Battlefield 1 doesn't have female soldiers because 'boys wouldn't find it believable'

Now feminism wants to change historical facts?

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wow stop oppressing me with your rapist reasoning shitlord

Well wouldn't be the first time it happened.

Look at how many jews were killed vs what was written in the history books.

They've been at it for a while. Remember the rage when war horse studio refused to put niggers in their medieval game?


Something tells me that Battlefield 1 isn't going to be historically accurate in any other way either so this is a silly argument on both sides.

What I really want to know is why interest groups are literally bullying private companies into changing their products? I can understand not being happy with what a company does, but when absolutely nobody is being physical hurt in any way how does anyone have any right to protest a single fucking thing about it?


Where's the trans bi deaf mute paraplegic steam powered ww1 steam powered combat soldier? Sooo able-ist. Ugh.


EA isn't a private company.



fuck, those damn boys, thanks a lot you faggots, we didnt get qt soldiers in ww1.

>retarded bitches want to rape a WWI game even more than it already is raped with "muh nignogs need to be here too!" shit
>purposefully disrespecting an important, historical event, in which soldiers died for their country and for what they believed in, just because they think it didn't cater to their shitty fucking ideology, "standards" and "tastes"

When will the pozzing stop?

it's not owned by any government, government affiliated agency, or government figures so it's a private company.

didnt the niggers fought in the war?

Why could some people have an interest in destroying harmony, beauty and happiness in society?

you don't know what a private company is. I'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with the government.

But why are there niggers?

Literally a super-minority. Make no mistake, it's not about equal representation, because if that was true, you would have, at best 2 blacks in the whole fighting force.

I wasn't talking about shares or shareholding or the exchange market.

I said "private company" not "privately-held company"

do you just want to split hairs all day?

You're talking about WWII there.

Too many monkey genes, not enough Annunaki genes.

Stop keeping brown folks down, whitey.

Okay, fuck it. Everyone, and I mean fucking everyone, was a soldier in World War 1.

The whole world took a camping trip to Europe and fought it out for shit and giggles.

In WW2, Russia had hilariously bad air forces, (eg wooden biplanes) that were manned by women. Their engines would stall above a certain altitude so they had to fly low, and they were basically dead if they were shot at.

But, their engines were so slow, that German planes would stall if they tried to match their speed, so they were almost impossible to hit in air-to-air combat. They served a role as nighttime bombers and basically shut their engines off and glided to the targets and then GTFO out of there.

I think they were called the Night Witches if you want to look up more on them.


i read in the previous thread about a nigger squad that fought in ww1 becuase they were part of the units from different colonies, i bet some other user have the link.

No. Sure they would've fought in the colonies but it would've been too costly and too risky to send them in Europe, so the western front was fought by Europeans only.

It's still a bunch of leftists fucks shitting up games because they can, and silencing anyone that objects by calling them names.

It's like if I suddenly decided to edit a popular romance novel and make the male love interest a fat, obese, ugly man and tell any female readers that complain I'm messing up their shit to shut the fuck up with their sexist and fat shaming comments, and that romance fiction needs more realism in its depiction of male characters.

I want supersized ww1 steampunkery.

Then play Iron Storm.

Battlefield 1 doesn’t have female soldiers because ‘boys wouldn’t find it believable’


This is the most bullshit thing I have read in a long time.
Christ IM not even going to buy the game let alone pirate it but holy shit dont you fucking whores think you can go out a re-rape a post-raped franchise ESPECIALLY IF IT TAKES PLACE DURING AN EVENT I FIND AWESOME>

Feminists want you to commit violence against women

Aside from the fact that feminists want to change the historical accuracy of those who took part in the first world war, feminists also want you to commit violence against women by adding female playable soldiers in the upcoming game Battlefield 1. They would like to see women being shot and killed in the game to promote violence against women. Just what kind of world do we live in?

Feminists want you to commit violence against women

Aside from the fact that feminists want to change the historical accuracy of those who took part in the first world war, feminists also want you to commit violence against women by adding female playable soldiers in the upcoming game Battlefield 1. They would like to see women being shot and killed in the game to promote violence against women. Just what kind of world do we live in?

Fixed that for ya, buddy.

It's a theory, but it's probably because members of civil rights movements get financial incentives from it. It's definitely true that companies obtain grants and tax breaks from the government and private organizations if they commit to a social cause.

