Holmes if you have a 200IQ. Nietzsche's Dionysian and Apollonian man is the same as Loki/Thor man who is really the many faces of Odin.

I agree with most of this. One theory I have, related to this, is about collective consciousness. An ether (æther as it's sometimes called). I think a lot of creative works are drawn from there. Themes and topics show up which fit into what we now can assume about our past. In Sci-Fi, a popular and recurring theme is of humans discovering that Earth isn't our homeworld (Battlestar Galactica, Halo series, Homeworld the PC game which has a fantastic novella of a backstory I read 10 years ago that has stuck in my mind, and many others I'm leaving out).
I don't buy into the hollow Earth stuff, but I think Antarctica has evidence of our past that TPTB are keeping hidden. It might even be similar to what H. P. Lovecraft wrote about (again, drawing from my theory of creative ideas coming from the æther of past knowledge/stories) with there being gates that terrible god-tier creatures may come through, which is why the head Russian orthodox priest is down there and why important heads of state rush down from time to time. Lots of creative works on horrors or aliens or ancient technology being found in Antarctica. Food for thought, at least.

Thanks, user. I am going to check out those books.

God men? No. But I think there's something worth investigating around the idea that an advanced civilization (for the time, like Roman Empire levels of technology) existed 11 thousand years ago and was virtually destroyed outright by a catastrophic flood.

Nah, thats hipster faggotry, not Wotanism.

We don't have the technology to build the ancient stone megalyths today. The civilization that built them had technology beyond ours.

Its proving to create exactly the kind of men that will take on Jewish powers, the problem is that they cant really take on Jewish powers from prison, which is where it spreads most easily.

But there is no official "wotanism" that's the problem. There isn't even a Vatican. Withouta main idol (like a book or unifying holy place) there is only speculation.

That's why you can't meme new religions without using slave cult tactics, not even based off old ones.

An men outside of prison are scared to act. One thing is they have no community of other men supporting and encouraging these thoughts and another is they are afraid of jepardizing their comfortable lives.

Theres 3 books. The main one is probably The Creed of Iron, which I have not read.. I guess "yet".

Forgot the text. This is all in the wikipedia, I guess you didnt read it after I linked it.

Wotanism isn't a centralized religion, you idiot. It's our ancient lifestyle.

skinwalker ranch user here. I can attest personally to shadilay craft seen here ALL THE FUCKING TIME

Nazis like darre and himmler wanted to dismantle christianity to 1. remove papal influence, and 2. create a pseudo-historical pagan religion that incorporates elements of both early bronze age sun cults and iron age germanic mythology to promote morals and culture more in line with national socialism and a sucessful germanic race.

Himmler was very interested in geneology and history. Darre was very interested in eugenics and a return to rural volkish life.

There was a castle with the black sun inscribed in the floor where the twelve elite ss men would meet and apparently ss stood for schwartze sonne to them. An earlier priest had come up with an idea of ariosophy and wanted to create an ordet of imperial warrior-monks called the new templars who would spread aryan religion and take the black sun as their emblem. He also correlated the black sun to the futhark runes, the zodiac, the calendar, and some other stuff.

Their mission was to locate atlantis, thule, and prove the hyperborains theory. Weird stuff bro

Also, theres no need to meme it as theres already a large number of people who believe in it. People didnt go to Cosmotheism, they went to things like Wotanism. Theres a lot of larping going on around here, so not many people know much about people like Robert Mathews and the actual resistance that went on decades ago. These are highly respected people, and rightly so. Theres no need for a vatican, thats a semitic invention. Theres no need for a leader even, the religion speaks for itself. You get a group of friends, hop in a longboat (car) and go raid the enemy. Simple stuff.


Um the sagas?

If there are no rules, there are no rules to jew and corrupt. Informal power arrangements will naturally favor the ingroup and the powerful which is basically as much theology as you need for wotanism (wotanism is volk based which means the rules differ perhaps drastically between groups, recognizing odin and those groups/differences is the key to ensure the groups can compete).

I'm sure all those burly skinheads with valknuts and lightning bolts are just a figment of your imagination. Nothing to see here.

Load of shit. We are the descendants of those who came into this reality to defeat the demiurge. Hitler recovered the tech from the past. Pic fucking related. Much gravity to this image.

That means it fails to attract the right people for some reason and is encouraging the ID to be active full time… as in encouraging passionate viking aggression. We need more than that to win this war. We need a new Aristocracy.

"lifestyle", kek. Sounds like vampires

Degenerate traditions passed down from the New Age and Freemason schools.

I grew up around guys like that. You'd call them spics and niggers.

Dubdubs confim. On the record, look into the indo-aryan roots of Sufi mysticism. They hid their knowledge under the thumb of islam, they are mystics of the Midnight Sun and the green light, much like our Black Sun and green ray.

