Retard who vandalized church/synagogue thing arrested

Thread yesterday can't find it guy vandalized church

Other urls found in this thread:

Wrong link?

Fug sorry

OP sucked all the cocks this day and everyday henceforth.

He wasn't the hero we need, he was the hero we deserve.

This kind of shit doesn't help our cause and it doesn't frighten our enemies.

What does is disseminating the truth. Do this instead.

Don't be stupid kids. Leave the hatecrimes to the rabbis.

Dylan M. Mahone

what a faggot

Well he looks kinda like the David so that's probably true.

Was Michelangelo a weeb?

Poor guy, he said he actually has autism. Street vandalism is part of any rebel campaign, simply look to Ireland. I was in that thread, hes a gud boi.

This. Who does that and makes a thread admitting their crimes?

Attention whoring to new levels.

Also, that should confirm to you that this place is being watched like a hawk, considering he was all in the clear. We determined all they knew was a vague time over many hours where it could have happened. They had nothing until he posted here. Probably didnt even use a proxy.

That seems pretty obvious, though.
Why would anyone assume that this place isn't watched closely? Isn't that the whole point of it being out in the open?

Let this be a lesson to everyone here. Our power lies in staying anonymous. The second we call attention to ourselves, we lose that power. Never ask how you may accomplish something, or brag about it after the fact. Don't even do it with proxies. Just do the deed, and move on, simply happy that it happened. Don't make any posts that can help build any kind of profile on you. Don't post
Instead, post
It's so easy to want that extra attention - it feels good. But it's suicidal, with the OP being case-in-point, albeit a retarded example. Hammer this logic into your heads so that in an excited moment you don't give it all away.

What he did has done nothing to redpill anyone. He could've spray painted "We know about the Protocols" or something like that. What he did only helps the kikes. No bluepill will look at what he did and think any better about National Socialism. If anything, it makes people more sympathetic to the kikes and now when we have a hey rabbi watcha doin situation the lefties will point to this guy as "proof" that it's really ebil white supreemist neo nazis targeting muh poor god's chosen.

It's so amateur. If he did this to try to gain street-cred with Holla Forums then he fucked up really bad. He threw away his life for this? the poor bastard…


stupid fucking autist, that was an entertained thread too bad the faggot mods anchored it. They didnt anchor the thread with the user trolling BLM in a gorilla mask. Definitely gonna name my son Dylan if I have one.

he said he was behind 7 proxies

I dont feel like having the same argument again, someone find the thread and just have people read it. Its street propaganda, it normalizes it in the publics eye, and it creates a sense of inclusion, an alternative to doing nothing even. You should know that people desire to be a part of a group, to feel included. There are so many people who would love to do something, but feel isolated from any likeminded people. When they start seeing that on every street corner, it changes their entire outlook on things. It also creates an overreaction from leftists, any poster that gets put up, any time whites even suggest they have a right to exist.. Its labelled Nazis! Well if Nazis just want whites to exist, whats the problem? It also creates discussion. It does a lot of things, and harming us is hardly one of them, shouldnt even be on your radar. A synagogue of satan was spraypainted, who was hurt? Theres a genocide going on.

Nobody is asking how they found him???

Article says they found a video.

CCTV's are everywhere these days, and supposedly the FBI was involved. If he was on a camera, they would find the tape.

Exactly. That dumbass better not get himself mixed in with us either or I'll be pissed.

I was ITT, I was the user who went off on you not realizing you were just correcting the spelling from your previous post. Its too bad the thread was anchored I thought your post was pretty informative. Holla Forums is no longer the weaponized think tank it once once, victory has made us weak.

>PR fags don't belong here

Its still on the board, the CIRA picture wouldnt post.

These posters are far more devestating than 1000 swastikas on Synagogues.

He introduced himself as a newfag first post. Anyone have a link to the original thread?

What he did was more than a lot of people here, Im tired of seeing everyone who ends up in the news being condemned as if they hurt us. Muh PR fags are not accepted here, anyone who doesnt know that needs to lurk more. When these things happen, the leftist overreaction far outweighs the mostly feigned outrage over 20 shekels for some paint thinner, and the feeling of anti-leftist sentiment that creates (which goes unseen, and is not quantifiable) does benefit us, a lot.


He used his opportunity stupidly. I mean, how much planning did he put into it? Clearly not enough to not get caught, and not enough to make sure of proper spelling (mitt?). He painted hail hortler-tier swastikas. The best way is to do it in two motions/shapes that are like conjoined capital L's. He drew them like an X and then drew legs on them which made them look stupid- he only painted the arms halfway. I'm getting wordy here but I don't have the energy to simplify this better.
I believe his mind was in the right place but his execution was awful. His message didn't have anything to do with white genocide IIRC. If the goal was to let other like-minded folks know that there are others like them, it'd be best to write smarter messages than "HAIL VICTORY" under a bastardized swastika, a symbol that should be revered with respect.


