What do you think of this, Holla Forums?

What do you think of this, Holla Forums?
Was this the biggest mistake ever?
Also, Lilo with big tits.

Attached: stitch 1.jpg (464x371 29.93 KB, 35.01K)

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It even got a movie.

Attached: stitch 2.jpg (350x495, 250.42K)

I'm sold

They're making a Chinese one now.

Was Lilo and Stitch really that popular in Asia?

Never knew that.

Surprised she didn't turn out fatter.

It was set in Hawaii. The place Japan goes to play golf.

They also bought up a lot of real estate here back in the 90's.

Prefer this honestly it's very close to the disney original with new ideas and new aliens inspired of chinese folklore despite many episodes are flash animated and a few episodes are handdrawn animated like the first serie was done.

Dissapointed that the japanese couldn't drawn their own characters based of Chris Sanders designs.
The japanese anime look like, what if Stitch invades an anime.

So Nani gets the hips and Lilo gets the tits? Seems fair.

Considering there were hundreds of the experiments who never got screen time, you would think they would take the opportunity of a new series to show off some of them.

It's chinese alright

Agreed, they could make a whole new series just with them and of course Stitch and it would be more than enough characters to sell shitloads of merchandise

I wonder what happened to experiment 625. I remember watching some made for tv movie that was supposed to act as a finale for the series but I barely remember it. I think Gantu got his job back with the alien government though I don't know what 625 did. Make a sandwich shop?

girl is kinda cute

Yes. When I was in China there was Stitch junk being sold everywhere you look despite that movie being like 15 years old.

Thanks for giving me a better way to refer to "Flash-like animation".


Shit son, gonna raid all the loliboorus and furry boorus, we got ourselves a ton of FLAVOUR in here.

To be fair, there was a complex misunderstanding. Lilo couldn't bring Stitch to college (because aliens aren't allowed in college), and Lilo couldn't meet up with Stitch afterwards due to Nani's unexpected pregnancy, thus leading Stitch (who was unaware of this) to think that Lilo abandoned her.

Lilo has some pretty perky tits.



Attached: ScreenCapture_30.08.13_16-40-00.jpg (1824x1080 431.08 KB, 258.91K)


Attached: titty lilo.png (1822x1078, 1.63M)

The rare case of OFFICIAL Disney media in China…

I kinda have the feeling Stitch would be eaten in China, for tons of cash.

I remember watching the regular tv show when I wasn't a kid.
Anyone got some good scenes from this Jap one?

What did she mean by this?


Thanks user.