This is a thing now, apparently

Commies are making memes about how the Holodomor is a "hoax"

This seems to be a thing now. Instead of taking responsibility for the crimes of their idealised communist regime, they simply deny that the Holodomor famine never happened. WTF is wrong with them?

Other urls found in this thread:–50)#Poland.2C_including_former_German_territories

Communists can't enjoy the enlightenment that is meme magic. Every time they try to make memes it's an autistic disaster.

It is a hoax. It is based on the notion, that the government deliberately starved Ukrainians.
At the time the majority of USSR was starving due to chaos in the government.

"holodohoax" was only recently pulled out by the Soros funded groups to support the European integration of Ukraine and it's Jewish government and put the blame on the Russians.

Tankies are retarded, what else is new?

Holla Forums has been doing this for awhile. Nothing new.

Sure are a lot of newfags here lately. Did something happen with cuck/pol/ or what?


I remember telling my German universityfag friend about the holodomor and jews that ran soviet russia and he denied me with 'that's Russian propaganda'. I don't speak to said heeb anymore. Why are all Germans who live outside of Germany such jews? Obviously they are cowards who surrendered their nation to (((globalists))) but why are they so angsty about JQ topics?

inb4 irrelevant, there would be a shitstorm
from a holocaust denial uprising in Berlin

every time

It was actually the opposite of what you're thinking. Stalin came to power and started building up support to start purging the kikes from the party, which he started doing in 1937. The so called "great purge" was a mini-holocaust.

Do we have absolute proof of that? I fucking hate communism and they are certainly responsible for so many atrocities but I want the crimes, both present and historic, that I read off to be 100% accurate before the firing squad starts opening up.

Jews orchestrated the Holodomor as revenge for Ukrainian pogroms which were a justified reaction to all the jewish tricks.

And again, holodomor is blamed on the Russian people and according to the official narrative it has nothing to do with the kikes in the party. When you support the notion, you are doing the work for Soros for free.

Most people don't know the Holodomor happened and those that do wouldn't really deny it.
It's a very small group of commies that claim it wasn't real.

Wikipedia says that quote is from George Leggett's 1986 book "The Cheka: Lenin's Political Police."

My friend said Russia was only good when Kerensky was president.


the fuck is holodomor
and why is everyone cashing in on shit their ancestors suffered at the hands of everyone else's ancestors?
no one's special in this regard, and just because someone was victim of something it doesn't mean they were entirely innocent either

If you read "Odessa" your Jew-dar should've started tingling. Odessa was the biggest Jewish enclave

Then you get the classical preposterous holohoax lampshade type stories.
Once you accept that the kikes will start claiming the Russians killed 6 gorillion Jews.

Don't touch Ukraine subject at all, the region was considered the 2nd kike homeland since the 17th century.

What are you doing, Shlomo?


I have a feeling Holla Forums will take this and go "See our guys kill more jews than pathetic Hitler" or some shit

either way, there's plenty of skeletons in the closet

tie all the genocidal failed ideologies together.

The story is not new, they tried pulling the 6 gorillion story of Ukraine back in the 1920s


No, it's blamed on the Jewish Bolshevik ideology that you are now trying to cover up for with this weak attempt to link it to Soros. Nobody blames the Russian people for the atrocities of (((communism)))

Also the Holodomor is basically Holodomor v2. The first one happen in 1800 when jews, who at that time controlled 93% of the grain market, caused a huge famine by using the grain for vodka instead of bread. This is all well documented in the writings of Gavrila Derzhavin (at that time minister of justice) who was sent by Tsar Paul I. to investigate the cause of the famine. Derzhavin correctly named the jew as the root of the evil and suggested laws forbidding them to make and sell alcohol (which was the source of jewish wealth not only in Russia but also Poland). The jewish kehilot then tried to bribe him with 200.000 rubles to soften the law. He didn't accept. Unfortunately those anti-jewish laws didn't really take off as Paul I. was assassinated (guess who financed that) and replaced by pro jewish Alexander I.


It's blamed on the Russians, since Russia is officially the successor of USSR and accepted all the USSR debts and obligations.
It's an official thing, accepted by EU and the Jewish Ukrainian government now demands reparations from Russia.

Every time you shitpost about holodomor, you are working for the Jews.

The irony of them using "porky" to make fun of capitalism is absolutely hilarious to anybody who has read and understood Animal Farm.

I knew about them. They recently came to my province (I believe that Holodomor education bus is Canadian). I wasn't too aware of the opposition to them, though I knew the Jews were trying to suppress the Holodomore due to it surpassing the Holocaust–they said so themselves on video.

You know the side-reason for jews doing this is to shit on the christian idea of born-with-sin right?

They can't stand that idea and that they belong in hell.

The christian idea of being born with sin is what makes me not want to be a christian.
It means you're supposed to beg for forgiveness and be a good little goy so perhaps God does not decide to throw you in Hell for all eternity because apparently he hates humanity's guts. Doesn't seem like a good deal to me, seems more like being a cuck.
Can't call a God good if he throws stillborn and those dead before being baptised into Hell.

They really do steal everything from us, holy shit. No wonder they love niggers.

It's a shame Christians can't stop mixing cultures. They use Gaut, Heafonom and Hel without knowing the meaning and significance behind them.

Further Gaut has no will but righteous judgement, if you do not merit then you are judged accordingly. And nature isn't fair.

I think its holodomor awareness, not denying.
It could be damage control though, no jews mentioned.



Anti-Russian propaganda again, not a single Jew named.

