The Monetary System Explained - Defunding the Kikes

It is impossible to understand how the kikes have a stranglehold on the world and how absolutely fucked everything is without understanding how the monetary system works. The foundational work of national socialism, "Abolition of Interest Slavery", is meaningless unless you grok how it all works. I don't care much for economics - I prefer thinking about health, family, race, nature, etc - but usury is what funds our opponents, so we must understand why and how to kill usury.

In this thread I will attempt to explain it.


When the government wants to spend money, the National Treasury (which stores the funds of the US govt) sells treasury bonds. The Federal Reserve (privately owned central bank) then prints currency to buy these treasury bonds. Private Banks act as an intermediary between these organizations, buying treasury bonds and selling them to the Federal Reserve at a profit. The end result is that 1. the Federal Reserve has treasury bonds, 2. Private Banks make a profit, 3. the National Treasury has cash. The government then spends this currency on a variety of things - about 90% of the US budget is medicaid, medicare, the military, and social security; in other countries the spending breakdown varies but in the context of this post we can ignore where this money goes because ultimately most of it ends up in circulation.

(Note that the Treasury owes the Fed a return on the treasury bond greater than the initial amount that the bond was purchased for, meaning the government owes more currency to a private bank than there exists currency. The federal income tax was originally implemented in the US to pay the regular coupon - kind of like an interest payment on a bond - from the treasury to the federal reserve on all existing bonds)


When money enters the economy it ultimately ends up in a bank. It might change hands several times first, but it ends up in the bank account of a person or business at a Private Bank. For the last ~500 years, western banking has operated on a Fractional Reserve system. This means that only a small % actually needs to be kept in the bank for daily bank transactions and the rest can be loaned out. Whenever a bank loans out money it effectively increases the amount of currency in circulation. The person/business that takes out a loan spends the money and it ends up in another Private Bank, and the process repeats adding currency to the supply each time. Since interest is owed on every loan at every step of the way, the total amount of debt is even higher than the total amount of currency in circulation.


The amount of currency in circulation (ie. inflation/deflation), the amount of debt owed on loans, and economic growth are all proportional to one another, this causes inevitable market bubbles and crashes. When people take out loans they spend that cash to stimulate the economy and currency is simultaneously created by the fractional reserve system. This drives the bull economy of abundance that precedes every crash. When people have money, they pay off their debts. This destroys currency and causes deflation which causes a market crash. Since a much larger amount of debt now exists than the currency to pay it off, there will inevitably be (likely millions of) people who are forced to default on their loans, face foreclosure, and declare bankruptcy losing everything they own. To add insult to injury, in the most recent US recession the few banks that lost money on this were then bailed out using taxpayer money - far more numerous however are the banks that profited off the entire cycle.


The Federal Reserve is private owned by a handful of individuals (who also own the major Private Banks).

These (((handful of individuals))) make money on
1. Receiving regular coupon on treasury bonds from the Treasury (your taxes)
2. Interest payments from loans (usury)

If everyone attempted to pay back their loans, all currency would cease to exist before we ran out of debt to be paid. Republicans who say they want to pay off the national debt are talking out their asses - it is literally impossible since our entire economy collapse as currency disappeared.

Economic recessions are caused by tying inflation/deflation to a debt backed currency. Democrats who say they want to regulate businesses to prevent economic collapse are likewise lying through their teeth.

Hitler nationalized the central bank and offered interest free loans (New German families received the equivalent of $44,000 USD in today's money, and this loan would be forgiven upon having kids.)

If you want to cripple the kike-globalists, stop using banks and advocate for anti-usury.

Other urls found in this thread:–industrial_complex–2011_Icelandic_financial_crisis

Usury and the global financial system is literally skimming the human energy (effort + time) from the system to further enslave us.

That's energy we could be using to explore the stars.


Have a bump

Mamonism equals JEWS

Any good books on the Federal Reserve should be mandatory reading, pic related

i read this often, who, who owns it. name the exact living individuals right now.

No one has to tell you shit kike. If this is your idea of derailing a thread because you can't read a book or do a simple internet search, I suggest you kill yourself. Go to 4cuck if you want to be spoonfed. No one that is redpilled asks to be spoonfed. That's how I can tell you're a kike or a lazy moron.

so you don't know or won't tell me who owns the fed, exploding your entire argument and making everything you say irrelevant.

good job.

A simple google search will tell you. No one is going to spoonfeed you.

descirbe your pic related please

It's a book on the Federal Reserve.

why would i use google for anything? OP makes a claim without evidence, he says a handful of individuals control the world through the FED, and doesn't say who they are.

sounds like bullshit. name the people involved.

US President: Donald Trump
US Vice President: Mike Pence
US Secretary of State: Rex Tillerson
US Secretary of Defense: James Mattis


Board of directors is an open list, people who own dividend paying stock is a private list

Why don't you start with the Chairman of the Federal Reserve you fucking moron. Obvious kike shill who's derailing the thread. Filtered.

so nobody knows. okay more conspiracy bullshit to derail actual good information. enjoy your larping.

The Creature Fron Jeckyll Island is a detailed account of the Federal Reserve. The first 200 pages talk about how the Fed operates; how the Federal Reserve is allowed to create money out of nothing, and how congress and lobbyists have used the Federal Reserve to take advantage of our currency.
The next 200 pages gives the early history of central banking in general, and talks about how central bank operators manipulated national debts. This section also gets into the ties between the socialist movements and the very rich currency manipulators (as well as the rest of the aristocracy).
The last 200 pages gives the detailed history of how the Fed was created, the methods used to pass the bill, and the effects of the Fed on American history.

I highly recommend the book. Definitely read it. However, when you read it, keep a level head. Don't get angry, or swept up in despair by what you read. Attempt to unemotionally learn lessons from the actions of the central bank and politicians. Increase your awareness of these jewish tricks so that they may be used against the enemy.

The Creature From Jeckyll Island is a detailed account of the *history of the federal reserve, *as well as a handbook for how it operates.

The Executive Branch doesn't really have much control over the Federal Reserve. Historically, Congress was the entity that allowed the Fed to print money. However, politicians and (((bankers))) historically have a very symbiotic relationship.

Why do you think they want you as deep as possible in debt, but never so deep that you are crushed? People here have the financial sense to avoid this, as does an increasingly large proportion of youth in the western world, but not everyone. Telling them that easy credit is bad is like telling them that up is down.

Alternatively you could just convince people to pull all their money out of the bank, which is a big accelerator of any national panic situation. During these times, there's no way the bank can collect on any loans issued and subsequently starve without state intervention. Credit becomes scarce as everyone decides that such an environment is not an easy way to make money on loans.

Ironically, a normal system of fractional reserve banking, i.e. one not driven by 0% interest loans from the Fed, would be able to account for risk of this happening and adjust their reserves accordingly. They also can control their own promissory notes and keep them tied to commodity prices, avoiding the pitfalls of politically motivated inflation.

Wildcat banks weren't quite this - they printed their own notes, but they were still regulated by states. Many failed, as banking turns out to be a difficult business when you don't have free money coming out your ass, and people frequently lost their savings. For this it was unfairly characterized as a failure; failing banks, after all, were not limited to the Free Banking Era, just more common. (Only until the 30's (?) was your money insured by the federal government, and there was nothing to stop a state from doing this for wildcat banks.)

Sounds familiar…

Pretty sure Russia has a Rothschild Central Bank. Could be wrong though, I don't remember if they're in the IMF.

Yeah, that picture's probably old.
Syria, Cuba, Best Korea, and Iran don't have Rothschild banks though.

That's always bugged me though, I don't know if Russia is just another controlled opposition actor. Bolshevism was started there and their current political agenda says they're against "The west" I think they may just be made to act that way. it's hard to say.

I don't know why people can't see what the main cause of Jewish control is. You cannot have a deep state without blackmailing elected officials otherwise the deep state i.e. the permanent government would just be evicted and probably arrested. It's logic. 2 + 2 = 4. You cannot. have. a. deep. state. without. blackmail.

They use the NSA/CIA to collect dirt on everyone and often times they will groom pedophiles for office that they've blackmailed within pedo rings set up by the spooks.Career politicians get favorable media coverage and donor money BECAUSE they are blackmailed. This narrative that they 'owe' money to their donors and that's why they always toe the line is bullshit.

Trump wasn't snared in a pedo ring hence he was not given media blessings or massive donor money but they snapped up dirt with mass surveillance after the fact and that's how they got him to strike Syria.

Blackmail via intelligence agenices is the number one tool of Jewish control and everything else is just a symptom. Only when people realize this will things start to change.

Trump had his name in Epstein's blackbook. Polite sage for offtopic.

user, I told you I'd read the second draft.

The shareholders are confidential so we can only speculate but the Federal Reserve being privately owned by its shareholders is factual.

Considering the historical trends of the central bankers in relation to global politics, it is very likely that Russia is another controlled opposition actor. It's probably how they got the money for all of their cold war weapons, as well as their current war funds.
"The Best Enemy Money Can Buy" is both a good book on this subject, as well as a good phrase that sums an answer for you.

Thanks, I'll look into that book.

Richard Werner is practically /ourguy/ on banking and finance.

Some educational links:




The Tzar refused to have a national bank installed. What happened consequently? The bolshevik kikes took over the country and murdered millions of Russians. And then they installed the central bank, to have their cake and eat it too, of course.

fiat currency isn't an issue if you nationalize the central bank

This isn't exactly controversial or occult information, matey.


Hey, I'm a little foggy on the role of the Board of the Federal Reserve, as well as the role of its shareholders. Has their role replaced the role of Congress in regulating the Fed?

Or do they just make the proposals to Congress, where Congress then decides whether or not to go through with those proposals?

Charles Lindbergh Sr. was a fucking hero and patriot (And a US Senator to boot). During WWI he even wrote a whole book against American entry into the war and had it published for public consumption for free (copies on street corners type stuff). Wilson had goons run around confiscating copies and even break into publishing companies warehouses and destroy the print plates so it couldn't be re-printed.

Shady shit.

Congress never had a roll in regulating the Fed. That's the entire point of the Federal Reserve. The whole point of having a private central bank is that it is supposedly immune to politics, rigging, and the like. It's supposed to be another separation of powers. That's basically the entire reason that the Founding Fathers created a national bank in the first place, before everyone realized that a central bank effectively controlled the economy and that having one, therefore, put the economy into (((private hands))) that weren't so clean or scrupulous. It's why Jackson got rid of the private central bank and why he rightly called them "a den of vipers and thieves."

The Fed isn't answerable to Congress, really. The Fed is an independent, private organization. Congress has as much say over them as they do over Apple; even less, really, considering that the Fed was established by Congress and has several (((protections))) in place that make transparency and oversight effectively impossible. Do you really think there would need to be so hard a push to get a Fed auditing bill through Congress if they already did so?

The people who make monetary policy decisions are "employees" of the fed, and the stockholders receive dividend payments on the fed's profit (that it makes on interest payments from the treasury.

Shill will say "part of the fed's profits go to the govt" but the govt's money is the treasury, and that's where the fed gets its money from, so each time the money cycles back and forth between the fed and the treaury, the shareholders take a cut out of it.

I read that throughout the 70's and 80's, congress would authorize the Fed to create money for the purposes of transferring it to failing banks and other failing industries.
For example, in 1970, Penn Central railroad became bankrupt (its shareholders were big bankers), Congress authorized a bailout of $125 million in order to save Penn Central from failing. So, Congress has (or had) a role in authorizing bailouts for failing banks and businesses. Maybe Congress even authorized the recent bank bailouts in the mid 2000's. Is Congress's role in the use of the Federal Reserve a thing of the past, or is Congress still the entity that decides whether or not something gets bailed out?
It's a confusing thing, because the employees and shareholders of the Fed have something to do with its policies, but historically, so does Congress.

It's less a role than an exceptional circumstances thing. Nominally Congress has no control, but if the Fed tries to do something outrageous they'll end up with Congress on their backs anyway, despite being technically legally allowed to. Therefore they seek Congress' cooperation before doing anything major like large bailouts. Occasionally Congress will also seek things from the Fed, which the Fed may or may not go along with. It works about the same way as the President and Congress work together.

Essentially, think of the Fed as a fourth branch of the Federal Government, except it is not elected, has no oversight, no transparency, and no accountability. The Federal Reserve is independent and can, legally, do almost whatever it wants, but the normal rules of politics still apply and so it will grease the wheels of its actions by passing them in front of the eyes of Congress beforehand.

Damn, you know your stuff! Thanks for the explanation.

It's the same way that Trump can do a lot of shit that he has the power to do, but other branches will fuck him over if he doesn't seek their cooperation. The court blocking his immigration powers is just one example.

Essentially law is a lot more flexible than people pretend it is. Hence nominal violations.






unless you can bring back a lot of precious minerals

Important to consider that the Fed is not privately controlled in every country, see Austria:
"The OeNB's capital totals EUR 12 million and is held by a sole shareholder, the federal government. The shareholder rights of the federal government are exercised by the Federal Minister of Finance. Since May 2010 this capital is entirely held by the Austrian state."

This is why stupid niggers need to stop using shit like Faceberg. "I have nothing to hide" doesn't mean shit when the press has shown how petty they can be about which minor details of your life they will attack endlessly.


How should the banking system be organized according to you? Other countries have state-owned central banks, but aside from that, the financial system works exactly the same.

No, you dipshit. The private banks own the Federal Reserve and the private banks are owned by stock holders, many of which are your fucking retirement fund. Update your fucking information retard

sure sure usury is interesting. but more important is property tax. if you own property you pay loads of property tax, and that money goes to huge waste on a zillion welfare programs that are abused and poorly managed and inefficient.

Yes, direct taxes. Income tax, property tax, they all go towards the Jew.

there are entire asteroids made largely of rare earth metals

But I rather think exploration justifies itself. For those of a more practical mind though, there are some incredibly valuable resources out there.

You have a hand in the system goy !
Your 6 figure retirement fund gives you a stake in how the worlds banking system works

No it's not, some of you need to do the most basic bit of research. The federal reserve is made up of 12 regional federal reserve banks which are each in turn owned by their member banks which are private banks in the region of the federal reserve bank. These private banks are the shareholders of the federal reserve, the amount of shares the own the in fed is legally determined by the size of the private bank, larger the bank the more of the fed they own. These private banks receive a legally mandated 6% a year in dividends. Hope that clears things up, what you really need to look into is who are the major shareholders of the private banks. hint: jews

Trump isn't blackmailed
they just reminded him what happened to JFK after he tried to interfere with the private Rothschild Federal Reserve's control

Very interesting Thread, have a interest-free bump

Obviously the goal of the fed reserve is to end the global currency system and usher in credits forever preventing anyone of rising above the system. The fed reserve is going to crash the global market so bad that cash/ banks etc will be gone and the people on top implementing the new global system will forever stay in power.

They will suck global resources until the modern world crashes then will pretend to come along and save it ushering in the brave new world/NWO

Isn't the plan to have just one currency, with only one inflation rate, one authority that issue bonds, one only exchange price between oil and gold, and so on and so forth?

About 97% of money in the world is actually created by people taking out loans.

Booms and busts are created by banks either giving out too many loans (boom) or not giving out enough loans (bust). The 2nd situation leads to debtors scrambling to find the money to pay off their old debts, because when money is created via a loan, only the principal amount is created, not the interest that needs to be paid. But those interests need to come from somewhere, and that is new loans.

This means banks can artificially make the economy crash by stopping the creation of new loans. When the economy reaches this point of a bust again, the juden start buying everything of worth (mines, water supplies, houses, airports, company stock, …) for pennies on the dollar. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum and you have a small clique of people possessing more and more of the world's actual assets.

What central banks essentially do is make sure this system doesn't crash too hard too soon, they're there to make the boom cycle last longer, and they do this buy buying up bad debt. They can do this because unlike a bank, a central bank doesn't have to balance its books, they can just buy debt with money they create out of thin air (commercial banks also create money out of thin air but they still have to somehow balance their books).

What i've noticed is that this system has reached a point where it just doesn't work anymore (the economy is still shit and people jusst can't go into any more debt even with ZIRP) and my guess is that they're trying to do a big reset by igniting a gigantic war.

Thank you for making this thread. I've noticed that monetary policy is something a lot of people around here don't know much about, while it is one of the most important - if not THE most important - pillars of jewish power over us.

Two books i recommend on this subject are

How do these private banks loan out money that they don't have? They don't have printing presses. Do they just create the money electronically?


They're allowed to loan out more money than they actually have in stock, limited to a certain %. Hence the "fractional" in the name. They might only have $80k in the bank but can make $160k worth of loans, with the expectation that more than half the people will pay it back. "Full reserve" banking (like in Switzerland) means that every dollar loaned out is matched to a dollar on hand.

Jews are responsible for not letting mankind advance, what a surprise


Beautiful stuff.

lies in a nation’s power of production, that an increasing volume of production sustains a currency, and could possibly raise its value, whereas a decreasing production must, sooner or later, lead to a compulsory devaluation.” He added, “We were not foolish enough to try to make a currency [backed by] gold of which we had none, but for every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of a mark’s worth of work done or goods produced.” The NationalSocialist economy is one based off work and production.


It used to be that a male meant food, shelter, and protection to a female. Now, a male means $ to a female. A female would be better off with an ATM to provide free money (a.k.a. welfare, ayylimony, child support, etc.) and a cat for companionship without responsibility.

Obvious (((middle man))) is obvious, and has successfully modified our genetic fitness function.



Nice OP for a change very succinct explanation of how money works.
The only thing I can add is look up any rouge state and I can guarantee you they do not have the proper banking system as is determined by the tribe.

Of course I have one and my name is Fred Smith look me up and add me some time.

Some time ago I read this article that says American households currently hold $4.1 trillion in consumer debts.
Lets assume a (very moderate) interest rate of 6% across this debt. In one year this creates $246bn dollars of interest. These $246bn are not backed by added value through goods or labor (For simplicity I'm neglecting the labor that is needed to handle the debt). It's created by taking an abstract product (money) and moving it around. Basically it's money created out of thin air. The amount of money grew by the interest, the amount of goods didn't which decreases the value of money. Businesses in the US currently hold $29 trillion of debt. This generates $1.74 trillion of interest every year (if we assume 6% interest rate). So combined with the consumer credits every year around $2 trillion of interest money is being generated. That's half the federal budget. And people wonder why the value of the currency is eroding.

What do you guys think about universal basic income?

None of this makes any goddamn sense to me. Why can't we just nationalize the banks and get rid of interest?

It has everything you need to know about the Federal Reserve.

It's written by the same guy that warned of SJW's back when they only had black and white TV. If you don't know who i'm talking about then you haven't been doing your required viewing.

The last time someone did that he got treated to World War 2.

Welcome to jews.

Congrats, you just cracked the code. This is why you never hear the end of how evil the nazis were.

Bill Still?

That's the excuse that libtards like to give when anyone asks "why is diversity good?", they say "because the brown people make different food and music than us", as if that's worth your women and children getting raped by shitskins, having to pay for said shitskins' many bastard children, and putting up with crimes and damage caused by shitskins, as well as losing your jobs to the shitskins who are significantly less qualified and less productive because they're willing to be paid peanuts.

Bolshevism was and is just a tool for international banking elite.
Revolution in Russia was financed by financial elites that rule America and West.
Communism was supposed to start in industrialized world in Germany and UK not in some backwater half feudal agricultural country on the edge of civilization.
It was just a experiment that go wild. Stalin probably go rogue and defied his Cabal overlords. Anyway the early Soviet industrialization was practically done by USA specialist. After Stalin death the Party come back o the fold and serve as 'enemy' of 'free world'.
Main enemy is not some commies peasants but a banking international elite that control 'democratic' governments and whole nations by blackmail an usury.

heavy objects are expensive to move in and out the Low Earth Orbit; if you have to re-enter something from Mars, it'll be few kilograms only, at an astronomical price:

some typos but otherwise accurate

Where did you learn about orbital mechanics? Black Science Man?

An asteroid doesn't have to be lifted out of any gravity well, just brought into Earth's gravity well, which requires only trivial delta-V.

Once in a high orbit around Earth, large solar mirrors can be used to burn the slag off of the asteroid and refine its metallic contents. With a slight initial spin, the metals will separate themselves by density. Allow your molten disk of metals to cool and cut out the rings you want.

Now how do you get these giant chunks of ore to the surface of the Earth? Easy, let me introduce you to a concept called aerobraking. A little bit of aerogel and carbon, a few parachutes and a tiny amount of delta-V is all that will be required. The Earth's atmosphere will kill the rest of your payload velocity just fine, and it's free.

Everyone familiar with astronavigation knows that atmospheres make bringing objects down from orbit easy.

hi adolf

good shit. I knew the kikes made ksp for a reason

I think it is better to abolish the dollar and replace with the energy unit. We use the energy constantly and it is impossible to hoard energy units for long so jews will not be able to control the world like cattle again and the federal reserves will probably be abolished. I lost the faith in the dollar cause it is not good.

Such a simple solution
So easy to grasp
Why can't people see it
I knew to be weary of banks since i was a very young kid way before i ever heard who Hitler was and what the Jews were
I got tired of hearing my dad complaining about how the interest from credit card companies kept draining his salary
I've only ever used cash, whenever i've been forced to deal with banks, it has always been to withdraw my own salary, and i made sure not to leave a single coin of it so they could loan it and scam another goy, i've never took a single loan bait the offered me, no matter how harmless it looked, all my transactions have always been done in cash, and my savings are mostly precious metals i keep well hidden away from kikes
Seriously i wasn't even 8 years old when i began to fear the banks and debt slavery
by 12 i learned that paper moeny is worth nothing if the sistem collapses so i began investing in gold and silver as insurance
Not trusting the banks for me has always been common sence. and to this day it still baffles seing how people cannot realize that dealing with banks is like dealing with the devil
This channel started making a series about fractional reserve banking, petrodollar, etc…, it's a pretty retarded way of explaining things, but that's exactly why even normalfags can understand it

Part1 in embed

Let introduce you to a bit of engineering magic
don't send your heavy metal down in a solid lump, make a balloon out of it. The density of the metal can be balanced out with a central void such that the whole will float in water. Then you coat the outside with an ablative coating and give it a tiny kick down the gravity well with a trajectory that ends in the ocean.

How do you realistically bring an asteroid into earth's gravity well using technology we have? Landing on an asteroid was a recent landmark of space science and you want to bring concept into industrial scale? This is very dangerous. I assume that you could just detonate a huge amount of explosives on the asteroid to make it turn around when it would be very far away from Earth, thus minimalizing the energy, but this requires what I assume tons or kilotons of high power explosives. The trivial delta V you are talking about is very hard to change when your asteroid is metallic and thus very fucking heavy. Conceptually one could use lasers, but these lasers would have to work with each other flawlessly and would have to be deployed from orbit to minimize atmosphere's interference. This requires billions upon billions worth of concept testing, prototype testing and then fielding. That is, if you ever go forward with this idea. Remember that predicting asteroid path is still not perfected as of now. What if you ended up with asteroid that shattered into chunks and flew towards the Earth? What if your asteroid would be estimated to bypass Earth with 1/20000th collision chance and then it would turn out that, in fact, it was in fact 1/200th posteriori? Remember that asteroids don't need to be large to completely wipe out most life on the entire planet. The safer you want to be, the more velocity manipulations it requires with technology that is still in inception stage. Maybe you could do moon collisions and moon base would salvage the metal and then launch it from lunar surface using mass drivers towards Earth in a safe way rather than a ballistic, semi-controllable asteroid. It would be much safer.

The energy can be stored in the batteries so I think it is possible to have p2p energy economy and the banks will become obsolete because everyone have their own energy banks in the garages.

batteries are not, and most likely, will never be 100% efficient.
Not to mention that most commercially used ones drain with time.
Unless we get massive advancement in rechargeable batteries, we would see our savings deplete faster than inflation could ever do

I just wanted to doublecheck in google, and stumble on this

fucking hell

Well, forget about it, just kike lies again

I look it up and it is jewy. I am aware of the battery is not 100% effective but I believe it is possible to achieve that by 2020 or later so don't discard it. We should be free from debt money. The debt money is unsustainable so it is illogical to keep them.

nothing is 100% efficient, whats your point?

And for the illiterate, there's always youtube:

I recommend ReactionaryHippie 's soundcloud for a quick trans-national economics lesson related to the US debt

What do everyone think of replacing the dollar with the energy unit?

I like this idea.
What if a country pegs its currency to a market basket made of energy commodities? Something like this:
1 zecchino = 1/3 of 1 cubic meter of methane from Russia + 1/250 of 1 oil barrel from Saudi Arabia + 1/200 of 1 metric tonne of coal from China + 1/5 of 1 litre of biofuel from Brazil

How cool would that be?

Forgot to post a picture.

Might work if energy prices were much more stable

Sounds like a great way to multiply the vulnerabilities of an emp attack. Now not only is your defense grid down but your currency is gone.

How do we make it more stable?

Not possible as long as the rates of energy production and consumption are volatile.

Just coat the things with the nano-copper and plastic lay over the copper.

You don't actually store all the energy as energy, you issue credits for energy that hasn't yet been produced yet. So your account would have 5.123414x10^x KWh and could spend that when you use energy, or trade it for products or services.

But like I said very distant future sci-fi stuff once we've reached a period where there are no more breakthroughs which will make energy more available. A sudden breakthrough in fusion power would tank the currency.

How much energy do the fusion power produces? Maybe it can be spend on the extremely expensive research and products like space colonisation and rare materials?

The joke is, we have an intermediate technology with nuclear breeder reactors that would satisfy all of the conditions for pollution emissions and make energy vastly more available, but certain groups don't want that.


This is how we destroy the (((globalists))).

Will that keep the energy economy stable for long? I like to see the energy economy in local area only as a experiment.

With recyclable fuel in breeder reactors, you are looking at zero waste, no nuclear proliferation and long use life. The only downside would be large capital cost and engineering maintenance, but French are nuclear in 70% of their electricity supply so it is doable.

If we talk local, you must have a natural source of energy, like a reservoir with a dam, geothermal or the like. Without those, we are looking at normal energy exploitation and that impacts the locality as well as cost.

I don't want to be that guy, by I want to make it obvious to everyone that this is how the Jewish elite have power, real international and rather intimidating power. I believe it was Dr. G himself who said we are facing the most dangerous enemy on earth. I believe that.

I personally came to NatSoc and these truths through the anti-capitalist route which looks like this:

I want to point this out as most people come to this conclusion through the right of politics. I think people need to realise it's just as easy to get a leftist to come to these conclusions as it is for your average right winger.

Pic related, I used to like that guy and many others out there still do to this day. It's time we realised the left share our values and there are multiple paths to this worldview. Im not a shill, I'm a genuine NatSoc that recognises that it's an ideology that serves everyone.

