How will this game and company actually be remembered after it's death?

How will this game and company actually be remembered after it's death?

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Nobody remembers a cashgrab

It's not dying anytime soon even when Riot is purposely ruining it (SJW-shite like Gay as Fuck Taric, No more soloqueue, metas that worsen every year, etc.)


It will die slowly

What's all this about dynamic queues?
I haven't played that shit in years (since I ran out of patience and never was a fan of super duper serious esports) but as far as I remenber, you could always queue with friends and you'd often go against teams with only solo players in it.

How exactly did they fucked this up? Because it could only be improved, if they made the queueing look for other teams first before pairing you with random people.

Christ, that has to be the worst part about MOBA's. Their entire complexity stems from knowing by heart the stats of their entire armory just so you can stack items for statistical bonus. It's the weakest, most boring and simple aspect of the entire genre and yet it's the one they place the most focus on.

Because the game's depth is really shallow if you remove items. because the game is built around items and teamwork rather than skill.

For being the thing that popularized the awful tradition of microtransactions f2p in a game that has plagued gaming since.

Ironically, when it came to a crate system, LoL did it best.

If I'm to be fair, the game has been better over the last year or so than it has in the two to three years before it. Unfortunately its still stuck in the same formula as its always been in, so its not going anywhere fast.
Do you think they'll release a compendium this year like Dota and Smite do?

league itemization has always been absolute cancer, and is solely about what is the most optimal item pathing

only league does this afaik, dota's itemization has always been really good; and you've always been faced with the choice of having different items each game based on team comps.

You've had some itemization that isn't entirely orthogonal in dota.
The way it used to be, was that if you needed a mid-game item that gave you some health and survivability, you could pick between armlet, vanguard, drums, and Mek.
With the introduction of crimson guard as an upgrade for vanguard, and the changing of drums to make it more suitable for supports, rather than for carries, the problem is aleviated, but don't pretend that Dota is perfect here either. It's not so long ago that mek was always the better option, so long as you had the mana to support it. The solution of just making mek more mana intensive, so that most cores can't sustain it is a really inelegant solution.

You also have a lot of the early game stat items that will always simply be just a matter of optimizing apples versus bigger more expensive apples.

Just because the good parts of the system is what you use and think about the most, doesn't mean the not so good parts aren't there.

They gave us a smoking hot lesbian selfcest flash.

you mean this?

Are you sure about that? I've seen people talking about the game and discussing builds pointing out how several heroes simply need this 1 or 2 items or they simply can't do anything at all.
I get the idea of core items, but for a game with 6 slots that you don't even want to completely to use consumables, having 2 items that are mandatory for an hero sounds silly.
Not to mention many of the recommended builds for some heroes are very similar, like ADC Carries with damage boosting and lifestealing being done with precisely the same items.

Back in the day, League had some neat Armor items. Since I played tank very often, I'd try to go for Warmog (for the extra HP and regen), Force of Nature (for the MR and regen based on health, bonus from Warmog) and Thornmail for Armor and thorns. These 3 were pretty expensive, but if I donned them, I'd be nigh imortal.

However looking back at it, there wasn't much other choices besides those 3 items that weren't somehow inferior or not strictly for defense purposes, like the Frozen Mallet that gave you HP but was done primarly for the freeze effect.

Even Casters always had the Rabadon and Archaengel's staff. And at some point, the meta for casters always included that stupid book that gained charges on kills and at 20 charges increased your damage so much it was GG at 20 minutes. There were a few other items, but never much variety.

Even damage dealers had Phantom Dancer for crits and attack speed, Ultimate Edge (or whatever it was called) for better crits and the best damage bonus, and a few other random crap that was precisely that.

There's a lot of gimmicky items last I checked, but it's the kind of crap you buy to end the game at 20 minutes or you sell later and buy actually decent stuff.

It's hard to say honestly. I got in a argument over which is bigger, league or dota, with an user here. (I thought league would be bigger) and it made me realize with riot you never know. They inflate their numbers constantly and are just generally shady as fuck, their game naturally has unique players (smurf accounts, people bots to grind out new accounts to sell later, etc), and a ton of people who don't even play the game watch league of legends on twitch or tournaments (in korea).

League could really be dying off we just don't know it.

With dota theres a few cases where a hero really needs an item to do shit.

For example, storm spirit needs orchid or bloodstone or he wont have enough mana to do all his spells frequently enough to be effective. There's also a lot of heroes who just do the same cookie cutter build, like Anti-Mage battlefury (helps him farm faster), into manta, and then heart or butterfly or bkb. There's also a lot of builds where you just stack one item (ember spirit and 5 battlefuries) although those are kinda questionable.

It's usually after the first item that it branches off and goes entirely based on what the enemy team has. If you're a support chances are you can get whatever fucking item you want.

When I played league (given this was years ago), you typically always did the same build every single time. Even if it varies there where never items that only worked under weird circumstances. For example, black king bar blocks all magic, but there are some spells that go through magic immuinity. Most of them are single target though. There's another item called linkens sphere that blocks one single target spell every 12 or so seconds, even magic immuine ones. Depending on the other team you might get one or the other or neither. Both is usually a bad idea because, yeah you'll be immuine to a ton of spells but you wont be able to do shit.