Did you even watch it? by saying what you did, doubtful. Very little to do with the Russians actually, less so with the Germans. Everything to do with the Hatred between the Poles and the Ukrainians once the war ended.

I swear, for people who supposedly resent us, they want to be like us an awful lot. Emulating our cultural proliferation, our memes, our chan tradition, and they are even trying to reproduce the conditions and pathway that followed our trajectory. Not only does this not make sense for a number of mutually exclusive character traits that define us, but it just doesn't work for their angle. They're the so-called "working class" voice, they stand for the downtrodden and oppressed. But then you turn around and do shit like this? I mean for us, at least the thought process is a fluid and congruent one. They're just doing this to mimic our success.

So much like a communist to think if one thing works for one group, it will then work for all. Same mistakes, every time.

I assumed it's about ebil russkies and natzees, who literally ate children alive in Wolyn. Because that's what the kikes claim historically happened.

The people who perpetrated the massacre are now paraded as national heroes by the Ukrainian government.

very good movie

So basically you are dying that actual Russians are blamed for this atrocity, yet despite having documented proof that the main instigators of this act were Jews we should just shut up about it and let everybody think it was actually Russians that did it? Seems pretty Jewish of you.


Every fucking time. They always deny or blame the capitalists for the reason people starving under their beloved communist regime.

The French are officially blamed for Holocaust now too. Where is your god now?

The Ukrainian government, which is 90% Jewish is now demanding reparations from Russia and saying that the Russians did it.

According to you, anyway. Also, kike, kill your mother and then cut your wrists.

Accodring to the Ukrainian government and Soros-sponsored "human rights" groups.

Here are the people blamed for holodomor. Notice, that the only kike mentioned is Lazar Kaganovich and the main boogeymen are Stalin and Molotov.
Go to wikipedia and read who is blamed.

So what are you suggesting, exactly?
That we deny that it happened? That we shut up about it? Fuck that.
Responsibility falls on everyone listed there, it's the fault of communism and collectivism.

I am telling you that the kikes try to use it for even more white guilt.
I am suggesting to ignore Ukraine and everything that happened to it as a whole, because it's been infested by kikes since the 17th century and is widely considered a 2nd Jewish homeland among them. Currently Ukraine's president is a Jew and the government consists of kikes and is pretty open about it.

Anything involving Ukraine is bound to be Jewish shenanigans.

Aren't nazis are doing the same thing with the holocaust?


yeah. but in most of the world holodomor isn't nearly talked about enough, compared to the other genocides that have happened in recent centuries. probably because stalin did a good job of deleting fucking everything.

but then, still in russia, subhuman mordor russians will laugh at and spit on the graves of those that suffered in the genocide, calling it fake etc. even nazis, so its almost as if any anti holodomor shit is perpetuated by soulless russians while the rest of the world looks on in shame

The holocaust (and it's gaschambers) are so ridiculous, that only a thoroughly indoctrinated person believes them. Gaschambers and then burning bodies is as inefficient as one can get.

Holodomor on the other hand, is a famine, reportedly because of weather (and not Stalin selling all agricultural products for industrialisation.:^)) Famines, while often natural, were used as a tool in genocide (eg: Irish& potatoes, Indian famines). The mos suspiscious thing was Stalins unwillingness to alleviate the hunger.

So no, it is not the same.

Ukraine has the most fertile land in europe, it is known as the "breadbasket" of europe.
The reason they starved was that the soviet regime stole their crops to redistribute it.
Farmers could not keep their own produce under threat of death by the regime.
So tell me again how that was not deliberate.

Holodomor? White guilt? Yeah you're full of shit and I hope you die in a fire.
The crimes of communism will not go without publicity, everyone should know the dangers of collectivism.
You're a fucking commie subversive and you need to get out.

Now will you say that Russians aren't white, won't you Shlomo?

He knows what he's doing user, don't bother with him. All he has done throughout the thread is try to get us to stop talking about this on the basis that the Russians get blamed for it, despite the fact that it was Russians (led by kikes) who seized Ukrainian grain and caused the mass starvation. He's most likely RIDF but he could be a commie kike too.

The hodomor is a great counterpoint to "muh 6 million". Don't let commie kikes or RIDF convince you that it shouldn't be used because it guilty Russians, the way that they composed themself in the pre and post war years make them deserving of guilt to be completely honest They behaved like subhumansubhuman for decades.

*because it guilts russians

Whites killing other whites can't be used for white guilt you fucking pinko
Ignoring/Denying the crimes of communism won't benefit the white race, it only benefits communist bastards like yourself
Fuck off.

Excuse my errors, the keyboard on my phone is a mess.

>It is based on the notion, that the government deliberately starved Ukrainians.

So you acknowledge they starved millions of Ukrainians and they didn't care? That's at least 2nd degree mass murder

"Second-degree murder is ordinarily defined as: 1) an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable "heat of passion"; or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life. Second-degree murder may best be viewed as the middle ground between first-degree murder and voluntary manslaughter."

Its like some trick to undermine holohoax awareness by making outrageous denials of Stalins known crimes.

>which he started doing in 1937

>Holodomor, 1932-33

That's the thing, there were at least 4 million Jews living in Ukraine at the time. Next thing they will claim Russians committed holocaust. See

The internal party struggle started around 1929, when the trotskists started getting killed. There was too much infighting to govern effectively.

>The irony of them using "porky" to make fun of capitalism is absolutely hilarious to anybody who has read and understood Animal Farm.

don't tell them, let them be as ironic and moronic as they can

Underrated post.

