Disposable Mixed Breeds

What to do with mulattoes, quadroons, octaroons?
Ideally, anyone less than 88.5% Caucasian would be eliminated from the West (and from the Earth). But realistically, any material (vs. ideological) help we can use against the Kikes, Mudslimes, Spooks, and Gooks will be beneficial. To be clear, FUCK civic nationalism, that won't work. But in the coming war, we need our own assets. Even in the Turner Diaries, "Toms" were used to root out and destroy remnant nigger-shitskin forces. The frontline vanguards can be filled with amenable Hapas and Quadroons.
The worst are 1st generation BMWF offspring, borne from Jewish propaganda. But there are, presumably, enough suicidal mutts who can serve as shock troops and saboteurs against the Mossad, niggers, kikes, and generic mongrels. How should they be recruited/integrated in a covert "Organization"-like organization which can be activated in a few years once things get Fucked?

Other urls found in this thread:


If you'd ever read "turner Diaries," you'd know what to do. It involves a long march into a valley and no way return trip. The idea is to get rid of them before they can infect an actual White and lower the IQ or possibly "pass" one day.

Deport them to huezil, they'll be right at home.

Well, OP. This halfbreed intends to get a tan and infiltrate the enemy. It may be difficult rising in the ranks of the SJW organizations though since white/chink ranks pretty damn low on the under-privilege scale.
But don't kid yourself, I fully intend on settling down with a nice country girl and fixing my bloodline after the fighting.
Also, this thread is pretty shit, to be honest.

That would involve Tom's rooting out nigger strongholds, like I mentioned. Straight up nogs and other mysteries were banished, as you said.
Only disgusting Kike and White racemixers were eliminated on the Day of the Rope.

Cheers, faglord! How blessed you are to have avoided the cancer from the last 5 days.

Leave us alone or we'll do to you what we did to the french because we had no other option.

That said, fuck niggers, you'd best provide me with the of Mice and Men option for the rest of my failed bloodline, like hell I'd let you euthanize shit, that's my responsibility.

It's pretty comfy.

untry girl

So you aren't white?
Why are you here?

I suggest letting them live in buffer zones along the borders until the world is purged. There selective breeding and genetic modification programs can be implemented to rehabilitate their bloodline. Given generations they could again take their place as our brothers.

I see no use in killing anyone dedicated to the cause regardless of their genetic profile. we have the technology to restore nobility all we lack is the opportunity and the will.

Could've sworn this place was full of mongrels and differentiating races all agreeing Jews need to go.

It's just mostly centered around America, because nothing ever goes on anywhere else enough to consume board-wide discussion.

Not them. But statistically I imagine there's a non-negligible percentage of doomed redpilled nonwhites Westerners.

If the Lebouf funsies were any indication Holla Forums is loaded with mutts angry about what the jew encouraged their parents to do.

osttruppen checking in. Is there a place for me in this brave new world if I survive the Russian Onslaught?

Who better to tout the virtues of purity than those to whom it was denied?

Rosenburg wrote that for those forsaken creations of miscegenation, "a yearning for grace is their only salvation."

You've read Alfred Rosenberg? The standards of Holla Forums have fallen so much lately I thought I was the only one.

Truly of all philosophies to explain the interaction of the metaphysical with the material is Rosenbergs theory that Race is the physical expression of the Soul.

I Really must read The Myth of the twentieth century again.

Don't know what this provocative threads should accomplish. I've a suspicion Whites are going to be an endangered group, attacked by their own government. Whites need to fight for survival. Then comes someone along and hallucinate about “how to dispose brown people”, in the same fane as “Hitler would have gassed anybody not blond and blue eyed”.

CivNat is a receipt for a disaster, just look at the USA, but the alternative is not total genocidal war.

I suggest sending back all recent arrivals and those historical faction going separate ways, living apart. Yes apartheid, just for real, no black maids or white interference into black community
I believe that Blacks do not really want a black ethno state, because they fear to stand on their own feet. They have low self esteem, in contrast to their boasting. Still the only way to avoid a finally lethal confrontation for the Blacks, because their percentage of the population doesn't grow either
A black ethno state will fix the problem of low black self esteem and a number of other problems the community suffers from, simply because other blacks have a low tolerance for the shit to many get away with now.
As for the mixed people, US blacks are all mixed, with just different hues.

Time to refill the ban list.

I'm about halfway through it. I've really fallen behind on my reading list. So far though it's just astounding they managed to justify his execution with this book it's so tame even by normie standards.

Tame but the concepts are irrefutable. He was killed for bringing the most powerful philosophy of the age into being.

I won't spoil the ending, but there's a part where he talks about America and it makes me weep every time. So much has been lost.

No, straight up niggers were sent east into The System to put more racial pressure on them and make them feed, clothe, and keep niggers out of trouble. Mulattos, boat people, mstery meats, and Jews were taken on the forced march down the old ranger trail into the cave and never returned. As Earl says "better to deal with them now while we have our hands son them."


how is this different? how does this help?

HWNDU was a disgrace that lasted too long and brought in a flood of cuckchan migrants. Those mongrels don't belong.


Which writing of Rosenberg's are ya'll referring to? Got a link in pdf/ perchance?

Truly those who are mongrels suffer the most when they swallow the redpill and realize the Truth™

pic related, a Holla Forums vol doing miscegenation

Send them all back to Africa, or just send them into camps.

Personally I feel bad for the mongrels, I'm willing to give them amnesty to send them out and let them establish a nice little country in Africa. But that's just me.

Have a kid with a Mongol, this way they'll still be a Mongol.

at least it's better than being full nog/ or a kike…

Not really, because they end up with no real racial identity. Just a slew of problems, whether it's mental or physical. Then, because of this lack of identity and problems with mental illness, they go all Elliot Rodger or Bryce Williams on everyone they perceived wronged them.