Social causes are highlighted through press, and press shares a mailing list filled with like-minded people.

Or it might just be that we are dealing with a whole cadre of power hungry zealots that view any and all medium as a pulpit for their propaganda.

All these people, developers and publishers alike, are staffed by the creatures created in the brainwashing camps Western universities have become.

They all know each other, network with each other and share a common hatred of the white male.

Why even use WW1 as a setting? They obviously don't give a shit to even try to make it even slightly historically accurate.

Well, there's already the special edition announced where you get a dindu figurine if you give extra shekels.

Of course, you get no extra gameplay or features. Those are taken out of the game to be sold as DLC later, so the "standard" game is, as usual a stripped down husk of what it should have been.
It's the same old story.

Less actual gameplay, and

More useless plastic for the autistic spastic.

It will sell this year too. Nobody learned from last time.


They even made France the DLC.

It's gonna be dead within three months, just like Battlefront.

They've been doing that since feminism was invented.

Iron storm looks aight, is there something like a japafied ww1 steampunk mechs alongside horse cavalry. I'd play that.

My lord, this is almost as bad as SW:TOR's gay planet DLC that was pay2gay


Also reminder that leftists are never satisfied. Battlefield 1 puts emphasis on the handful of niggers that served in WW1? Not enough women! Nevermind that even today women are rarely seen on the battlefield, for good reason (what exactly do these fucks think sandniggers will do to captured female soldiers for example?)

They should be glad that females are still not widely used in warfare.

Just fucking add female soldiers into the game. Who gives a shit about historical accuracy. EA certainly doesn't, because this is just a fast paced arcade shooter with a World War 1 skin. Team based tactical gameplay? Slow and deliberate push into enemy territory? Fending off flanks while your team scouts for ambushes? Trench warfare? None of that shit is going to be in the game.

How is niggers everywhere any more believable?

I think they should give in to the SJW retards and change every enemy into a woman. The player's character and allies are all still men. Make the enemies weak as fuck and their AI brain dead. Now the game has wymunz soldiers and it's semi-realistic if you ignore the fact women didn't fight in WWI.


I'll never understand this fantasy shit. Why the fuck would anyone willingly ride a horse into battle when there's giant fucking robots with bazooka arm cannons?

Because you can't fit a horse in there, fucking idiot.

Rarity of giant fucking robots with bazooka arm cannons?

Shoot the horses out of the arm cannons, dick cheese eating faggot.

To be fair, that is a huge difference.

Publicly traded corps act much differently under the same market pressures. It also leaves them open to buying out and merging with other corps which produces the corporate cartel situation almost every industry is under.

Ah yes, blame it on the white male. We can take it

That's actually a good idea.

fuck you

Closest you'll come is Ring of Red for the PS2, albeit it's closer to WW2, and Sakura Wars.

There was one VN/RTT (?) hybrid I can't recall. It had plenty of women in Imperial Japanese uniforms.

They are just taking things slowly.

Women will be in the next one. Wouldn't want to twist and disrespect our history all at once. That would be too obvious.

It has niggers, why not add women

I'd much rather play as an Aryan woman killing black plaers

Wouldn't that make Women amazing soldiers, though? The enemy would be completely unwilling to fire.

Internet bet time. I bet it's the biggest Battlefield game ever, with the most players of any Battlefield game ever and probably even becomes game of the year. Pre-orders for for the new CD around a 1/4th of what they are for every other COD game in history. Nobody wants that fucking game. This game will be the single most popular installment of the franchise to date. I guarantee it.

Worked for the Vietcong.

Yeah women served in WW1.

By shaming non-serving men into enlisting and dying.
This genuinely makes me mad, go fuck yourself Lemon you nu male motherfucker.

*pre-orders for the new COD are around

That's because the prostitutes were spies, so you were killing a woman you were fucking, when you are in a hostile jungle any female contact is going to make you somewhat attached to the slut.

I think by "No sane man" he isn't meaning men outside of yuro nations. In Central/South America they rape/behead women every so often. In Africa they rape them to death, in the middle-east they execute them because they are bored, and in the rest of Asia the women are more masculine than the men.

Also, even if everyone has the same attitude towards 3dpd, they still can't even carry half the stuff an actual soldier can into combat without slowing the entire squad down. That would imply they would have the same muscle structure and mass as men also, so they would no longer look like qt 3.14's, but like bull-dykes with slits instead of a dick.