Take your shilling somewhere else. If they link communism to the Holocaust I'll eat my fucking hat.
Jews will never link their ideology to their great tragedy, and if they do I'll be turning cartwheels because it'll mean communism is truly dead.
Communism invariably results in democide and Holodomor is the most egregious example of it.
Quit acting like you're pro-white or anti-Jewish. It's clearly subversive tactics, and you're obviously a commie piece of shit trying to score some points with the opposition. Shut the fuck up.

Cuckservative: We will stump the commies with muh holodomore, just like jews uses muh 6 millions!
Commie: It wasn´t REAL communism, Stalin was a fascist!
Cuckservative: Foiled again!

It is also a tactic that has obviously failed. Muh holodomore has been agitated by conservatives since 1935, over 72 years years. It did not stop Roosevelt from involving the US in WW2, it did not stop Hillary from starting WW3 and won´t stop commie in the future.

Out-holocausting the holocaust and out-victimizing the jews is not going to cut it. Normies will never associate SJW faggets with Douchbeards and Problem Glasses with Stalin or Mao, period.

It is a useless civic nationalism, cuckservative meme that the right should rightfully dump.


yeah I can totally believe a communist system can be effective …but only if there's no infighting among the leaders

You better start cooking it. Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge genocide is acknowledged everywhere, but communism is not to blame. Cambodians are.

These are the same people who testified about executions by tickling in Auschwitz and the whole world ate it up. Do you seriously doubt they will pass on the opportunity to claim another 6 gorillion for the holocaust?

>please don't talk about the Holodomor, it's not useful, mmmkay?

The Bolshevist kikes intentionally targeted Western Ukraine because it was a hotbed of resistance against their rule. The starvation was man made the kike commissars and the shitskin Stalin targeted middle class gentile farmers (who were considered unreliable from a revolutionary persective compared to the proletariat at the cities) with food requisition campaigns and systematically drove them to starvation.

Lefty/pol/ sovietboo kikes get out


Tsar Nicholas II perhaps?

>Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge genocide is acknowledged everywhere, but communism is not to blame.

that's because a lot of journalists and history teachers were or still are communists sympathizers

Yeah nah fuck off. Who were the kulaks? They were the people blamed by Stalin while (((Kaganovich))) appropriated their grain to force them into collectives so they could starve.

You do realize the White Army was the second most hated organization that the Jews wanted erased from history, second to the third Reich.

Holodomor and the torture and murder of Europeans, especially White Movement sympathizers and members at the hands of Bolshevik Commissars may not be directly connected.

Overall, the White Army was nationalistic,[9] rejected ethnic particularism and separatism.[10] The White Army generally believed in a united multinational Russia, and opposed separatists who wanted to create nation-states instead of the Tsarist Russian Empire. Amongst White Army members, anti-Semitism was widespread.[11] Western sponsors expressed dismay at this, especially as the Bolsheviks had prohibited anti-Semitism and appeared more progressive. Winston Churchill personally warned General Denikin, whose forces effected pogroms against the Jews, that my task in winning support in Parliament for the Russian Nationalist cause will be infinitely harder if well-authenticated complaints continue to be received from Jews in the zone of the Volunteer Armies.

I can absolutely believe stories of Jews visiting unspeakable torture upon Europeans. They have been ritually killing our children for thousands of years, and even rape their own children for pleasure.

Wait, what? Are we now supposed to like Stalin?

Redpill me on the Khmer Rouge.

No, you idiot. Use common sense before you accept anything at face value.


Tankies refuse to admit that Stalinist Socialism… Communism, who gives a fuck what it is called, produced mass death.

In fact, Stalin killed more than THREE TIMES as many as Hitler, but it is not taught in schools because it was not (((STATE SANCTIONED))) Killing

Uhh… Yeah it was state sanctioned.

Stalin even said himself he considers Slavs to be on the Same level as Nazi's - sub-human filth that should be exterminated

If you've read the Gulag Archipelago then you'd know that Stalin didn't even start it – Lenin did. The worst atrocity the USSR committed was done by Lenin, that being the dekulakization that lead to the 'holodomor' as apparently it's being called now.. Lenin created the Gulag system and thoroughly abused it to eliminate his political rivals., Stalin only expanded it and used it more.



Mao Zedong, by this measure, equals roughly 7 hitlers then.

Either half/pol/ exploded or r/The_Donald is trying to be edgy again. Did you see the fucking "white women psychopathy" thread? Lolbergs and artificial womb faggots everywhere.

We're eating refugees from some place.

I think he was using the 6 million number btw, which has been thoroughly debunked.

They've been doing this for the very beginning. The New York Times for decades accused the Holodomor or being "anti-bolshevik propaganda".

They are coming from cuckchan, its been unusable since the election ended. If you think about it, the quality posters start leaving first - and the ones who are just coming over now are nearly pure trash. They thought it was totally fine when other people were already ready to track moot down and beat him with an oak table leg.

Filtered with joy.

Kill yourself leftypol scum.

Communists were Jews, the holodomor is something the Bolsheviks did, and they were Jews. Report this cunt, hes implying the Bolsheviks were actual ethnic Russians.


95% kike at the top.


The "Artificial wombs" delusion has been with us for years. It comes from socially crippled /r9k/ types who desperately want to believe that their incompetence with women won't prevent them from having white children. It's not even worth engaging with them, since they don't use logic. They've fallen for scif-fi worship, the cult of future progress. They're as lost as transhumanists.

