Donald Trump: China 'not a currency manipulator'

Donald Trump: China 'not a currency manipulator'

Didn't see this posted on here yet, looks like he's cozying up with China now, what the fuck is going on here?

Other urls found in this thread:,_1885's_chance

He can label or not label them whatever the hell he wants, so long as that doesn't mean he goes easy on them on trade.

inb4 white genocide is a good thing like Biden.

Mein Gott, he's really doing it. Backing down from literally everything. The absolute madman. What a bad joke.

Holy fuck. That was quick.
That was a good two months of excitement though, right?

He's doing it to BTFO North Korea, you incompetent retard. I'm sorry, I'd rather have Trump say this than have Tokyo nuked in 10 years. Don't know where your priorities lie, but you can also go fuck yourself back to your Discord with the other furry guro faggots.

He also said that the Israelis were great people, right before declaring that they will pay their fare share for what we give them or we'll cut them off.

I don't care what Trump calls anybody. I voted for him so we would have a wall and ICE would grow a pair. These D&C shills are too fucking obvious. I guess they didn't get the memo that the God Emperor stuff is a joke? Figures the shitlibs wouldn't comprehend our memes.

Nobody here is confused about the reality that Trump is a Civic Nationalist Democrat from the seventies. He can marry his kids to Jews and kiss up to the chinks all he wants. He's a proponent of economic protectionism and he's going to build a wall. That's all that matters.

Winning is about taking a series of steps to reach a final goal, not attaining victory in a single sudden move.

Which only benefits the Kikes
GTFO Yidling

Why is he trying to BTFO NORKs again?

5d kikegammon

It's proof we are a weak country. All we do is breed niggers now. China is the world's superpower now. Our role will be nigger bill collectors.

That's disappointing. I would have loved to see a major world power get called out like that. But it is the actions I really care about. Trump wants to make the US industrious again which means building up coal and steel. But all of the faggot ass presidents from the last 3 decades made it impossible to use both at home. While Trump goes about removing those restrictions, at least those industries will have a massive buyer in China. This will make jobs in the rust belt and Pennsylvania, and those jobs will only get better once we're allowed to use coal for electricity and steel for The Wall.

Has anyone noticed that trump negotiates the exact same way he writes about making deals?
Spooky. It's like he knows how to negotiate.

Guess they showed him the Zapruder film

Eat shit you fucking traitor, Holla Forums has always supported NK. Go suck zionist cock somewhere else patriotard.

Hold up, playa, why doesn't btfo nk also benefit the US?

Pray to a literal god of chaos, get chaos. I guess we got what we asked for.

Really?! Why?! They are communists!

If there is anyone out there who is still operating under the assumption that Trump nuthuggers are anything but organized shills trying to wrangle up dissenting opinion, please disavow yourselves of that.
Yeah, the moderator staff is back to flushing the board of anyone who can rub two sticks together on this kike puppet.

Nice dubs. He just needs to get the fuck out of Syria. Everything he does will now be looked at in a negative light until he gets out of Syria.

It's because they won't manipulate currency ever again. Not on his watch.

This. It didn't cost him anything to back down from labeling them that, but the Chinks get to feel like they won something. Rather, the reason he started it up to begin with was to grant himself something to give to the Chinks to sweeten the deal a bit.


Their ideology is Asian NatSoc, like the viets they pretended to be commies to get money and weapons from USSR and China for their nationalist struggle.

So we're good for four years then?

Yeah no

Agreed. I'm very hopeful he will, he hasn't done anything yet that doesn't make any sense.

Exactly. Then Xi gets to go home feeling like he just saved his country, when in reality we would have never fucking done it anyway. Labeling a country a currency manipulator is the opening shot in a trade war, which would be a stupid stupid mistake.

It costs him his integrity, he campaigned against their tricks and exploitation of the US working class and now he's fucking cozying up to them.

If someone said they were going to rape your wife and kill your children, sounds like you would shake their hand. Fuck you, NK is not our freind, you faggot. You're the outsider if you truly believe that. Best Korea is a fucking meme, nothing more. If you're one of those nihilist faggots who hates the US and wants everyone here to die, fuck off even harder.

Except for attacking a sovereign nation based on obvious fiction? Well, I guess that does make sense once you understand he's a jewish puppet who just does whatever he's told.

It was wrong to say bad things about Israel's new greatest ally. Israel still has a place for us though. We should be grateful.

Yeah, no. Keep showing yourselves, though. This is extremely entertaining.
No, it is not.

They're fucking commies, you faggot shill. Go drink bleach.


This guy gets it. Trump is just the beginning of the push back. A rallying flag planted in defiance. Even an imperfect symbol still serves the purpose of normalizing dissent and resistance to the Establishment. I've said before if all he manages to achieve is the Wall/Deportations and nuking TPP he'll be the best President we've had since Reagan. He's already accomplished half of that, and the Deportations are happening as well. Plus he's still keeping us out of Syria which is a nice bonus.

Yes it is. Commie shill faggot.

So is the country who apparently isn't a currency manipulator. All one billion of them.

Nice (1) m8. Ever consider that those terms changed during their 2 day long negotiations? Especially since every outlet that reported on the change in coal trade said that they were looking to increase their imports from the U.S. above what they were buying form NK? which IIRC was 2.6m tonnes of coal, when they were turned back

Man I wish Jim would ban torposters already.

Reagan fucking blew, but yes other than that.

The Eagle and the Dragon teaming up for a ruthless pinser attack on Russia. Surprise niggas! Looks like playing oil gangster to Europe backfired on Putin. He's going to get his country glassed and swarmed by ant people…and spics/niggers. Jews are already there so that won't be any different.

Yeah, he sure was great.

Yeah, except one wants to kill the white people living in the US right now and has stated so and is developing weapons to achieve that end. You are a traitor, fuck you're worse than that. I don't know how much of a commie faggot dick sucker you have to be to chose a fat commie cream puff over your own white children, but you're obviously doing that. So either you're a shill or a fucking embarrassment to this place.

Do you lurkers see the sheer delight that Trump shills exhibit at the thought of murdering ethnic Russians? You were told over and over and over on this board what Trump really was and who was really backing him.
Yeah, to White genocide.

It's a torposting shill, I already filtered him, you might as well too instead of giving him those sweet (you)s

Go suck a dick with your over-reaching you ass blasted tor shill.

Nigger, what do you think Chinese colonization of the Pacific coast and Australia is about? They have military white papers game planning the wholesale extermination of Whites in Australia. North Korea is a nobody.