Even though you got rid of the URL, the fact that those posters are associated with the American Vantards kind of ruins it.

You know I was almost pissed at him for tagging a church, but I looked on their webiste and
No tears shed for heretics

What a surprising turn of events. I couldn't have possibly expected this at all.

I like the poster but most normies won't know who "we" refers to. Whites have a right to exist would be more informational.

God your poster piss me off. You have all this money and time to print shit up and do this yet you make the stupidest fucking (((altiright))) stickers

Why don't you post something that will actually cause an effect like the Haavara Agreement. Those stickers are just antagonistic.

#WhiteGenocide doesn't seem to be working even when the President tweets it

That's why they do it. It's a false flag.

See, even when you just post the "We have a right to exist" posters, some autist who doesnt understand propaganda comes in and rages about it. Save the hostility for the kikes, those posters have been proven to be highly effective.

That's a good point. If spray painting swastikas on synagogues is a net benefit towards white racial conscientiousness then kikes wouldn't be false flagging it themselves.

Stupid potato-nigger.

He put a lot more than a swastika.

This is how blatant the kikes have become, openly attacking white people and D&Cing the white races. How many of these "muh pr" people are shills. We ban for complaining about muh pr.

Yes, "Hail victory" and "god mitt uns"
I went to jewgle translate, I typed in "mitt" and it came up with- do you mean "מיטת"
When I clicked on the yid scribbles It came up with the english translation as "bed"
"God bed us"
just some food for thought.

I should say I looked up the hebrew translation for "mitt"


Are you pretending to be retarded or are burgers really this unfamiliar with German?

Agreed, but Swastikas on a church does not help our cause or frighten our enemies. Posting the truth does.

I will respond to this kind of comment once and only once.
Fuck off with your D&C bullshit. I don't give a shit if you think AV are all homosexual Jewish race mixers. They have done more to advance our cause than you have in your entire life and that assumes that you aren't just a shill.

The brilliance of this poster is that it compels the anti-Whites to admit that White people even EXISTING is hate speech.

Piss off. I will not address this kind of D&C bullshit again. If you are not a shill, I advise you to make yourself useful and disseminate effective propaganda.

The wisdom of 'muh pr' was not to worry about contrived attacks from leftists. The Redditors who decided that GamerGate needed to 'work on its PR' were concerned about being associated with those who were engaging in doxxing/trolling on Twitter you know… most of Holla Forums. 'muh PR' is trying to tell them to not worry about it. They weren't the ones doing it, so they didn't have to answer for it. It's the same logic that Donald Trump used to deflect many of the MSM's attacks against him.

muh pr doesn't mean that you should go out of your way to damage your reputation. That's what Mr. Mahone is doing.

You're obviously here to D&C. Piss off.

You are justifying white genocide.

Their neocon/homo-erotic posters do more harm, than their single ok, yet low energy, poster does good. "p-please stop genociding us, we have a right to exist".

I know enough German to know that mit means with.

As he said in the thread, no churches, merely a synagogue of satan.

good goy

Stupid faggot painted a shitty swastika, and then posted on the internet about how he did it. He deserves it tbh.

Is the correct option. If you know there aren't cameras, then wheat paste or glue it on yes this is legally vandalism and a misdemeanor, and with the liked courts we have they will go all the way with you, otherwise stick a fuck ton of them everywhere. Maybe replace we with whites or white people. Dont brag about it anywhere or with anyone.

Only for Jews.

It is intended to be "meek". That is the entire point. The point has always been to compel the Jews to overreact. The more they overreact the better. And the more unoffending the thing they spew their Talmudic hatred on the better.

Saying "We have a right to EXIST" elicits the greatest hate to inoffensive ration I have ever seen.

If I could think of a more inoffensive design that would elicit an even greater response, I'd do it.

Now. That poster you think is effective is nice. But it is a distraction. Our entire purpose is to get White people to
1. recognize we are White
2. recognize that there is an intentional attempt to genocide us
3. recognize that the Jews are ultimately to blame for this genocide

Talking about communism is just a distraction. That poster will never elicit the same kind of Talmudic hatred that "We have a right to Exist" does because it does not accomplish what it purports. It is a distraction from race. So no. I'd never post that anywhere.

KEK punished him for the low effort swastika.

I would use disguises.