And, at the same time, have the other person's family have a lineage which is currupted. One can see why the sons carry the last name, i.e., in hopes that the disgraceful acts the daughter might do and whom she might bring into the family can be washed away.
Personally, one of two things will happen. I'll either marry someone as mixed as I, or I shall force myself to die alone. Lest I leave this most difficult task of solitude onto my child, burdening them with loneliness and a life in which they're forbade of to carrying out their biological task.
(Also, did something happen over the course of the last few hours? I swear a lot of duplicate/retarded threads are now posted).

The mongrels of Holla Forums should all move to Brazil. Maybe there they can find peace with other mongrels.

Haha! If that's what makes you feel better, nigger. You're not liked here or really anywhere else that is not for your people. You're visually disgusting and statistically possess a subpar IQ(unless you're east asian).

These shit threads need a culling.

Perhaps, but I'd rather be 1/2 of Greatness than 100% of garbage.

Very simple solution (and one we should have implemented in the South to prevent the Civil War):
1. Remove the testicles and penis of all males that are less than 75% white and more than n% of a specific race.
2. Only allow White men with blond or blue hair, blue or gray eyes, and IQ above 105, and no significant genetic defects to reproduce with non-White women.

The variable n differs for each race. My percentages:
25% Asian or Arab
12.5% African or Australoid
6.25% Jewish

We can use the males as slave labor, post-operation.

That's a shit ton more work than extermination and then increasing your own birth rates to fill the void.

Well at least you don't have the stupidity of a nog (we are in a Mongolian cooking tips & tricks discussion forum discussing polidicks and world events), can swim and won't have those chimpouts every now and then, but you will never be completely pure, nor will your great great grandsons be, like said.
Also most mongrels grow up with mental/physical issues, they can't exactly identify as "white" or "black" only as an "in-between", "biracial", "mulatto". There is a bigger chance the mixed offspring might suffer from cardiovascular conditions or diseases, also I've heard mixed people find it really difficult to get an organ transplant.

Now you can either ruin another pure bloodline you can see it as a way to gradually fix yours until there's 0.000001% dindu blood, it will take generations and you will be dead by then just for the sake of having a family you will care about, wait for advanced eugenics/ genetic engineering in the near futurethis is touching LARPing, idealistic grounds at this point, adopt white kids might not end up well in the long term thanks to race difference, also you're taking care of others people problems, while not even leaving a blood-descendant, but hey you raised them to be good kids or die alone, deciding to end your bloodline there, redpill and educate people in life to not create more mongrels like you, maybe if you're that depressed you can take a couple of kike bankers with you FBI pls no, your choice, it's up to you.

Just come to Commiefornia. They are using il/legal taco eating, tortilla flipping beaners against us. They are being used as actors, surveillance, etc. Funny because they can infiltrate the gangs and cartels (and funny because this would be a good Trumpy idea). Yet we already know the spooks run cartels, and I figure street gangs are compromised because commanding prison gangs have been sweeped and infiltrated.

tl;dr gtfo commiefornia

Upbreed the women kill or castrate the males, within a few generations their offspring will be white and if the people breeding with them can still take proper white wives it won't affect white birthrate, while in the long run increasing the white population.

It's 50% ice cream and 50% rotting shit. It still tastes and smells like shit. Oh yeah, like the 50% of good shit actually makes a difference? Get a grip dude.

I'd like to pound that into the floor of the yurt covered in sheep hair


The nigger is a burden on whomever is responsible for it. Send them to your enemy to weigh him down like a pair of concrete shoes in the ocean.

Yeah, that's a great idea… Take the best of the best of Whites and allow them to produce shitskin offspring and ruin their genetic heritage.

Are you a kike, or just high on crack?

this smells like a journalist thread. don't you have a shitty article to write, mr. huffing paint?

That's selfish. By "fixing" your bloodline you are ruining the bloodline of your white wife.
Yes, but how many generations of white spouses would that take? Those same whites could marry pure whites instead of wasting they're genes on a part-white.

The problem is that you have non white genes. One way to fix the problem is to breed out the non-white genetics during multiple generations. Even then your children will never be 100% pure. Never. Another way to fix the problem is to make sure you don't mix with whites. Nip it in the bud. The latter option is obviously better than the former. The only problem with the latter option is that it denies you the identity of being one of us. It will hurt your feelings. But the purity of the white race is more important that the feelings of some red pilled mulattoes.

Americans talking about pure bloodlines. This seems like a well cloaked self-hatred thread.

YOU are fighting to preserve your bloodline as pure as possible. Are you honestly telling another man to forego his? Sure, his, or my kids for that matter, won't be "pure" the way YOU like them, but god forbid I let a mongolian throat singing forum dictate my evercontinuing bloodline.


Do you not understand what it means when he is ruining the pure bloodline of a white woman by "fixing" his own. He is doing damage to other's because he is selfish.

Fucking dilute the kids you don't like in a sea of your own? Or is your bloodline only worth 1.2 white kids?


FUCKING ELIMINATE them. destroy the rest.

Avoid mixing with non-whites or part-whites so you don't have to dilute them. Fix the problem before it becomes a problem.

Depends on what you're mixed with and to what extent. Finngols have worked out fine and if you're a Mediterranean that's 12% Turk I don't particularly care. If you're at all African though it'd have to be very, very diminished. If you're half Asian I'd recommend you go live in an Asian country, their genetics are very dominant and they'll easily absorb your bloodline back into theirs. As for those mixed individuals that would be allowed to stay in a white ethno state you'd have to live as a lower social class, perhaps have restrictions placed on who you can reproduce with until it's deemed that your descendants are pure enough to have those restrictions taken away. You can only hold so much genetic information in your being so eventually you could, in theory, be purified.

88.5% still leaves room for Jews homo
Has to be 97%

How about a 100%?

See, I understand your logic, so atleast during peacetime, try to understand mine, if for not anything else, atleast the Sun-Tzuvian perspective.

Too late. So the way I see it, the nigger thing to do would be to run away from my problem (thank god no negro genes though) and the white, right thing to do is fix the problem. The cuck thing to do would be to try to appease some person halfway the world for internet points. You might see my unwillingess to do that. The thing is, I already found me a white girl to die for.

I'm brown hair, blue eyes, with borderline ginger skin. Am I white enough?