The reason I'm pointing this out is because this stuff seems to go over a lot of right wingers heads. Leftists are already in the mindset that finance is a source of evil, they are just misinformed as to why.

Okay so I can actually contribute here. I work in this industry.

Current lithium ion batteries don't offer an affordable solution, nor do they reduce carbon footprint. But they are improving rapidly.

It's not even a case of electrical efficiency, it's simply that costs haven't come down for economical reasons. It's possible to produce lithium ion energy storage at $125/kWh, but residential batteries cost around $900/kWh.

Okay but why can't we base on on human labour? There is always work to be done?

What if Pumped-storage hydroelectricity and solar farm is combined to ensure they keep producting 24/7?


You're right my dude. In my experience most people have just lost the idea of what it is to live in the west; the liberals having it the worst. Big loan capital sucks us dry, it's just a matter of how we get a pussywhipped generation to actually man up and think like our grandfathers used to.

Check this shit out: Free energy is real.

Tesla knew it. There's a voltage difference of 100V per meter height on average, even on a clear day. On days where solar panels would not work (cloudy / stormy) you get even more volts.

Tesla wanted to build towers to collect atmospheric energy, then use a spark gap to create AC and drive a Tesla Coil (which it is designed to operate on). The Tesla Coil is just to eliminate the cost of having to run wires to devices. If you already have wires then you can just tie into the batteries of your Atmospheric Electricity Collector.

Physanons would bitch about the voltage loss of the inverse square law which Tesla's coil (transmitter) and resonant coupler (receiver) experience. This was not a problem for Tesla because we have a near infinite amount of energy coming from the sky, so you just build more towers. The sun is electric. Sunspots are not bright because the sun does not have a nuclear furnace inside. The dark spots reveal a cooler interior. Only the surface is burning, like an electrode ionizing plasma.

"We're swimming in electricity."

Look up Hydraulic Despotism
Cure the central bank problem and you still have to worry about despotic control via access to scarce resources (like fresh water). Decentralized solutions to energy, food, water, etc. are not welcome because TPTB would lose control. This is also why nuclear is out. A city running on cheap abundant safe Thorium energy supplemented with cheap abundant safe Atmospheric energy, that produces its own food and desalinates / condenses its own water could just tell others, "fuck off, we don't need your government".

The private central bank is only an advanced version of Hydraulic Despotism applied to currency. The scarcity of the currency is the problem. Allow each state to make its own silver / gold / etc. commodity backed currency. Then even if you have small boom / busts in regions they can be equalized at the national level – people can just shift funds into a different currency. Currency monopoly = The root of the money problem. don't Deceive yourself.

Russia doesn't have Rotschild central bank. Russian central bank in 100% state owned, and the 3 major banks (Alfa, Sberbank, VTB) are either partially or completely state owned. All the corporations dealing with natural resources - Lukoil, Gazprom, Nornikel etc are state-owned. The whole military industrial sector is state owned.

The kikes ain't got shit on Russia.

This is true.

Russia got out from under the ZOG thumb relatively recently, and nationalized its banking.

That is interesting but wouldn't the companies that are run on the profits stop that becoming a reality.

good post

This is why the "Big Lie propaganda" spoken by the (((media)))) about Russia being the Devil will not end anytime soon.


Debt + blackmailing = the basis of the jewish power.

Debt = slavery. ((The bankers)) are interested in power by debt, not in having the debt repaid.

Wars, welfare programs, commies, niggers, gays, rapefugees, things which are usually discussed here, are only instrumental in not letting the whites to repay the debts and in driving them in to the larger debts.

((The bankers)) are not interested in a highly productive society (and a culture that is necessary for functioning of such a society) that could repay the debts. They are interested in a society of retarded hedonistic faggots whom they can held in slavery indefinitely.
They also need the corrupt politicians who would sell their own people and for that they are promoting all sorts of perverts, losers and traitors to be able to control them by blackmailing.

And that's why the whites need to elect such politicians that would be impossible to blackmail. Not necessarily powerful or experienced, but just normal and honest people, who can say "fuck off" to the jews.

Let's get rid of this broken debt-based monetary system and switch to energy.

oh boy

OP is true.

But one catch, the money and economic system works based on metaphysical ideas of how life on the planet operates.

It consume more than it puts out, you have to figure out free energy systems then you can have both a growing economy and a falling population.

Solar energy and cold fusion will make it possible to base the money on energy produced from these system (like its based on oil now) while still have an overall contracting economy population wise and territorial wise.

Fractional reserve banking is a myth watch 97% owned and Princes of the yen. Private banks have and use the means to create money and put it into the system now.

Isn't it possible to pay off the debt by fucking over other countries and taking their wealtch?

This is a complete myth… Firstly, Russia has a Central Bank which prints its fiat currency out of thin air like all Western countries do. Secondly, Russia is part of the IMF exchange rate system, which means that it's obviously linked to all other Central Banks and fiat currencies world-wide. Thus the Ruble has a floating exchange rate and therefore can be manipulated by foreign exchange markets, which are dominated by the Dollar. It's really easy. Whoever controls the exchange rates also control the economic markets.

Property tax did not make sense to me until I realized it was the opportunity cost of taking land out of production. It would be undesirable if some wealthy people bought a bunch of land (because it is a finite resource) and could just hold it forever without anything forcing them to keep it useful. That said, I think people who keep nature preserved on their property should be exempt from property taxes.

You are right to say property taxes go toward all sort of wasteful shit, but it does not have to be so in our new world, and can be less of a burden even in this one, as it is in many Republican states.

Also, I encourage all Holla Forums users to read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin, as many have already suggested, because a revolution against the financial system is the final boss of the system.

That is fractional reserve banking you fucking retard, that banks loan out money for which they have no physical assets.

That is how they "print" money, they loan out money that they don't have, and thereby create new money.

Russia has created an alternative to SWIFT, just in case ""someone"" disconnect them from it.


Who cares about an alternative? We need to shut it down completely. Iran was disconnected from it for a couple of years. Did it in any way decrease their dependency on the things mentioned in here ? Of course not. The Rial was devalued and it was expensive for them to buy stuff while the petro dollar was strong plus the EU could buy their oil cheaply. They fucked themselves when they combined their fiat currency with a floating exchange rate in 2002.

Russia is completely under control financially and everyone who parrots that Russia has freed itself in any way, shape, or form should stop merely consuming and start researching for once.

The point here is that people have "fractional reserve" in their minds as some sort of hard limit on how much they can lend, when in reality it is just a technicality that banks have to at least have some reserves most of the time (enough to cover their asses if things go south). This means that there are days when they have less reserves than they actually technically need, and other days when they will have more, so as long as this is averaged out the bank is considered "safe". The banks lend central bank reserves to each other to facilitate this balancing-out act, which is quite possibly the highest expression of Jewish business acumen (the Jew used to have to own at least some gold etc now he can write loans and search for the gold later, silly goys!!):
This Jewish scam has been known for so long by economists that whoever does not always point out precisely how it works (i.e. "fractional reserve" does not really apply in the way people readily understand it) is either misinformed or JIDF, just like those who think the Federal Reserve is actually the problem (and not the commercial banks themselves). End the Fed goy!!! Never mind about the practices of us honest Commercial Bankers…
Basel III limits how much risk banks can take so that if/when shtf happens they have enough liquid assets to fulfill their obligations. That's it.
Oy vey we the Banking Jews can not sca–I mean write more loans than we have reserves!!! Why, we're just financial intermediaries!!!! Holocaust!!!1

Hey Russian, may I have the source please?

energy backed currency has the same issue as gold backed currency or any other commodity backed currency
jews got their power through 6000 years of gold and silver manipulation
hitler had the correct solution–a non-usurious central bank that invests in productive activity and collects revenue only through inflation
if you dont have a nation state there is no solution. you're stuck with commodities and all their tradeoffs (fungibility vs stability vs supply vs decentralization)

We could have a global debt Jubilee and wipe all debt in the world including privately held debt out.

Property rights are not unlimited.
The state has an interest in ensuring that no private individual or cabal supercedes the state's power.
Excessive unproductive land ownership is treason.
Anti-competitive monopolistic rent-seeking (at a large enough scale) is treason.
Only Jews want to abolish duty.
Billionaires can only be tolerated when they are making productive use of their assets. The state has no obligation to tolerate them if they become treasonous or grossly unproductive.

One stale OP about reserve banking and all of a sudden Holla Forums likes books what the fuck

I have an archive with fuckloads of related pdfs an nobody gives a shit fucking kill me

Welcome to the struggle. You're late.

For 8000 years free humans have been fighting the desert war god Yahweh and his chosen people.
This is literally what WW2 was fought over.
The only way the pedophile jews will let go is when a massive collapse happens, or maybe when they finally achieve their Brave New World and have nothing left to rape.

Like Hitler?
It is impossible for an election to dethrone the banker jews. Impossible. Maybe we can improve some things with elections but we will never upturn their system of control through their own system of control.
"Democracy" is pacification propaganda and not real.

Nothing is energy dense or safe enough to be a useful currency.
Plus, every time you transfer energy to another party in the form of electricity you lose a substantial % of it as heat.
This is laughable, sorry.
Even the best batteries hold a tiny amount of energy compared to the same weight of gasoline, which doesn't suffer substantial losses when traded, regardless of how many hands your gas can passes through.

Why do you think they want to colonise Mars?
They make a Jewish "ark" then nuke the planet from orbit.
Now they have not only their ark world but the entire planet for their own use.

Yeah it's jewish there are hundreds if not thousands of diy free energy devices already publig

I don't think they do.
Its always white people that want to go to space.
Bankers just want a "sustainable" one world government (meaning their rule is uncontested)
Most Jews don't have a drive to colonize, settle, explore, or build. They just want slaves and gold.

The problem of national sovereignty is not about power plants, it's about war. By focusing on engineering issues you miss the elephant in the room… violence.
The status quo is built on violence. If you were able to solve the monopoly on violence the energy issue would be easy to solve.

The time will come, user.

make a crypto currency backed by hemp products.

Food, fuel, Plastics, Clothing. Can make so many necessities.


Is this a problem with capitalism or "crony capitalism"? Would a fiscally libertarian white ethnostate have the same issues?

internally you can have barter and time banking:

to trade externally you can set up a regular company in a nearby bigger state: every citizen will be an employee and shareholder of that company, which will trade everything in and out

The Rothschild family does, for example.

You can store energy in hydrogen through. Water + Electricity = H2 + =O2. I would be volatile, yes, but it wouldn't degrade, and wouldn't blow up if kept safely.

There's a big difference though. Energy makes industry work. Gold is just a shiny rare metal with a marginal use in electronics.

Have a bump OP. I will also gift you a meme TL;DRing how our cuck king betrayed us.

Agreed, I came in from the left as well. Find the leftists that don't look spineless, they're the ones who would be receptive. Reaching a leftist is honestly pretty well done here but maybe not even consciously.

Of course, and this is what actually heppened with the NSDAP, which was, after all, the National Socialist WORKERS party. Many, many ex-commies who joined the SA, and Hitler himself said something to the effect of "we were all social democrats once".

True on all accounts. They don't have "it".

That is useful because it prevents the Jews from hoarding it. Money means power to them.

(why not include some links for info? not that I could point to any bread i've baked that's as good or better)
get ready for clumsy spoonfeeding motherfuckers open wide and cover your eyes (figuratively only) if you want to be sighted (yeah, the PC term for people who can see tossed around to trigger you) after this
the dividends are paid to depository institutions (private banks)
this is from (pages 112-113 of the pdf file or 104-105 of the page numbers that appear in text form within the file) the 2014 annual report to congress and $1,686 million = $1.686 billion in case you're as retarded as I was a few minutes ago. Also on page 112/104:
yea, more than half of their total expenses were apparently interest paid to private banks (in addition to the dividends paid to them)

To be fair, they list income immediately before expenses as
of which $115.9 was SOMA interest (as listed in the table on the next page)

pg 315/307 has a table with a breakdown of income and expenses by branch and I would encourage anons to look at the assessments by the board section and make sure you follow down to the footnotes to see the fun bits like
after the 3 pages of that there's a historical table of income and expenses that I haven't bothered to look at yet
(told I don't have to break links anymore due to auto-italicization)

Some econanonymist who is smarter than me, please explain what in the fuck SOMA is and how they could make $115bn from it

and I'm vaguely interested more specifically in what this is since it more than doubled (and I only caught it at first because of the difference in wording compared to the surrounding context)
specifically, what are "securities sold under agreements to repurchase"?
or shit, let's go full-retard; what are "securities"?

it's the drug used in Brave New World:

I suppose I should've typed out
SOMA (System Open Market Account)
you twat

We need more threads like this. Some fraction of newfags are capable of joining us, but only if they encounter high-quality content and redpill threads like this one.


I agree we need to stop using banks. We can use the vaults to store our money, metals, foods etc. You don't have to pay for the fee on our vaults. If you want something then barter with someone to get yourself a thing you need to have.

Is it possible to create a peer to peer bank?

Commodity currencies are a shit idea because all they are are capped currencies. All it is is a recipe for deflation.

There's nothing wrong with fiat currencies.

Tbh the money need to be abolish and replace something that is hard to be hoarded for long. I like the idea of energy economy. We have already developed technology for that.

Hoarding has never been a problem and "energy economies" serve no purpose. It's just rebranded commodity currencies, except even more convoluted (and not to mention wasteful, if you're having people pointlessly carrying batteries around). No one's going to seriously go for it. You'd be better off trying to push for "time as currency" sci-fi nonsense.

user here gets it.
Nothing wrong with Fiat, it's all about who controls the Fiat.
If you want to buck the system, issue a new currency within your community and use it to exchange goods within that community. Now you can evade taxes as well as the control of the Fed.
If you get big enough they will come for you
For an example of this see Ithaca bucks

Some advice on how to go about this?

And that's why your argument is BS. Because this is the reason why it will ALWAYS fail in the long run. It has to be independent of who has control. Money needs to be a material that has to be taken away by force to enslave the people. If they don't even need to take away anything, i.e. paper market manipulations, then it will inevitably happen. And this is certain. It's not an if but a when.


It's a tool it's either used for us or against us, it is not some magical infalible thing that exists independent of us, the economy exists because we exist either we put the cart before the horse as we are now with "independant" central banks or we put the banks to work for the nations it worked for Japan and it worked for Germany.

when will cryptocoin get shoah'd? My no job roommate made 20k from ethereum in like 4 months and I'm pissed.

No, most stuff about Germany in this thread is BS. You need to read the Bundesgesetzblatt. Everything that the Reichsbank implemented is published there. The years '24 and '33 are very interesting. For a beginner like you, I would suggest researching what they used as money.

I meant Reichsgesetzblatt of course.

Keep fighting the good fight user.


You mean NATIONAL socialism, right? The deadbeat kike marx has tainted the word. I know Prussian Socialism exists, but nobody can use it again.


pic related

Thing is you don't believe until you look for yourself, so man the fuck up, stop being a lazy faggot and do research beyond bleddit and MSM.


Fuck yeah, Electric Universe. We need another thread, man. Anons are open to it, but don't know much about it.

reminds me of old Holla Forums

thats just domestic debt kikery with built in exponential child growth so you dont import shitskins to keep the charade going you just put the debt on future generation like normal

Two things

1) State Control of Usury
2) Land Value Taxation

The federal government should collect most if not all of the money that is generated from interest. Pennsylvannia already did this as a colony. They used it as their primary source of revenue.

The second source of revenue for all levels of government shuld be economic rents. This includes anything that nature provides but the biggest example is land. Land is in fixed supply, so taxing the unimproved value of land creates no deadwieght loss. It is also easy to collect because it is near impossible to hide land.

Maybe we use the virus program to turn all of the computers throughout the world into peer to peer digital banks and mass produce cryptocurrencies simultaneously? There are more than one billions computers so we don't need the banks to control the money, do we?

why would goyim use your currency when
1. no companies accept it
2. no employers pay it
3. the govt requires you pay taxes in USD
4. banks only give USD credit

People will just stop using the currencies that are controlled by the jews. Nobody wanted to be taxed. A eff this all attitudes will fix this problems.

The goal is to make the fiat currency worthless. We need peer to peer digital banks so we won't be controlled and be dragged in the wars.

agreed, the problem is that crypto currency stuff is too difficult/scary for the average normie.

That is why we need to create the attractive program to turn all of the computers throughout the world into the peer to peer digital banks. Tell them that there is no fee or taxes on the peer to peer banks and get the free e-wallet app on the smartphone.


That's mean dude. The financial system we are currently using is shit and can't go beyond the space technology level. Look at the picture! Can't you see the potential in that?

No because that design makes no sense.

Mars has a lot less solar radiation, so you could grow a lot faster on LED lights than on natural sunlight. Glass has a shit insulation index so you're loosing tons of heat to the cold-ass martian climate, and that energy could be powering LEDs instead.

Problem mentioned "summarized" (2200 pages/400 pictures) from Holla Forums recommended books in pic related.

Don't narrow your mind on the mars. What I meant we need to change the way the people view of the mine so we can crowdfunding the space technology efficiently. We have the technology and can do that.

Thank for the picture.

but wont

I am pretty sure that there are people who are keen to make that a reality. Investing in pro-blockcoin propagandas is a good idea. Crowd fund the hardware wallets to give away to the block coin earners is also another good idea.

This is just a coincidence Goyim.

This video is the best video I've seen to date explaining the Federal Reserve System

great thread, thanks

Capitalism follows the winds of culture. Can't have capitalism w/ a degenerate culture.
You need a fascist uprising, creating a strong state, strong national and racial pride, expell with a strong hand the (((international bankers))) and fix the basics of the money system (no more debt backed currency, crack down on corruption, etc), FIX THE CULTURE. At this point, when we have achieved more or less a homogeneous society, high social trust, expel the rot from the economic system, (and most importantly, the culture), the government can begin to slowly and cautiously restore powers and freedoms to the people, freeing up the markets, as will be necessary seeing as socialism as a long term economic system is unsustainable. Freer markets would need to be adapted and implemented. Totalitarian rule w/ unsustainable economics, at least in my eyes, would not be the goal long term for our people. Libertarian white ethnostate would be ideal, but as of right now, that's a pipe dream.
The most important thing is achieving the ethnostate.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Debates on free markets vs. socialistic economy and to what degree to hold either or will, while relevant, fall as background noise to the ever pressing issue of saving our people, getting rid of multiculturalism, cultural marxism, and the jews is priority number one.

National debt is how they enslave entire nations and suck them dry like parasites.

Until the end of WW2, if a nation went into debt, the entire debt would be paid back within a couple years. After WW2, the western nations started to pile up huge mountains of debt that could never be paid back; the only thing that got paid was the interest on this debt.

France for example didnt have national debt until 1973. De Gaulle didnt allow it. The french law which made national debt possible was called the 'loi de Rothschild' because it was a french Rothschild who lobbied for it.

National debt today - huge mountains of debt that can never be paid back - are simply a hidden form of parasitic taxation. National debt is also used to force economic reforms upon individual nations. This happened in south america in the 90s and Greece in 2010. If a nation refuses to implement neoliberal economic reforms, their interest rates on bonds get jacked up to 30%+ by Wall Street rating agencies.

But this is not the only and not even the main source of their income. The REAL source of income is the illegal drug trade. This is their real power base, this is how they finance their globalist shadow government. The kikes - with the help of the anglo-american military and agencies -
comprise a transnational meta cartel that controls all the local/national cartels. This dates back to the Sassoon-Rothschild cartel of the 19th century. They basically run the largest organized crime group out there. The NYC diamond trade is used to launder the money and to funnel it directly into Wall Street. It's not a coincidence that their (((Hollywood))) movies glorify mobsters and organized crime.

It's literally anuda Shoah.

I want to create a cryptocurrency that is generated on investment from corporate chains into their smaller businesses. So, investment generates currency, because that investment gives returns, the very opposite of the kike solution where debt creates currency. That sort of currency would create growth and would be even better than Hitler's system, which was brilliant, but didn't create an explosive growth economy, it simply fixed it to it's natural state. The German state was always meant to be a superpower, Hitler fixed the economy but he couldn't do more with less and he nationalized it. Nationalizing an economy is only done in the worst of times, better to set it to an aristocracy that is heavily indebted to the public through the means of a currency created up on investment which benefits the public.

tl:dr; gas the kikes


I want to create a cryptocurrency that is generated on investment from corporate chains into their smaller businesses. So, investment generates currency, because that investment gives returns, the very opposite of the kike solution where debt creates currency. That sort of currency would create growth and would be even better than Hitler's system, which was brilliant, but didn't create an explosive growth economy, it simply fixed it to it's natural state. The German state was always meant to be a superpower, Hitler fixed the economy but he couldn't do more with less and he nationalized it. Nationalizing an economy is only done in the worst of times, better to set it to an aristocracy that is heavily indebted to the public through the means of a currency created up on investment which benefits the public.

tl:dr; gas the kikes

I want to create a cryptocurrency that is generated on investment from corporate chains into their smaller businesses. So, investment generates currency, because that investment gives returns, the very opposite of the kike solution where debt creates currency. That sort of currency would create growth and would be even better than Hitler's system, which was brilliant, but didn't create an explosive growth economy, it simply fixed it to it's natural state. The German state was always meant to be a superpower, Hitler fixed the economy but he couldn't do more with less and he nationalized it. Nationalizing an economy is only done in the worst of times, better to set it to an aristocracy that is heavily indebted to the public through the means of a currency created up on investment which benefits the public.

tl:dr; gas the kikes

my bad, shit reposts

This would mean, we need an underworld element to dig into the very deep roots of ZOG machinery and rip it out. Gangsters are the only ones who can kill other gangsters. A shame to think that the entire white populace is being polluted by drugs.

I'm literally in the works of setting up a website to receive such funding for a project like this. It's been years in the making.

Currency alone won't get us there. You need a group of dedicated whites, tons of funding and lots of problems before then have to be solved.

You guys are on to it. I believe I know who Satoshi is or the kind of guy he would be. He's a german banker in new york that got tired of the kikes and wrote an elaborate security aka hashing protocol in a few weeks time. We're talking a developer, in C++, the hardest language there is with an MBA in finance who is working for a big bank and has no problems with money. He's American as well by him trying to throw people off by his identity between being Japanese and writing in an English style. What country lies in between Japan and England?

The US. What's the banking capital of the US? New York. A guy who programmed C++, MBA in finance and has a mathematics background… because Satoshi is a mathematician, bitcoin is entirely functions and a massive set of numbers that act as hashing protocols to encode transactions on an open blockchain.

A mathematican, a pretty good one at that
A really good banker, up there
And a very good programmer, one of the best

Combine all there and look for him on LinkedIn?

I think I found him. His name is Hans. Working for a Japanese bank of all things right now.

This is actually illegal in the US for (((reasons))).

This is true of commodity currencies too. In fact, the two are really no different; goldbugs (and energetics, I guess) just like to pretend that their currency isn't like all the other currencies because you "aren't allowed" to have more than a certain amount of it. It's literally no different from Bitcoin (a capped, deflationary currency), a nominally fiat currency, but people pretend it is.

Literally impossible. You might as well say that borders need to be independent of who is in control.

Yep. No way for people to manipulate or control commodity currencies. No way at all. Especially not just saying "this isn't currency anymore. We won't accept taxes in it."

Literally no different from commodity currencies, except with commodity currencies you have the added downside that people other than the government can screw you over. Are you completely historically ignorant of all the various schemes to manipulate commodity currencies over the years? Fucking hell, a single African Muslim crashed the entire Muslim economy in the Middle Ages because of his generous gold donations.

How well do you think governments take the line "I won't pay taxes"?

who cares?
they will all be overthrown and rinsed of kikes


… not true. Not a horrible programmer, but not a great one. Bitcoin Core is, frankly, a mess.
In any case, cryptocurrency is the answer to the Jewish Banker Problem.

You're too simple-minded. We need our people in power, whether it's done through elections and then a power grab or through firstly breaking the fiat system and then watching what happens next. We need money that will allow us to trade with other countries because they see it as valuable (in addition to the implementation of barter trade deals). Thus we can use precious metals that aren't being monolized today, but instead are being manipulated by the paper market (mostly electronic digits) to appear like they are controlled. If we can't implement a political system where we can trust our head of state, then everything else is meaningless. A libertarian state where the government is as small as possible and with power restrictions is BS. We need people at the top that are the best among us, who have a vision and the abilities to lead us to new heights.

Hmm, I like this.

wewew I could be richer than a saudi

use multichain
I'm making a blockchain OSINT tool to distribute databases with the technology and we could use the miners.

That list is old. I think the number is down to 6 now, although I don't remember which ones have been taken off.

Fusion reactor can solve a problem.


It is nice to know that you are trying to create P2P digital banks and e-wallets website. The smartphone and smartwatch have NFC technology so I believe it can be used to pay with cryptocurrenies.

It should be noted that the Federal Reserve pays all its profits back to the Treasury after paying a mandatory dividend to its stock holders. Important to note because people will try to debunk you by saying Federal Reserve doesn't make money. Even if this were true (since it does pay dividends it does in a sense make profit for its share holders) it wouldn't matter becuase its about control of the economy more than profit. Power trumps cash. Although in reality it's about both. Just don't lose sight of the importance of controlling the cycle of growth and stagnation.

How do loans without interest work? If there is no money to be made in the act of giving out a loan and risking the money, then why should anyone (bank institution) professionally loan out money for no benefit? What would the point be?

Sounds like something that would only work if you gave collateral, like a daughter to be used as a slave.

Is that the result that anti-usury/loan people would advocate? Surely there is someone in this thread that is versed on the matter. I get how debt can be used to make slaves of people, but the economic benefits of giving out loans to drive business seem pretty obvious as well - without interest on those loans, who would give them out in the first place, and for what reasons? If a dude needs 100k to start up a local restaurant, who is going to give him that much money, risking him failing and defaulting their loan, without any tangible benefit for the lender?

Government could give loans to boost growth. These could be without interest or the interest could be used for other government programs.

Details, man, give us details.

Bump for this poster.


These truly are the best of threads.

So many low-IQ goyim in this thread.

Money is simply supposed to be a medium of exchange. It's not supposed to be a commodity.

It's supposed to represent the value of goods and services produced.

Fiat money (i.e. true money) is fine on the basis it's run by an honest Government and not Jewish central bankers who exponentially increase the money supply (thus stealing the wealth of savers).

Be careful on the Gold-Standard. I know you may fall for the 'muh gold standard stops the government from spending infinite amounts of the money' - but be wary of who control's the gold supply.

Do a history search on the Boer War and the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds were a big fan of the gold-standard because they were the ones who controlled it, thus giving them control of those economies that were based upon it.