However one of the worst qualities with Holla Forumsacks is that they are petrified of being found out to a degree that is disproportionate to reality. (many) Holla Forumsacks are absolutely terrified of the Jews to a degree that exceeds their real power. This terror is the Jews greatest weapon. It causes us to be inactive. That is by far their greatest accomplishment. They rule us through fear.

Now, I use disguises but I am not going to just sit on my ass thinking the Jews will kick down my door and drag me away because I posted a sticker! This kid was an idiot. He posted his accomplishments on Twitter, the poor dear. A vast portion of the ppl the fbi catches are caught because they are idiots who post their plans on facebook.

Well, don't do that. But stop living in fear for god sake! I can't talk you into doing anything that you're afraid to do, but you are exaggerating the power of the Jews in your mind. Stop living in fear. DO SOMETHING.

Need I remind you that this isn't a game? We are at WAR for our existence. WAR. And if we lose our race will be exterminated. Civilization itself will perish and the earth will be destroyed.

We can't keep shaking in our boots like antifails we NEED to act. And the Jews don't want you to act. So they sow fear on boards like these. STOP FALLING FOR THEIR SHIT.

But whatever. Again, I can't talk you out of your preconceived notions of the power of the system. The media created that image through endless propaganda. The fbi is invincible & brilliant & always watching. OOga Booga!

But I can tell you that this is what the Jews want and what they work tirelessly to create. Because at the end of the day, if it were not for the fear and the guilt of Whites like you and me, they would not have any power over us. our race would be free.

Wow come on guys how hard is it to make a freaking stencil?
From wood or cardboard then your Hakenkreuz will always be perfectly made.

The M. stands for "Mitt"
What a fucking idiot

Haven't slept yet and I didn't follow it too much but isn't "American Vanguard" tied up with the fags & jews at TRS?

This is an actual crime on its own?

False flagging anti-white propaganda is far more effective than pro-white propaganda.

He's probably in the South. Those laws are meant to stop the Klan, but now they just exist for when the judge wants to throw the book at someone. As an upside it makes sure antifa and other protestors have to go unmasked or face criminal charges. Most larping leftists would rather stay home than actually face repercussions.

weird, they do fuck all anyother time, but they can do for tax exempt buildings that get repaired by volunteers for free

Hope this dumbshit enjoys hanging with the AN in prison.

Dumbass. I specifically asked if he removed the exif data or not.

That's not necessarily what got him caught, he could have been carrying his cellphone with him. Cellphone is a tracking device. Sure, posting about it on internet was retarded, if you're gonna do something like this, you need better opsec.

He was probably on facekike talking about it.

dumb mick got caught trying to be cool when really jew hate isn't cool or a meme its a fucking war between Whites and the parasite jew.Far more ways to be effective than spray painting swastikas which is a jew move anyway.The bright side is the white youth are waking up to what older more experienced whites have known for a long time.Jews must be gassed.Wasted potential…think think Aryan!! the is weak hit them where it really hurts …exposure to sunlight.

Dylan is certified absolute madman, someone send him a memetic patch to wear in prison.

Why didn't he visit them with the Islamic Truck Of Peace if he's going to pound-me-in-the-ass prison anyways? Good sign that we're actually spurring people to act though, I hope some people do something more than vandalism soon.

Still, having it be a crime simply to conceal your identity is third-world tier. Isn't that law against the 1st Amendment? After all, wearing a mask could be a form of expression - protected speech.

the hate for jews and want for white purity and a world without jews is rising yet you have to be smarter than them which isn't hard for a white with proper training.Whites are realizing jews are the problem and they are not white yet pretend to be.I hope I see jews drug into the street and beaten to death and raped in my lifetime giving them justice for their crimes against whites not to mention all the others they fuck over whom I don't give a shit about.They are trying to stop justice from crushing them yet again and using nukes and the power and skill of whites to protect them.Comes a time the host learns to recognize the parasite sucking its life force and turns on it.Expose the jews to your immune system and show it how furious and destructive it is to a known parasite.The fight back has started and the jew is trying defense mechanism from being exposed to our immune system that will destroy it and purge it completely.Never be fooled by a jew and see them for what they are …a destructive parasite.

It is protected. Until you commit a crime while doing so.

oh christ in the current world I am sure there are intelligence files on everyone, everywhere from the first moment they go electronic. What's going on today makes the STASI look like choirboys.

Ah, yes, just like how they managed to sneak "hate crimes" into US law.

Let's see the mugshot in profile to confirm that suspicious looking nose.

