Sartre > Heidegger > Kierkegaard

Sartre > Heidegger > Kierkegaard
do you agree comrades ?

Yeah heidegger and Kierkegaard are so fucking shit


Sartre BTFO Kierky with one simple axiomatic truth: existence precedes essence.

Sartre > Trash > An Open Sewer > Heidegger > KierkeSHIT

Are you guys doing this intentionally for Rebel to spas out?

I doubt it. Obesity will spas on his own accord.

first as arrhythmia, than as death

smh tbh fam


It's just bantz, bro =3


Get out of here, only patrician taste in philosophers allowed reee


Camus >>>

Gee you guys, you're always trying to annoy me by shilling for Sartre =(

…but…It can't be ignored…I hate the man too much.


1. Misreading Heidegger extensively
2. Ugly af
3. Tankie
4. Misquoting Dostoevsky
5. Ugly as fuck
6. Pedophile rapist
7. Smoked expensive cigarettes, hung out in Cafes all the time and was your general pseudo-urban intellectual
8. Unethically gave bad reviews of Camus when they fell out
9. His philosophy is extremely ahistorical, "muh nothingness" is just another cop out like the Stirnerite ego to deny one's historical nature.
10. Misreading Hegel
11. Misreading Kierkegaard (did he even read him I wonder?)
13. Shit plays which were only popular because of the French culture
14. Flowery writing, no substance
15. That stupid false divide between atheist and christian existentialists
16. Made the guy who CREATED the term existentialism renounce it
17. Shitty definition of existentialism (to such an extent that Heidegger decided he wasn't one flat out)
18. Humanism is dumb (and again massively misunderstands Heidegger)
19. Rejecting a nobel prize purely because Camus got one before him
20. Begging for said nobel prize commission's prize money
21. Ripped off ideas from other existentialists and repackaged them as his own
22. Made it so that existentialism inevitably became "uhh meaning of life is subjective mane" and "existence precedes essence" and ruined it forever, so that it needs to be put down completely.

I spend a lot of time revelling in my hatred of frog face, so stop bullying me okay? =(

wtf i love Sartre now

sartre confirmed based

I'm serious you guys!

i never knew you were this hardcore Sartreian, rebel
Sartre is not perfect he got somethings wrong here and there don't suck his cock like that he is not a god

Satre achieved more than you ever will, stay mad fat retard.

Isn't Christianity a fundamentally humanist religion?


Square, rectangle, rectangle, square. What have you

As I've shown, he did less than achieve, he ruined. I could do absolutely nothing and still come out on top of him.



I'm far more jealous of Camus, any day. What a qt.

Rebel represents the worst of pseudo-intelligence in leftist circles (especially forums and social media). It's all big words and fancy names to hide behind a 1% knowledge or reading of anything beyond Youtube phil intros and Wikipedia pages, and whenever someone points out bullshit or gives him cogent critique of his pop-phil tier knowledge it's automatically your typical coy and 'ironic' replies coupled with anime pictures and image macros to make everything seem like 'just a prank bro'. This is then usually accompanied or shortly followed by even more verbose and mildly obscure trivia about the subject to project and feign a teensy tiny bit of doubt that he might know just an ounce about it. This is exemplified at its most extreme when he starts uploading PDFs (which he's never read) to signal that he 'really knows his stuff guise!'.

He's basically the local Holla Forums equivalent of Sam Kriss when you think about it. Except at least Kriss somewhat succeeds in his never ending quest to obtain USI with his multi-thousand follower social media account while RubbleAbsurdity projects his autism onto at most a dozen other autists at best.

Yes, yes, you aren't mad that Sartre was offered a Nobel prize and you never will, we believe you :^)

Stay retarded, user.


No one has given Rebel a 'cogent critique' for why he doesn't like Sartre though. At least ITT.

No one ever has, no one ever will.
No single person who has read beyond Sartre would ever claim Sartre is anything less than a turd.

Like clockwork.

Start making an argument any time

The correct term is hebephile :^)



Nietzsche's pretty bad my dude. He's kind of just a poor man's Kierkegaard.

Is okay, rebel. Bullies can't help it. Though, maybe if you didn't namefriend…

Kierkegaard is the sad man's Hegel.

I ain't even mad, it's true.

Eh, I am convinced that the pros of using a trip outweigh the cons. This pic is obviously douchey but it makes a good core point for instance.

You've just spent half this thread crying about how no one is taking your "qualifications" as a personality seriously, begging people to make arguments against your nonexistent own, and somehow you want to pretend that attentionwhoring is actually good

by defending your faggotry

unironically, with a quentin meme

Can somebody screencap this please? If anyone ever asks in the future why no one likes Rebel, they can just post it and it'll be enough said.