Trump is supposedly doing this to get help with NK. He frees a bunch of starving gooks. So what?

Nobody voted for that.

If he keeps American boots of the ground and manages to fulfill his campaign promises great. But if he focuses on being world police the next 4 years he's fucked.

Chess baby, we got some fat gook scared out of it, this is great chess move, capitulation to neo cons and free market kikes.

This is what losing looks like, kids.

Look at this guy defending Reagan and even lying about Reagan's shitty policies.
How do you do, fellow Nazi?

Plot twist: The Eagle, Bear and Dragon team up and own the entire northern hemisphere.

Take it up with af2150.

Trump isn't pro-amnesty, you fucking moron.

You're getting played into shitting up the thread you mouthbreather.

They are banking on the board being full of 12 year olds who only Reagan from movies and newsreel footage.

He's got just as many quotes indicating he is and he does indicating he isn't and it is readily apparent he's a habitual liar that can't be taken at face value.

fuck. checked.




I saw him on FOX today saying "we'll see" when she asked if they are manipulators. Get fucked

Been saying this for years, possibly over a decade now: US and China are not enemies. One side sells 90% of the world's stuff, and the other side buys it. The side with more to lose is China, because USA's purchase prices would raise less than China's sale prices would lower.

Great powers are seldom truly enemies; superpowers pretty much never are. They pretend to be enemies to deceive the unwashed masses.

Only ironically you dullard cunt. I want fat boy to burn.

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

My Hitler dubs say otherwise Tor fag.

Gas yourself.

Once you've been here more than a few weeks, you'll get over the digits shit and stop trying to prove you fit in.

Lurk moar faggots. Go wave our flag somewhere else.

8/pol/ is a Communist board, goy. Why do you think we support the Ukraine sepristists? Praise Lenin, you dirty white fascist. :^)

You're the kind of person who takes the Best Korea memes literally, aren't you. Holla Forums wants a happening. No one, and I mean no one worth considering, gives a flying fuck about NK.

Trump was supposed to stop it all, this is a fucking sell out move. Who cares about North Korea, they are not jewed and don't bother anyone. A single dollar of the US trade deficit lost for NK is too much.


He defied the Military Industrial Complex and ended the Cold War. Nixon tried to do the same thing, with some success like SALT 1 and ending the Vietnam War, but was ultimately brought down by his paranoia which let him get suckered in to Watergate by the CIA. Half the guys involved in the break in were CIA assests, not a coincidence.

Reagan wasn't the amazing hero some Republicans like to make him out to be, but saying he blew shows a lack of appreciation for history and how much of struggle it's been uprooting the Deep State.

Projection, your low energy reply.

Holla Forums wants a happening

Yeah, for Trump to fire all kikes and neo-cons and stop being a fucking sell out. I never saw one post wanting war with NK in three years here.

But north korea IS best korea

Isn't this due to us selling China our entire Coal reserve? I think this is fine as long as we keep ripping them off like this.

B-but goyim, let me tell you what this is board is really about.

Holy shit

Because you've been here even less than the tor fag. Holla Forums has ALWAYS wanted to see the Norks zerg rush the south. For no reason other than our amusement. There were even threads a few years back just for watching live streams of the DMZ during times of high tension.

There's no excusing the amnesty and the welfare user,.

You faggots are so obviously new it hurts

Especially since U.S. demand for coal is so low, but the chinks can't get enough of the shit.

Yes goyim, sell your countries dignity in return for some shekels.

I wonder what deal China made to get off Trump's shitlist.
Labeling China a currency manipulator, getting out of NATO, etc are all threats. Trump threatens a hardline stance, then goes in to make a deal. He can't get everything he wants, and knows it, but he makes a good deal. Then he'll say how great things are. Once he's in a better position he might renegotiate the deal.
You see all this especially dealing with the Legislature. He can't get the wall built just by asking for it, he has to make a deal. He exercises all the power he wants to work the deal, doing what he can to stay on top, then finishing it off.
He wont just go back on shit about China. China had to give something to get on his good side. Possibly letting Trump fuck NK for example. All part of the deal.

You fucking tard, nobody wants a single us bullet wasted in Korea, nobody gives a fuck what the gooks do themselves.

China is a currency manipulator though.

Trump just wants to be popular. Now that he's won over the un-pozzed American public, he's finished with us and is now moving on to cozying up to world leaders. Trump has never had a solid political agenda. I mean, come on, the guy was a Democrat for most of his life. Now that we've given him our political capital, he's put it up for sale. After all, it's only business.

Except there is no profit in that for the USA.


Since their Syria (((concern))) fell apart, they're now pretending NK is somehow a country we should care about.

Your the one supporting shit a week ago was unthinkable. Fuck off back to reddit.

Virtually zero change to current trade relationship, token uptick in the purchase of US raw materials, and large payoffs to US government officials to set up Chinese business centers in the US that will be staffed exclusively by Chinese workers. Same deal Canada gets.

Seriously, I didn't think it was even up for debate, they are pretty open about their policy and have been manipulating their currency for years, everyone has been aware of it too.

It's absurd really. North Korea is a running gag not a military threat. Are we really sticking our dicks in that hornet's nest at the cost of Seoul?

There it is.

It's probably part of some deal with China, I doubt it's for the benefit of Seoul.



Are you retarded or just a bad shill?

No, their ideology is COMMUNISM, always has been, always will be.

No i'm sitting in the discord now you tard.

You actually named yourself, that was cute.

Care to post the actual quote and valid source?

If you're in it right now why are you posting day old screenshots?

It's like someone is holding a gun to his head and telling him to undo everything he said he'd do.

It's a defeat lap. What kind of President would go and spend the entire week, everyday, announcing the exact opposite statements of what he said he'd do only months prior.

I'm telling you, this is not normal at all. Something about how this is being presented is very strange.

Do you have any idea how many shills I have churned through in my lifetime?



He probably got a briefcase of JFK internal memos from the CIA last week.

eh, if he doesn't deliver i can always initiate operation salmon typhoon, and get a shit ton of riled up hillbillies to start balkanizing everything


some1 that can't pull trumps cock out of his mouth doesn't have a place calling any1 a faggot.

North Korea is a big deal. Imagine being the man to open it up. "First US President in Pyongyang Ever" I imagine Trump is taking the hardline for a possible deal with NK. Scare Kim, then offer terms. NK remains sovereign, but must make concessions, or get royally fucked and taken over by China.

Ah, so you were at the meeting with the Chinese PM? Tell me more about how you know every detail that has been discussed in secret.