I think Ghoul the tranny-fucker was their deputy director.

t. non-white

Oh I remember that guy
new lab

The girls have come together and decided to play a tribute for a jailed user

betas who never did anything for the white race, and that could die today and no one would miss

and here is a cool guy who did use a mask before doind the deed

HOW DID THEY CATCH HIM??? he was wearing a fucking mass

That's completely ridiculous. The only charge he deserves is graffiti.
Someone should write him, I would if I had my own address.
He might be a dumbass, but he's our dumbass.

He probably posted it with his cell phone.
You'd think he'd be more savvy about anonymity after being on Holla Forums.



Anyone have an idea of what his sentencing will be?

Hopefully he gets off like the poor Israeli boy who "dindu nuffin'" when he called in those bomb threats. Oh, he's autistic, he has mental issues, we can't try him.

it's an opportunity for everyone to get on the bus and fuck these kids over

What kind of retard would want to do that? It's completely pointless.

I'm surprised it wasn't a jew.

1-2 years, or 3-5 years probation if his laywer is good.

I wanted to look up Gerry Connolly and see what his record has been.
It reads like a fucking nightmare over the course of his political career.

I doubt he'll get jail time for it honestly, sentencing for a Class 6 felony is listed at the bottom. I assume if it's his first offense and he has a good attorney, more than likely a fine and probation, especially if he pleads guilty to it.

Felony destruction of property AND Placing a swastika on religious property with the intent to intimidate AND Wearing a mask in public to conceal one’s identity all have the same punishment possibility.

(f) For Class 6 felonies , a term of imprisonment of not less than one year nor more than five years, or in the discretion of the jury or the court trying the case without a jury, confinement in jail for not more than 12 months and a fine of not more than $2,500, either or both.

Unless he gets a faggot judge that wants to make an "example" of him regarding hate.

Thank you.

Can't seem to find any social media trace for this guy.
Anyone had better luck?

Found his house.

reminder that JIDF is shilling on pol

they are really out for goyim blood.

Ok lads, it's becoming a bit strange.
Details of the property:
At the top of the page:
At the bottom:
Sale price $0, so it looks like she took it in a divorce settlement.

Checked the name Cheryl T Troell on Whitepages, she is AKA "Cheryl T Tingler".
Is this guy a Kike?

Husband (presumably), Keith Fingler.

putting a gay little sticker on something isn't "doing anything" for white race.

He had too many dicks in his mouth to think this through properly or consult others for a better course of action.

Did that vandal forget to get rid of their exif data of the images he was posting? For that matter, posting all the images shortly after the case was retarded, not to mention if there were cameras around the vicinity then they would've picked up his face.

The faggot's gonna be spending the rest of his "breedable" years in jail, followed by copious amount of him turning into a drugged up retard by various prescribed psychiatric medication they'll no doubt force down his throat.

he has a 202 area code and his address is right off the Beltway. I figured as much, and I still believe this to be a false flag. (((They))) had to save the narrative after the israeli kid and nigger reporter fucked it all up with their shitty false flagging.

Talk about sucking dick

who could be behind these posts?

Yes, clearly I am a Jew for looking into the background of a retard who is claiming Holla Forums fealty as the basis for his shittily-drawn swastika "attack" on muh poor Jews.
Did your handlers tell you that accusing others of being a Kike will get Holla Forums on your side?
Did they also provide you with a selection of "based reaction pictures, guaranteed to win Holla Forums"?

They deliberately draw their false flags poorly or incorrectly because the Kike is well aware of the power of memes.
If they corrupt it when they draw, they believe that the Swastika will lose memetic power.

So by that measure every antifa or niqab wearing moslem can be charged for concealing their identity.s

I have brought shame upon my ancestors
brb gassing myself


here's his charges. had to archive/link because torfagging ain't easy
He masked up (and got more charges for it), I'm guessing he left a digital footprint somewhere.
taken from here:

search Fairfax County and his name for the records. Looks like his hearing date isn't until August and he has a public defender.

is that roman statue jerking a big meaty cock?

Watch it get quietly dropped because he's a Kike.

Troll Tingler Fingler… what the fuck is going on here?

And there's no social media/twitter/FB trace for any of them.

It's odd that they go after these random kids with no priors, but don't go after niggers and wiggers posting their shit in graffiti forums :^)

Just like the idiots from /k/ who filmed themselves at that BLM riot.

I don't see where they say how he was apprehended.

I would have more respect for him if he

So this is some sort of bizarre hellow fellow kids op?

If you're going to do something like that don't claim responsibility. Or leave evidence.

How did he get caught?

Hey nigger, you're the one calling the guy a jew and doxing him for no fucking reason. This wasn't a false flag, just some edgelord failing at spelling "Gott mit uns". Jew false-flags look different, it's mostly poop swastika tier. You think you're smart by samefagging with Tor. You're either a turbo-autist or a fucking jew out for blood.