They never had a chance, after the Sleeping Giant's waking up.

It still will be looked down upon long after its fans move onto something else.

There's always an item build that will be as efficient as possible for whatever situation you're facing, but in LoL that situation never changes, where Dota is more complex.
Knowing which items to buy for the current game, and in which order, is a huge part of winning games of Dota.
That said, some items are a lot more generally useful than others, and/or synergise really well with the hero's skillset (anti-mage always gets battlefury because he can blink between jungle camps and farm incredibly fast with it).


Probably the biggest example of devs ruining their own game by listening to fans. Anytime people cried about something, Riot would jump on it and casualize the fuck out of it.

I really liked the character Fiddlesticks back when I played the game like 5 years ago but eventually everything started feeling the same and it became a routine so I stopped playing. I wonder how they ruined him over the years.

one of the stupidest things that they have been doing is just pointlessly changing the game so much all the time
It doesn't improve the game at all and just alienates oldfags
if they just took it easy and didn't change so much the game might still be going years from now
but at this pace the game won't even be recognizable a year from
you can't be nostalgic if it doesn't exist anymore
in a way this game is going the way of WOW and i don't think it's lifespan will be as long

Wait, are you serious? They took out soloqueue?

I'm kind of on the fence with that since he was already flamboyant as fuck to begin with, but I can understand an official statement rather than letting the player draw their own conclusion.



Muh nigga

It will be remembered as a casual version of DotA2 that only children played. And as an example of how shitty Riot and Tencent is.

HoN will not be remembered ;_;

Christ is this real?

And DotA2 just had one of the most exciting tournaments yet.

I think it will be remembered fondly by the general public, and somewhat of a cultural phenomenon considering the sheer reach.

Only source I could find.

64 million active players isn't anything to sneer at.

Say what you like about the way Valve handle Doter 2, but at least that game's glacial update speed means that players have time to adjust to new changes. Updates tend to also not be small and fucking irrelevant.

He's a swede.

I don't really expect of him not to be a pleb.
Or not to support fags.
Or not to support mudslimes while living in dubai.

But as human being he is truly disgusting to me.

I wonder how many of those are accounts like mine who are completely inactive for years but still counts in their statistic because canceling your account is so arduous that you can't be arsed and just leave it.

nah im pretty sure thats monthly.

please use

article from 2014 saying 67 mil, so id say its around 55-60 now, if 2015 had 64 mil.

Holy shit.

DOTA players are more hardcore autistic, like a nintendo or sonic fan

league players are all casuals, overmeme is out now and many casuals will leave for that

why cant eurogamer be posted?

I guess that might be how it is in America, I wouldn't know.

Because giving clicks is giving money.

No LoL's data base is freely available, you can check how many games per days.

About 1.8M normal games per week and 600k ranked games.

that's not counting the arams, customs , and fun mods .

thats fucking crazy.

thats world wide btw.

Now that I think of it that means LoL is dying, in 2014 they had "Over 7.5 million players simultaneously play League during daily peak hours" wich mean at least 750k games daily, probably at least twice as much. Now it's merely a 350k games per day.

waitwhat? can you give more details about that?

It will never die, unless you kill it.

I don't know how to explain it better than there is no more soloQ, 5,4,3,2,1 men premade are in the same queue.

solo and ranked 5s are now the same thing

yes that means wwen you que you have a higher chance the higher the elo at facing a premade of 3+

probably the same way warcraft or minecraft are remembered
Largely successful game that got worse as time went on because they pandered to idiots and let one of those idiots be in charge of hero balancing.

Wow that's lowballing so hard. The real number is closer to at least 160 million.

Considering the fact it's owned by the company in this post How accurate do you think those numbers are? It also doesn't take things like bots into consideration

iirc you have to pick a role before the game starts.
Then the new queue system will try to match you up with people wqho have the other roles, i.e. you want to play support, it'll search for players that still miss a support.

But since (almost) everybody wants to play the same role, this shit takes a lot longer than what solo queue took.

I can answer that, as my brother was an avid Fiddlesticks player. The only skin he ever bought was Party Fiddlesticks because he loved to surprise people with it and the little Rubber Dogs were amazing.
Here's what he tells me happened:

At first, Fiddlesticks was pretty great and could easily won 1v1 against many people if you did his shit right. With fear and silence, you could crowd control effictively but more importantly was Drain that could be used to actually tank a lot of damage. You could jump on someone with low HP and everyone would think they'd have a chance at killing you but nope, Drain consumed so much life you were good when it was done and they weren't. Chase with fear and silence, drain again, easy kill.
Even his ulti was great to pop in the middle of people, toss fear and silence and start draining. The fact that you were in the middle of the enemy team meant nothing, Drain could sustain you the whole time while your ulti damaged anyone coming near you.