You are ruining her lineage just because you are selfish. Not mixing would not be "running away". It would be fixing the problem. Mixing would only create more problems.


No you potato nigger. Go holocaust your liver like a good cloverleaf coon

It's sad really. They didn't ask to exist and I don't want to kill people just because of the dumb mistakes their parents made. At the same time, there are too many of them now for them to gradually be reabsorbed into the white gene pool over time, I suspect they wouldn't get diluted and would permanently alter our own geneline.

It's an unpleasant moral conundrum that someone later down the line is eventually going to have to deal with. Thanks, kikes.


Yeah well you see, that's just not gonna happen. The world is being a sea of shit at the moment and to be honest just because someone has pure perfect white genes, that yet don't make their bloodline worth jack shit. Your opinion is your's and I am going to continue my persian-tainted bloodline, like it or not. Sage for D&C thread.

It was one of the far off lasting results of how WW2 played out.

Also, if it helps at all, her lineage will go on on her 3 older sisters, all married to most probably purebreeds.

Haha! I sense jealousy.
Division between whites and non-whites? Good. Nothing of value was lost. You are not one of us and you never were.

If they look white and have brains, they're good.

But nice attempt at d&c.

This happens.

Holla Forums is mainly white.
Those that are not probably agree to wanting ethnic sovereignty for themselves.

Mate if a non white is more intelligent, fitter and stronger than you, you ain't got shit.

But that is rare. And they tend to congregate here.

Served in the mil, IQ cloked at 138, 13 pull-ups easy peasy. I do think your theory has atleast some truth to it.

The IQ bit is the important part.
Plus some degree of "whiteness", that is, white temperament.

If part shitskins want to shitpost let them.
But you must call them a fucking shitskin when they post :^)

This tbh. Hapas even more so.


My dad is half Hungarian half Jew. Mom is adopted. I've decided not to have children. Maybe one day I will adopt a child if the circumstances are right, but I dont want to bring a child into this world and feel the self-loathing that I live with

this is sad, imagine if dogs become pregnant after you fucked them

Seems best.

Dude… You're fine.

Fuck you.

We don't need to do anything to them.

All we need to do is put a gene drive on white characteristics (skin color, high IQ, impulse control, etc) and let them have it out. In six generations they will be bred out out of white nations. In twenty, the entire world will be populated by whites.

The white man's technology beats shitskin promiscuity.

That only applies in religious Jew doctrine. Genetically, the kids will still have kike DNA.

She don't look too bad tbh

There is no such thing as "kike DNA". The negative characteristics of the Jew are a result of indoctrination into the Talmudic cult.

If they could be bred out, they would have been thousands of years ago. They are all too willing to breed with outsiders, which is why so many of them have DNA markers associated with Southern Europe.

Explain my kinky jew hair then, faggot.

thats 4/pol/

8ch/pol/ is mostly white I hope few of us are not 100% pure, I for example have Indian somewhere far back in my lineage. No where close to be considered a "mongrel" though.

I feel bad for "mongrels" as they don't truly fit in anywhere. If you choose to embrace your European heritage and choose to side with people like us I'll consider you white. Or, at least white enough. But you're gonna have to accept people here aren't going to fully accept you. I'm not a civic nationalist but I don't mind absorbing a few "mongrels" into the gene pool if it means saving our gene pool from being swallowed by the non white hordes.

You have DNA that is shared with some Jews. But Ethiopian Jews do not share DNA with Ashkenazi Jews do not share DNA with Sephardic Jews, etc etc.

A Jew is a Jew is a shill is a you won't convince me to fuck up someone else's bloodline you fucking kike faggot fuck.

I don't care if you breed or not. I am simply sending a point of information.

Judaism is a CULT that is associated with several ETHNICITIES. It is not a single ethnicity, as they seem to want to make people believe.

the girl in the 4th pic is so fucking ugly its repulsive. She looks like some sort of prehistoric humanoid mole creature.

This. Proper, aggressive eugenics could remove the issue of "race" completely without being destructive at all. There's no need to genocide them and kill them when instead you could just offer to make their children smarter, stronger, and healthier through the use of genetic engineering. This is the kind of thing that surpasses all other political movements of the past, because it comes with the real and modern technological capabilities that we uniquely possess. Nobody else in history has been able to non-destructively address the race issue like we are able to today.

We only need to break free of the "naturalists" and hippie liberals who fear any and all forms of genetic research, testing, and engineering because

Yes there is. Jews are an anti-race that accumulates the shitty genetics of every society they parasite by breeding with all the social outcasts. That's why there are so many diseases jews are more prone to than the general population. It's not their talmudic ideology that gives them frail diseased bodies so often.

I don't even know if mixing can be avoided at this point with how low our population is compared to the rest of the world. The real question should more center around what the cut off for being white is. Vid somewhat related. my.mixtape.moe/qeotts.mp4

Yes, kikes have DNA, but said DNA is not common to all kikes. DNA can ID you as an Ashkenazi because they are all from one kingdom, but it can't ID you as a Sephardic Jew, because they share so much DNA with Italians and Spaniards. Ethiopians are right out.

And I think the diseases they tend to suffer from are more a result of imbreeding.

But that is exactly what causes their degenerate behavior. Absent the Talmud, their genes would compel them to act like Southern Europeans (Sepharidis), Eastern Europeans (Ashkenazis), Muds (Mizrahis), etc.

Is this your first day on Holla Forums or something? There are several jewish ethnicities but that is not the same thing as saying "there is no such thing as a jewish ethnicity". Most jews in white countries are Ashkenazi. Ashkenazi is an ethnic group. If you have Ashkenazi dna or dna from any other jewish group you therefore have kike dna. It's in your blood. Forever. And if you have children it will be in your children's blood.

yeah this worries me. I kinda want to say brown eyes excludes you from being white but I'm not sure if thats fair. Its hard to categorize how white somebody is because white people tend to be pretty diverse in appearance.

Ethiopian jews are fucking irrelevant, frequently genocided by other jews. Sephardic jews are an anti-race exactly as I've already described.