I reckon so.
Either that or it's just a Kike operating freelance.

All these buzzwords.
And you are still so obvious.

If you dont claim responsibility (and even if you do) the kike media will spin their own narrative. They do it all the time, sometimes we get such a garbled and distorted version of events that the truth never comes out, and people just assume the bullshit is real.Just look at the FLQ crisis in Canada, and how Trudeau Sr. was caught false flagging barn bombs etc.

Fucking idiot. I mean, the retard KEPT doing it, so obviously he was going to get caught.

But holy shit. Like how stupid do you have to be in order to get traced to your home?

Was he the only one in he county that used tor? Did he even use tor? You know what I bet?

Buying spray paint these days requires an ID. I'm guessing he showed his ID to them not really thinking that he was THE ONLY ONE who bought spray paint in the past few days.

I'm sure they require a debit card too, just to be sure. So the cops looked at it and said "this guy spray painted with 3 (or 4) colors. Lets see who bought those colored spray paints"

Simple detective work. Too bad too. Hes attractive enough that he could have had a very good wife if he played his cards right.

Yet he supposedly wore a mask.
It all unravels so quickly.

Something isn't adding up.

He said he did it all very spontaneously, and implied he "didnt have" more time, for whatever reason.

He didnt case it and I'm betting he parked in front of the cameras. OR he DID case it and was caught on the cameras during his casing. Zero precautions.

Yeah he must of had some screws loose or maybe a handler?

Whatever the tard's motivation, just putting on a mask isn't exactly a foolproof way of hiding one's identity from the cops.

No one cared who he was unit he put on the mask.

Well obviously something else got him caught I don't see how if you have your face covered they would be able to i.d you. They aren't giving all the facts.

Again, pathetic deflection. You didn't even deny, that Tor doxing posts are yours. Tell us why are you doxing him. He looks white, nothing indicates him being jewish. Sure, he has shit for brains. Does that mean this is a false flag? No.

You wont find a social media trace for any of my immediate family, either. Social media is cancer, and most people who were born before 1990 dont care to do the job of the NKVD for them.

He was probably seen on multiple cameras in the area, before, during and after his little adventure. The cops I.D. him/his vehicle, detectives show up at his home, give him a hard stare and he immediately starts blubbering. Most likely still had paint all over his dumb ass.

Yeah that sounds about right.

Link to stickers like this? I'd like to slap these up over things like that blatant kike star in the bottom left.

Those are actually my favorite posters because they're so innocuous and innocent, but the reactions from kikes and leftists is itself a redpilling experience.

Just watching how these people react to someone saying 'we have a right to exist' should really get people informed.
If you want to be like Dylan, go postering tonight, I strongly suggest this one.

look at this kids wojak face. no more shitposting for him.

thats a pentagram you pathetic fool.
did you bait me

PR fags don't belong on Holla Forums, but remember that when you do shit out IRL you're not on Holla Forums.
Public Relations is a successful field for a reason, when you go out and do stuff in public you should actually stop and think about how you go out and do it. When on Holla Forums PR fags fuck off, when in public, practice PR.

That being said I won't say anything too harsh about our boy Dylan. He could have done a better job, but he went out and did something. Maybe it backfired for him, but everyone in this thread can learn from this. Go out and do some IRL postering/propaganda, just do a better job of it.

Would be easy for law enforcement to request IP logs from Jim.
Please tell me you don't trust that.

Not saying that's impossible, but the guy was an attention whore so who knows who he bragged to. Also, with him as a member of the Troll Fingler-Tingler clan I'm not really sure what to believe.


He bragged out it here

So getting caught was part of his plan?

Does not matter if you tell everyone that will listen what you did.


I was the guy shouting rabbi the other day and I'd like to put forward a formal apology.
He might have been retarded but he was our retard. A true patriot.

Those are gang tags.
The first marks territory, the second is an attack on enemy territory.
Dumbass tags enemy territory, doesn't have a safe zone, gets got.
Mark out your own territory before picking fights.

found something like it on

If you can find the original image you can just upload it to redbubble and buy it from yourself for 2$-12$ (depending on the size you want) w/ bulk discounts.


/ourautist/ so sad that young white males get to rot in cells for doing something impulsive without prior planning. Zog is out to get you don't be sloppy or stupid

Hi TRS/Red Ice/Sinead.
Still failing miserably to understand the culture here I see.
Posting information taken from the news isn't doxing.
Doxing is allowed here.
He isn't "our guy".

Why are you so hostile to anyone simply questioning the veracity of this story?
This is probably a false flag by a Kike, the family names are weird enough.

Prove he isn't a Kike.