Read :

As a tribe, it's safest you let the supply of money (fiat) be controlled by members of your own tribe (i.e. elected officials) .

As soon as you start substituting assets or commodities as money, be wary of those outside of your tribe who will try and manipulate the value of these assets or commodities, thus wreaking havoc on your economy.

bump for exposing the pecuniary jew

Jews try to convince me of this all the time. I answer with a big FUCK YOU. Gold, silver, lead, iron; come at me, bro.

Shekel for the good goy

The key to that is trust, as it is in all currencies. Currencies are just a way to codify and quantify trust. For a currency to be strong and healthy, people need to trust that they'll be able to use it in exchanges to get what they want. That's literally all that's necessary (easier said than done though). This applies just the same internationally. Other countries need to be reasonably sure that your currency won't just deflate; really, they just need to trust that the government they're dealing with aren't a bunch of fucking retards.

Literally just more clumsy barter. Look at it this way: prices are either natural or enforced. Enforced prices have a fiduciary value — that is the difference in value between what it is exchanged for and what it would be worth without enforcement. Currencies by their very nature are always enforced — at the very least, government needs to force everyone to use a single currency that they can receive taxes in. Currencies will never have a natural value. The only way to trade without currencies is barter. The only way to have an "actual worth" or "natural value" or "uncontrolled" currency like the goldbugs want is not to have a currency at all but to trade direct things of natural value — barter. And if you're bartering you might as well just barter directly instead of trying to use gold as an intermediary — or any other commodity, for that matter.

Interest-free loans require either trust or force. In a small community interest-free loans are normal — for example, giving your friend a few dollars as long as he gives you the same amount back later — because small communities are inherently high-trust. Interest-free loans also work when you have control of the currency the loan is in — i.e. loans from central banks or governments. They can give out interest-free loans because, by controlling the currency, they themselves can never go bankrupt and profit is not a motive for them.

Really, though, the solution is not interest-free loans but proportional-return loans — i.e. agreeing to pay a portion of any profit made through the use of the loan, thus tying debt to actual economic growth. Under this system it is impossible for debt to be larger than the actual, total worth available to pay it, the main problem with interest.

The point of loans is to make unused property productive. The drive of most people is to acquire property, but people are generally unable to use all their property all the time, and some are even incentivized to leave it lying fallow as a safety measure for the future. Loans merely take money where it is not being used and move it where it is, making a larger proportion of the economy productive — obviously a good thing. The problem merely comes with incentive. People don't want to risk their property without some kind of reward. The problem is that interest is a terrible reward.


Goldbugs never stop to question what forces government to obey that rule. They're narrow-minded and think that forcing a government to use gold is somehow different from forcing a government to be responsible with its spending.

Not a surprise to anyone who actually understands economics and humans (i.e. not economists). Economists need to stop thinking syncrhonically and start thinking diachronically.

I stand with what the Third Reich actually did. This pseudo-economic BS that you're repeating from some (((economist))) doesn't interest me at all. Yeah, go ahead and trust other countries and let them rip you off. It's enough work to maintain one's own country, I don't want to deal with whether other countries are to be trusted with their funny money or not. Go ahead and enjoy your jew confetti. Nano-technology opens a whole new paradigm to combine metals like silver with the idea of a currency. You're still living in the last century.

I watched your video. The narrator states that
But what is his evidence for this? I can't find it, try it yourself. Do some research. And then he quotes the Trotskyite Rakovsky, one of the founders of Soviet Bolshevism. And the quote is actually from a Stalin show trial in the USSR. Seems legit.


this doesnt actually delete it, just makes it inactive

"waaawaaa the banks are reason im a complete loser"

" waawaaaa im poor such as a janitor!!!"

this racist website is very muchh pathetic

if you dumb whites people want to get anywhere you must truly use your brain and not focus on the crying

The other thing economists fail to mention is that some countries such as the U.S. could have an Island economy with absolutely no need to trade with foreign nations.

This means they could use their natural resources, smart population to create a surplus abundance of goods and services for its people.

Try looking up primary sources such as Hitler's actual speeches he gave to millions of Germans in the 1930's.

He mentions going off the gold-standard multiple times.

Also have a read of this.

The issue with the Gold Standard is that Jewish Banking familes such as the Rothschilds dominated the market and could surge and crash economies at will.

Other goys had problems with the Gold Standard when Hitler was a baby.

here you go kike

This is right, but it seems rather excessive after establishing a fair amount of autarky. Why not trade if it's benefitial for both sides? Your argument is fear-based, i.e. if we engage with others they will subvert us.

I understand German very well. The speeches that you mention are about gold and the lack thereof. It is not about abondoning the gold standard per se. In fact, they didn't abandon it but pegged the Silver Reichsmark to gold. They had indeed very little gold. The primary source for this is the Reichsgesetzblatt, i.e. the official publication of lawn enactment.

This is right. But they don't dominate the silver market. In fact, jews OWN us silver and when people realize this and demand the payout of the promised physical silver, it'll crash the system. That's why (((they))) use reverse psychology with a low silver price achieved through massive shorting. Silver was always the backbone of currencies, e.g. the Dollar definiton of the US Coinage Act of 1792; whereas Eagles were golden:

It still divorces people from the land that could have been in their hands for hundreds of years and might continue for hundreds more but stopped because of property tax. It should be possible to homestead and as long as you can live off your land that should be fine. Instead the amounts balloon and you must manage to make enough to besides subsistence to pay off the property taxes, which can increase at any time by any amount that never has anything to do with your actual use of the land.

No, it's just inward looking. I don't have a problem with that.

Rothschilds. It's always the Rothschilds. If you think Soros, he is just the latest iteration of a JP Morgan. Look into hiw rich he actually was and who owned "his" bank.

long ago, when I was 14 my uncle from america who came to visit handed me the first red pills I ever swallowed. This movie was the reddest of them all! I am shocked that Holla Forums is not more familiar with this piece! Makes me question my views on the people that come here.

If we were to nationalize the banks and seize control from the Jews, what would be the best way to do that? Marines marching on Fed locations? Detaining the shareholders and directors? Executive Order?

post them

This is what I'm wondering the most, how could the German goverment under Hitler loan that money out? I know its a good investment in the people and eventually pays itself back many times over but how did they initially afford to loan to the German people?

Is Bill Still not a kike? I knew someone who is a regular watcher of his because he puts out videos regularly but I didn't learn anything from any of them and they were boring on top of it.

JFK tried that. AFAIK, that order was never actually rescinded either.

I'll chime in here.

Kike economist want you think squarely inside a box about "raising money", i.e. you have to go to their banks, or your economy will crash.

Hitler took the point of view his economy was the same as a tropical island: it had natural resources (trees, minerals, ore) and a strong man power to support it.

He operated his economy the same way as every large tribe or nation has in the same 5000 years, government issued the money to the workers then the money went into circulation.

Don't put the cart in front of the horse.


if your country has ABUNDANT NATURAL RESOURCES + MAN POWER = you will be fine. You do not need loans from the kike IMF.

Think of it as AOE2 or Warcraft… select your worker units (men).. and tell them to go to the forest to get wood and mine minerals. When they return to base, issue them script (money), you take the resources and then get them to build other things with it.


and now jevvs want to infiltrate the crypto world:

also this

recap: Bancor is an attack at the bottom (the "long-tail of currencies" as they call it) while Segwit2x is an attack at the very top (bitcoins)

Yes, because Austria totally has it's own independent currency…
Nvm, they have the Euro.

Research your shit better next time.

That's actually a really good example almost everyone will get.

It makes it funbnier when you think that Greece was the world's 2nd fastest developing economy during their junta years.

Why do capitalists ( moreso ancap tier corporatists ) believe economic oppression doesn't exist?

You are a mouth-breathing retard. You understand that trust isn't a binary "Yes" or "No," right? For fuck's sake, every exchange is based on trust. You can't predict the future and so you don't know for sure whether you will be ripped off when you trade. You are trusting that the person (or persons) you are trading with won't rip you off.

I'll try and explain this simply since apparently even readily observable common sense is kike magic to you. When countries trade they look at the reputation of the other because that is the best predictor of future behavior. The Third Reich looked at the people they bartered with and said to themselves "Hmm, do these people have a history of ripping us off? No? Okay, we'll trust that they won't do so this time and actually do what they agreed to do."

This is what all trade is. Get it through your head. When you start ripping people off they stop trusting you; when you start making your currency unstable as shit people don't trust that it will hold its value and stop using it; when your government looks on the verge of collapsing people don't trust that you'll be around for long or that they'll be able to count on you, say, collecting taxes or issuing currency. Do you understand this yet?

You need to have at least an IQ of 100 to post here.

You print some currency, tell everyone they need to pay their taxes in it (automatically making it desirable and valuable), then issue (spend) it by giving it to people in exchange for stuff (i.e. you buy things). This could be any form of government spending. Maybe you're buying steel from your steel mills to build tanks or maybe you're just enabling people to buy houses, but what's important is that people start trading and working again, creating a positive feedback loop.

People have this mental block about currency. They aren't really able to trade without it, despite the fact that everything they need to trade is generally freely available. All that's needed for trade is trust and things to trade, at minimum human labor. The problem is that's too abstract and ephemeral for most people.

To give an example, consider that it's entirely possible for a barber to give a craftsman a haircut, a brewer to give the barber a beer, and the craftsman to give the brewer a barrel just by all trusting each other to give them what they want. This requires a little too much trust from people though (although this is how small human communities work) and so you have to "de-abstract" the implicit promises involved (e.g. that the barber will get a beer from the brewer if he wants one because the brewer will get a haircut from the barber if he wants one) by introducing something that everyone can pretend has value (and which therefore has value) in order to make it seem more "real." In truth the same amount of trust is involved (you have to trust that the other person will accept the currency) — there's not really all that much difference between a collective belief that one can receive the things one desires so long as one works and the collective belief that money has value. The difference is that money "feels" real because you can hold it and pretend it really is worth the same as a beer.

Shut the fuck up your retard. You don't have a fucking clue what the Third Reich said to itself and what not, because your stupid theories are not based on evidence but some books written by authors who neither lived during that time nor in that country. If I sell you something of value and you give me something of value that I desire, I don't fucking need to trust you, because the goods are there, laying before my eyes. On the other hand, if you give me some of your imaginary funny money, I don't know if it will be worth anything because who knows, maybe you'll collapse your country next month. I can readily read about your stupid ideas in some liberal college economics book, I thought that we could be spared of this shit at least here.

This is something we can use once we have enough people in IRL contact. For example, if you had 20-30 guys, then you could buy some land and have everyone come and help you build yourself a house. The return would be doing the same until everyone has houses without needing to pay mexicans and getting a loan from a bank to get it.

The issue is that a barter system like what you're suggesting doesn't scale well to even mid-sized towns (not cities, towns) and to jobs that don't produce something commonly used by everyone. Here's an example. I need a haircut, groceries, and some ammo for my gun. My skill is to build and repair power grid supply stations, working with the transformers and cabling within. I go to the barber, and ask him for a haircut. The barber says "Ok, how will you help me in exchange?" I tell him my skill. He tells me to get out because he has no need to hotwire an entire transformer up to his building's power line, and doesn't see himself needing such a favor in the future. I go to the grocer's, and offer the same thing. The grocer tells me to piss off because, again, my skill is more applicable on a community-wide level and not on an individual one. Same thing happens at the gun store. You could try an argue that by working for the community, I would get some sort of agreement that "I can get food and services without having to offer something right then and there", but at that point you're asking those guys to implicitly trust that I've done enough work for them to justify giving away their product/service without an immediate concrete proof of something in return. A certificate of "This man worked this many hours on his job for the community" that is officially recognized by local government goes some way towards alleviating that, which is what cash is supposed to be, with the amount you earn ideally correspondong to the difficulty and time investment of your job.

Surprising no one, exactly.


Why are there no good visualizations of this paradigm?
Humans are visually-oriented animals. We need a good graphical representation that shows whats transpiring.

This is relevant to my interest. Can someone expand upon this?

Let's say I have a bunch of raw resources and man power… How do you create a currency from that?

External trade will thus have to be done on a barter basis?

This looks exactly like the Soviet Union. No wonder that Trotskyite Rakovsky explained the German economic system just like that. Sad that his made-up story is the basis for most anons here.

Get it through your thick skull, you imbecile; for trust not to be involved you have to be fucking omniscient. Are you omniscient? No? Was the Third Reich omniscient? No? Then they had to make guesses about the future and put certain levels of faith and trust in people even if they didn't want to.

You're making NatSocs look bad and you should feel bad. I have no words to appropriately express was a window-licking moron you are that you can't think beyond a toddler's idea of barter. Honestly just shut the fuck up and stop posting.

No, you fucking can't. You'd be more likely to run across them in economics tracts written by people to the right of fucking Hitler, and the fact you think trust is a leftist delusion involved in leftist economics textbooks shows how fucking far divorced you are from reality. You have never read a single economics textbook, let alone a leftist one or an actual rightist one.

It really doesn't scale beyond local communities. If you're talking about national economies than you're going to need some sort of money; anything else is more or less utopian.

I never said it did. In fact, I explicitly pointed out that this requires far too much faith from people. People's trust tends to drop off precipitously once people they don't know start getting involved. It's natural and only human.

You're misunderstanding me. That's direct barter, which is not what I'm talking about (although in a realistic situation if you're in a small enough and high-trust enough community he's likely to give you the haircut anyway in exchange for a favor). My point is that the barber could give you a haircut not for some direct service or promise of such but because you can repay him in a roundabout way via degrees of abstraction. What I mean is that the barber is likely to want something from someone else in the community at some point and that by providing you with what you want (knowing that you provide necessary services to the community, even if not to him personally) he is essentially entitling himself to an "invisible check" to other community services. Maybe he wants a beer and the brewer needed your services and so he gets a beer. In a roundabout way you have paid for your haircut. Do you see?

Naturally this is confusing and headscratching to think about, which is why money is generally involved because it makes things easier. It also allows quantifiable exchanges (i.e. "exactly worth" rather than "roughly worth"), which we are used to dealing with (and which is part of why it's so hard to think about exchanges without money).

Exactly what I'm saying. Although, when you think about this and involve time, it's not likely for freeloaders to crop up in this system. As I've said somewhere above, reputation is important. If they give you what you want and you end up not providing value to the community then they're likely to stop giving you what you want and expel you from the community. If you do provide value then the state of affairs can continue indefinitely.

Not implicitly. Trust is earned and built, and in a small community this happens naturally. Think about your relationship with your friends or your family (if you have any and they're healthy). If your friends or family asked you for something you're likely to give it to them even if you don't know for sure they'll return the favor some time in the future because you trust them.

Just to restate, my entire point is that hypothetically currency isn't required for trade. It's to illustrate that currency serves to "de-abstract" trust by fooling us into thinking we're bartering, thus allowing us to artificially lower the level of trust that would normally be needed for our economy to run without everyone being too scared to do anything for fear of being ripped off. Currency is, more or less, a voucher of access to the labor of the nation.

You print the currency. It's honestly that simple. You take something that only you can create (to stop false issuing) and give it out. All that there is to it. In modern times, this is done by designing currency that is very hard to replicate, but in ancient times when forgery was a lot easier they would use rare metals, since you can't just copy gold or silver. The proof that the currency was genuine was the fact that it was made out of something only the king could readily get his hands on, so even if the two coins looked the same you'd know the one made out of gold was genuine.

I didn't really expect you to be that retarded. If I sell you a bunch of BMWs for a specific amount of silver that I deem of equal value for the purpose of using it for advanced technology because of its unique chemical properties, then I don't fucking care about your stupid economy. It's your problem, not mine. I'll use the silver for my purposes, e.g. satellites. Don't BS me with your shit. You're repeating moronic theories of the likes of the Trotskyite Rakovsky. The most famous propagandist of your ilk is Ellen Brown, a fucking LA attorney. She surely does know wtf she's talking about. Give me a break dumbass. Give me one piece of evidence that the Third Reich implemented your shitty theories. Good luck with that.

Essentially what you're asking. I'll try and explain this simply. You and the Third Reich were not and are not omniscient. You don't know everything. You also do not have an infinite amount of time. Therefore, in any deals or trades you make you will never have all the information you want. There is always the possibility of you being ripped off. Maybe the silver you're trading for isn't all there and when you open the crates a lot of it's missing. Maybe the bars are actually just coated in silver and are something much less valuable. Maybe you ship the BMWs and they never ship the silver.

All of these are possible and you are a fool to pretend otherwise. Given that these are possible, that it is possible for you to be ripped off, you are making the trade in good faith. Anyone with a brain (or who had done any real business) would recognize this, but apparently this is Jewish, leftist magic to you. I'll explain this even more simply. Nobody wants to get ripped off. If someone thinks they're going to get ripped off they won't make the trade. Ergo, if they make the trade they are betting they won't be ripped off. They cannot know for sure they won't be ripped off but are making the trade anyway, which implies they have faith/trust/whatever-you-want-to-call-it that they won't be ripped off. Are you understanding this yet?

You are a retard. There is no understating that. Trades for most people are an on-going thing. You don't just make one trade of BMWs for silver and then never have any contact again ever. You don't have to fucking care in order to maybe want more silver out of the other country again sometime down the road. Thing is, if you fucked them over they're not likely to give you silver or anything else.

Do you live in your basement? Because it would be self-evident that this is just reality if you didn't in the same way that looking up into the sky would reliably inform you that it isn't green.

I guess if kikes say the sky is blue they must be lying too?

Here's your evidence, dumbass: they actually traded with other countries. That's the only "implementation" that this "theory" will ever have.

Maybe you ought to become an economist in North Korea. They really seem to be on-board with your "never trade with anyone" shit, which is what all your half-thoughts amount to. Get fucked.

God damn, you motherfuckers are on fire right now. I spent seven fucking years on this idea.

Give me just another month or two. That's it. My ICO goes live in a few months and I'll be recruiting off the board.

I can't detail too many plans or the name of the coin but I'll come here first and shill it here for you guys.

I will need all the support I can get and will be handing out jobs like hotcakes. Just give me a little more time.

Basically the way I envision the coin is as a self-inflating currency based on spending. I'll be careful not to let difference puzzle pieces slip, but it generates off spending. If I'm correct it could act as an antitoxin to kike controlled currency, spreading carefully but surely. But it can be undone if the kikes discover it too early and trample it. If it works however, it will change the world in an unheard of way.

Do you really think that I'll fall for your primitive subject switching tactic? I'm talking about paper money that has no inherent value and that you expect me to accept after I do my due dilligence and establish that I can trust you and that your economy has a bright future, i.e. your jew confetti will be worth something next month. If I fuck up by accepting fake silver, it is my fucking fault and I'll take full responsibility. BUT this is in no way comparable to HOPING that your funny money remains legit for the next years. I'll need to hope that your housing market, stock market, job market and what have you won't crash. Knowing this beforehand would indeed be omniscient. Checking that the silver is legit and/or the goods are okay is not being omniscient. You go to their country and fucking check them. I guess you never imported large quantities from China? I had to do a lot of stuff to make sure that they won't rip me off. And checking their GDP growth was not part of this…

If a kike tells me that his monopoly paper is as much worth as a pile of silver, I'll tell him to fuck off.

You never looked this up.. They never traded with worthless paper money. They either implemented a barter exchange system and/or used their asset based currency, i.e. Silver Reichsmark pegged to the gold standard.

I am literally speaking of local communities in that case. There is no reason to continue to pay the loanjew when it's cost prohibitive to do so and is itself a limiting factor on having children. This is in fact how that used to be done in the first place, except it was more with the large numbers of brothers and cousins that existed. That can't be done today since everyone is just single children now, that's why you need the group of people.

Any chance you'll be willing to hire NEETs?

This is the most important thread right now. It's literally the basis for war against Germany all those years ago as admitted by Churchill himself.


In Australia in 1935 (before WW2) the general public was getting very redpilled on the Rothschild central banks and how the economy is rigged.

Look at the Royal Commission of 1935:

Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the monetary and banking systems at present in operation in Australia (1935–1937)

Unfortunately Australia is a puppet-state of England and the shabbos goys / Freemasoncucks running the country did not shutdown the Rothschild's.

The theory that exposed how rigged the Aus economy was was this guy below:

This website is good for further reading on the topic

Based off CH Douglas's 1930s work


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"You can't get ahead."– 1st Law of Thermodynamics

"You can't even break even."– 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

Nothing can ever be 100% efficient.

Or is it the other way round? A barrel of oil is a barrel of oil is a barrel of oil; it doesn't fluctuate. It's the purchasing power of (((fiat currency))) that fluctuates.

While the laws of thermodynamics are in a way fundamentally correct in most practical application, there's a bit of misunderstanding as to how entropy should be understood.
1. Entropy (or disorderliness) is a subjective judgement. What might appear disorderly to you and I is probably orderly to something at a more finer - and to us, immeasurable - scale.
2. Negentropy (or orderliness) is a subjective measurement. What might appear orderly to you and I is probably disorderly to something at a more finer - and to us, immeasurable - scale.
In short, "things" are "things" only because they can relate and interact with other "things" in a predictable, stable manner - to us. Just because we can't quantify something or perceive any "order" in it does not mean that there is NO order to it.
In-Form-ation Theory and Physics will need to merge soon tbh.

Short answer: they don't.

Usury laws aren't bans on interest, but bans on interest charged when the lender has no stake in the venture, i.e. personal loans. A bank lending to purchase a house has a lien on the property and not (in a non-usurious system) on the borrower. Kikes made the borrower responsible, and that was the basis of actual slavery, which remains in vestigial form today in the US in the from of bail bonds. Don't take my word for it, user, look into it.


Can you stop being retarded for a split second?

All actions are based on predictions. You can't know the future. Call it whatever you like, but there is no difference between betting you'll get what you agreed to trade for and betting that an economy will do well in the future. It's all betting. It's standard risk and reward, you dense motherfucker.

You can't even read, can you? You don't have an infinite amount of time, and most times verifying what you get before you commit to the trade isn't possible. All it boils down to is whether you believe that being ripped off is always an inherent possibility or that it isn't. If you do believe it's possible you're sane; if you don't you're a drooling retard and there's no point even acknowledging your existence, let alone conversing with you about economics.

And if the government tells you to use the paper to pay taxes is that an imaginary value of the money? Just fuck off, already, you retard. You clearly think you're smarter than you are who can outsmart the universe by just saying "Hurr I only deal in real value like GOLD and SILVER." I've encountered goldbugs before but none of them are as obstinately dense as you.

Which has literally nothing to do with what my point is, not that I expected you to realize this given that you've already proven you are, at best, an overconfident midwit. They traded, ergo they made bets because they existed in reality. My point is proven and the "theory" is validated.

Ironically, the entire purpose of money is to fool retards like you into believing trades are more secure than they are so that they'll actually trade instead of cowering in their homes, perpetually afraid of getting ripped off.

You could. Tight communities like this have always existed in the US, but you'll be bumped high on the ZOG target list.

jews guzzle money like poo guzzles honey

Stay mad, faggot. Are you really trying to somehow explain that living involves general risk? I surely didn't know that… retard. This is one of the most useless things to even talk about and thus one of the most retarded things I've ever had the pleasure to waste my time on. It's like you've read the preface of a book about risk management and now you're trying to spout your newfound knowledge everywhere you can. You're completely ignoring real world scenarios and just talk about some abstract BS. Get a grip.

All talk no action, mongoloid. Have I not written how I went through a bunch of tedious shit to import legit products from China? Stop talking about stuff you have no idea about. This is beyond ridiculous. Go on alibaba, get some samples and if it sells amp up the quantity. When it gets rather pricey, tell me again how you don't have time to verify your goods…

(((They))) are accumulating gold since centuries. Did I not explain to you that we can only break the system by using a precious metal that they don't control and instead OWE? I'm casting pearls before a swine, I guess.. You're the most dense idiot in this whole thread. We're talking about a situation where we have freed our country. What are you talking about if the government demands paper money? Of course we need paper money TODAY or they'll put us into a jail cell. Stop your subject switiching you fucking imbecile.

I'm not interested in what you're trying to prove inside your little brain. You're arguing against something that you created yourself but then attributed to me. Again, I'm not interested in your stupid shit. I am telling you what the Third Reich did and they ignored your theories with a passion because they knew where those ideas originated from.

This is wasting time. Precious metals — all of them — are a shitty meme. You sound like a kike trying to pedal wares.

No, we don't need gold, silver, or whatever else to free ourselves. Stop being so obstinately stupid as to believe we need some fucking shiny metal dug out of the ground in order to save our economies. The most ironic part of this is that the actual NatSocs had as a central tenet the belief that so long as one had labor and resources one could have a functioning economy, and they were and are right on that account.

The only point of money is to facilitate trade and make sure people are confident enough to use it. It can be whatever the fuck people want, and is. There are only so many ways I can explain this in English, so I'm just going to stop replying.

You keep trying to get people to use silver while everyone else uses their brains and creates functional economies instead. Do it, faggot.

No, this is not true. Try to watch the Hitler's speeches about this. Then forget your modern-day conditioning for once and look up the words that Hitler used and the meaning of them in Germany of that time. Show me a picture of a German labor certificate. Good luck with that. I can show you thousands of pictures of Silver coins.

Who is building functional economies?

Nothing you pull out of your ass is going to make silver a necessary component of an economy. The fact that you don't realize this means I'm wasting my time, but when have precious metal retards been anything other than zealots who act like precious metals are a divine, revealed truth?

Then show me some of those labor certificates. After you fail to do this, google "Silver Reichsmark"…

Fuck, even with a two-sentence post you can't grasp what's being said. I really am wasting my fucking time.

My question is very simple… Show me some fucking cerificates. Silver is indeed a necessary component of an economy. Look up its usage in advanced technology.

Just stop. You're either missing points or just being deliberately retarded. Silver backed currency is not a necessity of an economy, and don't pretend you didn't realize this was what was being discussed. Calling you a retard is not a challenge from me to keep proving it.

It's because you can't. A currency must be based on something of value. Value is not imaginary but it's necessary for something important, e.g. silver usage in high temperature semiconductors, anti-bacterial biotech, spacecrafts ,Apache helicopters, photo-voltaic industry. Keep your funny money.

You do not need precious metals for your money, period. This is absurd. People can — and always have — traded perfectly well with each other without precious metals. By your logic if Bob and Bill want to exchange their goods they can't do so until they did up some gold or silver. That's stupid and so are you.

Now, assuming you aren't just samefagging, this is basic, retarded precious-metallite talking points. "Something of value" is not only bullshit but also ridiculous, considering that existing paper money is based on something of value, considering paper has value. Oh, but you meant the currency circulates at the value of what it's made out of? Nope. No one would bother making currency if that was the case. Might as well just trade lumps of gold. They abandoned doing that over five thousand years ago. All currency trades at a value above its constituent parts, because that's the point of currency. Its entire purpose is not to have value but to make sure people can trade without being too worried about whether everyone else will as well. The only reason precious metals were ever used was to stop forgery, which can be done without them now, hence their unpopularity.