…. I have heard some crazy RIDF posts in my day but this is up their

Does anyone else notice RIDF is always trying to make the USSR seem like a good place. This is this shithole country that completely exterminted Prussia and raped millions when they took berlin, yes they starved ukranians you crazy cow.

Their incompetence with women is largely a side effect of Jewish influence. Womens interested have been corrupted, and they seek things which traditionally would not even be permitted. If you want to settle down and have children with someone who doesnt have 19 other peoples DNA embedded into them, youre shit out of luck. Theres all sorts of problems to bring up in regards to healthy relationships, and the natural coupling process - and how Jews have corrupted it, and prevented normal families etc. We all know about these things, you shouldnt pass it off on /r9k/ autists just because they are especially awkward and unable to adapt. No one should need to adapt to a sick and corrupted - Jewish society. Jews did that.

Also, autism rates are through the roof in case you havent been able to tell, and they have to post somewhere. Autism makes social interaction very difficult, and hard to relate to other people.

The /r9k/ retards have very childish mentalities (as you say, induced by jewish influences). They refuse to take responsibility for their own lives, no matter who's fault it is that they ended up this way, and force themselves to change and improve. That's what a real man has to do. When a man finds himself in a shit situation caused by others, he doesn't sit around pitying himself. He works as hard as is necessary to improve his situation. Blame is irrelevant, the only thing that's relevant is how you'll fix it.

I suspect most of them either had no fathers or had faggot fathers. Because what I'm saying here is what a father is supposed to teach a young boy.

Robert Mathews was a real man, George Lincoln Rockwell was a real man.. I haven't seen any real men around, lately.

From 1939 and up until 1964 USSR seem to fit the description of the white nationalist heaven pretty closely, save for the commie economy.

Here's a rare footage - an American camera crew was allowed to film USSR freely.



It's up to you to be one. That's the secret. Nobody else is going to make you be a man because being a man is something you must do on your own.

No, Jew.

The anchor says so himself. He says they weren't interested in infrastructure, only in filming people, so they gave them a relative freedom to film.

Holy fucking shit of all the assanie shit I have ever heard commie kids praising literal hell on earth as amazing WN utopia takes the cake as most retarded

Have you ever met someone who lived in the USSR fuck boi

No, Jew.

WN paradise in action

Yup, and their memes are always shit.

I have indeed. And before 1964 it was a pretty decent place.
It was way more conservative than USA, because sex outside wedlock was punishable with punishments ranging from public shaming to a prison term and a divorce could ban you from holding any government positions. Drugs were non-existent. Nigger music and "modern art" were banned and ethnicities weren't allowed to leave their home republics without a reason.

You do realize Truman maintained concentration camps for Germans where women and children were raped executed for sport and 3 millions of Germans civilians died there after the war?

Do you think that makes it okay, Gommie scum?


You mean after '24, yes? Because '24 it was shit. And after '64 it was shit.
So, you're claiming that it was an okayplace sandwich on two thick slices of whole grain shit.

It makes it okay, because no one was better. Japs did worse to the chinks, Americans did worse to Germans, Germans allowed to do worse to Russians and Poles (referring to the Ukrainian and Baltic SS).

Learn to read. From 1939 to 1964. Basically after Stalin purged the kikes from the party and until the kikes got back into the party a few years after he died.

What kind of Jewish magic is this?

No americans did not do worse you tardo. Thats why germans were running to the western front to surrender right? The USSR was also such a paradise that they needed to make it illegal for anyone to leave.

Yes it was such a paradise that Hitler and the real nationalists decided it was hell on earth and needed to fight it to the death. MUH BASED STALIN! it was hell on earth

People will always strive for something better. And they are filming Moscow of course it would be better. Thats not saying much though. I'm from the Eastern bloc and everyone describes it as the only way to be actually profitable outside of basic jobs was to have connections. People who spoke too much and spoke the wrong things would get a knock on the door. Despite this there wasn't much enforcement on a local level because the actual people working were tired of this bullshit and let a lot of shit slide including actual dangerous shit like, in the army, slipping a guard a vodka (not shitting you) so he can borrow some landmine from storage although they were used for bullshit like digging holes.

I have lived in Germany for years and the germans themselves would say you are full of shit. The only people they think were subhumans were russians

he can look the other way when you borrow*
Also same shit would happen with education.

I noticed that when Holla Forums retards are caught defending the USSR they try to blame it on RIDF, as if russians trolls were nostalgic of the good old days when they had to wait in line for hours to buy something

4/pol/ is being fucked in the ass by shills and I have a suspicion a good portion of posters have been banned for no reason. I was banned for posting nudes.

American troops raped and murdered millions of German civilians after the war.
Most of German POWs were exterminated in the camps too.

How new are you? Obviously the Germans thought the West would treat them humanely but no, post-war American death camps for the "disarmed enemy forces" turned out to be just as bad as the soviet death marches.

Why are you lefty/pol/ tankie neckbeards so autistic?

Which is why they would constantly write letters about the great treatment they got while being held by americans.
every source that disagree's with my communist opinion is wrong

This is why nobody likes you kikes and why you will ultimately fail. More than you already have failed in the 20th century.

By your account NKVD and ChK were the most effective police force to have ever existed ever. I mean, all those people *did* sign the papers stating they were guilty, didn't they? Nothing wrong with that logic, obviously.