Well in the original thread he did say he did it to "gain notoriety in the movement" KEK

Are you the same schizo who thinks every single terrorist attack is a false flag? Kill yourself turboautist

Classic Sinead, but who is the actual schizo? Let's find out:

what an autist. The hand writing looks like a 5 year old could do better, was his wrist broken while doing the graffiti. fuck

It's meant to look stupid.
That's all part of the "right-wingers have low IQs" meme.
I will personally guarantee you right now that Dylan is Jewish.

Yes, us oldfags know that the POL forum has always posted the addresses of anti-Semites who commit crimes against G-d's chosen children!

kill yourself, kike

I was surprised he was posting here without tor. But then i guess he couldn't of posted the pictures if he was.

Still desperately trying to convince us that he's "the real deal" and "our guy."
Despite the fact that he previously vandalized Christian places of worship.
Now, who would vandalize a house of the Lord, while also spraying Swastikas on a Jew temple.
Why don't you just prove that he isn't a Jew and end all of the argument?
Go on, prove that he isn't a Jew.
Because he's sure as fuck acting like one and people who act like Kikes will be assumed to be Kikes until proven otherwise.
that includes you, with your sad attempt at playing the agent provocateur.
H…Hey guys, do what this guy did or else you're a cowardly faggot mgtow armchair warrior who doesn't love "our movement."

You made the accusation, the burden of proof is on you to prove he's a kike. And according to the first thread, the Church he vandalized had signs up about "anti-Muslim bigotry", that isn't a "house of the Lord".

You obviously were not in the original thread. They explained why.
Those churches were flying fag flags and pushing other degeneracy and shit that destroys white race/families.
They had it coming.

OP while autismo autistikas etc was doing more than most here have ever done.

P.s. doing this shit normalises NS/etc movements and makes more people realize that there are more out there and they have support.
It also makes it harder for the kikes ot play and anti semetism card.

Imagine if this shit happened everywhere on the reg… people would get sick of hearing kikes crying about it.

It actually can help.

You don't seem to understand how it works around here.
No one who acts like a Kike will be granted a White pass until proven White.
The danger associated with mistaking a Kike for a fellow White is so grave that the usual burden of proof is reversed.
A bit like you have to prove you aren't a convicted pedophile before they let you work with children.
So go on, post evidence that he's White.
I'm sure we can wait.

That's all well and good, but it's exactly the kind of thing a Kike running an anti-right defilement campaign would do.
A real Holla Forumsack would have been too ashamed to spray such an awfully rendered Swastika.
He's a Kike.
Watch this story vanish.

No, it's never acceptable to just claim people are jewish without any proof. If you're so sure of it, then you should have no problem finding some.

And speaking of "how it works around here", nobody but heebs capitalize the names of the chosen, kike.

How many of you are here trying to incite vandalism?
You're making it really obvious.
Was this Matthew Heimbach's idea? He was really active in provoking attacks against niggers during the election campaign.
While wearing the MAGA hat of course.

Did the mods snitch?

I'm not buying the mods can't see IP addresses bullshit.

Go back to TRS, Renegade or wherever the fuck you came from.
And take your agent provocateurs with you.


S-shit, he looks almost exactly like I do

Why don't antifa get arrested for wearing masks?

4chan claimed it stripped meta data from images but that doesnt mean they didn't log it. same scenario here i'll bet.

there is fuckery afoot.

somebody snitched.

He had a twitter account where he took credit and apparently registered a website.

He made enough mistakes, there's no reason to suspect that his posts here had anything to do with him getting caught, and if they did, why would the mods have to be in on it? That would all be on Jim.


He has a point.
The kind of retard who doesn't capitalize proper nouns, is the kind of retard who gets caught spraying malformed Swastikas on unimportant buildings.
Totally not controlled opposition.
Totally not a honeypot.

All these "lone wolves" with the same email address.
Amazing that.

Not capitalizing the "j" in "jew" drives them crazy, anybody who's been here for any amount of time knows that.

Just checked a few of those pages, the email is linked to them because they followed him recently and it's in his profile.

I'm going to assume you were 38157b, and you just changed your IP after getting found out.

You can assume whatever you want.
You already accused that guy of also posting on Tor, in other words you seem a little paranoid.
It's common for people with a bad habit, to see that bad habit in others, to suspect that everyone has the same low moral standards as they do.
Your accusations tell us more about you than they do about anyone else.
But back to the point.
Could you tell us where you discovered his Twitter account? Because I can't find it in any news stories.

God you fucks are worse than halfchan at this point. You suck shit. Where have the smart posters gone? All I see is retards, it took the whole thread to call out the fucking obvious agent provocateurs.