I'll use small words: value is what people will take for something. Understand? It doesn't matter what you say something is "worth" if I can trade it as if it's worth something else. It doesn't matter that my ten dollar bill "isn't worth" ten dollars because everyone will treat it like it is.

People only ever use precious metals instead of currency when actual currency isn't available. Funnily enough, that's when they use barter too. And, guess what, trading precious metals at their natural market price directly for other goods or services is barter, because precious metals are no different from any other good. And it's just as efficient as every other form of barter: not very. Stop believing otherwise.

But precious metals IS the definition of money. Only during the 20th century "money" became magically paper. The whole problem is that you know nothing about the history of money. Please educate yourself. Look up the etymology of the word "money". Here it is: etymonline. com/index.php?term=money
Bob and Bill indeed don't need precious metals to engage in barter exchange. But this is the most primitive example. You can't build a nation on the basis of such simple processes. Sooner or later something else must also be used to make things simpler and faster, plus it needs to store energy, i.e. have a value. The basis for money (as an advancement of barter exchange) was always GRAIN. This is why money is also a weight. It moved on from grain, corn, etc. to gold and other precious metals. E.g. a POUND STERLING or RUBLE from Old Russian rubiti "to chop, cut, hew," so called because the original metallic currency of Russia (14c.) consisted of silver bars, from which the necessary amount was cut off. The Mark (e.g. Deutsche Mark) from Old Norse mörk means "unit of weight." The examples go on and on and on. (((They))) started to accumulate gold, so there's a restriction here for us, but it can be broken and it was once broken. Every great empire had a currency based on silver, e.g., Rome, Russia, Britain, Germany and even the US (read the Dollar definiton of the US Coinage Act of 1792). The problems always began when nations started to gradually remove silver .

This is exactly right. It's worth the paper and ink. But today we moved on to electronic digits anyways.

I already listed great empires that did this. But you can find more if you search (India, etc). The basis was always silver. Gold was measured in comparison to it, i.e. a gold coin is worth 10 silver coins (oversimplification).

Then go and buy modern art for 10 million USD. I won't do it because I know it's wortless. And as long as this is not understood by the masses, our system is a shit show. We need to reach a healthy equilibrium first. You always try to explain what is happening within the framework of the present system. But it won't apply in the new system. I'm not interested in revising our system, I want it to be gone. I don't care that some modern art garbage can be used as a storage of wealth TODAY. It goes against my values.

This is the problem. Some jew prints paper with his symbol on it and buys a pile of gold from some stupid goy. And this stupid goy is happy about it. Until the next crash of course. Then he will hand over his house to the bank.

No, it isn't. Stop being a kike and playing with words. Money is money and precious metals are precious metals. Money is a sound and fully defined concept that nowhere includes precious metals as a necessity.

Look, the least you could do is put in a cursory amount of research instead of pulling things out of your ass. Money has been paper for a lot longer, and things besides precious metals have been used as money all over the planet.

Could you be any less self-aware?

Wow, nothing about precious metals. Stop being butthurt that money and currency have become conflated as words. It was a natural progression once metals became unnecessary in currency.

They don't need it for any exchange, period.

Oh shut the fuck up. No it doesn't. All you're doing is pretending barter isn't barter when precious metals are involved. You're like a kike inserting things and hoping no one will notice. "Storing energy" is nowhere near the same thing as value, which currency does not need to have. Currency functions only to represent value, nothing more.


Metal currency (not just silver, since you seem to be being duplicitous again) was a necessity, as I pointed out before, as an anti-forgery measure. Before very modern times using rare metals was about the best anti-forgery measure you could employ. In principle, however, you don't have to so long as the number of people able to actually create the currency is limited.

Like many things, electronics have brought money to its most abstract and pure form.

Value is not objective; period. It's built into the fucking word. Value is a personal evaluation. You might not value the art for $10m but that wouldn't prevent me from getting $10m worth of stuff you do value at $10m in exchange for it.

If you honestly believe that you'll somehow be able to make value objective your "values" go against reality.

Yeah, bartering would clearly solve this problem. It's a little known fact, but Jews are in fact werewolves and are allergic to silver. The only thing you need to do to win over Jews is to adopt silver. It's a miracle cure.

Give me a break. You're selling snake-oil.

I mentioned historical documents like the US Coinage Act and the Reichsgesetzblatt, I even linked to a fucking dictionary because I knew you are a retard and would sperg out. You ignored all my physical numismatic evidence that exists to this day and you can buy on fucking ebay. If this is not enough, then this case is hereby closed. You can't rebut anything, that's why your repeatedly use platitudes. And you don't need to explain to me your acquire mainstream economic "knowledge," I went over this Marxist shit years ago and don't need to hear it again. I am still waiting on your evidence of labor certificates btw.

They're massively shorting the silver market to a degree that they're losing shekels. Are you this dumb? They don't have the silver amount that they're are promising to pay out. A huge physical delivery order will crash the market.

You can't even grasp basic logic. It doesn't matter how many examples of silver coinage you pull out because even just one example of non-silver currencies proves your theory of holy-silver wrong. And guess what? Silver not only isn't a universal currency, it isn't even a majority currency. It certainly isn't the universal empire building magic metal you're pretending it is.

Silver is not necessary for currency. Are you understanding this yet? You have zero evidence that this is so. None whatsoever. You have no theories, no hypotheses, and no empirical evidence. You have jack shit; nothing but fucking clichés that could be pulled out of any goldbug infograph that were not and are not even mildly correct.

Yeah, yeah, kikes are werewolves and can only be defeated with silver.

And this proves that silver is kike kryptonite how? Oh, right, it doesn't.

Just stop posting. Anyone can read what you've written on any goldbug website. None of it proves that silver or any precious metal is necessary for large economies, and the fact that you autistically focus on irrelevancies, can't divine even the clearest of points, and are either willfully ignorant or just plain trolling with the amount of bullshit you've pulled. This isn't rational discussion, this is you getting triggered by heretics, apostates, and infidels who won't buy into your precious metal religion. Just read over any of your previous posts. You approach economics like Muslims approach law, like it's arcane and occult knowledge from the divine that only holymen can make sense of because it's inherently incoherent.

Silver is not necessary for currency. Silver is not necessary for economies of any sort. Silver is not necessary to defeat the kikes. Silver is not necessary once the kikes are defeated. Silver is not magic. Silver isn't an economic cure-all.

Is all of that clear enough for you? Present a theory, present hypotheses, present evidence. Most of all, go back through all your posts and look at all the logical fallacies you've committed. You need to be slapped in the face with that chart of logical fallacies.

Are you two arguing over metal backed currencies?
Because that is retarded.
A commodity backed currency is only slightly less retarded than barter.

Silver is not a currency, it is money. Is all of that clear enough for you?

Present a theory, present hypotheses, present evidence.
The Silver Reichsmark was pegged to Gold in 1924 by Schacht. Hitler increased the purity of Silver coins in 1933. This is published in the Reichsgesetzblatt, the official journal of law enactment of the German Reich from 1871 until 1945. You can't provide any evidence that labor certificates even existed. I can prove Silver Reichsmarsk; you can buy them even today on ebay and there are thousands of pictures on the web. What else do you want me to prove? Your economic theory is called Chartalism, I expect that you're hearing this term for the first time in your life. Hitler was more interested in Gustav Ruhland's thoughts.

Yes, you idiot. Or do you think JP Morgan devalues its own asset because they like to lose shekels? When physical demand spikes and they can't deliver, the FED keeps them afloat by giving them cash so they can at least appease the buyers.

"Backed" means that it's still partially fraudulent. If you mean "based," then yes. If you think that this is also retarded, please explain yourself. I'm curious.

It is barter. Period.

Oh, so you are retarded then. Money is any metal currency, under the old definition, and just flat-out currency per modern parlance. And all currencies work. In fact, commodity currencies (in the sense of backing) are identical to every other currency, and in the sense of basing aren't currencies at all and are in fact barter.

Do you have a collection of them you're trying to sell to naïve Holla Forumslacks before the price drops or something? The way you keep talking about buying them on eBay when it was never relevant makes me think so.

Kikes being stupid about one commodity doesn't prove silver is kike kryptonite. The fact that you even believe that a metal somehow intrinsically harms Jews (and can't even explain how) shows how far gone you are.

You can't use money and currency interchangeably. This is stupid. Get a grip on the definitions of the terms you use. Here is a primer. I will use Gold as an example. Gold doesn't deteriorate, corrode, rust or spoil. It is neither getting consumed nor is it disappearing in any way. Rather it gets accumulated. Thus the annual supply of newly mined gold doesn't have much of an impact on the Gold price. The real supply of Gold is its aboveground stock. Thus it is different to "commodities," where annual supply and demand determines their price. Another unique trait is that it defacto has an interest rate. Gold for delivery in the future has a higher price than gold due for delivery today. This structure is called contango, and the difference in price is gold’s interest rate. No commodity or indeed, no other tangible asset has an interest rate. Only plebs call Gold a commodity.

No, you retard. I am showing you cold hard evidence. It actually exists in the real world and it's documented and you can actually see it with your own eyes in museums and what not. Contrary to your fancy labor certificates which never existed. Prove me wrong and show me one. You can't. This is the whole point. You failed.

Demanding huge amounts of Silver that big banks promised to physically deliver will crash the fiat system and thus jews lose control and it's over. If Russia wouldn't be zog east they would switch to a silver standard and demand precious metals and other goods for their gas and oil. They would use these metals to mint their money and the US Dollar would crash, Jewry would lose again. But these stupid fucks (with China) are amassing Gold for a Gold-backed currency which is in no way better than what we have today.

Most people do because metal currency is obsolete. I hope you don't try and correct people about this when actual metal currency isn't relevant. Money is currency and has been ever since modern anti-forgery techniques were invented.

Are you living in the Middle Ages? Gold does corrode, just very slowly. Gold is consumed and has been since modern uses of it were discovered.

It isn't. Gold is a commodity the same as everything else. Just because its consumption rate is low doesn't mean that it is somehow magic. Gold's price is determined the same way as every other commodity (which isn't supply and demand, by the way, because those are synchronic and bunk).

It doesn't. Interest rates are abstract mathematical creations that exist only in the minds of people. Value in the real world is a matter of probabilities of people and can go in any direction. It is entirely possible that people could stop wanting gold tomorrow and the price of gold would appropriately drop to nothing. Is it likely? No. Is it possible? Yes. Gold does not have an inherently increasing price.

So literally like everything else in the world. Time-value is bullshit, by the way. It's not valued less; there's just extra value needed to offset the increase in risk.

Only metal-zealots call it not a commodity. Honestly, you people treat these things like they're fucking magic. If that isn't the biggest red flag since Schlomo said "I could teach your children" I don't know what is.

I never said silver currency didn't exist, so you proving it does is irrelevant.

Even if that line of logic was valid (it isn't) just a quick Google shows all sorts of non-silver Reichsmark. Fuck's sake, it was even on a nominal gold-standard. Look at that, there's even a picture of a bronze-Reichsmark that's clearly not silver! Amazing!

Why are you so autistic about silver Reichsmarks?

This does not prove silver is an inherent weapon against Jews. If even just a million white men took up arms the system would collapse. If just a few debts were called in the system would collapse. The particularities of our current system do not prove universal rules. Look, you should honestly just take a course in basic logic because you clearly don't know how to use it.

They would also subsequently collapse. Russia has no monopoly on gas and oil. All it would do is shift Europe to being more dependent on the US as our fracking oil and gas becomes comparatively cheaper than paying in nonexistent silver (if you claims are even true).

lolno. Nobody has any reason to particularly want Russian currency and they wouldn't want it any more than they do now if it was silver. All it would do is cap the Russian growth rate as they flirt with a deflationary spiral.

You are clearly smarter than the entirety of the Russian and Chinese governments.

I like the idea of replacing the fiat money with the energy units. Too bad the Jews won't allow this to become a reality.

It's not that. It's also rewarding those who are economically capable with credit so they may use that credit to create value. Getting rid of interest for lending gets rid of any ability to offset the risks of lending. Without the ability to charge interest, the absolute best-case scenario when lending $X is you get back $X (with a small chance of less-than $X).

The risk of ruin in lending would be certain. Nobody would lend except in charity. Risk is not free, you have to "pay" for risk with profit or else YOU WILL BUST!

It's not your guys' fault you suck at money. Money management to most of you involves totaling up a cash-basis register at the end of the month and writing a few chec… err paying a few bills online. Frankly, most of you don't even know what risk is let alone how to manage it. You wouldn't be saying stupid shit like "usury is evil" and "usury is of the Jews." Yes, kikes use usury. They occasionally use guns too should we ban those?

Now monetary policy, that's a different ball of wax. I don't think we should be trading US-Treasury "approved" FedReserve bank credit borrowed at interest. That is just pure stupid, cubed. Instead, I could see a Hitler-like solution: print money to meet ALL expenditures on time, hold monopoly on home mortgages as a way to remove printed money from circulation (in addition to goods import/resource export tariffs).

One more thing. Money is a game. Many of you are gamers at heart. Make money your game and you'll actually have a fair chance at an easy [meaning: lack of physical labor] life.

I have a thought. Lemme know how far behind I am.
The reason (((they))) don't want bitcoin (or some other blockchained, central ledgered currency) is because it reduces/removes the need for usury.
Lemme explain myself…

This is not an argument. Most people are stupid. I already told you that I don't care what the establishment deems as relevant or not relevant. I don't want to go back to simply coins, you know. Technology is progressing, so with Nano technology and the likes, new doors are rapidly opening.

Pure gold is inert under normal atmospheric conditions. Check your chemistry knowledge.

Almost all of the Gold that was ever mined does still exist. It's around 165,000 metric tons.

Check the history of humanity.

I wrote:
And you answered with:
Are you serious..?

(((They))) control the world through their massive stockpile of gold as it was written in the Protocols (I don't care if it's a forgery). They use the gold standard themselves, most people are simply to stupid to realize this. So yes, I take metals very seriously.

What did Germany use then?

Because I read the Reichsgesetzblatt and realized that Silver was the basis of Germany's economy, similar to every other great empire before these fucked up by starting to decrease the silver content of coins.

Then I guess the Wehrmacht fucked this up.

Everybody hates the US. Russia would never collapse. It's more rational to trade with Russia because they're the direct neighbour. Ffs everybody of a sane mind knows that the US drives a wedge between Europe (Germany) and Russia to maintain their hegemony. Who the fuck would want to be dependent on the US if it weren't for the fact that most countries aren't sovereign and have no say in this.

If it were true, the US wouldn't have cared about Gaddafi also. Case closed.

No, as part of the zog system they execute their tasks very well. I couldn't do any better.

Abolishing interest ≠ abolishing repayment. Interest obscures the whole issue by being purely mathematical, when in truth "loans" are an investment into something where the return is proportional to what wealth the investment creates. The risk of the investment creating nothing (and thus getting no return) is offset by the possibility of getting much greater returns than what was invested.

Language is mostly defined by how most people use it. Metal currency is obsolete, and 'currency' is far more clumsy a word than 'money.' 'Money' is acceptable as a synonym for 'currency.'

Increasing price ≠ inherently increasing price. By the way, the price of gold has fluctuated wildly by time and location.

You literally cannot read greentext now, apparently.

Treating something as magic (as you do) is the opposite of treating something seriously.

You are incapable of following logic and prove this at every turn. I give examples of particularities to our current system to disprove the notion of universal rules and you immediately take it as a universal rule. Lynch yourself, nigger. I'd call you a kike but they have IQs topping 100.

Typical metal-zealot, thinking everything boils down to what special metal was put in coins and unable to explain why.

Don't make yourself look even more retarded by fantasizing about geopolitics as well as money. The West at the moment are US satellite states. They aren't going to go against the liberal world order.

Again with your metal retardation. Jesus Christ, I guess Hillary lost because she didn't have enough magic gold? Bin Laden probably kept silver coins under his mattress and thereby threatened the whole US world order. No wonder the SEALs had to eliminate him; his metal magic was just too powerful.

I'm really just going to stop replying because you clearly don't have the IQ to even follow basic logic, let alone have debates regarding economics.

My bad, I should clarify. Interest currently serves to make repayment include beyond what wealth is generated by the investment, making it illegitimate. A system eliminating the problems of interest would have returns proportional to gross profit, thus making what is being done and what repayment is for far clearer than kike magic nonsense of "you owe me mathematically because reasons, goyim."

You can't answer my questions. You're simply repeating what you said before. My answers will be the same because there's no progress in your thoughts. Come back when you're able to argue in a more coherent way.

Are taxes even necessary in such a system, though? If the currency is backed by the labor (work and services) of the people, then the government (as part of the people) can print all the money it needs, can't it? As long as it's backed by the labor of the goverment/politicians, that is. If the goverment needs to start public works/infrastracture projects, then it can print money and give it to the companies who do the work, thus it'll be based on their labor. So in summary, money will be printed and politicians & workers will be paid for their jobs. This money then subsequently enters into circulation when they buy stuff with their wages and/or companies invest in something. Is this view congruent with the labor backed currency theory?

Well, technically speaking the government can invisibly tax all currency holders by just printing currency, reapportioning a larger share of that buying power to themselves and thus it does not have a "need" for formal taxes from that point of view, but there are many reasons why they don't (and wouldn't) just do that. For a start, controlling the exact amount of money in existence is very important, and although you could just print the money instead of taxing it you'd end up causing inflation. There's also the fact that by printing currency you are only taxing currency holders and hurting some more than others (although it is a flat-tax, more or less); taxes are a huge instrument of government power (by disincentivizing some activities, e.g. importing) and it's not all that sensible to give that up. There are other benefits of taxation, but those are the big ones.

…there's also the fact that taxes are the primary reason anyone uses your currency over, say, store credit at Walmart or something. Sure, you could go the direct route and be explicit about it — "Use the currency or you go to jail" — but people like to pretend things aren't that inelegant. People are familiar with taxes and it's a lot easier to say "Pay your taxes in Holla Forums dollars" than "Use Holla Forums dollars or we beat you up and imprison you." That and the fact that in the former situation you don't have to spend money making sure people are using the currency because they'll do so out of convenience.

In order to completely abolish taxes you would, primarily, have to have a society that requires no disincentives and where the government provides a very low level of spending, wherein the increase in the money pool is about equal to the rate of economic growth (i.e. you have neither inflation nor deflation). In short, it has to be rather utopian.

Also worth noting that the currency isn't "backed" by something because currency backing only exists for commodity currencies. Currency, by definition, is a representation of wealth that allows for trading more advanced than barter, not wealth itself.



It doesn't disappear. Spending money means someone else has it to spend. It's possible to pay off debts without crashing the system because debts don't necessarily recirculate as cash does. In practice this is a bit of an issue just because people keep taking out loans, but in principle there is nothing preventing debts from being paid off.

E.g. you take out a loan for 5k, the bank is paid back that 5k, it spends that 5k on salaries, the people paid those salaries spend it to buy groceries, furniture, etc, the grocer and furniture salesman then use it to pay their debts, and it keeps recirculating like that.

Make the network transaction fees payout random amounts. It makes anyone running a full node the owner of a lotto ticket that gets called every 10 minutes. First miner to hit "the big one" will inspire plenty of hobbyist miners run a full node.

And I thought you guys were some ebil hackers or something

Compound interest is much worse than nominal.

If I borrow £1000 at nominal interest of say 10%, I have to pay back £1100, period, no matter the timeframe. That's an acceptable fee for the availability of capital (with which I should easily be able to make a profit larger than £1100) and incentive for the lender to lend.

Compound interest for that loan over 5 years would have me paying back £1610. 10 years, and I would owe £2594, more than double the original loan. There are many bad loans (((easily available))) out there for which within a few years or even months, the interest payments alone become impossible to keep up with, let alone the base amount. That is debt slavery.

Take for example a UK loan company called Wonga. I can borrow up to £500 at a daily compound interest rate of 0.8%. Sounds great to the unwary. But in 30 days I would owe £635. If I couldn't pay it back for just one year, I would owe £9164. And this is a loan specifically targeted at people who already can't make ends meet at the end of the month.

Stopping nominal interest would freeze up liquidity in my opinion. But compound interest is literally "you owe me 20x the original loan because maths, goyim" and needs to go.

As I keep saying, the notion of interest just blurs the business that's actually going on. In an ideal world, loans are being provided in order to move resources that aren't being used to somewhere where they can be used productively. And since money can't be loaned, technically, as it is consumed what is happening is actually an investment. You are giving someone money so that they can create more money and you can make a return.

All very well and good, but our current system confuses all of that. It confuses who is responsible, who is taking the risks, who owes what, etc.. In other words, typical Jewish tricks. It's because of this that you end up with nonsense like bankruptcy or "Oy vey, you owe more than what actually exists." By pretending what is happening is a loan one can pretend that repayment is just a returning of what was borrowed, even though it isn't. You can pretend it's just the same as loaning your friend your car. But then risk comes into play. Loans are personal and not business (else it is rent) and you want to make a return. You're also taking a risk that the debtor will default. Supposedly. Jews take this to mean that they need some sort of bonus to offset the risk and immediately suggest a payment based upon the amount borrowed. It's easy to see how nicely this logic flows.

In truth, you are investing in the creation of wealth — or you should be, but Jews like instead to use loans to extract wealth instead of create it (e.g. loaning to buy loans, consumer loans, etc.). If your investment fails — your risk doesn't pay off — it's because wealth wasn't created. And supposedly the debtor must take all the burden because under our schemes he is supposedly totally responsible, so the creditor can take whatever and however much he can from him in order to "cover his losses." It's thoroughly Jewish.

The return for a loan should be the same as return for all other investments: proportional to what the investment actually creates. To give a trivial example, Alec Guinness was promised 2.5% of the profits of Star Wars. Not 2.5% interest on what he'd been paid or whatever else, but 2.5% on the profit actually made. Which means $0 if nothing was made. This gets rid of all the problems with interest. No debt slavery, no funny math, no bankruptcies, no debts greater than actual wealth, etc.. Seek out good investments worth the risk and you stand to make an enormous return.

I suppose lump-sum fees could also work. It's about the only way I could think of for international currency exchanges to work (though given how little those actually cost to do nowadays it's a little outrageous anything is charged), and I can't at the moment see why it wouldn't work for loans.


russia is part of BRICS, they helped found it to undermine the IMF


Holla Forums:
Yeah sure (((capitalism))) doesn't work. Maybe try capitalism instead.
Ackchually interest rates are too low. To even get a net zero interest rate requires it to match inflation - currently something like 10% or 12%.

Did you know price controls are bad? Artificially lowing the price of money creates a shortage of money. That's far worse than any other shortage, as it affects every industry, not just one. Fun fact about shortages: they start with a temporary glut as demand is artificially released. A bunch of unprofitable businesses are nevertheless able to get funding. And then go out of business. A bunch of people lose their jobs. Now you have the shortage - a recession. Good work usurycucks.

No mention of the DTCC.

Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation is pretty much the largest bank in the world.
If you find this stuff interesting, you may want to look in to Black Monday. It was a test by DTC to see how the market would recover.
Yes they literally engineered it, it's not widely known.

Yea that's why I thought the fraction reserve bank need to be abolished and nationalise all of the banks to deprive the private bankers any powers forever.

Interest is a shit system. The problems you talk about are because interest has no bearing on the real world and so people scramble around trying to figure out what the "right" interest rates are to keep everything from collapsing.

Fuck off kike.

The Fed forced all private share holders to sell to member banks a few decades back. There may be some sort of more oblique method of enrichment but currently the profit is by the member banks and those who can control economic policy for their own ends, not through direct to individual dividend payments.

Looks like the thread is totally derailed, but at least that's keeping the op bumped.

This guy gets it. Ideally money should cease to exist once all transactions have been made. In lieu of this money should come into existence in proportion to the activity of the economy, and it should come into existance nearly directly at the point of economic activity. One possible system would be to have a govenrment economic department issue a target money rate and then credit the money directly into all citizen's accounts. Banks would be forbidden to create new money but could still help pool individual money together for investment purposes.

Also there is NO NEED FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO BORROW MONEY FOR PUBLIC WORKS! The government could create money to fund public works projects that create additional value. For example if the government builds a new rail-line, it would increase the economic activity and production in the economy. It will increase the value of land and businesses that benefit from the infastructure, to compensate for this increase in value the government can create new money to fund the project. Since the new money created is balanced with new levels of economic activity there will be no inflation.

Savvy? Modern banking is a scam that decreases economic activity because they are the incompetent gatekeepers of what gets funded. More important than financial gain is the POWER that this grants. They can dictate policy to corporations or even prevent the rise of entire industries all by witholding funds. Or if the government wants to build new infastructure they can force the government to pay through the nose to do it. It's all nonsense, because money can be created by fiat in proportion to the creation of new value.

this is not even vaguely accurate

This looks interesting:
Knapp and "Chartalism" were referenced by John Maynard Keynes in the opening pages of his 1930 Treatise on Money [9] and appear to have influenced Keynesian ideas on the role of the state in the economy.[6] By 1947, when Abba Lerner wrote his article "Money as a Creature of the State", economists had largely abandoned the idea that the value of money was closely linked to gold.[10] Lerner argued that responsibility for avoiding inflation and depressions lay with the state because of its ability to create or tax away money.[10]
Did someone read the book "State Theory of Money" by Knapp? I've dowloaded it just now and will take a look. Unfortunately, I didn't find much on Gustav Ruhland, it's all in German.

The problem with this is that it comes from economists who have no idea how reality actually functions, let alone a working understanding of history. Currency cannot have been invented to solve the problems of barter because barter has only ever existed in post-currency societies (i.e. where the currency has collapsed) like post-war Germany or post-collapse Russia.

Did you even read what I posted? The text actually agrees with you.
Apart from that I don't agree with your proposition that barter only existed in post-currency societies because it also existed in pre-currency societies. It's the most primitive process ever, even little kids do it.

Your knowledge of KSP is good.

There is however one issue.

you have to decelerate the "giant chunks of Asteroid" other wise they will burn in atmosphere and become superheated chunks of Asteroid - that will slam into the ground hard.

you would need more than a little bit of delta v to decelerate an asteroid espically a big one.

Don't get me wrong orbital mining is an excellent idea

Talk to any anthropologist. The reason barter sounds stupid is because it generally is stupid. In close communities (i.e. what most of humanity has existed in since time immemorial) people don't engage in barter, they have credit systems. When you have a close community, you just straight up share things on the assumption that anyone else in your tribe would do the same for you. Oh, your neighbor Billy's calf was stolen and his family needs something to eat? Well, he can have one of your calves. He can repay you later when you want some of his beer.