Read or watch Hellstorm.

where did you even get that from? I hate commies more than anything. Sadly (((Americans))) are the worst commies today. Every bad movement since the 60s comes from the new continent.

I'm going to find some of their propaganda and post it at the local Ukranian community center. I'll be sure to help spread the word and let them know it's Holla Forums

Nah, and I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to say there.
Oh Jewsus Christ lmfao.

I rarely read Gommie shitposting, it never has merit to justify such.
So even less time.

A nice big purging and starvation sandwich, on two thick slices of pure whole grain shit.
I look forward to killing your kind in street wars - stay red, so I can make you dead.

Pinkos seem dead set on imitating us in some vain attempt to emulate our success, it wont change the fact they're faggots and best goyim.

Reminder that were good Russians in world war 2.

Holla Forums will never stop with their lame attempts at copying Holla Forums


you mean 10 times, and that's accepting the holohoax 6 gorillion

[citation needed]
Patently false. Many starved? Yes. Unfair and brutal? Certainly. But exterminated? Nah, most of them survived.

we got ourselves a burger here

More like it took ALL the fucking grain in order to purchase heavy industry abroad to begin rapid industrialization. And the Jews decided to fuck over the Ukrainians because they had the guts to initially resist the commies.

Feel free to provide a source proving me wrong. I'd actually be pretty interested to see it, and am open to reevaluation.

Anyone have the video of the Jewish Congress talking with the FORMER Ukrainian government/president about not using the term Holodormor anymore?

Wait, did they take the Hey Rabbi meme and
Redistribute it to themselves?

No, burger didnt. After having lived in Germany and having met germans who were in both western and eastern camps after the war the concensus is clear. Russians raped and murdered everything they could and the Germans fucking hated them.

The source is provided in this post

There are many historic books on the subject and it's not even a controversy, it's an accepted historic fact. Millions of German civilians POWs were exterminated by the Americans. Which is much worse than what the Soviets did, because most Americans at the time had German ancestry and they raped and murdered their blood and kin.

Of course, the education controlled by the US has nothing to do with it. Any German, who knows history knows Americans are scum of earth. There was a plan to exterminate every German, which would be executed, if cold war didn't start and the US didn't need Germany as a buffer.

This would be a very silly move if there were some kind of past hoax that the goyim absolutely must not think about or pay attention to. You wouldn't want to risk such a scheme backfiring! Ha ha!

What about the camps that the Soviets had in Poland that were used as torture centres for any German unlucky enough to be sent there (staffed almostexclusively by kike)? What about the rape of Germany? At least the Americans usually traded rations for sex act's, that's still disgusting but it's not on the same level as Soviet rapists. Also most Americans are repulsed when they learn what their ancestors actually did to the Germans, you are defending the actions of yours.

you are stupid русский or something? red army slaughters tens of millions from many nations. american negligence after war is atrocious but pales in comparison to commies сука блять!

And under what reason could they move out of their home country user ? I've heard one reason: move to Ukraine or face death, all of that in the ultimate goal to destroy Ukraine's demographics.
Seems a lot like the situation we face in Europeans countries nowadays, wonder who could be behind all of this.

Nope. Americans raped women and children indirscriminately.

And it is worse, because Americans were doing it to their blood and kin. Most American soldiers still had a first generation immigrant grandpa or a grandma. Hew knew it, yet they did it.
While Russian did it to foreigners. That's why it's worse, thew same way killing your brother is infinitely worse than killing a random guy.

Eisenhower openly stated he wants to exterminate the German race. It was a deliberate genocide, which was only stopped by the cold war.

Here are some sweet pics from the Rhein Meadows extermination camp.
This is what Americans did.

Does the stupidity of the left actually surprise you anymore? Even those redpilled on the Holocaust say it didn't happen, but it should've. Before I was even redpilled on it being a complete fabrication I looked at it as a sense of a good well deserved fuck you to the kikes when people brought it up (they deserved what they got).

Calling the Holodomor a hoax is beyond retarded. There's more than enough proof that it existed and clear coverups that was facilitated by both the Brits and the U.S.

That is a section from hellstorm if I remember correctly, why don't you quote some of the chapters about Russian conduct in the war? There was a real possibility that an American soldier could be in trouble if his superior finds out he has raped a woman, it still happened (like it does in every war), but there was a slim chance they would be punished for it. The same can't be said about the Russians.

Some of them did, sure, but Russians raped many more. It was encouraged by a Jewish propagandist named ilyha ehrenburg, the Russians were given free reign to rape and kill civilians and they took full advantage of it.

This is irrelevant. I'm saying that the actual crimes of the Russians were worse, not debating whether something is worse because you do I to your own people (it is). Provide some proof that the majority of Americans serving in germany were german then provide proof that they weren't German jews. If you can't do this your point is not valid.
While Russian did it to foreigners.
You aren't even RIDF, you're a commie kike aren't you?

I dunno buddy, kikes tend to hold grudges against those who lynched them on the orders of the tsar.

Stalin also prevented food aid from getting to the Ukraine during the Holodomor. Fridtjof Nansen got the Nobel Peace prize for successfully negotiating with the USSR to allow food aid into Ukraine during Holodomor.

fuck, misremembered Nansen received the Noble peace price for preventing starvation after the communist revolution in 1922

At this point I wont be satisfied until all leftwings are literally impaled on tall spears and paraded around town

Anyone else's anger growing at an alarming rate? Im ready to kill once the civil war starts

They seized the food of a starving people, that's genocide. This is why the Irish famine and the Bangladeshi famines are refereed to as genocides. You can't have it both ways

That's a testimony of an American GI.
He also mentioned rapes, specifically he mentions having witnessed 2 soldiers raping a young German girl after they smashed her head with a riffle butt.