I like reminding you all that your admins literally make sonic OC to shill with.

They must be hiring literal niggers at this point.

Or pic related injected straight into his heart.

No, he named himself, deflecting from based niggers who love Trump subreddit, who are openly caught yesterday and banned. But you are getting trolled on a discord so you've figured it all out, you fucking retard.
How many are in the discord, and how many fucking cucks are there on the Donald? Now fucking tell me you are not a retarded autist who is breaking down because it's his first election and first time getting shafted.

Hi, welcome to Holla Forums. I hope you don't enjoy your stay and that you commit suicide soon.

if you're in the discord as you say, post a current screenshot and not just an explanation or old pics.

Case in point
They're so low on manpower they're taking niggers right off the street and putting them into action.

How dare he break such an important campaign promise?! Clearly, labels are what truly matters! Am I right, fellow Donald Trump supporters?

Checking those smug dubs



How would you know it's current user-kun? nice out you faggot, i've been doing this for days, you're so easy

I don't get what you think posting gore does? I mean firstly surely any shill would be used to it by now and not really give a shit but secondly and more importantly, you can just turn images off in two clicks.

The fact you think this would be effective makes me think you're not from around here and are just desperately trying to fit in with board culture.

TRS pls go.

is a false flag post meant to create a consensus that anyone against trump is from outside Holla Forums

Can do kiddo.

This is the best these shills can do, holy shit. It's just autistic screaming at this point.

It's probably the same sperg that derails every thread thinking that spamming smugs drives off goons

And another 180, whoever was saying this seems like a defeat lap might be on the right track. The velocity of these turn around is becoming sickening.

we don't

Imagine an anti-globalist caring about that, imagine fucking over sorting out China's thievery to do it? Imagine being happy about it? Imagine reading all this is on Holla Forums?


Since c01dba claimed "No i'm sitting in the discord now you tard." in i simply want to see proof

Seeing how over 9000 smug posts have been made over the last week I guess that means all goons are gone now?

wake me up

Why do you care about Discord? Have you been here longer than, say, a week?

No, but you're one of the last ones.

You really think they give a shit about your Chinese cartoons? Give me a break.

So it doesn't drive off goons then?

Absolutey unsourced article
Nice one, you've really got me demoralized now.

Tell me more about how you're not from around here.


It's pretty simple. Trump is giving concessions to china and very favorable trade conditions in return for letting us go into NK. Trump sold out. When we invade NK cult followers of Trump will be the ones called shills for saying 4D chess and what not.

Anime isn't the problem, its your pointless spamming that's the problem.


Clinton News Network is running nonstop headlines saying Trump flip flopped, then the narrative of the shills here changes as well because Trump isn't invading Syria. Gee, it's almost like you faggots are taking instructions from the same people or something.

Also derailing thread, just keep to the argument whichever side you're on.

Because it'll be the truth with him.

You guys are genuinely bad at your jobs and it always brings a smile to my face.

Not sure what CNN site you're reading but from what I've seen this week MSM has been the most pro trump I've ever seen…

I agree.
Its weird how its not gradual or subtle in any way.
All this shit started happening at the drop of a fucking hat.

Is it so hard to believe that Trump was always compromised? With jews, you lose. How long have we said that shit around here and how often has it been proven true? The jews want war. They just keep searching around for the good goy tool who will get away with lighting it off.

That image has been on chans longer than you have. Stop being an autist, this is a politics board filled with Naional Socialists not a hangout for tween weebs and "lel ironic and edgy" cancer.

Turn on CNN coverage today. Every headline is "Trump Flip-Flops" becuase they've ran out of narratives. Last night they even tried to push the Muh Russsia narrative more with bullshit leaks, but it's not working so now they're attempting to get his base to turn on him or something retarded.


If you dislike anime shitposting go to /polk/. The BO actually will ban people for using anime to deflect arguments and shit up threads. Here however the moderation gladly encourages the use of anime to destroy quality

Neck yourself hikkimori, anime is the worst and most degenerate aspect of Japanese culture.

I mean he quite clearly said that he'd be the most pro Israel president ever and allowed is daughter to convert to orthodox Judaism. It's not like there weren't warning signs.

Right, one article today, after they've seen that actually people aren't buying the Russia line they've been pushing this last week so they're going for second prize which is demoralize the Trump supporters with articles about his u-turns. I get that it's MSM and they have an agenda but it also happens that this time they are right, shamefully enough this whole thing is a win win for MSM, they might be the real chess players.

Don't worry, they're not paid to shit on /polk/ yet. When I run interference for you here it keeps /polk/ posts higher quality.

Holy shit was that word in your handbook?

I don't mind the smugposters, really. I like winning on easy mode.

trump wants to be the guy who killed kim jong un.
it's his bin laden.
everything is a competition with him.

this is only chaos in our minds. geopolitically it's the same old shit show.

So he's chasing fairy tales for kikes? How is this good, may as well get Karl Rove and Cheyney back.

He was responding to my shit post that shouldn't have been taken seriously on any level.

I can't wait for the press briefing tomorrow, so I can endure kikes kvetching for the fourth day in a row as their precious narrative shatters once more.

What sort of play is flashing in your head, the delusional break down is not a good look.

I don't have the exact numbers but I'm fairly certain that we're not making much money from the coal deal.


It's okay user, maybe you'll get one good day of passover.

Gentlemen, I propose a new kind of war; a war never before articulated - total memetic war. A war mobilizing the entire field of memetics and waged until the unconditional surrender of our enemy, no matter what losses or deprivation is endured. Let's show them the meaning of the word hate.

Reminder that Goebbel's Law is being proven by shareblue every day.

it'ts not good. he's just trying to outjew everybody at this point.

Trump is a nimble navigator. He's not going to go full anti-Chyna while he's negotiating with them to put the Norks in their place. Use your head, user.

We always understood the possibility that Trump would fail.

Fucking this. Kikes just can't accept the fact that anything he does is a potential way he can outjew them.

To be fair I never expected him to fulfill his promises to the blue dogs. The United States is completely intertwined with China at this point. If we rip them out we die with them, and he knows this.

My concerns are simple, and I think most of Holla Forums probably shares them. I want us to stay the fuck out of any more actions in the Middle East, I want the wall built, and I want the foreign rapists expelled from the West. As long as those three things happen and we have a relatively functioning economy, not much else matters to me.