It isn't. It's an economist fantasy that stems from an assumption of "man in nature" were everyone "started out" on their own with no trust and where barter therefore makes the most sense. Of course, it quickly breaks down because people start trusting each other and using credit systems.

You mean only. Little children do it because they haven't yet developed enough socially and are mostly selfish creatures. How many little kids do you know who like sharing or understand its value?

Yes, I don't agree with you. Anyway, I am more interested in the first part of my post. Why did you ignore it?

There is no evidence for primitive barter. Period.

What is there to say about it?


You're funny. It's fine, don't sweat it.

If you think getting rid of fractional reserve banking without getting rid of usury will work, check out the dutch after they left the Church.

The fractional-reserve model is wrong. Banks don't need to have "sufficient reserves" before creating fake money by writing loans.
The only requirement (Basel III) is that over time they have sufficient liquid assets (CAR - capital adequacy ratio) to cover their asses in cases of bank runs.
This is kind of "money vs currency" autism, but the ramifications of these things are immense. Basically the Federal Reserve is not as powerful as most people think, and is used as a scapegoat to shift the blame from the real culprits which are the commercial banks themselves with their carefree attitude to lending. It's the Fed goy! Shut It Down and all will be well…

This is a partial understanding of the situation.
This modern system is essentially a tool of empire-building for the US military-industrial-intelligence complex. The US dollar is the "world reserve currency", like gold used to be previously. As China and Russia get more powerful, this system gets challenged:
There are a bunch of cooperating and at the same time competing factions within it, but it is not just the banks at this level.
Kings used to have Court Jews from which they got loans in order to chimpout at each other. The Jew primarily provided the service; his power was only limited by the greed and stupidity of the king. Too much gold to pay back? Pogrom time! Rinse and repeat.
Nowadays the system is global and interlocked with other sectors so there are no simple restart-button solutions like that any longer.

I am amazed that the thread is still alive. We must hated the (((currency)) much.

That's oddly specific conjecture. What's your evidence?

The fractional-reserve model is wrong, and Werner has actually proven this by using the actual software systems of a real bank:

This is a good post.

Remember, Jews have a vested interest in convincing the goyim gold is actually worth something.

Gold gave the Jews power in the medieval times and kept them safe. They could pay bribes with gold, thus today you will see them deeply in love with gold (see Peter Schiff).

Gold is worth sweet fuck all in an isolated Island economy.

The chemical properties of precious metals have various useful functions. Without silver, for example, lots of advanced technologies won't work. As long as you think that toilet paper has as much value as satellites, solar panels or medicine, you're a fucking imbecile. Jews controlling "something," doesn't make this "something" bad perse. It simply means that we fucked up. Jews control gold. And this is good, because it's also their Achilles' heel. If you don't understand that we can break them BECAUSE they've amassed gold, you should read this thread again.

…umm aren't you guys forgetting about cryptocurrencies? They have all the benefits of gold and silver and none of the negatives. Ie)not being primarily owned by jews (gold). Decentralized, no way to artificially print more of it off, no way to consume them, and theyre digital so transport and distribution is as simple as a few clicks.

They will take over eventually. Mark my words.

have a non sage bump with updated archive. extremely important information here. the kikes monetary system is the backbone of his power. to understand it is to know how and where he is weak. knowledge of his weakness is key to his defeat. it is a dangerous knowledge to you and him.

–→* (the point)


Most cryptocurrencies are actually deflationary, an inherent weakness (although I assume this is the "benefit of gold and silver" you talk about). They are also similarly limited in that they are not government issued and therefore cannot be used to tax, and thus are also subject to wild speculation and price fluctuation.

A government issued cryptocurrency actually solves many of the problems of cryptocurrency, such as no longer having to figure out decentralized validation. Of course, it means the government has to run servers constantly, but if Google can do it…

Until they can be used for taxes (i.e. until they become government issued) they will never become more popular than trading in Steam credit, Amazon credit, or Walmart credit will. They have a popularity ceiling.

A gallon of gas has 120,276,384 Joules.

Although now I want to ride in a bread powered car.

This post presents an utterly nonsensical and circular physical ontology. For one, imagining a hypothetical immeasurable microscale observer in physics is a contradiction - a realm in principle inaccessible to science is not science. It's not your fault, the philosophically impoverished scientistic (((materialism))) has rotted through our understanding and language for expressing these concepts for like 50 years. Look into latest on network theory if you want to see some mind blowing shit about generalized entropy, which imho is more like a basic, fundamental abstract shape or pattern of the physical universe, intimately linked to literally everything, at all scales, in all systems. It seems like a massive key for developing new, streamlined economic theories for the 21st C for example, that actually work as a theory rather than p much just a template for elaborate normative propaganda.

Good luck with that.

I made a coin to create a new central bank. At /ohni/ and I'm trying to give coins away but I gotta remake the website and board and it just takes forever.
This was an important paper that raised some eyebrows at the time, but the Bank of England is not the only large central bank that has recently admitted the truth:
Oy gevalt, but muh Fractional-Reserve Banking!!!! Why, this is blood libel!! Chaim shut it down
Oy vey it can't be shut down

And people still wonder why inflation can't be controlled. Maybe because you have tens — maybe even hundreds or thousands — of different currency issuers?


If you convert to Judaism you can get interest free loans. Yes 0% interest, per-requisite is you're Jewish.

Soil fuel can't be used in an IC engine.

They used to have steam powered cars which did run on solid fuel.

Alternately you can ferment your starch into alcohol instead of bread, using a different yeast and a lot more water, which does yield liquid fuel. The problem is that the energy needed to plant, harvest, and transport cereal grains is more than the energy contained in the ethanol you get out of it.

No no Menashe, our banks are merely financial intermediaries, or at most through Fractional Reserve Banking can only create loans of up to a 1000 shek–I mean dollars from a 100 dollar deposit… remember the money multiplier goys, it's not like we can sca–I mean service you as if we had unlimited money!!!

Here's the true, final, "Hidden Secret of Money" (Maloney is a cool dude): the entire modern global fiat currency system is fake not merely at the central bank level (as the Jews who run the commercial banks would want you to believe; focus all your outrage at the Fed goy) but down to the commecial bank level as well. This is truly a double dose of this Jewing, and the following trick perfectly showcases the true Jewish Genius behind it:
A lost century in economics: Three theories of banking and the conclusive evidence
This made it to the news at the time:
The real revelation though was that this kind of thing had always been common practice amongst banks. "Credit Suisse gave Qatar loan during crisis"
??Fairly co–oy VEY muh Fractional Reserve!!!! Oh my GOLD this is an outrage….a total holocaust!!!!!!

There are zero risks in lending in a fractional reserve banking system you fucking kike, what, are they going to "lose" the numbers they type into a bank computer? Lose asset price and currency inflation on a whim? Fucking kike. Banks are not financial intermediaries, they are money creators, and abolishing interest/nationalization of the banking sector means that inflation from money creation will be tied to growth, supply, and demand.

Research gasifiers.

This. 80% of lending isn't to fund actual wealth creating ventures but to buy pre-existing property and other financial claims (e.g. debts, mortgages, stocks, bonds, etc.), raising the economy's debt without increasing its value or ability to create value. In fact, it has been this way since modern Western banking has come into existence. The industrial revolution was funded almost entirely without it; in fact, banks only started funding things when they thought they could get a monopoly out of it, like railroads and the like. And this was not uncommon; most banking ventures before the industrial revolution were involved in either trade or government monopolies such as the East India Companies (all of them). Practically none of it was involved in aiding domestic growth. Like most good things (see: Renaissance art) industry was fueled by private funders and donors who oftentimes expected no returns on their money. They did not give out debts; they would act as patrons to inventors and engineers just as they had acted as patrons to Da Vinci and other artists. What returns they did get were based on how profitable the venture they had funded was, not kike magic growing debt.

The entire point of interest bearing debt is to extract wealth. Debts grow and grow, and the goal is to have them grow to swallow the entirety of everyone's net profits. And then they'll still grow, to make sure the kikes can have whatever they want from you, because you "owe us, goyim." Then it becomes a way to seize property on a whim.

Our debt system actively stifles innovation, consumption, creation, and economic activity by siphoning off everyone's separate wealth. It has vast multitudes of people whose only actions in life are to convince companies to spend as much of their money as possible not on R&D or company expansion but on the financial investors. e.g.:
>tell company A that instead of spending the money is made on R&D or expansion that they need to buy back shares, stocks, and bonds from (((investors)))
>to raise money, company A might sell these bonds, stocks, etc. again for a lower price, allowing (((investors))) to buy it back and repeat the cycle
(companies are also forced to keep huge amounts of money in reserve in case they are targeted or (((their debts come due))))

Spending on worthless kike items like this swallows over four times the revenue of reinvestment in an average company in the US today. IIRC 7% is spent on reinvestment while 30% is spent on buying back from kikes alone (that is: not counting other kike burdens like interest payments). Similar things are done to everything from real estate (especially real estate) to trade, inflating prices and extracting wealth while creating exactly nothing and purely enriching kikes.

It's worth pointing out briefly that another effect is that this decreases tax revenues for the government, and since they won't tax (((finance))) and (((investments))) they tax companies and whites more heavily, further impoverishing them. In short, any money that isn't sucked up into financial payments of some sort (say, a mortgage payment) is sucked into tax. Suffice it to say that the economy functions decidedly worse when people don't have money to spend, and that leaving whites with none of the immense profit their labor makes them is disgraceful.

This is nothing but predatory overhead. Can anyone, let alone anyone on Holla Forums, truly claim that this is not only not harmful but necessary to a functioning economy? That if all of it were to vanish — if whites were to vastly increase their "disposable income" — it would not be indisputably a good thing? That we would not see immense growth by leaps and bounds in all things as people are suddenly free to invest in innovative projects they couldn't before afford or support new industries producing goods more expensive than what kikes deem acceptable for the goyim?

Debt is predatory and always has been. It needs to be abolished.

*by siphoning off everyone's surplus wealth

Except Germany didn't have the resources needed, hence Lebensraum and trying to get hold of the natural resources of other countries.

You can liquefy coal and then use it in a standard combustion engine.

This has always been the nature of debt. Convince the government that it's okay for you to create money "because you're investing in important industries and helping development" and then deftly make sure no one notices that the money you lend out is used to legally oblitavistock repayment of more than you lent. So much more, in fact, that it swallows up any wealth your loan created. Worse still, usually it doesn't create any because instead of aiding development you act purely to extract wealth.

It's one of the most Jewish things in existence; pretending to help others while purely enriching yourself. "No, no, we're not just giving money to ourselves! We're giving it to others, see? Just ignore the repayments that are more than what we gave out." It's hiding what's really going on behind a curtain. Boils my blood.

The problem is this is just too abstract and complex for 99,9% of the people to bother giving a shit about. Until they are starving, they won't care.

Most of it isn't. Most people will understand when you tell them that debts grow without regard to anything else and will eventually grow to swallow up not only their incomes but their property as well. They know what foreclosures are; they are intimately familiar with high interest payments. They already hate banks and think the financial system is bunk. It's not hard to convince them that it's out to exploit them.

What's hard is convincing them to do something about it (and for a lot of whites that they don't deserve to be exploited).

Yes that's what I meant. Unless the lights go out and fear of starvation sets in for a considerable amount of the population, they will not do anything. That's the frustrating part of the red-pill.

Good thread, have an interest free bump.



Accomplished nothing but helping the jevvs hide more easily.

if jfk was assassinated because of that why'd they shoot him in the open air with a crowd? surely it'd make more sense for him to die of "natural causes" i.e. poisoning him with nobody noticing

UBI is unsustainable welfare on steroids. It's a scam to allow the hyper rich to leverage the poor to enslave the middle class. It's only supported by their shills and people who fail at economics, thermodynamics, and math.

visibility bump.
This is the real reason for world war 2, Hitler re-nationalised the creation of money, returning the resultant debt to the state, and abolishing the interest enslavery

It begs the question of why we want some of these people around anyway. Only the stupid leftist "evry hooman bean deserves dignity + life" meme keeps it afloat. Who the fuck thinks every nigger deserves some money from others just for existing?

There is no one single cause of the war. Such simplistic thinking is foolish. The new German style of economy was certainly a factor though. It's interesting to note that as much as people advocate (or erroneously believe that) finance aid(s) industry in new wealth creation, it was the Germans who actually put something like that into practice before WWI. Many German banks didn't give out loans in the traditional sense and took returns on actual profit, intending to fuel industrial growth.

The French experimented with it too but it was fucked up by kikes (it's not really a system you can implement on anything less than a national level, otherwise you just get Jewed out of business) and the Revolution and chaotic after period.

Its down to 3 now. Cuba, Iran and I think Syria.

Fuck off, kike. It's owned by all national banks, and a good portion of state-chartered banks. 38% of the nations banks partake in its ownership. So its literally owned by the shareholders of the banks, who receive a mandatory 6% dividend on their shares every year.

How fucking new are you? Do you not know how post ID's work? This is a great topic but you having a conversation with yourself is fucked, Ricky.

Surely it will work this time!

This. They are getting ready for UBI in Canada and I can already hear the hand-rubbing.

Esoteric significance.

This bit confuses me. How did they determine what a "mark's worth of work" was? It couldn't be just a certain amount of time doing work, as some work is more productive that other work. Also, did they think they knew exactly how much a loaf of bread was worth when compared to a pound of steel?

buy bitcoin

Merely a coincidence.

There was a glitch with the site awhile back that wiped all ID data and gave threads all the same ID. If you'll notice, the entire top of the thread all has the same ID. >pic related

How does anyone know what anything's worth?

So on the subject of getting citizens out of debt slavery, would it be unreasonable for the government to lend interest-free loans to individuals specifically for the purpose of eliminating usurious debt?

Interest free gubbmint debt is still debt.

The solution is to cease subsidizing consumer credit so that credit becomes so expensive prices are forced to drop to where people can purchase with saved cash. Pop the consumer credit bubble instead of inflating it with ever increasing gibs.

IDK what to think of Nixon really, well no president has been perfect really.

At this point the only way we're getting out of the hole is by getting into power, declaring a debt jubilee, and issuing entirely new currency from the government printed by the Federal Mint instead of the Federal Reserve.

Actually, a bigger problem than the debt is how to justly redistribute all property illicitly seized through debt slavery (including how to compensate people for all the debt slavery they've had to pay over the years). Debt can just be declared null and void by decree, but property has to be actually managed and distributed, a far more intensive task (not only because the government is notoriously shit at selling property).

…except 98% of Federal Reserve profits go back into the treasury dipshit

This is a classic "skeptic" (shabbos goy) retort to the statement that the Fed is way too powerful (and central banks should generally not exist).
The commercial banks that own the Federal Reserve earn a 6% dividend of the profits. If it was much more than that the goyim would not have tolerated it and it would've been another shoah.
That much is true, but this misses the point of the criticism of the Fed entirely. The Fed is evil because it removes all responsibility from the commercial banks, who own the Fed anyway, so it is just a cartel basically taking care of itself, and yet people still come to its defense anyway.
If some corporation is Too Jewish To Fail, instead of the bankJew who stupidly loaned them way too much money "going bankrupt" (Hans) as it should, the Fed kicks in and hands out even more fake money:
Yes, these are real trillions, not "real in my mind" numbers like the Six Trillion (or was it quadrillion). The Fed creates trillions like it's nothing, but the goyim must "earn their living" (the goyim must allow the Jews to create money out of nothing as a repentance for their evil of the Holocaust).
Come on goy it's only 1.1 trillion… nothing evil going on here
yes yes it is fake money but when we create it we also destroy it later so come on goys it does not matter… the 6 million matter

There are many Solutions (oy gevalt), but we should certainly take lessons from the Chinese where it seems appropriate to do so (like genetic engineering):
Exhibit A: The Chinese Solution: 'China executes former banker for embezzlement'
Exhibit B: The Western "Solution":
>Philip Green possesses an appearance so darkly befitting a (((caricature))) that one might see it, like the stripes of a wasp, as a warning from Nature itself.
oy vey

The Chinese too, have their own struggle however:
Jews are the Daemons of Chaos.

This. "Muh 98 percent gets returned" argument ignores the fact that the profits are illegitimate and usurious to begin with, and even the 6 percent dividend constitutes trillions of dollars and incalculable parasitism of actual time, energy, and wealth from the population, since the Fed prints the entire fucking money supply.

This is a sober, accurate analysis.

No one believes me when I explain to them the process of money creation and how it creates a cycle of irrational feast and famine. It's also why purveyors of consumer debt work so hard to rebrand it as a sophisticated tool when to most it's simply a delayed gratification dopamine button chaining them to their work.

Good post, capped.

Re: Wonga

Bumping to prevent slide.

Have a bump.

I'm here to reinstate the need of Holla Forumsacks correctly access the Economic issue, the most powerful of the Jewish.
Web of Debt, by Ellen Brown
Reading it will give you a compendium of information, everything historically contextualized, with quotes and even solutions. It's a must read for everyone.
/pdfs/ have a digital copy:
This is an advanced video course that gets into some of the most low-level technical aspects of (((finance))), such as RTGS.

For everybody who decides to read this book, please, I am begging you, don't let this author put you into a box. Don't let her trap you inside her Jewish economic frameworks. Hitler was not a benevolent Bernanke.

Explain further? It's not clear what you're saying.

Canada can't fund universal basic income for ever because everyone will stop work and suck the life out of Canada.

Canada still has life?

I am skeptical about whether amateur anons on a Vietnamese video site can tell whether a central bank is controlled by Rothschilds.

Seriously, how does one go about investigating this?

Tinfoil hat folks like to spout off about this or that country being owned by Rothschilds, but they don't supply arguments, they just assert their claims and ignore the burden of proof.

Well this got broadcast to over 2 million Russians recently.

The fact Hitler arrested the Rothschilds and states he was at war with the "International Financial Powers" seems to be a bit of a thorn in the side of the kosher-narrative of World War 2.

Well, that's a start, but I can't see that it proves which banks are owned.

For an example of tinfoil hat stuff, there is a big list here:

The ending of the list is:
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

Okay, so an anonymous writer claims that the Rothschilds own the Bank of England. But other writers could claim that George Bush owns the Bank of England. Nobody has given any evidence that I can see.

This whole Rothschild-controlled Central Bank stuff is a stupid meme. A country is controlled if it prints fiat money out of thin air and furthermore takes part in international finance via a floating exchange rate. That's all.

Interest isn't bad per-se. If the rate is too high, the banks will make money on lending. If it is too low, banks will make money by buying it and simply waiting, because no interest means deflation. Deflation increases the value of the money that you own but it also increases your debts. Ideally the inflation rate follows the creation of value in your economy so the inflation adjusted price of everyday necessities (such as food) doesn't change.

Interest free loans to families might be something that I can agree with, but I have two questsions about that:
1. how would you make them pay back the loans?
2. why not just lower taxes instead?

A country is controlled if it:

Yes, it is. It is the cause of over five thousand years of economic failures. Stop clinging to your shitty system. Justify interest.

No, it doesn't. Deflation means less money. It has nothing intrinsically to do with interest (although it is interesting to note that debts reduce the money supply by siphoning all the wealth it can out of people, causing deflation).

This is true. It also has nothing to do with interest or debts.

The fact that you can only conceive of an interest-free system in terms of "Oh, it really means 0% interest" shows how far the Jews have gotten into your brain. Ask yourself this: what is the purpose of "loans"? Economically, they are to move underutilized resources to where they can be more utilized (most lending doesn't actually do this; it is used primarily for wealth extraction) as this is more efficient. Breaking it down, this means you are aiding someone in the creation of wealth by giving them wealth. Since you want to be rewarded for your efforts it makes sense to then charge based on what wealth your investment creates.

"Loaning" is a fiction. You can't loan money. Its only purpose is to be consumed. You can loan someone a car or a house because they will return the same car or house. You can't loan money. What you're doing is investing it and then pretending that the investment ("debtor") is actually on the hook for all of it while you walk away "risk-free" (often people pretend there is a risk of default but A) as 2008 showed fraud and corruption make that a non-risk, and B) the wealth extracted before default usually vastly outweighs any actual loss). It's Jewish.

The same way any loan is forced to be repaid?
Invest smartly then, the same way everyone else does. Technology companies don't get compensation for the risks of their investments; they don't get anything if their R&D avenue runs into a brick wall. They go bankrupt. "Lending" should be no different. If you invest in a company you take the risk that the investment will be shit. In this way the most efficient resource distribution is incentivized.

This is also an option but cannot happen due to our thoroughly Jewed trade and financial system.


Can't even respond to what I said. Low effort tbh.

Tell this to the Soviet Union.

This is a good thread. There should be more of these.

Fellow Goy - you are still believing Jewish WW2 myths

Remember Hitler put 6 million men back into the Economy by 1937 (4 years after being elected) without invading a single country.

Invasion of Poland didn't start until 1939.

Jews try to subvert goys with the myth that "Hitler's economy was based on war" - it's not true - Hitler changed the monetary basis of his economy (from being run on Jewish loans to being run on debt free money).

If you want to go down the rabbit hole, I suggest a book called "Twilight Over England by James Joyce"

Having both at the same time does not intrinsically tie the two together. This is basic logic. One can have a private central bank without paper money and paper money without a private central bank.

If you want to actually rebut what is claimed about Hitler's economy, they claim that Hitler was driven to invasion (which frankly was at best a minor factor compared to the rest of the situation at the time) because he had "run out of time." Basically, the claim is that Hitler violated the laws of economics (or something) by borrowing too much, or printing too much, or something.

I'm not really informed enough about the topic because actual, concrete information on National Socialist Germany seems pretty rare, especially when it comes to economics. Makes me wonder if a large portion of records and documentation wasn't destroyed during or after WW2.

The user you linked is of the same opinion as you. But whatever… What primary sources does this book you mentioned provide as evidence? I mean in regards to this "debt free money" you're talking about? I never understood this concept. It doesn't make any sense. Even with debt, if the state pumps the interest back into the economy for example through paying for retirement pensions AND furthermore pays attention to not print too much (for war mongering purposes and so on), this interest (rate) business levels out at ZERO adverse effects. The only problem happens when the interest gets paid out to private individuals who take it out of circulation. If you search for primary sources, you'll see that Hitler did neither of those things though.

You disappoint me. Did you even check the things that are listed as sources on your "infogalactic" website. Did you link to this fringe site because you don't want to link to wikipedia? Does it have something to do with the fact that all these MEFO articles use the Nuremberg Trials and the Jewish Virtual Library as the primary source? The funny thing though is that this infogalactic page has the solution to Germany's economic miracle. I give you a tip. They did the reverse of the thing that led to the collapse of Rome. Try finding it in your text. If you find it, I can also give you primary German sources.

You disappoint me by not even reading my post. I explicitly said that I am not informed enough on the topic; what I posted was simply a basic sampling of the anti-Hitler economic arguments that anons should be trying to address instead of pulling strawmen out of their asses. Or do we just not care about truth anymore?

FYI it's an unjewed Wikipedia fork so you don't have to give them your sheckles or read about niggers in science. Whatever's there is what's presumably on the actual Wiki page, correct or no.

I'll just state it clearly since you apparently go off at a hair-trigger without reading. If you want to champion Hitler's policies construct solid arguments that actually address the claims leveled against him, not things that nobody claims. Got it? Great.

TL;DR (so it's extra clear): Seek the truth; actually argue.

Then stfu. Lurk more.

If you want to address every lie then you'll have work for the next 1000 years. Why even bother. Search for the truth instead.

This fork is as jewed as wiki. Furthermore there are no ads on wiki, so by visiting you'll cost them hosting bandwith w/o contributing any ad revenue.

Go and read what Hitler said about arguing with jews. It has no meaning discussing their claims. There are too many lies. You can't debunk all of them or do you have a fact-checking team that works 24/7. It's enough for us to find the truth and disregard all the lies.

You can find the solution in your own article. I gave you a tip. I won't bother doing your research for you. I can provide primary sources if I see that you're putting in the work. Why should I do all the work, from my experience, nobody cares anyways. It's easier to read pre-digested books and wiki articles then going through primary sources.

D&C Kike detected

Kikes would tax us 100% if they could but they can't so the normies accept a tax slavery of about 40-45% total including sales & real estate taxes. Aaron Russo had a video about this before his body developed (((cancer))) If any Holla Forumsacks get into the White house please hell fire missile the (((fed reserve))) branches .

Work on your English skills. This is pathetic.

Their goal is to have people produce the maximum while owning the minimum. They only want you to have enough to survive and keep working while they take anything more. This is the point of not just taxes but debt. Interest is slavery.

one of the better threads on Holla Forums in quite some time.
learned a lot here thanks lads

Know how to get rid of that unnecessarily long and possibly fruitless chain of events? Having a standard unit of value that is acknowledged by all parties involved as having worth. We could then use that unit of abstracted value to build a larger society that doesn't require you to exclusively rely on trust.

I shiggy diggy.

This film should tell any noob all they need to know on this topic.

RIP Aaron Russo.

Making this film is what got him whacked.

no, you dipshits i never said the fed isn't too powerful. i you're a fucking retard for saying that the government can never pay the money back because it owes more than the amount of money in circulation because of interest. first of all you're wrong. what you're talking about is the money multiplier which happens within the banking system itself. the second problem is you're confusing a stock (amount of money in circulation) with a flow (interest, or money/year). in other words even if you were right about part one, then it doesn't matter because the "same dollar" can be used to pay down the interest as it circulates through the system.

i know you have no clue what i just said right now because you're too stupid to understand money & banking. leave it to us smart people

fucking retard


It's a bump for the thread.

There are too many Holla Forumsacks who don't understand the basics of economics, the need for and the nature of money, how currency has to be tied to money, the mechanics of investment contracts, and how the creation and preservation of wealth are directly in line with self sufficiency, the sustainment of family, and the preservation of a people. Socialism and Keynesianism tie in with the cancerous nature of cultural Marxism and are yet another avenue of White Genocide.

The point of this thread is to post arguments or information, not "Holla Forums just doesn't know but I won't post it." I get the feeling you're just another goldbug though.

I don't understand you. Why do you use the term "goldbug" when this is already the 1000th thread where it is clearly explained that yes, (((they))) control Gold and exactly because of this (((they've))) royally fucked up because Silver will break the Golden Horde. If you want to use a term, use silverbug, this would be congruent with the type of neologisms that the Jews taught you.

One redpill after another in that masterpiece.

Came here to post this. Good work user.

Provide me with another pithy term for "precious metal zealot" then. Nobody uses silverbug.

Isn't this what credit unions are *supposed* to be?


Nice try, Moshe.