Use your common fucking sense. It's not hard to identify muds and mongrels.

Sadly, this is something proportional to the current american ethnic make-up, showing everyone is united against Moloch-worshipping jews. Not the first time this has happened here. Good effort, though.

On the question of mixed-races - Nuremberg laws. 1/8 is considered a part of the aryan race and fully integrated, if not practicing Judaism. Less than that is considered only partially aryan and should ideally live outside of germanic homelands. An example of that is based syrians and Iranians. Now lock this shit thread.

ethnic jews are Ashkenazi. unique facial characteristics and skull shapes due to Neanderthal ancestry. Not familiar with the other jewish groups you're referring to but when most people here mention jews they're talking about ashkenazi jews. I don't think they're behavior is simply religious or cultural, I believe its genetic. Genetics influence cultural, and cultural affects the behavior of other ethnic jews.

you're a mongrel

Evidently you have none.

Jews both rely on the religion and race angle so they can pull either one when it's convenient, you only just figured this out?

Holla Forums has not respected the Nuremberg laws for a long time. 1/8 nigger would never be considered aryan.

fuck yourself. Seriously why has Holla Forums turned into such sensitive fuckwits scared of having discussion?

How about instead of having this board dictated by a handful of people mods we let the fucking user base decide? I swear to god this place is going to shit.. We used to be a fucking thinktank.

No, they have Eastern European DNA. The behavior of Jews is not caused by their DNA, it is caused by their indoctrination, as is made clear by the fact that all these different kikes that have totally different DNA still act like fucking kikes.

Do you understand what I am trying to say here?

You are wrong. Kikes act like kikes (except nigger kikes, who act like niggers). There are multiple sets of kikes with completely different DNA, yet they all still act the same.

Yes, I am well aware that Jews are shape shifters. I am simply trying to tell you that that does not come from their DNA, that they were taught to be that way, including the atheists, who all get indoctrinated at Jewish summer camps.

the user asked what the cutoff for being considered white should be, I merely said its hard to judge how white someone is accurately just by looking at them.

Leave this board you fucking dummie. Ashkenazis are a separate ethnic group from eastern europeans.

You argue against this so fiercely that I think you might have a bit of kike in your lineage as well and in the turmoil of your own identity crisis you're trying to convince yourself and at the same time us, that being a kike is not about DNA and that therefore you can't have kike DNA. I think you do. If you do, you're tainted and your children will be tainted. You need to learn how to accept that fact.

Shit, I forgot to sage.

And on the question of marriage - mixeds should marry… whoever they can and spread white genes. If they marry a pure white, their children will be… less mixed. If they mary a less white, they children will be more white. They should still marry white though.

Marriage between pure whites should be prioritized, but only if it comes to no other option. It's not like whites can only marry once, the important thing is spreading our genes, even more than purity.

And, in that regards, there are very few "pure race" white, black, or asian individuals. The closest we have is 99.7% aboriginal.

Unless you have some sort of autism-induced face blindness, it really isn't.

I think you just nailed it.

idk what you meant by this

which doesn't necessarily go against what I said previously. Ashkenazi behavior is genetic. Ashkenazi's are the stereotypical jew, the type of jew people picture when they think of jews. Hook nosed, Slanted forehead, neanderthal shaped skull, coarse jew hair etc etc. They're behavior is partly genetic and it influences the cultural and behavior of other jews.

Oh great, a new LARP thread! Let's talk about our unrealistic plans of killing, castrating, euthanizing or deporting like 70% of the population like they wouldn't fight back, or establish a new social order in which 70% of the population is subservient to pure whites because reasons that they will never understand while we expect them to be obedient.

what d&c? nobody ITT is being hostile. You're probably just a mongrel yourself afraid of being ousted. Which most people ITT don't really care about and will accept mixed races to an extent. This definitely doesn't belong on halfchan, they are civic nationalists who could care less what happens to "mongrels". Most of 4/pol/ want to fucking racemix with Asians or hispanics for fucks sake.

stop being a sensitive cunt. If you don't like the thread leave, but the rest of this enjoy talking about this. Its good for the community and its fun to talk to each other for once.

maybe for you but a lot of people here are autistic about what passes for "white". Pic related would be considered white by most but she definitely looks like she has some mud blood in her to me.

No, I just say things that are true. If you have a blind spot where you think that their behavior is caused by their DNA, then a non-ethnic Jew is going to slip a knife right into your back while you aren't looking.

What I am saying is that there are a lot of different types of kike DNA. There is no one single "act like a subversive kike" gene. That is TAUGHT behavior.

No, it isn't, because other types of Jews act exactly the fucking same. Right down to kidnapping christian children and poisoning wells.

Exactly. This is why it is much better for upstanding Aryans to have the gene drive procedure done and then impregnate every shitskin they can. The babies will be pure Aryan. And their babies will be pure Aryan, no matter who they mate with, and so on, until a few generations later, white countries are 100% white, and some generations after that, the entire world is white.

This procedure will not, however, eliminate the Jews, whose evil and subversive behavior is NOT a result of their genes. Just like you can teach an Aryan to hate himself and become an SJW, you can teach one to be treacherous and parasitical. This is why Jews are so much more dangerous than any other group.


Seeing how most of them are weak towards any illness coming their way, bio weapon would be swift and easy way.

Seeing how mental illness is another factor of their existance, trying to do mass meme propaganda that would make them violent and paranoid would also work

Mass deportation is also a desirable scenario, but thats even harder to make happen that virus that targets certain genetical patterns

Personally I only view racial purity from a "dna database" point of view. Think of the Norwegian seed bank. If there were a global catastrophe, say Yellowstone or shit of that magnitude, and all the maize in the world died out, we could still bring it back using the seed bank. I'd want a similar bank to exists for white DNA, but in order to filter out the non-whites and the 99%ers as well as the people with genetic health conditions you'd have to run the digitized genomes through a computer. I'm not quite sure on how easy it is to turn data into a living cell (It's possible) but I'm sure that would become more convenient in the future. A DNA databank of 100% pure aryan DNA would be the ultimate insurance file. And since it's digital, you could have several copies safely stored all around the world.

as far as you know

why not just freeze your cum?