Here's a tip for you guys:

Nobody wants to support NK.
You know there are more than two foreign policies, right? There exists an area between killing millions of people and giving Israel-tier gibs.


user pls

Still, best korea is best korea.

Sorry user, no idea. I got it off Twitter months ago.


Checked and kekked

commie faggot

Spotted The shill.
Now go back to Reddit and tell them you fucked up.

Try to think before you post

the orange orangutan played you all, stupid wiggers.

WEW, sonny.

Must have missed when that happened. Pretty cute though how you guys have recently been posting memes with nazi references in it to try and fit in.


We want him to fucking put an end to the Chinese scams, rebalance trade, not fucking get them to invade Korea, NOBODY CARES ABOUT NORTH KOREA it's one bad rice year away from death.
He was full anti China as President a few weeks ago, they were shitting themselves, that is why they are so happy to play ball, they got what they wanted and the little fat shit means NOTHING to them, was always just a card to play at the right time.

Pure Donald Cancer on display

So what? Will it bring in money? Can you eat prestige? gtfo your analysis suck

exactly. i'm not sure why we are doing china, south korea, and japan's dirty work. whatever happened to china raping us? i'd say they're raping us harder than ever before after xi's weekend at trump's

Try harder

Leverage for fucking what you cuck, North Korea? That's not a win, it's a neo-con wet dream, in go the jews and the rest to scavange like South Korea, cheap labour, more jobs shipped away, fucking kikes all over the place here.

user stop. It's almost like you wanna shed light on the fact that the new (((narrative))) on the discord is that Trump is a flip-flopper now that the Russia narrative is dead or something.

Leverage as in, "Trade with us fairly or we take you out along with them." you stupid faggot. Jesus you guys are terrible at your job.

I can't wait till we welcome the gook refugees and the baby chilluns too, Ivanka will be so happy.


Full delusion on display here

You can't think even 1 step ahead, and that's ok user. Don't feel bad.

Erm, why should we prioritize Japanese interests above White ones again?

He just fucking gave them his leverage you dickhead, they are not going to change now, they got what they wanted, we got Gook refugees from North Korea and another place for jobs to to go.


Typical kike, when met with facts can only shout, "M-muh delusion!"

Citation right now you dumb nigger. Oh that's right you don't have one.

Can i borrow your crystal ball? I need it for science.

Then why does it matter you idiot? Who cares who fucking rules Korea, they want to open it for Jews. You think that's a good deal for European and American white workers? Just blow your brains out you nimble navigator and call it check mate.

So what you're saying is he cucked?

Is the nork refugee narrative because of the fact ICE deported all those somalis? I've noticed every time we win somehow, they try to create something similar that's bad.
Reminds me of how Hitler created six million jobs, and suddenly we have "muh six million joos" narrative.

No, he followed his rule of "don't let the opposition know what I'm thinking"

Nigga like I'm going to listen to what Big Black Cock has to say. take that shit elsewhere.

And miss you shills sperging out and constantly failing at D&C? Not in a million years, Moishe.

It's called the GOP, General Mattis and the rest, a few bombs fall and the refugees welcome crow>>9707038

What is Vietnam, what is Iraq, what is Syria. Just live in delusion you cuck and enjoy general Matthis demanding gooks who 'helped' come over and make the flied lice living 8 to a room and breeding like rats.

Feel free to tell me what facts and sources you have about how the US is just going to easily "take out China like it could North Korea" and how or why the rest of the world would just stand around and allow this, especially Russia who is the largest provider of raw resources to China.

They are assuming the worst case scenario and trying to make it reality.
And on it goes.

Juche is Korean Nat Soc.


Trump is just stupid. Honestly. He's probably a really capable salesman in some respects, but he's clueless on government and foreign policy. What happened was he came up with all these ideas while out of office that seemed good to him and other people who haven't been corrupted by too-abstract thinking (e.g. end useless costly alliances), then he got into office and the deep state started saying "hah, donald, you're just lying about all that stuff right? If we don't let in 8 billion refugees a year and keep on de-industrializing our entire nation then the world will collapse! See, listen to these (((experts))), it's time to be serious".

And he just flopped.

Pic related fits for both of you.

They've been especially bad ever since Spicer dropped those redpills. Passover's ruined and now schlomo's pissed.

Now now, be more civ nat, jews aren't the problem, careful or you'll be banned on return to nimble navigators.

Art of War, you should try taking a break from shilling and read it sometime. It's not Harry Potter though, so I'm not sure you'll have a good time with it.

Have all the 4cuck shills come here now?

Shhhh, no tears now. Only smug.

Cornered, he didn't answer the queastion? WHY does it matter if it's just a head change, that Trump gave away his bargaining for nothing but the opening up of Korea for the Kikes and corporations?

Jesus I can't even read what the fuck you're trying to ask me. Learn some fucking grammar and then come back to me.

Damn that is one fancy crystal ball.

I haven't read your whole sequence of responses in a conversation, however, what does your response mean (in any sense) with respect to ?
Those are valid complaints. The response of D&C is natural. Afterall, it's a conflicting viewpoint from your own. However, it is not false to say the following: NK is not Jew territory, the U.S. was supposed to become more isolationist, the present course of action seems to contradict that.
Honestly, it might not be just you, but I swear, all of you (who appear to be from the Spicer thread?) williningly cease thinking. You can't even understand the basic concerns that any normal person would have. It may be 48D backgammon, however, to the normal person with an isolationist, America first, natsoc/Anti-rothschild expansion, the present course of action of Trump seems conflicting.


See shills, if you're gonna challenge an opinion, this is how you do it. Take notes.

I know this is two hours old, but whether or not he truly "fell for it" is debatable. Politics is a dirty business, and usually there is always another reason for doing something, Why he went ahead with the Syria bombing is the question, him saying it's because Assad is an evil tyrannical dictator and butcher is merely the stance he's taken.

He's one of the mods, that's all you need to know.

I was going to respond to your post seriously and then I saw that.

Fucking newfaggot shill. At least lurk before you try to D&C

Embarrassing, you won't even back up your delusions with anything lel.

The jew cries "denial!" as he throws lies at you.

The USSR economy was on it's last legs before Reagen was in office, they would have collapsed under their own weight regardless of what anyone else did. A lot of the cold war effort from the Soviets were calculated bluffs to make them seem more powerful than they actually were, the space race being an obvious example of them bluffing, the invasion of Afghanistan being an example of their military prowess.

Okay let me explain what happened again.

You're polishing a stand up routine, aren't you…

Nice selfie.


An effort was made.

