Holohoax Dump Thread

I know spoonfeeding is normally looked down upon, but I could really use some help. For my public speaking class we have a project to create persuasive power point. I've decided to make it about the Holocaust, and how it was exaggerated. I will no doubt be expelled from my university for doing so, but I don't care.

Can you please post all documentaries, photographs, books, and quotes that point out the conflicting stories and facts about the Holocaust. I would greatly appreciate it.

Other urls found in this thread:


ctrl f holohaox or redpill


Auschwitz Pool

Kill yourself, kike. There's a holohoax video thread, and that's it.

go be a nigger somewhere else

Fuck off back to Tel Aviv.


if you are doing a normie presentation, stick to norman finklestien shit - read the holocaust industry, and go from there.


wrong pic



I like to bring up the Auschwitz death book registers, taken by the Red Army and declassified after 1991.
Author of above statistics was persecuted and jailed for this.


Thank you, already have that ordered.









don't be afraid of pandering to them, or playing the victim. harp on the palestinians. god damn I feel like I'm lefty pol right now but you gotta play their game

Analytical questions
1. If there are so many proofs, why are revisionists censored and persecuted, instead of debunked?
2. Why did thousands of so-called survivors "were silent" until the 70s, but later on, accused the Church and the Royal Airforce of not doing enough because "everybody knew"?
3. Why did the Holocaust start to be written with a capital letter H in around 1971, if not to sell the idea like a brand?
4. Why is there not a single jewish testimony that does not contradict another?
5. Why did 'official' accounts of jewish deaths evolve from fifteen million to less than a million?
6. Why should the jews still be seen as victims, when they are the ideological winners of WWII?

The answer is self-evident.

Checked for truth

piggy backing off this, some user a while back posted the question, "where are all the teeth?" Wars in Cambodia where only 100k died have led to the teeth off the dead being washed out in the mud after heavy rain storms, even today. 32 teeth x 6 million = 192 million teeth. Where are they all?
Another user made a great post about a lot of the pictures most often used in history books of the holocaust (like officers standing above emaciated jews in a large, open grave) were not of Germans, but of Russians based on the garb and pistols, equipment, etc. that was used by the Russian military. I am saddened to discovery I did not save those images anywhere.

Here, have a huge free lot of ebooks from one of ours!
[email protected]/* */?sort=titleSorter&and[]=subject%3A%22holocaust%22

Here, found an online copy! archive.org/details/TheHolocaustIndustry_201608

For anyone just getting started, I can't recommend David Cole's documentary about his visit to Auschwitz enough.

Seriously, go watch it. It's short (only 1 hour) and covers the many contradictions in Holocaust history very efficiently.

Posted for sake of ease.

Also I guess you could point out such things as

-That researching new facts is literally illegal, the only historical event made illegal to talk about
-That the number of Auschwitz deaths went from 300,000 at Nuremberg, to 4 million, to 1.1 million, showing that the facts are far from clear and that the 6 million number (which never changed throughout) is a fabrication
-That the soap, lampshade, electric floor, etc horror stories were just that, since they have been conclusively disproven despite Holocaust "survivors" many claims

These were some good redpill facts in my experience breaking the Holocaust brainwashing

Oh and about the illegality you could mention that 85-year-old German grandma they threw in jail TWICE for the thoughtcrime.

Okay I got into an argument with a faggot i know and he sent me this shit

holocaustcontroversies . blogspot . co . at/2011/07/challenge-to-supporters-of-revisionist . html

Resources would be appreciated, the funds collected will go to Boers

This video is the best video in terms of debunking the holocaust myth, it takes it on from a very scientific point of view.

I promise if you show this to anyone they will not fall for they myth anymore.







Why doesn't AQ or ISIS ever attack Israel?
Why did the (((Kremlin))) false flag the St. Petersburg Metro?

Open your presentation with a bunch of questions, so that, in case you are interrupted, at least the questions will be stuck in your audience's head. Example:

- "Is it a coincidence that of the 20+ detention camps the germans had, the 6 from which there are claims of mass murder and gas chambers are the six that were liberated by the soviets, and spent 50 years behind the Berlin Wall?" (this is always my opening punch. It completely floors any normies listening. Pic 1 related)

- Why did the Nazis use a single room, at Auschwitz, with a wooden door with a glass panel that locks from the inside? (More in pic2)




Given that the mass exterminations only really began in 1942 and the sheer amount of people supposedly killed plus taking into account that dumping a bunch of your resources into something that doesn't really add to winning the war that will determine the fate of your nation for basically all time to come …. It's definitely safe to state that the holocaust didn't occur or at least not to the extent that the public is made to believe


Also, remember to be well groomed and wear some nice clean clothes. Keep it cool and respond logically to any questions. You need to look competent and intelligent in front of your audience. Make it interesting as well, in voice tone and presentation so they don't fall asleep in the middle and tune your voice out. Bring up the Nuremburg laws, bring up torture used to extract confessions, bring up the monetary incentive for lying about the holocaust. Talk about the desperate war situation for germany. Talk about how profitable the Holocaust has been for Jewish individuals and Israel. Foreign aid, reperations etc. Model your presentation after other successful examples, etc. popular ted talks. Pictures are important, have a LOT of them. And don't flood your slides with lots of text. Anyways, I'm just spewing out ideas, you probably knew most of this already.
















It's never a bad time for a Holohoax thread user, especially with all the outsider shills crawling around here like cockroaches, Holohoax truth is a good way to hit them with the one reality they're most afraid of.



bear in mind if you do run into an intellectual who took the blue pill the whole "a figure of 6 million is impossible" argument holds little weight as they will say its not important, so long as X million died it means hitler was the devil in their eyes.

You have to mention WHY it was concocted, to hide and distract the world from the fact that hitlers new economic system was far superior to our international pyramid scheme, to give them a reason to look in the mirror and see the strings they dangle from, because just saying 6 million couldnt have died means nothing as they'd agree with you, whilst still shitting on ebul natzees.


















Great work af7c20

Heil Hitler!

Heil Hitler!

This is what they don't teach you in school, much like they don't teach the British killed millions of white women, children and men in Suid Afrika in death Camp. Simply because they escaped the Jews in Europe and started their own colony away from the cancer. Ultimately, there is only one realization left, we live in a world of lies and half truths and that our forefathers were the bad guys, not because they chose to be; but because they were mislead.

The Germans treated their captives with nothing but respect. They showed mercy whenever someone surrendered. Hitler specifically instructed his troops not to fire on Polish communists who surrendered, after these same commies had murdered tens of thousands of German people within the Polish annexed territories.

The world you now live in, they have no more use for your kind, the world has been tamed and sated, they want the nigger because he is easily controlled. Within this millennium, you too; will face bloodshed.

Goys what's the best way to download youtube videos?
The site I usually use won't let me download a holohoax video because it has music. Pls help

hellenandchaos.blogspot.fr/2009/11/know-thy-enemy-terran-dragonian-cronian.html very important


I can't read it