This place is a more shilled endchan at this point, it's shit.

I didn't accuse anyone of anything, and your writing style really gives it a way. Try to switch it up next time you change IPs.

In the off chance that you aren't a kike, you aren't in any position to call anyone else paranoid.

I'm surprised an amazing detective such as yourself, who cracked the code of them all "sharing the same email", wasn't able to find it. Here you go:

Don't ever write online about some illegal shit you did. That's nigger behavior.

Yes you did, on your previous ID ( )
Like I said, when you throw out accusations like that, it only points to yourself.
That reddit spacing.
You still haven't answered the question, because you claimed:
What about the twitter you linked differentiates it from any of the others mentioning that site.
And what about that site makes you think that HE registered it?
It screams honeypot and controlled opposition almost as strongly as your intense need to promote and legitimize it.
I think the other guy was wrong. You're not from TRS or Renegade, you're law enforcement or ADL.

This. Are they are not illegal (yet).

A swastika on some jewish center will only attract sympathy from normies for jews.

A poster with redpill drops will make the normies curious.

kek all my posts in this thread are on the same ID

You're retarded. They didn't mention it, it showed up on a google search because they followed him and his email is in his profile. See:

I'm not promoting or legitimizing anything. He's n admitted autist who did something stupid and got caught. There's no reason to believe he's a kike. In fact, the fact that he got caught so quickly is evidence against it.

Says the kike who posted his address and pictures of his house.

The people promoting this "kill jews, 14/88" aren't interested in educating the unenlightened.
They want you to commit felonies so that you can be locked away or, if you belong to an organization, turned as an agent.
It's possible that the swastika wasn't a false flag and that Dylan was sincere about it, after being provoked by that Aryan Underground group.
That would make a lot of sense, although it wouldn't surprise me either if what the other skeptic said is true, that he's a Jew doing a hey Rabbi.

Quotes from top kikes like Ovadia Yosef and the Talmud would work well.

Wait, you can go to prison in burgerland just for wearing a mask? Even if you do nothing wrong at all? Or is it only if you do bad stuff?

Because you'd admit it if they weren't.

Still dodging the question.
For the last time, what even suggests that the @Ar_Und Twitter belongs to Dylan Mahone?
And what substantiates your claim that is his website?
There are plenty of reasons, his behavior first and foremost.
He didn't get caught quickly, it was at least his third act.
That wasn't me, but what is your point? Why shouldn't his information be posted when it's already all over the news media?

Answer the fucking question.
What suggests that twitter belongs to him.
What suggests that aryanunderground is his website?
Prove that these claims are based on something rather than a blatant attempt to get anons to click on your honeypot.

From the same article I linked to above:

It's safe to assume "Aryan Underground" is just him.

He made the thread two days ago, now he's in prison. That's quickly. They keep the false flags going as long as possible and milk them for everything they can, like Michael Kaydar.

His address and pictures of his home aren't in any articles I've seen. Posting them is kike/antifa tactics.

No it isn't.
You are trying to get anons to visit that site in order to harvest their IPs. There is no evidence that the site belongs to Dylan Mahone.
Convenient isn't it.
He's been carrying out attacks for months, then when it's time to cash him in as an asset, he posts here and gets caught a day later.
"vile and racist Holla Forums imageboard implicated in string of hatecrimes."
((( pure cohencidence ))) amirite?
You think that Google maps just happened to have a cop car sitting outside his house? That picture is from a news article, you fucking clown.

I for one will always shit on stupid faggots who want to play "pretend nazi" for attention. Flyers are legal and can actualy redpill people, this is blatant and useless vandalism. Anyone defending shit like this is a legit shill, same thing with that retard Dylan Roof. The moment someone does something stupid like that, or this, a bunch of shills immedeately jump in to praise these idiots as "heroes".

Heroes of what, the mental hospital? These actions help nobody, if you are going to redpill people do it properly, don't act like a braindead skinhead.

It's on the twitter account that they used to find him. It can be inferred that it's his.

We weren't mentioned in any of the articles.

No it can't, you fucking idiot.
You've also not shown any tangible link between that twitter and the man himself.
None at all and considering the account is still active, it's pretty obvious that it doesn't belong to Mahone.
It's just an account you want to get noticed, like the site is one you want to be visited.
You're a shill like said.
Probably ADL or FBI, on an IP harvesting mission or hoping to attract autistic retards like Dylan to act as useful idiots, promising "recognition within Our Movement™."
You people are worse than the most shrill leftist, you actively target people of low intelligence or social competence.

Other than the fact that they used it to catch him.

If that's my goal, I'm responding to the right person.