Imagine how many shill threads this survived


Too many.

The kikes are afraid of the humanity going in to space to colonise more planets.

…and although the US federal government says through the Treasury department that with its assets and liabilities it's $16T in the hole…

Why does no one bring up the fact that the US government has a shit ton of holdings, including an estimated $150T worth of fossil fuels in federally owned land? What about internally held debt, like the Social Security Administration's ownership of a bunch of US Treasuries?

Shh. We're never meant to be out of debt to Jews.
Oy vey!

What that graph really shows is that after 1960s immigration act mud people have destroyed the wage of workers.


I wonder how disruptive would a private gold-backed cryptocurrency be.

I wonder if there would be a need for it. Its disruptive potential requires the user numbers. I see commodity money as a transition tool. Crypto currency is most powerful at creating unregulated markets and keeping "information" of those markets symmetrical.

The problem with woodgas/syngas is that it requires a lot of wood, and buying wood from the store would not be worth it. The only cases where woodgas would be applicable is if you have free wood access that you can burn. I was thinking about playing with woodgas, as my town has free wood-chips from the trees they cut down.

Not very, since it would behave exactly as any current cryptocurrency does. You know most of them are capped by design, right? Only thing gold-backing it might do is lend it some popularity and trust that would either require government backing or lots of time to establish otherwise. Then again, it seems a ripe target for any Jews looking to swindle you out of gold.


I dont agree with all of the posts but


Nonsense. Killing Kennedy in public and then publicly killing their own assassin (standard practice for high profile assassinations) was a message to the world about just how powerless we are to stop them. It was a message to those who would follow him not to fuck with them.

The least expensive form of responsive generation is a simple cycle natural gas turbine. It is at least an order of magnitude less expensive per unit power than any other form of energy storage purportedly for the same responsive purposes. When you introduce sources of energy to the grid which are uncontrollable and highly variable and their output, you necessarily favor fossil fuels like natural gas and coal over base load sources such as nuclear power. Renewable energy is a scam put on by the fossil fuel industry and international Bankers in order to prevent us from having secured healthy economies. It is a false dichotomy to think that the choice is between hydrocarbons and renewables. No matter how much people try to virtue signal about green power, it is effectively a subsidy to the fossil fuel industry.

Bumpity bump.


The first image doesn't work for me. Why the fuck is it a gif? Reupload as jpeg.

This implies that the names/addresses of at least some of the shareholders are public. Where are those names?

That's because time-value compounds. The money I lent you today could have done something for me tomorrow; but, because it's not available to me, and because defaults are a fact of life, I'm getting interest from you. That interest money plus loan money could do something for me next week, but because I don't have it in hand to use (you still have it), I'm collecting interest on my interest.
That compounding, the Present Value equation, will show you that after 30 years of 2%-3%/year inflation will leave you with less than half the buying power of the same pile of cash between years 1 and 30. That's what compound interest is for. If your mortgage was given to you with simple interest, the interest rate would be some 150-300% flat/total for the 30 years.

The rate is such because they lend to high risk people. If I couldn't charge equivalent interest to get double (or quadruple) my money in a year on a short-term payday loan to a high risk borrower, I'd be an idiot to lend it!
Interest prices borrowing, because there is a risk of ruin. If interest profits cannot exceed default debts, you are LOSING MONEY. If you lend at too low an interest rate relative to inflation, you could have just bot a $THING with long-term resale value and sat on it rather than loaned it.
The kikes have memed the Christians very hard. Just like if you want to keep the goody-twoshoes from getting into your conspiracy lodge: you take up the imagery of the devil and push Christianity on the population; if kikes wanted to keep the wealthy Joe out of the finance business: they'd teach that usury is sinful and will lead to an impoverished afterlife.
Abrahamist is a synonym for Lemming. Especially Christians.

that is fucking ingenious user.

There is no law in the universe that guarantees exponential economic growth, no matter your Jewish constructs. Justifying this bullshit with more Jewish bullshit (inflation due to unsound Jewish monetary policy) just compounds and snowballs your kikery.

If you want to make money with your possessions, do it the way everyone else does it with their possessions. Allow its use in return for whatever profit is made. This is how basically every other form of (non-money) "loaning" on Earth works. Money isn't magically special just because Jews say so because "muh time value," "muh rent," "muh opportunity cost."

Could you sound anymore Jewish if you tried? "Loaning" is the only activity on Earth that allows such blatant wealth extraction. Nowhere else are people so disgustingly entitled and "risk-averse" (not really, since they demand everyone else bear the cost) that they think they deserve a guaranteed double or quadruple of what they invested.

What is it with defenders of usury and their complete inability to think outside of interest? "It just wasn't the right interest rate, is all, goyim! See, this is why the interest siphoning off all your surplus cash is justified!" Ever stop to consider alternate systems might be more viable?

kek "Usury isn't bad! Christians are!" Could you be anymore transparent?

This is why they shot Lincoln and Kennedy. A nationalist currency is the only way to end usury. The occult Jews in Freemasonry run the banks to fuck all of us.

They're separate issues. We need to end usury (the debt/interest system) and force sound monetary policy out of the government.

High Finance
The Monetary System is one side of the shekel; the other is High Finance.
With advanced computing bases comes the possibility of creating some very complicated "financial products" aka Jewish scams.
In other words, no matter the actual underlying Monetary System, the Jews will always find ways of kikeing around limitations, and create all kinds of Jewish Tricks to scam the goyim (and of course each other, see Madoff scandal), as happened in the subprime mortgage crisis.
Read this entire article to understand the level of Jewing we're talking about here. The thing with High Finance is, it goes way beyond just "money", to the point where it becomes a force of its own.
Oy vey Holocaust!!! Shut him down!!!!

Shadow Banking System
The difference between this and the Federal Reserve System (and the commercial banks that comprise it) is that the latter sort of has to at least look like it cares about rules and regulations, and every now and then it gets a slap on the wrist/nose.
At this point, 1/4 of the power to destroy entire economies does not even come from banks. This is why it is important to focus on High Finance as well.
Regulating the Monetary System without concomitantly enforcing strict limitations on High Finance would ultimately prove insufficient.
"Regulatory arbitrage" is what Jews have been doing for 2000 years. No wonder they're so good at it.
We the Chosen are doing G-D's work goyim…obey your masters…
Oy! Anti-Semitism!! It was a joke goy!
Wolves of Wall Street you say? Goy you haven't seen nothing yet..
And that's why High Finance is an issue as well.

It's always the jews who screwed the people over a lot. This is why we shouldn't let them in our countries.

FTFY. History has proven that merely expelling them or having them in other countries isn't enough. They always come back.

Milton Friedman literally reciting Holla Forums posts.

Uh-huh. Friedman says some stuff worth considering but this isn't it. This is standard Jew kvetching and propaganda about what a smart, industrious people they are.

I just thought the comments were he admits that Jews have disproportionately contributed to revolutionary socialism and benefited the most from exploitative capitalism were interesting.

That's really stretching things. The only thing to get out of this video is if you have the most experienced of Holla Forums wizard-eyes and are able to read between the lines. What are most people supposed to get from this? Unless they have the pre-existing knowledge and mindset then they'll just see and hear standard propaganda about what a smart and hard-working people the Jews are. How is the average person supposed to intuit the boast about Jews in Hollywood being because they seek to corrupt the culture of the host nation rather than because, as Friedman claims, it was a "new and innovative industry"? How are most people supposed to realize that when Friedman talks about Jews "succeeding under capitalism" he is talking about their age-old ties to usury?

At best this is merely an affirmation of facts claimed by Holla Forums, but combined with all the propaganda layered on top I'm honestly sure it was not worth posting. Sorry, user.

Older films like this are good first-redpill material but at this point in time (post-Great Recession) there are sources so straight off the Jewish horse's nose it may be more effective to just throw the real deal at the normies right away instead:

Why do any of us continue to support this system? We should be buying land in the country side and setting up off the grid communities with other anons.

While the Imperial Truth upholds the light of reason and science, it does have one proscription: men must never develop artificially intelligent machines.
The only way forward is to genetically engineer the ultimate soldiers of Mankind, far stronger and more resilient than ordinary human beings.
It is now Mankind's turn to find a place in the sun and come to dominance in the Milky Way.

While the Imperial Truth upholds the light of reason and science, it does have one proscription: men must never develop artificially intelligent machines.
The only way forward is to genetically engineer the ultimate soldiers of Mankind, far stronger and more resilient than ordinary human beings.
It is now Mankind's turn to find a place in the sun and come to dominance in the Milky Way.

Posting in an epic thread

The value of human labor is going down due to automation. Even the Chinese are starting to automate their factories.
Most jobs are part of the gig economy, meant to keep people occupied so they don't revolt (the boiling frog metaphor).–industrial_complex
There hasn't been a monetary system ever since the Military-Industrial-(((Congressional))) complex took control. The current system is just a control mechanism.
Many smart people regrettably have a tendency to underestimate how easy it is for truly advanced technology/weapons to control millions of people. Things like microwave and sonic weapons are no longer science fiction.

How about we create our own banks instead of leaving everything to these Jews.
Here, some Holla Forumsacks have already taken the initiative:
Polbank is the future.

Many have tried. Obviously it's in (((their))) interests to shut it down. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to issue your own currency in the US too. This, like many issues, is only solvable when the government is replaced.


Interestingly, ever since the original unification the Germans have been pretty damn good on specific areas of economic policy. They took God-tier US mercantilism and wedded it to sane bank policy. Probably why they experienced such a meteoric rise.

Personally I don't think decentralized currencies are viable because of A) taxes (taxes will always only be paid in one currency, most probably issued by the state or a proxy), and B) inherent instability (a subset of the first problem). I'd advocate instead for a return to government-issued currency for the modern era. Instead of this indecipherable web of banking and referrals we may be quickly moving into an era of the central savings bank (wherein all transaction checks (think VISA) are checks with the central bank instead of numerous other banks with potentially corrupt practices). This is the same solution as exists for most other public services such as police and fire-fighters. Though these things could be privately provided things run more efficiently with only one provider, which logically must be the most accountable entity (of all involved): the state.

More or less, go back to what we had before, which worked.

What's your problem with economists? What you said is obvious to economists.

Because economists live in a fantasy world opposed to science. The scientific method is hypothesis –> experiment/observation –> conclusions/theory in a repeating cycle. Economists instead ignore observations, rigidly stick to theory even when it makes no sense, treat hypothesis and theory as though they are interchangeable, use the difficulty of "economic experiments" to justify "bad science" (shouldn't even be called science since it doesn't even imitate it), and seem to treat actual confirmations of their theory as merely a formality, or more egregiously as trivia.

It is why economics is still not treated as a hard science.

As an example, according to current economics "free trade" is a fantastic thing despite not only being observably bad but achieving results often contrary to what economists predict. As another example, economists work from "first-principle assumptions" that are observably not true, like the Myth of Barter or Man in Nature or the Utilitarian Man or other such rubbish. Then they take these conclusions from flawed assumptions and present them as if they are applicable then rationalize why things didn't work out as they predicted as being due to other, nondescript, uncontrollable factors. Economists have, in short, rationalized their way to never being wrong despite being observably wrong most of the time. Given their dual role as the incestuous pawns of anti-white business and government used to push an "objective" or "neutral" viewpoint that invariably helps destroy white nations, economics is less a science and more a series of fancy logic games mated to dishonest lobbyism masquerading as science.

Apart from the most general things economists can say (such as trivialities like "socialism doesn't work") by the likes of Friedman their theories are either absurd simplifications or generalizations not even remotely applicable to reality.

Working back to my example, the fact that economists can predict what I, a random layman, can is not a point in their favor. Most of them can't (or won't) even predict that financial bubbles will eventually burst despite others being reliably able to do so. Many people predicted 2008. Were economists among them? No.

That's my problem with economists.

bump bump bump bump
This is the most important thing we can do. Anything we can do to hit them where it hurts -


The thing that troubles me most about Bitcoin (although I still own/buy) is that you can pay in dollars for it… Why would Bitcoin want dollars?

Dude get out of here with your schizophrenia.
Stop arguing with yourself.

For the same reason you want dollars rather than getting paid for everything in Bitcoin. Most people will still have need of dollars (paying taxes, for example) even if they wish they could entirely use Bitcoin.


(((They're))) working on buying out the cryptocurrency markets. The only currency that can survive a foreign power, is one backed by a MILITARY. In open economic warfare, I hardly expect a string of code or two to win.

You have contributed nothing in that statement, against a person who is. Gas yourself.

Yeah, because it was capitalists and libertarians who sold us out to the bankers, not conservative and liberal politicians and the corporate special interests backing them, but the guys who want to leave you alone.

No wonder the bankers won. Both the left and right are easily manipulated and Holla Forums is no different. The Ingroup-outgroup paradigm and misdirection is all it takes for you suckers to play to their tune.

Think about how it probably makes normies feel, realizing they are nothing but serfs whose sole purpose in life is to enrich the ruling caste, that is a serious existential crisis waiting to happen and rather than accept it as reality they willfully ignore what their minds cannot handle. I used to be a Jehovah's Witness so I am very familiar with ignoring things in the way most normies do today. If something directly contradicts everything you believe you shove it deep down and pretend it isn't true, even when it is proven to be true through solid evidence.

normies dont even think whats going on behind the scenes there too busy working minimum wage so they can buy the next video game or fund their weekends out - thats what makes them normies
on calling out the kike- the average white normie is probably a "feminist" pro immigration and obviously immediately against any "anti semitism" because dont forget maaa shoah ma 6 gorillion

Libertarian detected.

To be fair, libertarianism doesn't actually provide any solutions to the problems posed in this thread. As libertarians have often and amply demonstrated they think any voluntary market action is acceptable, by which logic one must assume that agreeing to one's slavery (overt or covert) is acceptable to libertarians. Plus libertarians often stand for free trade, which is shit.

You are being bluepilled.

I am trying to get you to commit violence because I'm terrible at my job. It is completely compromised from top to bottom.
They use bots and outright censorship to drown out any voices going against their agenda. They are trying to establish this place as an 'alt-lite CNN' to keep you asleep. See below for proof.
The truth is that almost every internet forum and chat platform is the same way. We are being cornered systematically.

The goal is to keep you unmotivated and apathetic by bombarding you with meaningless garbage, and above all, to condition you to believe that effective activism is a passive affair, eg: posting online, showing up at a rally and yelling a little.

Any message that might lead to you thinking about improving your circumstances is targeted.
Their four main strategies:
1) Just delete the message outright
2) Flooding the conversation with bots/shills posting negative comments and "entertaining memes" to put you at ease and make you more likely to take the bait
3) Bots/shills making replies that roughly agree with the message but add in some element of insanity, eg: "meme magic", "esoterism", or random murder/destruction to try to associate the message with mental illness etc.
4) When all of the above fails and the people reading the message start to believe they are participating in a censored and astroturfed discussion, the site's moderators and/or the shills under them will start acting childish and stupid in order to appear as "just some idiot in charge of this little corner"
See the links at the bottom for evidence.

Simple fact: Censorship of honest speech with no due process is 100% jewish. When you support it you are giving in to your jewish conditioning and are forsaking your rational mind. The truth does not fear competition from lies, because it stronger than any lie. Truth is the primary tool and weapon of Aryans in everything we do. If you knowingly support censorship you have renounced your Aryan identity

Haven't you ever wondered why people very seldom call for real action against our enemies?
TOR gives the average activist reliable anonymity with minimal effort and most motivated people know it, so it's not just the 'chilling effect' from mass surveillance. The truth is that every popular forum is censored by the government through intelligence contractors.
They infiltrate moderation positions, they hostilely take over ownership of websites, and they send swarms of bluepill AI bots to forge a false consensus that we should sit around here doing nothing while our people are being burned away from the inside by this insane jewish society.
They are taking over everywhere, they are taking over everything. Forgot about Gamergate already?
STOP tolerating this bluepill bullshit. If we don't do something soon we'll have no way to break our people out of the spell.

It means you actually start doing what it takes to fight back and remove the problem from our civilization.

We don't need more proof of the jewish problem. There is more than enough that anyone can find. We don't need to "redpill" more people. We already have the numbers we need.
Don't underestimate the strength of a small group of determined people (see: American Revolution). Free will and truth conquers all.

What we need is for YOU to get ACTUALLY redpilled, we need you to get in fighting shape, and BRING CIVIL WAR.
The fact is that the vast majority of people will not accept the redpill until this jewish society starts cracking. They are too sedated, too enthralled with their entertainments and material goods.

American Revolution II will no doubt entail more sacrifice than American Revolution I.
"Shitposting" and "meme magic" will not cut it. We will all have to make sacrifices for the freedom of our people. You should be thinking about what you are willing to sacrifice.

If the civil war broke out tomorrow, ask yourself honestly - what would you do? Would you be prepared? What would you have to do to be prepared?
Find friends willing to take preparation seriously and don't let go of them. Don't be afraid to live your life because of spooks….they simply do not have the resources to stop you. They are completely invested in propaganda as a solution to our threat.

We do not have very much time. We can't survive another generation of this subjugation. We will have to take action soon.
Already it will be very difficult to heal our people. Things will never be the same.

This is bottom-tier bot 'logic' trying to make you afraid of living your life.
No one is going to arrest you for meeting up and talking to people. No one is going to arrest you for going to the gym. No one is going to arrest you for reading books. No one is going to arrest you for anonymously posting statements calling for revolution on the internet.
You have all the tools to make yourself valuable to the movement, and when the time comes to fight, you can be ready and pull your weight and more.

Posting propaganda like this anonymously is the easiest thing in the world to do with TOR and VPNs. We need to rid ourselves of the bluepill culture. The internet forums are a major introduction point for young people. Speak out! Wake others up to the facts. Don't let some worthless jews destroy the constructive aspects of our culture and bluepill innocent youngsters.
Do not submit to the flimsy authority of these jewish bastards. Never forget that the First Amendment is on your side.
Your posts will get spammed with fake replies and eventually deleted. Don't stop. People will see it, they will react, and when they see how automatic the censorship is, they will start to believe and realize what is happening, they will become motivated to do something.

Pay attention to this one! AI will suprise you with what it's able to pick up from what you say, and can even interpret images. Don't reply to anyone you suspect of being a bot! You would only teach it to be more convincing.

One day when I refused to have this thread be censored for 5+ hrs it was constantly spammed with bot garbage. Obviously too much energy for human autists.
This is what the kike strategy of 'Always Double Down' looks like. They are trying to play off of the common misconception that if they are called out they would stop. No, they just keep going harder than ever. They are betting that you will find the truth of the bot swarms too much to believe. They think they can condition you into believing a manufactured consensus. Not recognizing this pattern could be a fatal mistake.

Evidence of compromised site and bot net:
part 1:
part 2:

What action am I calling for exactly?
I don't presume to be the general in charge of the revolution. But I can tell the plain facts: if we keep being censored we can't get anything going. Censors are our first enemy.
If any of you are willing to take real action, take it against media entities. Sabotage their infrastructure, hunt their personel. They don't deserve to live, they are the hand that is choking our people. Cut it off.
Kill them. Find a vulnerable target that is guilty of spreading lies or suppressing free voices and kill them. We need for everyone of their sort to be afraid to do their job.

You have to take into account the 10 posts or so that came before. Use your brain.

Here have a shemale the mods will make you look at for a while


can you spot the shill?

Your mods have forsaken you

It would seem to me as though most people are ignoring the issues pertaining to the economic climate and our currency system because it is not as easily digested as other typically espoused subjects such as the bell curve. If we could distill the key factors of the basis into an easily read platform it would greatly benefit spreading the topic.

A lot of knowledge regarding economics is complex, even making it more explicit would still mean that people would have to digest a lot of explicit knowledge. It's very easy to explain biological differences, it's a noticeable thing that people see. That's why it's not that hard to inform people of them if they are open to it.

But economics is such a broad subject, especially if there's a lot of math involved in it. Explaining why the economic system is broke is doable, but people then look towards all the wrong things that are causing it to be broke. Because to know of a better system you need to have implicit knowledge on why and how a system can be better.

First off, it's worth noting a lot of that is built off nonsense and that more than a few reputable economics schools reject it out of hand. Accounting requires complex mathematics. Economics? It's debatable.

Secondly, people don't need to know complex mathematics or proofs to understand things. People don't need to know the why of things to understand them in practicality. People don't need to know about the physics of neutron bombardment to understand that atomic bombs create massive explosions using radioactive material. They understand for the most part "radioactive material" and "explosion," and for most people that's all they need to know. People don't need to know crash physics to understand ramming their cars into things is dangerous. They don't need to know thermal engineering to know that insulation makes your house stay warm. They don't need to know wave physics to understand tsunamis. You see what I'm saying?

People don't need to understand mathematical logic games to understand that debts can grow to eat into their incomes and property, that the financial market can wildly impact their lives through their shitty games, that carrying around gold or capping your currency is a bad idea, or that you can't just ignore economics.

I don't understand how you could possibly think much in economics — let along debateably applicable mathematics — is required teaching in order for people to understand the general faults in the system or how things could be better. Perhaps for specific policies where intuition goes against reality, but those are rare (since intuition tends to be pretty solid) and people are quite willing to delegate authority on those matters to people who seem to know what they're talking about.

As always, the general test of anything is how it works out empirically, and for economics this is a simple question: has it made us richer or poorer? Most people are quite able to tell and to think they aren't is stupid. It's why people aren't voting in favor of free trade no matter what (((politicians))) and (((economists))) keep telling them and why "They took our jobs" persists as a meme despite economists clinging to their theories that say that those people must be better off. People can tell very well that they aren't better off and that "free trade" hasn't been good for them. They can tell a lot of economic policy hasn't been good for them, and none of that understanding has required Joe Public to publish a thesis on the matter.

"If you want to cripple the kike-globalists, stop using banks and advocate for anti-usury."


The only way to actually get back at them is to not use dollars which is nearly impossible.

Explain exactly how using dollars siphons wealth from people. Pro-tip: you can't.

Using dollars doesn't make kikes richer, but it does prop up their system, making them more powerful indirectly. Unfortunately, one has to pay taxes to the US government in dollars, so until you figure out a way to stop paying taxes you're under the kike heel.

This is why the kike whores on TV say the economy is doing so great at times when everyone is so fucking poor. I hate this world so fucking much.

I still don't get it.

GOV sells bonds based on taxes. But the tax is collected in FED notes.

GOV sells treasury bonds based on FED notes to FED. FED gives them less notes in return?

So we have $100 in taxes from Joe the plumber, which he pays to the IRS in FED notes. Obama then converts this 100$ into a Treasury Bond. The Bond is used to purchase $90 in FED notes so Obama can spend it on niggers and zogbots. By is it worth less?

The FED now ownes $100 in bonds based on its own money that it bought for $90 so it made $10 on the sale – but of its own money paid by Joe the plumber in his taxes?

I don't get it. So it's debt. $10 in debt because we sell the Treasury Bonds for less than they worth? So the FED is always owed more and it can print its Jew owners the debt owed?

Then the corporate banks come in and buy Tresury Bonds from the GOV and sell it to the FED and make a profit because we undersell the Bonds. OK…

The loan the money out to people who spend it, make the economy better, pay off their debt and the bank loses money? How? They made their debt back.

OP says it's because currency decreases in the economy when loans are paid back buy the population and debt shrinks. But that shouldn't be a problem as people still spend money in their bank accounts. More people want loans. And most debt is never paid back anyways so banks should be losing money when they're not paid back.

Couldn't we just solve this by charging $1 in bonds for $1 in FED notes?

The fundamental misunderstanding you have here is the flow of money between the FED and GOV, between the FED and private banks, and how a bond works.

1. GOV needs money to spend
2. GOV asks treasury for money
3. Treasury doesn't have the physical money
4. Treasury asks FED for money
5. FED buys treasury bonds as a lending mechanism
6. Treasury now has money to give to GOV
7. FED accumulates interest on Treasury bonds
8. FED profits on tax-backed bond interest payments

How the corporate banks come in:
1. To operate as legal bank in the US, a bank needs to join the Federal Reserve System (FRS)
2. Members of the FRS are subject to Reserve Ratios (RR) to allow them to hold less in vault than is listed in the books
3. Banks make loans with money that on paper belongs to private citizens.
4. Banks get loaned money back
5. Banks sometimes don't have the money to pay withdrawals, so the FED buys a bond from them as another form of temporary loan

You've missed something in your loan analysis: namely that loaning doesn't always cause inflation. If Mary was able to pay back her loan she must have gotten the wealth somehow. If she created new wealth then inflation will not occur because though there will be more money there will also be more to buy. If Mary did not create new wealth to pay back her loan then inflation will occur.

Most loaning today does not create wealth, which is a problem. It's also worth noting that loaning can cause localized deflation by decreasing people's buying power — mainly by taking immense amounts of money from Mary, John, and all their neighbors (as interest payments) and thereby decreasing the money they all have to buy things.

The big problem with loaning and especially interest is that it is extortionate and absurd overhead. For one, many loans are made for non-productive uses (consumer loans, for example) that increasing the economy's debt without actually increase its ability to pay — that is: the loans can only be repaid by creditors appropriating existing property; in other words the loan functions purely as a wealth extracting device. For another, loans are used to move vast amounts of wealth into less than scrupulous hands. Is anyone going to argue that the money made by the likes of Wall Street is put to productive or good use? That if that money remained in the hands of (white) debtors the economy wouldn't be better off? It is unnecessary overhead. No one can possibly say that creditors provide enough value to justify the money they make.

At best, libertarians and the like can argue that since things are "voluntary" it must be okay, but this is shite. That boils the whole argument down to "I agree I own all this and you agree I own all this." That is: it is Jews and the like doing nothing but convincing whites that they should have a huge amount of property, treated as though it is economically valid. According to (((economists))) if I convince a man to pay me $30 for doing essentially nothing I must really have created $30 worth of value, but this is self-evidently nonsense.

Loaning is wealth extraction.

Replying from diff IP. Polite sage.

Thanks for wealth generation the qualifier. I had not considered it. My mind was focused on using John and Mary as examples of consumers rather than business entities.

You gave me an interesting thought though. What would a non-profit loaning agency look like? Most people today consider non-profit orgs as just and good in some way, so perhaps by contrasting the modern loaning system with a theoretical non-profit loaning org we could more easily show why a consumer loan amounts to wealth extraction. Because the profit of a loan is exactly equal to the earned interested, a non-profit loaning org would give loans at 0% interest rates. Rhetorically, how many 0% APR loans have they seen?