I keep several vials in mine at all times.

Logistical nightmare.

I have had that yearning burn so deeply within me for most of my life. I can never tell if it will temper me to my ideal, or if it will destroy me. Did he have any more to write about that?
t. mischling

Anons, anons, we need to do it in phases.

Phase 1:
For white whites, they can breed with other white whites. (WW's go to phase 2) Mongrels will be allowed to breed in a regulated fashion with other mongrels that are considered savable/ assisted significantly in the war as a reward. For this separate pool this is their only stage, they are progressively bleached every generation with the failures (those inheriting darker genes than the current generational mean) being excluded from breeding with the rest of that generation. Failures from each generation are then collected into another separate pool to be allowed to breed and be bleached.
This goes on and on until everyone is white again. It wouldn't be so hard, as we can put a marker on their Identification or such which will show who they can and can't breed with. Segregation of these groups should occur. This way, they can have a choice with whom they breed with and have freedom/options while still serving the common genetic good.

I digress, back to the primary group, which is white enough to reach phase 2. (Other secondary and tertiary groups will eventually reach this phase.)

Phase 2 is where we try to isolate the blue and green eyes genes. Black and blonde hair will also be a goal.

Further than this I don't care. Swap out black hair for brown, or go full on Aryan targeting. Black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes is my ideal woman though.

So, to recap/summary:

Stage 1: Bleaching
Stage 2: Specific genetic targeting.

There you go Holla Forums, screen cap it or some shit, I don't care. There's a bleach-plan that will also reward the mongrels.

t. Very white.



Nothing. Their genes will be washed away in a sea of white. Immigrants have never been a problem to European nations in history because even if they came and intermixed they came in laughable small numbers. Immigration in itself is not dangerous as long as it is limited to a number so small that it doesn't affect genetics. This btfos all the "the future will be mixed anyways" fags.

Let's say you have a Jap immigrate to germany and intermix. His child will probably have a hard time to find another Jap to mix with if quotars are kept. His line of succession will look like this:

This is what will happen with all the quadroons and octagons etc once we manage to limit immigration (and there are no full flood negro's in America)

You may not be 'pure' but as long as you fight the good fight you are ok in my book.

For all the purity spiralling the far-right can descend into, a redpilled, pro-white mischlng is, was, and will forever be, more 'white' than a white race traitor.

Mixing is never the solution. You mist be mixed yourself if you think it's ok.

They (likely you) have no bloodline. It was stolen from you and us. Like it or not, accepting such mixbreeds into the same land and culture only invites the contagion to spread to potentially thousands of current white decedents. That bloodline is a fucking disease.

The ONLY acceptable outcome for fellow redpilled mixbreeds with stolen white genetics is to send them back to their peoples (shitskinn lands) homeland and conquer it as their own.

Mixbreeds no matter how 'white' are a ticking time bomb of corruption. THAT is why the jews are pushing the influx so readily. Even if they lose control now and day of the rope happen, this is the fallback attack that will forever weaken the infected host nations that stop at some point due to humanitarian reason. Making it easier for the next generations of jews to rise up and again push to genocide our species. To counter that, all mongrels must be exiled from all white lands, .1% or more period.

Mixing to the point of dilution is a solution for the collectivity, maybe not for your feelings though.
Would you prefer niggers creating growing communities into yours over time, or having few ones diluting themselves in a sea of white?
Because in the first case that community would sooner or later burst, while in the second case the dilution would over time just dissolve the nigger genes.

This solution by the way just implies that you must have a strong and large community of whites already existing, and that niggers are already inside can easily access your country by immigration.

For Europe, those fuckers that control us simply had to keep the doors closed, but their plan was to exterminate our populations in the first place.

I choose option 3. Removing them from my surroundings or removing them all together.
Into the white population, thus tainting their lineage forever.

I never said mixing is okay. I'm saying that realistically you cannot prevent a small number of people in society mixing. Just like you cannot prevent rape or murder from ever happening again.

The important thing is that the massive majority of people don't do it. If a couple hundred people do it, well too bad for them and their children. But these genes will never change the overall makeup of the race.

There is no need to create a police state that goes around killing babies as long as the majority of people believe race mixing is bad and immigration is regulated (let's say only 1000 Japanese people at a time are allowed to Exist in Germany). You will never be able to prevent some stupid girl to fall in love with the one 1/4th Japanese guy in town. Stuff like that happens.

If you look at the Nürnberg laws you see that reflected too. Race mixing was permitted with halflings and kids of a quarter-jew mixed with a full blood German were considered Aryan.

Also we should never forget that race mixing with races with a more distance genetic distance is way worse than with a closer one.

Send them all back to Africa.

If you're actually that autist and not a shill, you're doing a low valuable job to Chaim. Respectfully stop posting and lurk more.


Going trip here to add onto the philosophy. I've argued for a very long time (at least in board culture history) that uncompromising gassing of undesirables is inhumane, morally wrong and would further hurt to serve our purpose.

The great question of 41', 42' and 43' was Ukraine in the Great Eastern War. Had, the Nazis not acted as occupiers but had full intentions to liberate Ukraine from the USSR as they did with Croatia with Yugoslavia, they would've had enough volunteer SS divisions to cross the Volga and take Stalingrad. Further, cutting off oil from Baku for Moscow and the USSR and thus hampering any continuation of mechanized, which despite resources actively pouring in from Iran and in conclusion losing Kursk for the Soviets and an undecided victory for the Nazis on the Eastern front. Enough time to research further on guided rockets into England and allowing time for the creation of the fighter jets and super heavy tanks that would've won the material war.

A certain victory with different ethnic philosophies?


An unlikely one but certainly far higher chances than were granted relying on Romanian and Italian troops. Thus my argument is so, permit lesser races, even full niggers the opportunity to join the "Werchmant" but never an all-white unit such as the SS. But only after they have served in suicidal, front-man banzai charges that the Soviets sometimes relied on. After several such missions and approval of loyalty, the man, regardless of background, race or religion is thus qualified as a full soldier. He may even, partake in the spoils of war; namely that of, military retirement benefits, loot, women, alcohol and equipment.