Then they changed all items Magic Ability stat. While previously you could even attain 1400+ AP with 5 Archaengels and 1 Rabaddon, now you'd be hard pressed to reach 800 or so. And at the same time that they did this, severely lowering Drain's damage and healing, they also nerfed Fiddlesticks so AP contributed less and the base drain was less. The result was that he was no longer the scary Fiddlesticks that always survives with Drain, he was now the funny Fiddlesticks that dies if his team doesn't follow after he ultis.
And the nerfs kept coming and my brother kept trying to play him but at some point it was hopeless. Fiddlesticks was useless.

And the same shit happened with all Mages. He also used to play Karthus, for instance, and divebomb people for colossal damage. He didn't gave a fuck about dying because he'd take at least 2 or 3 with him. Come the AP nerfs, Karthus became a bitch that could be killed really easily and barely did damage at all.

This was all because of incredibly bitching about how those characters were "too OP". Nevermind the fact that even back when you could get 1400 AP, you only did so when the oposing team was horribly bad and the game was already lost (you even forsake boots for that) Or that a little bit of Magic Resistance quickly shuts down those mages.
My brother did found a few players that wisen up and bought 1 or 2 items for magic resistane and those he could not kill unless his team helped him.
But instead you have those tards that want to buy just Damage Boost and Attack Speed and get angry when someone pushes their shit in, so the game screwed with anyone playing mages.

I think one of the last games he played had him in lategame going by a bush where there was an Ash. She shot ONCE, got a crit (because of her passive) and killed him from max HP. And he always built Fiddlesticks with some tanky items to last some fights. That's how broken the game is for casters, and Karthus and other mages actually even have less HP, so they're even more fucked.

So it's a straight up copy of Heroes of the Storm. Except it's just them enforcing the meta instead of letting people try what they want. Great.

Considering I've played about 3k games and encountered a bot only once, it's safe to say they are marginal.
Their database is actualised every minute or so, they can't create fake games or this could be found, and since their DB actually shows a decrease in activity of about 90% since 2014, and it's coherent with my own experience of Q time going from 20sec on average to 4 minutes, it's safe to say this stats are legit.

Honest and retarded.

Fiddle was still a good solo queue jungler until they removed magus for runeglaive somewhere in may 2015

The game has a lot of issues because of how conflicting their new champions are compared to their old ones.
Their abilities are just flat out better designed, allowing players more opportunities to "outplay xd" the opponent.

In a straight up 1v1, any newer modern champ except maybe Taliyah would be able to solo a fiddle with equal gold/items.

The game has become so stale over the years, and I honestly blame Ghostcrawler for all the problems it has.
It's devolved into:

They're forcing the meta to change, by shifting certain champions in and out of it via random buffs/nerfs, instead of letting it be player driven.

This is the same thing Ghostcrawler did when he was on the WoW balance team.
He pushed certain classes and team comps in arena some months, and completely nerfed them to shit after people got bored of them in the meta.

The lane meta's been stagnant in league for 3 years now. In the past, you'll generally always have had a top lane, a jungler, a midlane, an adc, and a support.

Even without the forced meta dynamic queue shit, people would play the same stuff.

It's hilarious how complicated the abilities of later champions are compared to the early ones.
Just take… oh shit, it's been a while. Uhh, Poppy?
Yeah, take Poppy and compare her to… this cunt that came out a couple weeks ago. Seriously, do what I did and go look at their abilities.
Oh shit, they changed Poppy too. Well, look at her old abilities. Dirt fucking simple compared to the shit they put out now, and yet, amazingly enough, I can bet money that these new champions barely play that much differently from the rest, despite how hilariously overcomplicated they get.

Actually no, it lets you pick a role and a lane, you could go support jungle, triple bot, etc, but people don't actually play those often so it's still harder to find games.

technically it only lets you pick a lane, but the meta is so eforced that the lane determines what you're playing

Reminder that Riot need to keep making waifus for their casual tier fans or they won't play anymore.

I'm fairly certain that a large part of pudge's popularity came from dendi

The argument present in the image is that people do not stay away from a character just because of appearances alone. Or in other terms, people didn't play Urgot because he was fucking shit.

except they havent made one in years ? Their last good looking female was Vi. (maybe jinx if you have a fetish for skeletons) wich was released in 2012.

That dude's fucking retarded, and Riot drops the ball on 90% of character designs, but every once in a while they manage to make something both good looking, fun, and cohesive, like pic related, shaco, and bard.

I don't really understand how this happens.

And I blame SJW for that shit, the waifus were the best part of LoL and they ruined it.

Got the post about healers. that never fails to make me laugh

and becasue of that riot will never make another one

i like jinx but i have a fetish for crazy and that turtlefishpaint doujin really helped

To be fair, that was a pretty good doujin.

Did you even read my post? Because I dont understand the context in which your reply is meant to be.

I can't think of a lot of heroes that have 2 mandatory items, at most I can think of 1 which would be something like boots of travel on tinker or blink dagger on tidehunter.

I'd definitely say Anti Mage is Bfury and Manta mandatory. You can play him otherwise but I always feel that it will be subpar to that.

So are you saying characters that use AP are worthless?

Manta yes, but I almost always skip battlefury in favor of vanguard or sometimes just yasha and go straight into the manta.