You seem openly antagonistic to white heritage, and religion. You compare a viking raid of the enemy (Jews) to niggers and spics. I get the sense you are trying to undermine this board, but have learned from past mistakes which cause you to end up banned. That last ones probably over the line.

Degenerate guru-ism. Kill yourself. Stick to the Vedas and Alan Watts if you want to mind hack.

fuck yeah user now you're talking. go back a long way to the vimana and the residual radioactivity off the coast of india from thermonuclear warfare around 14000bc. good fucking shit


Please suck cock somewhere else.

About to read way of zen buhdism

What to expect user?

Stop being a fucking cry baby. My point is that it's not going to create the kind of aristocratic warriors we need to deal with what's coming. That kind of behavior is degenerate as fuck in this day and age. If you want combat experience then hit the dojo and the target range and join the military for fucks sakes. "raiding" people isn't living in reality. It's nigger-tier gang mentality. At least do it like the Italians for fuck sakes.

I'd just listen to the youtubes. Way better and faster because he's a funny guy who tells good stories.

Anti-Materialism is degenerate Semitic thought.

I agree, let's worship Trump more.

It has nothing to do with crying, youre posting like a clever subvert. You effectively compared Bob Mathews to a nigger, because he had the courage to get in a car, with David Lane as the driver, and a few others - driving to the home of Alan Berg, a race baiting talk radio host, and executing him.

Niggers do that, according to you, and Vikings were also comparable to niggers, because niggers steal stuff, so clearly anyone with Nordic ancestry descended from white niggers, in your line of thinking. Fuck off, the only one whod be crying is you, if you said that to any white nationalist with half a brain and a shred of respect for those who have given their lives to fight kikes and stop white genocide.

Go to the Dojo he says. Talk about anime larper.

Are you that same retard that thinks Nietzsche was a stoic? He despised Asiatic servility btw

Why do you seek official religious doctrine from a source other than direct interaction with the divine? That is the essence of folk religions and why they can never be truly destroyed save by the extinction of the folk.

Do you live near there? Fucking lucky

You sound awfully upset about us even discussing this and aren't contributing any ideas to the conversation.

My dad is Irish-Anglo and my mother is pure German. Where's my Aryan meter at?

And we even know what the flood is. It's when the fucking BLACK sea (dark in Scythian, inhospitable in Greek, etc…) was created. Which would have been a lake/fertile plain right next to the Caucasus, then initiated the indo-european migration.

Thanks for admitting you’re just spamming.

Dont take that FBI video at face value btw. Its full of garbage, like suggesting that they were Christians, when we just went over how they were Wotanists/Odinists.


You're dumb. You need a leader. I didn't talk about David Lane's drive to some Jew's house. I don't know what that is but it sounds pretty fucking niggerish. You should only kill the head of the snake. Wasting your life killing some radio kike, lol. Fuck off.

Vikings established empires like Russia and trade routes. Driving around in your shitbox truck and raising hell is fucking pathetic and anti-Aryan. You're like a Jewish created meme.


I seek a unifying principle or force in which to act from, not 15 different religions based off Snorki's Odin. Christians have that fucking cross and the Bible and it makes them stronger than Odinism over time because it enslaves the person and spreads the virus. Vague esoterics wont attract good people, user. Maybe you're too young to remember all the cults the Boomers were in during the 80s but it's the same "naturalism" esthetic with old esoteric memes from gurus being obsessed upon to create a stupid group that goes no where in the end.

Are you hearing that because it's not there. You're like a chick who gets told the truth and yells "why are you yelling at me!"


Irish descend from Scythians, who descend from Iranic peoples who traveled east - north and then west around the Caspian sea, ending around greater Crimea really. They spoke iranic dialects, but also supposedly had relations to some type of Siberian group, and the Sami people in Scandinavia. I wanted to see how Celts played into the whole Aryan thing, and as it turns out they have the same Persian ancestors in the end - from everything Ive seen.

Filtered and reported.

A wasted life is all I'm saying.

Not genetically Irish though. My dad doesn't have any hobbit-ish features, he mainly just looks English. I take after my mother's side anyway while my sister took after my dad's side.

The inconsistency of your fedoras astound me, you're like slippery Jews.

The supposed flood of the black sea occurred around 7,000 years ago.

Aryan is Irie-land, faggot now shut up

Irish people were highly mixed with Normans, which are really French. He might be 50% Irish, and just simply not have the nose and mouth.

Seems like the same kind of schitzo "Nazi" who believes not only in the flat earth but that the entierty of the Aryan race came from the aincent Artic. Like this guy https://

It seems to attract the best people actually

Forgot to add it does have some merit but really it's only schitzos who have come up with it and has not a lot of scientific nor archiological backing.

No, Christianity is a slave cult, it has nothing to with with "anything organized". Your Jewish mind control is conflicting with your ability to read. I was saying that Odinism has no order, it's all over the place and needs a unifying symbol.