Thus, as the Ottomans did with Janissaries, taking young white boys in the Balkans and making the elite political units or as the Egyptians did with Mameluks, taking young white Christian boys from Caucaus and making them an elite political entity. We must do the same with niggers, chinks, spics and create hyper-gamous special units that serve separately with whites.

But never, never, never allow any units to become politicized for they will gather power

If one truly capable nigger or spic has the intelligence and wants to become political, let him join a mixed race company. Allow him the same prosperous promotions and advances as any other man, but only after proving his loyalty in combat for our side.

To reject such men, would cause disaster as it had the last war and in others before it.

Hail victory!

Then face to bloodshed, if that's what you want. But don't think it won't be shed on both sides.

Isn't adoption something you do after you have confirmed your inability to have children?

This thread topic is okay but by god the people cucking themselves are fucking stupid, just don't fucking breed outside your goddamned race.

stop clogging up this topic with ill placed virtue signalling.

I don't you realize that mudbloods have no race. We are nothing. As far as anyone is concerned, we mine as well not exist when it comes to our genes. Breeding would do nothing more than ruin the state further. Mixed people must by prevented from breeding.

I read your entire post and no part of it gave you any reason to tripfag. Kill the ego.

Half breeds should be sent to rule Africa. Same thing the chinks are doing, but they're creating half chink, half nigger breeds instead. This is better for us, since we get rid of niggers, better for African niggers since they get smarter rulers (which beats being ruled by retards who can't plan for shit), and better for the half breeds as they get to be the African elite instead of the lowest class.

suck a dick nigger

Mixing with whites would be wrong. Mixing with whatever other half you have? Who cares. You could go to that country and climb to a high rank due to your western upbringing and culture. In the world of the blind the one eyed man is king.

1st generation BMWF offspring reporting, you're not wrong. My older brother became an hero last year. Most others of my kind either think they are full-nigger or at best blue-pilled as fuck. The full nigger wannabe's are the worst, because they over-compensate in pursuit of racial solidarity. The only ones you're gonna red-pill are the ones who don't pretend to be full nigger. That being said, there's no need to "activate us" when if Happening starts, we're more than capable of doing that ourselves.

If you're so sensitive you cant handle being called a mongrel or retard I'm afraid you're on the wrong website. We have always used harsh language against each other but we have fought enough skin for it not to bother us. I even went out of my way to put mongrel in quotations in most of my posts as to show I was quoting the OP instead of actually viewing you as literal mongrels.
and what have you done? pic related.
I made an argument against you asking the mods to lock the thread which you didnt refute either. Calling me Chaim and a shill are ad-hominen attacks. I won't deny I haven't done the same to you but thats only because you seem against having any sort of discussion. Also that pic wasn't for you, it was posted in response to another user.

I think mods have been going overboard with censoring the board. They are a handful of people deciding what should and shouldn't appear on a board with a user base of thousands. This place is literally turning into a hug box. Holla Forums used to be a thinktank, sometimes we would be divided on certain issues and thats fine. Arguing with each other a little bit is good for the board as a whole and helps to expand our knowledge and to help unify us. Holla Forums didnt become a hive mind by overactive mods deleting threads they don't like. we became a hive mind from arguing and debating topics until we reached a common conclusion.

For fucks sake user it's not your lot in life to be white but, why feel the need to hate yourself for it?


This is why you don't tripfag.

mixed raced or "mongrels" are fine to an extent. The issue is that ethnically diverse societies will always have fracture points. Aswell as the genetic repercussions. For such a society to be truly cohesive the minority of "mongrels" would have to be absorbed into the gene pool. Which could cause some issue's depending on the size of that minority.

top kek m8

you're right. you've proved your point. haha, see me blow out those nipon lovers felt great.

welp, here comes my shadow ban by cocksucking, faggot niggerized mud-blood mods again, it's been real

looks like you still have a little reddit inside of you, you may of played for the other team but that doesnt mean you can bring that mentality here.

Just breed with a woman that has your non white ethnicity. Then you can go infiltrate a shitty country and fix it from within.

I'm not "sensitive" of being called a mongrel, faggot, I was pointing out you saying you weren't hostile, while being hostile and acted like a provocateur, which looks more likely as you keep reply-fishing.

I agree with you that discussion shouldn't be stifled and, just because we're being attacked by every agency imaginable and half of the posters are shils, that doesn't mean we should refrain from seeking the truth.

But, again this thread achieves nothing and talks about consensus stuff about race (literally lurk moar if you don't know) in a provocative, agitating way, designed to create division. It's low-tier consensus cracking and has been repeated over the last week, which makes it a clear shill talking point. There is nothing new to talk here. It is a shill thread and even so, it's quality is Holla Forums tier, it should be removed as it distracts activity from other usefull posts. We lose nothing by being overly-cautious against shills and erasing this. discussing other things.

Unlike you, I'm not saying I'm not being hostile and using ad-hominens, but that's how you deal with shills. You have to remember they aren't very smart people, or else they wouldn't be posting online for less than minimun wage.
It's not turning the site into a "hug-box" by locking shit, (((propped-up))) content that could be easily posted on half-chan.

depending on your mixture I would just go after whatever race you identify with. assuming you have 50% or more adrmixture of that race I hate race mixing but at the end of the day its gonna happen. Theres some dumb liberal white girl out there on the prowl for some black groid dick. I'd rather have a redpilled "mongrel" get to her before a double digit IQ negroid does. Stop the self hate and be the best you can be user. Better to have a white girl racemix with you than to racemix with someone else. Just make sure its a liberal or something. Find a girl who's gonna be a racemixer regardless. Don't find a girl and turn her into one.

I'm Italian and Portuguese and not quite sure if I would be considered white, have more tannish skin than most although I do have hazel/blueish eyes so idk although most people do

on a side note, I met someone who claimed he was half black look whiter than I do, his eyes were green he was tall as shit and no one knew he was black. How is this possible exactly?

