Check out this shit

Check out this shit
Right after the Kurzgejew video about EU was posted on YT

If anyone is interested, it's facepunch

If the EU were far right I'd be fine with it as long as shithole moochers like poland were kicked out.


Can't get HL2 beta material elsewhere.

This. Europe would be perfect if far-right. We would already have The European Space Federation that colonized our whole galaxy.

Just imagine how would we live nowadays if Hitler won

Does anyone have a non-biased video on the pros and cons of the EU?
I heard that Kurz's last political video (migrant crisis) was very heavily skewed in favor of rapefugees.

link to vid pls

What does any of this even mean?

Its funny, in that it represents the same sentiment I've seen from so many progressive drones.

> Cultural identity becoming a potential victim is a totally acceptable collateral victim of this process, because it serves very little purpose beyond cultivating aggressive nationalism, distrust of arbitrarily condemned 'foreigners', and sews the seeds of isolationism.

This is the mentality of our enemies, and honestly, I love seeing it - because its anti-Darwinian.
It is a fish born with lungs but no gills, a deer born with gills but no lungs.
It is doomed to failure.

You should be asking for the webm, since we don't want to indirectly give him money

This guy used to make pretty informative videos on a wide variety of topics. Essentially minimizing a complex issue/topic (e.g. black holes) into a 5-10 min. video with animations.
Unfortunately, he has gotten pretty political over the past few months. He made a video on the "migrant crisis," but supposedly he was very pro-rapefugee.
It's a forum for the game "Garry's mod." Mostly kids and teens browse that forum. No clue why you'd discuss politics on a site like that, but there's a board for it there.

So basically OP created a thread for some e-celeb e-shitnobodyhaseverheardof bullshit?

You guys need to make it less obvious.

Poland is the furthest right just under Hungary tho.

Politicized millennials talks about politics everywhere due. Most are progressives, and they assume that the whole of the world who isn't "bad" is also progressive liberal, so they think they can discuss politics everywhere and anywhere and expect no resistance to their ideals.

Its really rather fucked up, in that they're like fucking Commies in the USSR - they're always spouting Party slogans everywhere, and will gladly decry (and report the whatever authorities might exist in context) anyone who disagrees or opposes them.

These are the primary motivating factors of progressives, especially progressive millennials, and they project it at every single opportunity.
Every "read a book", every "you're motivated by hatred", every "you're just islmaoxenohomotrans-phobic", every single one of those comments is simply the progressive projecting upon those who oppose them, for they are the most fearful, most hateful, and most ignorant of perhaps any human generation in the last century.

Eyup, pretty much.

Fact is, that post was probably OP's post, and OP is a fearful, hateful, ignorant faggot, so his first move was to come here and post it thinking that we'd be upset, because we're "fearful, hateful and ignorant".

They seem to be friends with the usual suspects…

Fuck this bothers me so much. And this is my fucking generation doing this shit too.

Never mind that Stalin killed more people than Hitler did, "DUDE COMMUNISM XDDD."
Never mind that goymunism is a fucking retarded ideology to start with.
But start singing praises to Hitler and your fellow millennials will want nothing to do with you "BECAUSE HITLER WAS RACIST HE KILLED 6 GORILLION JEWS"

Audi? Why?

No silly, The Gates Foundation, The UN, and most importantly pic related…

Well if they all agree on the uniter and what happens after they individually give up some control to unify.
All the art and stories and memories of ancestors a sense of belonging to something with a vast history, fulfilling one's being in the world, little purpose? Only a full blown autist or jew would say this.
Foreigners are always going to be distrusted because they have different values and interests and habits and manners and behaviors and that's always going to be regional no matter what you do to culture. Take a southern boy from Mississippi and put him in any street in LA and see how well they get along. And I think it is pretty clear that Zog has done everything it can to deny that Mississippi boy his own cultural identity.