It's not either or, it's a matter of the individual itself. The introvert vs the extrovert. The practical vs the theoretical. Both work in harmony and compliment one another. Once you realize that even this very conversation is the beginning of the process to forge something new from the ashes that compliments all the various individuals and their personality types then it'll make sense.

Every time I hear these conspiracies, prophecies, or higher dimensional types talk of a new religion, to me it's synchronicity. We're actually building it right now without realizing it. A hundred years ago we still saw each other as the "other". Now, for the first time in recorded history those of European descent are working together not just to push back the Muslim/dark hordes, but to establish ourselves into a New Order of some sort.

Yeah, sorry pleb. You haven't lurked long enough. There is nothing vague or hidden about National Socialism.

Meh, I guess. We need less introverts right now though.

This flat earth bullshit is completely ridiculous, and really should just be word filtered from the board. Obviously the earth is round, you can see the curvature of the earth yourself if you fly high enough, and theres all sorts of things which rely on the earth being round. Its just totally ludicrous to even have to discuss it, at all.. but is there a single shred of evidence to prove Aryans couldnt have come from something other than a lesser race having evolved?

Some people would say that's apart of partial disclosure and that most of what you see, read, and hear about is actually not creative whatsoever, but taken from actual experience that's being seeded into the peoples consciousness.

When people like us know how well the jews have mastered communications to deceive the people, it's actually not a very far-fetched strategy. Unfortunately most ET researcher types completely negate the jews entirely here on earth like AJ and miss the more readily visible problem. As far as hollow earth goes it's a hard concept for even I to wrap my head around. Corey Goode I think offers a better explanation with it being more of a "honeycomb" earth and that's where the massive cave tunnels found on earth gain access to what's below. Hollow earth could just be the term coined to explain to people in a simplistic way what's going on, but trying to comprehend it visually is a PITA.

Because the Aryans originating from the Arctic is supposed to be supported by evidence (that I have never seen, due to its obvious esoteric nature) that Himmler found in Tibet. Ive heard some things described, but its merely a description by some youtube autist.

You do realize NatSoc didn't sprout from nothing, right? The NatSoc ideology came into being from fusing together the commie-killing WWI vets with the volkisch occult societies. Do you understand where all of the Aryan idealism came from?

He called Bob Mathews and David lane "niggerish" for killing a race baiting media kike, right after he also compared Vikings to niggers. Hes a shill, and should unironically be gassed.

True, but then again we wouldn't be who we are today otherwise. Plus when shtf pretty sure introverts are who you want making the hard decisions. You wont get a hugbox or sympathy from us.

It's literally all an attempt to distract you from reading this book:

Yeah, it came from historians you fucking pleb. Got I hate talking to you internet educated kids. Aryanism wasn't an occult theory, it's a fucking historic fact with a chain of meaning and traditions. It's not called Indo-European to hide the idea of the Aryan itself.
But you probubly think Aryan means fucking Thulian magic race or some gay shit because you've been jewed. Read it the book and abandon your anti-natural anti-reality esoteric story telling childish delusions!

good point

aaaaand it's bumplocked. Typical kike mods. We're discussion naughty ideas, boys.

HotpocketX is imkikey. It confirms he. He always fucking says that when he bans book threads because he's a D&C kike that is intentionally nuking any intellectual discussion.

Meant "This confirms it's him".


The nigger couldn't stand it. Til next time lads.

prove it


The word Sufi comes from the word Sophia, which denotes a lineage from Greek traditions. In Iran (Ar-yan, Aryan) there has been a tradition of sages that far precede the mudslimes and zoroastrian heresies. These were the sages who brought our ancestor's traditions to the east in Tibet (as well as ancient texts recovered from precursor civilizations that survived the fimblewinter under the mountains to the northeast) and this is the fucking reason they sided with Hitler and the reich. Only a fool would refuse to look into the Sufi sect over their flimsy cover of islam which exists only for self preservation in hostile lands. Just as the Cathars had used cuckstianity as a cover for their traditions and practices, the Sufis had been forced to hide their knowledge in the same way.

Dragons were giant salamanders. They share every feature until you hit regions that had no salamanders and became obfuscated by christianity. Large, intelligent, frilled gills like the asian dragons, linguistic backing, transformative abilities, and the capability of secreting powerful cocktails of neurotransmitters in their mucus secretions that can be changedby will/mood to induce everything from searing burning pain, to hallucations.




You faggots why dont you archve the thread? Why i am always the one who have to archive everything?

When I have a provoking thought I want to share with Holla Forums, I always try to make sure that it's worth discussing. This pisses me off. I was banned before this site got hacked and deleted, but fuck it, I'm staying at /polk/. Why can't I have nice things?

Of course this thread gets anchored. Kampfy needs to die. /baph/, can you not help out here?

Its fine, eventually we will filter people out of leadership roles based on if they were reading books, or just consuming other peoples opinions. It will be one of the requirements. What book(s) are you reading right now?

Frontline infantry.