You fucking what you retarded swede cucks?!

It will be the biggest when released, just look at the amount of money thrown at marketing already. I dont want to know how much it cost them to get all those famous niggers to play battlefield at e3.

There were some Black regiments that fought in the war but the majority of them fought in Africa while only a minority fought in Yurop.

The ones who used Nigsoldiers the most were the French since they're cucks but they're not in BF1 for some reason. So instead they just made half of the British and German armies black.

And I fucking hate this kind of reasoning.


Das it mayne, now I just want that in vidya form.

All the individual ingredients exists, but I haven't found the exact combo made into the exact dish I'm looking for.


More creativity than all AAA studios combined

should those liberal sjw pc faggots worrying about the gay muslism(recent reports say he was a regular at the gay bar) who shot 50 people few days ago

Never! They're cute! CUTE!

There's one supposedly in development.

DICE is a Sweedish dev. 'Nuff said.


I know that dr Who is fiction and shit, but it at least tries to tie in to actual fucking history.

Noice, hope it doesn't die.

As long as there's sexy cheetahwomen acting like matahari spies, why the fuck not. StronkWomyn and nignogs fighting in front line combat in ww1 in large numbers is also a fantasy genre.

Nice trips but isnt doctor who one of the shows going the "WE WUZ" route?



She goes for niggers

I know what coalburner means fam

Well then, I was saying it kind of ruins it.

Just goes to show you how much these hacks care about vidya when the only "diversity" they can spot is racial or sexual. They should be complaining that the game is a bunch of niggers running around hip-firing LMGs and SMGs while going from (partially-destroyed) building to building and running around in armored cars and tanks while zeppelins blow up overhead with nary a bolt-action rifle (without a scope on it), artillery barrage, mustard gas attack, or even a trench in sight.

This, I also feel like im the only one noticing the amount of tanks in game. Didnt tanks only start popping up during late WW1 and not even in big numbers?

Britain introduced the tank in 1916 and made like 400

Germany made like 20

By the end of the war Britain had made 2,500 tanks and France 4,400.

Women are ALWAYS raped in war. The USSR engaged in mass rape of civilians as they moved westward, I'm sure it happened with allied forces too. It's unusual to rape women you don't view as enemies, but the moment you start demonizing an entire people all forms of normative behavior go out the window. Honestly, a realistic portrayal of women soldiers would be triggering as fuck. No one would like it.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me. I was projecting recent unconventional warfare onto conventional warfare.

Only a very small amount and even then it doesn't matter because that faggot at DICE said that they did it for "diversity" reasons not for "historic accuracy"

They've already fucked up historical accuracy by putting in a bunch of weapons that were never in the first world war. Sure those weapons existed, but a lot of them never saw a battlefield.

I give up.

Jesus fucking Christ…

Hello, Carl.

I didn't know

why is life shit

Russia deployed max of 800 female troops, and the entire war had like 20 nigger troops combined and theyre making the game about niggers. Wew lads.

BF1 is already historically innacurate in many ways, and the casuals are eating it up, just like they did with Asscreed.
I kind of feel sorry for COD IW now.

Oh wow a few dozen negroes in total fought in WW1 compared to MILLIONS of whites. That means we should make a game about the nogs.

Some wymmin picked up guns too during the world war, why didnt they get a game? Fucking shitlords

Guess hes shitposting from his uni about his blacked tastes.



Not necessarily always. German troops didn't rape, their army discipline was so high. There was a few known cases and those soldiers got sent to concentration camps as punishment.

Nogs are only good at sprinting. Upper body muscle mass and strength is overwhelmingly superior in white men on average.

I want females so I can brutally bayonet them and watch their wombs rot out sitting in a dirty trench for a year.

What about partizan woman?


women were too busy being riveters, and campaigning for the right to vote to fight in a war




The nigger thing is hilariously overblown from the start

they were probably only segregated because people back then were pragmatic enough to realise they'd be going chimp on the rest of their own squad all over the place

Depends on the woman.

Your manjawed 3dpd waifu is not only a filthy commie but also a manjawed 3dpd hag.

Yes, and they were the Harlem Hellfighters. But like others said, they were mostly a minority and given to the French since no white American wanted to fight alongside a nigger.