He's not saying that. He's saying they won't be labelled as a currency manipulator. Clever wordplay is afoot. Trump still recognizes that china devalues their currency but has struck a deal to not label them as doing it in terms of trading bills.


This, still waiting on those facts and sources for
"Leverage as in, "Trade with us fairly or we take you out along with them."" as 81edbd claimed

Pick one.

You faggots are just taking pictures from recent threads to shill aren't you?

Trump did his bargaining as usual scaring China, he built up a willingless on their part to conced, and what did he do, fuck it in the trash for North Korea, whether it's a full war and invasion or just a coup, it's meaningless to anyone who isn't a fucking globalist kike with corporation ready to rip the place to shreds for cheap labour and also send them over to the US as immgrants because muh values.
We didn't get a trade war because we didn't fucking make a demand. It's a total sharade.

They probably will continue to do it, the chinks need as much funny money as they can get with their population. Or maybe they will start trading more in USD

You're so obvious.

Look, I wrote >inb4 torfag
because I expected the post to fail and say "To post over TOR you have to go to xxx.onion" as per the usual. I so happened to be using an IP which wasn't banned/listed as TOR on this site and it went through. Also, how am I committing D&C you faggot? I merely explained that the person the other user was responded to had natural fears given the situation and his likely ideology.


There's that crystal ball again

If you were torposting your ID would be all 0s. Try again, and consider this smug for you too


Oh my God, you think we are going to go to war with China now, when we won't even make the obey the law. When you have to say things so ridiculous like this, maybe you should take stock of your level of delusion. Loyalty is honorable, but this is seedy shit you are doing.


Every time i see this, i will debunk it

Not all tornodes are in the filter you newfag.

No faggot, I'm wanting a source for 81edbd's claims that we easily could win a war with china you illiterate moron

So what is the point? Why are we over there, can you even state a position that is tenable apart from blind delusion?

Sorry about your daddy issues.

I'm not saying it's new, i'm saying it was posted in the thread where that 4cuck went and sprayed a shitty swastika on the heeb center. Since that thread I've seen 4 shills use it while making leftist tier arguments.

You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Why is China suddenly buying U.S. coal? Why is China suddenly telling the norks to eat shit?

I didn't say they were only buying U.S. coal you idiot, i'm saying they're now buying U.S. coal in place of chink coal. Get back to me at the end of the year when we get some recent data you faggot.

Hi goon, project more if it makes you feel better

Obviously you either don't know how TOR works or you are purposefully acting retarded. Yes, if you post via TOR you get all zeros, however, you don't know if the IP has been registered as a TOR IP on this site until you try "New Reply" and it sends you to the "Post over TOR" page. At which point you go to the onion site and try to post there (fill out the shitty captcha) and then are certain you'll TOR post. However, before pressing New Reply, it is completely possible that the given IP has not been marked as a TOR IP and it'll just post (giving the 404 page which, for some reason, represents posting) or first sends you to a white page giving you the link to fill out the captcha before posting.
tl;dr know what you're talking about before posting.

Happy Passover anons

Nigger did you even read the links or posts? N Korean coal accounts for less than 1% of what China imports and a war with N Korea isn't going to change that, also gooks=/=chinks

or he's just lying to everybody and being unpredictable like he said he would be
dont blow your collective loads too soon and make yourselves look stupid

Sorry, My bad.

Whether we could or not is irrelevant, if we aren't going to call them out on existing shit, then war is never going to happen and saying Trump is using leverage of war is retarded beyond belief.

It's a god damned sham you idiot, buying US coal is a circus, one that hits Trumps Virginia message, nothing more. If you are buying this crap I honestly don't know what to think of you, a shill would probably not bother reaching, I think you are just having a hard time coming to terms with a massive pivot in policy.


Holy shit I'm beginning to develop a new fetish from this shit. The pure denial as they ignore reality and try to meme it into their way is amazing.

How is that even relevant to what he said? What the fuck are you smoking user?

It's not the cause you absolute fucking retard, it's one of the changes that goes along with it. China stops buying Nork coal and they tell the norks to get fucked and station 150k troops on their border. How do you know one of those changes wont be increased purchasing of U.S. coal? Especially since much of the U.S.'s coal is anthracite and of superior quality to the Russian's mostly lignite and bituminous coal.

All those words, and you couldn't even pop in an argument. tsk tsk shill kun, your boss isn't paying you to be retarded.

It really is a shame that even our movement has idiots like you OP. Trump only ever called them that so he could demand favors from them in exchange for being nicer towards china. Its called negotiation, ever heard of it?
What did you think, that hes gonna intentionally make relations with china bad? Why would he do that? Hes a lot smarter than you,_1885's_chance

White people are shameless.

Hi, Bill Mitchell!
How can they be worse? We are literally paying for China to rebuild and build in the South China Sea, remember?

But then again, who the fuck cares about the sale of coal. Labeling China as the currency manipulator crook they are was part of the 100 day program of promises to the voter. Peddling coal was not.


Buying US coal = more jobs for miners you stupid retard. He's been pushing that since day one.

Mostly because Indonesia has anthracite as well and its closer which means lower shipping costs and it already has a working relationship with China

Deal, what a break guise, we're getting rid of Kim for the kikes and bankers, but one plant in Virginia might stay open and my whole position on China is now obsolete. Vote again in 2020? What's that only neo-cons are backing me now, and they will stab me in the back as always? Nimble stuff, great game of chess this.

It's related to the refute that: a tor post would be all zeros, i.e. that I should've known whether or not I would be tor posting based off the id. I explain how one would end up posting on TOR to explain why (in my laziness, under the assumption that I'd have to go to the onion site) would state inb4 torfag.
At this point however, it's obvious you're just baiting me. It's fine to act like a retarded faggot on Holla Forums, however, the issue with your kind being on Holla Forums is the Descartes quote (i.e. other fools will come and actually believe any of your b.s.).

Trump - "Buy our expensive coal, instead of cheap North Korean coal, or I'll call you a currency manipulator."

Xi - "Ok daddy."

With one sentence Trump got:

Meanwhile shills:
Reeeeeee dump trump he broke a pwomise! Ready 4 Hillary!

What about labeling china as a currency manipulator then, a promise made to me as a voter? Shouldn't people keep their promises? Lot's of other avenues for stimulating the economy without lying.


To invade NK would assure a massive retaliation against SK. Seoul is in direct artillery and missile range and would not survive a full out barrage by NK. To hit NK's nuclear facilities would ensure radioactive fallout spreading across SK, Japan and other countires. Invasion or any strike on
NK is stupid.