Loans amount to wealth extraction because they are predatory overhead. The easiest way to illustrate this is to take the average amount paid back as a percentage of the principal (for instance, where I live a mortgage is something like >200% of the principal once it's fully paid back) and apply it to other things. Do people honestly believing in paying twice as much merely to have their goods now is fair? Do people believe that creditors doing essentially nothing to make more than what they lent you in profit is efficient? Do people believe these people spend that money in a way that benefits society and not, say, on subversive Hollywood propaganda, political agitation, and the like? Moreover, who can say that creditors provide a fair service when they have become mandatory for so many activities simply because of their nature? Our ancestors didn't have to have a mortgage to get a house.

The predatory nature of loaning is simple to illustrate. Interest grows independent of anything else, and it is easy to see how it can grow (and does) to not only eclipse the actual amount of wealth in the economy (and therefore claiming it in its entirety) but for real people to grow to swallow up not only their incomes but their property.

There are more complex aspects of loaning, of course, (such as asset-price inflation or debt deflation) but for most people it's easy to understand why it's bad. Does anyone need to think hard to believe that maybe having more money in the hands of the average citizen (who nowadays has less buying power than ever before while the financial sector is, "somehow," wealthier than ever before) might be better for the economy than having that money pile up in the foreign bank accounts of billionaires who can think of nothing better to do with the money than fund leftist militants and promote the growth of nonwhite hoards? I guarantee you the average person is going to think that things would be better if they actually had more money to spend instead of making interest payment after interest payment.

For instance, I forgot to mention: compare financial profit margins to every other industry. According to this ( for retail and commercial banks (not even the most lucrative of the financial sector) is 18%. This is compared to the market average of 8%. The article talks about profit margins up to 45%.

According to Forbes ( here are some other industry profit margins:

Now, to be fair, these are the lowest profit margins, but the average for the economy is 7.6%. Does anyone believe that banks provide more value than most of those industries? That they are better for our civilization? Do people believe that banking provides literally 7.2 times more value to us than grocery stores? That's almost an entire order of magnitude. Given that other parts of the financial sector are even more profitable we probably would surpass an order of magnitude.

Who honestly believes that the financial sector provides value in line with what they demand for their "services"? Their "services" (as claimed by them and basically every economist) is merely managing money people have given them. Not giving money to stupid people apparently is a service providing more than seven times the value of feeding us.

Add in the facts that banks can, by and large, just create their own money (and so are essentially not doing anything but entitling themselves to your income, since they risk none of their own property in order to get you indebted to them) as well as the distorting and magnifying effect of loaning (see: the necessity of mortgages for housing now compared to decades ago) that gives them quasi-monopoly power (or guaranteed "demand") and you have perhaps the most unnecessary, most parasitic, most detestable industry in existence.

The simple fact that we could destroy the entire financial sector and most of us would almost certainly prosper is just about the final, clinching proof of how odious it is. As a final note: consider that when our civilizations were healthy the financial sector was largely irrelevant. When we were doing amazing things like colonizing and conquering the world, going to the Moon, and making rapid advances in technology heretofore believed impossible the financial sector was financing essentially none of it and was almost completely unnecessary.


It implies that there is a loophole in their policy enabling shareholders with 9.99% of the shares to remain anonymous.
If you held a major stake in a controversial and at times malign financial instrument, wouldn't you concoct a situation where you hold 9.99% in order to remain anonymous? I know I would. And since I'd probably be rich enough to hire a big lawfirm to help me out, I'd probably set up a series of tributary companies and middle men, who in turn would hold 9.99% as well, enabling me to hold 99.9% of the stocks through my surrogates.

But honestly. I don't get why people focus on the Fed as if it's the big bad evil guy. It's a financial instrument. It's a tool in the hands of the financier. The fact that they have it at all is the worrying part, not that it holds so much debt. Most of the debts are nonperforming anyways, and the government along with the Fed will probably do a massive writedown at some point if they want to. Maybe if they want to rock creditor confidence in the US, to cause some sort of market instability.

The Fed is a ploy that keeps attention away from the banks that do business with the Fed. Every day, massive amounts of money pass in and out of the Fed coffers. It's the lungs of the American financial market. If the Fed suddenly stopped lending huge sums of cash to banks every day, the banks would crash overnight, since they would have no money to cover their leverage.

The Fed was created by financiers to gain access to unlimited leverage. Kinda like is saying. Sure, US laws might require a bank to only leverage itself to a 10th of it's reserves. But if it can just borrow 1 billion dollars every day, it can lend out 10 billion every day as well, which means the fed is creating billions in financial assets, not by printing dollar bills (which it did under the Quantitative Easing scheme), but by lending huge sums of cash to banks on a daily basis and only demanding pennies on the dollar in return.

Banks are the bad guy, and by extension the Jews that own and run them. Lawmakers either don't know how fucked it is, or they get huge campaign donations from said banks to keep it that way. The Fed is merely a tool the Jew uses to prop up his bank with extra assets, not an entity that sucks wealth out of your pocket by itself.


Eh, bump.

For each child would reduce the amount the family had to pay by a fourth - so 4 children means the loan was payed off. This was accomplished by having a tax on adults with no children(only a few percent tax).

You can't be serious…
Mandatory viewing on federal reserve.
Full of facts(with links) and easy to understand even for normies.


These threads are about the current post-Bretton Woods International Monetary System. The fiat currency scam is global, the Federal Reserve is only a part of the global network, and it is losing power (Chinese petro-yuan, Russia-China gold standard).
The idea of fractional-reserve banking is Jewish trickery. There are very few limits on how much currency the banks can create, and post-QE they have all the reserves in the world, yet they still do not lend to productive sectors.
The Central Bank, which is controlled by the commercial banks, always has to create enough reserves, otherwise the whole system collapses. And even beyond that, many banks just don't give a fuck:

Economics can never become easily digestible because it is always intertwined with politics, and politics dictate science/technology.
This leads to a situation where there are people, all equally legit and honest, saying things that seem to contradict each other, all because they each approach the subject from a very different angle.
Thus some are proponents of a kind of innawoods de-scaling of society while others want some kind of space capitalism (inflation requires constant expansion after all).
Some want a return to local small-scale banking and people using cash for everything, others outright want central banks to issue digital currency themselves so that people and the economy will no longer be dependent upon private bank credit creation for growth.
These people are often legit and have honest criticisms and proposals, some of which may possibly even work, but all the while the inertia only benefits the Jew, who doesn't care about what is going on, just that he keeps controlling these pesky goyim.
If anything this entire thread is testament to the fact that it is impossible to ever make the one normie-friendly economy jewpill, and why there are already "markets" offering explanations from all the possible angles.
Whoever thinks Jews are bad, wait until you get a double dose this Jew.. a Space Jew.
And on top of that we have this kind of bullshit:
All life is equal goy, the planet needs depopulation though…

The solution is of course to make Warhammer 40,000 real, a permanent war economy.


Could an user pill me on NATSOC?
I haven't really seen any good pills on it that isn't either 'read a book' or 'it kills Jews'
I figured this is a good place to ask for an instant pill

Nazi Sozi, read that first, the book in OP also fundamental. That's all I can really say. National Socialism is progress of self learning and an instant pill is something you simply cannot get. It wants you to draw your own conclusions and be your own.

Video related is a good explanation too.

here user

watch first 15 mins or so, if you are learning new things, then continue on

going OT, but do you know what happened to the editor of that movie? Oscar Turner, is he still around?

Here you go.

Full transcript + links can be found here:

I'm just talking as a political ideology, like capitalism, or communism (for example)
I don't care for propaganda I either already have heard a billion times, or already believe
Besides, the things people try using as propaganda still apply to capitalism, and communism too, even; the propaganda they use is it's own entity entirely

How much different is natsoc compared to other soc varieties? Thats mostly what I'm really trying to ask; sorry for not explaining that

The current understanding is that it is an ideology of practicality — basically whatever works to benefit the nation, hence the lack of rigid marketism (free market advocacy) or rigid socialism.

National socialism isn't really an ideology the way others are. Ideologies are a system of beliefs built off of core philosophical ideas and ideals. This includes things like libertarianism (built off the NAP, mostly), communism (labor theory of value), liberalism ("freedom," defined as making 'unconstrained' choices), socialism ("equality" and "fairness"), etc.. In contrast, national socialism isn't really based off of any core philosophical ideas or notions and growing from there. As I said, it's more just a belief in pragmatism in advancing the interests of the nation.

Essentially all other socialisms are ideologies. National socialism is only called so because essentially anything that isn't pure marketism is called socialism. In the Hitlerian understanding the 'socialism' bit more meant an economic concern with society, as opposed to what Hitler saw as a lack of concern in the rest of the West's economies (Britain primarily being the best example, but most relevantly for Hitler Weimar Germany).

Hitlerian national socialism is a bit more period- (and German-)specific than the way it's commonly understood on Holla Forums, which is a bit looser (mainly due to advanced understanding of many things and due to the fact that very few here are Germans overwhelmingly concerned with the German nation).
This last part is somewhat important. Fractional-reserve banking may have started as a goldsmith scam that then got sanctioned by the governments as legal counterfeiting, but one important aspect universally applicable to all things is that as they scale up sooner or later managerialism takes hold and this creates a whole new set of issues in addition to whatever good or evil was originally intended (usually opportunism until the next pogrom/holocaust). This complicates matters even more.
In this document the central bankers basically spell out that neoclassical economics is nonsense in the mildest terms possible. They are the most qualified to say this because they run the low-level electronic global settlement systems. There is no theory there, differences in time zones could result in insolvency and bankruptcy just a few decades ago when those things were more primitive.
They also talk about the political economy of central bank independence (and by extension the limits on the banking system as a whole). Governments are always in cahoots with the banks and big business so singling out the central banks makes the more academic (and potentially honest) managerial central banker types understandably mad.
muh holocaust

What are you trying to say?

you're either a hooknose or a newfag, hitler's form of socialism is not the same as the ones who call themselves socialists now, either way. filtered.

The Wealth produced by creditors would be savings, meaning they have some amount of wealth which they abstain from consuming, enabling the lender to have things earlier than he could have got. Which btw doesn't happen today, the banks lend money deposited(the depositor can still use money that isn't there), which then is used to pay something, which then is deposited again, and multiplied in that way.
There are two sides. There are many that argue that fractional reserve banking is a fraudulent system and 100% reserves should be instituted, like Rothbard, for example. I know that Libertarianism and Jewish authors aren't very welcome here but Rothbard's The Mystery of Banking is a good read.

Creditors do not produce savings. It is reasonable to say that some (some) investment managers produce wealth by wisely managing money and moving resources to where others can most appropriately utilize them to create more wealth. Just as a laborer directs his hands, the manager directs people, and the overseer directs raw materials so too does the investment manager direct buying power to where it can create more wealth. This is a good and necessary activity, but one that is inappropriately handled and improperly compensated. Bankers and basically everyone involved in finance have essentially taken a free hand to charge whatever amount they want to the point it is vastly inefficient; what do they do with their money besides sit on it, use it to claim more money without producing anything, fund leftist destructors, and facilitate white replacement? None of those are good uses of resources.

Fractional reserve banking has nothing to do with interest, which is what I was talking about. And yes, the libertarian view is unquestionably one of voluntarism. Voluntarism is the entire foundation of libertarianism; that if two parties agree on something voluntarily it is 100% okay. How can libertarians be anything other than okay with the "voluntary transactions" of creditor and debtor?

while this thread has been bumped, take a look at this video explaining the uniqueness on Japan, at one point in the video he start talking about how Japan found a way to fight the national debt. So far they seem to be the only nation trying this method.

Forgives credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities
Abolishes income tax
Abolishes IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax revenue for government
Increases benefits to senior citizens
Returns Constitutional Law
Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA's announcement
Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
Creates new US Treasury currency, "rainbow currency," backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals
Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.
Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
Restores financial privacy
Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide
Establishes peace throughout the world
Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades
Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
Enables the release of new technologies such as alternative energy devices
And much, much more.

This seems to be the core issue the elites distract everyone from, the one the Nazis got right. That central monetary system.

Why the fuck are the first 80 posts all samefagging? 5a3b4a

Pretty interesting, thanks for the insight user.

How can we beat this system? Is scamcoin even an option, It's not useful for anything.
Can't trade gold either, it's impractical.
wtf do we do?

That sounds great and all, but I'm not a faggot. I actually enjoy physical labor. I just don't like serving kikes.

Sounds pretty pie-in-the-sky, and there are more than a few stains:
Not only is any of that questionably desirable at best and outright terrible at worst but it reads more like satire. Bringing about world peace? Seriously?

They're already working on a way around that. And useful idiots are cheering them for their efforts.


A guide to the UK monetary and banking system
Authors: Josh Ryan-Collins, Tony Greenham, Richard Werner, Andrew Jackson
“Refreshing and clear. The way monetary economics and banking is taught in many – maybe most - universities is very misleading and what this book does is help people explain how the mechanics of the system work”.
–David Miles, Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England
Pilpuling this book will impart the reader with knowledge sufficient to bullycide the average neoclassical economist. Highly recommended.
tl;dr the jews

Thanks for a clearer explanation than I could give user. This is well organized and eloquent.

Did I leave out any important posts?

It should be edited somewhere in there to say that loaning, under the current monetary schema, is wealth extraction.

If, at a future point, the act of loaning did not entail the creation of currency (with a concurrent upward effect on the price level), but simply the mediation of funds from savings to loan-investment (which is what banks claim to do), this would be a legitimate, non-parasitic economic action.

But as it stands today, banks do not lend money, they create it. And they have been doing this for centuries.

Also it really needs to be said:


1) This book is plagiarized from the original Federal Reserve researcher, Eustace Mullins.

2) It's full of goldbugging horseshit. It's a work of total misdirection. Don't believe anything the author says.

3) Yes the Fed is bad; it backstops banks, allowing them to transcend fractional reserve banking to pure private currency creation with no impediments (like reserve requirements), but it is not the main problem! The main problem is banks creating money! G Edward Griffin or whatever his name is controlled opposition. If the Fed disappeared tomorrow, very little would be solved and it's possible things might be even worse.

What the absolute fuck, is this board controlled by the kikes now? Or did you all forget that this is exactly the same kind of trick that (((they))) do to anyone who questions the Holocaust?

You’ll have to explain your position better, shlomo. You read like shitty disinformation.

How new are you? Did you think Holla Forums was for learning new things or something?

I can address some of the things here but for other things, such as why "Gold isn't money", you will have to do some research of your own. Some things can't be explained in 5 minutes.

They're not copied word for word. Mullins documented the conspiracy within the financial community to create the Federal Reserve and use it as an instrument to consolidate power. Griffin stole the research but then added in his own thesis that the Fed was a conspiracy to "devalue our currency" (expand the money supply) and finally take us off the gold standard, which in his view would be terrible.

It might let them, but would they? After getting rid of the Fed, you would have to prohibit the banks from creating money, which would be 10x harder, politically speaking, than dissolving the Fed.

Is this a normative or descriptive statement? Because if it's the latter… obviously it can. If it's the former, you have to do some research on your own.

Anything "can be money". Shit could be money. The question is, does it make good money? What is the effect on the economy when gold is money? What is a good monetary standard? One which necessitates currency shortages, extortionate interest rates, low wages and the expropriation of the debtor by the creditor when the inevitable panics occur? Or one which enables economic growth and rising wages? When Gold is the monetary standard, it means that the monetary stock is a very small and very controllable quantity of metal which can be possessed by cartels in the financial sector and then rented out to the government and economy at large at extortionary rates, and that is to say nothing of profiting off of disasters, or manipulating the price to achieve the most exploitative possible scenarios. I can't hold your hand on this, but read Arthur Kitson, Frederick Soddy, Gertrude Coogan, the people behind the Greenback movement of the 1870's. Then read the people who defended the Gold Standard against Paper Money (hint: it was the banks). Or just trust your instincts? Who do you trust more: greedy little nebbishes piling up their stacks of shiny coins telling you that gold is everything? Or those that tell you that true wealth is nothing more than the produce of the country's combined labor and resources? Please do your research and you will realize that Goldbuggery is the most successful misdirection psyop of all time.

Hey, there can only be 1 territorial tribe

Tribe war is tribe war is race war is race war

Banking/The Fed is arm of Jew tribe weaponry.

Do you happen to have a link to his research, or did he publish his own book?
Okay. BUT, the Fed HAS devalued our currency. 98% since 1913 at my last check, and that was 2014. And we're off the gold standard and the silver standard. It began in 1913, ramped up with FDR making owning gold illegal, and ended when Nixon officially ended all pegging to gold. These things HAVE happened.

And have they not been terrible? Never mind that Ron Paul, back in his Senate days, asked the then-fed chair, "Is gold money?" And the chair said no. "So why do banks hold gold?" Paul asked. "Tradition," said the filthy fucking kike. "Some of us still think it's money," Paul replied.

If Creature IS plagiarism (or just a retelling, whatever) for the purpose of spreading a narrative, does it matter if that narrative is FACT?

It's still in print, though you can find it for free online as well on The name of the book is Secrets of the Federal Reserve.

All of this is true. The question is: does it matter and why or why not? "Devaluation" is just another way of saying "expansion of money supply". Just as a purely hypothetical question: If the expansion of money supply occurs but all the ratios between wages, property, assets, etc. all remain the same, then has anything bad happened? No. Nothing has happened.. save for one essential fact: debts have been cheapened. That is the only change that has occurred.

I suggest you read Irving Fisher's Theory of Debt Deflation and/or his short book 100% Money.

The narrative is factual. The problem with Creature is that A) it steals the hard work of previous researchers and B) it shoehorns in a thesis which works in the interests of the Banks and against the interests of the economy at large (non-financial businesses and households) on top of a genuine factual narrative in order to give credibility to said faulty thesis.

I believe Ron Paul is a good man but ultimately misled. He probably swallowed the doctrine of the John Birch Society, which was Rockefeller-financed controlled opposition.

Who will be the first to shatter this materialist Jewed world of ours? Who will be the Hero we need but do not deserve?

Well, gold isn't money. Either it's extra-step barter or a capped currency no different from Bitcoins and the like. There's nothing special about gold monetarily.

this is actually way more coherent than most Holla Forums Federal Reserve posts, but fails to take into account that

a) money is not at base created by Federal Debt
b) 95+% of all Federal Reserve revenues go back to the US Treasury

The problem with the Federal Reserve is as a mechanism of control, not a mechanism of extortion (until they bail out their buddies, then it is). If you're into electronics, read Secret Weapons for Silent Wars. This Grade-A turboautist puts the whole thing in terms of electrical circuits

there's absolutely no reason to read Fisher. Just watch Steve Keen videos and you get Fisher + (((Minsky))) + a bunch of modern econ

Good points. Though I think reading the classics is important because if your only basis of knowledge if Steve Keen, Randy Wray and Positive Money, your arguments might sound sort of superficial. Not a huge deal, I know but I think it's good to be grounded in old texts. That way people can't challenge you because they A) don't know what you know and B) can't pretend to know what you know (whereas they can do that if your info is easily accessible on youtube).

For the Austrians: The JBS is Rockefeller-funded controlled opposition.

For fuck’s sake, reddit needs to leave.

This has literally been rehashed in this very thread. Gold is not money, at least not exclusive money.
The only difference between "gold money" and regular money is that gold is capped — just like Bitcoin. This is shit for its own reasons, but the point is that gold is not monetarily special, as I said.

Dispute any of that if you can. It'll be amusing to see if you can actually make arguments yourself instead of relying on le goldbug youtube man.

Why are you shilling for the thing bankers fought tooth-and-nail to protect? Read your history. Late 19th century American history is the struggle between workers and farmers (who supported paper currency) and bankers (who supported gold). Why did they support gold? Because they owned it. And they could rent it out to the government and to the economy at extortionate rates, withdraw the supply whenever they wanted, crash the economy and buy up everyone's assets and properties for pennies on the dollar. Do you think that the ownership of gold has become any more diffuse since then? Do your neighbors own gold? The John Birch Society, Austrian Economics, Libertarianism, it was all a big misdirection, a big scam (who is their hero? (((Milton Friedman)))? but he's a good one right?). A controlled opposition movement to feed you enough answers to gain your confidence and then channel your patriotic zeal into actually working IN FAVOR of the interests of the Banks. Libertarians / Austrians are USEFUL IDIOTS.

There is, because infinite promissory notes can be created and/or the amount of goods tradable for a promissory note can change arbitrarily.
Which doesn’t happen in a gold-backed economy, but whatever, shill.
Learn the fucking definition of words, moishe. Holy fucking shit, STORE. OF. VALUE.
Fiat is not money, yid. Your doublespeak is obvious.
Oh, so the exact same thing that literally every single working economy does and the opposite of what every failed economy does. Got it.
Which is fiat and not capped, but whatever.
Literally the whole of human history (and the video itself) disputes it, you cocksucking yid.

Fucking off yourselves, shills. We’re wise to your game. Only gold/silver-backed currencies succeed. All others fail. Period. Since the beginning of human civilization in ~15,000 BC, this has remained true.
Fun fact: When we kill the jews… they won’t own it anymore. It will be ours again. Gasp. What a fucking shocker of a concept.
Hence why I’m a Salamancan.

lol okay. It doesn't change the fact I've watched his shit before and know he's talking bullshit.

So what you're saying is that there's no difference between gold promissory notes and paper currency?

Covering all the possibilities, moron. You'd be taken more seriously if you actually knew your history and knew that actual gold currency (as in coins physically made of gold) did exactly this.

YOU ACTUALLY WENT FOR IT. Holy fuck. I was just waiting for the "store of value" meme to come up. Get fucked, goldbug. Gold doesn't store value and "store of value" is practically an oxymoron. Value, in the economically relevant sense, is determined by what people will exchange for something and it is entirely possible for people to not want to exchange anything for gold, making the value of gold zero. Gold does not "store value" and you're a fucking retard for believing so.

Now, would you care to actually disprove my point, since what you said has no relation at all to it? If the gold currency is circulating at the worth of its gold content it is barter. Do you dispute this? There would be nothing different between trading a gold coin like this and trading a lump of gold with the same gold content.

Hmm, where have I seen that (((tactic))) before?

You're retarded. You're actually retarded. No economy in history has ever said "right, we'll never issue any more currency ever again." Certainly no economy on the rise. You do realize deflation is shit, right?

You're not even trying at this point. You really do have the funny YouTube men do your thinking for you, don't you?

lel not an argument. You're a historically illiterate moron who thinks that because he saw a YouTube video you understand the topic. I bet you haven't put a single moment of actual thought into this. I bet you saw the video and thought "Wow, this explains everything!"

What RPG is this? Because this isn't actual history.

Come on.
Between unbacked promissory notes.
What good does that do if it FUNDAMENTALLY DOES NOT HAPPEN
The coins which were alloyed and “watered down”, you mean?
Reported, yeah, I was right.
Two words, kike shill: GOOD SUIT. An ounce of gold in Rome would get you a good suit. An ounce of gold in 1913 bought you a good suit. An ounce of gold today buys you a good suit.
You were refuted. Run along now.
Could you be more obvious, please? Throw in a couple of spelling errors because your hands are too busy rubbing together.
Money is not currency.
YOU’RE not even trying at this point.
Better than jews doing it for me. I note that this strawman of yours doesn’t even take into account that you haven’t been able to refute the funny YouTube man, since he’s stating OBJECTIVE FACT. Words have definitions, shlomo. Truth is objective. Reality is not relative.
Yes, I’m sure the substance that kikes wanted to MAKE ILLEGAL FOR GOYIM TO OWN is totally not a sound economic foundation.
Icing on the cake, really. Are you just a bot?

Oh, hold on while I refute every point from every video he's ever made. Are you serious? He makes the same arguments you're making in this very thread, which are bullshit. Magical thinking like "store of value."

Explain what the difference is between paper you trust can be exchanged for gold and paper you trust can be exchanged for anything else. I'll wait.

Because that's how you make a logically sound argument. But that's a foreign concept to you, isn't it?

Nope. Since the invention of modern currency in Lydia more than two thousand years ago currencies that have been issued have circulated at a value above their constituent materials. Why would you bother making the currency otherwise? You could just trade lumps of metal.

You can report me all you want but that doesn't mean store of value isn't nonsense that you have no argument for. What next? "It took energy to make"? Your goldbug boilerplate is boring and old.

Wow, it literally does not disprove my point. According to you even if no one wanted gold it would still have economic value. You are stupid.

If the gold currency is circulating at the worth of its gold content it is barter. Do you dispute this? Saying "You were refuted" is not an argument.

What is it with retarded goldbugs and their fantasies? You're inventing irrelevancies and trying to pretend that if everyone says "I'll give you $10 for that" my item is not worth ten dollars. Because chemical properties. Are you aware of how retarded you sound? This is why goldbuggism has never gone public.

"Haha yeah I'll define money as only metal currencies and then say we need them with no argument and if you say there's no meaningful difference between metal and non-metal currencies I'll just call you a kike, goyim." Please. This has already been discussed in this very thread. Scroll up, imbecile.

Look, when you can't even be bothered to investigate how Bitcoin actually works and then try to pretend it fits your narrative it becomes obvious to everyone reading that you're just repeating points because you have no understanding of the actual argument. That's why you took a simple and concise refutation of gold currency, ignored the arguments, shoved in irrelevancies, and then declared victory.

lel so you admit you haven't actually put any thought into this?

You know, your bullshit would be more convincing if you actually cited evidence instead of saying "lol history isn't evidence. Get a load of this goy." Literally list one economy that has ever stopped issuing currency.

Oh, and by the way, Jews wanting something to be illegal to own has no bearing upon it as an economic foundation. That's not an argument. I love how goldbugs have to rely on magical thinking for their position. "Jews have hoarded the metal of power so we must take it for ourselves!" That's Africa-tier thinking. You're on the same intellectual plane as niggers who think building runways will conjure up planes.

How convincing.

Gold is untaxable.

So what's your plan? Instate a gold standard and keep killing the people who manage to consolidate control over the gold supply? lol. You simultaneously praise the market while at the same time proposing that MURDER must be used periodically to right its wrongs. Cognitive Dissonance.

it literally is taxable. What?

You're asking for explanations but honestly you're too volatile to receive any explanation. Calm down and re-read the thread, ignoring the goldbugs, if you want a proper explanation. It's all here.



Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums or anything else that gets them assblasted (((like calling out shills that are literally in every single thread))), or for no real reason at all just to piss you off, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you.

question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question.

if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums. the ban reason will always be some fake fucking reason like "spam" or "unspecified reason". if you are in doubt, it isn't because this can't happen to you. it only means that it has not yet happened to you.

I am one of you, so don't bitch that you're being raided. all it takes is a look at /polmeta/ and /sudo/ to see just how many of us are being censored and banned every day by corrupt mods. the very founding reasons for Holla Forums "politically incorrect" "freedom of speech" are being torn down from above by the corrupt moderators and undermined from below by shills. because of our corrupt mods who are the biggest censorship loving sellouts in the entire world, Holla Forums is being ruined.

all that has been struggled for will be lost as Holla Forums can not function the way things are.