Sounds like some moeshit title

If they had done a game about the Balkans I wouldn't mind the lack of French. If it had been in the Middle East I wouldn't mind. If it was Eastern Front horses and trains everywhere I may have even paid money for it. If it was in Africa I wouldn't mind.

I never expect games to be representative. I don't shit myself when a WW2 game lacks the largest volunteer army in human history like almost all of them do. I don't mind when modern war games ignore the bloodiest conflict since 1945 like almost all do. But there's a caveat there. If you set a game in whatever corner of a conflict you decide on, it needs to make sense. A Burma campaign without India is shit. A Great War of Africa game without Rwanda is shit. A WW1 game taking place in France that puts the French in the DLC is shit. Especially when that game follows Americans who worked closely with the French.

It'll won't be historically accurate or shit even "accurate" at this rate. We're gonna get some fucked up Suckerpunch shit.
it might as well take place in Antartica with a war between the Philippeans and Burkina Faso, with everyone playing as hermaphradite Asians.

yeah it's crazy that a country that lost one in ten adult men didn't have the heart to go for round two. France was brutalized in WW1.

I'd like a gun (38. or higher), a fake passport, 1 grand and some casual average cloths

They've been doing that for a while now. Or trying to anyway.

Didn't they already change a certain group that used horses to have women in it?

It's the Jews. Finance is heavily Jewish, so when you operate on razor-thin reserves and need $500M for your yearly coat of paint you have to go to them and accept their conditions. They're trying to mud up all non-Jewish genetic lines to create a global slave race (note how they absolutely refuse for Israel multiculturalism, open borders, Syrian migrants, etc. yet tell you these things are beneficial). So they push you to do everything they can think of to harm the white race. This year it has been removing all role models for white men and writing them out of history so they lose context and direction.

You don’t actually want to know that. You’ve been told why for a decade by Holla Forums, but that’s racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-semitic, so you push it to the back of your mind because your programming tells you that it’s bad to hate kikes for any reason whatsoever.

It’s done to commit genocide on whites. Period. The destruction of Western civilization and all its works is the goal.

But my history teacher Mr. Steinberg says you are wrong!

You people are looking at this from the wrong perpective.

If the nogs are in the game that means we can finally Gas the Bikes and Race War NO!!!

Inb4 b-but it's true because Soviet archives say so. They also said they lost 20 000 men fighting Finland, and that they had Hitler's skeleton.

Here's a question, how is Battlefield even remotely WW1

Lots of the weapons, tanks and vehicles act like they've been made today. Blimps in particular feel like they turn on a dime and tanks shouldn't even be moving this fast.

Why even say it's a WW1 game when it's not?

Because they wanted to be 'different' and their form of different is just putting a coat of paint over previous shit. I mean hell I wouldn't have minded if they did WW2 again or even did some type of black ops hidden war during the 60s or 80s.

The problem I have with these games is what they're presenting to the generation. Because we'll have a bunch of stupid kids who will think WWI is like this. WWI was fucking horrifying and already Verdun is kicking ass as an FPS for it and that game is mostly just half finished. I watched the gameplay for BF1 and I wondered what the fuck was going on in it. Player was running around by himself with no squad, gunning people down with a bolt action rifle that had a scope on it then bayonet rushing people. Using the fucking MP-18 and hip firing a freakin' lewis gun. Don't even get me started how we're probably going to see some type of red dot sight or some shit on these guns next.

I swear to god they put their imagination in the wrong places these days. The user earlier who said an idea about cheetahmen with plasma rifles, I'd like to see that over the shit we get fed now.

It really begs the point if you're going to do a "unique take" on WWI like what was said in E3, why not just go full crazy? Have battles take place on giant blimps, have super complex trench and undergroup maps, just do something that isn't so stupidly lazy.

new buzzwords for blacked and revised ?

There is literally nothing that could resemble WW1 in BF1.
They should have taken Verdun and Red Orchestra approach and use the millions they have to improve the idea behind them instead of reskinning BF4 with different model and guns.

Because that requires effort user. They could have easily given this some type of spin. Like maybe there was somehow a tech boom near the time WW1 started and it allowed for some advancements in weaponry and tanks. Alot of media has done this.

But you want to know why they probably didn't do it? Because the normalfag/casual audience hate imagination in gaming. Fucking seriously, if something seems too outlandish to them they don't want to touch it.

this game looks exactly like every other Battlefield game post-Bad Company