Kamiya shows more Scalebound gameplay

>Says thise sequence is the biggest boss fight platinum has ever made

Why did Platinum do this?



A better question is why was the fight so boring?



Can't wait for Platinumtards to defend this.

I'm pretty sure most of the bosses from Bayonetta were bigger too, the final one definitely was.

I-is platinum dead?


Because it's funny?

They're dead to me



The reason why it was a thing last time was because of how fuckin hammy it was. It's right there next to ONE MIRRION TWOOPS in terms of dumb silliness. No one's defending or not defending anything. It's just not le epic meme worthy this time.

is he serious?

Obviously not.

Just look at Bayonetta's final boss

I swear to god, this looks like a lame boss fight from Drakengard 3. I hope the rest of the game is bigger in scope to make up for this or somethin.

Looks more like a scorpion.



It had to adapt after stinging the frog.

It could be a nepidae.

HAAH WAAW time to post this again.

I didn't say it made any fucking sense. The claws look more like a scorpion's pincers then a crabs and the thing coming from behind it looks like a stinger. Plus my trips beat your dubs.



Starting to think Platinum is powerless without Nintendo. Scalebound seems like it has way too many MS influences from a bunch of people who don't understand gamers and just want to make something marketable.

It's constantly telling you what to do.It's not even relying on sending the player signals or hints on what to do. It just tells you what isn't working and where to attack.

It's like if you made Bayonetta for retards and added dragons because of Skyrim.


I actually got the feeling that the voice acting was added AFTER recording the video. It is just too specific, games tend to give you hints through voice acting but in this case it sounded too weird and detailed. I think they recorded this battle then after they recorded the voice acting over it.

Vanquish, MGR and the first Bayonetta prove you wrong.

I don't care what he looks like. I just want him to shut the fuck up. I'm sure this was something that was demanded by Microdick execs too. I'm missing the era of silent protagonists already.

Because that's not literally every game Platinum has made when commissioned by a publisher.

the protag doesn't seem anywhere near as awful as everyone made it seem the past few days.
The active comments seem very natural.
He also isn't some smarmy wacky CUH_RAZY faggot, which is makes him a more relate-able protagonist.

Nothing I've seen is a make or break for the script and characters.
I still think it could end up anywhere between W101 and Bayo2, from best to worst, in regards to script.

Without a publisher in general more like. They couldn't make Bayonetta 2 until they got funding from Nintendo.

Whatever it indicates, after MGR, they seem to be doing a lot of deals with publishers like Korra, Transformers, and TMNT games instead of working on their original IPs.

Because Platinum is an overrated company that isn't actually as talented as you fucks all try to make them out to be.
They're basically bargain bin tier, but since we no longer sell new games for under $60, people try to think they're something better.

Is this what Nitendrones actually believe?

shiggy diggy doo

I need ta get me some of em water poof headfones

Well, they made 2 of the 4 games worth a shit on the wii u.

Hey, Kamiya said that he's wanted to make a dragon game for a long time and that dragons, and this project, are very important to him.

I honestly worry that Kamiya got too ambitious, threw too many ideas into the pot and made the scope of the game too big and it's all falling apart under deadlines and reality.
The gameplay already seems like an aimless mishmash.

Look where most of the most liked Platinum Games come from. They're on Nintendo consoles.

W101 is something Holla Forums loves or loved. And it had a lot of input from Nintendo.

Nintendo has a big history of helping developers as second party for projects. And then those developers leave on their own and fall to shit. Though I don't know how to explain SF0.

Sounds a lot like what happened with SF0.

I-I liked it. The controls took some getting used to but so what

Uh…thats only two games user.

They had more liked games that came out before they arrived on Wii U of all systems. Like Bayo 1, Vanquish, Metal Gear Rising, Madworld, Anarchy Reigns, which were basically all the games they made prior to Wonderful 101 and Bayo 2. Its not like Nintendo is this thing that guarantees quality now.

So, Donte got a new franchise uh

Well SF0 was NintendoEAD project really. Platinum just helped with asset creation; I hear.

Hell, when Star Fox Zero was announced by Miyamoto, as a project he was going to work on, I lost all hope right there.

Shit better be the Microsoft PR that's telling him to say this and not the actual words out of his mouth.

Its not like anyone played those games

platinum isn't Nintendo exclusive you know

DMC series is published and owned by capcon

MGR is komani

fuck even the shit like legend of korra, transformers and that tnmt game are all activision

so I guess what you're saying isn't wrong as such as how much money the publisher is willing to put into platinum to make a decent game I suppose

I kinda want another game like okami though

With platinum have generally lower and lower quality, Microsoft being absolutely shit at everything, and the xbone in general, how and why would you be excited?

You either need to buy the shittiest console, quite possibly ever, or get yourself some botnet, how can you be excited for it?

This is a terrible decision all around.
Are there still so many cucks who can't take the Microsoft dick out of their mouths here?

They didn't develop a Devil May Cry game past 1.

You don't even need to go to that scale.
Hell not even Jerghinga, I swear there's gotta be bosses in TW101 that are bigger.

that's what I get for assuming shit

>Crashes boss with no survivors

Thats not the point nigger

Why are Nintendo only people so insufferably ignorant?


oh look, its Donte

They've never played any other games that isn't on Nintendo, what would you expect?



Well here we go. Its Donte with Dragons and I dont fucking mind since it, at least, is its own IP. Dont even care for the constant babbling, whole thing just looks like mindless fun and RULESOFNATURE

But those headphones and that scrawny bow man. Who made those designe decisions ?!