The superiors knew, it was a plan to exterminate Germans. No one gave a fuck.

All links and quotes are above.

Here you go. In 1945 60% of Americans had partial or full German ancestry. So statistically speaking 60% of the soldiers murdering and raping Germans would be German themselves.

Thing is Soviets have good reasons for revenge.
Sure they may be drunken savages but Germans invade Union and rape/kill/burn.
Soviets doing the same to Germans my by savage and barbaric but it was justified.
On the other hand what exactly Germans do to the USA?
They never even put a boot on American ground. Treatment of Western PoWs was great(compared to treatment of Soviet PoWs). They do not burn American cities or rape/kill their civilians.
But Americans have no remorse of doing exactly what savage Soviets did but with no reason.

How autistic and desperate does one have to be to obsess over pagan meanings and lore as if it's all real? That's like creating a toy train village inside your mind.

No one is denying that America was the right arm of the kikes during WW2, that doesn't change the fact that Russia was the left arm.

Don't think you're in an objective position, fam.

To be fair, the Soviets didn't threat the German POWs or civilians any worse than they did their own. The German POWs were even held in the same camps as the recaptured Soviet soldiers (surrendering was considered treason, so the soviet soldiers were just transferred from the German camps to the soviet ones).

I don't think liking cute things makes me autistic.

Post some examples of German soldiers engaging in mass rape and going unpunished, I can agree with the kill/burn part of your post but I'm not aware of the Germans engaging in mass rape. Are you talking about members of the SS from Baltic nations? If so German civilians are hardly to blame for their behaviour. One of the biggest reasons for the soviet conduct was jealousy of German living conditions, there are a few interviews with veterans admitting this.

Also I'm not even debating that all of the allies commited atrocities, I'm just pointing out that the Soviets committed many more than the others. The Americans starved German soldier's and civilians in the post war period but the Soviets sent them to hell-tier camps staffed by Jewish torturers, which way would you rather die? The Americans raped women too but it pales in comparison to the amount of rapes committed by Soviet soldiers. Even putting the entire german period aside the way that the Soviets treated their own people would make any true Russian patriot despise them. Why would you defend these people?

There's zero doubt that the Soviets had the worst track record for rape and murder during the war. A lot of the criminals were Jews but so were the Americans committing those crimes but you ignore that.

You RIDF guys are cunts and your behavior in the war proved once and for all you are nothing but mongolian savages

Eastern yuropean here. Commies often did all sorts of fucked up things, you have to be a brainwashed to the point where you are a walking, paralysed zombie if you refuse to believe that commies did horrible shit on daily basis.

For example, in the years '42 and then again in '44 (before and after hitler's occupation) commies conducted mass deportations of people (if you had an argument with your neighbor, had one pig or sheep more in your farm than them and your neighbor was a real fuckass, they would inform KGB and you landed on the deportation list, branded as a "rich enemy-of-the-state kulak"). Commies didn't give a fuck if it was very old people or babies in the household, they were told there's 10 minutes to grab your valuables, then you were put into a truck, then relocated into a train boxcar meant for animal transportation, stuffed full with other people, and deported to siberia. They also separated women and men quite often into separate camps. Most people in those camps died from overworking, diseases or harsh punishments there, but roughly 1/4 of the people were allowed to return to their home republic after Stalin died.

Shit was even worse if you were a petty criminal. Those people were sent into Siberia exactly the same way, except they were forced into locations with most hostile nature/climate the KGB could spot and under threat of being shot, they were forced to build their own prison camp from scratch, even the watchtowers for guards. Sometimes they weren't forced to build the walls, because the nature around the location was so shitty that anyone who'd escape were to starve to death, and local villagers were paid to give out escaped prisoners to officials, if they thought they could ask locals for shelter.

Pic related, a good movie about anyone interested in Gulags, german movie about german POW who escaped from the Gulag back to his family, based on real story. This movie was also mentioned on The Greatest Story Never Told.

Also I have heard rumors from people that in the basements of KGB interrogation buildings KGB forced people to suck the dicks of interrogators as a humilation method to extort confessions.

Sorry for blogposting but basically, Holla Forums can go fuck themselves since Holodomor was a real event, just as Katyn murders of polish officers were, because commies were the actual degenerate subhumans, unlike the germans who were back then and always will be a very civilized bunch of people, but painted as subhumans by the kikes because there weren't """unfortunately""" any kikes that got shoah'd in Holodomor, apparently.

Yeah no. You do realize there are still people who alive who lived through those years. So you cant do the Russian asiatic thing where you lie about everything and completely fabricated a new narrative

It wasn't negligence. They murdered a million prisoners. Meanwhile 99% of the americans taken prisoner by Germany survived - despite Germany having a war to fight. After the war, Americans intentionally starved their German prisoners. Many of which were civilians who shouldn't even be in prison in the first place. Of course this would be against international law the US signed, so they used some jewish trick to reclassify the imprisoned Germans from POWs to "disarmed enemy forces", avoiding have to follow those pesky laws. Oh, and the prisoners were also used as slave labor for years after the war.
The Soviets fought like animals, and while they did rape their way around they had no program of extermination against the German people. Otherwise they'd have carried it out and blamed nazis or a famine like usual, or you think they'd care about adding a few million to their death toll?