"b-b-b-but I was being ironiiiiiiiiiiccccc"

"Half the thread"
Um no I didn't. Name the posts in which I did.

Um no I didn't. Name the posts in which I did. I have no qualifications.

"Non existent own"
You are literally retarded, yes?

Sure, I'll do it for you. I'm happy to be accountable for what I say, that is the point after all. :^)

Still waiting on that argument.

If you understood the term irony, you'd know that I mean irony as defending a position one doesn't hold and feigning ignorance for an improved discourse. Irony is not an excuse to act stupid for lulz, it's a tool.

You wouldn't understand that though, I guess, since you're probably a sartrean loser.

Smart enough not to respond to you though.

What's xir gender?

I didn't call you stupid user, I called you a loser there's a difference

I'm neither and you're both.

Don't cut out my luscious flowing hair to make it look like I'm not the handsome charmer that I am :^)

I c what you're doing there user.

rebel btfo

it's all over


Trips confirms. Deleting my account and life as we speak.

Oh man, that's a real good one BTFO me haha


These trips speak the truth

Delete yourself Reddit

Already got your back on that one fam

Rolled 2 (1d6)If this rolls a four rebel must delete his twitter and never post again

You are proving my point, fool.


Rolled 2 (1d6)
Rolling too. I'm counting on lucky number 3. Goodbye RebelObscenity.

too late, first roll failed.

…Wait. Now leftcom is doing it. LEFTCOM. I've really hit rock bottom surely.


Quad Erat Demonstrandum. Thank you for your co-operation.

Rolled 3 (1d6)
You're awful when you go on attention whoring sprees dude. Stick to your videos (they're not half bad) and drop the USI-seeking on the board.

Lucky number 3.

What's that quote in Harry Potter 3? "I don't go looking for trouble, trouble usually looks for me" or something.

roll confirms

rebel, leave

Rolled 4 (1d6)
doing a roll

calling 5

Wew, that was easy. Good luck getting me banned, I'm behind 700 proxies, training in the Navy Seals and your mother.

Rerolling is cheating you fucking faggots.

You already have a reddit account, you can trying being accountable on there.

It was deleted many eons ago.

Are you suggesting that I should only sometimes be accountable for what I post? Seems real inauthentic.

What was his reddit account name?

I'm gonna and browse archives dw man I'll dig up some gems.

You went from pretending to be pretending to be retarded to pretending to be retarded.

There's no getting through to you fucking retards.

Good luck, there's very little to get from there. You are wasting my time very much.

Name was Rebelabsurdity I think.

Still not an argument.

I am suggesting you should stop tripfagging for the sake of getting some e-cred

Come on people, you seem so assured that tripping is bad, surely you are not so blind that you can't offer one small decent argument against it!

Wouldn't that imply I was doing it for e-cred in the first place, which I've said I'm not, and in fact am doing it for the opposite, that is to be accountable for what I say, and for the aesthetics alone?

Then fly away, for you do not know me better than I know myself, and I know that I am telling the truth.

Tbh, I feel bit insulted.

You must be recognizable in order to be "held accountable" for your posts.

Seriously guys, I don't know why you keep making threads about me, just shut the fuck up and get on with theory please?

I know I know, technically he's not really a tankie, and I think that one's a bit forgivable in and of itself because many tankies are qt because he really hated Nazis for a good reason.

Do flags not incite recognition in themselves? Or are you one of those hardcore puritan user only types?

Also, if you're conflating recognition for-the-sake-of accountability for-the-sake-of virtue and self-improvement with "e-celeb" you've really got some bad thought process going on.

Nope, everybody can use flags, so there's always a chance that a person using a given flag is not that one particular poster
Those two cannot be separated, if you're using a trip in order to be recognizable, then you trying to be an e-celebrity, whenever you intended so or not hardly matters.

Except that's not how it generally tends to work out is it? I can recognise a good portion of flag posters.
It still doesn't make a difference.

Oh. Okay. You're right.
just kidding, this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard

How's it feel knowing your ego took a bigger bruising than you can deal with?

Huh? If my ego was bruised bigger than I could deal with, it wouldn't feel good necessarily, silly.

On da contrary pal, your being unable to, like all others, give me ONE good reason not to tripfag just encourages my opinion that there's nothing wrong with it.

Because you're actively making this board a worse place.

You snapped half way through this entire thread and now can't deal with this; so you're just going to continue spamming an entire folder full of reaction images until this thread auto sages because you have nothing better to do with your day.