People see anti mage and prepare for the farm game, but they don't prepare for an aggressive one that constantly teamfights. It's easy to underestimate the power of a dude who can remove all your mana and most heroes are pretty useless without it.

you're not gonna get any farm as AM, much less a manta without bfury in the first place.

I got you, user.

you can easily go vanguard instead of battlefury on AM now

That's why you farm heroes and towers, not creeps.

I can get most of what I need for manta a little after the laning phase if I lane with anyone that has a good slow like venomancer because you can just be super aggressive because of the blink and high damage that mana burn does early game.

this is some of the most stupid shit I've heard, no sane person is going to let an AM win early game, much less win lane. You have literally nothing in your kit that lets you gank or do vast damage early on like a lion does.

Well then I guess I never get matched against sane people because this works more often than it doesn't, and when it doesn't I just go for the battlefury.

It's not that anti mage is super powerful early game, it's more that he is very hard to kill if you build him so. The dude naturally has high armor, a blink with a tiny cooldown, and a passive with huge magic resist (which is the primary thing that kills you early game). If you teamfight with him its unlikely that you'll die since the enemy will need to prioritize more dangerous allies on your team that are easier kills, and when they blow all their shit they'll be out of mana because of your mana burn which means no escape abilities and you can chase very easily with blink.

Icefrog looks like is a professional compare to Morello.

that's why you build bfury on him in the first place, it's hard to actually gank or stop AM from farming so, but it's unlikely you'll ever kill anyone until you have 2 core items; so you may as well just accelerate his speed and give him splitpushing potential too.

if you win early game maxing skills on AM then you need to leave 1.3k mmr

good on you though

Sure, if you have 1/1/1/2 at level 11 with all your points invested into stats.

The funny thing is that Riot decided to ignore Morello for once and recently made Soraka viable.
She is now one of the most frustrating bullshit cancer ridden champions to play against.

One ability negates ALL of your damage.

Morello is a retard, but he was right about healers not belonging in a MOBA, or at least League.

3.3k :^)

if an enemy is running away and unwilling/able to attack you, it doesn't matter if you have a lot of damage or not because you can chase them for quite awhile. Right click damage isn't nothing in the early game, and it's a lot more than nothing if you've got bonus pure damage. If an enemy is fairly low it isn't much to kill them between the T1 and T2 tower.

And as for teamfights the point isn't that you're a damage dealing beast, your team does the damage and you mop up whoever survives with low health for easy money. You're a fair bit more helpful to your team early on than you would be if you just farmed, and that slight advantage can mean a lot for the momentum of the game.

Sure you won't be decked out with items as quickly as you would be otherwise, but you're enemies will be worse off and your team will be better off because of the help.

shorter blink cooldown > 40 health, 0.3 armor, 2 damage, and 26 mana

I don't usually level the others though, and sometimes I leave blink alone if chasing/escaping won't be a problem.



It's definitely the implementation.
I'm sure other games do it just fine, but Riot can't get this shit right, so it doesn't belong in their game.

What's so bad about her healing?

From what I can remember, it would give you a MASSIVE armor boost for a few seconds. Given that she's supposed to be a support for a carry fighting another support and their carry, this means you spend 10 minutes trying and failing to kill one of them.
If you're shit, that is. Which most people were are.

Long range, very short CD and it's a huge heal, so basically you can't kill anyone before she's dead, and if she's not retarded her position prevent you from killing her.

They do work.
If you do it properly.

Disclaimer that the guy in this webm is a retard and is bad at positioning, but I just pulled some random video from Youtube really quick.
Anyone who isn't shit at the game would've just switched to Soraka and killed her, but this is at least a decent indicator of what the champion is capable of.

With any other support, if your AD gets hit by a thresh hook like that, they're going to die, but Soraka is an exception because _?_.

Because she's the healslut.
That's all she does. Back in the day, when you picked Soraka, you knew you were good for 1 thing, and 1 thing only: filling up those little bars hovering over your friends. That was your whole function. Maybe you'd mash Q so you don't feel totally useless in a fight, but you're just there to be a total bitch. She is an extremely passive character.

Other supports can't save your carry when he fucks up because that's not what they were made to do. Soraka is Safety Net: The Champion.

This is not to say League is better.
This is to say that dota is retarded as well.

Some aspects of League's "casualizing" were actually for the sake of fun and making close games (the ones where everyone on both teams has a good time) more common.

League is still bad, but don't hold up DotA2 like it's some golden goose. It's shit, but in a too-grognard way rather than a too-casual way.

Yes and in the situation it is designed for, it is an instant win button. No skill, no outplay, just "and I am now immune to you, bite the pillow or call a friend to stop me, 'cause I'm goin' in dry."

It didn't have to be that way, there were quite a few alt builds that were viable when not part of the metasheep "must play like the pros" crowd…. but every patch Rito just butchers fun, their most recent (removal of mage mana regen and spellvamp) destroyed all alt siege mage builds (for example) for basically no reason other than "play our way or else".