Because China stopped supplying North Korea with coal.

Do you faggots even into diplomacy?



The trade deficit, copyright, countefitting, currency manipulation are costing US workers their lifes you fucking cuck. Fuck you and fuck anyone defending this.

Trump is being a puppet of the deep state, because his business is faltering, his children business are faltering and he knows he's the greatest conman-clown orange orangutan on earth. He's doing the deep state bidding so he can make money out of the presidency.

Fuck me, buying Nork coal. It's been a long day.

You fucking idiot, that would be the trade equivalent of shooting at them. It would lead to massive embargoes and potentially hot conflict. Not to mention there's very little domestic demand for coal. You know who loves coal? Fucking China, that's why their air is so shitty. Do I need to connect the jobs dots there too?

You're not even trying, Think soccer nigger, think.

You implied someone would call you a tor poster when you aren't torposting. You're essentially a nigger.

Reread what I wrote you above retard, not an argument.

Yes, and Trump is using these aforementioned tactics to change that, to make better deals for USA. That wont ve possible if he would keep a hostile attitude toward China. Again, its called negotiation.
But i see now youre not just a moron, youre an actual shill.

They're wishing to pit China and the U.S. against each other, so that they can gain Chinese economic support again like they did during the Cold War. They know they're done for.

p-pls protect Nippon

It's okay, I understood you user.

What you don't understand is that you can never sell enough coal to compensate for all the money the Chinese steal from USA through their currency schemes.

That's why people wanted what he promised, not some shitty coal deal.

Go ahead, give us the numbers if you're so enlightened faggot. I'm actually dying to hear the exact numbers of how much we're losing versus what we gain.

Don't you have some more "DEAD DOOGGZZZZ" threads to make and get deleted after 5 minutes you ugly turkroach?

Shareblue I dont think you understand what currency manipulation does, or how it gets fixed.

I think what makes me angry is actually just how lazy you guys are. I don't like the thought of you guys actually being this stupid though. It scares me that I could be driving and any one of those potential assault vehicles could be piloted by one of you mouthbreathers.


I wish they were smarter, they'd at least provide good debate. The shit they're coming up with is retarded, and I don't think any of them really know what they're talking about.

Did he not also promise to get tough with North Korea? How is starving them of their coal money not doing that?

Well, labeling them a currency manipulator would have helped.

Yes. You should have.

Irrelevent when coal is already rapidly being replaced
Indonesia, Austrailia and Russia already have this
Confirmed for not having read any of the links, you better have a fucking source before trying to claim that the US could somehow undercut the costs of coal when the profit margin is already extremely small and mostly determined by transport costs

What % of GDP is this deal worth compared to not addressing the issues Trump campaigned on. Coal in America is for domestic consumption alongside deregulation to make a spurt and take away Canadas energy share too, as they won't react to the deregs.

The whole fucking point of the coal part is pure propaganda for Trump to say he got something, when he got not a single thing of value, he got a fucking NK regime change for his kike family and friends, and the globalist lobby to export jobs to another non-white country.

Fucking Donald retards

That's the thing, I'd love a good debate. I actually enjoy friendly banter while tossing opinions and counters back and forth. This shit's just grating.

Filtered you dumb retard. Thanks for making it easy.

And risk a trade war and a U.S. bond default?

NK needs some freedums, and central banking, good goyim!

I don't see "I'm pro war!" in the post anywhere. Just pointing out, once again, that the BK meme is just a meme.

It's 'Lori' from Mazinkaiser

You and the Donald spent the whole thread ignoring every post you stupid cuck, you have no argument as to how this deal is not done for globalist corporations and banks to open up Korea and at the same time, remember all those people crying Trump was rocking the boat
with China and going to stop their scams with American Corporations? Well they now get the same deal as before, but a lump of coal will be sold, to a country that is phasing out coal, so that will not even last.

Fucking adresss that or fuck off kike.

So how about you counter my questions to your claims with the facts you said you could provide while claiming ""Leverage as in, "Trade with us fairly or we take you out along with them.""
see also

No problem, bub. Putting your fingers in your ears and going lalalalala is the way you show you've lost. But I don't hold it against you, it's the millenial way after all.

That would have been lovely. Getting out of China's hold has to happen sooner or later if USA is going to have independence again, so better sooner than later.

His rhetoric is a bargaining chip. "Give the US something we want, and I might stop hammering you on the air in front of the whole world." He's getting concessions from China and NATO, so he's just fulfilling his end of the bargain.

We're discussing hypotheticals anyway, so you really don't think during the negotiation trump at any point said

Oh so you have no numbers, so you suddenly hand wave them away. He got American jobs and more money flowing out of our adversaries and into our pockets, while also killing the Nork's economy.

It's always the same shit too. If I wanted to be shilled so badly i'd go to youtube.

Excuse me shills can 81edbd speak to a manager please, I'm not satisfied with the quality of my service.

user just because you ignored evidence already given in the thread doesn't make you right.

81edbd and I fug

You don't understand how the economy works. It will send the U.S. economy into a tailspin and it will take more than 20 years for the economy to recover after all the triggered niggers start waging a civil war.

Note these two posts,

I lazily leave a statement acting as if I'm posting on TOR assuming I will have to go to the onion site. I then am treated as a newfag for writing what I did (i.e., in the other person's mind, I didn't know how to post on TOR and wrote inb4 torfag under false pretenses). To clear things up, I explain in why I had placed that statement in the initial message (usually when I post on TOR I'm sent to the page to send me to the onion site. For once, this IP wasn't marked as TOR and the post just went through).
Then, attempts to act as if I'm a retard for not knowing I was not posting over TOR, for my ID would've been all zeros (although true, what would first tell me I'm posting over TOR is that I'm on the onion site. But that was not the issue, the issue was my assumption that the reply wouldn't be posted and I would be sent to the page to actually go to the onion site).
I then respond, explaining precisely this, i.e. how the situation came to arise, again:
For some reason, states how my post was at all related to the previous one. I then post again, explaining how it was related, i.e. it was an explanation as to how the situation arose and then you post saying I assumed someone thought I was a torposter, which is incorrect. I attempted to explain why I had written inb4 torfag in my original post.

Which would still have nothing to due with coal profitability, just a political show to make miners happy

Point out said evidence

wew lad, someone's on the spectrum.


more than two months worth, Holla Forums is more effective when its miserable tbh though.

Trump is turning into the standard cuckservative. Democracy is such a fucking farce.