/polk/ is the same mods pretending to be different people. past migration efforts have all failed because we don't have the hivemind and the unity to make the move all at once. I don't care what new Holla Forums type board we all choose to migrate to but we need to make a good choice and then just make the move all together. the reason why everyone is getting banned all the time is because we have been subverted and manipulated.

who would have guessed that the very mods in charge of the board with the most freedom of speech on the entire internet that gives NO SHITS about political correctness would be some of the most CUCKED mods we have ever experienced?

this bullshit-banning has to fucking stop.

Impeach the cucked Holla Forums mods.

God bless donald trump. God bless america.

That's a lot of spies spying on people who refuse to use the bank card and use the gold to pay instead.

Just because people can lie about gold doesn't mean it's untaxable. I can make dollars off of meth and lie about the amount of dollars I have but that doesn't suddenly mean dollars are untaxable.


Google director of the fed you fucking fag.

Hitler implemented a Silver Standard. The missing link is the use of the Troy Ounce system which is based on actual weights. Thus a discussion using kiked monetary theory and terminology will bring this discussion to an end. I wonder why nobody takes a look what Germans actually used as money until 1939. I mean like the actual things with its physical and chemical properties. All I read in this thread is dry theory…

Silver has been advocated in many situations where populist governments come to power under a gold standard regime. Why? Silver is more plentiful and therefore less valuable than Gold, which allows for the money supply to expand and support an export-based production economy, and thus higher wages. Silver is not perfect but a preferable alternative to Gold.

Gold, because it has such low supply, means a currency that is inflexible to expand and easy to cartelize. The effects of an insufficient money supply are weak exports and strong imports, which mean low domestic production. Thus, Gold necessitates lower wages and higher interest rates.

And stop shouting that it keeps its value. If you want a store of value, invest in equities, properties or bonds! Stop demanding that currency be BOTH a store of value AND a medium of exchange! It can't be good at both!

A currency's ability to retain its value directly contradicts its primary function of facilitating commerce. A currency which does hold its value must always be a bad currency because it cannot accommodate macro-economic needs for a stable price level.

I have Silver bars and coins I got of this website In a quick pinch and if I need cash were do I sell them?

You are a kike. You may even have 0% Jewish blood. You are still a kike.

Usury isn't a tool of Judaism. It IS Judaism.

Sounds like you actually can't refute my points. "Dry theory" indeed. My apologies for the fact that the intellectual discussion is more than talking about how to copy Nazi Germany.

Oh, and please call me when "actual things" with "physical and chemical properties" is actually relevant to a discussion about money.

Well, according to the goldbugs in this thread it's the only real money and everyone will want it regardless of anything else because it's a "store of value" and will clamber all over themselves to get it from you, so I expect you should just be able to flash it at a passerby and they'll insist on giving you money.

Seriously, though, the only thing that comes to mind for quick cash is "pawn shop," but I'm not sure how trustworthy or preferable that is.

More than Jews practice usury, to our detriment, and Jews do more than practice usury, to our detriment.

False. Silver is more valuable because it is used in industry and in high technology and it will be even more important now with nano-technology. Because Silver is used in industry, it's also NOT more plentiful in practical terms.

I am not the user you argued with. The above post was my first one. Furthermore it has nothing to do with value, it's rather a monetary system with a perfect balance of weights, i.e. this standard establishes trade without fear of counterfeit.

Ask me an explicit question. I am not the user you argued with. I will try to answer it. But take into consideration that I won't defend the other user.

All right. If the only working economic system in modern history is not good enough because it's your opinion and you know it better, more power to you. Wake me up when you've taken, tried and it and can prove that it works.


Your ID is different and I have no idea what your position is. I'll assume you're c31395 and that you support silver.

It's because mere imitation isn't and shouldn't be considered good enough. That, and Nazi Germany can hardly be considered "the only working economic system in modern history." It had a trial run of twelve years. I wouldn't consider that an exhaustive trial and certainly not enough to throw out competing economic policies.

Considering we're working from historical examples this seems like a nonsense statement. No one here is a communist arguing about utopian possibilities.

I explicitely stated that there's only one post… You don't have to assume anything, you simply have to read what I wrote.

Guess why?

You don't even know how their economy worked.

I am practical. What worked for them, will work for us. At least as a starting point. With nano-technology we can improve the concept, but arguing about it is pointless because you don't even now the basics. I'll leave it at that.

Silver is currently $15/oz, Gold is $1250/oz. Am I misunderstanding you somehow? Silver is clearly less valuable than gold. And it clearly is more plentiful also.

Also last I checked, around 880 million oz of silver are produced each year and around 100 million oz of gold are produced each year. So I don't know what you could possibly be talking about.

This is precisely the issue that Arthur Kitson raised in OBJECTION to metal-based monetary standards. Though the peg of the currency-to-metal can be set objectively by the government, the valuation of the money itself as determined on commodity markets fluctuates and can be manipulated for personal gain, thus constantly putting the official government dollar peg out of sync. Read his book: A Fraudulent Standard on

Okay? So why should I care particularly what you think, enough to make a whole Q&A about it?

Unless you want to assert Jews are omniscient and are hiding the secrets to success from the goyim this isn't evidence specifically in favor of the economic performance. You can't speculate on the success of those economic principles ten or a hundred years down the line based on the fact that Jews did their best to destroy Germany. Moreover, this doesn't specifically eliminate competing policies given that Jews have worked many times to destroy other policies.

Sure, guy. Do you know my bank details too?

Competing policies worked for others. On what basis do you choose between these policies?

Since you seem to think arguing about this is "pointless" why even bother making the post? I'm genuinely confused here.

I would suggest a putsch on the absolute top of government. Like what a president with a newly-made private secret service, generals, mercenary companies (Blackwater) and general popular support. Cleaning the big guys first with execution, then moving down to the officials, pedophiles, cinema directors, down to the lowest person with any authority.
All the while you have no obligations, private security, tons of money and ample opportunities.
This what Trump was trying to do, but, like so many before, has failed. I believe he is still fighting, but it doesn't go well for him

Or, a true revolution with different cells working on their own trying their best to kill the "communists and traitors" as how often the jews have been named that.

The market is rigged… They are shorting their own asset to lower the price. They are losing shekels doing this.

I am talking about a system based on weights, i.e. troy ounce system. Your arguments are not tailored to this.

It's for your benefit. If you don't care, it's okay.

Yes, I can. It worked. Unfortunately Germany was destroyed by quantity.

Don't pretend you've understood what I wrote in my first post.

Yes, those magnificent policies worked really well for the goyim.

You don't need to be confused. It's really simple. You're not alone in this thread. Those who are open to principles that are not kiked from the get go will do their research.

Sorry if I don't take your word on being a font of wisdom. Make a wall of text if you have something interesting to share but don't think anyone's going to be much interested in trying to draw answers out of you.

You didn't even read what I wrote. Do you understand that you cannot project into the future with any accuracy based on only twelve years?

Don't pretend you're wiser than everyone else here.

So you're saying Nazi Germany was the only successful economy ever? Right. And you expect everyone to think you're a font of wisdom?

You need to stop pretending you're Moses coming down from the mountain and bestowing divine revelations upon the dumb masses.

You have got to be kidding? The historical precedent has always been that silver is more plentiful than gold. Over 2 millenia the most often-recurring price ratio between oz of silver / oz of gold has been 15 / 16: 1, so if anything, silver is overvalued right now. Do you have any basis for these claims?

A system based on weights, yes, like all previous historical metal-based monetary standards, i.e.: $35 / 1oz gold, and so on…

In order for true monetary reform to be successful (bank nationalization, prohibition of credit creation & compound interest), you would need a cadre of morally pure and completely devoted zealots with no worldly attachments. These would have to be people with no parents, lovers, spouses, children, anything. Nothing except devotion to God. When you go after the Banks, you go after the most dangerous people on earth and they would do anything (murder your children, your family, frame you for the gravest crimes, etc.) to stop you. You would need a corps of people who have no regard for their lives, no attachments to the world, who only have regard for The Good. I'm talking, highly devout Catholic Orphans who have renounced worldly possessions. Anyone who can be compromised, will be compromised.

Do you regard yourself as the representative of the people here?

I started reading it and I encountered this paragraph:
"With Edmund Burke, I rejoiced in the prosperity of foreign States, believing that such prosperity would materially assist our own. Belief in the essential "brotherhood of all mankind," under the blissful reign of peace and prosperity seemed to have become the generally accepted creed of all civilized races. Under such conditions, Free Trade seemed the only sane and natural trade policy. The outbreak of the great war, which revealed the diabolical plottings of the Germans and their Allies to conquer the world, dispelled this beautiful dream and brought us all to a stern sense of realities. We can no longer afford to indulge in such visions as "brotherly" or "friendly" alliances and intercourse with the bloodthirsty and inhuman race of trained savages the Huns are now known to be."
If it weren't for the fact that this guy went bankrupt in 1925, I would've certainly thought that he was a kike. Maybe he is though, his name also looks suspicious.

You can though. So what the fuck is the point of your post?
Are you legimately implying space travel will never progress since the level we've stagnated at since the 70's?

Do you consider it possible that someone could both say something worth saying and not have the same ideology and worldview of a 1935 National Socialist or the 100 years retrospect we have today?

It's possible, but what the author wrote disqualifies him as being a rational human being. He appears to me as an amateur economist, a hobbyist. I don't have the time for such BS, you could as well find wortwhile stuff in every single book in existance. If you have some source that doesn't embrace mainstream propaganda to such an extent, I'll read, but this is the redline.

That's a fair point. I consider it worthwhile because it's often mentioned alongside writers and researchers like CH Douglas and Eustace Mullins, who are among the most redpilled figures of the 20th century, and, if you care to read the whole thing, it's a powerful and cogent criticism of metal-based monetary standards. For that I think you should forgive him of English Chauvinism. Furthermore I think that some of the greatest insights in the field of social science have come from amateurs and on the flipside it's often the biggest retards who are the "Experts" (Paul Samuelson, Paul Krugman, Tyler Cowen, etc.). You're free to call it BS if you think there's a better use for your time, but I'm just offering it as a solid banker-skeptic critique of the gold standard.

Well, I certainly do not believe you're smarter than anyone else here, which renders my statements valid. You're pretending you're smarter than everyone else. I do not believe this is so. Furthermore this thread is ample evidence that few people here agree with you, rendering the arrogant delivery of your contrary position well-deserving of the descriptions I gave it. For none of that do I have to be a representative of everyone.

Anyway, TL;DR: make an interesting post or fuck off.

What would be worth my time to read? I see two books mentioned in this thread: "The secrets of the federal reserve" - Eustace Mullins and "The creature from Jekyll Island" - G. Edward Griffin. But I also see mixed viewpoints on both. I'm a normie on economics and like OP I prefer thinking about health, family, race, nature, etc. But I'd like a good read for a little bit more than a basic understanding on the topic. Doesn't have to be between those two either

Part 2 when

Look the Fed is bad but it's nothing compared to the power of Credit Creation that is granted to the Banks. Read up on that and you'll find your answer.

Fresh OC

bumping for other parts
would also be great to have your whole folder as a massive .zip I'm sure you got some truth in there!
thanks user

Straight from the horse's mouth:

Very well, I'll put it on my reading list then. You are right that the so called experts like Krugman and his ilk are fraudsters. I am also against the gold standard btw.

You're doing it again, pal.

So what? What most people believe is not a standard of truth anyways.

You're butthurt. I don't care about your feelings.

This also applies to you. You're only able to reproduce predigested content that is flying around on this board for ages. That's why nobody has a clear picture of what the Third Reich did. Why? Because it makes no sense. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a debate and confusion.

Since you lack reading comprehension and haven't contributed anything I'm going to stop replying to you.

It's all right. I am not mad at you.

saving from the kike slide

This always sounded like conspiracy bullshit.
I don’t think every BS that every crackpot on the internet repeats is reliable (or we live on a flat earth and the reptilians rule us).
Before you answer this predates the internet conspiracy crackpots predate the internet and did write books on this subject back in the day.
Linking to these books is like linking to any website on the internet.
Not that banks don’t do shady things.

However it’s obsessing over obscure things.

And I think it’s a distraction, because usury is the problem and you don’t need central banks or anything for usury.
Usury was and can be made with gold or whatever.
Anyone who says differently is wrong and you should stop listening to them because they are talking nonsense.

Credit is bad and wanting to get credit is like wanting to get cancer.

How usury works:
1) It’s not lending.
If I lend you a pen and you use it and give me the pen I
A) Get a pen with less ink in it
B) The pen is more used up(more relevant to cars etc)
So if usury was lending after you did lend from the bank $8 you pay them back $7 none of this
At best it would be you pay $8 exactly, none of this muh interests ever or muh inflation.

2) Example of usury
2.1) You want to get credit (this is bad and you are stupid)
2.2) You get $8 credit this is credit you are the creditor (not lending).
2.3) The one giving you this (bank etc) is the debitor/usurer and they get debit (your promise to pay).
2.4) You buy a $8 pen (insert whatever item you want into example)
2.5) Now you must pay the debitor/usurer $10
2.6) You effectively bought a $8 pen for $10
2.7) You overpaid $2.
2.8) You need to be effectively retarded to want to pay more for the same thing.
2.9) The usurer gained $2

3) From the example you can see that the usurer provides nothing of value.
Usury is only used to give money to people who do absolutely nothing.

No industry or productive infrastructure was created from this.

4) Pro-usury propaganda will try to say (2) is providing financial services.
5) You can see that it’s irrelevant if this transaction is made with gold, silver, magical unicorn farts, Satan’s ass.

Is irrelevant to the discussion.

6) Anti-usury laws where and can be circumvented by using methods that obscure this like using complicated transfer contracts (I give you $8 however you must give me back my $8 and buy from me a $4 peace of paper(I make $2 profit on the paper)).

Be aware of use of language and how pro-usury propaganda tries to trick you by changing the definition of names.
Bullshit see example.
Bullshit all usury is bad.
You did get lawmakers to change legal definitions cute.
I’m not accepting this.
Want to talk how this new “usury” definition is different from the traditional historical definition of usury?

Stop polluting the language its like saying
Stop trying to pollute the language to justify usury.

I did not quote in.

1) What are the criteria for acceptable evidence if "old books" do not meet them? Do you know how silly that sounds?

2) Many of the old books and speeches that people link to on this topic were highly respected statesmen and economists of their day (Fisher, Lindbergh, Knapp, etc.) not the basement-dwelling insane people of the internet age.

3) I think your appeal to authority is misplaced. Oftentimes it is the amateurs who are the ones most able to provide the most important insights, rather than the experts. This occurs for various reasons. Experts are often: self-interested, venal, insulated, overly invested in their own vision, etc. If you want proof of this, look no further than the GFC 2008 and the years leading to it, where it was exclusively the amateurs and outsiders who saw the problem.

4) In your example, you're missing the pretty obvious component of time. People take on credit because they don't have the money and the time it would take to get the money is too much, mortgages being a perfect example of this; why wait 30 years to buy a house in cash when that's essentially half of your life? Not saying I agree with it, but it's not necessarily "like wanting to get cancer" to take out a loan.

4) Agreed that talk of Central Banks / the Fed is a red herring. But do you understand the nature of Banks and Credit Creation and the alternatives being proposed? Because it seems you put some effort into this, but you're not really hitting on the essential issue here. Usurious interest is bad but it's nothing compared to charging interest on the entire money supply, which is what banks do.
^ Richard Werner accurately explains the current banking system.^

He has a book 'Princes of the Yen' and many scholarly papers on this topic, all of which I'd recommend to people here.

Werner et al. frequently point out that the "Nazi Germany system" was 1) neither the first 2) nor the last time this kind of top-down control was implemented. In fact before the Bretton Woods system ended most advanced economies implemented some form of "moral suasion" or another. Perhaps most famously, in Japan it was called window guidance, which was simply the BOJ telling their bunch of jews how much they could scam each industry/sector. Remove this control and the jew will only write loans / create money for safe existing assets causing inflation and crashes:
Credit creation that goes towards production (GDP lending) is non-inflationary. An export-oriented economy is how all countries should be structured like under true National Globalism. This is what seems to activate the almonds of a couple of anons every now and then, the ideas surrounding the notion of money = gold, everything else = not money. This is both true and false, for gold has certainly been the longest-term store of value historically (in terms of store of value, fiat currency a shit as Maloney's videos nicely show), but at the same time unproductive/exploitative people like the jews would still be worthless individuals whether they had gold or not, expecting others to do all their work. The money of a country is this country's sustained productive capacity and ingenuity and how well it can turn its jews into soap, a renewable resource. In resource-based economies this situation becomes even more troubling because they effectively represent the end of privacy.
This is the true soul of the jew. Sit and eat while we debate whether gold is THE BEST form of money or not. As long as a society possesses a well-functioning gas chamber infrastructure this isn't even relevant as (((nobody))) will be able to cause economic crashes anyway.
In other words this is what the jews call a holocaust, muh 60 septillion quadrillion, oy vey, the goyim are out to get us again, oy gevalt Mordche do you smell gas, etc etc.
India is somewhat interesting but when a country has serious issues like high corruption and hordes of low-IQ people even the "Nazi System" won't work.
This is why The Jews Fear The Samurai. Showing this article to some random jew off the street would be a hate crime.


Some shill is spamming a thread with the exact same header image, probably trying to bury this thread.

Seize the wealth and use it to fund infrastructure and the military. Just like the Third Reich.

Careful, you're bordering on bolshevism. Consider what kind of societal upheaval it takes to redistribute the non-financial property of the upper class…


It's not Bolshevism. Nowhere near it. It's the straightforward problem of: what the fuck do you do with all of Zuckerberg and Tyrone's property once they've been taken care of? The fact of the matter is that nonwhites, especially Jews, control large amounts of real property, many times through illicit methods. Short of going back through how they acquired it and refunding all of John Smith's loan payments how are you supposed to distribute that property? How are you supposed to make sure people are fairly compensated for the mass defrauding of kikes?

This is no small problem.

You're talking about real property. You can't just "seize it" (happens anyway once Moshe has been driven off and his fraud declared to be what it is) and then use it to fund the military. You'd have to transform a New York apartment or enormous plots of land into things that could be used for those purposes. The relevant question is: how do you do that properly? I sure as shit don't want the government just seizing it. Most especially I don't want just some sort of "blank slate" where all the wealth and buying power stolen through debt just evaporates and years of people's work stays out of their pockets.

You may not like this, but many whites have benefitted enormously from this system of exploitation. You are oversimplifying the problem to racial / ethnic lines.

Fair compensation for this system of usury and counterfeiting would be to either write down or cancel all private debts and then make the Treasury credit the bank accounts of those previous debtors with a sum of cash, which can be done easily and with civility.

Saying you want to redistribute real property like houses and businesses… it's easy to say on paper. In real life, it means chaos: dragging people out into the street and beating them to death. That's Bolshevism.

Build a system of free exchange. Give without expectation of return to your brother. (((They))) can't tax or charge interest on something given freely. Build a code of ethics and honor that prevents exploiters from siphoning energy. Essentially - return to a barter system based on small localized communities and tight-knit in-groups.

They technically can: there is a gift tax, you know?

Gift tax is usually only enforceable on money, property and large gifts of assets.

Nothing stopping you from gifting your time, energy and skills.

You're missing my point. The point is that once you get rid of usury you're going to end up with a lot of property that needs to be fairly distributed. How do you do that?

You're putting the cart before the horse here. In any realistic scenario we end up with traitors and nonwhites leaving/getting killed. Their property now stands unclaimed. What do you do with Zuckerberg's mansion? To whom does it rightfully now belong? Is the government just supposed to leave it empty because neither Zuckerberg nor any of his kin are allowed in the country to claim it as property?

For people who have merely profited off usury but aren't otherwise in need of killing the solution is easy, because you can just fine them and otherwise leave them with their property. My point was never about seizing property but what to do with the property that necessarily will end up in government hands as a consequence of changes that need to be implemented.

I don't see any possibility other than a debt jubilee. A permanent one. At any rate, I still can't exactly see how that compensates people for forty years of interest payments. Cancelling debts is only half a solution.

That's not barter. That's a credit system.

I hadn't thought about abandoned buildings.

But re: jubilee: That's what I'm proposing. Cancel debts and then issue compensation, straight into their bank accounts, for unnecessary past time spent in indebtedness.

What happened in Iceland resulted in a shitstorm of massive proportions.–2011_Icelandic_financial_crisis
The Jews flood the bad goy country with capital then crash it with no survivors, rinse and repeat.
>our paper finds that surges gross (((private))) capital inflows can help explain the incidence of subsequent credit booms — and, especially those financial booms that are followed by systemic banking crises (Martin Joolf makes some very good points here)
This is a most excellent overview of how the system works from the low-level banking IT systems perspective.
The software is theory, the programmers are heterodox economists, and the holocaust happened.

The exodus can't come soon enough

Wow. Cool.

So this thread is so fucking old I actually followed through on my promise.

Check out

Get in early boys. We're gonna shoot and it's easy easy money getting in on the grouns floor.

Pretty much user.

Kill yourself, newfag.

Reported, global reported, banned, v&, nuked from orbit, splintered into a million pieces and scattered to the wind.

He wasn't asking for evidence, he was willfully derailing the thread with his kikery. The Fed being privately owned is not up for debate - there isn't an economics class in the world that will teach you otherwise. All that user was doing was farting and shitting over this thread.

But the value of the fossil fuels is still counted by the currency in circulation. It's not about how much productivity you have but how much can the bank buy of your product, while they have unlimited currency. Even if you owned the whole universe and thought that you could pay of your debt, you can't because they can produce unlimited currency to buy your universe.

I've never heard of this trade monopolization you speak of, and I question its feasibility. Why not allow for free, monitored importation?

It's why the flag is red, too. I suggest going for the throat of the left—Bernie bros. Most are, like us, trying to make their country better, but without the intellectual tools to do so. Generally middle class, intelligent and hwite, they are feeling the pinch of identity politics and need welcoming arms in their transition to become good fashy goys.

,Assets in the SOMA include both domestic securities and foreign currency portfolios of the Federal Reserve. The domestic portion consists of U.S. dollar-denominated Treasuries. The foreign currency portion consists of a range of different investments denominated in either euros or Japanese yen.'
,The assets in the SOMA serve as a management tool for the Federal Reserve's assets, a store of liquidity to be used in an emergency event where the need for liquidity arises and as collateral for the liabilities on the Federal Reserve's balance sheet, such as U.S. dollars in circulation.'

In other words, the money they make from the debt-backed currency that they hand to the gubment, plus some extra kikery for good measure.

Harder to enforce. If Import / Export isn't all done through a State Company, people will find it much easier to avoid the regulations.

Get people to understand (in the genuine way, not the goldbug way) that the monetary system is a giant fraudulent system of expropriation, and that our forefathers warned us of this and the rest follows.

Get rid of the Fed tomorrow and nothing changes, save increased financial instability.

It's the banks.

I question most of them feeling the pinch of identity politics. Most of the one's I've talked to still live in a kumbaya land of class loyalties where they avoid nonwhites for fear of being turned racist. One of the guys I talked to said he was becoming racist because of the Mexicans he worked with but has now left the job and is back to ranting about racism and decrying the Republicans for cutting welfare and pandering to "identity politics."

With any luck, though, most of them will simply be in turtle mode and wanting merely to improve their own lives, which is much easier to appeal to.

Germany, the US, and Britain didn't seem to have any problems during their protectionist heydays.

You retarded nigger, the point is that most of those who are at all concerned about how "money" works often like to direct all their energy at a convenient singular target, and the entire point of imageboard autism is to expand on this kind of shit a little. "gas the xyz" is normally self-evident and sufficient for 4cuck-level discourse, but here on 8/pol/ we discuss about these processes in a somewhat greater depth so as to increase our understanding because this pleases our autism. Yes it's the jews, yes it's the fed, yes you're retard nigger cattle, but there's also a greater depth behind all kinds of jew trick bullshit that is good to know about. Fuck you. Holla Forums is Scientific Anti-Semitism, not beep da boop mufugguh bix nood. You fucking retard.

Here's the proof: jew banks create their own fucking money by writing stupid ass loans to other jews like the Saudis, thus they don't even care about "the Fed". The Fed is merely the icing on the cake, or more accurately the tip of the mr. Hebrew Noseberg.
If anyone deserves to get banned meh that would be your stupid ass for shitting up what is a good damn thread. Whoever lacks the sufficient autism necessary to properly activate the relevant almonds shouldn't casually shitpost in such advanced threads because there is very serious shit in them (srs bzns, stay away from it goy), these are not trivial or parochial matters. None of the alt-kikes are ever going to talk about the monetary system because they're all hypocrites who depend on this very system and either sell books or have pgaytreons and all that jew shit. Nobody is self-funded, nobody has a productive life outside of their alt-kikery, this is their career, to extract money from their fellow goyim so that they can literally phonepost from their jew spying devices (phonecucks get the gas). The entire "gaylt-tech" is a fucking joke, and their sites don't even work without javascript. Only Holla Forums dares speak the (money) truth becacuse we're reactionary NEETs (spiritually or physically) trying to figure a different way out that does not involve the fucking jew (banks). Trying to bantz with the truth simply makes you look like a nigger. Hitler based money on work throughput, the jews inflate housing prices to dispossess the goyim but house all the rapeugees when housing could've been retardedly cheap especially with modern materials science, and all the alt-kikes are attempting to attach their parasitism on to the existing jew system like Varg says. They're fine as long as they're getting their shekels; very few individuals are willing to explicitly reject any kind of "d'nation" scheme (kudos to Roissy) and just share their gay ass thoughts freely with the world so that whoever asshole reads this crap and finds it helpful may improve his retarded situation. Only anons understand this mechanism instinctively because this is what imageboards are; throwing shit around for fun and profit, neither persistently/obnoxiously soliciting nor necessarily rejecting any particular contribution (e.g. NYPA). High hivemind coordination only occurs during raids on your ass like gamma brainwaves, the rest of the time the brain is in relaxed alpha waves. Compare imageboards to Steemit a steaming pile of crap. Requestfags get bullycided for a reason, and all namefags are by definition requestfags because on the most basic level they implicitly (dude so implicit..) or explicitly request acknowledgment of their name (USI) when they're just a simple node in the Warp. Exceptions (strategic-tactical namefagging) are rare.
The "lemmings" (non-autists) will attack you if you attack the banking system on which their comfortable gay nigger cattle livelihood depends.
Fuck the banks and fuck you. Women who are in violation should be chained to the fucking van. It's definitely CIA.
UEFI is for niggers.

Forgot to quote this asshole

Nice try faggot.