They actual almost had something with Dominion, but they left it to rot for four and a quarter years and finally pronounced it dead. Their "Not Dominion" mode's changes even made it clear they failed to understand WHY dominion was even good in the first place.

At leasg Urf and Poro King are still amusing. Maybe they'll bring back Doom Bots for the rotation, too, and we'll have danmaku parties again. It really says something when only absurdity and a less rng-gaming variant of a fan-made mode are the only ways left to have a good time in it.

diving between towers early game is fucking retarded, especially with no other teammates nearby and you having to expend your only escape ability on a long cooldown to do so. That "slight" advantage doesn't mean anything because all you're doing in reality by rushing manta as AM is finishing that item 7 minutes earlier than a bfury AM while leaving yourself fucking gimped afterwards. There is no good reason to skip bfury on AM unless you're very far ahead or you're not given the farm priority on your team.

nigger it gives you jack shit in stats for the price and there's a huge amount of abilities that bypass it

Just admit you've never played DotA and talk around it instead of being perpetually butthurt.

laning is slow if no one on both teams care to do anything else but farm (gank, roam, pull, stack)

it has come to a point where bkb only protects you against stuns. physical damage and most heroes ultis pierce it. If you think bkb makes you invincible, you havent played (enough) dota

CC are stuns…? really few skills disable you for 3 seconds, those that do are channelled or take a lot of positioning/skill

You dont really lose that much gold, really. 100 something, a few creeps

Im not blaming you, if you never played dota it's natural to think like that

spoken like someone who's never played either game. I don't know where you get the idea bkb is an instant win button, if you or your team is too retarded to pick bkb piercing heroes; or gank and make them waste it then you kinda deserve what you're going to get.

BKB recently got nerfed by the changes to blademail, so it's really not a "I win" button any more.

Please. There is no way you could argue that it ever was.

maybe if they buffed ignite and greivous wounds itd
but riot's balancing is atrocious at best


Someone never played dota

You wouldn't be in a bots mmr. A bot would be in the worst of the worst mmr.

Everything else you said is true though.

I bet you faggots are above 0,5k MMR

I laughed at this way harder than I should have

euro detected

You know what, at the expense of people calling me a faggot and telling me to pick AA, I'll give you an actual build that's pretty canerous in pubs.

Radiance + Manta + Octarin + Boots of Travel Alchemist.

This is actually a build from another hero ported onto a hero that makes it shittier but much much much easier to do. Basically a game goes like this

Basically you just spam acid mid so you can farm the lane easily Chances are the enemy mid can't deny worth shit. Even if you get destroyed in lane and ganked a shitload you can probably still get radiance before 15 minutes. What radiance does is passively damage everyone around you so you can just run around and clear the jungle camps pretty fast, all the while still getting 3-4x as much gold as anyone else. Then when you get manta style (which creates 2 clones of your hero) you send those clones to lanes and they push the lane with the radiance, also getting you stupidly farmed. Then you get octarine core, which gives you life steal for your spells, it also gives it to your clones. So now your clones are not only pushing the wave, but they're also healing while doing it from radiance and can tank towers. Then you get boots of travel and can be anywhere you want on the map. Pretty much after this point you can get anything you want, but these 4 items alone will make you a huge pain in the dick to deal with, not to mention you can also carry.


that guy is still alive?

you sound like an idiot saying that, but aside from that i agree agree that dota is just a different kind of waste than league. They're both shit

Guaranteed replies, just bash DotA2.
Never fucking fails.

Complaint wasn't that laning is slow, it was that denial is a mechnica that adds needless complexity which is most felt during laning

"Has come to a point" makes it sound like they've backed off on how strong it was. As for an over-all instant win, it never was. It only instant wins its specific use case: needing to wreck this mage's shit regardless of the mage's current strength or design.
However, I don't follow dota2's changes so if bkb has been nerfed down from what it was alway touted as then I stand corrected on it in current dota2 and potentially earlier.

Blame who knows who for popularizing calling any form of debuff that isn't damage CC… "hard cc" is disables, you figured it correctly.
Only a few do 3 seconds, I was implying that was a minimum, most landing higher than that. Meanwhile League's is the opposite, you're hard pressed to find anything over 3 seconds.

30 times level, I believe, unreliable only.
Regardless, death timer is plenty punishment, as you are in a state of being unable to help your team or gather more exp/gold. Gold is already lost from being inactive, no need to slap an added penalty on it.

Correct, mostly because every time I've looked at it I see the Valve Balance paradigm which works best in fast paced short respawn games and serves mostly to frustrate outside of it. I see needless complexity features like denying that were originally mechanics because DotA was a fucking Warcraft custom map and force fire was a thing built into the engine- which they had an oportunity to nix it and they didn't. I see immunity mechanics being unrestricted choices rather than having immensely limitted access, if included at all.

It's the grognard MOBA, with League being the baby MOBA. If someone were to make something in the middle it would be amazing, and likely steal the majority of both userbases should word get sufficiently out and the implementation/support not be ass.

Do you play every character in a fighting game beyond learning how to play against them better?

Free rotation accomplishes that, and lets them monetize the character pool. Is it greedy? Yes. Is it retarded? No.