Go fight in some jew wars, good american goyim. It's always for the best of the white race. ;^)

Possibly, I stated before, I thought I was being baited. I decided to take it, hook line and sinker.

What do you do for a living? I earn 70k a year making software for a multinational firm. I didn't even study in high school and played starcraft 24/7/

Kek, where are you from?

I'm serious go grab your managers faggots, you're out of your depth

It's like i'm arguing at a wall with a retard drawn on it.

This, if you're at all computer literate go get a comptia+ cert and stop being poor.

Do they receive any training or are they picking up random folks off the streets?


If anything you're being intentionally obtuse and trying to deflect from the fact that you're full of shit

Most of the retards here can't even think logically. They think White people have some magical qualities that make them superior when clearly Whites are just domesticated albino mudslimes.

The living standard in the West was high for 200 years, because of all the rape and pillage perpetrated by Imperial Europe, because they can no longer afford to fuck anyone but the Muslims the living standards in the West will keep falling. Get used to it.


I think this guy is the most accurate here. I will give him one thing. I do believe he was truly an outsider, that he did take on the full brunt of the establishment. Somewhere along though, he got that talk that everyone alludes to, and got settled down. For Christ's sake, Pence was the first sign.

With all these retarded shilling after the hack from both plebbit and JIDF, I'm becoming more blackpilled, every day and now this

Nigger the chinks are the Jews of china, scamming and pulling tricks whenever they can. Why is he backpedalling with the Chinks now?


Reread what I wrote then go look at the average transport cost for coal by oceanliner. It's negligible compared to amount paid per tonne.
We have it all you faggot.

Try reading the thread and the dozens of anons pointing out why it was a negotiating strategy. Do you even know what the effects of currency manipulation on the U.S. economy are?

Was never replying to you in any way my paranoid friend. I'm not even smart enough to switch around my IPs. Take a break.

American corporations backed Hilary precisely for this reason, more than any, he cucked big time for some NK regime change? Oh the base will love that, and some coal China is pretending to want to ship lel.

You would have to be an imbecile to believe this, shills at least know they are cucked.

Godspeed user.

Goddamnit get me a supervisor. I want to give xer my tips and critiques, you people have no clue what you're doing.

Too lazy to bother. Played Overwatch for 10 hours straight.

I always wanna know, what is this "talk" is about presidents get exactly. What could you possibly say, that without a doubt, guarantees cooperation? A gun to the heads of your family? Aliens were real all along? Here is a list of everyone on our side, compared to yours?

I'm pretty done, all they can muster is
>no, China wants shit tier coal

That's pretty embarassing goon. Can I be honest with you? Vidya is nice, but it's essentially a waste of your life with absolutely no redeeming value outside of skill in the game itself. You'd be much better at life and at shilling if you stopped.

I had to turn off voice chat, because there were too many Biebers screaming in my ears with their Canadian accent. They sounded like lesbians who were arguing over which dildo in their collection to use.

0/10 minimal effort

If anything you're being intentionally obtuse and trying to deflect from the fact that you're full of shit
Either provide a source or GTFO, I'm not going to do research for you, especially considering i already have and came to the conclusion that its not feasible without the US subsidizing either the coal industry or maritime shipping which is just more socialism


No, standard of living was high because greeks figure out that science shit, and romans got the infrastructre part down. Assyrians took the science and medicine of greeks and improved on it, but the arabs/muslims conquered them and stopped all their progress dead in the water, because the jizzya took up all their resources. Eventually some of the science got to europe and the renaissance led to modern world.

Dude, I only played 10 hours, because I took 2 days off after my salary was increased by 15%.

Not an expert in economics but everyone here knows the chinks pull dirty tricks and strategies to fuck the America's economy while simultaneously trying to prevent theirs from crashing. I still hope this is but a mere negotiation strategy and he doesn't let the chinks run wild doing dirty, mischievous tricks.

Simple, they find someone you love that is compromised, or someone related to them, like say a husband of your daughter, and then say not only won't we fuck you over, you will be ourguy.

I mean if he doesn't label them a manipulator it's bad, but if he manages to have them agree to concessions and give us better deals then functionally it evens out in the end. And he can label them a manipulator the minute they try to fuck us over.

The concession WAS Korea on out part, not theirs you idiot. What Trump voter would imagine he goes into a trade negotiation and comes out with what his domestic enemies wanted all along,

China almost bankrupted Europe by selling primitive ceramics and dried leaves.

tfw. you are manipulated into buying coal with your manipulated currency.

Indonesian Coal is shit tier

Russian Versus U.S. Coal **yes it's jewpedia,

Russia's meh tier quality yes it's based on soviets, but coal quality doesn't change unless you wait a few thousand years

Coal shipping rates, and they're cheaper than I remembered.

Eat dick you shit-kicker.

Well congrats, i'm just saying it's worth it to do something more productive with your time. At least here we're having what could loosely be called a debate.

Remember too, if they're engaged in trade with us, it is in their best interest to stay in our good graces. Also this

Was planning to actually take some online courses, but PROCRASTINATION. EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY FUCKING EARN UPWARD OF 70K A YEAR.

Well goon, college is a massive waste of your time and parent's money. Go learn to be an electrician I made $75k a year when I started, that only goes up or go get some comptia+ certs if you're computer inclined, you can start out at IT helpdesk at $60k a year, and the sky's the limit with how far you want to take that. You can also telecommute most It help desk jobs too.

also for gods sake teach yourself to stop procrastinating, if you do things right when they're handed to you, you're automatically 70% more qualified than anyone you'll ever work with.

Get a nano-degree or go to a coding bootcamp. Be warned though, you won't have much of a life if you work as a software developer. You need to learn 2-3 new technologies if you want to stay relevant throughout your career. This is why Asians will rule the world. People who don't have a life will rule the world.

I already earn 70k a year working for a multinational firm LOL.


Why would we be nuking the NORKs again?

Ahh I didn't realize that's what shareblue is branding themselves as nowadays.

2-3 new framework, language, tech a year.

The kikes want their souls and worker bodies, not to Nuke them.

wtf is a shareblue? I am not a Jew who makes multiple troll accounts for the FBI btw.

He's saying you work for Hilary Clinton by criticising policies Hilarly Clinton would love to have implemented. It's meant to deflect from the 500k Donald warriors waging war on Holla Forums for not enjoying getting kiked by Trump.

That kind of language/framework-of-the-day bullshit is what makes modern software a shitty
prospect. The industry has really become a load of steaming shit.