The Soviets were insane with their punishments. If a soldier in the front was considered a traitor even his wife would get to see the gulag. And being a traitor was as easy as retreating without an order to do so.

I AM German, retard. And any German, who opened more than school history book knows about this. German right wing has long ago sworn to make you zionist puppets bleed for that.

How's the weather in Jerusalem, menachem?

Underrated toast

Your not a German you dont mention the stasi, you down play the rape of berlin, you dont know or dont care about the complete ethnic clenseing of Germans in eastern europe. Prussia is gone. None of the places americans occupied were outright annihilated, that cannot be said for the east. Your a liar and a commie.

Stasi was nothing compared to the indoctrination and extermination of the Germans. As the history showed, the commies let Eastern German preserve their national identity and pride, thanks to this there is a large right-wing movement in the east, while in the west Germans are afraid to report shitskin invaders out of fear of being racist.

It's not RIDF, it's Marxist tankie faggots from Holla Forums. Any Russian who supports the USSR is a fucking traitor.

Americans are many negative things but the soviet union is the worst thing to have ever happened


Nope. Almost everything Prussian was destroyed.

Land is nothing, it can be reconquered and rebought. We lost Lotringen in WW1, but took it back in the first months of WW2.
Race and spirit is everything. Without that Germans are dead, And the Americans and their Jewish handlers killed that.

This image isnt an indication of land but ethnic germans. Where did they go commie?

absolute bullshit
normies will associate any random crap with absolutely everything some funny meme puts in front of their eyes more than 3 times in 3 days
if the meme is pushed hard enough that someone else around them talk about it at least once within the week, it will become absolute fundamental truth
we could meme the miscegenation of stalin and fluttershy with 20 anons being autistic enough for two weeks

Nothing was destroyed, not a bit of history, not a bit of pride, they even let the NVA keep the NatSoc-designed uniforms.

You are an obvious communist shill. Filtered.

The were packed into trains and went to mainland Germany. Also known as "Hamsterfahrten". It's pretty common knowledge.

Now I know for a fact your not a German. Prussia doesnt exist even in name now. Its culture was completely eradicated.

Packed into trains and sent to siberia–50)#Poland.2C_including_former_German_territories

Prussia pretty much stopped existing as a separate country under Bismarck. There isn't any separate Prussian culture.

You have sourced wikipedia too many times, once is forgivable but this is just unwarranted. I'm going to give a little hint because you are new: you are outing yourself. I'm starting to think your entire knowledge base on this subject comes from jewish Wikipedia articles. You keep trying to imply that Russia wasn't and still isn't under jewish control. You tried to turn this thread into pro-Stalin vortex where gentile underlings of the Soviet Union are the primary cause of russian genocide. We've given you our response and you haven't convinced us so become communists by misconstruing historical facts. Go back to lefty/pol/ styx.


You must be 110% freedom burger because of your ignorance.

You are brainwashed by Jewish propaganda user. Or you have idealistic view of German forces. Germans on East were short of everything, food, clothes manpower. Where do you think they get food or horses? Germany can not give them more as they taken so many men and horses from it that they needed forced labor from occupied territories to get it going.
From dirty local peasants. Who resist so they get killed and village burned and who gonna care if there are some rapes?

Russian did pretty terrible things, I never claim that they did not. Thing is they have a reason for doing it. I never claim they were not Asiatic savage drunken hordes.
But you could expect better from USA freedom and liberty. Instead they broke Germany and only threat from Soviets save Germans from complete obliteration.
Which is kind of funny.

Russia was Jewish pawn but its USA that its under direct Jewish control.

why are there so many damage controlling /leftykikes/ in this thread?

The simple truth is that the Holodomor is swept under the rug because the (((Cultural Marxists))) have spent a century subverting Western culture and morality to steer us toward Communism. Teaching kids and adults alike about Communist crimes will never happen as it destroys their narrative.

I fucking hate burgers always delusional and projecting. What have you ever done in the world other being the nr.1 producer and exporter of interracial cuckold porn? While yelling cuck at everyone else.. It was your destiny, juts like Jefforson wanted it.



more MORE

Give some examples of mass rapes commited by German forces that went unpunished then. I already said I agreed with him about the kill/burn part of his comment (although it was mostly people aiding partisans that were treated that way), it's the mass rape I'm asking for proof of.

If they can call the Holodomor a hoax do we get to call the Holocaust one now?

Last I checked, anime isn't banned :^)

reported to God and banned from Heaven!

66 million sounds retardedly high tho, I can't believe it was that much.

Nice doubles.

You too, simply ebic :—D

good video


He is not totally wrong, you build from the individual and family up.

Without the base, the land will be lost. Its exactly what is happening to the USA and Europe right now. People have lost their culture and family, so the nation follows.


Typical tricks Holla Forums

How typically jewish of you.You will never fucking get it do you? But your whole theory is based on denying reality so it is not suprising

I love you, post more anime.




Are you okay?


What's wrong?


That sounds like a heavy burden!

It is.

Are you posting evil memes my dude?

That webm is the most autistic thing I've seen all year. Kill yourself.

Not sure if just autistic or intentionally ruining the thread.

I didn't realize I was in the holodomor thread.
Sorry about that.
At least I'm bumping it, right?


Thank you for your wonderful contribution.

Uhhh, user, I hate to break it to you, but Communists already lied about at least one genocide… You should have expected this.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Holocaust accusations were projections.