All I want to do is fight and win tbh, if I die in battle great, if I make a name for myself in battle even better, and if I can marry and dilute my blood and settle down in a ranch in New Rhodesia, running a nigger safari that'll be a dream come true.
Either way, I'm at the behest of whatever god or ideal that we'll be fighting for when DOTR comes and I'll serve it to the best of my capabilities. Any chance to kill those responsible for making the world as shit as it is, I'll take it with pride.

t. half-jap

You could always just learn Japanese, move to Japan and get absorbed back in. Asian genetics are so strong that your children would likely look entirely Japanese. Japan's a nice country as well, if I were you I wouldn't be too upset with the prospect of moving there.

In which direction? Do not mix with a pure white woman if you're not a pure white yourself. By "fixing" your own bloodline you are destroying hers.

I already live in Japan, but I want to join some kind of Legion Conndor when the race war starts.

Not reproducing at all would be preferable, but the problem is, I see young white women walking with gooks half their eye size, and it makes me rage.
Like some other user said, it may be better if I take one of these white women, and save the potential happa from being created again, and colonising somewhere wild, like zimbabwe, where pure whites would be in danger - kind of like a pioneer squad preparing for when you guys come.

I'm not saying I wasn't using ad-hominens. And I agree what I said WAS hostile to you. When I said "nobody is being hostile ITT" I was trying to say that the overall thread was fairly civilized.
I disagree. As a board and ideology thats based largely on white nationalism and white identity, I don't believe we've reached a cohesive consensus on where exactly non-whites fit into everything. As far as distracting from other threads I don't think thats an issue. This board isn't very fast and mods always have "important" threads stickied. While this thread may not contribute anything to you or interest you for quite a few of us it does. I don't need to "lurk more" I've been here for quite some time. Threads like this are one of my favorite parts of Holla Forums. For me they are engaging, and I find that fun. The mods being so overactive has made this board a lot less interesting to me.

Skin color is the most easily noticeable characteristic but it isn't what defines the White race (or races if you want to be precise). So even if by some miracle a half nigger looks whiter than you do you still have more White genes than he does. As for him being tall, that means nothing, some African races are very tall, not all of them are pygmies. Did he have a nigger nose (which varies depending on the African race, but is still very different from European noses)? Unfortunately I dont' know enough biology to explain how a half nog could look White. Are you sure he's half? Blue eyes are recessive, if it's the same for green his nog side cannot be pure nog.


he said he was half so for all i know he could be like that faggot who led BLM, he didnt have a nog nose either which was the first thing i looked for when he said he was half black

Another Shaun King wannabe nigger?

I am part french, irish, and japanese. Tall, pale, and I have excellent genetics.

I have done much work at colleges in the name of purity, and I have ripped, torn, and slandered verbally against degeneracy all on my own.

In every sense of the term, Holla Forums should never disown me and tell me to GTFO since even though I am not white, I am one hell of a soldier on my own. To tell me to GTFO is a mistake that all true nationalists would hate to see go. I consider myself a strong cog in the cause of the fight. Remember, white man, you are too endangered to pick what race your soldiers consist of

Perhaps both his parents were half black and half white and by some amazing luck he inherited nothing but white genetics from both sides.

Holla Forums, time for some basic evolutionary genetics.

Changing the genetic composition of a population requires increasing the fitness of the individuals with the selected traits. Strong selective pressure will change the composition of the population very rapidly; however, excessive pressure creates a bottleneck effect where good genes are lost in the process.

So some questions to be answered:
Probably IQ, physical fitness, and general health (including dentistry).
I suggest three tiers based on the three traits. Lowest tier may not have children; second tier may have 1 child; top tier may have as many children as possible. To reduce the risk of bottlenecking the gene pool there should also be a lottery so that 10% of the lowest tier is permitted a single child.
In the USA, the above plan may need to be immensely tuned down due to the concentration of bad genes in Black ethnic groups. Implemeting this plan would affect Blacks very heavily, and due to their group consciousness revolt would be likely. Accordingly the most realistic steps in the USA would be:

tldr: Evolutionary pressures work just as well as genocide, reduce the risk of losing good genes, and is more realistic than genocide.

Sorry user, we only accept one type of asian here.

They have a nation of their own, it's called the USA.

The majority of Holla Forums is sadly American, and about 20% of americans are white.




jokes on you, lad. The asian blood doesn't show in me. People only think I am white when they look at me thanks to the french/irish. I am even more pale than most white girls I work with.

Quite a jump from 60%

Shouldn't you be in a car filming your manifesto before going on a killing spree you fucking sperg?

I've fucked more pussy than Elliot and the majority of Holla Forums. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if you were a jew trying to discourage me, just as a real jew would do. If not, shame on you for wasting your time on someone who's probably put in more work for nationalism than yourself.

Supposing we did accept you here:
Great, and with how many of those women did you actually have children with in order to save the white race? kys.

I was going to keep the joke to myself, but the total for my fucking is an exact total of…


This debate is getting ridiculous. In America there's currently 3-4% of the population are mixed race and more than 30-40% non-white population.
Now if you managed to deport all non-citizens est. 7-10 million your still left with 30% non-whites ( That depends on how you even define white) . Now this wouldn't be too much of a problem if the white birth-rate was high, but currently it isn't and it would take several years to get it up to the levels we would need.

So that leaves us with a choice. We could deport all non-whites and even pay for their trip, but you would have to broker a deal with a country that would take them and it's unlikely this would happen. ( Trying to relocate almost 100 million people would be no easy task)
Or you could sterilize all non-whites, which should be done discreetly and those people could still live about their lives. This I think is the best option.
Only if you had a totalitarian government could you get away with forcing non-whites into a suicidal war.