Hillary Clinton would have went to war against Russia and screwed us over. Not to mention that the stock market would have done quite badly with all the socialist policies she would have passed.

I mean shit they even wrote it down for you

We just bombed a base with Russian forces nearby, we just violated any co-operation between the two countries for a kike pipeline. Hilary would have done exactly that, and the bullshit Kim Jong Un move would be pure Hilary. We aren't talking about anything else

Wew lad, don't make me post the screenshots explaining it, they don't pay you enough to counter it.

Hillary Clinton would have went knee deep in Syria.

I honestly think Rand Paul would have done the same thing. They're all fucking fakes and will let the deep state make all the decisions.

He didn't even give Xi his trademark jackass handshake. I'd say that Trump is a fucking pussy who can only grab women by the pussy. He's not man enough to grab a man's pussy.

Maybe he meant, "China is not a currency manipulator any more because we poisoned him and Xi will do our bidding if he wants to keep receiving his medication."

Feel free to post them anyway

Trust me lad, it could've been much worse. I honestly see America as a lost cause at this point. Remember in 2015 how we were going to vote Trump ironically because "he destroy america and rebuild from ashes ex dee lel"? Maybe that will come true, I don't know. You chose the chaos candidate, revel in the chaos my brother.

The only promise he kept was the "BUILD THE WALL" promise, but even that may not end up happening. #CUCKED

By the way coal cucks, China started buying US coal at the start of the year, so pretending that this Syria move is some how getting China to buy US coal is fucking retarded.

Even if that bullshit were true, who gives a shit? We're not "alt-right." Are they white? No. Who cares then?

what the fuck is this video.

The honest truth.

Filthy fucking kike. Get out.

He's making deals

That's a direct breach of the contract with the voter you signed, President Trump.

It's just 15D sudoku, goy.

It's alright goy, he's just making deals :^)

This shit needs to stop, if fuckers keep giving him their blind faith well he's just going sell more and more of the US down to drain to China and the globalists.

By the way, what did he say the consequences of him breaching the contract would be?

NC in exchange for some more time being a currency manipulator

Good deal?



Wrong, it's written with spelling errors to signify how uneducated the average bydlo is.

It's a fact that China devalues their currency to dominate global trade.

Weak lefty retard, you don't belong here, apologizing over a opinion. Weak beta male faggot.

Unless china agrees to stop manipulating currency at a certain meeting?
All you faggots ITT are drooling retards.

This is what you all get for putting blind faith in Trump, even when I thought he was cool I never would've considered excusing away his actions with "IT'S 11D CHESS XXXDDD." Enough is enough.

No we haven't you Astro turfing furry shill


Not really.

because kim is a fucking communist

and communism has jewish roots.

you commie sympathizing faglord

go back to reddit.

DJT Criminal A

HRC Criminal B

Setting up shills for another week of failure.

Fam, I need a pop culture reference point to be able to understand what is happening; is Trump more Isildur or Anakin at this point?

You shouldn't be here if you need a pop culture reference to dumb it down to your level of understanding.

Count Dooku


Don't be a fucking retard, if China was unable to manipulate its currency its economy would implode, they are an exporting nation completely reliant on their goods being cheaper than others, if their currency and therefore prices go up they'll absolutely fucked. There is no way they'll stop, they can't.

Oh good, an even worse "reddit spacing".

Anyway, educate yourself on North Korea and the kikes you retarded shill.

This is the same shit as

Communists and mudslimes need to go. "Siding" with them is retarded for any reason.



Nice dubs, though.

Trump could say white privilege is real and the majority of the board would still support him

In what way did China bow to Trump?

I likey natoe now


For anyone doubting if Holla Forums has been shitting this place up, here is you evidence.

You have to be either paid or be a complete morron to not see what the fuck is happening right now.

He just want to divert attention, because his poll numbers are at a record low. LOL

NK bothers (((them))).
With Iran, Syria and one other country I cant rememebr right now, they're the last ones that aren't infested with their banks.

Shit, meant Iraq.

Trump said many times he likes the NATO alliance. What he disliked was the allied countries not paying the agreed upon amount of 2.5% GDP spent on defenses. The US was picking up the difference in the countries that under spent.

They're still not paying.

Says who, you? Trump says in the clip posted by ABC themselves that NATO is now fighting terrorism.

In case the implication goes over your head, that means more money is being pumped into NATO from the allied countries, meaning it's now not obsolete.

The entire case against them is that they use currency manipulation to favor their export market.
Of course the big fake-out here is that the United States uses the petrodollar system to artificially inflate their own currency and favor their import market to keep the niggers faces stuffed with fried chicken.

They already left it to float somewhat. It's easily done without wrecking the economy. The only thing needed is a little push in the form of trade snactions.

Pay attention to what Trumpf does, not what Tlumpf says.

Are we seeing shills evolving past their liberal stage?

Drumpf the trumpf bumplh schumi of the boush zabba do reported for paid shill.

It would be one thing if he never meant to do what he said, but most presidents wouldn't try and remind anyone oftheir failed campaign promises if they want to be re-elected.

What Trump is doing is contradicting and promising he won't fufill his campaign promises. That's really really weird.

It's like Trump os being steered a certain direction, a direction that leads to a 1-tern presidency and a "we were right, Trump was unqualified goyim, narrative". We have to find out who's behind this and depose them.

Let's see here. Trump has aligned himself AGAINST:
- Iran
- Syria
- North Korea
AND he has aligned himself with:
- Israel
- South Korea
- China
…I wonder if the Goldman-Sachs/Rothschild/Jewish financial/Neo-Cohen infiltrators in his cabinet have anything to do with this.

Literally every country with a Rothschild bank manipulates currency.

Did wokada himself put wojak in the eyeball reflection?
As a foot fetishist otaku, this is relevant to my interests

US gets back into coal.
US exports coal to China.
US and China war postponed 30 years.

Many goons like anime, anyway. That meme is like a full decade old now, goyim.


Because NK is a Russia proxy.

And Holla Forums supports everything that comes from Russia even if it's literally the opposite of the interests of european people.

From their discord.
Currently spying on them.
Two things that stand out:
a)They're fucking retarded
b)They're fucking lonely and depressed.

No wonder they take trolling imageboards this seriously.

And China continues to grow like no one's business
6.9% growth in Q1 2017.
Makes me think.

Mesopotamian (Assyrian/Babylonian) science and mathematics was pre-Greek. It's basic chronology you fucking retard the Greeks came hundreds of years later.

This is why I need eugenics.