You're born with sin because nobody's perfect. Everyone has done something wrong somewhere and it's a good thing to repent for the evils you've done in your life. Hell is self-inflicted; you don't blame the base of the cliff for killing you when you jump off it. Hell is Hell because it is the complete absence of God, who is, by definition, the source of goodness. If you do not try to be good and instead commit evils without repenting then you are choosing to isolate yourself from goodness i.e. God i.e. go to Hell.

This is basic theology. If you want to criticize something you could at least try to understand it instead of working off retarded (((mainstream))) memes. You could have pulled that straight from /r/Atheism.

report it for hatespeech. Peasant farmers did not deserve to die for this retarded degeneracy.

most of the kikes who own media are the grandchildren of commie jews.

The Holocaust is totally fake though :^)

the holohoax is fake, the temperatures that kikes scream about would be hot enough to melt ovenworkers.

I don't think that the following is common knowledge so here it goes… In Russia there was a region called Lokots and during the war alot of Tsarist and nationalistic sympathizers congregated there and established the independent Republic of Lokots with their own constitution, army, school, courts, economy, etc. It grew substantially and the Third Reich acknowleged their independence and didn't include them into their economic system but took them under their protection. After the tide turned in the war they withdraw into Belarussia and occupied a region the size of Belgium. This would have been the heart of a new Russia after the war but unfortunately we lost. The Soviet Union decimated them but there were insurgents well into the 50s. Hail White Russia!

The average normal fag doesn't even know what the holodomor is, them pointing attention to it might make people research it, and it because there is literally no evidence to suggest it didn't happen, the average person would henceforth hate commies more than they (probably) already did.

This can only be a good thing honestly.

Yeah, my cat lady friend with the Che poster thinks it's an accident.

I will never understand why you kikes excuse DPRK. It was every bit as "nationalist" as the soviet union was, and neither the USSR nor DPRK had rothschild central banks.

Cognitive Dissonance is giving North Korea a free pass on the exact same shit you criticize USSR for.

5fbbfd actually went back to /lefthandpathpol/ top kek

There is literally no reason to attack north Korea, they are a totally independent contained nation causing no harm to anybody in the west. The Soviet union could of spread across the whole of Europe and did immense damage to the west. There is no comparison between the two.

Why should NK be attacked?

You do realize the DPRK is so ethnonationalistic that women returning to their homeland has to get an abortion if found pregnant, because blood is that important in the DPRK?

Meanwhile, the USSR couldn't even agriculture, because Lysenkoism lol.

The hilarious thing is that neocons have more in common with gommies than le nadzees, being the ideological descendants of Trotsky and whatnot.

Glenn Beck is literally Holla Forums's guy.

Hi Holla Forums

Yeah, but they were Polyester. Absolutely disgusting.


If holodomor didnt happen neither did the holocaust.

Believe it or not a lot of original uniforms were only 80% wool the other 20% hilariously enough was Poly.

So it's a Holocaust bus?

Khmers are only cold war atrocity propaganda. They removed US backed feudal lords, so they got the regular treatment "muh 1000 gorillion died"

Joseph Stalin's real last name was Jughashvili (I have also seen it spelled Dzhugashvili). This is literally Georgian for "Son of a Jew". They deny it like hell, and he was "raised Christian", but Stalin was an ethnic jew. Also, Stalin never "purged" jews from the government, he was just purging everyone, and everyone just so happened to be a jew, because well bolshevism was a jewish movement.

Well, when you take all food from person, one could die from starvation. Commies were too stupid to realize such thing?
Due collectivization politic, not some mystic 'chaos'. Stop advocating commies. It was their fault.

I mean policy.

Almost every Russian who is not liberal or nationalist supports the USSR. It's like 85% of Russia or something.

William Randolph Hearst, he was pushing the 6 millions ukrainian farmers thing just as Roosevelt sought to get closer to the Soviet-Union and try to turn the US to (((Social Democracy))). As history show, this attempt FAILED! Roosevelt was re-elected 3 times and involved the USA in WW2 on the side of the Soviet-Union.

42 was before Hitler´s occupation? Strange that an "Eastern European" wouldn´t know that Operation Barbarossa started in 1941! -)

This one's debatable.

saving thumbnails…

I'm not disputing your conclusion, but it's not "son of a jew" in Georgian, this is BS. Jew in Georgian is ebraeli. Proof your assertion linguistically, until then it's propaganda to descredit everybody who mentions it.

we don't deny it happened, but it obviously wasn't intentional, why would stalin want a famine.


those who live in glass houses

Congratulations. You solved the mystery. Now you have to live with what you know and only talk about it on Holla Forums.

t. Coward

And this is how it begins, the Marxists are the new 'le ebil nazis xd'

Estimates of Karl-Marx's death count is somewhere between 97 million (minimum lower bound) and 150 million (upper bound)

Socialism. Communism etc are the fucking worst. many of those deaths were from starvation which is a very nasty way to go.

The Goulag and NKVD also weren't intentional, French from Russian decent here: Go FUCK yourself with a cactus, you're not better than your average nazi, don't delude yourself.

Descent. Still a red faggot.

To weaken the Kulaks who were overwhelmingly White Army sympathizers and anti-commie. Just by nature of living in the bread basket of the USSR, the Kulaks had a lot of power by having potential control over the food supply.


Jews did the Holodomor and the Gulags.

Also Colombus and the Jewish Maranos killed 1 milion Natives. Jews then started Afro-American slave trade.

Russian Jews

Same reason Soros and Putin tried to have their little fight and drag us into it.

They are moving up from trash cans.