Because the police would never lie about the actual source of their information.
- And even if this is correct, THEY DON'T NAME THE ACCOUNT.
- There is no tangible link from @Ar_Und to Dylan Mahone
- There is no tangible link from Dylan Mahone to
The only source for any of them being connected is you.
It is so painfully obvious that your intention is to create visitors to the website and friends on the twitter account.

But anyone who isn't a total retard should be able to take information like this:
>Anti-Semitic flyers containing swastikas, slurs used to refer to Jewish people and phrases such as “Just Say No to Jewish Lies,” showed up on the Annandale campus of Northern Virginia Community College on March 20. The flyers also contained the phrase “Aryan Underground,” and when police searched the internet, they discovered a similarly named Twitter account that contained images of the same flyers.
And figure out what the account is.

But the account with that name doesn't belong to him.

Oh jeez.
Matthew Heimbach links confirmed.
No wonder you got so angry with the user who immediately spotted the idiosyncratic similarities.
The friends list on that account reads like a Red Ice role call.
Thanks for not letting it drop, I would never have bothered checking for links via the twitter account.
Another Matthew Heimbach (master agent provocateur) run account.
These insidious fucks seep in everywhere.

Confirmed that he was also done for the posting of flyers. I'm pretty sure that Northern Virginia Community College was one of the targets listed in the numerous threads posted over the past 3 months, by Heimbach and his buddies, showing "real action".
Looks like they got themselves a victim.
I will say just one more thing, if you associate with these people then expect to be set up like Dylan Mahone patently was, they work for the state.

He's not a retard, we need more of him.
Yeah, hence the "we need more of him" bit.

No, they can not.

And in case anyone still doesn't get it.
The cops didn't magically remove his facemask using CSI computer software.
Nor did they pick out an "anonymous twitter account" by magically sorting through the hundreds of accounts mentioning Aryan Underground.
They found him because Matthew Heimbach and friends told the cops his name.
Occam's fucking razor baby.

Still trying to recruit anons into your honeypot organization.
Why don't you just fuck off and die?

Ooo, don't spray some synagogues. The stonework has feelings tooooo.
Always listen to what hate crimes are. Obey theses laws allllways.
Otherwise you're a shillllll.

Fuck off.
You're just as much a pussy as I am.
OPs guy was not a pussy.

Again, pussy like I am. But if you have the balls, be like OPs guy.

So he was NLPed into doing something beneficial to kikes.

So he was NLPed into doing something beneficial for kikes.

8chans onion site doesn't allow video or image uploads. Only embedded YouTube videos work.

No way he posted images from Tor on here.

Why are they shilling on the sailing channel?

Why is this user posting a Palantir network graph?

That is rather odd.

It's a shame it's maybe controlled op, then, cuz the best names are those already semi-popularised by normie songs.

that's as many as 3 tens of normal crimes
and that's just terrible

just checked twitter. Looks like they really posted that. This stinks of honeypot, if not just plain retardation.
Also what's up with the absolutely shitty graffiti, good game going to prison for over 10 years for something that looks like an 8 year old with MS painted.
Fucking retards I swear.

never forget



Even so, you could still not be a nigger and make the comparisons

Even the false flag shit is still a narrative that doesn't get to the truth. The truth is that even if we all chimped out, they've been doing harm to us for far longer. It's not even relevant. Our enemies harm Whites literally nonstop. This is why people stop giving a shit about if Dylann Roof kills some niggers. I don't give a flying fuck. Obviously, he would have been better off not getting caught, but I'm not fucking signalling against my race in anything anymore, ever.

You must be retarded. It stands for Continuity Irish Republican Army, and they are a paramilitary, not a gang. Their opposition is the British army, not another gang. The tag says still at war. It lets people know.. they are STILL at war.

He was literally a good boy who didn't do nothing. He was even going to church ;.;

Roof killed 9 innocent niggers in a church and all Leftists/Liberals did was ban a flag for a few months or whatever. They had every excuse to riot and shoot/kill whites but they didn't do shit. Violence is demoralizing for the victim.


Jysys, things are really starting to get close. I promised myself I wouldn't come back to Jim's honeypot, but it's impossible to follow the happenings without, and now anons are being targeted. I'm really gone this time.

Everything I've ever said here is purely hypothetical. Browsing /d/ was for research or to fuck with the CIA. I'm but a humble meme collector. I have only the most peaceful of intentions.

One t too many on mit (with).

It looks like he is strangling a strip of fried bacon.

Shhhh I've been laughing at this for months.



fuck of Ironmarch


The thing about this is it doesn't name the Jew, which desperately needs to be done

Am I to think that the picture posted above is one that he took? Did he post it here? What a dumb shit!