It's good to hear you’re fighting the good fight. But we need to draw a line when it comes to mixed race people. Their seems to be this misconception that just because your intelligent attractive that that means that you therefore have a right to live in the ethno-state.
Let's remind ourselves of the regression to the mean, this can applied to the lesser races. ( I am no expert on genetics, but from what I understand this isn’t a fringe theory) But if you’re mixed from both high IQ populations ( E.g white/east Asian ) I personally think you have the right to stay. But this also depends on how many of those people there are,

I may have shown some butthurt syndrome due to the fact everyone makes that joke all of the time.

Mixed races are getting so bad it's sometimes hard to tell. Hopefully genetic testing will become widespread and cheap enough we can discriminate that way.

Also, I completely fucking agree with this statement.
I agree on how certain mixed races may co-exist with whites. Taking your example, the white/east asian.
I live in Missouri. There is so much trailer trash I run into of fat white women fucking niggers that their half breeds are just fucking absolutely retarded. I mean, holy shit. I even asked a half nig/white if I give a monkey 10 bananas and he eats 6, how many does the monkey have left, and the fucking girl didn't know the answer.

unnecessary redtext you crazy happa.

Hope you don't feel alienated or offended by this thread, I think if the goal is to save the white race though then where mixed race people fit in is a legitimate question. Regardless though, if we both are anti marxism theres no reason why we cant carpool. We're headed in the same direction. Regardless of if we have different destinations.

Getting rid of white trash is also important to any white ethnostate. Our gene pool has accumulated some deadweight.

All allies against degeneracy welcome. I think national socialism is for everyone. Every ethnicity should have a right to self determination. Happas can have their own homeland.


do you have poo blood user?

except realistically they can't, which is the reason for this thread. I think the answer is to just mix back into whatever ethnicity you are predominantly. if you're 50/50 then whichever one you feel like you fit in the most I guess.

After we've dealt with the foreigner problem, phase 2 would be to encourage the more intellectual and aesthetic individuals to have more children.
While the trailer trash is a problem. That trailer trash is still better than having a couple apes walking around as they still have the capacity to integrate and have an intelligent child.

sterilization to every non-white apart from the white/east asian mixes. This is the best solution in my opinion.
As i've explained


CRISPR, you fools.

Make a fucking FEV. Fix the problem at the source as quickly as a cold spreads.

It's pretty simple.

Sterilise anything that has any amount of negroid or arab/jew blood in it.
The world is massively overpopulated, and this will separate the wheat from the chaff.

Should also take the opportunity to sterilise any with serious genetic disorders, and all faggots just in case.

Yup. Send the most obviously brown shitskins marching into the arms of our enemies, which results in the following:

1) They must stop and care for the "refugees" or else get accused of being racist and heartless and lose moral support.

2) Forces them to waste resources, manpower, and time on feeding, clothing, sheltering, etc. niggers and spics.

3) Flooding the area with shitskins, who are demanding gibs, will decrease support for them as their violence and entitled attitudes rub the locals the wrong way.

Meanwhile, the ones who could plausibly pass for white are marched into a secluded area, knelt at the edge of a ditch, shot, covered in quicklime, and buried in a mass grave. This accomplishes several things:

1) Keeps the media from claiming they're white and that we don't have the support of our fellow whites.

2) Keeps them from "passing" as white or mostly white and reproducing with whites.

3) The darker the shitskin horde we send flooding outward, the more extreme the reaction against them.

No, you'll be rewarded for your loyalty and work by being allowed to stay. After receiving a vasectomy and being registered in the database. If you must marry, it will be a girl who is also of mixed ancestry (a pure white girl is off limits, even if you can't impregnate her, because you'd still be removing her from the gene pool unless she was artificially inseminated) and only after her tubes are tied. You must not be allowed to pass on your contamination; it must die with you.

Being granted the status of honorary white and allowed to remain in our nation after the rest of the shitskins have been driven out should be reward enough for you.

Does it pass Nuremburg? Problem solved. The answer is already there OP, now stop with faggy D&C.

Yeah, that is usually the case when people try to adopt, but then again I only see adoption as simply raising other people's mistakes and then telling them the truth about their parents later on in life. Those 3 white kids you adopted are not yours by blood, but by lifetime care and emotion, on the good side you raised x white children correctly and they will raise white children on their own as a way of saying thank you to their adoptive parents.

Look at this fuck thinking he can tell anyone who he can and cannot fuck.

Halfling here.

On an individual level, partial breeds should be used to "pick up the dregs". That is, there are white women who will not otherwise reproduce with a white man (either by apathy or by politics), and a half breed can step in and fill that gap better than a full nigger/sandnigger.

We can argue similarly for mixed race women; it is a good way to utilize the more cucky men.

There's the argument that we are "destroying a lineage" in the process. That is fair; however, the lineage is destroyed in certain cases regardless, and in those cases it is acceptable to breed. Those cases are not exactly rare in this day and age.

Ayup. I fucking hate the shit out of my mother for racemixing. I'm not exactly sure how much of it is the Jew's fault in my case, but it's nonzero.


Please don't.

Oh wow, it's a hapa who doesn't hate himself.
Please tell me how you do that, I hate myself so much for not being white. I managed to have better genetics than both my parents through some freak mutation that made me 2 S.D. more intelligent than either of them, but I still feel bad about it. ;_;

Half-whites/mixed breeds have an easy option if they want to reproduce, but right the wrongs of their parents and so on. Do surrogacy with an uber-white aryan egg donor.

Contrary to popular opinion aryan genes seem to be pretty strong, if you're already half white and reproduce with aryan genes your kids will probably look totally white and might even inherit light hair and eyes. Take Kris Humphries for example, his dad was probably half negroid and his mom was blonde


Thus, we become impossible to invade like Switzerland because there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass, and we encourage a massive boom in childbirth and and the purity of the white race. Short of nuclear armageddon (and we should really be focusing on both mutually-assured destruction to discourage such an attack, and a missile defense system to protect ourselves if the Jews do manage to instigate a nuclear war against us), our survival as a volk would be ensured.

Look at this degenerate thinking he doesn't have a date with a ditch deep in the woods.

Or we could just sterilize half-breeds loyal to the white state so they don't pass on their contaminated genes and let them "pass" as white within our society. Their non-white genes die with them and our race continues without further pollution or dilution.