It's actually fairly sensible since you don't have to unlock every character for your friends to be able to play them.

I keep forgetting this game exists to begin with.

I should probably have gone with immunity mechanics as the emphasis there instead of calling it itself an instant win button (immunity mechanics themseves are that, assuming they make you immue to the right things), but it's fucking hot and the AC is broken, so my self edditing is a tad behind today.

You can pick an entire lineup of heroes whos spells go through BKB.

The beast is immortal.

A game that thrived because of its community and killed by it at the same time. It helped me avoid any game that tries to aim to be an e-sport.

BKB is only a "gotta buy every game" item on mages themselves now, since blademail means right-click carries can fuck their own shit up easily.

You really make it sound worse than it is, having to click on both enemy creeps and your own isn't such a complex, obscure feature, plus it allows you to gain even more advantage over your opponent. Also, again, bkb will only let you move freely and, best case scenario, cover you from some damage spells for 5 seconds

It's not just you that think this way, any outsider makes it look like dota was dwarf fortress or something. It doesnt have deep, complicated mechanics, it just has a lot, different for every hero and situation
Just try it. For the record, I did try lol as a favour for a friend, i can say it can be fun but not for as long as I've played dota

Whats the fucking point of lotus orb with the new blademail?


Blademail reflects damage, Lotus reflects CC?

Blademail for right-click, lotus orb for spells. If the enemy packs BKB-piercers, then you can blow them up in their face.

There are so few situations to pick it up. The only 2 times I can remember seriously needing it was to reflect liches ult (which is hilarious), and an ogre magi got pretty out of hand.

Usually by the time Lina gets Aghs she just blows her whole combo on someone I can't get to. In most situations it's useless.

except that means you're required to pick a lineup to handle it at the team level. League would call it "losing at champ select". As for smaller than the team level, if you didn't pick a character that can pierce it, you yourself are always reliant on a friend to save you whenever the bkb user shows up. Much less cancerous from a balance standpoint to just not have access to a form of invuln-but-active mechanic (stasis is fine) on everyone, and balance accordingly.

The mechanic makes no fucking sense though. Why are you teamkilling? Why are you REWARDED for teamkilling? It's a holdover from when DotA was shoehorning an MOBA into an RTS, and was kept I assume to appease spergs.

It's a layer of complexity to laning because of it supplanting zoning and map pressure (both natural and indirect) with a direct, micro-favoring mechanic, and it applies to both towers and other players.

As for sounding like df, only if you've never played DF. Have a single infographic for DF that is likely outdated (I got it ages ago). I have two more of these, equally outdated. And they don't even cover half of what all df has.

I could have sworn bkb didn't stop your ability to at least right click on enemies. Am I thinking a past incarnation or a different item all together? or did the friend of mine who really likes dota2 troll me long, long ago

Dwarf fortress complexity isn't overblown, only the importance of every componant is. People don't seem to get that you're not supposed to account for fucking everything, and learning how to deal with what you missed with what you know is half the fun.

What I was implying is if BKB was as broken as you say everyone would pick those lineups every single time.

I guess that's kinda true.

I am death

why are we speaking in spoilers

No they wouldn't. It's broken in an Nv1, maybe Nv2. You only need a few picks that pierce it (ie, not pick all bkb-countered characters), and you can deal with it at the team level. Skirmishes though, it is way too fucking strong of a mechanic to be available to everyone ever, and turns into the same reason Riot nuked DFG (extra magic attack with magic amp on it, also scaled)- you have balance characters around the items. It's a fucking crutch, plain and simple. It only works in dota because of the valve balance paradigm basically necessitating its existance.

Mana, mana regen, health regen and armor. The active is just a plus.

There's a few of us left, user.

No, bkb doesnt disable any of your character's mechanics. You can do any normal action, cast spells and all that. What I meant to say is that bkb only covers you from damage spells and disables, it's a counter item for strong stun/silence/disarm/slow/damage spells, but some spells (as in, most caster's ultis) pierce it. Basically, bkb let's you counter some heroes that have the time of their lives the first 20 minutes of the game, but you still receive physical damage, if you just pop bkb and walk into the enemy team, you're dead no matter their lineup.
These things sound weird and they're hard to explain on paper, any player understands it from experience

And again, you have to consider that physical damage exists. If you gank a support with a bkb carry, of course he's gonna die if he fights back. He either escapes using his skills/items or have his team teleport to his position

Again, this is just stuff you understand from gameplay experience, there are so many situations you cant just say this is good/bad

I just remembered, one of the loading screen tips said something like bkb makes you inmune to most magic spells, but you're still vunerable to physical attacks

In a utopian like setting for its earliest incarnation, which never existed.
You know, how people that totally played tf2 when it first came out remember it as the gritty hardboiled realistic and serious game that it was.

That's my point, at the team level it's easily beaten, but in a skirmish it's not. The counter to it in a skirmish is "get someone who can fight it into the fight or run".

That is inherrently not good game design, as it requires too much accounting for in the rest of your game.

"Try and fight it yourself" should always be an option, even if it's not a smart option, for anything available to all characters.