And what's wrong with isolation? North Korea is perfectly happy being isolated. Japan was as well until American Zog forced it open. There's 25 million North Koreans and almost all of them have military training, if they really all collectively wanted what the west calls 'freedom' and 'human rights' meaning mass pornography and all the other degeneracy without the marketing for it being smashed into their brains by Zogboxes, then Kim Jong Whoever wouldn't last another fucking day. And I'd prefer my cultural identity over 5% low prices at Zogmart and Zogazon, but who the fuck cares what I want? This Jew will decide for me.
You'll never follow through on that threat. You don't even have nukes after France leaves.

can't exist. People from disparate regions only agree to work together against a common enemy or threat. That's the way it always is and always will be. Otherwise the problem is too far away for me to care about so handle it yourself and don't take my money or expect me to care.
And Empires are what happens when the rich folk in capitalist countries run out of poor people to exploit and need to force their way into new markets because they have no other way to justify having that much money. A 'united Europe' (whatever that means, the definition is so vague, broad and subjective you can't even pinpoint what it actually is) wouldn't lead to better education and financial stability for the poors, because the wealthy never give up their wealth. If they can't spend it on wars then

He was always pozzed, adjust your radar.


Checkmate. Move on. See you at the next war.

This dumb fuck still doesn't realize (((they))) created the EU for short term economic gains and the low T beta males who came after WWII fell for it hook and sink, (((they))) made sure their original parasite nation jumped ship before the 2020 clause to abolish their own currency and ascend into a European Union Memberstate. It was always destined to default and crash or perpetuate itself into FIAT printing schemes indebted to the US FED.

Once (((they))) have their supposed unified one world government they will spawn proxy wars, regime changes and revolts to war profiteer. The future race who will then all be some light brown skinned subhuman ape will be to stupid to realize what has happened, while the few who did have the genetic lottery will be kept idiotic by technology. This future will never happens as we are in our late stage empire staring down into a ever encroaching abyss. Localism is coming back with a vengeance.

Germans are dastardly and Anglo's who came from the low lands are idiots. Through out history all European countries have tried to unite or live in peace with one and another. It failed or was sabotaged time and time again.

Churchill said it best, the crime Germany committed was that it prevented international finance from profiting off it's common folk. Any common reasoned man would have accepted autonomy in the Third Reich. War was fueled from the US, specifically the kikes at the side of Roosevelt.

The Hungarian empire reigned for over 1200 years, it would eventually succumb to (((outside influences))) who the Huns underestimated.

Those who do not study history, have no clue what they are talking about. Unification of Europe is a SJW virtue signaling attempt to morally crusade towards others under Humanism as in there will be no more war. PEACE AND SECURITY for all, what a truly shit for brain idiot do you have to be to truly believe some politician or leader is going to magically solve all the world problems and create a forever lasting peace. I am speaking from historic experience here, there will be war, plenty of it; (((they))) need the normie to fester a hate towards Islam, hence why they got Hilldog to remove the paid dictator who kept his border shut for a billion a year to regime chance his ass, it flooded Europe and is still flooding Europe with primal apes who 9 out of 10 have a Islamic background from all the Muslim crusades in Northern Africa.

Do you think others will accept a European unified economic block to wage economic war against them?

I'm dutch, i'll tell you one thing; i'll kill these unelected politicians, even if it's just one of them, with a head shot before i surrender my clay or culture. Strong men create the faggots who are currently leading us, these faggots create strong men because they create a climate of increasing uncertainty and instability.

Idiots, the whole lot them, see you fellas at the coming war!

How can a cultural identity be "vague" but not all the other vague ideas of state and government?

How can you "unify Earth" if you yourself admit people would biologically never accept it and riot?

Maybe it's a LARP, no?

They do this quite a lot, an innocuous looking content creator with easily digestible content will pop up out of nowhere and quickly grow enormously popular. Then after it's developed a reputation for being "informative and right about everything" they switch to political commentary. They did the same thing with minutephysics, crash course, XKCD, you get the picture, This is their standard tactic.

You wouldn't have needed to type that for one thing.
You would have just thought it and it would have been transferred to us all instantaneously via the Aryan Mindlink Organic Supercomputer, the hivemind that we were all connected to at birth.
And we would be colonizing the solar system already instead of still fucking around down here wasting time and resources with whinging subhumans.

lol kikes cant even comprehend the things they say
jews must jew its that simple

the jew playbook never changes
they just mixrace with a new bloodline once in a while

Kill yourself kikes

Absolutely shit-tier