ITT: we list tendencies to exclude in any left unity/anti-sectarian projects

ITT: we list tendencies to exclude in any left unity/anti-sectarian projects


It's time to stop, friendrade.

^ Exclude this faggot here above me ^

Come on user, that hurts.

nice meme OP

It's time to stop, fatrade.


I'd say leftcoms but they'll just exclude themselves anyway


yeah sure, my father and my mother left Yugoslavia because it was paradise.

gladly, fuck the left and fuck left unity.

Anons who pretend they're not being sectarian through being sectarian, so
time to go to gulag


We will include everyone. EVERYONE. No picking and choosing. At most they can be useful idiots, but either it is all or nothing.


Marxism is the first that has to go.

I'm sure they were actually kulaks.

When are you going to stop pretending to be an anarchist?

I have literally never claimed to be an anarchist. Libsoc's use the same flag.


Basically every socialist country but Yugoslavia made it practically illegal to emigrate. Or did the East Germans build that wall to keep Mexicans out?

This is just high-school tier.

You use a flag that litterally stands for anarcho-communist. Libertarian socialism IS anarchism.

Does this trigger your autism a little less?

fuckin Kulaks working in construction

no, Tito made a deal with the west and allowed Yugoslavian citizens to leave for Germany in order to keep unemployment low. But we've seen how well that worked, haven't we?
Honestly, if you think Yugoslavia is a success story then you don't care about the working class.

Leftcom bestcom ngl
Will you marry me?

My parents lived in Yugoslavia and they have very fond memories of it compared to what we have now. Do you still live here by the way?

Question for market socialists: how will you prevent companies forming syndicates?

They remember Yugoslavia how it was before it got hit by recession and before the rise of nationalism. The thing is you can't separate the downfall of Yugoslavia from its rise..

just what the fuck just happened?

I was just saying that contrary to what user believes hundred thousands of people left Yugoslavia. Most of my family lived in bitter poverty and leaving the country to earn money and send it home was the only way to live a decent life for them.
It's just that it was in the common interest of both Tito and the West to have them leaving the country so they didn't have to build a wall.
lol strawmaning hard aren't we?

my point is that market socialism doesn't needs to keep people in one place, whereas all planned economies did

Only problem is that It'd never come to my mind to defend those planned economies.
We don't want a planned economy, we want planed production.


I agree. The feminine mystique is a streaming pile of shit and ruined everything tbh.

You're doing it wrong tbqhwy famrade.

inb4 OP is actually just a butthurt trotskyist

icepick yourself

I watched a porn where two black dudes fucked each other and it was less gay than you OP.

feminists being into BDSM is a meme, my man

That would make one either dom or sub though so it's not relevant

It's really not user, trust me ;^)

The few leftfems I've met irl are into some aspect of it and the ones that post here are either into it or unfuckable TERFS.

sounds like someone's a butthurt leftcom