ASSFAGGOTS must have peaked in 2013, now all my friends who played that shit are playing Overcrotch.

i get it every game vs bounty hunter, using it purges the target in case you didn't know

You keep forgetting we're talking about Dota not league.

It's pretty rare you'll see people pick spell piercing heroes just because they pierce bkb, and it's pretty easy to deal with a bkb hero on their own. Force staff lets you push yourself and allied heroes almost twice the distance of LoL's flash, Euls scepter is basically stasis from league. Sheepstick is a 3 second stun item you can use before they get it. If you get the drop on them you can stunlock them before they can even pop bkb.

Your view on bkb being an instant win button is so false it's painful. The only time bkb is used really is in massive teamfights when both teams are balls deep in.

If bkb didn't exist then the carry would just get stunlocked/nuked before he could even do anything. Some heroes alone can stun a guy for 6-7 seconds. Storm spirit, lion, lina, earth shaker, earth spirit, invoker, etc would basically mean there is absolutely no reason to pick a lategame carry.

Nobody even acknowledges bkb until it gets bought, and then at that point the most you see is people will keep tabs on what state their bkb is at and they will be more careful about how they initiate the fight. It's pretty clear to everyone here who plays dota you don't know the first thing about the game at all and are applying league logic to it.

wait what ? I've stopped playing that shit like 2 years ago (should've stopped at the end of season 3 tbh), how did they manage to become even more shite ?

What kind of hero would just buy it for the stats?

Shit I didn't know that. That's pretty fucking good

No it shouldn't. It's an ASSFAGGOTS, a team game. We're talking about a powerful item with a large enough cooldown, when the enemy uses it's first charges you're supposed to fight around it. You've got to coordinate with your team and depend on your teammates if you want to win.
That's why I only play with a 3-5 stack. Fuck pubbing.

If the game has gone long enough, supports that want to stay active for long without having to take trips to the fountain and being more survivable while giving some help to their carries.

Typical design-by-committee approach.

CSGO is gaining marketshare (because it has the same esports cancer with actual gameplay, but Riot cannot acknowledge this), retards at Riot respond by cloning "features" like the inferior matching system. MMO-style watering-down-until-demise imminent.


Where did I imply that?


WoW 2.0, exploded in active users in a few years and is now steadily dropping in said users hopping on to CS:GO and Overwatch

speaking of burst, is ther an anti instagib thing in that game, i remember a while ago i was playing fizz doing absurdly well, full stacks of whatever the snowballl item was and every time i went to kill the squishy member of the team i always had to add in an autoattack. becsue theyd always survive with a sliver of health

as cancer

Beta to Season 2 was great. Everything after was lame. Pure shit now

who is your lolfapfu?

They specifically removed the ability to queue as 5 in diamond and above.

ADCs did have pretty good build diversity before the 6.9 changes where nobody knew what was good anymore and starting copying the busted ass korean lucian build.

The game is built around understanding how the game works. You can be pretty shitty mechanically and still do well.

To dispel stuff that has been casted on your team mates. The reflect is a nice bonus.

Ahri is the lewdest LoL

good choice user

Tahm is the best thing those shitters ever made

I only remember Geomancer from HoN - cool looking worm from Dune who dig under you or crystallise ground under your feet.

The only thing the game has going for it anymore is the furbait.

Idk this might seem like bait to you guys, but it's truly not. I genuinely enjoy league. It's a game I could play for hours usually, because I'm pretty good at it (high plat) and it really appeals to what I like in video games. It's a game where you have to work as a team (mostly), and I enjoy being a play maker. That being said, I really enjoy playing support. I don't like csing so that works out really well too. With league if you play brand support for example, you don't need to worry about last hitting minions, and most times you're going to be the top damage in the game due to his passive + blue support item gold passive. Yeah, the community is shit you guys are right, but I find definitely the higher rank you go the less cancerous they become. And there's a mute button for a reason. The item diversity is something I really like about the game. If their team has a magic damage assassin, and you're playing an attack damage character, you can build a maw of malmortius which when you get low, you'll get a decent shield for magic damage and good stats. Another is if they have a lot of characters that can heal, you have to decide if you need to build a morello's for the 40% heal reduction. Or if they have no magic damage, you can take Nina Tabbi which makes you take 12% less auto attack damage, there's so many different routes you can go to minimize / maximize your gameplay. And when It pays off and you do some crazy shit you're just like awwwwwwwwwwwww yeah. It's a game that requires you to actually think when you play on how you can get ahead of the enemy. And it's also not a cash grab like people say. You could spend not a dime on league and still be playing with people who've spent $100 plus for sparkly pixels. The game is completely free to play, you can buy characters with in game money, and if you just play the game it comes pretty quick, and when riot has events going on there's 25, 50, 75% and more bonuses going on, I've barely spent any money on the game, but that was by choice, and it didn't put me ahead of anyone else.