100% you need to stop. If Yui and everyone else can do it, so can you; otherwise you wouldn't continue.

This reply is just rhetoric and opinion. You claim I'm making the board a worse place, but isn't it true that it's actually faggots like you who can't back up what they say, and are OBSESSED with taking me down whom are actually detracting from actual discussion?

I'd say is contribution greater than anything else posted on this shit thread, especially given you people still can't argue against it, and so resorted to "Muh tripfags".

You're still wasting my time. Say something more interesting.

Again, show me a reason to not do it.

So if I'm to sum up your argument:


This says more about you than anyone else.

You keep telling yourself that, buddy.


you haven't contributed a single post, opinion, or work of any value

all you have is being an obnoxious tripfag whose only attribute is being ridiculously annoying.

Nice opinion, but rock beats paper.

Where do I start with Philosophy?
Tried reading Plato, but didn't find much suprises there or something to think about really

I think if you read Plato but didn't find anything new then you have too many expectations. Reading Plato is largely about
1. Language
2. Method

Hast thou read any Aristotle?

I've read other Greeks, but it was a long-ass time ago. Should I?
I don't want to fuck it up and do everything in order, since philosophy is like a giant centuries-old imageboard with everyone shitposting on each other and responding to long-dead posts

I mean as I say, the Greeks are mostly for core ideas, prose, history, method and language. It's a base…do you think you need to?

How about Descartes?

do you recognise me, rebel-sama?

Yes, cunt. Come back to dubtrack, even sophists are allowed cookies.

no thanks, i think i'll just drop a dank webm and be on my way

super-rare webm coming through, no other copies are currently known to exist, collectivise at your own risk commie filth


sigh guess my webm was too dank for you comrade


Sorry, that's how it is. It's especially worse for someone who claims to be a Heideggerian.

Stirner did nothing right.

Yeah,but you should probably start with Anthony Kenny's "A New History of Western Philosophy"

After that then read in the following order

Plato:Euthyrpo,Apology,Crito,Meno,Phaedo,Symposium,Timaeus and Critias,Republic,Laws,Parmenides



Essential Epicurus(Great Books in Philosophy) & Nature of Things by Lucretius



Thomas Aquinas

Hold there frienderino! You seem to think that Either/Or and Fear and Trembling are some of the more important works of Kierkegaard- I disagree.

I believe the first work of Kierk anyone ought start w/ is "The Present Age". Works of Love is good, but one oughtn't miss out on other gems like "The Concept of Irony", "The Concept of Anxiety", "Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing" and his Journals also contain many nuggets of wisdom! And I think unarguably
the most important of his works:
Concluding unscientific postscript!

After this great list by :DDD flag I suggest you also read Heidegger's being and time and the question concerning technology. Also read anything you can by Foucault including his lectures! Derrida is nice too!

I couldn't expand the list cause it already met the limit,but yeah definitely those are works that are a must read for Kierkegaard.

I would also suggest to read Schopenhauer,he is one of the easiest philosophers to read and comprehend.Maybe start with his dissertation and then onto WAWR then onto his other essays.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship the free market, and accept that the accumulation of exploitative private capital and contractual slavery are the only means to world peace, and taxes are literally Hitler!"
At this moment, a proud, marxist-leninist dialectical materialist comrade who had page-by-page annotated the collected works of Marx and Engels, and tattooed the Theses On Feuerbach to his inner eyelids, held up a copy of Human Action.
"Does man act and think of his own volition?"
The arrogant professor grinned (voluntarily) and conservatively mumbled "of course you statist islamic obammunist nazi. all thoughts are causa sui. if the poor have no bread, let them eat cake"
"Wrong. Our values, desires, and preferences are inculcated in us by ideological state apparatuses, the bourgeoise controlled superstructural sphere which infuses our defining social practices and the belief in our self conscious agency through interpellation. They are but products of social reality and the reproduction of the modes of production by the superstructure, further engendering the base in reciprocal, dialectical fashion."
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of "Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom". He stormed out of the room crying those unregulated, market chosen tears (his property ofcourse). There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Hans Hermann Hoppe, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a racist bourgeois capitalist interested in somehow being against immigration despite his libertarian stance (???). He wished so much that he could reconcile with Habermas, but the market had selected against it!
The students applauded and all linked hand in hand singing The Internationale, marching to emancipate the workers from their enslavement, overturning the private ownership of the means of production and accepting the end of history and class. An eagle named "The Proletariat" flew into the room and perched atop the volumes of "Das Kapital" and shed a single tear on the stack. "What Is To Be Done?" was read several times, and the spectre of communism itself showed up and demonstrated how the history of all hitherto existing society was the history of class struggle.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day (by his own choice). He died of dehydration rather than (voluntarily) drinking fluoridated water and his "books" were disregarded for all eternity.
Oh, and that student's name? Maybe you've heard of him: Louis Althusser.