Also, why do you guys hate dynamic que? It allows me to always play the role I want.

same i like dynamic q aswell

i think iits by because most people on Holla Forums play dota2 by the looks of it so they have to hate league

god forbid to like both games it seems

She's pure waifu bait. We all know this.

there's no bkb but you could build
otherwise you're already dead

I actually agree with one thing, cs-ing is autistic. except items are purely minmax autism all the time, and it's not fun. It's also pay to win. It takes more than 4 years of DAILY play of multiple matches to get even, by the time you hit 4 years, the game is dead to you.

4 years daily of multiple matches to get even what? I have a girlfriend, and a life, and like I said, i'm still high plat and I started in season 4. So about a year and a half ago, and I don't play daily.

to get every champion and runes

Well myself when I played, and a lot of people, they find a role they enjoy for example me with support. So to buy the meta supports it didnt take me long at all. Hell 2 of the top teir supports are only 1350 IP which is a few games only. Similar for other lanes aswell.

After a long spell of playing Dota; I'm considering going back to LoL. Only thing that pisses me off is how Yasuo has not been nerfed and he always wins mid. I don't think I've ever won lane against him.

I just want to play it again based on the fact that the game boils down to pure mechanical skill (cs + team fight execution). More room for error. I mainly support, and I'm tired of first pick Wraith King, Phantom Lancer and Voids/AMs with 25 minute battlefuries + brown boots or Spectres with 38 min radiances, or Tresdins who give free damage, or people who don't know that manta can dispel.

user, are Diana and Janna still good? Also want to try Azir.

woops meant for


play heroes of the storm then


Whu not try playing malzahar or zed in the mid lane against zed?

against yasuo*

lane swap with a Darius

or a riven lol, there's always ways around something. Let the team know that you're going to have a tough time with the matchup, please help me out jungler. If he's toxic well just farm under turret, and try not to feed.

I have no idea what soloque is as I've never found this entire genre intresting but everyone seems to be loosing their shit over it being removed.

Anyone can fill me in'

Yeah i'm on the same boat I don't really get what they mean when they "removed solo que". You can still que by yourself, and there's no penalty to it or anything lol

ranked solo que = solo/ duo players only rannked

got replace with

dymanic que ranked =pick from two role you want to play (etc jungle carry, support) and queue up anything from everyone solo being to 4/5 man pre made team

in short not a big deal
another ranked queue will just lengthen the already slow queue times

You originally have two queues for ranked.

allows you to play with randoms
you create teams and play with your teammates in that team
like clans and shit
Before Dynamic queue (the queue that replaced both solo and 5v5 queue) there was team builder.
Team Builder was the prototype of Dynamic Queue, except you could only pick one role and one champion.

In Dynamic Queue they extended Team Builder and improved selecting champions.
Now you can prepare to pick two or all roles and pick whatever champion you want, ban champions and all that good stuff. But it replaced 5v5, solo queue, fucking sucks, ridiclous queue times, absolutely shit-tier matchmaking in higher elo, with 5 mans grouping up and absolutely shitting on randoms, etc.

Never played them before, but if they work, would Talon work also?

op please

If you ever need help looking for something to beat a certain champion in lane, just type in google something like "Talon counters" and you'll get a big list. So Talon for example is countered by Diana, Fizz, and Swain. It's pretty useful and can really change your games. It'll also give you tips on certain things you can do in lane.

But to answer your question Talon just goes even in lane with Yasuo, it's whoevers better at the champ they're playing really.


he linked basshunter from 10 years ago. that's when he wasn't cucked with the rest of his country yet.

Nostalgia will cover the flaws for the kiddies who grew up playing it.

Basically the same as what happened to WoW and Runescape.

oh not what i meant,
i meant that i was instagibbing people but there appears to be an anti

It wont be remembered.
It will gradually fade into obscurity.
Not dying but fading.

look at this user, paying to unlock garbage.

I thought Rek'sai was pretty simple and fun; burrow, you have one ranged attack, and otherwise melee the shit out of things after popping out from under walls. The tremor-senses of being blind but "seeing" footsteps is great

Is tahm ketch actually fetch?

And then there's this faggot.


In 20 years we'll get hipster faggots asking about LCD displays so they can properly play "old-school" LOL on them.

Try Doom's Doom.

Nice bait, mate.

Copying isn't stealing. Faggots.
As a consumer, as long as you aren't being mislead (they don't call final combat team fortrass 2 or something) you have nothing to lose. Is the copy worse than the original? Don't play it. Is it better? Play that one. Copyright fags want you to believe that copying is somehow wrong. Copying and improving is the source of most innovation.

Forcing the meta probably comes from microtransactions. Want to sell your new hero? Make him better than the others. Same thing happened with tribes:ascend. Every new release was a lot more powerful until nerfed.
You also sell more things like skins if the usefull heroes change every now and then.

I haven't played league since like one patch before tahm was released, but my friends who still play say that cunt is OP as fuck

You say that like China isn't trying to rewrite history by claiming the originals are the ripoffs.

Hey, they taught me that!

No, I play every character in a fighting game TO HAVE FUN.

You forgot

it is literally impossible to go triple bot in the neq queue system wtf are you talking about

Does it matter what the original is? Just play what's better. And it's not 'China' doing anything it's companies