It's just as he would have wanted.

whoever this poster was copied this from a different meme which already existed. It's "booty" not bitches.

Go away muke.
You may be mad that you were shown to be a dumbass and want to bring others down with you, but it ain't happening.

I just did an illustration of this little kerfuffle. Tell me what you think. 'Preciate ya.


It's copied from a meme on an existentialism group on normiebook, specifically a group that I co-admin.

That's what you think is happening here? You really should get checked for autism. Missing social cues is a symptom.

Daily reminder that Sartre is shit and that Rebel's post is absolutely right him. The best thing I can say about Sartre is that he is good for reframing some complicated ideas from better thinkers into a more digestible format, and that he was a pretty decent fiction writer.

t. Someone who has actually studied philosophy

Never mind. You don't need a diagnosis.

Oh goody! Just when one lolcow was running dry another one shows up. Tell us more about your extensive reading of Sartre.

Cool, internet user #2255285389 really got me this time

t. DEFINITELY hasn't read Kierkegaard or Heidegger, and probably not Sartre even

You can recognize but there is always a small benefit of doubt
Start arguing anytime, fatty

Thought you might say that, but you haven't argued any time.

You're really jealous of how good looking I am, aren't you? :^)

You look like a FTM in this pic, and not the kind with enough money to make themselves attractive.

I read a pretty decent portion of Being and Nothingness awhile back, and basically what Sartre did was take Heideggerian phenomenology and extrapolate from the idea that meaning is created through being-in-the world to the idea that 'man is a being-for-itself which is able to introduce nothingness into a world of beings-in-themselves (Kant's concept) which are already complete ontologically. From this, he argued that human beings have radical freedom and pretty much create meaning at will.

He's incredibly ahistorical and Maurice Merleau-Ponty (who was also an infinitely better phenomenologist) annihilated Sartre's concept of freedom in The Phenomenology of Perception. Merleau-Ponty recognized, where Sartre basically went off the rails from a superficial understanding of phenomenology, that meaning isn't something that we actively construct in being-in-the world. There is an ambiguous relationship between ourselves and the world where we neither wholly determine it, nor it us. And it is because of this that we are not wholly free in an ahistorical sense, but historically, within the field of possibilities we are thrown into, we are indeed free.

Which pretty much negates the most useful/liberatory thing in Sartre's ideas. He does have some really neat stuff to say about love, and his concept of the Look was super fucking massively influential on Foucault, so that's also worth knowing. But Simone De Beauvoir also had a far better understanding of existentialism again from a historical context and gave a far better existential analysis of love and was just all-around superior to Sartre in every way as a thinker and as an existentialist.

Too bad, I have a romantic life and you don't. I don't need your approval to know I'm attractive.


Way to be pro-poor people, "comrade". Really showing your true colours.

Please remind me to read Merleau-Ponty okay deary?

Wanting recognition requires wanting attention, it's not rocket science.

say no more fam

lmao no you havent


Yes, those eyebags, dick sucking lips and a massive forehead is indeed something everybody envies

Is this a reference to Stirner-posting?

kys butthurt anarkiddie

Do I need to show you my diploma faggot?

Huh, that doesn't sound like re-definition of terms to suit your polemical reasoning at all!

No it's for the dogmatic Sartreans here. Stirner will have his time come soon enough.

sasuga Rebel

Reverse the order and you'd be right. Sartre is babby's first existentialist.

This user gets it.

nice to know my lovingly handcrafted memes are seeing use

don't forget this absolute zinger

Sartre had pretty good social critique, especially of fascists.

Why are proponents of Kierkegaard so fucking annoying/insufferable?

69 of truth confirms

Because they don't understand that being a vexing gadfly (in the tradition of Socrates and Kierkegaard) does not mean acting autistic on the internet.

I've read a really good essay by him on French Algeria.

He wasn't totally worthless, but his philosophy is just really weak. Especially in comparison to his contemporaries.

they aren't, you're just a dogmatic loser.

Don't let one retarded faggot influence your opinions.

rebel senpai please rate my face pic


I can't see it properly, there's something wrong with your camera :^)

Wtf guys

When did you get out of Cambodian prison?


wtf, is ussc crossposting somehow?


thanks for ruining


Literally who

No, its the other way around. Humanism is a fundamentally Christian religion